■^> i ,v. ■^1 ^ >1 v / Ljnr.n.-^ /(^ R^h^fn / ffuA.-&^n T^^rm^ fl ^^/^ i^ D.TMcJuDft^ ^;;^'ti6:^/iatS> ^/U-iV>'J. A N ^ ABRIDGEMENT HISTORY OF HIS L/FEan WITH An Account of the Minifters, fe'c who were Ejefted after the R.eftauration, of King Charles II. Their Apology forthemfelves, and their Adherents, containing the Grounds of their Nonconformity : Their Treatment in xh^ Reign of King Charles^ and King J^wif^ofttion : Jnd produce a T^endernep for a "Body of Men^ who endurd great Severities from the Laws of their Coun- try^ before they could be Tolera^ ted '^ and have been rudely inftdted jince they have been under the Jhelter of the AB of Indulgence ; and are at la/i rendred incapable of any publicly Service^ and yet are exceeded by none in a dijtntere/ied JfeBion to their QV E EN and Country^ or in an irreconcilable Averfton to Topery and Slavery. It The Dedicatioii. It u indeed a great wihappinej^^ that Proteftants /hould be Jo much divided^ and that -where there is fuch an Harmony inToints of Faithy there /hould be fuch a i»ant of Charity in Matters of meer Opinion : "But upon compa^- ring the Account here given^ mth the Narratives of others^ Your Grace mU eafilypaf a fudg^ went on 'which Side Charity is mo/i wanting. The Tt»o proper Seafons for an Accommodation in 1662 and 1^88, mhich xpere fo jludioufy lofl^ will be fujjictent to determine that 'Toint -^ together mth the Hi[tory of that Occa- fional Conformity, nphich was dejignd to be exprejjive of Charity to thofe^ T»ho have unkindly reprefented it as intended to ferve a The Dedication. a Turn^ though its well k;non?n to have been praBis*d^ before there was any Turn to be fervid hy it. I can affure Your Grace / have been Faithful and Impart ialy according to the beft Light I could obtain : And rphatever elfe I may be miftaken in, am well fatuffd in this^ that Your Grace has too Noble a Spirit^ to be for our being run down mth Obloquy and Contempt^ meerly becaufe we can t jpeal^ and aU as fome would have us^ from whom we cannot jujlly b^faid to differ morCy than they do among themfelves. That Your Grace may be long continud aTatron of Liberty ^ a Supporter of the Reform' dKeli^ giony oj our prefent Government, and The Dedication. and the Proteftant Succefjion, as it is happily EfiahlijHd by han? among us ^ and leave a Kace of "Tatriois behind YoUy Eminent for the fame Heredi^ tary Spirit of- Gtandenr and ^enefcence^ to tranfmit %ur Name \and Honour unfiaind to fucceeding Ages^ is 4he T^rayerof many, ^efides^ .\ May it pleafe Your G r a c e, Your Graces i. ' Moft Hunjble and Moft Obedient Servant, Edmuod Calamy^ THE PREFACE. IT is well known to many, that Dr. Henry Snmpfon^ who at firft defign'd for the Miniftry, and was af- terwards an eminent Phyfician for many Years in this City, had taken a great deal of Pains in col- lecSting Materials for a Hiftory of Nor.conformity, and Memoirs concerning the Ancient and Modern Noncon- formifts. Several of his Papers having been kindly pnc into my Hands, and of ufe to me in this Work, efpeci- ally in the Second Part ; and amongft the reft, having by me a Plan of his De/ign, I {hall here Communicate it to the World. It was to be Entitled, " An Ejfay of the Hiftory of PVJ^ITANISM and " 'NOI^CONFOBJAITT: Declaring what (he Men of ** fhofe Chnraciers have done and Jujferd ^ fince tht *' Reformation of Religion /» E N G L A N D." It began with, The IntroduBion^ or a Preface, (hewing what were the Things contended for, and the Points of Difference, as well in DoBrine as Dijcif>line, Government^ Liturp, 8cc, wherein they deHr'd Refornutioif. And Twenty fix Chapters were to follow in this Order ; Chap. I. Of fuch as are faid to have Aded or Suffered in the Caufe of Reformation during the Reign of King Henry VMl: Particularly, TiWers, Dudly Fenner, Gifford, Bjch. I^ogers^ Perkins, Brown^ LevervpQodyCharkfGardinery Snape, Bainht ig, Jobnfon^ Penry, old Mr. Cavpdry^Scc: John P^yrMs o^ Oxon^ and H^. Wi)i- taker oi Cambridge y notefcaping his frowns and menaces. Chap. XII. Of the Patrons and Favourers of theNon- conformifts during the whole Reign of Queen Eli:[abcth^ by whofe Means under God they weather d out all thefe' Storms: As the Lord Keeper S^cow, the, Lord Treafurer Burleigh, the great Earls of Bedford, fVarwick, Leicefier and Huntington^ the Lords Grey and Hoveard^ S'u Fmnck Walfingham, Sir H^alter Mildmaye, Sir Amiens Pculet, Sir FrancH KjioUes, Mr. Beale, Sec. in the Court ; befides divers eminent Gentlemen in the Houfe of Commons, aiid in the Country. Chap, XIII. Of their principal Adverfaries amongft the Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy : Thofe that ad- ed or wrote moft keenly againft them ; as the Arch- bifljops Parker and fVhitgifi^ the Lord Chancellors tiatton and Bromley; the Lord Keeper Pickering} The Biihops ^Imtr, Cooper, Bridges, Bancroft; a 2 Dr. The PREFACE. Dr. Sutcliff ^ Dr. Co:(ins^ Dr. Stanhope, Mr. B^gers^ Mr. Hoohr^ &c. C/7/a/). XIV. Of the entrance of King Jnmes. The Con- ference at Hampton-Couu. Of the four Perfons nominated "by the King to reprefentthc Cafe of the Nonconfornnifts ; vi:{. Dr. Reynolds, Sparkj, ChaJertot:, and Kpevojlub ; with an Appendix concerning a Tranflation of the Bible, fol- lowing hereupon, commonly cali'd the Kings Tranfla- tion. Chap. XV. Of the Convocation that followed not 'long after, and the Conftituiions there made; and the -depriving, filencing, Infpending, and admonilhing of above 300 Minifters, during the Time Dr. Bancroft was Archbilhpp of Canterbury^ fome of which bore thefe great Pe fs-cu- ' 'Sa.mcs, Hilderjham, Dod^ Pnrl{er, Sherwood, Midgeleyy lion IV. Burgefi, Bourn, "B/tin, Brad/haw, Taylor,- P^g^^j Carter^ BateSy F{othvQelly Broughton^ Brightman, H^ootton^ Jacoh^ Pike, John Nicols, &c. With a fujl Catalogue of the reft. Chap. XVI. Of their Troubles during the Time of Dr. i^^^orj being Archbi(hop, which was a tolerably quiet Interval, efpecially in the latter part of it, and produc'd many Moderate Conformifts, but fuch as were uneafie enough under the Ceremonies, iftid were reputed Puri- tans: Such as Bo//^on, Sibbs, Prejlon, Barnard, Stoughton, Ward of Ipfmch, John Doxvnham, Pemble, Byfield, Dr. ■Gouge, &C. Of fuch as were troubled in other Dioccfes, vi:(. Ames, Hind^ !{. Nichols, 8(C. ■' Chap. XVII. Of their great Vexations whilft Dr. Laud was Favourite, and Archbifhop, and had his Creatures a(5iing in their fevcral Diocefcs ; fuch as Dr. iVren, Peirfe^ Perfecii- Lyndfel, (3c. Partly by prefling the legal Conformity to tioa V. the height, and introducing fome Things that were cajfd new Conformities; partly by putting down and filencing all Le£iurers, and partly by fufpending fuch as refus'd to read the Book, of Sports : Whereupon above a hundred fled into New-England, and divers into Holland: And many were forc'd to abfcond, or fiifTei' the trouble of the Pcrrecu- "High Commil^on; fome of which were, Hooker, Cotton^ lion VX. Eliiot, Stone, Shcpp^rd, Bulkly^ FQtovc^les, Mather, Good^ "win, Sim/on, Jof. Sifnmondi^ H^ard^' Herring, Burton, Hoxlcy, Edwards, Carter, Tijomas, Crooks, Nevrton, Jenni^ foH^ H^r^thy pVilJcnf Valentim, Archer, Capcl, 3cc, ' ' Chapi The PRE FA C E. chap, XVIII. Of the entrance' of ihc Long Parlia- ment, the calling of the AlTembly of Divines, the Nameg and Charaders of thofe that fate, their Bufinefs in their many Seflions from 1643 till 1647, with a Vindication of fuch of them as Ant. a IVood hath afperfed in bis A- thence Oxon. Of the folemn League and Covenant which in this interval was compofed, and in many Pla- ces rigoroufly imposed, to the prejudice of their Caufe, and fequeftring many of the Epifcopal Clergy. Ch/fp. XIX. Of the State of Religion, and Carriage of thofe heretofore reputed Nonconformifts, from the Time of King Charles the Firft's Death, till the Reftau- ration of King Charles the Second. Chap. XX. Of their Intereft and Agency for the King's Rfftauration ; and their endeavours for a Reformation after he was reftor'd. Of the Conference at the Savoj. The King's Declaration concerning Ecclefiaftical Afiairs. Chap. XXL Of the Depriving and Silencing no lefs • than 2000 Minifters by an A(St of Parliament, that took Place Aug, 24. 1 661, Of another Adl againft Conven- ticles the Year following. Chap, XXIL Of a Third AA of Parliament procured againA them, by which they were oblig'd to quit all Corporations, and the Places they Preach'd at, to live „ ^ Five Miles from them, or be imprifond. t-l^'^Ma Chap, XXIIL Of a Fourth Ad procured agimft '^ ^^^' them, whereby their Preaching to above Four Perfons, others than of the Family, was declared a Conven- ticle; the Preacher to pay 20/, and the Houfe 2o/.Perfecu- more, (^c, tion IX. Chap, XXIV. Of his Majefty's Declaration for Liber- ty of Confcience, Mnrch 15. 167^, and of the Liberty of Meeting and Preaching thereupon taken for fome few Years. Chap. XXV. Of the abrogation of that Declaration : And the prorrading of Liberty not withftanding, in fomc perfecu- Places till the Year i68o; From whence the ipvereft of tio^ x. thefe Perfecutions enfued. Chap. XXVL An Account of thofe 2000 Nonconfor- mifks that weredepriv'd and (jlenc'd after the Reftaura- tion of King Charles the Second j exhibiting a Lift of thisir Names J fome Ihort Account of the Adings, Wri- %^ tings. The P R E F A C t. tings, md Sufferings of fever al of the moft Eminent aiDongft them ; and the Charaders of fuch of them as jinf. J t4'ocd hath injuriooHy retieded on, and falfly rc- prefented, modeftly Vindicated. Had this Work been finilh'd, and appear d in the World, it might have been a means of convincing fomc, that Nonconformity hath all along had a elder eonnexion with both oir Civil and Religious fnrereft, than they are willing to allow: And that the prefent Nonconform mifts, (as much as they are inveigh'd againft) A<9t in the main upon the fame Principles with tbofe who have been moft Eminent for rcriou<: Religion ever (ince the Reformation^ But he did not live to accomplifli his Defign, and bis Papers have fince been fcatter'd. Mr. lipgcr Morrice alfo had made great CoUedlions for the fame Ptirpofe, which might yet help in fuch a Defign, when one of fuitable Ability is at leifure for that purpofe. Thefe Two Volomes which I now publilh, take in the Nine laft Chapters of Dr. S/impfon^s Plan ; and if the other Seventeen Chapters were brought within the compafs of another Volume of the like bulk, I appre- hend it would be an ufeful Work. I here take for my Foundation, Mr. BaxtA^^i Narra- tive of his Life and Times, which has been Extant fdr feveral Years, and has met with the fame Treatment as he in his Life time was fo much us'd to, both as to his Perfon and Writings ; It has been much valuM by fome, and as much flighted by others : But where it has been moft freely cenfur'd, it has been generally acknowledg'd to contain a Colle(Sion of many valuable Things of di- vers Kinds ; and that an Epitome of it would be accep- table and ufefnl. ' I don't think it needful to trouble the World with a particular Account how I came firft to undertake it: If 1 had thought that would have wanted an cxcufe, I had nfever medled: And tbf reform fhall only fay, that thinking I mightthis Way profitably employ forte Time and Pains, I was willing to do what I could to make mv Abridgement of genferal Ufe. In order to it, tho* I ha^e endeavour'd to fay much in ai litde, yet 1 have nor willingly omitted any Thing that I tho'i Material. I have rcduc'd Thin'gs to that Method that appear 'd to me Ue PREFACE. me moft proper. Perfonal Reflexions and little Priva- cies I have dropt, and Things which were out of date I have pafs'd over lightly. Sometimes I have kept pretty' much to his Language, and fometimes 1 have taken the freedom to ufe my own. I have divided the whole into Chapters, and given Things a little Connexion:' And perhaps have this way taken more Pains, than it needed have coft me, had the Work been entirely new. Of my Performance I muft be contented every one Ihould judge according to their Pleafure; fori could expea no other, whatfoever i might be able to fuggeft to befpeak their Favour. When Mr. Baxter in his Hiftory comes to the Ad of Uniformity, he fubjoyns the Controverfie bet wen the prefent Conformifts and Nonconformifts which takes up Eleven Sheets. Inftcad of abridging that, I rather had recourfe to his Nonconformity Stated and [^indicated^ in Quarto; which contains the Sum of his Thoughts that are any where extant, upon the feveral Points in Debate. 1 have reduc'd the fubftance of them with- in the compafs of my Tenth Chapter^ which I have En- tituled. The I{eaJons of the Ejected Miniflert for their Nonconformity. And that that Title might be the better anfwer'd, I have drawn in, what has been Written upon the fame Argument by others, with references to the feveral TraSs, where thofe Things of which I have only given the general Heads, will be found con- (ider'd diftindly and at large. The making this Ac- count fuccind, clear, and methodical^ was a Work of more than a little Time and Labour. I have caft that Chapter into this Method. 1 have firft given their Reafons why they could not comply with the Demands of the A^ of Parlianncnt, in order to the continuance of their publick Miniftry. Then follows a brief Reprefentation of the Grounds upon \ which they f^ill held on in the Miniftry, though they i parted with their Livings. I have added the Grounds > upon which many People held chemfelves oblig'd to adhere to them, while they continu'd their Miniftry; how bo.th Minifters and People were defended from the Charge of Schifra ; and upon what Grounds the more Moderate among them yielded to Occafionnl Com- mmiion with the Parilh Churches, even while they a 4 kept. The PREFACE. kept up a ftaced Separation. And upcMi the whole I thmk 1 may ventnre to fay, that he that will take the Pains to perufe that Chapter, may at one view take in the whole Caufe in debate, and fee the ftrengih of the Argument, abftradted from perfonal Brangles and Contefts, which as far as I can difcern, feldom contri- bute eirher Light or Strength. However, that Chapter having drawn me into a Controverfie with Mr. Ollyffe and Mr. Hondly^ wh» thought it neceffary to Vindicate thcmfelves, from one who had not the leaft thought of affaulting them, and was only Hiftorically relating the Sentiments of others with their Reafons; and there having been fe- veral Books publilh'd on each Side, which all have not leifure to read diftindtly, and which few that do, are able to retain afterwards ; I have taken the Pains in this Second Edition, to give the fubftance of the Arguments in this whole Controverfie on both Sides, referring to the feveral Traces, where the Matters un- der confideration may be feen more at large : And though I don't fuppofe it eafie to fatisfie fome that they are not mifreprefented, unlefs all their Words are given at large, Cwhich quite excludes that compendious way of confidering things, which to many is the moft agree- able) yet I can fafcly fay there is not any Thing that I have delignedly mifreprefented, nor is there any Thing that appeared to me to be Material, that I can remember I have wholly wav'd. My doing this has confiderably enlarged that Chapter, but could 1 have entertainM a Thought that the generality ot Rea- ders would have thought that to be to their damage, it might have favM me not a little Pains. But if any fhoald think that Chapter dry or tedious^ it may perhaps make the other parts of the Volume re- lilh the better, it having been my endeavour, fo to order u, that there Ihonld be a convenient mixture of Hiftory and Argument running through it: And as this has made it the more agreeable to many, fo 1 have fome realon ro think, thai: fome have been the more difgutted upon that very Account. Belides the fummary of the main Controverfie in the Tenth Chapter, there are feveral conficlerable Points that are elfewhere canvafs'd, and ififertcd in the moft proper Places in the Narrative. As The PREFACE. As for Inftanee, A Debate concerning the Neceirity of a clear and uninterrupted Succefllon in the Miniftry which fome lay fuch a fttefs upon ; page 1 22, 113, (^c I And another, about unwarrantable Impoficions, and the true Senfe of thai celebrated Text, ^om, 14. i, x, 5. pag. 166. The warrantablenefs, the prudence, and the confequences of the Bartholomew Eje(^ion is freely Debated, pag. 183, (^c: And the Account given of the fevcral Attempcs in order to an accomiKodation of the Difference, will appear to contain Argument to convince, as well as Hiftory to inform, fuch as are ftrangers to thefe Matters, but fo far unprejudic'd as to be able to weigh Things with Candor and Impar- tiality. Mr. Baxters Hiftory proceeds no farther than the Year 1 684 : And therefore in my former Edition, befidts additional Palfages caft all along into the Margin, which I thought might not be difagreeable, I added a continuation ; containing not only an Account of Mr. Baxters Trial, that was never publifh'd before, (in which I had the concurring Teftimony of feveral who were at that Time prefent in the Court) but alfo the State of the Dilfeoters in the Reign of King James^ and in the firft Years of the Reign of King iVilliam and Queen Mary^ And enter'd on the Debates that were on Foot foon after our laft happy Revolution ; endea- vouring to reprefent ihem with all pofTible fairnefs j particularly that about a Comprehenfion , which the Diflenters had at that Time fome realon to have ex- pe(5ted ; nor were they wanting in any requifite or be- coming ftep in order to it ; nor was it their fault that it was not effe(5led. When fo fair an Opportunity will re- turn again, God only knows. In this Second Edition, befides feveral not inconfidc- rable marginal Additions all along, by way of Confir- mation and Elucidation; and an Account of feveral controverfial Writings on both Sides, inferted in their proper Places; and Remarks on thofe Paflages in the TKird Volume of the CompUat Hijhry of England, in Folio, which unkindly refled on the Perfons or Caufc of the Nonconformifts, there is a continuation of the Hiftory through King H^illiams Reign, and Queen Anne's, down to the pafling the Occafional hiil ih*? laft Year. The P R B F A C E. Year. Thcfe Additions make up a full Third Part of the prefenC Volume. They contain among other Things, fome Account of the Conceflions of the Ec- clehartical Comroilfioners in 1689: The Carriage of the Diflcnters after their Liberty, their Differences among themfelves, and their Treatment from their Brethren of the Church of England : The whole Controverfie about Occdfional Conformity: The Differences of thofe of the Eftablifh'd Church among themlelves, about the Nature, Power, and Priviledges of Convocations, ^c; with a faithf j] Reprcfentation of the fubftance of feve- ral Trcatifes about Toleration^ Church Povper, Liberty, and divers EcclcfiafticAl Matters^ that were publifh*d from 1688 to 171 1. And in the clofe I have fubjoyn'd the {{eformed Liturgy ^ which was drawn up and pre- fented to the Bidiops in 1661; that the World may judge how fairly the Eje(3:ed Minifters have been often repreferited as irreconcileable Enemies to all Li- turgies. I am far from having any reafon to repent of my publifhing the former Edition of this Work, noiwith- ftanding all the angry Refledhons I have met with. The repeated Thanks I have had from all Parts, from Perfons of very different Charav5ters and Denominati- ons, are to me more than a Compenfition for all the Gall and Venom that others have pour'd forth fo plen- tifully. I am far from expedting that this prefent Edi- tion will be to the guft of fuch as were incens'd by the former. But they may take their own Way ; i appeal tQ Pofterity, for whom I have taken fome Pams : And I hope they'l judge of Things more coolly, than the in- flamed Age we Jive in. I have indeed had my (hare of Reproach, and yet am far from being difcourag'd. For fome Years, there was fcarce a Pamphlet came out on the Church fide, in which I had not the Honour of being referr'd to in the invecf^ive Part of it: But the keen Edge of their Authors fecm'd to have been fomewhat abated, upon my taking no notice of their At- * See dn Apology for the Church tacks,till a Writer who came out the 0/ England, (^c By John Lewis, laft Year * is pleas'd to difcover his late of Exeter-ffl// 0(ftavo. De Polheia^ EcclefjafticS Chrifti, & Hierarchicha Oppo- Jita, Libri Tres : Authore Roberto Parkcro Anglo, ad B^gnum Dei doEliUimo, An. Dom. 1 6xi. in Quarto. A Scholaftical Difcourfe againft Symbolizing with Antichrift in Ceremonies, efpecially in the Sign of the Crofs. An, 1607. in Fol. Concerning this Book fee Ames's frelh Suit, p,^i, DidocUvii Alt are Damafcenum, Quarto. 1623. Dav. Blondelli Apologia pro Sententia Hieronymi de Eplf- copis ^ Presbyteris, Amftel. 1646. Quarto. Ames*s frelh Suit againft Ceremonies, Quartoi 16^' Giltejpys Difpute againft Englifhy Popi/h Ceremonies, 8cc. Quarto, 1637. SmeHymnuui, Quarto. 1 640. The Firft and Second Part. The Papers that pafs'd in the Conference ar the Savoy in 1661, which were Printed fiift in Quarto, a little af- ter POSTSCRIPT. ter the ending of the Conference ; and afterwards raore at large in Mr. Baxter's Life in Folio, and are here Abridg'd. Biihoip Stilling fleet* shenicum, Quarto. 1662. Mr. Cor^e/'s Remains, Quarto. 1684. Mr. Baxter's Englifh Nonconformity, as under King CbarlesW. and King James II, truly Stated and Argu'd, Qparto. 1690, Mr. Ton^s Defence of Mr. Hemys brief Enquiry into che Nature of Scbifm, Quarto. 1 6^'^, Vindicia Fratrum Dejftntientium in Anglia, Adverfus KC/. Guliclmi Nicholfii, S.T.P. Defenfionem Ecclejjpe w.^s SanUihd from , vr r a 1. the Womb; Tor ^hen he i^ I lit^ ^^^^"^ J5 ^eatS of Age, hc WRS lie Boy in Coats, if he heard other taken Home by his Parents to children in Tlay fpeaJc Frofane ^^^^« Connantine , ( a Vlilag^e Words, he vffouU reprove them, to aboUt 5 Miles fronj ^hrovosbury) f he Tponda of thtm that heard him. where he paft away his Child- hood and Youth, which upon Refledtion, he according to the Wife Man's Ccijf»Jr«p found to be Vanity. Hc Chap. I. Mr, Elichard Baxter. He was unhappy in his Edocadon, with Refped h/j eJw Loch CO Learning and Piety. His Sahoolniafters wete/'^f'^^- both Lewd anJ Ignorant. For wane of better Inftru- aers, he fell into the Hands of the Readers of the Vil- lages he livM in. Learning was at no great height in fo remote a Corner of the Land: Neither could much Im- provement be expe(fle4 in fo Barren a Soil. His Greac- eft Help in Granvper Learning was from Mr.John O^en^ Mafter of the Free-School at ^Vroxeter, with whom he continu'dj 'till he had bin fome time Captain of his School ; and advanc d as far as his Aififtance would for- ward him. He had not afterwards the Advantage of an Aca- demical Education, and yet, (to ufe the Words of the Reverend Dr. Bates) by the Divine BleiTing upon his rare Dexterity and Diligence, his Sacred Knowledge was in that Decree of Eminence, as few in the Uni- veriity ever arrive to. None could be more Deiirous of Academical Helps than he ; but he was depriv'd of them by a Propofal of his SchooImafter*s, much to his Sorrow. When he was leaving his School, Mr. Owen (as may well be fuppos'd out of real Kindnefs) moti- on d his Living with Mr. Rjcknrd J4^ickjlead^ Chaplain to the Council at Ludlow^ who had allowance from the King for one to attend him. There being no others under his Care, he reprefented this as likely to Jdc more Advantageous than a Tutor in the Univerfity. This Motion eaiily took with his Parents, who were much better pleas'd with the Tho'ts of having their Son fo near them, than at a much greater Diftance, and they Toon embrac'd it. Bjc it anfwer'd ncD Ex- pedacion. For Mr. H^ick^end himfelf was no Great Scholar, and he took no trains with his Pupil, tho' he Wasotherwife very kind to him. So that his only Ad- vantage by Living with him, was in the free ufe of his Library, which was open to him : And he having time eno' for Study, improv'd that Priviledge to his utmoft. After he had fpent a Year and half with him, he return d home to his Father ; and foon after, at the Lord Newpons Requeft, fupply'd the Place of his Schoolmafter Mr. John Ovoen for a few Months, while he was wafting away in a Confumption, of which he B % Intend^ 4 The LIFE of Chap. I. Intending for the Miniftry, he was earneftly Defirous of that Knowledge that was necelTary to qualify him for it. Being difappointed in his Hopes of going to the Univerfity, he apply 'd himfelf lo a clofe Courfe of Study, under the Condudt of Mr. Francis Garbett^ (a Perfon of Great Note and Worth, then Minifter of TVroxeter) and with his Afliftance he run thro* a Courfe of Philofophy. Great was his Induftry ; and nothing troubled him fo much, as the Hindrance he receiv a from his Bodily Indifpofuion, which was very confide- rable. He endeavoured to manage his Studies in a Sub- ordination to Divinity, and was aflifted by the Advice of feveral Neighbouring Minifters, with whofe Help he was making an Hopeful Progrefs, 'till a New Moti- on was made that bid fair for enfnaring him, and had hke to have turn'd his tho'tsinto a quite Different Chan- nel, to the unfpeakable Damage of himfelf and others. But the Purpofe of God [haU ftand. JL Great When he was about 1 8 Years of Age, Mr. H^tckjlead Snare e- perfwaded him to forbear further tho*ts of the Mini- fcap'd. ftry, to leave the Country for the Court, and to make an Intereft for foire Office there, by which he might have an Opportunity of rifing in the World, and be- coming Great and Confiderable. The thing was Plea- fing to his Parents, and upon their Inftigation he came up to White-Hall, being recommended to Sir Henry Herbert^ who was then Mafter of the Revels. He was courteoufly receiv'd, and kindly entertain'd, but found . nothing taking in a Court Life ; fo far from it, that he was daily entertained with what made him very uneafy; Whereupon, after a Month's ftav, he return'd down in- to the Country, reaffnm'd his Former Purpofes, and apply'd himfelf to his Studies with frefli Vigour ; being more Indefatigable in the Purfuit of Knowledge than can eafily be imagind ; 'till at length upon the Earneft Solicitation of Mr. F{ichnrd Foley of Stourbridge, he ac- cepted of the Mafterfhip of a Free-School he had lately ^ ered^ed at Dudley, having an Ufher under him. And by this time God had fitted him for Great Service in His Church, by bringing him to more than Ordinary Serioufnefs, the Means and Methods whereof defer ve particular Obfervation. The - — — — - ■ ■ — - — -r » I , Chap. I. Mr. Richard Baxter. 5 The Country he liv'd in had very Jittle Preaching. The Clergy of thofe Parts were (generally fpeaking) Lazy and Vitious. Some by forging Orders, had compafsM a Tranflation even from the Stage to the PuJpit. With Amazement be it mentiond, feveral in that Neighbourhood of the facred Minifteriai Fun- World, he was very defirous to communicate ihofe Apprehenlions to fuch ignorant carelefs prefumptuous Sinners as the World abounds with. Altho* there- fore he had his Difcouragements, thro' his Senfe of the Greatnefs and Av/fuln^fs of the Work of the Mirtiftry, and his Fear of expofing himfelf to the Cenfure of ma- ny, on the Account of his wanting Academical Edu- cation, Honour and Dignities ; yet expeding to be fo quickly in another World, the great Concernments of piiferable Souls prevail'd with him to engage in it ; and finding in himfelf a thirty Defire of Mens Con- yerfion and Salvation, and a competent perfwading - ' Faculty. 12 The LI F E of Chap. II. Faculty of ExprelTion, which fervent AfFedlions might help to Adluacc, he concluded, that if but one or two Souls might by his Means be won to God, it would eafily recompence any Treatment he might meet with in the World. And as for his Fitnefs in Point of Learning, he determined to fubmit himfelf to the Judgment of others. And accordingly he applyM him- felf to the Bifliop of fVorcefler-, who after Examination, Ordain'd him, and at the fame Time gave him a Li- cenfe to teach School at Dudley ; the PJace which his Friend Mr. Foley had provided for him. CHAP. IL Hif Firji Sentiments concermfjg Conforwity, His Acceptance in bis firfl Minijierial La- hoHrs ; and the Difftculties he tnet with : His Settlement at Kedcrminfter. Hh Firfi- TN his Younger Years he was troubled with no Thots oft Scruples about Conformity. He joynd in the the Contro- -■- Commo7i- Prayer with as hearty Fervency as he af- yerfy be- terwards did in any other Prnyers. As for the Non- trifeen the conformifts, he heard them generally run down, and on °''"^- reprefen'^ed as an Unreafonable, Heady fort of People ; l^n'-on- ^"'^ therefore, iho' he was perfonally acquainted with fomiifts. "f^n^ ^f them, he was as forward as others to Cenfure and Condemn them. But when he was about Twenty Years of Age, he became acquainted with Mr. 5/w- monds^ Mr. Cradocl{^ and other Pious Nonconformifts in and about Shrcvosbury^ whofe fervent Prayers and Holy Lives and Converfations he found much to his Edification. Obferving fuch Perfons as tbefe filenc'd and troubl'd by the Bilhops, be was much afFc(5led, and refolv'd carefully to ftudy the Caufe in Debate between them. Confuking the Neighbouring Mini- fters, they furnifli'd him with Oovonhnrn^ Sprint^ and Dr. Bur^efjy who had written for Conformity, whom he carefully read over : But they could help him to none on the other Side, who were reprcfcnted as mean Scholars^ Chap. II. Mr. Richard Baxter. 1 5 Scholars, and Men of little Learning. Whereupon, he concluded the Caufe of the Conformifis jaflifiablel and the Reafoning of the 'Nonconformifls weak. And therefore, tho* he had not diftindly at that Time weigh'd Particulars, having never read over the Book concerning Ordination^ nor half the Book of Homilies^ nor fcann'd the Book of Comjyion-Prayer with any ex- adnefs, nor confider'd duly fome controverted Points in the Nine and Thirty Articles ; yet his Teachers and Books having caus'd him in the general to think the Conformifts had the better Caufe, he kept out all particular Scruples by that Opinion, and fo fubfcrib'd as ufually at the Time of his Ordination. But being fettled at Dudley, Preaching frequently W's fur- both in the Town and the Neighbouring Villages, he thet Study had Occafion and Opportunity to ftudy thefe Matters *"S ''''** more particularly. For he there fell into the Acquain- ^*«^*'<^<''/7- tance of feveral Nonconformifts, whom he apprehend- ed too Cenforious and Bitter in their Inve£lives againft Conformity, while yet he found them Honeft and Godly People. They fupply'd him with feveral Wri- tings on their own Side, and among the reft, with Ames's frejh Suit againft Ceremonies^ which he read over very diftin^ly, comparing it with Dr, BurgefsV ^ejoynder. And upon the Whole, he at that Time came * to thefe Conclufions. Kjieeling he tho't lawful, and all meer Circumftances determined by the Magiftrate, which God in Nature or Scripture hath determin'd of only in the general. The Surplice he more doubted of, but was enclin'd to think it Lawful : And tho' he intended to forbear it 'till under NecefTuy, yet he could not fee how he could have juftified the forfaking his Miniftry meerly on that Account; tho' he never adiually wore it. About the I{ing in Marriage, he had no Scruple. The Crofj in Baptifm, he tho't Dr. jtmes prov*d unlawful : And tho* he was not without fome Doubting in the Point, yet becaufe he moft en- clin'd to judge it unlawful, he never once us*d it. A Form of Prttysr and Liturgy he judged to be Lawful, arid in fome Cafes lawfully impos'd. The Etj^Iif? Li- turgy in particular, he judged to have much Diforder and Defedlivenefs in it, but nothing which fhouli trake the Ufe 'of it in the Ordinary Publick Worlhip, 10 14 The LI FE of Chap. II. to be unlawful to them who could not do better. He fought for DifcipUne in the Church, and faw the fad Efled:s of its Ncglecft, but he was not then fo fenfible as afterwards, that the very Frame of Diocefan Pre- lacy excluded It ; but tho't it had bin Chargeable on- ly on the Pejfonal Ncgle£ls of the Bifhops. Suhfcrip" tion he began to think unlawful, and repented his Ralhnefs in yielding to it fo haftily. For tho' he could ufe the Common- Prayer^ and was not yet againft Piocefans, yet to fubfcribe Ex Animo^ That there is nothing in the three Booths contrary to the H^ord of God^ was that which he durft not do, had it bin to be done again. So that Subfcription^ and the Crofs in Baptifm, and the Promifcmus Giving the Lord* s^Supper to all Comers, tho* ever fo unqualify'd, if they weie not Excommunicate by a Bilhop or Chancellour who knows nothing of them, were the only Tilings in which he as yet in his Judgment inclinM to Noncon- formity. And yet even as to thefe Things, he kept his Tho'ts to himfelf. He continued to argue with the Nonconform ifts about the Points they diiFer'd in, and particularly Kneeling at the Sacrament; about which be managM a Difpute with fome of them in Writing, 'till they did not think fit to purfue it any farther, He ^ freely reprov*d them for the Bitternefs of their Lan- guage againft the Bifhops and their Adherents, and exhorted them to endeavour for Patience and Chari- ty, but found their Spirits fo exafperated by the hard Meafure they had met with, that they were deaf to his Adjnonitions. Obferving which, he came to this Con- clulion. That he that will have Children, muft be a Fa- ther ; and he that will be a Tyrant, mult be contented with Slaves. fjis labours While he continued 2d. Dudley^ he had a numerous in Dudley Auditorv, and a tra^5tabie People to deal with. The (^ Bridg- Town had before bin famous for Drunkennefs ; but pOJth. he found there a greater Readinefs to hear the Word of God with Submiflion and Reformation, than in moll Places he was acquainted with. But within Three Quarters of a Year, he was by earneft Importunity prevailM with to remove to Bridgnorth^ the fecond Town in Shropfhire^ to be Alfiftant to Mr. fViliiam Madjiard. His Work here being juft what he defired, with- Chap. n. Mr. Richard Baxter. 15" without his being put upon any Thing that he fcrupled, ^n. 1640, with a fair ProbabiUty of Peace and Quiemefs, was his main Inducement to liften to this Motion. For Bridgnorth is a Place priviledg'd from all Epifcopal Ju- rifdi^ion, except the Arch-Bi(hop*s Triennial Viliuti- of>. There is a peculiar Ordinary, who as an Official keeps a conftant Ecclefiaftical Court, having Ju- rifdidion over Six Parilhes, which lye there together which, have all the Privikdge of this Exemption. Mr. Madflard, who then was Minifter, was a grave and fevere Ancient Divine, very Honeft and Confci- entious, and an Excellent Preacher, but fomewhat Af- flided thro* the Scantinefs of his Maintenance, and much mor€ thro* the Unprofitablencfs of his People. He was not only Minifter but Official too. which was a Security to his Alliftant. Tlie Town Maintenance being inconfiderable, he took the Parfonage of O/df- ^«r>neaftheTown, a Village of fcarce Twenty Houfes, defiring Mr. Baxter to fpend one half of the Lords Day in the Town, and the other at the Village. Tho' his Lot afterwards fell out to be moftly in the Town. He was here put upon nothing which he efteem'd un- -lawful. He often read the Common-Prayer before he Preach'd, both on LordVDays and Holy Days ; but he never adminiftred the Lord's-Supper, nor ever Bap- tized any Child with the Sign of the Crofs, nor ever wore the Surplice, nor was he ever put to appear at any Bilhop's Court. He found the People here, ge- nerally Ignorant and dead hearted. The Town con- fifted very much of Inns and Ale-Houfes, and had no General Trade to employ the Inhabitants which is the undoing of many great Towns. So that tho by his firft Labours among them, he was Inftrumental in the Converfion of feveral Perfons, and was generally Applauded, yet be was not fo fuccefsfiil m bis VVorK, as afterwards in other Places, Tippling and III Com- pany rendred his Preaching ineffeduai. ^ He was fcarce well fettled ^^^V'.^ before he was di- 0^^^^^^ fturb'dby the E.t c ^"j;, '^ the Convocation then fitting. All ^vere en)^^"^^/;/^'"' fwear, That they muld never Confcnt to the f oration oj the ?\e[ent Government of the ^,^«^^^' ^ /^^^'Cnn Bll^op\ Dems, ArchzD^ams, &c. And that upon 1 6 The LIFE of Chap. II. An.1640. pain of Expulfion. This was a New Engine of Di- vifion. Some were Zealous for * B!fl}op Hall declares that he ne- this Oath ; * Alfercing the Di- ver tender (L this Oath to any one Mi- vine Right of Epifcopacy, which nifter of his Viotefs, See fame Sj>e- was fettled by Law, they apprc- ciaJties of his Life, drawn up hy headed that upon the Command himfe/f, p. 43. of the Sovereign Power, it was very warrantable to Swear, ne- ver to confcnt to an Alteration. And the King's Ap- probation of thofe Canons wherein this Oath was en- joyn d, they tho't made them fufficiently Obligatory. But others look'd upon Epifcopacy as an indifferent Thing, mutable when King and Parliament pleasM. Nay, they apprehended the Engli/h Frame, confifting of Arch-Bifhops, Deans and Chapters, and Arch- Deacons ; and Diocefans having many Hundred Pa- rifh- Churches under one Bifliop, as foreign to the Word of God, and deftruc^ive of that Epifcopacy which was known in the Church at leaft for lOo Years. The Swearing to a blind Et cxtera they look'd upon as intolerable ; becaufe it took in all the Officers of the Eccleiiaftical Courts, Lay Chancellours, Surro- gates, CommifTaries and Officials, which was Swear- ing to an Anomalous Rabble. They further pleaded. That this Sort of Government might actually be Le- gally altered by King and Parliament ; and that to (wear before-hand not to obey fuch a Law, was in fuch a Manner to make an Oath a Bond of Difobedi- ence, as was next to a Rebellion. They urg'd, that it was againft the Subjeds Liberty to Petition for Re- drefs of Grievances, among which fome Branches of this Government might well be reckoned : And that it was againrt the Priviledge of Parliament, to have fuch an Oath impos'd without their Confent. The Neighbouring Minifters met together upon this Occa- (ion, to confider what to do : Some were for comply- ing, but more againft it. This put Mr, Baxter upon ftudying the Matter of Epifcopacy, and the Englifh Frame of Church Government afrefli ; and reading Gerjome Bucer his Dijfertatio He Gubernatione Ecciefia^ Didoclnvii Altare Dam/j/cenum^ Parker de Politeia Ec- clefiaftica^ (3 Baynes*s Diocefans Try.i! ; and ^comparing their Rcafons with Bifliop Downafn:^^ he was convin- ced Chap. II. Mr. Richard Baxter. j j ced, that cho* all kind of Epifcopacy tvas not fiaciy un- ^Iw. 1640 lawful, yet that the EngUflo Diocefan Frame was guilty of the Corruption of Churches and Miniflry, and of the Ruin of the true Chorcii Diicipline, and fubfticuting an Heterogeneal Thing m ics ilea i. So that this very Oath, which was impos'd m Order to the unalterable fubjeding of the Nation to Dircefans, was a great Means to alienate him frona them, ^rii not him only, but many others with him. They who be- fore tho't it belt to follow their Bufinefs, and live in Quietnefs, and let the Bilhops alone, were rowz'd by the Terrour of an Oath to look about them, ana un- derftand what they did. New Heats were ftirr'a up among the Contending Parties, by the Debates which this Oath occalion'd : And they who wereagainlt ic, be- gan to think better of the Cnufe of Nmicovformity^ and to Honour xht .Nono^nformifts more than before. So that thnf which was defign d for their Ruin, prov'd a great Advantage to chem. It unhappily fell our, that while this Divided the r r ^^-a Church at Home, the Church of Scot'Und alfo was all J, ^ *■'* in a Flame : For when Things v;ere quictihere under a s^ytland. more moderate Epifcopacy than ours in England^ ( tho' that Nation had bin us'd to Presbytery J a New Com>rjon- Prayer Book ( that is the Englifh One, with fome few Alterations) was impos'd upon them, together with the Englifh Ceremonies. This occafion'd an Infurretftion in Edinburgh^ and many dther Places, A Fire being once kindled amongft them, was not eafily excin- guiih'd. Notwithftanding all the induftry and Care of the Earl of Tre./uaire, che King's Ccmmiirioner, the Number of the Malecontents To encreas'd, rhat there was no opponng them ; but: they got the Power of all the Land into their Hand^the Greatelt Part of the Nobility fallmg in with the Miniiters and their Ad- herents, Hereupon they all enter'ii into a National Covenant, to the fame Purpofe-. as fortr erly that Na- tion had done againft Popcty, preincy and Supeyflinorj^ and to uphold the Gofpel and Beformntion. The Do- lors of Aberdeen DifTented Uomi\\t Covenant^ and ma- ny Writings pafs'd between them and the Covefw»rc> s up- on that Subjeft, 'till at lait the Wars that came on, turn'd the Debates into another Strain. r. At IH i8 The LIFE of Chap. II. yin. 1640. At ihc very iame Time, a Tax which the King had Ohh s/ 0- •'^H^'o^'^ ^" EngUnA, cajl'd Ship-Money^ ( zs for ihe Money Strengchniiig rhe Navy ) gave general Diiratisfadion. This being done without Confenc of Parliament, there was a Marinuripe all over the Land, efpecially among the Country Nobiliry and Gentry jfor they look'd upon ir as the Ovcrthrovooi the FunHatnental L.^ws or ConftitU' ti- n of the KSvgdom^ and of Parliamejits and Property, This was the Common Cry at that Time, that if once ynrHiitncnts and Property were deftroy'd, the Government: was dilVolvM, and no Man had any Security of Eftate, Liberty, or Life, but the Pleafure of the King, whofe Will would be the only Law. Some deny'd the Pay- ment o^ this Ta:x, and put the Sheriffs upon Diftrain- ing. The Sheriffs, tho' afraid of a future Parliament, did it in Obedience to the King. Mr. Hampden and the Lord Say brought it to a Suit ; Mr. Oliver S^ Jolmy and others, boldly pleading the Peoples Caufe. All the J4.;dges except Mutton and Crook, had, when they were conlulred, given it as their Judgment, That the King in a Cafe of Need might impofe fuch a Tax: And fo Judgment paft for the King in the Suit, which caused the Matter to make much the Greater Noife. TheScotW) The Sects foon after enter'd England vq\i\\ an Army, Broils. encourag'd, as it was fuppos'd, by many of the Englijh Nobility, who tho't there was no other Way to caufe the Calling ct a Parliament to remedy Diforders. The EarJs of Ejfcx^ Pf^arvc>icl{, Bedford, Clare, BuUir.gbroo}{, 'Mulgrave, and Holland^ and the Lords Sny and Brocks were reputed of this Confederacy. But Heylin fays, Thnt the Scots, after they came in^ did perfvoade thefc Perfcns of their Dajiger in England // Arbitrary Govern^ ment voent on ; and fo they Petition'd the King for a Par- liament, which was all tlffeir Confederacy. And this wa^ after their fecond Coming into England too. The King met the Scots at Uexo-Caftle, A Pacifica- tion was concluded, and a Parliament call'd, and the Scots return'd Home. This Parliament quickly difplea- fing rhe King, he dilfoL'd it, and again undertakes a War agamft the Scots, to which, befides others, the Pa- pilts by the Queen's Means, did voluntarily Contri- bute : Whereupon, the Scots^ complam of Evil Coun- felloius and Papifts, as the Caufe of their renew'd Dangers j and raife their Army again, and enter into ^nglanA Chap. II. Mr. Richard Baxter. 19 Enghnd, The Engli/h iat To'k Petition the King for a A». 1640- Parliament, and once more it is rclolv'd en, and an Agreement made : But neither rhe Scotti/h nor Ev^Jifh Army was Disbanded; And thns in the Yt-ar 1640, began that which hath fihce bin cail'd the Lmg PnrLA- mem : The moft Celebrated Parliament that ever fate iri Englnyid. ^ . , During thefe Northern Stirs, the Earl of Bndgevpaccr, Mr. Bix- who was Lord-Prefidentof the Marches in H-^ales, paf- ter in jhme firg thro' Bridgnorth in his Journey trom Ludlorvxo the ^'*":^f'" fo^ King, Complaint was made to him by fome malicious ^''['■'^"»fcf' Perfons of the Town, that Mr. MrJfiard znd Mr. B^x- ^'^^' ter were defediive in Point ot Conformity ; not fign- ing with the Sign of the C/c/r, nor wearing the v«r- plice, nor praying againft the Scon, who were juft then entring into England^ for which there was a Form of Prayer printed by the Biiliops, tho' nO Command from the King. The Complaint was made on S.itur- day Evening, when the Lord Prefident entered thii Town; and he promis'd them, he would himfelf bi^ next Day at the Church, and fee how Things went. Mr. Mr.dfiArd letir'd, and left Mr. Bixe^, and Mr. Swnw the Reader, to ftand alone. But when the next Day came, the Lord Prelident ibddenly aktr'd his Mind, and went as far as Lichfield ; requiring the Ac- cufers and Bailiffs to fend after him to inform him what was done that Day at Church. Thty failed not to 0- bey his Orders, and threatn'd mighty Things on the Account of Noncompliance ; bur all evaporated at length into Smoak : For he fent them Word in Anfwer; That he had not the Ecchfiafiical Jurifdiilioriy nnd there- fore cculd not Theddh with them. The Parliament being met, fell directly iipon a /^^- ThOi/enlu^ formntion of Church and StatCc Long and Vehement of th: Long Speeches were made aigaihft Ship-Money, againlt the Parlia- Judges that Approv'd it, againfl the Etdetem Onth, and mcnt. the B'/hcps and Convccatioh that form'd it,' and againft jny Lord Strajford^ Arch-Bifhop Laud, and other Evil Counfellours. There w^s at firft.ai marvellous Con- cord among the Men\bers, ihro" the Complication of the Interelts of thofe Caufes, in which ibey federally "did moft concern themfclves. For as the King, bad at oiice impos'd the Ship^Money^ on the Comn.on-Wealtb; itii perirjitted the Bifliops to impof(^upOn the Church " £2 ^beir 20 T^he LIFE of Chap. II. An. 1640. their Difpleafing Articles, the Book for Dancing on the LordVDay, c^c and to Sufpend or Silence a great ma- ' ny Minifters, for want of Super Canonical Conformity; fo the Parliament accordingly confifted of Two Sorts of Men, who by the ConjunCliion of thefe Caufes were united in their Votes and Endeavours for a Re- formauon. One Party made no great Matter of the Alterations in the Church, but faid, That if ?arlicmcnts are once dovon^ nnd Property gone^ and Arbitrnry Govern- ment fet up, nnd Law fubjeHed to the Princess J4''iU^ then aU were Slaves ; and this they reckon'd intolerable : For the remedying of it, they faid, No true Englijh Man could thinly any Price too dear. Thefe the People call'd Good Common PVealth''s Men. The other Sort were the more Religious Men, who were alfo fenfible of thefe Things, but much more affected with the Intereft of Religion. Thefe moft inveigh'd againft Innovations in the Churchy the Bowing to Altars^ the Bool^ for Sforts on Sundays, the Cafting out Minifters^ the High-Comm''JJion Court, the Putting down LeHures and Afternoofi Sermons, and Expofjtions on the Lor d'^s- Days ; with other fuch Things, which they tho't of Greater Weight than Ship- Money. But becaufe they who were of this Stamp, a- preed with the others in the Vindication of Liberty and Property, therefore did they of the other Sort the more eafily concur with them, in Oppofition to the Proceed- ings of the Bifhops and High-Commiffion Court^ &c. Their Difpofition being known, Complaints and Pe- titions were fent in to them from all Parts, with Refe- rence both to Ecclefiaftical and Civil Encroachments. Great Things, fuch as before were tho*t Impradlicable, were compafs'd in a little Time. An A61 pafs'd againft the High'CommiJJion Court, and the Secular or Civil Power of Church Men. Another, That the Parliament (kould not be dijjolvd without its own Confent, And another for Triennial Parliaments. Nay, at length, the King was forc'd to part even with his Favourite the Lord- Deputy Wemworth. All Things in general put on a New Face; of which the Sequel of this Narrative gives a further Account. j± Refor- Among other Important Matters that were deter- mation o/min'd, a i\;formatim of the Clergy was refolv'd on, and th: t/fr^ accordingly a Committee was appointed, to hear Pe- tntended. titions and Co»plaints againit iheai. Multitudes from Chap. 11. Mr. Richard Baxter. 21 from all Quarters came up immediately with Petitions An, 1640 againft their Minifters, charging them with Injuff. ciency^ Falfe DoHrinCj Illegr.l Innovations^ or Scandnl, Mr. John Wnite was Chairman , and was the Publifhec of A Century of Scandalous Mlnifters^ which was after- wards follow'd with a Second Century ; both were fill'd with moft abominable Particularities, the concealing which had certainly bin a much greater Service to Reli- gion than their Publication ; which was but making Sport for Atheills, Papifts and Profane. Amongft other Complainets, the Town of Ksder- ^ p ■ : minfier in iVorceflerfhire had drawn up a Petition a- front ^ ' Kc^ gamft their Vicar and his two Curates, as infufficienc dermin- for the Miniftry, and they put it into the Hands offter, the Sir Henry Herbert^ who was Burgefs for Bewdley. The Octafton of Vicar well knowing his own Infufficiency, agreed to ^/r. Bax- Compound the Bufinefs, and was free to allow 60 /. ter'j Settle- per An. (out of near 200 the Living was vyorth) to a '"'"^ ^^^^'*' Preacher who (hould be cbofen by Fourteen nominated Truftees. He that was chofen was to Preach whenfo- ever he pleas'd, the Vicar ftiil reading the Common- Prayer, and doing every Thing that might be Matter of Scruple ; for all which he gave a Bond of 5 %o /. Here- upon the Bailiflf of the Town, and all the Feoffees in- vited Mr. Baxter to give them a Sermon ; and he upon Preaching once to them, was unanimoufly chofen to be their Minifter. Thus was he Providentially bro't to that Place which had the Chiefeft of his Labours, and yielded him the Greateft Comfort. He was the rather inclin d to liften to the Motion, becaufe it was a full Congregation, and moft Convenient Church ; an Ignorant People for the moft Part, who had great Need of Preaching, and yet who had among them a fmall Company of Converts, who were Humble and Godly, and of a Good Converfation, and not much hated by the reft ; and therefore the fitter to aflift their Teacher : And they had had but little Lively and Serious Preaching amongft them. Here therefore hf^ fixt him- felf, making this remarkable Obfervarion : That among all his Changes he never went to any Place which he had before defired, defign'd or tho't off, but only to thofe Places he never tho't of, 'till the fuddain Invita- tion did furprize him. C3 CHAP. 2x lie LIFtL of Chap. Hi. CHAP. IIL Tfje Oppojition he met ^^Ith at firji /> the Town^ of Kederminfler. His hidefatigable La- honrs^ and the Admirable tfficacy of his Mirujlry in that Place. H F, fpenc Two Years at Kjdermlnfter before the War broke our, and above Fourteen Years af- trr ir ; and in all that Time never touch'd the Virandge H 'ufc, tho' aiuhoriz'd by an Order of Par- liament : B t rhe Old Vicar liv'd there peaceably and quiedy, without any Moleftation. He found the PJac^' like a Piece of dry and barren Earth, Ignorance ^nd P}of^77^nrfs^ ias Natives of the Soil, were rife among them : But by the Bleding of Heaven upon his La- hour and Cultivating, the Face of Paradife appeared there in all the Fniirs of I{ighteoufne/s. Ac firft, f{agi and M?cc created him a great deal of Oppofition ; but it wasfbbn over, and a Special Div^'ne Blejfutr,^ gave his unwearied Pains among that People an unprece- dented Succefs. Stranrre In- Before his Corning, the Town, having bin Emi- jjaAcei «/nent for Vnniey^ had a Yearly (hew, in which they Malignity, bro'c forth the painted Forms of Gyants, ro walk a- bout the Streets with. He gave them no Difturbance, yet the Rabble of the more Vitious Sort, had ftill f<')me Spleen to vent againft him, as one Part of their Game And once all the Jgnoiant Rout were Raging ^'iad againft him for Preaching to them the Dodtrine of Original Sin, and telling them, Th.it Infants, before B^"j^encrntiov^ had Ju much Guilt and Corruption as made them loathfonic in the Eyes of God. Whereupon, they vented il Abroad in the Country, That he Preach'd, that G d hated and loathed hfanti. So that they rail'd at him as he pafs'd thro* the Streets. The next Lord's- Da he clrar'd and confirm'd the Dodtrine he had be- fore deliver'd ; and fhewed them, That if it was not true, their Infants had no Need of Chrift, or of Baptifm, or of renewing by the Holy Ghoft. And he ask'd them, VVtJether they durfl fay, that their Children roere Chap. HI. M**- R^i^hard Baxter. 2^ were favdvoltkout n Snviour^ and xvcre no Chrijlinns, and xvhy they Bapti:(d them^ &c. And afcerwards ihey were Afliam'd and Silent. Another Time, one of the Drunken Beggars ot che Town rais'd a Slander of hirii^ TL^t he vpdi i.-id^r a Tree with n iVjman of III Fame, All the Drunkards iiad got it in their Mouths, before he con id find the Ori- ginal. He got three or four of chc^n bound to their Good Behaviour ; and the Sot himfeif that rais'd the Slander, confefs'd before the Court, That he Jnxv him in a I{ainy Day on Horfeback^^ fland under ttn a^ky "^''ich grew in a thick. Hedq^e, and the t^omnn /landing for (hcltcr on tlye other Side the Hedge, under the fam:Tres ; and that he helievd they faw not one another : But he fpake i^t as a left, and the Company were glad of the Qccafion to feed their Malice. They all askt hini For given efs, and he defired the Magiftrate to releafe them. Such Things as thefc were not uncommon at IQdenninfter. For Mr John Crofs, (who afterwards dy'd Minifter of Fn- day'-Jireet in London) being a Preacher there fome Time before this, a Woman defam'd him openly, and told the People he would have Ravifli'd her. Ur.Crojs being a Prudent Man, fent one before to the Bail.tf and luftice to defire them to call her to Exammation, and he came after, and fate in a common dark colour d Coat, among many others, in the Bailifts Parlour, as if he had bin one of the Magiftrates. Ihe BaiLtt cal- led her in, and (he ftood impudently to the Accula- tion. The Bailiff askt her, ^oether fh^ kne^ the M^n if (he faw him ? Which Ihe confidently affirm d. He ask'd her Is it this Man, or that Man, o^ the oth^r Man, or any there P She faid, O .. , Gcd forbid that fi:e floould accufe any of them, Mr. Crofs faid v^;^ ^^otj he Man? And fhe faid, No, fl^e kpevo t^e M.« J^/ -• And when they had told her that this was Mr. C;.//, fte fell down on her Knees, and ask d him F^^^^^^^^ npf*; . and confefs'd. That one of his Nei^^hboms ( his Great tcuftr ac the B.fhop's Courcs) >.aUir^ '- '^ reports. Buc the good Man forgave them both Hovv entirely is the beft eftabUftd Reputation at the Mcy of th^ Hsvcngeful and Mdutou>, any farther than a Wife Providence fences and fcrcens it . At another Time, the Parhament fend ng down jm Order for the Deraoliaiog of all Statues and foag« C 4 _f4 The LIFE cf Chap. lir. of any of the three Perfon. in the Trinity, or of the Virgin M,,)7, which Ihould he found in Churches, or or on Crofles in Church- Yards ; Mr. Baxter was for obeying u The Church-Warden, feeing a Gr.cifix upon the Crofs m the Church-Yard at KfderwiMer, fctupa Ladder to reach it, which prov'd too fliort : He going to feek another, the Drunken Crew in. the Town took tlie Alarum and ran all together with Weapons to defend the.r Crucifix and Church Images. Ic was reportecK Mr. S,xter was the Adior, and him they fot for: Bur. as Providence had order'd it, he was walking about a Mile out of Town, orelfehe hi Tu lu^^'V^'".^''^'^ h^^H^y^. Miffing him and the Church-Warden too, they went raving about the Streets to feek them : Two Neighbours ran in amongft them to fee if Mr. Baxter was there, and they knocked them down, and fo miferably bruifed them, that they dy d foon after, never recovering the Hurt they rece.v'd. When they had foam'd about halt an Hour, and met not thofe whom they fought Walk and hearing the People curfing him at their Doors, he wondred what was the Matter ; but quick- 1> found how fairly he had efcap'd. The next I ordV Day he dealt plainly with them, and laid open to them the Quahty of that Adion, and told them. See- tngtheyfo requited him a, to feek bis Blood, he wa, mlli„g to leave them, and fave them from that G„ilt. But the poor Creatures were fo amaz'd and afham'd, that they S hTm ^^'" *" "'"^ '"^' '"''' '° P^" Not being at all difcourag'd with this malicious Oppofition, he laid out himfdf very Laborioufly in the Work of the Lord among this People, and bad very eminent Succefs, which under God he look'd tipon as procur-d by feveral Advantageous Circumftan- ces, which dcfervc Ohfervation »•< laho- Before the Civil War, he' preach'd twice every »•.», Em- Lord s-Day ; but afterwards but once, and once every floyment asThurJday, bcfides Occafional Sermons. Every Thurl minte- n^H^'"""i^o'^°'"' °^. •"' Neighbours that had IncI i- minnei. nation and Opportunity met at his Houfe, one of them repeated the Sermon, and afterwards ihey pro- pos'd Chap. 111. Mr, Richard Baxter. 25 pos'd any Doubts about it, or any other Cafe of Confcience, which he lefolv'd. He then caus'd fome- times one, and fometimes another of them to Pray, and fometimes Pray'd wiih them himfelf ; and fo the Meeting brake up with fmging a Pfalm. Once a Week fome of the younger forr, who were not fit to pray in fo great an Affembly, met among themfelves more privately, fpending 3 Hours in Prayer. Every Saturday! Night, they met at fome of their Houfes to repeat the laft Lord's- Day's Sermon, and to Pray and prepare themfelves for the Day following. Once in a few. Weeks, there was a Day of Humiliation kept up- on one particular Occafion or another. Every Religi- ous Woman that was fafely delivered, inftead of the old Goflipings, if jfhe were able, kept a Day of Thankfgiving, with fome of her Neighbours about her, praifing God and finging Pfalms, and foberly Feafting together. Two Days every Week he and his Alfiftant took 14 Families between them for private Catechizing and Conference. His Method was this: He firft heard them recite the Words of the Catechifm, and then ex- amin'd them about the Senfe, and afcerwards urg'd them with all poflible engaging Reafon and Vehe- mence, to anfwerable AfFedlion and Pradlice. If any were fhy, thro' Ignorance or Baihfalncfs, he forbore to prefs them any farther to Anfwers, but made them Hearers, and either examind others, or turn'd all into Inftrudtion and Exhortation. He fpent about an Hour with a Family, and admitted no others to be prefenr, leaft Bafhfulnefs Ihould make it burthenfom, or any fhould talk of the Weaknefles they obferv'd. His whole Afternoon on Mondays and Tuefdays, was this way employed. Every firfl Wednefday of the Month he had a meeting for Parifli Difcipline : And every firft Thurfday in the Month was a Meeting held of the Neighbouring Minifters for Difcipline and Difputati- on ; in which Difputations he was generally Modera- tour, taking the Pains to prepare a written Determi- nation of the Qneftion to be debated. And every Thurf- day in the Month befides, he had the Company of di- vers worthy Minifters at his Houfe after the Lecture, with whom he fpent the Afcernoon in profitable Con- yerfation _^f The LIFE of Chap. TIT. verfadon, 'tilJ his Neighbours came to meet for their Exercife of Repetition and Prayer. His Sue- His Publick Preaching met with an Actentive Dili- ce/s. gent^ Auditory. The Congregation was ufuaily full. Iho theCburch was very Capacious and Gomm.di- oas yet afrer his coming thither, they were forcVi to buiJd 5 Galleries to receive the Hearers. Their Pri- vate Meetings alfo were full. On the Lod's Days there was no Diforder to be feen in the Town but yo J might hear a Hundred Families Tinging Pfams, and repeating Sermons, as you pafs'd thro* the Streets. V\henhe firft came thither, there might be about one raniily in a Street that worfliip'd God and calld on his Name ; and when he came away, there was not above a Family on the fide of a Street that did not do It; and that did not by profefTing ferious Godlinefs fir^^A. 1?^ ^°P" °^ ^^^'^^ Sincerity. Nay, in the Worft Faojihes, Inns and Ale-hjoufes, ufqally fome m each Houfe feem'd to be Religious. Tho' the Ad- miniftration of the Lord's Supper was fo ordered as that many were difpleasM, and the far greater part kepta- way themfeives, yet were there 600 Commnnicanrs, of v/hom there were not 12 that he had not good Hopes of as to their Sincerity. And thofe few that did con- lent to Communion, and yet Jiv'd Scandaloufly, were afterward Excommiwicated. He had good reafon to nope. That many who join'd not in Sacramental Com- tnunion with him, were yet Perfons truly fearing God. Some of them being kept off by Husbands, by t'arents, by Mafters, or perfwaded by Men of oppofice Sentiments, rather than Acting according to their own Inclinations and Defires. Tho* they were many that were kept away, yet they took it Patiently, and for- bore Reviling, as if any Wrong were done them. And as for thofc unruly Young Men who were Excom- municated, they generally bore it Patiently as to their outward Behaviour, tho' their Hearts were hill of Bit- ternefs. When he fet upon Perfonai Conference with each FaiDiIy, and Catechizing them, there were very few Families in all the Town that refus'd to come- and thofe few were Beggars at the Towns end, who were fo Ignorant, that they were afliam'd it fhonid be mani- feft. Few Families went away without fome Tears, or feemingly fcrious Fromifcs of a Godly Life. Yet man^ Chap. III. Mr. Richard Baxter. 27 many Ignorant and Ungodly Pcrfons there were ftill yemainingi but moft of them were in the Parilh, not in the Town, and in thofe Parts of the Parilh which were fartheft from rhe Town. And whereas one Part pi the Parilh was impropriate, and payM Tythes to Lay-Men, and the other Part maintain d the Church, it To fell out, that almoft all that lide of the Parifh which pa)'d Tythe to the Church were godly honeft People,- and did it willingly without Contention, moft of the bad People of the Parilh liv'd on the other tide. Some Poor Men did competently underftand the Body of Divinity, and were able to judge in Difficult Con- troverlies : Some of them were To able in Prayer, that few Mmifters did exceed them in Order and Fulnefs, in apt ExprefHons, and holy Oratory with Fervency. Many of them were ab'e to Pray very laudably with their Families, or with others : The Temper of their Minds, and the Innocence of their Lives, was much more laudable than their Parts. The Profeflbrs of fe- rious Godlinefs were generally of very humble Minds and Carriage, of meek and quiet Behaviour unto o- thers, and of Blamelefnefs and Innocence in their Con- verfations. God was plcas-d alfo to give him abundant Encou- ragement in the Lectures which he preach'd Abroad in other Places; as at ^orceifer^ Cleobury^ Dudley^ Sheffnaly Sec. where he had full Auditories, and many Converts. Neither were his Labours loft among his Brethren in the Miniftry. Their Difputations were advantageous. Their Meetings were never contentious, but always pro- fitable. When he motion'd a Way of Church Order and Difcipline, (of which hereafter) which all might agree in, that their Churches might not be ungovern'd, nor fall into Divifions amongft themfelves, he was readily liften d to, and his Motion reduced to Pradice. And when he attempted to bring them all conjuncftly to the Work of Catechi:(ing, and'inftrufting every Family by itfelf, he found a ready Confent in moft, and many adlually comply'd with it, much to their Satisfadion. The Praife of all which he freely and heartily afcrib'd 7.;^^ ^j^ to God. yantageotu * Many were his Advantages in order to this Succefs. cinumftan- He came to a People that had never fate under an av«a- ces which kening Miniftry before. He was himf^lf ir> the Vigour promoted , , oi this Succefs, 28 The LIFE of Chap. III. of his Spirits, and had a very moving Delivery • and do- ing aJJ undei- greac BodiJy Weaknefs, as a Dying Man, he was the more ^nrm and enme^t. The greateft Ene- mies of ferious Religion in that Towrt, were carry 'd oflF by the War. He had aJfo the Favour of the Go- vernment on his nde. Before the Civil War, the Rio- tous Rabble had Boldnefs eno' to make ferious Godli- nefs a common Scorn, and call them all Pwitans and Precifinns, that did not care as Jittle for God and Hea- Yu ^'^^- ^rV^ ^^"^^^^ ^5 ^^^y ^i^- Jf a Man was not tulJy fatisfy d with rheir undifciplin'd diforder'd Churcb- ^u' ^',.^*y"^^^"^^l^<^Ufs Excommunications, ^c If they did but Fa^ and Pray together, or go from an Ig- norant Drunken Reader, to hear a Godly Minifter aC the next Parilh, the Biihop s Articles would enquire af- ter them, and the High Commiflion grievoufly afflid them. After the War, the Cafe in this refpea was mightily aJter'd: For Piety had then full Liberty ; nay, and Countenance and Reputation too. WithaJ, he gam d a Greac Intereft in the AfFedions of the Inhabi- tants of the Town, which is no inconfiderable Thing, tor tho to win Eftimacion and Love to our felves on- ly, be an End intended by none but Perfons egregioully Proud and Hypocritical ; yet it is moft certain, that the Gratefulnefs of the Perfon doth ingratiate the Mef- fage, and greatly prepare People to receive the Truth. He was much affifted by the Zeal and Diligence of the Oodly People there j who thirfted after the Salvation of their Neighbours, and being dlTpersM thro' the Town were ready in all Companies to reprefs feducing Words ^"^!,^ i^ftify Godlinefs; and to Convince, Reprove and Exhort as there wasoccafion. The Holy, Humble and BJamelefs Lives alfo of the Religious fort was a fin- gular Blcfifing. The moft Malicious could not f^iy here. Your Profeilors are as Proud and Covetous as any. But the blamelefs Lives of godly People did Ihamc the Op- pofers, and put to filence the Ignorance of fooiilli Men; and many were won by their Converfation. Their L7- nity and Concord alfo was very Advantageous, and Jheir Freedom from thofe Seds and Hcrcfies which in- tected many other Places. There was no Prtftor ageing Paftor, nor Church a'/ainft Church, nor ScSi aoainii Seff, nor Chrillian tigainn Chnstian. There was not a Sepal raptd, an Annipaptisl^ an Antinomitin in the Town. At Bevedly Chap. III. Mr. Richard Baxter. 2 9 Bewdly there was a Church of AnabaptiUs ; at Wor- ccHer the Independents gathered a Church : But here all were of one Mind and Mouth, and Way. One Jour- neyman Shoemaker turn'd AnnbaftOi^ but he ktc the Town upon it, and went amongft them. When Peo- ple faw Diverfity of Setfts and Churches in any Place, it greatly hindred their Converfion; they were at a Lofs, and knew not what Pnrty to be of, or what PVny to go ; and therefore many would be for no Religion at all, but derided all whom they faw difagreed. But they had no fuch Offence or Objection here; they could not ask, Wbkh Church or Party fhall voe be of i For all were but as one. So Modeft were the ableft of the People, that they never were enclin'd to a Preaching Way, nor to make Oftentation of their P/trts ; but took Warning by the Pride of others, and tho't they had Teaching eno' by their Paftors ; and that it was bet- ter for them to beftow their Labour in digefting that, than in Preaching themfelves. The private Meetings that were kept up, were alfo very helpful to the Propn^ gating of Godlinefs. Truths that were flip'd away were thereby recall'd, and the Serioufncls of Peoples Minds renew'd : Good Defires were cherifli*d, and Know- ledge encreas'd. By thefe he had opportunity to know their Cafe : For if any were touch'd and awaken'd in Publick, prefently they came dropping in to the Pri- vate Meetings. And fo remote was the Danger of Schifm or Divifions, that this was the principal Means to prevent them. All being under his Overfight and Guidance, who was ufually prefent with them, anfwer- ing their Doubts, and filencing Objedions, and mode- rating them in all. Some Private Meetings he found were very much defired among them. Had he not al- lowed them fuch as were lawful and prcfxtabUy they would have bin apt to run into fuch as were unlawful and hurtful. And therefore, by encouraging them in fuch a Way, in the fit Exercife of their Parts, in T^e- petition^ Prayer, and asking Queif ion's; He kept them from enclining to the diforderly Exercife of them, in Imitation of the SeBaries, Befides, there were fome publick Dilputations, whereby the People were much confirm'd. The Q^iakers would have made Difturbancc, and fe: up a Meeting in the Tov/n, and raii'd bitterly at Mr. iaxtsr ; But he giving them leave to meet io - " the 30 The LIFE of Chap. lit. the Church for a Difpucc, and opening before the Peo- ple their Deceits, none would entertain them more, nor did they gain one Profelyte. Mr. Tombes^ the /iyinbaf- tj^y who was Le£lurer at Bewdly, had (haken fome. But after the Difputc held with him, (of which hereaf- ter) the People were fettled, and the Infeaun ftopp'd. Another /ldi/:ritage he bad, was the great Honefty and Diligence of his Alfiftanvs Mr. I{tchard Scjennt, the firftof them, was very Laborious, much belov'd, of a meek and humble Spirit^ and blamelefs Life : Andfo alfo was Mr. Humphry Jyf'^alHern^ who fucceeded him; which rnadethe People fo much the more in Love with the Miniftry, and the more ready to fubmitto Inftru£ti- on. Another Advnntr.ge was the Prefence and Counte- nance of honeft Juftices of the Peace. Col. John Brid- ge:, a prudent pious Gentleman, was Patron of the Li- ving, and liv'd in the Parilh, and was a Juftice of Peace. And a Bailiff, and Juftice were annually cho' fen in the Corporation, who ordinarily were Godly Men, and always fuch as would be tho't fo, and were leady to ufe their Authority to fupprefs Sin and pro- mote Goodnefs. And when once a Sabhnth-hreaker tho't to have overthrown the Officers at Law, Serje- ant Fountain being then Judge of the Afee, did fore- prefs his Malice, as difcourag'd all others from any fur- ther Attempts of that kind. His Readinefs alfo to heip the Poor, was a great Help to his Succefs. He aiTifted them for fome time with his Advice in Phyfick, and was very fuccefsful ; but finding it took up fo much time as to be burdenfome, he at lengrh fix'd among them a Diligent Skilful Phyfician, and bound himfelt to him by Promife, That he would Pra^ice no ynqre in common Cnfes. But be always was Liberal with his Purfe. His ftated Income was not above 90 /. per An^ num: Befides which, he lome Years had 60 or 80/. a Year of the Bookfellers for Bonks ; which being given away anniongft them, except fo much as was necelfary for his Comfortable Subliftence, irtade them much the readier to liften to him. Several of their Children that had Capacities, he took from School, and fenC to the Univerfity, where he maintain'd rhem by his own and others Contributions: Some of which after- 'iwards prov'd very uieful Minirtcrs. His giving away Bibles atid oiher good Booki amotig foUr EnmiUfSi Chap. in. Mr. Richird Baxter. 21 was a Thing highly pleafing to them. The People ge- nerally were of fuch a Trade as allow'd them time eno' to Read or Talk, of holy Things, which was a- nother Help. His fingle Life alfo was in fome refpeils an Advantage to him. Being free from Family Cares, he had the Greater Vacancy and Liberty for the La- bours of his Calling. And it was alfo fome Com- fortj that there were at laft few that were bad, but fome of their Relations were Converted. Many were wrought on at 14, r^, 16 Years of Age : Which did much towards the Reconciling the Minds of the Pa- rents and elder fort to Godllnefs. Many there were of a conliderable Age, the Converfion of whofe Chil- dren was the Chief Means to overcome their Preju- dice, and old Cuftoms and Conceits. Many did God recover by Sicknefs, and his conftant difowning the Ini- quity of the Times tended to the Good of many ; and fo alfo did the Unanimity of the Miniilers of the Country round, who Affociated in a way of Concord. The Quality of the open Sinners of the Place was fuch, as difcourag'd others. Thofe given to Drunkennefs were fo Beaftly and Ridiculous, that they made thac Sin (of which there was the greateft Danger) the more abhor'd. The Quality of the Apoitate Sinners of the Place was alfo remarkable. They that fell off, (who were not many) were fuch as before by their want of Grounded Underftanding, Humility and Mortificati- on, gave the greateft Sufpicion of their Stability : And they fell to no lefs than Familifm and Infidelity, ma- king a Jeft of the Scripture; and the EflVntials of Chii- ftianity. And as they fell from the Faith, fo they fell to Drinking, Gaming, furious PaiTions, and a grofly Vicious Life : And were thereupon as Pillars and Mo- numents of God's Juftice, to warn all others to take heed of Self-conceitednefs, and Herefies -^ and of de- parting from Truth and Chriftian Unity. Another confiderable Furtherance of the Peoples Good, wai the foremention'd Work of Perfonal Conference with every Family apart, and Catechizing and Inftruding them. That which was fpoken to them Perfonally, and puc them many times upon particular Anfwcrs, awaken d their Attention, and was more eafily apply'd than Pub- liek Preaching, and feem'd to work much more upon them. The Exercife of Church Difcipline was anothec great Helpo " - 32 The LIFE of Chap. HI. ^An ama- About 6 Of 7 Young Men join d with the Congrega- %inrr In- tion who were addidked to Tipling, and one of them ftanceofan yj^^ ^i weak-headed Fellow, who was a common no- IncorrlgibU forious Drunkard. He was admoniftiM o' his Sin, Smner. npon offering hiii.felf to Communion ; and cold, T/:rtf without an Humble Penitent ConfeJJlon, and Promife of Amendment , he muH be declared Vnfit for Church Communion. He hereupon lamented his Sin with great Bitternefs, and promis'd Amendment; but quickly return'd to it again. He was Admoniih'd over and o- ver, and great Endeavours were us'd to bring him to Contrition and Refolution 5 and he would TtiU con- fefs it, and yet ftill go on. Whereupon, Mr. Baxter "Warn'd him jpublickly, and Pray'd for him feveral Days in the Church : But he went on in his Drun- kennefs ftill. At Jaft, he declared him utterly unfit for Church Communion, and required all to avoid him accordingly, endeavouring to convince him of his Mi- fery, and of the Neceflity of true Repentance and Re- formation. After his Ejedlion, when he was Drunk, he would Hand at the Market-place, and like a Quaker cry out againft the Town, and take on him to Pro- phefy God's Judgments againft them, and would Rage at Mr. Baxter'^ Door, and Rail and Curfe him bitter- ly. And once he foUow'd him as he went to Church,' and laid Hands on him in the Church-Yard, with a purpofe to have kilTd him ; but it fell out that he had hold only of his Cloak, which he unbutton d and left with him ; and before his Fury could do any more, (ic bting the Fair- Day) there were fome Strangers by in the Church- Yard, who dragg'd him to the Magiftrate and the Stocks. And thus he continu*d raging againft him about a Year, and then dy'd of a Feaver^ in Great Horrour of Confcience. Three or Four more were forc'd to be caft out, one for Slandering, and the reft for Drunkennefs : And they were enrag'd, and much the worfe after it, and lb were loud H^arnings to others. Another Advanta^e^ in order to his Succefs among them, was his ordering his Docftrine to them in a Suit- abienefs to his main End ; and yet fo as might fuit their Difpofitions and Difcafes. The Great Fundamental Principles of Chrilfianify^ contJiin'd in the Baptifmal Covenant; even a right Knowledge and Belief of^ and Subje&ion and Love tOy God the Father ^ the Son, and Chap. III. Mr. Richard Baxter. 35 and the Holy Ghcfl^ were the Things which he daily o- pen'd to them, and with greateft Importunity laboured to imprint upon their Minds. So frequently did he in- culcate the Knowledge of God, Creator, Redeemer and Sandifier, and Love and Obedience to Him, and Unity with the Church Catholick, and Love to Men, and Hope of Life Eternal ; that thefe were the Mat- ter of their daily Meditations and Difcourfcs, and in- deed their Religion. And yet he ufuaiiy put fomt- thing into his Sermons that was above their Difcovcry, and which they had not known before, ihatchey might be kept Humble, ftill perceive their Ignorance, and be willing to remain in a Learning State; and to en- creafe their Knowledge, and make Religion pleafant 10 them by a daily Addition to their former Light, and to draw them on with Defire and Delight. But thele Things, which they did not know before, were not un- profitable Controverfies, which tended not to Edifica- tion, nor Novelties in Dodtrine, contrary to the Uni- verfal Church ; but either fuch Points as tended to iU luftrate the great Do(Srines of Religion, or ufually a- bout the right Methodizing them, which requires a great deal of Tho't and Accuracy. He was abundantly convinced of the Neceflity of Care in this refped, by long Obfervation : For when Minifters tell their People of no more than they kriow, and do not lliew that they excell them in Knowledge and Abilities, they will be tempted to turn Preachers themfelves : And think- ing that they have learn'd all that their Miniiters can teach them, they will contemn them, an.i wrangle with their Dodrines, and fet their Wits againft them, and hear them as Cenfurers and not as Difcipies, to their own Undoing, and to the Difturbance of the Church ; and they will eafily draw Difciples after them. The bare Authority of the Clergy will not Icrve the Turn, without confiderable Minifterial Abilities. Another Advnntage lay in the Quality of the People as to their Outward Condition. They xvere not Rich. There were few Beggars indeed, becaufe their Cotri- mon Trade 0^ StuffV^-avh^ would find Work for all, Men, Women and Children, that were able: But there were none of the Tradefren Wealthy, their Employment ordinarily finding them but Food and Raiment. Few of the MagUtrates were worth 40 /. 54 The LIFE of Chap. III. per Annum 'y and moft not half fo much. Three or Four of the Mafter Workmen got perhaps Five or Six Hundred Pound in ao Years; but the Generality of them hv'd little better than Journeymen, from Hand to Movith, excepting that they labour'd not altogether fo hard. This kept them from a great many Tempta- tions which Weahh is attended with, and made them much more pliable and yielding to the Miniftry, than could otherwife have been expedted. His not meddling with Tythes or IV^rldly Bufinefs was another Advantage to "him. Hereby he had the more Tim£ for his Study, and his Mind was the freer from Entanglements, and he avoided offending the People by contentious Law- Suits. There were three or four of his honeft Neighbours who manag'd for him all Con- cerns of that Nature, and he never took an Account of them. After that he was conftrain'd to let the Tythes be gather d as by his Title, to fave the Gatherers from Law Suits, he gave Orders, That if any Perfons refused to fny who voere Poor, it fhculd he forgiven them : But that if the Perfons were able ^ what was due floouldbe Jought for by the help of the Ma^iftrate with the Damr.ge ; and that both his Part and the Dnynages Jhould be given to the Poor, When this was once known, none that were able would do the Poor fo great a Kindnefs as to refufe Payment. His ftaying fo long in this one Place, was a further Advantage. By this Means it came about, that almoft all the Religious People of the Place were of his own Intruding and Informing ; and he ftay'd to fee them grown up to fome Confirmednefs and Ma- turity. All which Advantages he diftindtly Noted and Recorded, with due Regard to that Providence whereto they were owing, t,. - _ One of his main Difficulties when he fix'd in Kf- hout DiCc' ^^^^^^^^''t was how to fet up any Thing of a true Dif- p/ine. cipline^ without being fatisfy'd with the Shadow of it, inftead of the ReaJiiy on one Hand, or unchurching the Parifh Church on the other. After mature Tho'cs upon the Matter, he told the People, Toat he w;nt not about to gather a Njw Churchy but would take the Parijh for the Churchy uniefs they were tinwilling to own their Mrmbrtfhip. Al] that did own their Mcmbcrfhip in that Pariih Church, and would own him for their Faftour, he delired to give in their Names, or any other Ghap. III. Mr, Richard Baxter. 25 other Way to fignify that they did fo : And thofe who were not willing to be Members, and rather chofe to wichdraw themfelves, than to Jive under Difcipline, he defired to be filenr. And fo thro' fear of Difci- pline, all the Pariih kept off except 600, when there were in all above 1600 at Age to be Communicancs : Yet becaufe it was their own doing, and they knew they might come in when they would, they were quiet. If any fcrupled fitting at the Lord's Table, he openly told them, They Jhould have the Liberty of their own Ge- fture. And he was free to Baptize all their Children : But he made them hrft (as he would have done by Strangers ) give him privately ( or publickly if they had rather ) an Account of their Faith. And if any Father were a Scandalous Sinner, he made him confefs his Sin openly with Teeming Penitence, before he would Baptize his Child. If he refus'd ir, he forbore 'till the Mother came to prefent it. For he rarely, if ever, found both Father and Mother fo deftitute of Knowledge and Faith,as in a Church Senfe to be utter- ly uncapable. There was one Sir I{alpb CUre who liv*d in the Pa- ^'^ ^o»' riih, who did rtiore to hinder his Succefs, than could ^"*^ '"" have bin done by a great many others. He was a ^'*'' | ^"' Man indeed of great Courtlhip and Civility, and car- ^J t* ^ ry'd it with much Perfonal Reverence and Refpe(5t, and yet coming but once to Church on the LordV Days, and abftaining from the Sacrament, his Exam- ple did much Mifchief ; tho* at the fame Time his fend- ing his Family to be Perfonaliy Inftrudted and Ca- lechiz'd, did win with the worft almoft to do the like. He made a Motion to Mr. Baxter, That he would Communicate with him, if he would adminifter the Sa- crament to him Kneeling, and on a diftin(^ Day, and not with thofe that receiv'd it Sitting. In a Letter in Anfwer to him, he offer'd, // he muld fuhmit to Difci- pline, and take him for his Paftour, and firft hear his F^ea- fonsy if he could not Convince him^ but if he xvoidd profefs that he thot it n Sin agninft God to receive the Sacrament unlefs it were put into his Hands Kjieelivg, and that he durfl not in Confcience takje it otherwife^ he would fo give it him : But as for doing it at a difiin^i ftnted Time from the reft, it would make fuch a Breach or Sciiifm^ as he coul4 have no Hand in» D 2 He §6 The LIFE of Chap. HI. The Cafe of He had alfo Tome Difficulty about the Sequeftrarion the Fica- of the Living of Kedcrmir?f}er^ upon the Account of ridge of Kt- which he was refleAed on by many, but very unjuft- dcrminfler, ]y . p^j. ^^e true State of the Cafe was this. While he was kept away from the Place by a Languilhing IJinefs, not knowing whether God would make any farther Ufe of him, the Towns People tho't fit to re- new their Articles againft their old Vicar and his Cu- rate ; and upon Tryal of the Caufe, the Committee fequeftred the Place, but put no one into it, leaving the Profits in the Hands of divers Inhabitants to pay a Preacher, 'till it were difpos'd of Mr. Baxter y tho' urgently prefs'd, refus'd the Vicaridge, and would have only the Lecfture, which by the Old Man's own Confent and Bond he held before. And at his Return, he found only Mr. Serjeant in PolfefiTion, who was de- fired to Officiate during the Vacancy. Being vehe- mently urg'd again to accept the Vicaridge, he repeated his Refufal, and got the Magiftrates and Burgelles to- gether into the Town Hall, and told them, That tbo he was offe/H feveral Hundred Pounds per Annum elfe- vphere, yet he w/ts vail ling to continue with them in his Old LeBurers PUce^ which he had before the 0^ar^ expelling they (hould make the Maintenance an loo 1. per Annum, with the Addition of an Houfe : Avd if they would promife to fuhmlt to that Dotlrine of Chrij}, which as his Mini- fier he /hould deliver to them, he would never leave them. But he intimated, that this Maintenance fhould neither come out of their own Purfes, nor any more of it out of the Tythes but the 60 1, which the Vicar had before bound himfelf to pay him, But from an Augmenta- tion, eafily to be procur'd : And the reft he would have nothing to do with. This Covenant was drawn up in Articles, and Subfcrib'd ; and he exprefly difclaim'd the Vicaridge and Paftoral Charge of the Parifli, and only undertook the Lecture. And thus the Sequcfira- tion continued in the Hands of the Townfmen, who ga- thered the Tyrhes, and paid him ( not an Hundred, as they promised) but 80/. per Annum, or 90 at moft, and Rent for a few Rooms : The reft they pave to Mr. Serjeant^ and about 40 /. per Anvum to the Old Vi- car, and 6 /. per Annum to the Lord for Rent, befides other Charges. But when they had contmu'd long in this Way, they fearM kaft feme one againft their Will (hould Chap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 27 fhould get a Grant of the Sequeftration from the Com- mittee, and therefore they went privately and got an Order from them to fettle Mr. Baxter in the Title, and never fhew'd it him, but kept it fecret, defigning only to fecure the Place from a Surprize, and thernfelvcs from repaying what they disburs'd. But when King Charles came out of Scotland with his Army to H^'orcsjler their Houfes being full of Soldiers, they bro't him rhe Order, entreating him, if he would not own it, yet at leaft to keep it fafe, and to fave them haimlefs by ir, if they were call'd to Account Which is the rather mention'd fo particularly, to clear him from fome Af- perfions, unjuftly caf^: upon him about this Matter. Upon the Whole ; fo much of the Spirit oF God did Mr. Baxter find accompanying him in his Work at IQdermvnJler, and fo affecT:io!;ate was his Regard to the Loving People of that Place, that he would not willingly have exchanged his Relation to them for any Preferment in the Kingdom, nor could he without Force have bin feparated from them. . CHAP. IV. The Rifi and Springs of the Civil War : Some brief Touches of the Hiflory of the Times *till the Cutting off the King. NOT long after his Settlement at Ksdermwfter, , the Civil War began, and the Times rain'd — Blood fo long, 'till the Languifliing State of the Kingdom was almoft defperate and incurable. He was a Mournful Spedtatour of the Publick Confufions, and made fome Rematks on the Occurrences of the Times, which are not unworthy the Notice of Pofterity. The Nation had for fome Time before bin under rhe further Difcontent. The General Cry was for Juftice in the Proceedings Punifhment of Delinquents. This went againft the of tU Long King, and was a great Trouble ro his Friends and Fa- Parliament vourites, who none of them knew how foon his own Turn might come. The Lord-Keeper Finch and Secre- tary Wmdehank fled beyond Sea and fav'd themfelves. The Guilty Judges were deeply accus'd in Parliament, jind fome of them ImpriCon* d on the Account of Ship- P ^ Money 58 The LIFE, of Chap. IV. ^n. 1(541. Money. But the Great Difpleafure was agajnft the * Dr. Parr ^^^^ ^^ Strcjford,2iT\A. Arch-Bi(hop Luud. They were in the Life toth fent to the Tovoer, and a Charge was drawn up of Arch- againft them, and managed prefendy againft the Lord- BifI)o]} Ufh- t)€^\ii^' PVentvoorthy by the ableft Lawyers and Gentle- er, rvhich men of the Houfe. This was a Matter they were long hepuhlifh'd about ; for the King being unwilling to confent to bis tn FV/o, Deach, us'd all his Skill to ftop the Profecution. A inenttoning D^vifion arofe among the Great ones. The Lords Kj/i^- t'o r I "'If ^^^^ ^"^ Digby, and other Perfons of confiderable Note, tin \' '^ ^^^^ ^^^ gratifying tlie King by fp^tfirig him. Others ztpon thti w^rc vehement on the other Side, faying : That if af- Occaf:on ^^^ ^ plain Attempt to fuhvert the Fundnynentnl Ltiws fays he xpas ^^^ Liherti^s, no one Man fhould fuffsr Denth^ it xcould injnr''d by encourage others hereafter in the like. The Londoners Peti- Common tion'd the Houfe for Juftice^ and follow'd them with Tame, in their Cries and Clamours : And an unhappy Painter the Feport drew the Pidiures of the Chief of thofe Members who fpread a- vvere for faving the Lord-Deputy, and call'd thern ^fr^f- broad.about fQy^j^„j^ hanging them with their Heels upward on the he H ^-^^^^^^^' This Procedure made the Lord Di^hy and KXdye. e ^^^ j^Q^d Falkland heartily fall in with the King's Inte- ('pa'T 6t ]^^^'' being not fo immovable as fome others, whom that rphen neither Hope oor Fear, nor Difcontent, would alienate that Holy from the Caufe which they thought well of. Yet o- Man ivas thers were try'd with the Offer of Preferments. The in fuchLoiA Sny was made one of the Privy-Councii ; and Dangerous Mr. Oliver St. John the King's Solicitor, &c. But as Circumfian- this did not alter them, fo others would accept no Prc- ces, (IS that ferment, leaft they fhould be tho'tto feek thcmfelve*, or aRtffhowere f^c their Fidelity to fale. At length the Earl of Straf- lT r f'''^'^^^^ Condemn d, and the King l^ing defired to ;of '''J Sign the Bill, had the Advice of divers Bi(hops, and rL'H/;: !,"1?"§ ^JV'^' of A.ch-Bii]iopty/^.>, and l^rjuxon Liberty tn Piuiop 01 Lonacn. 1 he totmer'^, as v;as faid, told him, a'ih him, If he had advis'd tijt King to pnfs the Bill againd the Earl of Strajj'ord? To which he reply d, I l:now there is fach a Thing mofl wrongfully laid to my Clmrge - forIneithfrg3ve, nor aj^prordof any fuch Advice,astirat the King (hould Af- fcnc to the Bill agninft the Earl ^ baton the contrary told hisMajcdy, thatifhe was fatisfy'd hy what he hnd h.eard at liisTryaljtliat ih/- Earl was nor guilty of Treafon, his Majefty ought not in Confcicncc to confent to hisCondemnatio.n. It may perhaps contribute to the Reader's Satisfafiion to compare the Account here^iven in the Text and Muy^w^ v^ith Hi (hop Huckct'5 Lkfc of ^(h-Bifhop WilUamF, ptfrf. ?. f^^. 1^1. Jhdt % — - Chap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 20 That he might lavofully concur with the Judgment of his An. i6ai. Parliament Proceeding according to Law, tho his oxon 'Judgment were, that their Sentence was uvjuft • but the latter advis'd him to do nothing againft his'Con- fcicnce. There was great Heat auiongthe Members of Parlia- ment in thofe Debates which this Matter occafion d. Some were much againft Difpleafing and Provoking the King, and tho'c themfelves not obiig'd to attempt any other Juftice or Reformation, than what they could bring him to be willing to. And they thus ar- guM : T4^hen you have difpleasd and provoked him to the utmofty he will be your Kjng fliU ; and when you have fate to the longeft, you mu§i be diffolvd at' laft. Tou have no . Power over hps Perfon, tho* you have over Delimjucnt Sub- jeHs. If he prote^ them by Arms^ you muFt either your felves he ruind by his Difpleafure, or engaged in a War, Difpleafing him^ is but exafperating him ; and would ycu be E{uCd by a Kjng that hates you ? The more you offend him, the lefs you can trufi him*, and when mutual Co^fl' dence is gone, a War is beginning. And if it come to a War, either you will Conquer^ or be Conquer^ d^ or come to Agreement : If you are Conquer d^ you and the Common^' wealth are ruind, and the Kjng will be Ahfolute, and neg- leEi Parliaments^ and Govern as he pleafcth. If ycu ccme to an Agreement y it will either be fuch as you force him to^ or fuch as he is willing of : If the latter be the I{efult, it may be done more eafily and cheaply before a War than af- ter : If the former be the Iffue^ it can have no great Strength ; for nothing Violent is lafiing. And if you Conquer him, what are you the better ? He will flill be Kjng, and confequently have the Power cf Avenging him-- felf in his Hands, The Pleas of thofe of the other Stamp were of this Nature : // the Kjng be not to be difpleas'd, then this Parliament fhould never have bin call'd, Ship-Money fhould have gone on, and the Subje^s Property and Parliaments have bin fuffer'd to be over- thrown: Church Innovations fhould not have bin controul*d^ nor any Stop to the Suhverters of our Government and Li- berties attempted. Then no Members fhould fpecl^ freely of any of theje Things in the Houfe ; And what do we here ? Could not the I^ng have pleas' d himfelf without us ? Or 4o we come to be his Inftruments to give away the Peoples Liberties, and Ce$ up that which n begun ? Uither it is our P 4 Duty 40 The LIFE of Chap, IV. Jin. 1 64 1. Duty to I{eform^ and to I^covcr ciir Liberties, and ^^ lieve our Country, and Pitw'Jh Dclincjucnts^ or not ? If - not J let us go Home again. If it bc^ let w do it, and truji Qod. For if the Fears of fprefeen Oppp/ition /hall make us betrr.y our Count fy and Poflerity, we are Perfidious to them. Enemies to our /elves, and worfe than Infidels. As /or a iVar, the Danger of it may be avoided. It is aThing uncertain ; a-nd therefore a prefent certain l^*in, and that- by our ovon Hand, is nqt to be cho/en to avoid it. The f\Jng viay/ee the Danger of it as well as we^ and avoid it on bet- ter Terms : Or if he were willing, he may not be able^ to do any great Harm, Do you thin^ that the People of Eng- land arc fo mad oi to fight againjl thofc whom they have cho/en to repre/enP them ? To dejiroy themselves and the Hopes nf their Pcfierity ? Do thty not know, that if Par' liamcnts arede/troyd, their Lives and Ejiates are meerly of the Wdl and Mercy 0/ the Conqueror ? And what fear of I{cvengey when we miy continue, ^till we confent to our own Di/folution ? Can we not avoid confenting to it^ *till we fee our /elves cut cf the Danger of [{evcnge ? Thus were Mens Minds divided : But fome unhappy Means fell out to unite them, fo as to caufe thejn to proceed to a The Tore- War. ^ runmrs of The King had a confiderable Party that adherd to il7€ War. him, made up both of State PoUticians, and Friends of the Ecclefiaftical Hierarchy; who jointly fetthem- felves againll the Parliament, not only becaufe of their apprehended Encroachments on the Civil Power, but • alfo becaufe of the Church Reformation intended. But the Country Party carry'd ail Things with a High Hand, depending upon the Aiififtancc of true hearted Englipcmen if Matters came to Extremity. Many Things fell in to heighten Difconrents. The London Apprentices (enco^^rag'd by fome Members of Parlia- ment) in a Tumultuous Manner brought up their Pe- titions to I'Vefmiv/icr. In one of I heir Progrcflbs they met fome of the Bilhops going to the Houfe in their Coaches: Forgetting Civility, they cry*d out, No Bi- /}:>ops^ and flouted and ijifulied rudely. The Bifliops hereupon in a Fright met together, and declaring themlelvts Deterrd from their Attendance in Parliament by Clamours and Tumults^ drew up a Proteftation again ft aiiy Law that Ihould pafs in their Abfence. This was fo refented by the Parliament, iliat they who fubfcrib'd ii Chap. IV. Mr. Elichard Baxter. 41 it were voted Ddinquents, and fent to Prifon, as ^i- An. 1^41. tempting to deftroy the Power of ParJiaments. And e- 'ven Bifliop l-J^^U himfelf was one of ihem. Thcfc nu- merous Petitioners were alfo very OfFenfive to the King, infomuch, that when at another Time they pafsM by M/hite-hall, they were fet upon by fome of hi§ Cavahers, who laying hold of fome cf them, cut off their Ears. There was another Scuffle about M^dji- minfier^ Abbey ^ when Sir i{ich^rd W.Jcman^ that Head- ed them, waskill'd by a Stone from the Abbey Walls. Thefe Tumults made the King not think himfelf fafe, either in the City or near it. Great were the Jealoufies between him and his Par- liament. He diftrufted them, as thinking they bore hard upon him in every Thing ; and they diOrufted him without any Dependence upon his Declarations or Prooaifes. They were confident he was immoveable as to his Judgment and AfFedions, and that whatever be granted them was" but in Defign to get his Advantage utterly to deftroy them ; and that he did but warch for fuch an Opportunity. They fuppos'd that he utterly a^bhorr'd them, and their Adions againft his Ship- Mo- ney, his Judges, Biftiops, ^c, and charging him with the Brench of former Promifes^ they durft not take his Word in any Thing. This their Diffidence was many ways encreas'd. The two Armies of Scots and Engllfh remain'd undisbanded in the North, 'till the Parliament Ihould provide for their Pay. The EngUfh Army want- ing Pay, were Difcontented : Hereupon rhey enter- tained a Defign to inarch fuddenly up to London^ and Matter the Parliament. This being difcover'd, feveral of the Chief Officers (as Sir Jncob Aftley, O Keal^ and Sii Fulk^Himkj) wereexamin'd, and confefs'd T/?^ryor«e . ne^r the Kjng^ h/id treated with them nbout bringing up the Army. Which Examinations were publilh'd, and faiis- fy'd many, That the K^ng did but wntch vohiie he quieted them with Promifes^ to m^fter them by Force^ and ufe them at h« Pleafure. The Parliament, to prevent any Infalts, provided themfelves with a Guard, which they took to be their Priviledge. The Kiag difcharging them, fet another Guard upon them of his own choofing. This nvade them look like Prifoners ; and they fear'd they who made up the Guard appointed by the Kiog, would if 42 The LIFE of Chap. IV. jin. 1541. if commanded become the Executioners of his Wrath upon them. Upon which they difmiflcd them, and caird for a Guard of the City Regiments. At length the King, being advis'd no longer to ftand by and fee himfelf Affronted, took an unprecedented Step in go- ing fuddenly to the Houje of Commons, with a Com- pany of Cavaliers with Swords and Piftols, to charge five of their Members, vi:{. Mr. Pirn, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Hollis^ Mr. Strovod^ and Sir Arthur HnJJerigg, and and the Lord Kjmbolton^ ( afterwards Earl of Mm- chejler, and Lord Chamberlain ) with High-Treafon, Had they bin there, it was fuppos'd they would have bin feiz'd by Force ; bnt upon Notice before-hand, they abfented themfelves, retiring into the City. The Houfe was hereupon Allarum'd, as if their Li- berties or Lives muft be affaulted by the Sword, if they pleas'd not the Court 5 and thereupon they prefently Voted this A£tion, a Breach of their Privi- iedges^ and an Effe^}of the Kjr/gs-Evil CcunfeHcrSy and publilh'd their Votes, to awaken the People to refcue ihem, as if they were in apparent Danger. The King being difappointed, publifheth a Paper, in which he chargeth the aforefaid Perfons with Treafon, as ftirring up the Apprentices to Tumultuous Peti- tioning, &c. But confeffeth his Error in violating their Priviledges. Not long after, the Lord Dighy and feme other Ca- valiers, attempted at Kjngfton upon Thames to have •fuddenly got together a Body of Horfe, which the Parliament highly refented. But the Party was difli- pated, and he was Voted a Delinquent, and orderM to be Apprehended : But he fled to France, and thence wrote to the King, ( which Letters were intercepted ) advifing him to retire from the City to fome Place of Strength : Which they tool^ as an Advice to make open War upon them. The Irifh ^"^ x.\itxt was nothing that wrought fo much with Majfacre ^^^ People as the Iri/h Maflfacre and Rebellion. The mnd Rebel' ^^'7^ Papifts made an unexpedted Infurredion in all /ion. Parts of that Kingdom at once, and feiz'd upon al- moft all the Strong Places in the Land, and it was very wonderful chat Dublin efcap'd, which was to have bin furpriz'd with the reft, OHcb, 23. 1641. they Chap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. j^-^ they murther'd Two Hundred Thoufand Perfons. Men, Women and Children were moft cruelly us'd, the Women ript up and ^^^^ ^"' John Temple'* treated moft Filthily and Barbaroufly, ^'V/ory ; Dr. Junts'j .v^r, and Infants us'd like Toads or Vermin. '•'<^»t'^ "f f/^e f-v^m/n^^- Thoufands of thofe who efcap'd, came '^^'^ff^'^'^rlofOvt,- Stript and-almoft FamilVd to Dublin, ^1 ^M^^^ toaV'/- ^ijjcj^ ^ejg aj fjj^j Time on Foot. ' Thus then ftood t]TZt!!^n f he Cafe. from the ^^ unhappily fell out in the Days of Qjieen M-iry, Time of the ^^^^ ^^^ ^pformcrs being Fugitives at F'nnkford, fell in- Reforma- ^^ ^ Divijhn : One Part of them were for Diocefans^ tion, and the Engli/h Litwgy and Ceremonies^ that they might no Chap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 47 no more than needs depart from the PapiftSf nor feem -^- '^41. Inconftant by departing from what King Edward had begun. The other were for Calvin s Difcipline and H^ay of PVorpoip ; for the fetting up of Parochial Difcipline in- ftead of Diocefan ; and to have a Government in every particular Church, and not only One over a Thoufand or many Hundred Churches ; and for a plain and fe- rious Way of Worlhip, fuited as near as polTible to the Word of God. Thefe two Parties returning into England^ the D/o- cefan Party got Queen Eli:{abeth\ Countenance, and were Prefert'd, and their Way fet up. The other Party Fetition'd, and Hop'd, and Waited, but were Difcoun- tenanc'd, Rebuk'd, and by Law Supprefs'd. The Dif- countenanc'd Party were fervent Preachers, and of Ho- ly Lives: And fo were many of the Bilhops alfo in tbofe Days. Had they who fucceeded them been herein generally like them, they had in all Probability been more Honour'd and lefs AiTaulted. But when Jewel, Pill{inton^ Grindal, and fuch like were dead, many fuc- ceeded them, who were Men of another Stamp. The filenc d Oifciplinarians (as they were ftil'd ) did by their Writings, fecret Conference and Preaching, and their Godly Lives, work much upon fuch as were Religioufly addicted. So that this Opinion fpread very much, Thtit a j'uft Parochial Difcipline would very much I{eform the Church, and that Diocefam by excluding it cherifh'd Vice, The Prelatical Party finding their Places and Power, Lands and Lordlhips, aflfaulted by this Opinion, tho*t it necelfary more and more to fupprefs the Promo- ters of it. Hereupon, putting Epifcopacy, Liturgy and Ceremonies into theSubfcriptions which they impos'd on all that would be Miniflers or Schoolmaftcrs, they kept and caft out many worthy Men. For fome that were for Liturgy and Ceremonies, were not for Diocefans, but for Parilli Difcipline ; and fome that were for Bifliops were not for the Ceremonies ; and fome that were for the reft, yet fcrupled fome one 5 and he that could not fubfcribe to all, was forbidden to preach the Gofpel : Whereas in the mean Time, many Btfliops Preach'd but feldom, and abundance of Places had ignorant Rea- ders who could not Preach, qr weak Preachers whofe Performances were very mean, and ipany of them were alfo Scandalous in their Lives. Hereupon 48 The LIFE of Chap. IV. ubt. 1541. Hereupon, the Difciplinarians cry'd out of the Seve- rity and Impofitions of the Prelates, and the Ignorance and Scnnd.ilous Llvet of many of their Minifters : And they on the other Side, vehementJy inveigh'd againft the Noficonformijls. They call'd them Puritans^ which was the Name whereby they were commonly known. And in Procefs of Time, the Vidous Multitude call'd all Puritans that were Strict and Serious in a Holy Life, tho' ever fo Conformable. So that the fame Name in a Bifhbp's Mouth, fignify'd a Nonconfonniji ; and in an ignorant Drunkard's or Swearer's Mouth, a God/y Ohe" (iiAjt Chriftian, Now the ignorant Rabble hearing that the Bt'/hops were againft the Puritans, were the more embolden'd againft all thofe which they gave that Name to, and their Rage againft the Godly was the more encrcas'd ; and they cry'd up the Bi/hops, partly becaufe ihey were againft the Puritans, and partly be- caufe they were earneft for that Way of Worfhip which they found moft fuitable to their Ignorance, Carelefnefs and Formality ; and thus the Intereft of the Diocefans, and of the Prophane and Ignorant Sort of People, v/as unhappily twifted together in the Nation. Many alf<) were much fet againft the Bi/h^ps, by obferving Men of Parts and Piety (ilencd, while in- fnfficient and vicious Men were encourag'd and pre- ferred among the Clergy, and many Thoufands of the People were perifhing in Ignorance and Sm, for want of Help. And it not a little difturb'd them, to fee Fafting and Praying, and other Religious Exercifes which they found Beneficial, fo ftridlly look'd after, and punilh'd in the High Commijfioyi and the Bifhops Courts^ as if more Perilous than Common Swearing and Drunkenncfs prov'd to the Ungodly : And it ad- ded to their Difturbance, to have a Book publifh'd for Recreations on the Lord's- Day , with the Biiliops Appro- bation, as if they concurr'd with the Profane : That Afternoon Sermons and Le&urcs, tho' carry d on by Con- formable Men, were put down in divers Counties : Thar fo great aNumber of ConformableMinifters were fufpendcd or punifhed for not Reading the Book ot Sports, or about Altars, (3c, And fo many Thoufand Fami- lies, and many worthy Minifters, driven out of the Land : That Bowing towards Altars, and other Inno- vations Chap. rv. Mr, aichard Baxter. .^ ' — — — — 47 vations, .fere daily bro't in by the Hyper-Conformijis An. 164. none knowing where they would end : And finally ^ That the B.lhops proceeded fo far, as to fwear Men to their whole Government by the Et c.vrcm OatL and that thejf ,,pp. cv dofShip-Momy and other fuch Encroach- ments on their Civil Inrerefts. Thefe were the Caufes why lo many of thofe who were counted moft Reli- gious telj m with the Parliament. It hath indeed been alFerted, rhni it was Seditious Preachers who /itn d up the People, and were the Caufc of all the Commotions. Which is a notorious Falfitv Many indeed there were, who difcover'd their diflikfe ot the- Book of Sports, and Bowing to Altars, and Diminilhing Preaching, and Silencing MiHifters ^c and were glad that the Patliameiic attempted a Reforl Ration ; but very few even of thefe ftirr'd up to War but were fearful of the Gonfequences : But this is cer- tain. That whether they did fo more or lefs, they were almoft all of them Conformsble Mihifters, the Laws and 3ifliops having caft out the No?ico,?fo>TniJ} s'hng eno before. They who made up the Affembjy im/i- m^fter, and who thro* the Land were the Honour of rhe Parliament's Party, were almoft all fuch as had till then Gonform'd, and tor k thofe Things to be Law- ful in Cafe of Neceflity, but jong'd to have that Nccef- iity remov'd. . ^ Having afterwards the Advantage to be on theRiHn^ Side, it had undoubtedly been both their Wifdotn and the Nations Intereft, to have kept fome Bounds with- out running Things to Ejftremity. Had they endea- vour'd only the Ejedion of Lay-Chancellours, the Reducing the Diocefles to a narrower Compafs, or ihc Setting up a Subordinate Difcipline, and the Corredt- ing and Reforming the Liturgy , fo as to leave nothing juftly Exceptionable, in all Probability it had been pa- tiently born, and the Confufiohs the Nation afterwards run into had been prevented. There is good Reafon to fuppofe it, becaufe BifllOp Vjher, fVilUams, and Morton^ and many othet Epifcopal Divines w^ich them, agreed in certain Points of Reformation *, They had Cenfur'd * ^ t^>H the moft remarkable Innovations^ both in Doi5lrine and ^*^?" '** *^^ Difcipline ; andconcurr'd in altering the Common-Prayer^ ^*""^* ^'Z** fp as to obviate the Objections againft it ; and if any ^^^' ^^9- Thing of this NaciKe would have fuific'd, bad been like- E ly JO The LIFE of Chap. IV. * Thii ii ly to have fallen in heartily with the Parliament's Inte- contradifi- reft: But finding an univerfal Change inliftedon, and edhyBijho^ t\\2Li nothing iliort of the utmoft Extremity would fa- Hacket *« risfy, they lurn'd againft the Parliament and their Inte- his Life 0/ reft, and were as much difpleas'd as any ; except Arch- J^n '* Bifhop PVUliams. who afterwards took up Arms for the ^'/^^^ Parliament* TheReafotti The Reafons alledg'd by thofe who adhered to the of the Far- Parliament, were briefly thefe. They tho't the Dan- liamenta- get of the State evident from fundry Matters of Fadk. rians' Ship-Money they found threatned the Overthrow of Property. Many Parliaments had been dilfolv'd in Difpleaiure, after they had been long forborrt The calling up the Army, and demanding the Members, fatisfy'd them that the Ruin of the Parliament was de- fign'd. And the Murder of fo many Thoufand* in Ireland convinc'd them they were far from being Se- cure, while Men of the like Malignity were prote^ed, and could not be kept out of Arms, nor bro't to Ju- ftice. They tho't the Prefervation of a Kingdom was fuch an End to aim at, as would make any neceffary Means lawful, which God himfelf had not forbidden. The Parliament having a Part in the Legiflative Pow- er, they tho*t had fo far inherently a Power to defend it, which no Law can fuppofe them to give away : And as the Peoples Reprefentatives they fuppos'd them intrufted to fecure their referved Liberties, which the Law givcth not the King any Authority to take away. . They tho'c that the Judgments and Executions of the Courts of Juftice, being the Effeciis of Laws which King and Parliament have made, are of greater Au- thority than contrary Commiflions or Commands from the King alone. It confirmed them to hear it own'd fo generally, that the Sheriffs of Counties may in fome Cafes rai^c the Pojfc Comitatus^ tho' the King forbid ir, or grant a Commilfion to hinder it. They faid, That it belongeth to the Parliament to judge its own Members ; and that if on Pretence of punilhing fuch of tjicm as ^o offend, the King may come and fetch away, or denr.and thofe that difpleafe him, Parlia- ments and Liberties, and all the Security of them is gone. Many were confirm'd by the King's Anfwer to their Propofitions, wherein it was declar'd, That the Legijlntive Poxver woi in Kjngy Lords and Commons j and thn% Chap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 5 1 that the Government was mix*d, and not Arhitrnry - which they thought it muft be,if his Commiflions were of greater Power than his Laws and Courts, and if no 'Refiftance might be made againft fueh as executed an • Illegal Commiffion. The War ( they (aid ) was not a- gainft the King, but his Delinquent Subjeds. They pleaded, Bnrclrjy, Grotius de Jure Belli & Pact's, Hooker ' and Bilfiif, who all own the Lawfulnefs of Refinance in fome Cafes, and in fuch Circumftances as thciirs then were. Grotius fays particularly, Thr.r if fevernl Perfons have a Part in the Summa Poteftas, ( of which Legiflatiori is a Chief AH ) each Part hath naturally the Power of defending its own Intereji in the Sovereignty^ a- gainft the other Part if they invade it. And that if in fuch a PVar they Conquer, the Conquered Party loofeth to . them Im Share. hvAihiLi this h^o tvnc, ihtt it holdcth, tho the Law expre/Iy fay^ That one of the Parties floal I have the Power of the Militia : It being to be underjicod that he fhaS have it againft Foreign Enemies, and Delinquents^ iind not againft the other Part, But to go on with the Hiftory. \ '■ The King marching from Nottingham to Shrewsbury^ A further 'fiird up bis Army out of Shro-pfhire^ fVorceftcrfkire, He- Account of refordfldire, and H^nles. And the Earl of Effex march'd ^M ^^*** -^ith a Gallant Army to iVorceJler, Many excellent ■^' '^42* Divines were Chaplains to the feveral Regiments. Mr. Stephen Marfhnl and Dr. BurgeJJ, to the General's own Regiments. Mr. Obndinh Sedgwick^, to Col. HoU Iks Regiment. Dr. Calibute Downijig^ to the Lord i^o- berts's Regiment. Mr. John Sedgwicf^, to the Earl of Stamford's Regiment. Dr. Spurftow, to Mr. Hamf den's. Mr. Perkins^ to CoI. Goodwln\, Mr, Moor, to the Lord iVhdrtons. Mr. Adoniram Byfieldy to Sir Henry ■Cbolmley's. Mr. Nalton, to Col. Grantham's. Mr. Si- mean A/h^ either to the Lord Brook's or the Earl of Manchefter's, Mr. Morton of Ncw-Caftie, with Sir Arthur Haflerigg's Troop. With many more. On OBober the 23d 1 642, was the Battle at Edge-Hill, be- tween the two Armies ; in which the Advantage was on the ParliamentsSide. The King^s Army drew off to- wards Oxford ; and Effcxs towards Coventry, for Re- frefliment. There were a great many other Fights, particularly related by the Hiftorians of thofe 1 imes, who may beconfultcd by fuch as therein dcfirc Infor- E % mation. 52 .i-y.^ili-^i^ 1^ ^^^^9:}^' . mation. But ti\aj; ^i^[Hich upon . the Whple was the g^^ac^Caufe of j xhp Par J laments Strength, and the Kings Ruin, was that ih^ Debauched RabfcJe thro the I.and emVoIdenM, by his Gentry, and feconded by the Cooapnon Solaier^j(?:f hi5 Army, toi k aJl.that were call d Bplyr/tns for their Bjp^mies. And il^' fume of the K'ngs Gentry and ouperl>ur Officers we^e fo Civil, vthac they would do no. fuch Thing, ycc that was no i Security to the Country, while the Multitude did woat they Jiit. So that if any one was noted for a ftnd: and fanious Preacher, or fgr a Man of a Pious Life, he was either plun^'crcd or a{}ufed, and in danger of his Life. •And . if a Man did but pray in his Family, or wei:e buc heard r»'p-.-.^t' a Sermon, or (ing,a,Pfalro, they pie- . fently c^y'd cui: £{cifcis, H^undhcadsy ar^d all their Money artd G001I5 that were portable, prpv'd Guilty, how Jn- pdcenc loever they were themfciN es. This was it that filled the Armie$ and C»arr Tons of tne Parliament with Sober, Pi®us Men'. Thoufands had no Mind to med- dle, Nvith the Wafp,' bjit greatly deiired to iive Peace- ably at Home, when tlx- Rage of Soldiers and Drun- '- kards would not lirfFer them. Some :fiay'4 'dll they had, bern Imprifori'd. Some 'till^hey had been Plun- der d twi' e or .thrice over, and hadj nothing leff thcrn.. Some; were qmte ured oir^c : wiih the Abufe of all Comers Th^-quarrer d on ihcm ; and fome b> the Jo'olenoy of ff>ferii KeighboL-rs. But nijoft were afraid An 16 A A, ' -heir Live and fp fought Refuge in the Parliament'^ . ' TJlons. qP ^ /^ _ 'ftcr-thc War had been carry 'd on for /ome Time, / • r/V'*'<' ' Great Ut)ceitainty in what it would/lflbe; there ti 't Jtng.h. a great Change made on the Parlia- Side, which had confiderable ' Confequences. ; Ear] of *\lftx being weakened by a great Lofs in ffrf /, was laid by, and another General chofen. The Bcnfoti.^ given lor this Change were thefe. Becaufe of rhe Dijf'lutenejs of many of bis Soldiers, who were grown too like the King's Soldiers in Profancnefs and L xtdf?rfs : And withal, it was urg*d, That the Re- volt of Sir Faithful Fortcfcue, Sir ^chard Greetiville^ Colont- J Vny^ and others, was a fuificient Evidence, that they who had not a Senfe of Religion, were not much to be truRed, but might ea(iJy be hired by Mo- ney to betray (hem. It was dUcover'd> That the Cari't Chap. IV. Mr, Kichard Baxter. 5^ Earl's Judgment was againft Ending the War hy the Sword, and that he and the wifeft Men ab >ut hiai were for aiming only to Force a PntljicntoryT.eaty^ and againft a Conqueft. For he tho't, if the Kiug ihouJi Conquer, the Government of the Kingdom would be- come Arbitrary, and the Subjeds Property and Libe/cy would be loft : And that if he fhould Conquer, the Parliament would fwaljow up the Prero'rativc of the King, and the PrhiUdges of the Lords, aiid not krow bow to fettle the Eihte of the Kingdom or the Church, without injuring others, and running into Extreams' and falling into Divisions amongft themfeJ es. And therefore the New Regulators tho't that bv Delay, he gave the King an Advantage, and wearied out and ruin'd the Country ; aiid faid, TW/z^ Edge-Hill, New* bury, and other PUces, he had not profecuted his Vitiory^ hut flood ft ill^ andjavp the Kjngs Army I^treat^ andtipver purfud them^xvhen it had been eafy to have ended the M^.irs. But the main Spring of the Alreration, was the Preva- Jence of the SeBarian Intereft in the Houfe, joyn'd with Cromvpcl^s in the Army, which now began to can y all before it. Many honeft and intelligent People in- deed were for new Modelling the Army, putting out the Loofer Men, and taking in thofe who were mo^e ftridt and fober, but Vane and Cromwel joining toge- ther, outwitted and over-reacht the reft, and earned on their own Particular Intereft fuccefsfuUy. The Me- thod they took for comparing this Defign wicho^t Di- fturbance, by ftirring up againft ihemfeh es the Forces they disbanded, was hy 2iS elf-denying Vote in the Houfe, pafs'd to this Purpofe : That becavfe Commands in the Army had much Pay^ and Parliament Men foould keep to the Service of the Hou/cy therefore no Parliament Men Jhould be Members of the Army, This put out at once the Earl o^ Effex, and Earl of Manchefter, the two Ge- nerals; ^ndSiiiVilliam Waller, a valiant Major- Gene- ral, an4 a great many Colonels j and to avoid Sufpi- lion, Cromwei himfeif was put out at the firft. They then chofe for General Sir Thomas Fairfax, Son to the Lord Ferdinando Fairfax, who had been in the Wars beyond Sea, and had foughc valiantly for the Parlia- ment in Tork/hire. He was therefore chofen, bccaufe neither too Great nor too Cunning to be commanded by the Parliaoiem j nor toofubtilfor Cromwel to make E J a Tool 54 The LIFE of Chap. IV. a Tool of. He being chofen, CromvoeCs Men could not be without hirn : And therefore the Self-denying Vote muft be thus far difpensM with, That Cromnelxr\2i^ be in the Army, tho' no other Member of the Houfe were allow'd it 5 and To he was made Lieutenant-General. An. i(54<;. The Army being thus new Modell'd, was really in Ciomwci's the Hands ot Crc??iwel, tho* feemingly under Fairfjix's Jnterefi in Command. Not long after the Change, was the Fight the New- at Nafehy^ where the King's Army was totally routed 7nodeIl^d and put to flight, and about 5000 Prifoncrs taken, with '^'''"•^'''"^ all the Kings Ordnance and Carriage, and abundance ^l'','- ^ ^^ of his own Letters to the Queen and others inhisCabi- -'^ ' •^^' net: Which letters the Parliament printed, thinking ihey contained furh Things as greatly clouded the Re- putation of his Word and Cauie. Cromvoei in the Ar- my did all, and chofe almoft all the Officers. He firft made Ircfon Commiirary-General ; and wheii any Troop or Company was to be difpos'd off, or any con- fiderable Officer's Place was void, he was Cure to put a St£lary into the Place And when the Brunt of the War was over, he look'd not fo much at Valour as O- pinion : So that by Degrees he had Headed the greaicft Part of the Army with Anabaptifts^ Antihomians^ Scekr ers or Scparatifts^ at bcft ; and he ty'd all together by the Point of Liberty of Covfcience, which was theCom- lyion Intere/^ wherein they united. At length the Par- liament came to be fulicitous about keeping them from An. 16 a6. Tumults and Difobedience. But Sir Heii^y Vane Confe- Aft. 1547. ^^^"^^^"8 wi^h them, they procur'd 'the Hcufc to Dis- band almoft all the honeft County Forces and Garri- fons, which might have oppos'd them in their Defigns, and fo the Army went on with little Fear of Oppo- fition. The next Defign of Vane and Cromvocl was to ufc the Army to model the Parliament. With this Aim they ftir up the Houfe to pafs lome Votes, which they km-w would be moft difpleafingto the Army, and then ftir up the Army to the deepeft Refentn.ent. The Parliament Voted, Tl:)at Part of the Army fhos'.d go for Ireland, Pa^t be disbanded^ and Part continud. The Of- ficers told the Army, This was to Divide them, and De- prive them of their Pay^ And to get nn Advantage on them to I{uin them oi ScFinrieSy &c. A rare Reward for all their Services ! Ai Triploe-Heatb they emcr'd into an Engagement; Chap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 55 Engagement to ftick together, and were drawing up a Declaration of their Grievances. Col. Edward Hariey acquainted the Houfe with it. Cromwel flifly deny'd it and faid it was a Slander, akho' deep in the Secret, as he afterward acknowledg'd, when he Headed them in their Rebellion. The Parliament order'd all thar were faithful to forfake them ; and feveral Officers, as Gene- ral F/»c/7^r, Mz]oT ^Ifop^ Major Huntington, and others with a confiderable Number of common Soldiers, did fo ; but not being able to make a Body to refift them, it prov*d a great Addition to their Strength. For now all that were againft them being gone, they fiird up their Places with Men of their own Mind, and fo were ever after the more Unanimous, — —Upon this, Cromrvelznd his Obedient L^mhs (as he call'd them) advanced in their Defign, came nearer the City, anddrewupanlmpeach- ment againft eleven of the moft adive Members of the Houfe ; Sir Philip Stapleton^Slx H^iliiayn Lcwm, Col. HoU liSy ^11 John Maynard^ Mr. Glyv, Col. Edward Hariey^ &CC. And when they had forc'd the Houfe to feclnde them, as under Accufation, they Jet fall their Suit, and never profecuted them, nor proved them Guilty. Having ad- vanced thus far, they expeded to havefeund the Houfe very Pliable and Yielding, but were ftill difappointed. The City took Courage, and under the Condud: of two Major- Generals, Mnjfey and Pcint:^^ were for defend- ing the Parliamenc againft the Army ; but the Army fpeedily advancing, the Hearts of the Citizens fail'd them, and they let the Army enrer the City in Triumph. Whereupon, Majfey and Hollis, and others of the ac- cufed Members, fled into France ; and among the reft Sir Philip Stapletm^ who dy'd of the Plague x\g2.x Calais, As for the King, when Oxford was Bfiieg'd by the Par- OftheKittg^i liament's Forces, having no Army left, he efcap'd to the fi'i»s tothc North, and call himfelf upon the Scots^ who lay there ^**^'"'^-'^ '- "^^d with an Army. The Scots were puzled how to Oeer in ^'^^^ft^^* this Critical Jundure ; To fend him back to the Englifh "^'j'f ^'■ Parliament, feem'd Unfaithful, when he had caft him-{j^^^ J^.^'^'f. felf upon them : To keep him, would divide the two J^^^^^^// Kingdoms, and be follow'd with a War from England, for which they were not provided. After long Conful- tations, the Terror of the Conquering Army made them deliver him to the Parliaments Commiffioners, upon two Cpnditions : That the King's Perfon Ihould be pre- E ^ fov'd 56 The LIFE of Chap. IV. f£rv*d in Safety and Honour ; And that their Army ihould have half the Pay that was due to them advancM immediately. The Parliament hereupon appointed (Zo\. Greaves^ and Major- General Broven^ to attend the King at Holmby-Houje in Nonhawptcvjhire. Cornet Joice by Concert with the Leading Part of the Army, fetchc him ihence, and kept him amongft them, till rhey canfie to Hampton-Court^ where he was Guarded by Col.PVfoal- ley. The Army fawn'd upon the King at firft ; they blam'd the Aufterity of the Parliament, tvho had de- ny'd him the Attendance of his own Chaplains ; and of his Friends, in whom he took moft Pleafure. They gave Liberty for his Friends and Cha|)lains to come to him, and pretended that they would fave him from the In- civilities of the Parliament and Presbyterians. And vvhen the Parliament made him Propofals, they pre- fented him with Propofals of their own. But all on a fuddain they began to cry for Juftice upon him. A Council of AgitatouYs was chofen among them, of y/hich Colonel Jama Berry was President. They drew up a Paper call'd, The Agreement of the People^ as the Model or Form of a New Common-wealth. Cromrvel feems to be againft them ; and while they were con- tending, a Letter came to CoJ. iVnalleyy (from an un- ^cnown Hand ) intimating a Defign of rhefe Agitntotns to Surprize and Murder the King. Some think that this was fent from a Real Ftiend, but moft think it •was contrived by Crorfiwel, to affright the King out of the Land, or into fome defperate Courfe, which might give them Advantage againft him. The Colonel gave the King a Sight of the Letter; and be thereupon efca- ped fecjretly with two Confidenrs only to the Jjle of iVight^ committing himfelf to Col. Hnmmond^ who was Governour of a Caftle there : And here Cromwel bad him in a Pinfold, and was more fecure of him than before. While the King was confin'd, feveral Armies were rais'd in his Favour. One in Pembroke- foire^ by Major- General Langbom ; another in Scotland, by the Duke of Hamilton ; a third in Ksnt^ by the Lord G'^ring • and a fourth in Ejjex^ by Sir Charles Luc.is : But were all Defeated. At length the Parlia- ment fent to the King, while he continu'd in this Ifland, fome Propofitions to be confcnted to in order tp his Reftot^tion. Some of them he Granted, and others Ghap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 57 others he Refas'd. The chief Thing he ftuck at, was The utter Abolifhirig of Epifcopacyy and the Alienating of Bi'fhops^ and Deans and Chapters Lands. Upon which Mr. Marfhal, Mr. Vines^ and Dr. Sejr?ian^ were fent down as Commiflloners to difcourfe with him about it, in order to his Satisfaction. They debated the Matter with A^'C^I-Billiop ZJfhe , Dr. Hammond, Di\ Sheldon^ and others of the King's Divines. The Debates were printed, and each Party thought they had the better. Arch-Bifhopt^yfe."/ then ofFet'd the King his Redudi- oh of Epifcopacy to the Form of Presbytery, which the King would have accepted ; and had it been accepted oa jhe other fide, might have be^n the Foundation of a .a- 0ing Agreement. The King fending his Final Anfwers to the ParUa- ment, there were warm Debates among thm, 14^ ether they Jhotild acqwefc: in them Ji a fuyic^ent: ^y .und for Peace? And at laft they Voted his Conceffions a iufficient Ground for a Perfonal Treaty with him, and were fcr fending for him up accordingly. But Crowxvel and his Confidents, feeing all their Defigns would be utterly (Jifappointed by this Method of Procedure, fent Col. Pride to the Houfe with a Party of Soldiers, who Guarded the Door. Such Members as were to their Purpofe they let in, others they turn d away, and fome they Imprifon'd ; and the Remainder of the Houfe was henceforward caird the I{ump. The Secluded and Im- prifon'd Members publilVd a Writing call'd their Vin- dication; and fome of them would afterwards have thruft into the Houfe, but the Guard of Soldiers kept them out ; and the ks^mp were cry'd up for the only Honeft Men. They pafb'd a Vote to eftablifh a Go- vernment without a King and Houfe of Lords ; and fo the Lords diflblv'd, and thefe Commons fate and did all alone. They ereded an High-Court of Juftice \ v rhat the brought the King to his Tryal, Condemned him, and Paf>isisth9* ereded a Scaffold at White- Hall-Gate^ and there before they ABed • behind the Curtain^ had a conjiderahle Hani in thefe Commotions and their Tfagicallf- fucy there is yery good Eyidence. In the CoUefiion of Letters at the end of Dr. Parr's Life of Arch-Bi/hop Uflier, there is one written by Bp. Biamhall, (then Abroad) to that Arch-B'i[hr>p. 'Tis Hum. 293. wherein is this Ac- count. That in 1646. by Order from Rome, abore a i co of the Bomi/h Cler^ were fent into England, confiUing o/Englini, Scots, andhi^^ who 58 The LIFE of Chap. IV. had been K- 2i^yi\\ AlFcmbly of People Beheaded him. The Lord ducatcd in General Vnhfax Itood by all the while, full of Regret, 1 iance,lt>i- [5^. Xrick'd and Oveipower'd by his Lieutenant. At ly, Germa- ^.j^^ time of the King's Death, he was in wonderful ny, ^ an Perplexity, and when Mr. CnUmy\^ and fome other Mi- \[ho mere ^^^^^^ ^^^^ were with him, would have perfwaded him moTl^ of ^^ Rcfcue the King, his Troubles fo confounded him, them Soldi- ers in the 'Parliament'' s jirmy, and- were to hold Correjpondence vith the Ro- mamjls that jvae in the King's -A^^yi ^ho were not as yet admitted to the Grand Secret. Upon conferring together in 1^47. enquiring into the Keafons of each others Meafures^ they froduc'd Bulls ar.d Licenfes for their Warrant. Upon tvhich^ ffeing their Capacity of haying Secret Influence^ they wrote to their fereral Conrcnts, eJJ>ecially the Soibonifts, to kir^w whether the taking off" the K'nir rva^ a Thing to be fcrupled ? ^The anfwcr return d was this^ That it might Lawfully be done^ for Mother Churches Jldvancement. Agreeable where- to is the Account given by Vr. Peter du Moulin in his Vindicaiion of the Sincerity of the Proteftant Religion, written in Anfwer to a Jefuitical LI- htl^ caWd Philanax Anglicus 5 where he tells ttf. That thi Tear before the Kings Death-i a Sele£} Number of Englifh Jefuites were fent from their whole Tarty in England, frfi to Paris, to confult with the Vacuity o/Sorbon, then altogether Jefulted^ to whom they put this Quefiion in Writing ; That feeing the 5fujfes of the Truth of it. Upon confiiieratlon therefore they tho't it befi to ktep Silence, not daring to exafperate him. And they injiftrd no farther than that the Secretary of State, Sir William Morrice, jbould be ordered to write to him, to charge him to forbear Printing any ihin^ for the future in ^ngiiih, tonfidermg it ts^as pot his Kative lAugua^ti TnU was accordingly Chap. IV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 50 ihac they darft let no Man fpeak to him. Cromvod (as ^o«e. And it was faid) kept him Praying and Confulting, 'till tlie ^^'°' '^-'^ Stroke was given. But when a Jictle atcer, War was /''^'^^ ^"^'^^ determined againft Scotltvd^ he laid down his Commiifi- ^'^^ ^^'»' on, and never had to do with the Army more : And ^^/ fi'^^^^i^ Cromwel became General in his ftead. ^'^^' "^f^^^' rvardsj and lert^e asoft repeated-, y:t did they think fit to contime fiUnt, Tvithout eyer ealUng him into ^te/tlon before the Judgci^ according to hn deflre ' To this Mr. Piynn'5 Account may be added, who ift a Book called^ TIic 1 nw and Per- feft Narrative, p 46. relates thU Pajfa're : That tiin the 'Saffage related by Mr. Baxter, in hit Hiflory, Tart 2. p. 373. muih the more Credible ; the Story is this. One Mr. Atkins of GloccrlLrOiiie, Bro- ther to Judge Atkins, being beyond Sea, with others that had fery'd KInr Charles the Tirft, fell into intimate Acquaintance with a Tneft, that had been (or then was) Governour nf one of their CoUedges in Flander^. They agreed not to meddle with each other about Religion, and fo continued iheif Triendfhip long. A little after the King was Beheaded, Mr. Atkins mec this Prieft in London, and going into a Tavern with him, faid to him in his Familiar way : What Bufmefs have you here i I'll warrant you come about fome Roguery or other? Whereupon the Prieft told him, as a Great Secret, That there were 50 of them here in London, who bj Inftruftions from Cardinal Mazarine, did take care of Publick Affairs, and had fate in Council, and debated the Queftion, Whether the Kin? (hould be put to Death, or not? And that it was carry'd in the Aihi*- mative, and there were but two Voices for the Negative , which was his own and anothers. And that for his Part he could not concur with them, as forfeeing what Mifery this would bring up- on his Country. This Pajfage was fir ft trjd to Mr. Baxter, ij Mr. James Stanfield, a Glocefterfhire Minifter , who had it fi-sm 3.V. Alk'ins hirnfelf : And afterwards relating it to Dr. Thomas Goad, wljo was well AccjuaiTtted with the faid Mr. Atkins, he deftred him to enquire of him concerning it', and he afterwards told him, Tim Mr Atktm ai- fur'd him it was true. Which Particularity of -^o of the Jcfuitical Crew coming about that time from France w//// a Special Commijjt^n, agrees r cry well with the Account given in a Book call'd, The Fiir Wijrning, printed many Tears before ; wherein is thii pajfage : That ^O Prices were met by a Proteftant Gentleman between Roan and Dicp, to whom they (taking Iiira for one of their Party; declar'd, That rhey were going in- TLc 6o The LIFE of Chap. IV. to EngUni The Minifters all this Time generally Preach'd and and would Pray'd againft Dinoyalty. Tbey drew up a Writing ro take^Arms ^^^ ^^^^ General, (which was printed) declaring their 2plnlnt ^l^horrence of all Violence againft the Perfun of the JlrZyl^nd ^^"^' ^"^ "'■g'"g tiioi and his Army to take heed of endeavoux- to be Ag^ltatour:. ICotvithftand'.ng the Abundant Kyidenfe of the Concern of the Papifts in this jifair, many haye taken tfte pccdom to Char^^e it on the Presbyieri- ans, but -very unjujily. He that voould fee the7n fully Vindicated, may Con- fitlt The Conformifts firft Plea for tlx Nonconformifts, vhere there is an Appendix dejtgn'd on purpofe to wipe of tbat AJperfim. Their Carriage in the vhole matter is tfure particularly related, and their Innocence cleared by Authentlck Eridence. ^ In December, 1648. The General, and the Army fent to fey er at of the City Ministers to meet the Officers of the Army^ in their Confultations about Matters of Religion. Some of them, as Mr. Calamy, Air. Marflial, Mr. Afh, A/r. Whi taker, Afr. Sedgwick, CJrc. attended them^ apd manifeJl.d their difike of their Anions: And afterwards ahoye 40 c/ the City Alj ni Tiers fent , a Letter to the General, te/lffying their Concurrence with their Brethren afore-;. faid; freely declarin>r agatnsl their ^Seizing and Imprifoning the Verfon of the King, &c. And afterttfards^ when the King's Trial came o«, they publi/h'd a Vindication of tltemfelyes-., declaring before the vpJ^ile Worl((^ that that vhich put them upon a fearing for the Parliament at firft, wm the Propoiti- cns and O'ders of the Lords and Commons, June I o, 1642. for bringing in of Money and Plate -, wherein they were ajfurd it fhould be m otlurwife ern- floyd^ than to maintain the Proteftant Religion, the King's Authrity, His JPerfoft in his Royal Dignity, the fiee Courfe of Justice, the Laws of the Land^ the Peace of the Kingdom, and the Priyiledges of ParUament, againfi any Force which fhould oppofe them. That, they were wholly unfutisfyed with the fr ceedings, jince the Exclufon and Imprifonment of the Members of the lioufe of lommons; and held themfeha bound in Duty to God, Religion^ the King., Parliament, and Kingdom, to profefs before God, Angels and Men, that they Eerily belieyd, the taking away the Life of the King in the way of Trial then depend'n:^, was not only not a. D. ' Edi. 5U^iLon,, D.D. .T}io. Temple, D. D, ■ ^Geprge' Walker, ^ '• .Edm. Calainy," Jer. Whi taker, . . Dan. Cawdrey, WiU Spunlow, D. p. _ La. Seaman, D. D, Simeon Afhe, Thomas Cafe, Nrc. Proffer, Tho. Thorowgood, Ed w. Corbet, Hen. Roborough, John Downham, Arthur Jackfon, J.?mes N a Icon, Thomas Caw ton, ■ Charles' Off- fpring,' ^ Samuei Clark, -,' Francis Roberts, ■Samuel Bolton, Map. Kaviland, John Sheffield, WillramKarrifon, -William Jenkjn, " John Viner,' Elidad Blackwell, John CrolTe, John Fuller, William Taylor, Peter Withara, Francis Peck, Chrift. Love, J. Wallis, D. D. Thomas Wattfon, William Wickins, Thomas Manton, D. D. Thomas Gouge, Williim Blp.ckmoic, Robert Mercer, Ra. Robinfon, Johh Glafcock, Thomas Whaccly, Jonathan Lloyd, John Wu'ls, Benj. Needier, Nath. Sraniforch, Steven Watkins. Jacob Tice, John Stileraan. Jofias Bull, John Devereux, Paul Ruflel, Jofhua Kirby, Arthur Bailiam. The pubii/hing of this Taper,- iphifh was Intitled, A ferious and faithful Reprien Cation, of the Judgments of the Minifters of the Gofpel within the Province of London, in a Le:ter to the General and Council of U'ar, 74«.'f8. 1^48. delivered by fomeof the Subfcribers^ was a plain running unbarr^ forcd him to a Fight by engaging his Rear. They were totally Touted in Fight, and had their Foot taken, and their Horfe purfu'd to Edinburgh. Ten Thoufand Prifoners •were bro't to Kevo-Caftle, where being negietSted they were moft of them FamilhM. The Colours that were taken, were hung up as Trophies in M^cjlminjier- Hal/^ and never taken down till the King's Reftauration. CrowTP^/ enters £^/«/7wr^/j Triumphantly, and drives the Scots to Sterlings beyond the River, where they forti- fy *d themfelves. He took the impregnable Caftle of Edinburgh^ after a fhort Siege, and then pafs'd his Ar- my over Sterling River, in purfuit nf the Scotj. Kmg Charles with the' Scotch Army, not being a^'!e to fight bim, haftily advances towards England^ hoping that great Numbers of the En^l Jh would join themfelves to him. But many Things concurr d to hinder his ex- pedled Fncreafe. The Manner of the Scits coming a- way, perfwaded People that NcciTity fojc'd tn^ni. and they Were rather look d upon as Flying, than ^s Ald.ch- Chap. V. Mr, Elichard Baxter. 65 ing into England, And few will put themfelves into a Flying Army, which is purfu d by a Conquering E- nemy. Witha], it was .altogether uncertain, how the Country would have been treated,had they now appear'd for the King, before they were affur'd of an Amnefty of part Diforders, and an Abatement of their former Burthens. And at the fame time, the Event was very uncertain, the Fame of the late Vidtory at Dunbarr had rnade great Impreflion, and Cromwel's fpeedy Pur- fuit raisM fuch an Expectation, that People were gene- rally willing to fee how I'hings would encline upon an Engagement between the two Armies, before they'd difcover themfelves ; So that tho'the Earl of Derby, the Lord Talbot J and fome GentL^men, joyn d themfelves to the King's Army, yet the Country in general would not follow their Example. The King came by the way of Lancnjhire, and fummon'd Shrewsbury in vain, as he pals'd thro' Shropfhire : But when all tho't he was haft- ning towards London, where it was commonly appre- hended he might have attain'd his Ends, encreas'd his An. 16 $i: Strength, and had no Reiiftance, he turn d to Worccfter, and there refrelh'd his Army. Cromxvsl overtook him there, and fought to ftraiten him: But not enduring to be pent up, the King refolv'd to Charge him; and the Scots at firft behav d themfelves gallantly : but at length, ^^^^ ^. ^^^ thinking they had a Security behind them, they retreat- J\i^J^J.^ ed into the City, and at the fame time Cromveets Soldi- ^^^ ers purfu d them fo clofe at the Heels, that they enter'd the City with them. The Surprize of this was fo great, that the whole Army fled thro* the City in great Confufion, many being trodden down and flain m the Streets, and they were utterly rouced. ^ In their flighty the Troopers that were fcatier'd up and down the Coun- try, difpatcb'd many of them. The Marque fs of H^- milton (late Earl of Lanerick) was (lain. The Earl of Derby and Capt. Bcnb^vp of Shrewsbury v/ere both taken, and put to Death. The Earl oi L^-tidprdMc, and the Earl of Craford, were fent Prifoners to iVtndfjr-Caftle, where they were detaind 'till the King's Reftoration. As for King Charles, when he feparated him ell from his Lords, he went to Bofcohl by the iV.j^te In- dies, where he was hid in an Onk, in a manner luffici- ently declarM to the World; and ihence loMo/ey: After which he accompany'd Mrs. Unc as a IraveHer 6G The LItE of Chap. V. and efcap'd all the Searchers Hands, 'till he carre fafe beyond Sea. Tiie Sects Army being utterly difpers'd in Englnndy and many of the Prifoners of Foot fent to the Bari adoes zndoi\\e\' American Plantations, parr of c'^^^^w^/'s Ar- my wasdifpatch'd into Scotland to profecutc the Victo- ry there. All their Garrifons at laft were taken, and the Ear] c^Glencar??, and the Noble Ear] o^ Bnlcnrres^ (who kept up the laft Forces there for the King) were forc'd to fly to King Charles beyond Sea. Upon which Major-General Mo)it^\Nis left there, with fome Forces to keep the Country in Subjeftion. uin. i6^\. A little before the Fight at l^orcesfer, divers Perfons Mr. LovL'i^ere feiz'd on in London for holding CorrefpondenCe Tryal ^"^ vvith the King. Many of them were Presbyterian Mi- Hxecutton. nij^ers, who for meeting together to contrive how to raife a fmall Sum of Money for Majfefs Relief in Scot- land, were charg'd with Plotting ageing the Government, Eight of them were fent to the Tower. Mr. Arthur Jaclfon, Dr. Drake, Mr. PVatfon, Mr. Love, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Thomas Cnfe, Mr. I{nlph E^obirijon, and Mr. ^ch.Heyrick^ S t,ia only dedarin^ the Manhge wi-ir. that he m:^ht be their Proredlor. A Juntlo "■ :s drew up a Writing, called. The hiftnimcut of yn.nt f the Cornm 'u-wcalth of England, Scot- ' iland. Thi<; Inftrument made Oiiver Crom- ivj Pjott^i^or of the Commfn-wealth. The Lord • v and Aldermen, the Judges and OiHceys of ny were fiuidainly drawn togrther to H^elbniyifter- I upon the Reading this Inftrument inftall'd Crom^ Chap. V". Mr. Richard Baxter. 5q CrcmvQcl in the Office of PrcteHor^ and fwore him ac- cordingly; and thus the Common-wealth feem'd orce more to have a Head — ^As for rhe Proceedints of the Parliamenrs which he caU'd in hi^ Protedlorihip, th.^ir difpleafing him by Ravelling hir Inrtriimenr, an.^ his rough and refolutediiiblving them, the Fartici'lais may be feen in the Common Hiiiorians of the times. One of his Chic 1 Works was the Pwgivg of the Mi- rhe Triert n'iftry. The Synod of Weftminfter was dilTolv'd with the ofMmjitrs. Parliament : And therefore a Society of Mmifters with fome others, were chofen by Crcjnvoel to Cii at I4^hite-' Hn!!^ under the Name of Triers^ who were moftly In- dependents, but had fomc Presbyterians join'd with 'em, and had Power to try all that came tor Inflirution'or In- duction, and without their Approbation none were ad^ mitted. They themfelves examin'd ail that were able to come up to London: But if any were unable, or of doubtful Q.ualitications, they referred them to fome Mi- nifters in the County where they livM, and approv'd them, if they approv'd rhem : And with all their Faults, thus much n«ui4 be faid of thefe Triers, that they did a great deal of Good to the Church, rhey fav'd many a Congregation from ignorant ungodly Drunken Teachers. That fort ot Minifters that either preacht againft an Ho- ly Life, or preacht as Men that never were acquainted with ic; all thofe that us a the Miniftry but as a Com- mon Trade to live by, and were never likely to Convert a Soul, all thefe they ufualiy rejeded; and in rheir ftead admitted of any that were able ferious Preachers, and liv*da Godly Life, of what Opinion foever they were that was tolerable. He had the Policy not to exafpera:e the Minifters and An. 16 $6. others, who confented not to his Government; bur he Cromwei.'i let Men live quietly, without pmring any Oaths of Fide- CoMduH: iity upon them ; except hisParliamenrs, which were not ^^'^e rra- fuffer'd to enter the Houfe, 'till they had Tworn Fideli- f^<.7&r. ty to him. The Sedfcarian Party in his Array and elfe- where he chiefly trufted to, and pleasM, 'till by the Peo- ples Submiflion and Qiiietnefs he tho't himfelf vvell (et- led: And then he began to undcrmme them, and by De- grees to work them out. And tho' he had fo often fpo- ken for the Anabaptifts, he now finds them fo heady, and fo much againft any fettled Government, and ^okt up- on the promoting of ^heir Way and Party, that he doth b 70 Jhe L 1 F tL of Chap. V. not only begin to blame their Unrulinefs, but alfo defign- eth to fettle himfelf in the Peoples Favour by lupprelfing them. In JreUnd they were grown fo high, that the Sol- diers were many of them Rebaptiz'd, as the way to Pre- ferment : And they who oppos'd them were crulht with lincharitabje Fierccnefs. He fent his Son Hen v Cromvoel into Ireland^ who mightily fuppreft them, and carry'd ic fo obligingly to all, that he was generilly bel.)v'd. So that Major-GeneralLv.^/rTr, who headed the Anabaftlfts in Irelnnd^ was forc'd to fubmit. And tho' h? longcon- nivM at his Old Friend Harrifov^ the Head of the Anabaf- tijis here, yet finding it would be an acceptable thing to the Nation to fupprefs him, he doih ic in a Trice j and makes him Contemptible, whobutyefterday tho*t himfelf not much below him. As eafily alfo to the full doth he lay by Lambert : Which were very pleafing Adiions. An. i6'^2. At length Cromvpel, who had efcap'd the Attempts of Jii's Death many who fought to difpatch him, could not efcape the ttnd chara- Stroke of God, but dy'd of a Feaver, before he was a- ihr. ware. He dy'd very fuddainly, tho' a bold Man, (one of the then prevailing Party) praying for him, had faid. Lord ! we ask^ not for his Life., for that xvs are fare of; but that he mayferve thee better than ever he has done ; to the Di(honour of that Prefumption, which fome Men call a Particular Faith ; that is, a Believing that that they (hall receive ivhatfoever they ask, if they can but ftedfaftly believe that they (hall receive it ; tho* it be fuch as they have no other Promife for, but that of Hearing Believing Prayers^ "which they mifunderf^and. Never Man was highlier extoird, or bafelier reported of, and vilify 'd than this Man, according as Mens Imerefts led their Judg- ments*. The Soldiers and Se(3:aries highly roagnifyM him. * There ii a rery memorable Tajf.i'rc concerning him, related in Eifhop Hacket'5 Life of Arclj'biffyofjWiU'ums. 'lis this: That Bp. WillhmS' (wijovr/t^ perhaps a-s well accjuaintcd rvith Men and Ti)ings oi rnnfl Statefmen rse Jjave ever had in this A'ation) being in the Tear 1 6^/\.fent for by K. Ch2r\es the fir /i owto/Wale?, vhtther he hadretired, he attended him accordingly at Oxford. Among other Ad- yicehe gave the King at that time, he a£urdhim^ That Crnmwcl^ who was lately taken intotiif Parliament's Army by h'lsCouiinHambden, wasrhemoft dangerous Enuny that his Mnjefty had: And therefore he adyi^'dhim^Ehhcr to win himby Promifcsof fair Treatment, or catch him by fome Stratagem and cut him fhort. Nay, (faith Bp. Hackei) his Servants often heard him fay long be- fore the Events That ihey would live to fee the time, wlien Cromwd would bear down all other Powers before him, and fet up himfelf. Chao. V. Air. Richard Baxter. 7i I him, rtll he began to feek the Crown, and the Efta* " blifliinenc of his Family : And then there were fo many .hat woald be half Kings tbemfeJves, that a King feem'd intoHerable to them. The Royalifts abhorr'd him as a moft Perfidious Hypocrite : and the Presbyterians tho'c bim little berter in his Management of Publick Matters. Upon the whole, Mr. Baxter hath left this as his Judg- ment concerning him: Tbnt he began loWy androfe high' er in his B^folutions ai his Condition rofe : And the Promi^ fes wh'ch he made in his loxver Condition^ he uid as the hi- tere§t of his higher foUovoing Condition did require ; and l{€pt di much Honefly and Godlinefs, in the main, as his Caufe and Interell would aSow him, and there they left him. And that his Name ftandeth iH c MoJiitory Monument OY Pillar to Pqfterity, to tell them the Inftability of Man in ftrong Temptations, if God leave him to himjelf. tpl^ap Pride can do, to make Man Selfifh, and Corrupt the Heart mth 111 Defigns : What SelfiJhneJ] and I'd Defigns can do, to Bribe the Confcience, Corrupt the Judgment, mal^e Men julfify the greatest Errors and Sins, and fet againft the ckareft Truth and Duty: What Bloodfhed, and great Enor- mities of Life, and an erring deluded Judgment may dravo Men to do, and Patrpni:(e^ And that when God hath Dreadful Judgments to execute, an Erroneous Senary, or a proud Self'feeker, is oftner his Inftrumcnt, than an Hur?j~ tie Lamb'like Innocent Saint, Cromxvel being dead, his Son Richard, by his Will Kiciind'^ and Teftament and the Army, was quietly fettled in his Succr(jion. Place, The feveral Counties, Cities and Corporations of England, fend up their Congratulations, to own him as ProteHor, He Interred his Father with great Pomn and Solemnity. He callM a Parliament wichnuc any fuch Reftraints as his Father had us'd. The Mem- bers took the Oath of Fidelity to him, before they cntrcd the Houfe. And all Men wondred to fee all lo quier in fo dangerous a Time. Many fober Men, that call d his Father no better than a Traitorous Hypccnte, began to think that they ow'd him Subjedion. But the Arn»y itfeems fee him up .only upon Tryal, refolvmg to ule him as he behaved himfelf. And tho they fwore Fide- lity to him, they meant to keep it no longer than he pleas'd them : And when they faw that he began to fa- vour the fober People of the Land, to Honour I ariia- ments, and to Refped the Minifters call d Presbyterians p ^ mey The LIFE of Chap. V. they prefently refolv'd to make him know his Mafters, and that it was they^ and not he, that were call'd by God to be the Chief PrcteHors of the IntercB of the Na- tion. He was not {o formidable to them as his Father, and theref >re every one in a little time boldly fpurn* d at him. The Fifth Monarchy Men under Sir Htmy Vane, rais'd a violent Clamorous Party againft him among the An. 1559. City Sectaries. R^g^^s and Fer.ke^ and fome others of their Temper, blow'd the Coals : But the AfTembly at iVallingford Hcu/e did the main Bufincfs. It was there And Deffo- determined, That Richard'^ Parliametit mufi be dijfolvd^ Jiiion. and rhcn he quickly fell himfelf; And it was as foon done almoft as determin'd. Tho* Col. In^olshy, and fome others, would have ftuck to theProte(5lor, and have vcncur'd to furprize the Leaders of the Faction, and the Parliament would have been true to him ; Yet Berry's Regiment of Horfe and fome others were juft ready to begin the Pray againft him. And he, as he fought not the Government, fo was refolv'd it fhould coft no Blood to keep him in it : And therefore he re- fign'd it by a Writing under his Hand, and retired him- felf, and left them to govern as they pleas d. His Bro- ther-in-Law Fleetwood ^ and his Uncle Deshorough, were , fo Intoxicated as to be the Leaders of the Confpiracy. The Core of the Bufinefs was this; That Oliver had once made Fleetwood believe, that he (hould be his Suc- celfor, and drawn an Inftrumcnt to that purpofe; but his Laft Will difappointed him. However, now they fct up a few of rhemfelves, under the name of a Co«n- cil of Stnt^, wherein F>ectwJod wasuppermoft, and Lam- bert next him. K:n^ The Nation being tired with Changes, foon difcover'd Chariest ^heir Uneafinels. Sit Geo' ^^e Booth and S\r Thomas Mid^ Jteiiaurati- ^letot?^ rais'd Forces in Chefloire and Korth-H^ates for King «"• Charles^ but being faifd by the Cavaliers that Ihould have joyn'd with them, Lambert foon routed them : And it the fame time Sir Arthur Haflerig^e fiezes Fortfmouth for the l{ump. Monk^ purges his Army in Scotland of Annbapti^s^ and marches into Enginnd. The I{ump Party with Hnflerigge divided the Army at Home, and fo difablcd them to oppofe Monk^ who march'd on to the great Surprize of all. At firft, he joyn'd with the i{}*mp againft the Citizen?, and puU'd down the City Gates to terrify them : But at length, being invited ^ ^ ^ '■• inio Chap. V. Mr, flichard Baxter. 7^ into the City by Sir Thomas Allen, then Lord-Mayor, he An. i66c joynd with them agaitift the Rump, which, was the ve- ry Thing that turn d the Scales, and bro'c in the King. Aiowi^ calls together tke Old Secluded MsmbcrSy agreeing with them. That they fhould fit but a few Days^ and then dijfolve themfehes, and call another Parliament. They, confented, appointed a Council of State, and diflblv'd themfelves. In this Council of State, it was put to the Queftion, Whether they Jhould call in the Kjng upon Treaty and Covenant^ or entirely confide in him ? And it was refolv'd to truft him abfolutely, Mr. A. parti- cularly fo perfwading. The New Parliament meet- ing, prefentiy appointed a Day of Fafting and Prayer for themfelves. The Hou/e of Commons chofe Dr. Gau- den, Mr. Calamy^ and Mr. Baxter, to carry on thfe Work of the Day. The very next Morning, May i. 1660, they unanimoufly voted Home the King, N^- mine Contradiccnte, The King being fent for over from Holland, certain Divines and others were fent by the Parliament and City to attend him ; vi7[. Mr. Calamy, Dr. Manton, Mr. Bowles, and others : And his Maje- fty gave fuch encouraging Promifes, as rais'd in fome of them very high Expectations. And when he came in, as he pafs'd thro' the City towards H^eftminjler, the London Minifters in their Places attended him with Ac- clamations, and by the Hands of old Mr. Arthur Jaci- fcn, prefented him with a richly adorn'd Bible, which he received, telling them. If fioould be the £{ule of his Actions. e H A p> 74 The LIB E of Chap. VI. CHAP. VI. Mr. Baxter'/ Cofidu£l of Himfelf during thcfc Publick Commotions and frequent Alter ai;^ ons. His Behaviour in the nrmy and pvoardt Cromwel. His Trouble from the Se<^>a' of thofe Times ; xviih an Acconnt of their Rife and Prevalence^ Principles and Pra- 3ifes. EX T R E A M S are very pJeafing to Humane Na- ture: Moft Men are (o fond of them, that they'll run as far as from one Pole to another in a Breath, rather than ftop in a more Temperate Region. Such is their Eagernefs, that nothing but what is violent: and furious can fuit them : And fuch their Stupidity, that they'll on each Side entertain more favourable Tho'ts of thofe in the oppofite Extream, than o£ fuch as keep in the Mid-way, being unwilling to bend towards the one Side or the other> any farther than a Cogency ot Rea^ fon fways them. And therefore it hath been often ol>- ferv'd, That Men of a Calm and Healing Spirit^ whofe grent Aim it hath been to avoid Extreams^ have been ajfaulted on both Sides xvith e/jual Fur;', tis if they vfere a Sort of Common Enemies. Hardly any Man ever had more Experience of this than Mr. Baxter ; who, in Political Matters en- deavoured equally to (hun the flavifii Principles of the AfTcrtors of Abfolute Monarchy^ and the confounding Notions of Democratical Vnjekors : And at the fame Time, in Ecclefiafiical Matters, was equally fearful of the Arbitrary Encroachments of ^{ffuming Prelates, and and the Uncharitable and Dividing Principles and Pra- W at f^y^fiminjier. Chap. VI. Mr. Richard Baxter. 8i Weftminjler. They ftumbled at fome Things in it, and efpecially ac the Word Prelncy. Dr. Burges, the Prolocutor, Mr. Gntakcr, and feveral others, de- clar'd their Judgments to be tor Epifcop^cy, even for the Ancient Moderate Epifccp/icy, in which one ftated Prehdent with his Presbytery govcrnd every Church : Tho' iTOt for the Englifh Diocefan Frams, in which one Bilhop did without his Presbytery, by a Lay-Chan- celiOiir*s ' Court, govern aJi the Presbyters and Churchesofa Diocefs^being many Hundred ^ and 'hat in a Secular Manner^ by abundance of upftart Secular Of- ficers, unknown to the Primitive Church. Here- upon there was a Debate in the Aifembly. Some ( ef- pecially the Scottifh Divines ) being againft every De- gree of Bilhops, and others for a Moderate Epifco- pacy. Bat the latter would not fubfcribe the Cove- nant^ \i\\ there was an Alteration fuited to their Judgments : And fo a Parenthefis was yielded to, as defcribing that Sort of Prelacy which they opposed ; 'vi:{, \That is. Church Government hy Arch-Bijhops, Bi- /hopSy Deans and Chaptert^ Arch-Deacons, and all other Ecclefiaftical Oncers depending on that Hierarchy.'] When it was thus agreed on, the Lords and Commons firft took the Covenant themfelves, and Mr. Thomas Coleman preach'd to the Houfe of Lords, and gave it them with this Publick Explication, That hy Prelacy we mean not all Epifcopacy, but only the Form which is here defcrib^d. When the Parb'ament had taken it, they fent it to be taken by all the Garrifons and Ar- mies; and commended it to all the People of the Land. And when the War was ended, they caus'd all the Noblemen, Knights, Gentlemen, and Officers, which had been againft them in. the Wars, to take it before they would admit them to Compofition, and they did fo. And they required all young Minifters to take it at their Ordination. This Covenant being taken, the Scots raised an Army and came into England, and clear'd the North; but afterwards lay ftill and did no Service, and thereupon were burdenfome. Which arofe from the Policy of C^mwel and his Party, who tho't them no fit Inftruments for their Purpofes, and thereupon kept them without Pay, and without March- ing Orders, &c, G The 82 The LIFE of Chap. VI. ^^_«JM^- ' — ■-■ - ■ ■ ■ -^ ■ — ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -- ■ , ,, TheAffem- The mention of the tVeftyninfter Synod, upon occa- hly of VI- iion of this Covenant, feems to require fome Account V;"««. of it. This Synod* was not a Convocation according * My Lord t6 the Diccefan way of Government, nor was it called Clarendon by the Voces of the Minifters according to the Presby- 7« hif Me- terian Way : But the Parliament not intending to call Tnoirs rol.l. ^j^ AfTembly, which Ihould pretend to a Divine Right f' '^'5- to make obliging Laws or Canons to bind their Bre- /-pX^/V,^ ^/ thren, but an Ecclefiaftical Council to be Advifers to /^ ^r^j'. themfelves, did think that tjiey beft knew who were AfTemblv^ the fitteft to give them Advice, and therefore chofe r:^; fomeof^^^"^ all themfeives. Some Counties had two, and them vvtre fome but one. And becaufe they would feem Impar- infamous tial, and that each Party might have the liberty to ja their fpeak, they chofe alfo many of the moft Learned Epif- lives and copal Divines ; as Arch-Bilhop Vfher^ Dr. Holdfvporth^ Converfa- Dr. Hnmmond^ Dr. Wlncop^ Bifliop W.-flford, Bilhop ^ionsj ^n^ p.idrnux, Bifhop J^rowwn^^, "Dr. Sander/en, DT.Hinfure vfont recommend his Hiftory to Tofitrityj vfho^iu be hard pm f) it, to find Men of more Exemplary Fiety^and hidre e7>iinent Minificrial Abilitiei:, amon^ their Progenitors in any Age, than jhefc ^ere -K?hom he endeavours at fuch a Rate to expofe. fi ho can gire Cre- dit to him as an Hifiorian that fhali reprefent fuch Men as Dr. Twif*?, llr. Gatakcr, B'flop Reynold'^, Dr. Arrotcfmith, Dr. Tuckney, Dr Light- foor, &c. as Men of icandaljws Ignorance, or mean Paris ? Or who runs down fuch Men as Dr. Gouge, Mr. Oliver Bawles, Mr. Vine?, Mr. Heile, Dr. Spurflow, Mr, Kev^'comcn, Mr. Coleman, c^rc. as Terpens of no orlicr Recantation than of Malice to the Church of England i I have added the tifi of this Ajfcmhly Let the World Judge of the Hiforian by the .^ffembly, iy. Samuel de la Place. Mr. John de la March. Mr. John Drury. Mr. Philip pelme. /1'/r. Sydrach Sympfon of London. Mr. John L^ngley of Weftnderly. Mr. Richard Cleyton of Showel. My. -<4rf/;r;vSalwey o/Seavernftoak. iifr. John Ley o/Budworth. A/r. Charles Herleo,^ Winwicki ^/jo was Prolocutor after Dr Twifs. Mr. Herbert Pal- mer of AQiWcil, B. D vpho rffas Afefor after Mr- White. Mr. Daniel Ciwdrcy. Mr. Henry Painter of Excefter, B.D. MY. Henry Scudder of CoMngbiirn. Mr. Thoma? Hill of Tichmarch,.B. D. Air. William Reynor of Egham. Mr Ihomas Goodwin 0/ London, B.V. Mr. William Spur- ftow of Hampden. Mr. Matthew Newcomen of Dedham. Mr. Jolin Co- nant n/ L^'ffiington, B. D. Dr. Edmund Staunton of Kingfton. Mr. An- thony Burgeffe 0/ Sutton Coldficid. Mr. William Rathband. Mr. Francis Cheynel o/Oxon. Mr. Henry Wiikinfon /««. B. D. Mr. Obadiah Sedg- Wick of Cogfhall, B. D. Mr. Edwaid Corbet of Merton-College, Oxon. >^/r. Samuel Gibiono/BurJey. Mr- ihomas Coleman 'jfBliton. yV/r. Theo- dore Hackhurft 0/ Overion VVatervile. iV/r. William Carter 0/ London. t>r. Pctef Smith. Mr. Juhn Maynard. Air. William Price of Paul's Covcnt-Garden. Dr, John Wir.cf'p 0/ St. Martin's i«^/je F/e/^<. >/r. Wil- liam Bridge 0/ Yarmouth. A:r. Peter Sterry of London. Air. William Mew of Efling-on, B. D. Mr Benj. Pickering of Eafthoatly. Mr. John S'rickland of New Sarum. Air. Humphrey Hardwicke. Air. Jafper Hickes of La wrick. Mr. John Bond. A r. Henry Hall of Norwich, B. D. "Mr. Thomas Ford. Mr. Thomas Thorowgood of MalTingham. Mr. Pe« rcr C J irk. A/r. William Good. Air John Fovcroit o/Goth:im. />ir. John Ward. y)/r. Richard B;Held. y>/r Francis Woodcock. A/r. J. Jackfon. The Commiffioners for Scotland Wfr?, the Lord Maitland. Air. Alexander Hcnderlbn. A/r. George Gillefpie. A^r. Samuel Rutherford. AndMr.Ko^ Lcrt Biylic. UJ)e Scribes were Air. Henry Robrough. Mr. Adoniram Byfield. And Mr. ]o]m VVallis. 7 here tpas aFrormfe or Vovf taken by eyery Member., vho vfds admitted to /'tin thlf AjfcwL/y, of this Tenour : I A. B. do ferioufly Promife and Vow in the Prcitjicc of Almighty God, that in this Alfeinbly whereof I- am a Member, I will maintain nothing in Point of Dortrine, but what 3 believe tg be niofl agreeable to the Woid of God : Nor in Point of pifcipline, but what may make moft tor God's Gloryj and the Peace and Good of his Chuj cl). government: Chap. VL Mr. Pvichard Baxter. 85 -> Government, they engagd them in long Debates, and This Af- kept the Matter as long as they coujd undeterniin'd : Tembly /5r/2 And after that, they kept it fo long unexecuted in al- ^^^^ '» Ju- raoft all Parts of the Land, except London and Lanca- ^y '^43* [hire, that their Party had Time to ftrengthen them- ^!^"'^ ■^'"'^" bet teas de- fi^nd to be no. The Eplfcopal Uhines refuflng to appear among them^ and fame others that were nominated^ abfenting themfehes, on th? Account of Age and In- difpofitlon^ many others were joined to them, who were cali'd the Super-added Divines. Each Member had four Shillings a Day allow d him by the Parlia- ment toxffardshis Expences. They continud their Meetings in the Tears 1644. and 1 645 But after the taking 0/ Oxford, when the Country was ^niet^ they moft of them return d to their own Cures, and fo the Affembly was re- folvd into a Sort 0/ Committee /or the examining the Abilities and good Ajfe- flions of fuch as were prefented to Livings, but was never formally dijfoly'd by the Authority that call'-d it. The Minutes of this Aflfembly are yet refervd in private Hands. The mofi remarhahle Hints concerning their Debates that are pubUp^d to tbs World, are to be met with in the Life of Dr. Lightfoor, before his Works in Folio, and in the Preface to the fame Doflor's Kemains in Oii-avo ; for which we are indebted to the Ingenious Mr. Sti'vpc, frefent Incumbent o/LoV/ Ley ton. The Altembly met with many Difficulties. They were not gnlj ernbarrafs'd by the DilTenting Brethren, but by the Learned Mr. Selden, whg^ often employ d hi s IT ncommon Learning, rather to pcrplexthanclear the Matters that came before them. The Eraflims alfo that were in tJjc Ajfembly, of whom: Air. Coleman and Dr. Lightfoot were rechond the Principal Perfons^ created them a '^reat deal of Trouble. And yet after all, it mufe be acknorp" ledg'd, they went as far towards clearing the Matters rejerr'd to them, 4S could be expcfted from Men in their Circumjtances. One of their firft Puhlick Afts was the prefenting a Petition to the two Houfes for a Vaji, which was readily comply d with. After which they proceeded to draw up a Letter to tlie feveial Reformed Churches Abroad, with an Account of their Clrcumftances and Intentions. And being called together to give Advice concerning the fettling of DoClrine, Worjhip and church Government, they after fame Time prefented to the Parliament, A ConfeHion of Fait/h : A larger and lliorter Catechifm : A Directory for the Publick VVorftiip of God throughout the Tliree Kingdoms o^ England, Scotland, and Ireland : And their Humble Advice concerning Church Government. After the la/i had been prejl'nted, the two Houfes of Parliament agreed upon fundry Ordinances, Direilions, and Fotes for the fpeedy E/iablifiment of the Presbytcrial Coyernment. They were publifj'd fin4er thefe Titles. Dircdions for the Chooiing of Ruling Elders in aJI Congregations, Augufi 19. 1 64 5. Rales and Direaions concerning Sufpenlion from the Sacrament of the Lord's-Siipper, in Cales o^' Igno- rance and Scandal, oa. 20. 164$. An Ordinance for keeping ncnt, and there was an End of the intended Settlement. There it one Work unjuflly Afcribed to this Affembly, and that is the Annofsrions on the Bible, which commonly bear their Name. It is true,» as is hin ted in the Freface before the faid Notes, the fame JParliament that cal I' d thp A(kmh\y, employ d the Authors of thofe Annotation^: Vor Let- ter< rvere dlrefhed to them by the Chairmen of the Committee for Keligion, wrinir thpir Undertahin'Z, of that Work : And they were by Order of that Cr.mmittee furr.ijJ)''d with whatfoerer Books were needful. It is alfo true, T^'at fev.ral of thofe that were concern d in it, were Members of the yT'^hly : And yet it was not undertaken by the Dire^ion or with the the Ajfembly :, nor were the major Part Members of the Ajfem' r did itiy deputed by the Ajfembly reriew the Work when it wai : So that it cannot, upon any Account, be faid to be theirs. How- was a good Work in its Seafon, and I fljall add the Names of the r Authors, as far as my bejl Encjuiry would help me to Intelligence. . '. \rv, Sub-Dean 0/ Chefter, did the Pentateuch. Dr. Gouge had the .:• ' Books of Kings, and Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Efther for his J -.'yince. Mr. Meric Cafaubon did the Vhlms, Mr. Francis Taylor the ■ roverbs, And Dr. Reignolds,Ecclefiaftes. Mr. Swalwood who wasrecom- r-. .idcd by Archbijhop Uflier, did Solomon's Song. TJje Learned Gataker ' ./ Ifaiah, Jeremiah, and Limeniations ; And is {in the Opinion of many Cn.petent Judges) exceeded by no Commentator, Anttent or Modern, on thofe f^ooks. Ezekiel, Daniel, and the fmall Prophets, were in the firji Edition done by Mr. Pemberton, and in the Second by Bifhop Richardfon. The Notes on the four Evangclifts, are Mr. LeyV, and thofe en S^PauI'i Epifiles Dr.Feat- l^.v's ', which latter are broken and i-.jpcrfec}, on the Account of tijc Author s dyin'T before he had rerls'd or fnifl/d them. There were alfo tr^o other Per- fens cn.Ktrn'd in this Work^ viz. Mr. Downame and Mr. lU'^ding, who miyill i and alJ the Points of Antimmianifm and Arminianifm. So that he was almoft always Difputing with one or other of them, fometimes for Civil Government^ and fome- limes for Church Order and Government ; fometimes for Infant Baptifin ; and often againft Antinomianifm, and the contrary Extream. But their moft frequent and vehement Difputes were for Liberty of Confcience^ as they callM it ; rhat is. That the Civil Magiftrate had nothing to do in Matters of Religion, by Con- ftraint or Reftraint, but every Man might not only Hold and Believe, but Preach and do in Matters of Re- ligion what he pleas'd. He found that one half almoft of the Religious Party among them, were fuch as were eitht-r Orthodox, or but lightly touched with their Mi- ftakfs; and almoft another half were Honeft Men, that ftept further into the Contending Way, than they could again get out of, but with competent Help might be recover'd. But a few fiery felf-conceited Men a- niong tbem kindled the reft, and made all the Noife and Buflle, and carried about the Army as they pleas'd. With thefe he endeavour'd to be Acquainted, and he would be often Difputing with them in the hearing of the reft ; and he found that they were generally Men that had been harcht up in London among the Old Sepa- ratifts^ and made it all the Matter of their Study and Religion to rail againft Miniftcrs, Parifh Churches and Presbyterians, and had little Knowledge, but were fitrce with Pride and Self-conceit, having gotten a great Conqueft over their Charity to all other Parties but their own. Some of thefe Men became the Laughing Stock ot the Soldiers before he left them : And when they Preacird (for they were great Preachers) their Weak- nefs cxpos'd them to Contempr. A great Part of the Mifchief they did was by difperfing Pamphlets, which the Soldiers would eagerly read in their Quarters, when there was none to contrad'.(5t them. But there was a yet more Dangerous Party among them, ( only in Major Bethel's Troop, in UVi}alley''s Regiment ) who took the dircd jefuitical Way. They hrlt moft ve- hemently declaimed againft the Docliinc of Hledtion, gpd for the Power of Free* Will, (^c. Then they as iierccjy Chap. VL Mr. Richard Baxter. ^i fiercely cry'd down the Prefent Tranflaiion of Scrip- tures, and debas'd their Authority, iho' they did not deny them to be Divine. They cry'd down the Mini- ftry of all forts, and all our Churches, they vilify'd al- moft all .our Ordinary Worfhip, efpecially Singing of Pfalms, and Conftant Family Worfhip ; they allowed of no 'Argument from Scripture but in exprefs Words j were vehement againft all Government but Popular j and utterly againft any Concern of Magiftrares in Re- ligious Matters. Whenever they Difputed, 'twas with as much Fiercenefs as if they had been ready to draw Swords. They trufted more to Policy, Scorn and Power, than to Argument. Thefe People avoided Mr, Baxter as much as poffible ; but if ever they en- gag'd, they drown'd all Reafon in Fiercenefs and Ve- hemence, and Multitudes of Words. They greatly ftrove for Places of Command ; and when any Place was due by Order to one that was not of their mind,, they would be fure to work him out, and be ready to Mutiny if they had not their Will. It look'd as if they were Ac^ed by the Jefuits, but the fecret Spring was out of fight*. ^^'^ *»^y '^''y ^eR fuf^pofe Thefe were the Men, who were af- /'"»' °f ^H^ EmifTaries menti- terwards call'd Levetters, and rofe "/^M?- 58, &c. ^o W ^ce« up againft Cromwel, and were fur- ^'''\''' ^ i\/ n hi' 1 • » J T, r 1 T>i r ^L • Reziinents been as firtctk ob^ priz d at Murford. Thompfon their ^^^^,^ y ,,;,^^, ^ /^^^ ^^^^j. General, who was flam upon the j^y', ^^ ly mt. Baxter /« that Inlurre(aiOn in 1649, was no great- /,>f/g time he was among them^ er Man than one of the Corporals many of their Deeds of Varh- of this Troop ; the Cornet and O- mfs might have been bro^t to ii'Tht. thers being worfe than he. He march'd with the Army Weftward againft my His Motiom LordGor/«^,and was at the taking of Bridgwntey,2ind the ^ith th Siege o^Brifiol, and Sherbon-Ca^le; and as they march'd -^'''"J- along the Country, they were every where entertain d with ftrange ^Intions of the Horrid Impiety and Outrn^ ges of the Lord Goring s Soldiers. A t)ber Gentleman he quarter'd with at South-Pederton in Somer/etfhire, a- VerrM to him, That with him a Company of them prickt their Fingers^ letting the Blood run into a Cup, in which they dranli^ a Health to the Devil. He was with the Ar- my 3 Weeks at the Siege of Exater : And H'halley be- ing order'd thence with a Party of Horfe to keep in the Garrifon of O;cford, 'till the Army could come to Be- 92 The LIFE of Chap. VI. (lege ir, he accompany'd him ; was with him 6 Weeks Wioxt Banbury^Ca^ls^ and ii Weeks at the Siege or An. 1616. ^orcefter. And Col. V/ionHey being fiifpedted by the Sedtarian Commanders ac the Head Qnarters for his Chaplain's fake, loft the Government of that City when he had taken it, which was given to Col. I{^ ins borough^ who was nif-re for their turn 5 under whom tho' the 5^<3rtr/>j profper'd in the City, yet the Country round remained free from their Infedion. All this while he had full Employment in Preachings Cotiference and Dif- fillings againit the Sectarian Errours. The Soldiers of that Stamp much infedled the Countries by their Pam- phlets and Converfe, and the People admiring the Con- quering Army, were ready to receive whatever they commended to thenn. Qiiartering at Ag77iondrJham in ^ttckjnghnmfhircy he found fome Sectaries of Cheflodm fiad fet up a Publick Meeting by way of Conference, to propagate their Opinions thro' all the Country, ana that in the Church, by the Encouragement of an Igno- rant Led^urer. There he had a Conference with them of a whole Day's Continuance, with good Succefs. Bit Tulf lick When the ufual time of their Meeting came, Bethel's Difpute Troopers (then Capt, Pitchfora^) with other Se(9:arian with the Soldiers, muft be there, to confirm the Che/ham Men, Seiiarics. ^^^\ make People believe that the Army was for them. Mr. Bax'er tho't it his Dnry to be there alfo, and rook divers fober Officers with him, to let them fee that more of the Army was againft them than for them. He took the Reading Pew, and Pitchford's Cornet and Troopers took the Gallery. There was a crowded Congregation of poor well-meaning People, who came in the Simplicity of their Hearts to be deceiv'd. The Leader of the Chefkam Men began ; Piecl.ford's Soldiers followed ; and he difputed with them 'till it was al- molt Night, determining not to leave them behind hitn; knowing very well that if he had gone firft, they would have Boafted extravagantly, and made People believe that they had Baffled him. Their Nonfenfi- Cal Uiicourfe, may be fecn in KdwarHs's (]nngra:na, in which a Narrative of the AlTair is pubhlh'd, without the mention of Mr. Baxte)\ Name, according to the Account which he gave to a Friend in a Letter. He had many Thanks for that Day's Work, and amongft the reft from Dr. Crooks and Mr. L{ichnrd[cn^ the Redor and Chap. VI. Mr, Elichard Baxter. 02 and Curate of the Place, who being Royalifts durft not open their Mouths for fear of Danger. The Sedla- ries were hereby fo difcourag'd, that they never met there any niore. His great; Imped iiments as to the Succefs of his En- deavours, lay in the Difcountenance of Crcmwcl and his Chief Officers, who kept him a Stranger to their Meet- ings and Councils; and the Incapacity he was under of fpeaking to many, the Quarters of the Soldiers being fo fcatter'd. So that the moft of the Service he did be- yond J^P^ha/Ie/s Regiment, was by the Help of Cape, Larvrence, with feme of the General's Regiment, and with Major Harrlfon, and fome few others. But by what Succefs he had, he found reafon to apprehend, that if there had been a competent number of Miniftcrs, each doing their Part, the whole Plot of the Furious tarty might have been broken, and King, Parliament: and RcHgion preferv'd. Sdltmarfh and De!i were the two great Preachers at the Head-Quarters ; only Honeft and Judicious Mr. Bdward Bovpjes kept ftill with the Ge- neral. At length Mr. Copk_ of I{cxhnl alfo came to the Army, to give AfCftance ; but he was foon weary. Major-General Berry^ tbo* his Old Friend, never once came to vifit him in the whole 2 Years he was in the Ar- my, nor gave him the leai^ Encouragement j but look'd always askew upon him. When PVprcehsr, Siege was over, he went and vifir ted his Flock at I\idermlv(ier, who expected that the Country being clear'd, he fhould return to them, and fettle in Peace among them: But going to Crvetury^ he again confulted the Minifters there about his Duty ; he told them what Succefs he had already had, and with what difficulty. He told them, That the grente^f Service with the grentefl Ha:{ard xvai yet behind. That the War being ended, the Army would certninly Jloortly fct up for themfelves 5 thnt tho he could not fay he could do nny great Matter to hinder it^ yet he having fome Jntcrcfl, Witi willing to improve it to tie utmoft for the Publick, Good, Upon the whole, the Minifters advis'd him to remain with the Army, and yet for fome time longer to abfcnt himfelf from his Flock. Accordingly he return d to the Array for a little while, but was foon feparated from tbem by his great Weaknefs, occafioned by the Lofs o^ He leayes a Gallon of Blood at the Nofe. Upon which retiring to the Army. _94 The LIFE of Cfaap. Vt. Sir yho,{{oufe\ he was taken up with daily Medicines to prevent a Dropfy, and was in continual expediation Death. By this Providence, God unavoidably pre- venred the Efted of his Purpofes, in his laft and cbief- elt Oppotinon to the Army ; and took him off at the Very time when his main Attempt Ihould have bePun. His Purpofe was to have done his beft, firft to take off the Kegnnent which he was with, and then with Capt. l^nwYcnce to have try'd upon the General's Regiment, (in which 2 were Cromml\ chief Confidents) and then to have joyn d with others of the fame mind. But the determination of God againft it was very obfervabJe. (\l^ r'^^'y time chat he was Bleeding, the Council ot War fat at Nonhgbnm, where they firft began to open then Purpofes and aft their Part: And prefently atter they enterd into their Engagement at TriploL Heath, Tho had he had Scope for the Attempt he delignd in ail probability he had had but fmaJl Suc- cels ; and had been much more likely to liave loft his JLite ^inong them in their Fury, than to have reach'd nisJind. A General And here the Account which Mr. Baxter hath given ^IX/'^-lr^V^^Sf,^!?^ ^^^^---n General, comes in^Iry cune.. naturally. Thefe are the People whom he moft indu- ftnoLily m thefe Times fefhimfelf to oppofc, forc- lecmg the i 1 Tendency of their Principles and Pradi- ces. Take bis own Words. *' Thefe are they (fays he) Who have been moft addided to Chnrch-Divifions, and Separations, and Sidings, and Parties, and have refas d all Terms of Concord and Unity. Who tho' « *"^i?/,^^ ^^^F^ w<^3^ 2"^ raw, were yet prone to be ^^ puff d up with hi^hTho'is of tbemfelves, and to o- vcr- value their little Degrees of Knowledge and Farts, which fet rhcm not above the Pity of undcr- ftanding Men. They have been fet upon thofe Cour- Ics which tend to advance them above the Common ,, people, in the Obfervation of the World, and to fee ^^ them at a farther dillance from others than God allow- ^^ cth, and all this under the Pretence of the Purity of the Church. In Profecudon of their Ends, there are • tew ot the Anabapti^s that have not been the Oppo- ters and Troublers of the Faithful MiniHcrs of God in the Land, and t!ie Troublers of their People, and ttjndercrsof rheirSuccefsi ftrengthcningthe Handsof 1 the 4i u *( it. C( u 'if Chap. VI. Mr. Richard Baxter. 95 the Profane. The SeHarics (efpecially the Annb.iptifis, Seekers^ and Qual{ers) chofe out the moft able zealous Minifters, to make the Marks of their Reproach and Obloquy, and all becaufe they flood in the Way of their Defigns, and hindred them in the propagat- ing their Opinions. They fet againft the lame •Men as the Drunkards and Swearers fet againft, and much after the fame Manner ; reviling them, and raifing up falfe Reports of them, and doing all that they could to n>ake them odious, and at laft attempting to pull them all down : Only they did it more prophanely than the Prophane, in that they faid , Let the Lord be glorified ^ Let the Gofpel be pro- pagated ; and abns'd and profan'd Scripture, and the Name of God, by enticUng him to their Fadion and Mifcarriages. Yea, tho' they tho't themfelves the moft Underftanding and Confcientious People of the Land, yet did the Gang of them feldom ftick at anv Thing which feem'd to promote their Caufe ; but whatever their Fadtion in the Army did, they pleaded for it, and approv d it. If they pull'd down the Parliament, Imprifon d the Godly F jithfal Mem- bers, and kill'd the King; if they caft out the I{ump, if they chofea UrW^ Pariiament ot their own, if they fet up Cromwel, if they fet up his Son and pull'd him down again, if they fought to obtrude Agreements on the People, if they one Week fee up a Council of State, and if another Week the liump were reftor'd, if they fought to take down Tythesand Parilh Minifters, to the utter Conhirion of the State of Religion in the Land ; m all ihefe 'the Anahaptifts and many of the Independents in the three Kingdoms followed theuj, and even their Pa- ftors were ready to lead them to confent. ** And all this began but in imxvarrdntable SepAr/iti- ons and too much aggravating the Faults of -the Churches and Common People, and Common-Prayer Book, ^^nd Mlnifiry- which indeed were none of them with- out Faults to be lamented and amended. But they tho*c that what ever needed Amendment required their Ohfiinate Separation, and that they were allow d to make odious any Thing that was amifs: And becaufe it was faulty, if any Man had rebuked hem for belyisgit, ind making it f»r «iore faulty than ^t r,s too high for this fVorldy and too low for the next. Mr. Sprigs is the Chief of his open Difciples, and he is too Well kn>)wn by a Book of his Sermons. Sir Harry's O^fcurity was by fome imputed to his not Underftanding him- fclf, but by others to Defign ; becaufe he was able e- nough to fpeak plain, when he pleas'd. The two Things in which he had moft Succefs, and fpake moft plainly, were his E^meji Phd f6t UnivevlA Liberty of Confclsncc^ and againft the Magiftiates intermedling With Religion, and his Teaching his Followers to /c- vile the Minijiry^ calling them ordinarily B'nc^ Cocts^ Prieftsy and other Names which favour'd of Reproach^ "When Cr£>wwe/ had ferv'd himfelfby him as his furefl Friend as long as he could, and gone as far with hin| as their Way lay together, ( Fane being for a Fmatic^ Democracy^ and Cromwel for Mornrchy ) at lafl therd Was no Remedy, but they muft part ; and he caft him off with Difdain. Vnne thus laid by, wrote his Book call'd. The [{etir'd Man's Mfdittt'nons ; whereir)| the beft Part of his"Opinions are fo exprefs'd, as Will make but few Men his Difciples. His Healing Qj/^fti- on is written more plainly. When Croinvoel was aead^ he got Sir Arthur Hnfleriggc to be His clofe Adherent on Civil Accounts, and got the -'vomp fet up again^ and a Council of State, and got the Power much into nisown Hands. When in the height of his Power^ he fet upon the Forming a New Common-^Vjalth, and with feme of his Adherents dtew tip the Model, Which wii for Popular Government ; but fo that Men of his Con- fidence muft be the People. It griev'd fuch a Man as Mr. Baxter to the Heart, to (ee a poorKingdom fo tofs'd np and down in Unquict- nefs, and the Mii»ftei:s made odious, and ready to b« caftout, and stRcformation trodden underfoot^ and Par- ti ^ liamenta 99 ICO The LIFE of Chap. VI- liaments and Piety made a Scorn, and all the while fcarce any one doubted but he was the Principal Spring of ail. Therefore writing againft the Papifts, and coming to Vindicate the ^e^orrnd Religion againft them, when they impute to the Proteftants the Blood of the King, he provM, That the Piotcftants, and particularly the Presbyterians^ abhor r'd it, and fulFer'd greatly for op- poling it ; and that it was the A61 of CromweCs Army and the Sectaries^ among which he nam'd the Vanijis as one Sort ; and he Ihew'd that the Fryars and Jefuites were their Deceivers, and under feveral Vizors were difpers'd amongft them. And Mr. 'Nye having told him, That he was long in Italy^ he faid, U was confide- Table kow much of his DoHrine he brot from thence Z Whereas it prov'd, That he was only in France and Sri^it:(erland, Upon the Borders of Italy, Upon this Sir fJarry being exceedingly provok*d, threatened him much, and fpoke againft him in the Houfe : And one Stubbs, (that had been whip'd in the Convocation Houfe i.t Oxford ) wrote a bitter Book in his Defence, and from a Fanift he afterwards turn d a Conformifi, and after- wards a Phyfician^ and was drown'd in a fmall Puddle Or Brook, as he was riding near the Bath, Mr. Baxter's Writing againft him was a Means to lefTen his Reputa- tion, and make Men take him for what Cromwel (who better knew him j call'd him, vi^^^, a Jugler, And he wifh'd therefore he had taken the fame Method much fooner. But the whole Land rang of his Anger, and Mr. Baxters Danger, and all expe&ed his prefent Ruin by him. Bur to fhew him that he was not about Re- canting, (as his Agents would have perfwaded him) he wrore alfo againft his Healing Qucftion, in a Preface be- fore his Holy Common-wealth, And the fpeedy turn of Affairs t/d up his Hands from executing his Wrath up- on him. When King Charles came in, he was queftion*d with others by the Patliament, but feem*d to have his Life fecur'd. But being bro*t to the Bar, he fpake fo boldly in juftifyingthe Parliament's Caufe, and what he had done, that it exafpcratcd the King, and made him refolve upon his Death. When he came to Tower' -Hill ro die, and would have fpoken to the People^ he b''gan fo rcfolutely, as caus'd the Officers to found the Trumpets and beat the Drums, .^^q. hinder him from Chap. VL Mr. Richard Baxter. ,o from fpeaking. No Man could die with greater Ap- peatance of a Gallant Rcfolution, and Fearlefnefs than he did, tho' before fuppos'd a Timerous Man. Info- much, that the Manner of his Death procur'd him more Applaufe than all the Adtions of his Life. And when he was dead, his intended Speech was printed, and af- terwards his Opinions more plainly exprefs'd by his Friends than himfelf. Another Se(f^ that then rofe up were the Seekers, seeJ:crs. They taught, That the Serif tures were uncertain ; T/ jf frefent Miracles were necejfary to Faith ; That our Mini- ftry is nuUy and without Authority ; and our Worfhif and Or- dinances unnecejfary or vain. The true Church, Miniftry, Scripture, and Ordinances being loft, for which they were feeding. The ?apifis hatcht and a^uated rhis Sedl'. Some of them were real Papifis^ and others In- fidels. However, they i'clos'd with the Vanijis^ and fhelter'd themfelves under them, as if they had been the very fame. Another Sedl were calFd Ranters, They made it Ranters. their Bufinefs, as the former, to fet up the Light of Na- ture, under the Name of Chrift in Men, and to difho- nour and cry down the Church, Scriptures, Miniftry, ■Worlhip and Ordinances ; and call'd Men to hearken to Chrift within them. But withal, they conjoyn 'd a curfed Dodtrine of Libertinifnj^ which bro't them to a- bominable Filthinefs of Life. They taught, as the Familijisy That God regardeth not the ABions of the out- ward Man, hut of the Heart : And to the Pure, all Fh vgs are Pure, even Things forbidden. And fo as allow'd by 'God, they fpake moft hideous Words of Blalphemy, and many of them committed Whoredoms comnnnJy : Infomuch, That a Matron of great Note for Sobriety, being perverted by thefe People, turn'd fo iliame'ffs a Whore, that ftie was Carted in the Streets of London, There could never Sedt arife in the World, ^hat was a louder Warning to Profeflbrs of Religion, t jc hum-- hie, fearful and watchful. Never could the World be told more loudly. Whither the Spiritual Pride of un- grounded Novices in Religion tendeth, and whither they may be carried in the Stream of Sedls ard Fa- dions. Often would they vent the moft horrid Oaths, Curfes and Blafphemy, as the Effed of Knowledge, in a Fanatick Strain, which they would father upon the H 3 Spirit 102 The L I F n of Chap. VI. Spirit of God. But the horrid Villanics of thij Sec^, did not onl fpeedily extinguiili it, but alfo did as much as any Thing ever did to difgiace all SiB/triej^ and to reftore the Credit of the Mimftrv, and of fober Chri- ftians. So that the Devil and the Jefuites quickly found that this Way ferv'd not iheir Turn, and there- fore they fuddenly took anoiher, and turn'd themfelves into Pk4/5«w, Q^iakers, who were but the I{^nters revcisM : Turn'd frorn hprrid Prcfanevcjs and Blafphemy, to a Life of ex- tream Aufteriry. Their Dodlrines were moftly the fame with the I\f:ntiean the fort of Common-weahh that then was in being. EfiabU/h'd, they would take as meant only de FaBo, and not de Jure^ and by mthout a Kjng, &c. they meant, altho* there were no King for a time : So that they thus ex- plain'd it ; / w/// be true to the Government of England, tho at the prefent the Kjng and the Houfe of Lords are pttt out of the Ex'rcife of their Power. Mr. Baxter cnde2L\'o\ud ■to convince People, that this was meer Juggling and Jefting .with Mattcrs.too great to Lc jeOed with : Jind that Chap. YI. Mr, Richard Baxter. 105 thai as it ijiight be eafily known that the Impofers had another Senfe, fo ir was alfo evident, that the Words in their own obvious ufual Senfe among Men, were the Promife or Engagement of a Subjecit as fnchto a Form of Government, pretended to be eftablilh'd ; and that the Subjed's Allegiance or Fidelity to his Rulers, could not be acknowledg'd and given in plainer words : And that by fuch Interpretations and Stretchings of Confci^ ence^ any TrcafonabJe Oath or Promife might betaken; and that no Bonds of Society could fignify much with fuch Interpreters. He had not been long return'd to Kederminfter after JiU Vif- his leaving the Army, before there was a mighty Con- pute with teft between him and Mr. Tombs. He was his Neigh- ^/r. Tombs, hour at B^W/fj', which was not above iMilesdiftant; and denying Infant Baptifm, znd. having written a Book or two againft it, he was not a little defirous of propa- gating his Opinion, and promoting the Succefs of his Writings ; and he tho't Mr. Baxter his Chiefeft Hinder- er, tho' he never meddled with the Point. Whereup- on he conftantly attended on his weekly Lec5lure at I^derminfier, wailing for an Opportunity to fall upon that Controverfy in his Conference with him. But he fo ftudioufly avoided it, that he knew not how to be- gin. At length, he urg'd him to give him his Judg- ment of his Writings, which he really tho't unanfwera- ble. Mr. Baxter freely told him. That they did not fa- tisfy him to be of his mind; but went no farther with him. Upon this, he forbore attending any longer up- on his Lec3:ure, and unavoidably drew him into a Con- troverfy with him, tho' he did all he could to fhun it. There came to him 5 or 6 of his Chief Profelytes, as if they were yet unrefolv'd, and defired him to give them in Writing the Arguments which fatisfy'd him for Infant Baptifm. He ask'd them, iVoether they came not by M^, TombsV Direction ? Which they confefs'a. He askM them, l^hether they had read the Bo^k^s of Mr, Gobbet, Mr, Marlhal, Mr, Church, and Mr, Blake, for Infant-Baptifm ? And they told him No. He defi- led them to read the Books that were already written^ be- fore they called for more, and then to come to him again^ and tell him what they had to fay againfl them. This ihey would by no means do, but told him, They mujb have fome thing of his PJ^riting upon that SuhjcH : And that io6 The L IFE of Chip, VI. I 1 "" - — that if he refrnd^ and thty tnrnd a^ainfi Infant-Ba^d/m, they xoeuld lay the hUme upon him. He ask'd them, ^^/;e- they would continue unrejolvd, \iU Mr, Tombs and he h/$d -l done the H^ritings^ which might be fame Tears ; as it hnd I been, fince Mr. Blake and he had been etigagd on that r Subjeci, without hdving bro't the Contrcverfy to an IJfti^. But no Reafoning would fen e their turn, they muft have bis written Arguments. At laft he bid them tell Mr. Tombs, That if they mufi needs contend^ ^twere heji ta do it in the (horteji and moji fatisfaSory way, which be tho't would be by Spending one whole Dny, in a Dijpute atl his own Churchy where ha would attend him^ that his Pco' pie might not remain unfatisfy^dy till they faw which had the iaflM'^ord: And that afterwards they might confidcr of Writing, Mr. Tombes accepting the Motion, Mr. Bax-- ter went to Bewdly, and held a Difpute in his Church there, upon a Day agreed on, from Nine a Clock in the Morning, 'till Five at Nighr, in a crowded Con- gregation. The whole time was fpenc in managing one Argument, From Infants BJght to Church-Member- fioip, to their I{ight to Baptifm. This Difpute fatisfy'd | all the People of Ksdermivfier^ and the Country round, j v/ho came in to hear it, and Mr. Tombt*s own Townf- | wen, except about 20 whom he had perverted, who gather *d into his Church, which never, as he could .Jearn, encreasM to above Two and Twenty. 'An. 16 $1. When the Army was going againft K. Charles the Se- H» OppQ'Zondj and the Scots, he wrote Letters to feveral of the fuon to th Soldiers to tell them of their Sin, and defired 'em ac Eump. laft to begin to know themfelves. TelHng them, That yt'feemd ftrange that they who hadfo much bonjled of Love to all the Godly ^ and pleaded for tender dealing with them^ and condemned thofe who perfecuted them^ or reftraind their Liberty, fhould at laft be ready to imbrew their Hands in the Blood of thofe People^ the Piety of many of whom they could not deny. At the fame time the I{iimp made an Order, That all Minijiers fhould keep their Days of Humi^ liation, toFaJi and Pray for their Suoccfs in Scotland, and their Days of Thankfgiving for their Vi&orics there, upon pain of Sequejiration. Mr. Baxter and his Neighbours ibereupon expefted to be turn'd out. But tho' there was a general Noncompliance in thofe Pans, all except one efcap'd. For his Part, inftead of Praying and Preach- ing for them, when any of the Commitcee 01 Soldiers were Chap. VI. Mr. Richtrd Baxter. 107 were his Hearers, he labonr'd to help them to undcr- ftand, what a Crime it was to force Men to pray for the Succefs of thofe who were violating their Covenant, sind going in fuch a Caufe to kill their Brethren ; And what it was to force Men to give God Thanks for all theii Bloodihed, ard to make God's Minifters and Ordi- nances vile, and ferviceable to fuch Crimes, by forcing Men to run to God upon fuch Errands of Blood and Ruin : And whai it was to bt fuch Hypocrites as to perfecute and caft out thofe that Preach the GofpeJ, while they pretended the Advancement of the Golpcl, and the Liberty of tender Confciences. His own Hearers were fatisfy'd with hisDo(Strine, but the Com- mittee Men look'd fower, but let him alone. And the Soldiers laid he was lb like to Love^ that he would ne- ver be quifit 'rill he was fhorter by the Head. Yet none of them meddled with him farther than by the Tongue, nor was he by any of them in all thofe Times forbidden to Preach one Sermon, excepting only that when once the High- Sheriff had fpoken to him to Preach at the Affizes, he afterwards fent hint Wort\ as from the Committee, to forbear: Saying, that by Mr Mood's Means, (the Independent Preach- er at the Coll'-ge at Worcefier) the Committee told him. That they defired he might forbear Preaching before the Judges, becaufehe Preach'd againft the State. But afterward they excused it, as done meerly in Kindnefs to him, to prevent his running himfelf into Danger and Trouble. When Cromwel had got the Afcendant, fober Pe(»- ple were divided about their CondudI: towards him- He had bro't Things to thai Pafs, that there was ncs Profpetft of any Thing but Deftrudion, if be was not taken for Governour. He made more Ufe of the wild- headed Sedtaries, than barely to Fight for him. They at laft ferv'd him as much by their Herefies, their En- mity to Learning and the Miniftry, and their Perni- cious Demands, which tended to Confufion, as they bad done before by their Valour in the Field. Herein lay much of his Art, that he could conjure up at Plea- fure fome terrible Apparition of Agitators, Levellers, or fuch like, who as they affrighted the King from Hampton-Ccurty fo were they afterwards as ufeful in ^Blighting the People to fly to him for Refuge, that io8 The LIFE of Chap. VI. the Hand that wounded them, might heal them.' Ac length he was as forward as any in exclaiming againft the Giddinefs of thefc unruly Men, and he pleaded carncftly for Order and Government, and would needs become the Patron of the Miniftry, yet fo as to fecure all others of their Liberty. Some that faw his De- figns cry'd out, We will rather all Perifh, and fee both Tytbes and IJniverfities overthrowriy than xve Vfill any way fubmit to fuch deceitful Vfurpations, Others faid, It is the Providence of God, who ever be the Injirument, which hro't us into this Necejfity^ which we are unable to pre- vertt : And being in it, we are not bound to cboofe our own Deftruciion* Neceffity therefore requires us to accept »f any one fo ^ule tiSy that is like to deliver m. But the Generality of the Minifters went the middle Way, and their Confcience. thus reprefented the State of their Duty at that Time. 7he Con- du6l of the Minifers towards Cromwel rvhen ^fo- tfClor, We acknowledge, that God Almighty hath over- rul'd in all thefe great Mutations, and hath permitted the Perfidiou(he6 of Men, and their Succefs. And the Common Good being the End of all juft Govern- ment, we may not do any Thing againft it, much lefs to the Deftrudiion of it, under Pretence of refifting an Ufurper, or of reftoring the Rightful Governour : if the Univerfities be overthrown, the Fabrick demo- lifh'd, the Lands alienated, the Miniftry put down, the Tythes fold or given to the People, to engage them all to be againft any Means which tend to a Recovery, what ever we contribute to it, we do againft the King and Kingdom, and do but cut his Throat in Kindnefs. For we pull down the Houfe that he may be Mafter of it, and deftroy the Common-wealth that he may be Head of it : And we ftrengthen his Enemies by our imprudent Paffions. But yet we mnft neither do nor approve of Evil, for any Good End, nor forbear in our Places feafonably to reprehend it. Therefore, it is unlawful for us to Confent to any Governour but the King, or take an Engagement, or Oath of Alle- giance to them : But it is not unlawful to fubmit to them, by living quietly in our Places, and to make ufe of the Courts of Juftice eftablilh'd by Law, yea, and to demand Protection even from an Ufurper. For his ftepping into the Rulers Place, and ufurpingthe Go- vcmmentjobligethhimto do all the Parts of i;he Govec- nour's Chap. VI. Afr. Richard Baxter. 109 nour's Office, while he is there ; and warrantcth us to demand it, and accept of it from him : But it doth not at all oblige us to Obey him or Confent to bis U- furpatiod .- Even as we may demand Juftice of a Ge- neral of Rebels, or a Captain of Thieves ; or of Py- rates that fliall furprize the Ship that we are in, but we are not bound to cqnfent to his Governmenc, or for- mally Obey him ; but on the contrary, to difown his Villany, and do all that we can againft his Tyranny, which tendeth not to the Hurt of the Society : So here, it is our Duty to keep the State of Things as entire as we can, 'till God be pleas'd to reftore the King, that he may find it a Whole, and not a ruin'd irreparable State. Agreeable hereto was Mr. Baxter's Pradtife, who fea- ^r. Bax- fonably and moderately, by Preaching and Printing,con- f^^'i Cat- demn'd the Vfurpation, and the Deceit which was the *'"*s^ 'f" Means to bring it to pafs. He did in open Conference '^'*'"<^ ^^**^ declare Cromvpel, and his Adherents, to be Guilty of Treafon and B^bellion, aggravated with Perfidioufnefs and Hypocrify. But yet he did not think it his Duty to Rave againft them in the Pulpit, or to make his Inve- dlives fo unfeafonabiy or imprudently, as might irritate him to Mifchief. And the rather becaufe as be feem^d to keep up his Approbation of a Godly Life in the Ge- neral, and of all that was Good, except that which the Intereft of his Sinful Caufe engag'd him to be againft 5 fo he perceiv'd it was his Defign to do good m the main, and to promote the Gofpel, and the Intereft of Godlinefs, more than any had done before him, except in thofe Particulars which his own Intereft was againft. And it was the Principal Means that after he was once got into the Saddle hd trufted to for his Eftablifnment, even by doing Good : That the People might love him, or at leaft be willing to have his Government for that Good, who were againft it as it was an Ufurpation. He once Preach'd before Cromml, after he was Pro- ^is Trea- tedor, by Means of my Lord Broghill, and the Earl o^ chin^bcfc I4'armcl{, when he was in Town,, upon the Occafion hirt, and which we ftiallhear of in the next Chapter. He knew not ConjercMce which Way to provoke him better to his Duty, than by Taith him. Preaching on i Cor; i. lo. againft the DivUions and Diftradions of the Church ; ftiewing how Mifchievous a Thing it was for Politicians to maintain fuch Divifions ~ " for on no The LIFE of Chap. Vi. for their own Ends, that they might fifti in Troubled Waters, and keep the Church by its Divilions in a State of Weaknefs, leaft it (hould be able to oflfend them. A while after, Ctomwel fenr to fpcak with him ; and when he came, he had only three ot his chief Men with him. He begun a Jong and tedious Speech to him, of God's Providence in the Change of the Government, and how God had own'd ir, and what great Things had been done at Home and Abroad, in the Peace with Spitin and flolland^8cc. When he had continu'd fpeaking thus about an Hour, tAv. Baxter toid him, It ivai too great Condefecri' tion to acquaint him fo fully tvith all theft Matters which were nbove him : But that the Honefi People ef the Lsnd tool^thcir Antient Monarchy to he a Blejfing^ and not an E" vil, and humbly cravdhis Patience that he might ai\hitn^ How they had forfeited that Bleffinv^ and unto whom the Forfeiture xvaj made ? Upon that Queftion he was awa- kened into feme Paffion, and told him, There v9as no For- feiture, but God had changdit^ as pleased him: And then he Jet fly at the Parliament which thwarted him, and efpecialiy by Name at four or five Members which were Mr. -B-*A:/fr*s Chief Acquaintance, whom he prefum'd to defend againft the Proteaor's PaHion. And thus were four or five Hours fpent, iho' to little Purpofe. A few Days after, he fent for him again, to hear his Judgment about Liberty ofCo7)feience, which he pretend- ed to be jnoft Zealous for; and almofl all the Privy- Council were prefenr. After he had made another flow and tedious Speech, be told him a little of his Judgment : And when two that were prefent had fpun out a great deal more Time in Speeching it, fo that four or five Hours were fpenr, he told him. That if he would be at the labour to read it^ he could tell Bim more of bis Mind in PVriting in two Sheet s^ tbati in that way of Speakjng in ma^ ny Days ; arid that he had d Faptr on that Subyefi by him, vpritten for a Friend ^ which if he would perufe^ and allew for the Change of the Perfon^ he would fully kyiow his Senfel He afterwards fent him the Paper, but qucftiOn'd whe- ther he ever read it. For this was manifeft to fuch a* had any Converfation with him, that what he learn'd muft be from himfelf ; he being more difpos'dto Speak many Hours than to Hear one ; and little heeding whae another faid, !^li^be hinafelf had once fpoken» G H A P. Chap. VIl. Mr. Richard Baxter. 1 1 1 CHAP. VII. Hk General Vfefuhefj in the whole County ^ while he remain d in WorceOer-lhire : His Puhlkk. Service by his Pacificatory En^ deavoHrs^ and other ways, IN the time of the Civil War, and afterwards, the Controverfies about Church- Government were in moft Mens mouths, and maSe a great Noife ; being hotly agitated by Statefmen and Divines, by Word and Writings;, which made Mr. Baxter think it necefiary to fet himfelf to the raoft ferious Study of thofe Points j the refult of which was his Settlement in this Judg- ment: That of the four Contending Parties, the £r4- ftian, Epifcopal, Presbyterian, and Independent, each had fome peculiar Truths which the other overlook'd, or took little notice of, and each their proper Miftakes, ;^hich gave Advantage to their Adverfaries; tho' all of them had fo much Truth in common among them, as would have made thefe Kingdoms happy, had it been unanlmoufly and foberly reduc'd to Pradice, by prudent and charitable Men. The Er avians he tho*t alTerted more fully than others the Magiftrates Power in Matters of Religion 5 that all Coercive Power is only in their hands ; and that no fuch Power belongetb to the Paftors or People of the Church. He could not but approve their Holding the Paftoral Power to be only Perfwafive, tho* Authorita- tive and by Divine Appointment : And that Paftors were Officers of God*s Inftitution, who were not only to perfwade by Sermons or General Speeches, but by Particular Overfight of their particular Flocks; and could as the Ground of their Perfwafions PJp^uce God $ Commiflion or Command for what they laid and did; But that as Paftors they had no fecular or forcmg 1 ow- ct; And that ualefs the Magiftrate authonzd themas his Officers, they could not touch Mens Bodies orb: Aates, but bad to do with the Conftience only. 7h« ,12 The LIFE of Chap. VI I. The Epifcopnl Parcy feem'd to him thus far to have Reafon on their fide, that there was a Superiority in the Primitive Church over fix'd Bilhops or Paftors, main- tained by the Apoftles and Evangelilts, and other general undx'd Chnrch Officers: Tho' he tho*t it a Queftion, Pf^jether they were proper GovernourSy or only over^ruC d them hy the Eminence of their Gifts, and Priviledge of Infnttibi^ iity } And as to fixed BiHiops of particular Churches, Superiour in Degree to Preshyters, tho' there is nothing favouring them in Scripture, yet the Reception of them in all the Churches was fo early and io general, that he was free to admit them, and refolv'd never to oppofe. As for the Presbyterians, he could not but approve of their main Principle : For he found that the Office of Preaching Presbyters was allow'd by all : And that this Office did fubferviently to Chrift participate of the Pro- phetical, the Prieftiy, and the Governing Power, he tho't Self-evident. It appeared to him, both from Scrip- ture, Antiquity, and the Perfwafive Nature of Church- Government, that all Presbyters were Church -Gov ernours as well as Church Teachers ', and that the Alfociation of Paftors and Churches for Agreement, and their Synods in Cafes of Neceility are a plain Duty ; and ordinary ftated Synods very Convenient. And he found that they who were of this Denomination in the Land were Men of eminent Learning, Sobriety and Piety ; and the Minifters among them contributed much to the keeping up R^ll'rion in the Land. As for the Independents, he found moft of them ^^ea- /out, and many or them /^4r«f^, difcreet, ^nd pious; ca- pable of being very Serviceable in the Church. Search- ing Scripture and Antiquity, he found that in the begin- ning a Govern d Church, and a Stated Worlhipping Church, were all one : That Churches were at firft no bigger than our Parifhcs now ; That they were Societies of Chriftians united for Perfonal Communion, and not only for Communion by Meetings of Officers and De- legates in Synods, as many Churches in Allbciation be. Alfo he faw a Commendable Care of ferious Holinefs and Difcipline in moft of the Independent Churches. And found that fomc Epifcopal Men (Bp. ZJ/hcr for one, as he had it from himfelfj held. That every Bi(hop vpoi Independent m to Synods, and Synods notfo much for Govern^ mem m for Concord, Other Chap. VII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 112 Other Controverfies alfo in B^eligion were very hotly Agitaced, and in all he was willing to keep himfelf and others fronn Extreams. As for the Anahapti^s, (tho' he had written much againft them) he found many of them fober, godly People, not differing but in the Voinioi Infant- Bnptifm* And as to that, confulting Antiquity, he obferv'd, That the' Infant-Baptifm was held Lawful by the Church, yet fome, with HertuHjcfjy jaiid N4:{ian:{ef2, tho^t it moft convenient to make no ■ haft; and the reft left the time of Baptifm 'to every '•one's Liberty, and forc'd none to be Baptiz d. So that not only Conftantine^ Theodofim, and fuch as were Con- verted at Years of Difcretion, but Augufline alfo, and many Children of Chriftian Parents hid their Baptifm long deferr d. Nothing more free than fiaptifm in the Primitive Times?. T6 fome 'twas Adiriamitred in Infan- cy, to fome at ripe Age,' and' to fome d Jictle before their Death. All the Penalty of a Dela.y^ was the be- ing ftill numbred with Catechumens jor ExfeBams, In the Dirferences between the Armenians and Ayiti- Armininns, he foon perceiv'd it hard to fipd a Man that difcern'd the true State of the feveral Controverfies: And that when unreveal'd Points are laid aiide, and the Controverfies about Words juftly feparated from thofe about Things ; the Differences about Things which renaain'd, were fewer and fmaller than moft of the Con- tenders would believe. Nay, he found the Dodrinal Differences with the Papifts very much darkned, and feldom well ftated. In the Points of Merit ^ Jufiifica" tion^ Ajfureince of Salvation , Perfeverance, Grace, Free^ Will^ 8cc. Mifunderftanding was common, and juft Diftindtion and Explication very rare. Upon the whole, he fix'd in this Conclufion : That he that would procure the Welfare of rhe Church, muft do his beft to pro- mote all the Truth and Good which was held by every Party, and to leave out all their Errors and their Evili and not take up all that any Party bad efpous'd as their own. And indeed there was not a Party in which there was not fomething he diflik'd as Erroneous and Bvil. . ^^ . Three Things he diOikM in the Era!liavs. Their Making too light of the Power cf the Mimilry and Church, and of Excommunication : Their Making the Articla of the Holy C^hQlick, Church, and the Com?numan 114 T^f^^ LIFE of Chap. Vir. {of Saints^ tco ittfignificant^ by making Church Communion "i 'wore common to the Impenitent than Christ would have it : t^And their Injuring their Brethren in charging them vpith claiming^ as from God, a Coercive Power over Mens Bodies or Pur/es, which ts what n di/claim'd by all Temperate ChriHians, who pretend not to any Power of Force, but only ■ to apply GocCs fVord unfo Mens Cot/fciences» There were many Things which he utterly diflik'd in the Diocefan Party, Their extirpating the true Dilcipline of Cbrift, Tvhich iheir Principle's and Church State fecm to make unpradticable and impolTible; while one Bifhop, with his Contiftory, had the fole Government of a Thoufand or many Hundred Churches, even over many Thoa- fands whofe Faces they were never like to iec ; with- out fetting up any Parochial Government under them : Their turning Parochial Churches into Chriftian Ora- tories and Schools, while Paftors have only a Power of Teaching and Worlhipping, and not of Governing : Their Altering the Ancient Species of Presbyters and Bilhops : Their Exercife of Church Government in a " Secular way ; and their vexing honeft Chriftians, who efteem'd their Ceremonies unlawful, and filencing able godly Preachers, that durft not Subjcribe and Swear Obe- dience to them, &c. In the Presbyterian way, he diflik'd the Order of Lay-Elders, who had no Ordination, nor • Power to Preach, nor to Adminiflcr Sacraments. Some of them were for binding the Magiftrate to Con- • fifcate or Imprifon Men, meerly becaufe they were Excommunicate : and fo forcing People to keep in the Church againft their Wills, for fear of being undone in the World : Whereas he was fully fatisfy'd, That a Ji4a?t whoje Confcience cannot feel a juft Excommunication^ unlefs it be bacl(d with Confifcation and bnprifonment^ is no fitter to be a Member of a Chriftian Church in the Commu- nion of Saints y than a Corps is to be a Member of a Cor'- for at ion. Some of them he found as much too much againft Liberty as others were too much for it, and that they feem'd to think by Votes and Number to do that which Love and Realon (hould have done. And . when the Independents faid, /I l^h/hippi'^g Churchy and A Govern d Church, is and mult be all one, and the Prr/- bytcrians faid. They may be all one^ tho it be not ncceffary ; yet in their Pradifc they would have fo fettled it, that they Chap. VII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 115 'they fhould no where be all one, but i o or r 2 Worfhip- ping Churches fhould have made one Govern'd Church. Now tho' I o or 1 2 Churches may be better managed than a Thoufand or many Hundred ; and tho' it were better for thePaftor of each Church to have the Government of his own FJock, in Conjundion with the Presbytery or Synod, than not at all, and fo this were vaftly pre- ferable to the Diocefan Frame ; yet it feem'd to prepare the way for it. In the way of the Independents, he dif- lik'd their making too light of Ordination; their having alfo among them the Office of Lay-Elderlhip ; and their being ftrider about the Qualifications of Church Members, than Scripture, Reafon, or the Praftice of the Univerfal Church would allow. For if once you go beyond the Evidence of a feriom fober Profefjion^ as a credible and fufficient Sign of a Title, you will never know where to reft; but the Churches Opinion will be both Rule and Judge, and Men will be let in or kept out, according to the various Latitude of Opini- ons or Charity, in the feveral Ofikers or Members of Churches. He difcern'd a great Tendency in this way of theirs, to Divifions and Subdivilions, and the nou- rilhing of Herefies and Sedks: And could not at all ap- prove of their making the People, by majority of Votes, to be Church-Governours in Excommunicntions, Abfolw tions, 8cc. which Chrift hath made Ads of Office; and Jetting them govern their Governours, and themfelves. He alfo dillik'd their too much exploding Synods, their over-rigidnefs againft the Admiflion of Chriftians of other Churches, and their making a Minifter to be as no Minifter to any but his own Flock. In many of which Things, the Moderation of a Synod of Nevp- England found out a much better Temper than their Brethren here could light upon. And as for the Ann- bnftijisy he knew that they injurioufly excluded the Infants of the Faithful from folemn Entrance into the Covenant and Church of God ; and as finfully made their Opinion a Ground of their SeftirAtion from the Churches and Communion of their Brethren ; and that a- mong them grew up the Weeds of many Errours ; and that Divifions, Subdivifions, Reproach of Mini- fters Fadion, Pride, and Scandalous Pradifes were fomented in their way. I z Having 11 6 The LIFE of Chap. VII. Having made thefc Remarks, he for fome Years flood ftill as a Looker-on, and contented himfelf to wifh and pray for Peace, dropping only now and then a Word towards it in his Pra6tical Writings : But at length the Senfc of his Duty engagM him to do his ut- moft, in a way of Endeavour, to bring all thefe con- tending Parties to a Concordant PracStice of fo much as they were all agreed in; ro fee all that together which was True and Good amongft thenn all, and to promote that as far as he was able, rejedting the reft; and to further the reviving Chriftian Charity, which Fa- ction and Difputes had lamentably cxtinguifhM. And tho' he had no Profpedt herein of any great Succefs, he yetref^lv'd to do hisbeft, and leave the Succefs to God. He wrote feveral Letters about thefe matters to Mr. //«- tbony BiirgeJSf Mr. B^chard Vines, and Mi. G^tal^er^ and motion'd the fetting up fome Regular Difcipline by A- greement among the London Minifters, which would make it more generally taking than coming from a pri- vate Corner, but was put off with various Excufes. But his own Circumftances forcM him to feek for fome certain Regular Method of Difcipline, (^c. among bis own People; and he withal apprehended, that if feve- ral Minifters could accord together in one way, the People would much more eafily fubmit, than to the way • of any Minifter that was Singular. As for his own Peo- ple, they were honeft, humble and traceable, engag'd in no Party, and haters of Schifm, which they per- ceived tended to the ruin of Religion. The Minifters in the Country round him were Pious, Serious, Hum- ble Men, that were alfo difengag'd ; which was a great Advantage in his Defign. He open'd his Mmd to them in a Meeting which he procured, after a Leciiure at fVor^ cefter. They all approv'd of his Motion, and it was their common de(irc, that he would draw up the Form of an Agreement, that fliould contain only So much Church Order and Dijcipline^ di the Epifcopal Presbyterian and Independant are agreed in^ as belon^iny^ to the Payors of each Particular Chwch. For it was intended thai no- Tl)e VV'or-^^^"P fhould be inferted that any one fhould need dif-. cefteifhire ^^^" • ^^ ^^^ being the aim to difputc each other into Agreement a nearer Agreement in Opinions, but lirtt to agree in for Church ^hc Pracfl'.cc of what was own'd by all. Accordingly he Order and drew up fome Articles for common Conftnt, in order CoMord. to Chap. VII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 117 to the reduciug the Churches to fotne Order, the fa- tisfying Minifters in Adminiftring the Sacraments, and ftopping the more Religious from Separation, and that without contradicting the Judgment of either of the 3 Parties mention d. After feveral Meetings to conli- der and examine them, and the altering fome particu- lar PaflTages, they were unanimoufly agreed to, by the Minifters of Worceflerpoifey and feveral in the Neigh- bourhood ; who aflbciated for mutual Help and Con- cord in their Work: Their Names were as follows. "Mr, Andrew Trifiram, Mini&iGT oi Bridgnorth, Mr.Tho, Baldwin of Chad/ley. Mr. Tho, Baldwin of Clenf, Mr. Jofeph Baker of J4^orcefier, Mr, Henry Oajlmid of Bswd' ley, Mr. VViliiam Spicer of Stone, Mr. J^ichard Sergeant, laft Miniftcr of Stone, Mr. PVilshy of PVomhorne, Mr. John ^eignolds oi iVolverhfimfton, Mr. Jofeph ^cel^e of I{pwley. Mr. Bjchard H'ollcy of Snilwarp, Mr. Gila WoUey. Mr. Humphrey Wnldern of Broome, Mr.Bd- xvtird Bowchier of Church-hill, Mr. Ambrofe Sparry of Martley, Mr. fVilliam I^mberley of I{jdmarhy, Mr. Benjamin Baxter of ZJpton upon Severn. Mr. Dowley of Stoy. Mr. Stephen Baxter, Mr. Thomas Bromwic^. of Kjnfey. Mr. J, Nott of Sherijf hales, Mr. George Hop- kins of Eve/ham, Mr. John Spilsbury of Brotnfgrove^ And Mr. Juice of PVorceJier. All of them Worthy Men, Eminent for Piety, and Moderation, and Minifterial Abilities. Having all agreed in this Aflbciation, they propos*d publickly to tbeir People fo much as requii'd their Confent and Pradice, and gave every Family a Copy in Print, and a fufficient time to confider and un- derftand it, and then put it in Execution. Mr. Baxter publilh'd the whole, with the Reafons and Explica- tion of the feveral Particulars, in a Book calKd C/jr/- ftian Concord.'-— 'In their Aflbciation they agreed upon a Monthly Meeting at certain Market-Towns, for Conference about fuch Cafes of Difcipline as rcquir'd Confultation and Confent : And they were conftant- ly kept up at Evefloam and Kjderminfter. At Ksder- minfter there was once a Month a Meeting of ^ Jufti- ces of the Peace, who livM with them, and 3 or 4 Minifters, {for fo many they had in the Parifti)^ and 3 or 4 Deacons, and 20 of the Antienc and Godly Men of the Congregation, who pretended to no Office as Lay-Elders, but only met as Trufteea of the whole i 3 Church, ii8 The LIFE of Chap.Vll. Church, and were chofen Annually for that Purpofe. At this Meeting they admoniili'd thofe who remain'd Impenitent in any Scandalous Sin, after more Private Admonition before two or three ; they with all poflible Tcnderncfs perfwaded them to repent, and labour d to convince them of iheir Sin and Danger ; and prayed with them if they confented. If they could not be be prevail'd with to repent, they requir'd them to meet before all the Minifters at the other Monthly Meeting, which was always the next Day after this Parochial Meeting. There the Admonitions and Exhortations were renew'd, and fome Minifters of other Parilhes la- boured to fet it Home, that the Offender might not think it was only the Opinion of the Minifter of the Place, and that he did it out of Ill-Will or Partiality. If the Offender yielded penitently to confefs his Sin, and promife Amendment, (more or lefs publickly ac- cording to the Nature of the Scandal ) they then joyn'd in Prayer for his true Repentance and Forgivenefs, and exhorted him farther to his Duty for the Future. But if he ihJl contiiiu'd obftinately Impenitent, by the Con- icnt of alJ, he was by the Paftor of the Place to be pubJickJy admonifh'd, and pray'd for by that Church, ufually three feveraJly Days together : And if flill he re- mained Impenitent, the Church was requir'd to avoid him, as a Perfon untit for their Commuiuon. And the like Method was follow'd by all the Aflbciated Minifters and Churches At the fame Time the Mi- nifters of Cumberland and li^ejimorland fell alfo upon I he fame Courfe, and took much the fame Method for the Exercife of Church Difcipline ; and correfponded with the Minifters of IVorcefierpoire about it : And fo alio did fome other Counties. The lonii- Jn thefe Meetings of the H^orcefierfhire Minifters, "Daj Le- they itudied how to have the Lcdbures they fet up a- Oure mthc mojig them extend to every Place in the County ihat County. }^aj need. For when the Parliament purg d the Mini- ftry, they caft out thole v/ho were moft Infafficicnt and Scandalous, as grofs Drunkards, andfuch like ; and alfo fome few Civil Men that had been againft them in the War, or fet up Bovfin^ to Altnrsj with clie like Innova- tions : But they had left in, near half the MJiufters that were not good cno* to do much Service, nor bad ^no to be caft jDUt as mtcrly intoleiabk. There ^«- Chap. VIL Mr. Richard Baxter. 119 main d a Company of weak Preachers, that had no great Skill in Divinity, nor Zeal for GodJinefs ; but preach'd weakly 'that which was true, and liv'd in no grofs notorious Sin. Thefe Men not being caft out, their People greatly needed Help ; for their dark fleepy Preaching did but little good. *Twas therefore refolv'd. That fame of the filler Mlnifters fhould often voluntarily help them. Mr. Baxter procur'd the 30 /. that was col- Jedted at the Yearly Feaft of the Londoners of that Coun- ty, for the Support of fuch a Ledure for one Year, and fo the Defign was covered under the Name of The Lon^ doners Lecture ; which took off" the Offence. They chofe four worthy Men, Mr. Andrew Triifram, Mr. Henry Oajland, Mr. Thomas Baldwin^ and Mr. J of. Treble; who undercook to go each Man his Day once a Month, which was every Lord's Day between the four, and to preach at thofe Places whjich had moft need, twice on the Lord's-Day ; but to avoid all IllConfequences and O/- fence^ they were fometimes to go to abler Men's Con- gregations, and where ever they came to fay fomevvhat to draw the People, to the Honour and fpecial Regard of their own Payors ; that how weak foever they were, they might fee the Defign was not to draw away the Hearts of the People from them, but to ftrengthen their Hands, and help them in their Work. This Lecture did a great deal of Good ; and tho' the Londoners gave their Afliflance but one Year, yet having once fet it on Foot, they continu'd it voluntarily, Mr. Baxter being as forward as any ; and they held on 'till they were fi- lencM, and had the Church Doors fhut upon thcra. But it was not eno' to fuch a Man as Mr. Baxter to The \Vor- be ufeful in the Particular County he liv d in ; he was ceiicrfhire earneft in feeking, and careful in improving, all 0;>- ■^"♦^'*"'' fortunities of General Service. In the Time of the B^mp .or Common-wealth, the Anahaptifts, Seekers^ &c. flew fo high againft Tithes and the Miniftry, that it was much fear'd they would have prevail'd at laft. Here- upon ;he drew up a Petition for the Miniftry, and got many Thoufand Hands to it in PVorcefier/hire., on which Account it was printed with the Title of that County's Petition, it was-prefented by Mr. Thomas Foley, and Col. John Bridges, and a kind promi^ng Anfwer was given to it, which feem'd to lead to foajc good Refo- iutions. The Seftaries greatly rag'd againft the Petition, I 4 ^ad MM«>«*^i.fc«^lfa*iai%#i 1 20 The LIFE of Chap. VII. and one wrote a vehement Invedlive againft it, which Mr. Baxter anfwer^d in a Paper call'd, The De- fence of the Worcefterfhirc Petiticr?^ a Copy of which he gave to each Parliament Man at the Door : But within a Day or two after they were dilTolv'd. The Debate I" the Injlruifient whereby Oliver wa$ made Protcftor, tibout Tun- it was declared. That ail Jhould have Liberty for the free d^mintals. E^rcife cf their B^Ugion^ who profe/s'd Faith in God by Jejus Chrifl. This Inftrument being examined in Parlia- ment, when they came to thofe Words, fome honeft Members afiirm'd,. That if they f pake 6e. it, and not de no- mine,F'J'V^ in God by Jefus CfjrifiyCould contain no le/j than the Fundamentals of ^ligion. So that it was purpofed. That all (hould have a due Meafure of Liberty, who profefs'd the Fundamentals. Hereupon the Committee appointed to that Bufinefs, were requir'd to nominate certain Divines, to draw up in terminis the Fundamen- tals cf {{eligion^ to be as a Teft in this Toleration. The Ccmmitee being about fourteen, nam'd every one his Man. The Lord Broghill ( afterwards Earl of Orrery, and Lord-Prelident of Munfter, ) nam'd Arcb-Bifhop ZJfh- «r; who rerufing the Service, he nominated Mr. Bax^ ter in his Stead ; upon which, he was fent for up to London^ and drawn into a difficult Piece of Service, in which tho' he could eafily forefee he fhould be hampered by the Karrownefs of fome, and the Shynefs of others, he yet freely engag'd. The other Perions employed, were Mr. Mar/ha/^ Mr. B^yner, Dr. Cheynely Dr. Goodvoin^ Dr. Owfw, Mr. Nye, Mr. Sydrach Sympfon, Mr. Vims, Mr. Mtntcn^ and Mr. Jacomb, And he found they had begun, and drawn up fome few of the Propolitions, which they call'd Fand.^mmtf.UhQ^ort, hisArrivaJ. For his own Part, he apprehended, that in bating fo Nice a Que A ion as that, PPhnt are your Fundament/: Is ? Great Care ought to be taken to diftinguifh between the Scnfe or Matter, and the Words : That the Senfe only is primarily and properly Fundamental, and the Words no farther than as they are needful to cxprefs that Senfc. In Reality therefore he took no more to be Eflential or Fundamental in Religion, but what it contain'd in our Baptifmal Covenant, I believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Cshoj}, and pive up my felf in Civenant to him, renouncing the Flejh, the l^orld, and cJrv'DiviL And as .to Words, he took no particular tr.:. Word$ Chap. VII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 121 Words in the World to be ElTentials of our Religion • otherwife, no Man could be fav'd without the Lan- guage which thofe Words belong to. And as to Pub- lick Profefiions upon Admittance to Communion, he tho't thus much might very well fuffice: In general, I do believe all that is contain d in the Sacred Cammcal Scrip- tures, and particularly I believe all explicit/)/ contairid in the Antient Creeds, and I defire all that is contain d in the hordes Prayer, and I refolve upon Obedience to the Ten Com- mandments, and what ever elfe I can learn of the PVill of God, And for all other Points, he judg'd it eno' to preferve both Truth and Peace, that Men promife not to preach againft them, or contradict them, tho' they do not fubfcribe them. And therefore he propos'd the Offering to the Parliament, the Creed, Lord's Prayer^ and Ten Commandments, as the Eflcntials or the Fun- damentals of Chriftianity, containing all that is ne- cefTary to Salvation. When they objedted, That this might be fubfcrib'd by a Papifl or Socinian ; his Anfwer was, That it was fo much the better, and the fitter to be the Matter of Concord : But that if they were afraid of Communion with Papifts and Socinians, it fhould not be avoided by making a New B^le or Teji of Faith which they will not fubfcribe tOy or by forcing others to fubfcribe to more than they can do^ but by calling them to Account, when ever in Preaching or fi'^riting^ they contradiB or abvfe the Truth to which they have fubjcrib''d. They refolv'd however to hold on in the Way they had begun, and fo all that he had left to do, was to ufe his Endeavours to prevent their multiplying Fundamentals needlefly. At length this Propofition was bro't in among others under the Head of the Scriptures, That no Man could know God to Salvation by any other Means. This he aflerted was nei- ther Fundamental nor Truth, for that Faith may be wrought by the Teaching of another,without ever know- ing that there is a Scripture. He argu'd the Point, and afterwards gave them his Reafons in Writing : And if •he did no other Service among them, at leaft prevented the running many Things fo high as might otherwife have been expeded. When after many long Debates, they had printed Twenty of their Propofitions for the Parliament, ihax was diffolY'd^ and fo all came to jSipthjing. Truth I2X The LIFE of Chap. VII. Truth and Peace were the Matter of this Good Mans Purfuit all his Days. He ftu^-k at no Pains that might concnbute to either. He refolv'd to take fitting Opportunities of dealing with all the fevcral Parties in- to which the Nation was unhappily divided, hoping that at leaft he might help to pave the Way for the Succefs of others, when the happy Jundlure fhould arrive, tho' his iindeavours (hould prove fruitlefs and abortive. Mr. Vines extolling the Judgment and Learn- ing of Dr. B^alph Brovonriyg^ Bilhop of Excetcr, and ad- viftng him to choofc him as the fitteft Man to treat with for Concord with the Diccefnn Party, he wrote to him, and Tent hina fome Terms of Concord. He return'd him a very kind Letter, profefiing his WiUingnefs to profecute that Work, and fending a particular Anfwer to his Propofals, granted the main Matters which he de- Cred, and which would have united all Parties, if yield- ed to when the King came in. For he granted, with Bifhop Vjher^ that every Presbyter is and muft be a Go- vernour, as well as a Teacher of his own Flock ; and that fubordinare AfTemblies, like Rural Deanrics, might be fet up in every Market Town, or in certain limited Divisions. And fome good A^greement with theEpifcopal Party, might have been even then hop'd for, had not Olive) y when he had the Government in his Hands, put in among the Scandalous Minifters, who were there- upon to be ejected all thro' the Nation, all thofe who took Part with the King againft the Parliament : With which they were Co .exafperated, as to lay allde all Tho'cs of Agreement. A Vcoate Mr. Martin Johti/o?:, a Neighbouring Minifier at concernin'r iVoynbornc, (afterwards Minifter of Spalding in Lincoln- the NeccjJityJhireJ who tho* high in bis Principles, was yet a Lover of a clear of all honcft pcaceablc Men, and conftantly at the Succcjjionin Meetings, Ledturcs, and Difputations at KsdcnninftcTy the Mini' ^rote to Mr. Bnxtcr aboui: the Keccfjhy of Epifcfpal Or- '^' dinnticn. He in Anfwcr to himmaintain'd, That there was no abfolute Ncccifity, That a Man might be a true Miniftcr who was ordain'd by Presbyters ; and that in Cafes of Necelfity, it was a Duty to take Ordi- nation from them. This he oppos'd with Mndefty and J-udg^nent for a Time, 'till at laft being convinc'd, he yielded the Caufc. rii Chap. VII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 123 rU here fubjoyn a fhorc Abftrad of the Arguments and Replies, Mr. Johnfon gave Four Reafons why he was for being earneft in pleading for an Uninterrupted Succeffion in the Miniftry, v^ich Reafons he urg d as Arguments to prove it. I. He urg*d the Serloufnefs of our Divines in their En- deavours to frovdtf That our Bijhops in the Days of Kjng Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth were Ordain d by Bi- fi>opSy againft the Calumnies 0/ Sanders, Kellifon, Chalm- ney, and others, who warmly ajferted an Interruption in the Succeffion, The Pains of our Divines in this Refpedl, he tho'c might have been fpar'd, if a clear Succeffion be not needful.—- Mr. Baxter in Anfwer told him, * That he tho't it much more fafe, in a Cafe of this Nature, firft to confider the Fad:, and prove that there hath been fuch a Succeflion, before the Necefllty of it is afTert-' ed. However, fince he took the other Way, he would follow. This Argument, he told him from the Reformers, when fcann d, would amount to this ; That what ever they tho'c neceflary to be prov'd a- gainft the Papifts, was really fo ; But befides that there is no Confequence in that, where there is an ac- knowledged Fallibility ; it is withal obfervable, that the EngUfh Bilhops might have other Ends in endea- vouring to clear the Succeflion, befides Compliance with a fuppos'd Neceflity : They might defign the confuting their Adverfary on his own Grounds ; or they might aim at ftiewing, that tho' the Neceflity of a clear Succeffion were granted, yet they need not grant the Nullity of their Calling. Nay , 'tis evident in Fad:, that tho' fuch high Men as Mouyitague and Laud^ did joyn with the Papifts in pleading for the Neceflity of a diftind Succefllon, yet this was not the Way of the True Primitive Fathers of the Church jof England^ who argu'd upon the Succeflion againft the Papifts only ad Hominem, as we fay, for their more efledual Convidion : And therefore took fo jnuch Pains to confute the Fable of the Naggs- * Head Ordination, that they might prove the Papifts ij Slanderers, And 'tis obfervable, that fuch high Men as 124 The LI FE of Chap. VH. as thole mention'd, were nigh upon the Matter as zealous againit Queen Eli:{nbeth'*s Epifcopai Proceftanis as againft the Papifts themfelves. 2. Mr Johnfons Second Argument was to this Purpofe. Without a clear Succeflion, we that are now Minifters cannot be faid to have our Authority from Chrift, for we muft have it from him either medintcly or immedi- ately. To affert an immediate Derivaiion of Authority from Chrift, is extravagant. \i yNt\i2.\'t it mediately from Chrift, we muft have it by the Mediation of fome Perfon,who at length had it immediately from him.This cannot be, if the Succeflion be interrupted. If it be faid, the Authority is convcy'd from Chrift, by the Media- tion of the written Word, he nnfwers, 'tis no fit Me- dium for the conveying fuch Authority in our Days : And that for this Reafon, becaufe it meddles not with any Particular Perfons of our Times. For the written Word neither Names any Particular Perfons, nor lays down any incommunicable Adjundt that might diftin- guifh them, nor gives" any fuch general Defcription which may be perfonally and particularly afcrib'd toa- ny of them. Were there any fuch general Defcription, that could give Authority, it muft be in Words to this Purpofe; They th^t nrc thus and thus qualify d, may he Minijiersofthc Word : Whcrcas the Scripture only fays. They that Preach the fVjrd fhall he thu t and thus qualify' d ; but fuppofestbe Perfons fo qualify'd to come by their Authority fome other Way. For Authority he con- ceived to be far different, from either Abilities to un- dergo an Employment, or a willing Mind to undertake it, orConvenicncy of Habitation for the Difcharge of it, or the Deiire of any Perfons inviting a Man to it. A Man may have all thefe, and yet want Authority. Tho' all thefe fiiould concur in the Cafe of a Gentleman, yet is he nota Jnftice of Peace, 'till his Name be in the Commiflion from the Supream Magiftrate, and he hath taken his Oath as avStipulation to him on hisPart, for his faithful Dillhargein ic : So neither doth a Man, by the Concurrence of all thele Circumftances, be- come an Authoriz'd Minifter, 'till Jefiis Chrift, the Su- preme Govcrnour of his Church, rtiall by the Bifhops, as his Deputies, put his Name into the Gommiftion^ and take reciproc;;! Security from him for his faithful Difcharge of his Duty. T© Chap. VII. Mr, Richard Baxter. 125 To this Mr. Baxter reply*d, * That a Conftitution may be from Chrift medintefy, either in refped to a mediating Perfon, or tO forae mediating Sign only : And the mediating Perfcn may be either the total fub- ordinate Caufe, having himfelf receiv'd the Power from God, and being as from himfelf to convey ic unto Man ; or be may be but the Accidental Caufc ; or his Adion may be only conditionally requifite. J«i?- mediateiy^ in the ablolute Senfe, with the Exclufion of all Mediating Perfons and Signs, no Man ever had any Right communicated, or Duty impos'd by God, unlefs perhaps the immediate Imprefs, or fu- pernatural Revelation of the Holy Ghoft to fome Prophet or Apoftle, might be faid to do it, God is fo abfolutely the Fountain of all Power, that no Man can either have or give any Power but deriva- tively from him, and by his Commiffion ; and the general Way of Man s giving it, muft be by the (ig- nification of God's Will ; and fo far as that can be fufiiciently difcover'd, there needs no more to the Con- .yeyance of Power. Men mediate three Ways in the Nomination of the Perfon. When they have a Go- verning Authority over others, they convey efficient- ly to inferior Officers the Power that belongs to their Places. This Way of mediating is not always, if at all, neceffary or poffible in the Church. The Papiffs own their Pope is authorized, without this Way of Efficiency ; for none have a Papal Power to convey to him. And it was the old Doc5lrine of the Church, (in St. Cyprian s Time) That all Biihops were equal, and had no Power one over another, but all had their Power dire(5tly from Chrift. A Second Way is, when Men that are of equal Authority have the No- mination of the Perfon. In fuch a Cafe there can be no proper Efficiency ; for they who are the Ordainers, have no particular Government over ihofe whom they ordain, or the Churches to whom they ordain them. Their Aciion is only a necelTary Pieiequifire. The Third Way of Mediating is by the meer Ele^iion of Infenours. As to the written Word, that, in Cafe of a failing of Ordairers is a fnfficient Mediate I/iJiru- meijt ; Abilities, Willingnefs , and Opportunity (which are necelfary to qualify ) concurring. The Coniti- 126 The LI FE of Chap. Vlf. Confticution of Magiftrarcs, in Cafe of a failure of Minif^ers, is a farther Medium, diftirid frofti Scrip- ture. When Miniftersfail, Magiftrates are the Judges ; if both fail, the People have the Judgment of Difcre- tion without any Governing Power : Their Judgment of Difcretion hath a fnfficient Difcovery of God's Ef- ficient Conftitution, in the Law of God, in the Per- fonsAbiJities, Willingnefs, and Opportunity, and the Willingnefs of the People. The Word of God hath not left us at fuch un- certainty in the Point, as this Sort of Arguing would feem to intimate. For we find God hath there de- termin'd that there fhall be Minifters : He hath alfo detcrmin'd the Nature of their Work and Power, the Obje<5k about which, and the End to which, it is to be eroploy'd. The Perfons are defcrib'd from their neceflary Qualifications, in the Books of Timothy and Titus. And all that is now left to be done, is but to judge and determine of the particular Perfon who is moft capable ,• and fo far to be the Medium of his receiving the Power. This Judging and Determina- tion muft be by Signs, from the Perfons Qualificatibns agreeing to the Rule. And God hath made Ecclefia- ftical Officers the Ordinary Author it ative Judges of this Queftion, ^jo is the Qunlifyd Perfon ^ So that 'tis not only the Scnfe of the Word of God in the Matter, That they thnt Prer.ch /hall he thus and thus qualify*d, but Men thus and thus {]ualifyd^ Ihall he appointed to Preach the Wcrd. And the Obligation in this Refpe£l remains in Force, tho' the Way of their Ordination may ccafe: And m fuch a Cafe the Magiftrate's Defjg- nation^ or People's llleclion, upon the difcerning the Qualifications, is a fufficient Nomination of the Per- fon ; upon which Nomination the Word of God con- veys the Power to him. ' God hath no where oblig'd himfelf in Scripture to give all Churches the Opportunity of li^-gular Mi- nijferial Ordination : Nay in FaCt, in many Places there hath been a Moral or Natural Impoifibility of it; as in the f{om'/Jo Church, where there's no Ordination to be had, but upon finful Terms, by wicked Oaths or Profelllons r Or in fome remote Parrs of the World, where there arc no Minilters. But ruppofc fuch a Cafe had never been, 'tis ycc pof- iible Chap. VII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 127 fible for there to be fuch a Cafe, where a Regular Ordination Ihould be impracticable; and therefore it cannot be an indifpenfible Duty. Again, the End why I am oblig'd to feek Ordination rather from an Ecclefiaftical Officer than from a Magittrate, (^c, is becaufe God hath appointed him for Order fake, as one that ought to be the fitteft to do it, and prevent Intrufions and Abufes. Now where the Regular Or- dainers prove infufficient or wicked ; this End fails. Thus it was in. the Time of the Arrian Defe(ftion ; and thus, 'tis ac this Day in the Church of B^me. God gives no Men Power to deftroy the Church, but to preferve and propagate it. And therefore when Men will not ordain to the Prefervation, but to the appa- rent Deftrudkion of the Church, we are not oblig'd to receive their Ordination. ' That it was never the Will of God that there ftiould be no Miniftry at all, longer than Men might be regularly ordain'd, he prov'd by feveral Reafons. Becaufe the Office of the Miniftry is of ftanding Neceflicy to the very Being of a PoHtical Church, whereas Ecclefiaftical Authoritative Ordi- nation is but neceffary to the Well-being of it. And therefote the failing of the Latter, caufeth not a failing of the Former. God hath oft faffer'd his Church to fall into Diforders and Diftempers^ when yet he hath preferv'd its Being. Withal, God hath not infeparably ty'd a neceffary certain End, to one only mutable uncertain Mean. The Office of the Miniftry, is the necelfary certain End of Regular Ecclefiaftical Ordinntion 5 and that is a mutable un- certain Mean. Again, God hath not put ic into the Power of Biftiops, or other Ordainers, to deftroy his Church for ever, as they might do, if the Mini- ftry were infeparably annex'd to their Authoritative Ordination. Eafily might they do it upon that Suppofition ; for that it is in the Power of their Wills, whether they will ordain any other to luc- ceed them ; and if they (hould not, the SuccefTion is interrupted, and the Ofiice muft fail. It's vain to fay. This is not to be fuppos'd, when there is no Promife or Certainty of the contrary : And when 'tis fo evident that Ordainers may turn Hcretica[, and refufe to ordain any but what will be io too ; which 128 The LIFE cf Chap. VII. * which was the Cafe in the Time of the Arrians, And * as for thofe few that do not lurn Hereticks, they ' may clog their Ordinations with fuch Impofitions ' and Engagements, as that Perfons fearing God may ' juftly refcife to fubmit to them. They may fo ma- ^ nage Matters, as that the Confcientious muft not be * ordained by them ; and confeqiiently they have * Power to deftroy the Church : Which if it were af- * firm'd but of the Churches in one Nation, is not * true. Again, God hath made it indifpenfibly ne- * ceffary to his People to the Worki's End, to af- * femble in foJemn Congregations for Pubiick Wor- * (hip : This cannot be without a Miniftry ; and there- ' fore this muft be had, tho Authoritntive Ecclefisflicnl * Ordination fail. Such a Failure can never abfolve a ' Country or People from God's Pubiick Worlhip ; * without which Chriftianity would foon dwindle away. * Again, the Law of Nature, and the exprefs unchan- * geable Written Word agreeing with it, require Men * to do the Office of Minifters, who have a Fitnefs for * it, where there is an undeniable NecelCcy of their * Help 5 and fuch a fuppos'd Failure can't give a Dif- * penfation. That there is a Duty in fuch a Cafe of * Necelllty, even on Perfons unordain d, appears hence, ' in that the Office of the Miniftry comprehends the ' greateft Works of Mercy to Men's Souls, and which * are moft for the Glory of God, of which when there ' is Ability, Opportunity and Neceliicy, to be fuie * Obligation cannot be wanting. In a Place that is in- * f<;dled, where better Help is not at Hand, a Man of * tolerable Skill is bound to give Advice, tho he be ' not a Phylician. In an unexpedted Aflault of an E- * nemy in the Camp, if the Commanders are afleep or * abfent, the moft experienc'd Soldiers may fupply their * Place : In fuch Cafes, Salus Populi Suprema LeXj the ' Common Safety^ as the highefl Law, univerfally pre- * vails ; and there is the fame Reafon why Salus Eccle- * fi-e (hould be Suprema Lex ; why the S/ifct]f of the * Church lliould be the higheft Law, without fticking ac * Formalities, when the Ail is at Stake. Our Lord * hjth raught us, that Ceremonials and mccr Fifjttvesdo * give Way to Natural Morals and Suhfinntials ; and * that uhen two Duties come together, and cannot * boih be perform'd, the Greater muft be chofcn, Cncum" Chap. VII. Air. Richard Baxter. 129 Circuyncificn^ that tvas fo {^^(^tly crijoyn'd, was di- fpens'd with for forty Years logether in the Wild^r- nefs : How much more under the Gofpel Would God have Externals and Modals ftdop to the Sublhnce ? Again, there is a great Parity between Secular and Ecclefiaftical Power. Jf an Irirerruption of the Succef- ^r^ (ion in the ordinary Conveyance 6^ Civil Power ^ leave a Nation without any true Power or Authority, then moft Commoti'Vpe tilths^ this of England in particular^ (where the Line of Succeflion haih been fo oft Inter- rupted) had been long ago diffolv'd : But this is a Cohclufion evidently Deftru£live of all Civil Govern- ment. Now there is not a greater NecefUcy of an un- interrupted SuccefTion in the Conveyance of Ecclefia- fiical Power^ than there is as to that which is Secular: And therefore Mr. Baxter put Mr. John/on Mpoti apply- ing what he faid of a Minifter's receiving his EccJe- fiaftical Power mediately or immedldtely ; and if me^ diately^ how by Scripture Mediation, which riieddles not with particular Perfons ; to King Charles the Firlt's Receipt of his Civil Power or Authority in .'this Nation ; wbich he thnnght wciuld help him to difcover how Uncle Strength there Wis in his Argu-. ment. Again, want of Authoritarive EcclefiafticaJ OrdinatioHj in Cafe of Neceffity, will no more null -the A(5tions of Church Governonrs now, than un- deniable Ufurpation did null the Miniifetial Adiohs of the Priefls before Chriit's Death. And if their Adiions aie not null, their Ordinations are not null. That the Prief^s in our Saviour's Time came not In in God's Wayjis well known, and univerfaliy own'd : And that their Actions were not null, as to others, ap- pears by Chrifl's teaching Men to fubmic to them. Now 'tis hard to give a Reafon why there (hould aoc be as great a Neceflity of an Uninterrupted SuccelHon then, as now. Nay, the Neceflitylwas then on many Accounts greater, becaufe the Priefthood was fix'd in a Family, ^Ci Again, when God tyes his People to Duty^ he is ready to give them the Bleffing, which is its Endj if tliey obey. Now God obliges many to fubmit to the Minifterial Adtions of fome that arc ir- regularly Ordain'd, nay, even of Ufurpers: And hath not obliged the People narrowly to pry into a Miniftera CalJj to whom they belong, as to his juf! K Ordina- I50 The LIFE of Ghap. VII. Ordination, if they ftnJ him fit for, and faithful in, the Miniftcrial Woik. Nay, the People cannot know or judge of ihe Matter of a clear Succelfion* For if they know their Miiiifters wereOrdain'd, how can they tell how it was as to thofc that ordain'd them, or as to many other Links of that Chain that muft at lafl derive their Power from Chrift hinifelf by Perfona] SucceiTicn. Again, if the Admii]iiftra- tions even of Ufurpers were null, ( and fo the Ordi- nation of fuch ) then innocent Perfons and Churches would fuffer, nay be ruin'd, meerly thro' other Men's Faults. If the Lord-Uepucy of Ireland^ or the Vice- Roy of Naples were dead, and one ihould fo counter- feit the King*s Hand and Seal, as that the Nobles and People could not difcern it, and Ihould annex this to a Grant for the Place, and (hew it to the People, and claim the Power by it ; if this Man continue the Excrcife of this Power for a Year, before the King difplace him, or the Deceit be difcover'd, all his Actions muft be valid as to the Benefit of the Common- we^iltb^ tho* tht^y are Treafonablc to himfelf : And he conveys Power from the King to Inferiour Officers, who yet never receiv'd any himfclf. And fo 'tis in the Cafe of Minifters. Again the Ordination of the Magiftrates ferv'd the Turn in Cafe of a Failure in the Regular Way, before Chrift's Time, and therefore ic may do fo ftill- Thus Solomon put out Abiathar^ and put in "^ndok, into the High Priclthood : And the power of Magiftrares in Church Matters was no Ce- remony, or Tcmporjry 1 hing. Once more, when any OfHcrrs of che Temple were dilcovcr'd to have no jutt Title, and thereupon were put out, yet none of their Actions, while they were in Place, were cen- fur'd null. This appears from iJ^wi 2. 6z. \ehem, 7. 64, 65. and 13. 29, 50. and iffo, their Ordina- ^ lion was not null : Nor can it b-, upon a like Sup- pbfifion, in our Times. ' Further ; The Individual Perfon to be the Subject of the Miiiijierial Powc/-^ may be detcrminM of or- dinarily (or fcmctimes at ieaft) by the People's E- i lecflion, and then be prercnicd to the Minifters for *'' Ordination ; if fo, then may the very fame Perfon, being detcrniin'd of by the People, be prefented ta Cod immediatcjy fcr his Ordination, in Cafe thf jc '" • *bc Ghap. VII. Mr. Richard Baxter. j2i be no Ordainers to be had. We fee the People had a Vote at firft in the Choice of Church Officers, /ids 6. 5. If tliey were to choofe Deacons fo and fo quali- fy'd, and then prefent them to the ApolUes, then were they competent Difcerners of the Qualifications. And iri the Cafe of Minifters, feveral Councils have decreed Ordinations invalid,without the People's Elediion; yea, if they were but affrighted, andover- aw'd, and did noc ac^ freely. The Scripture is fuffi- cient for the whole of the Affair of feeling Minifters, except the Nomination of the Individual : Now in Cafe tliere be no Ordainer, a right qualify 'd Man cho- fen only by the People, is jultly nominated as the Individual, and the Word of God gives Authority to that Individual Perfon, fo nominated or determined of. For vvhen ever two Parties are made Con-Caufes^ Cas here, Minifters as Ordainers^ and People as Choofers) or are to concur in Determinations, when one Party failech, the Power and Duty is folely in the other. Again, if the Woird lo far defer ibes the Perfons to receive the Power, as that a Bifhop -^an nominate the Perfons by the help of that Defcnption, then others alfo may nominate them by ihe Help cf that Defcrip- tion. For others may be able to fee what a Bilhop can fee, and in Cafe of Neceility at leaft may do it. The Word meddles with none of the Individuals-, V^hich the BiJtiops decermine of, and yet conveys the Power when ihe Biihop hath derermin'd of the Per- fon to receive it. And 'tis the like, when in Cafe of Necedity the Perfon to receive the Power is another Way determined of. The Law of God is to be con- ceived of in this Form: i do Author i:{e the ?erfont that fhall be jitftly deter mirid of^ r,ccording to thii Dc" fcription. And becaufe Minifterial Determinations are the ordinary regular Way with the Peopled Cort- fenr, it is ^. d. Ordinarily J do /iuthori:{e the Fer/ons^ whom Ecdejwftical Porver fhall determine cf^ according to this Defer ipt ion. So that it is God, by his Law^ that gives the Power. Again; If the People may^ by their Judgment of Difcretion, difcern whether a Biihop have ordain'd them one agreeable to rhe Scripture D'/cripticn, they may alfo difcern whether a Man be agreeable to it, tho' unordain d. If nor^ then muft they receive an Heretick or Infidel with- K % 'oof i-}^ The Lit B of Chap. VII. outTrya!, if Ordain'd their Bifhop ; which is not * true, for ihey are bovind to rejedi fuch a one. If they " are not to Kit with fuch a one, much lefs are they * to rakehitn for their Minifter or Bilhop. Again; the * Caf:: may be fo plain who the Perfon is that God ' Wotild hive, as that there may be no room for Contro^ ^ ' ' /v .ibjur it. As when a Perfon hath all the vifible salifications of Abilities, Phty, and a Righteous ''' CorrvcrfAtion ; a PVill to the Work ; Opfortunity for 1', by i ibcrty from Secular Power, and Vacancy from Other Engagements, ^c. When ihv'j People's Hearts are mov'd cowards him ; and there isnoCom- pcriror, or not fo many but allmay be chofen: When ' nil th'^le concur, there is no Controverfy who Ihould ' be the Man. But then where thefe Things do concur, * Perfons muft feek an orderly Admiflion where it is ' poiFible and not be their own Judges of their Fit- ^ nefs, where there are other Judges of God's Ap- ' poinrmcnr. But if they are wanting, or fo difpos'd ^* as that they'll approve of none, but upon Terms of * their own devifing, a Formality or Point of Order is ' not to be preferr'd before the faving of Men's Souls, * and the Publiclc Good and Safety of the Church. * Again; If inCafe of thewantof a Lawful Magiftrate, * the People may determine of an Individual Perfon, * whom God (hall Authorize, tho* the Scripture name * no Individual of this Age, then they may do fo f alfo with regard to the Miniftry. If this ben't al- * low'd as to Secular Government, we Ihould fcarce * have any Magiftrates in the World but by violent i»- * trufwij which is far worfexthan Popular EletUon, * Now the Scripture meddles no more with Individuals * for Magifiracy than for Mi?jijiry, Mr. Jolmfon at firft View complaio'd, That he could rot fee that Mr. Baxter, by this R^fly^ had anfxper^d his Second Argument ^ wherein lay the Strength of his Caufe j but upon more mature ConCderation, he acknow- Icdg'd to him, That he had juggejted that which enabled him to anfvQcr it himfelf^ and given him full SatisfaElion, For that he had convinced him, that tho' the Succejfion of Ordination might be interrupted^ yet we may draw our jiuthorlty from Chriji by the Mediation of the written li\rd, or indeed by the very Law of Nature^ which obii- gei Chap. VIL Mr. flichard Baxter. 195 ges nil Men to do voha Good they can when they hnve Op^ per t unity ^ and there is a NeceJJity of their Help, And that therefore he did not doubt but a Man ml^ht have a fufficient Dlfcovery of the iVill of ChriH calling him out to Dupy And by Cc^fequence giving him fufficient Autho- rity for that PVorl{f tho be might want the I{?guUr En- trance i/ito it, 3. Mr. Johnfons Third Argument was taken from the Encouragement it would give to the Invaders and In- truders upon the Minijlerial Office^ to own that a clear Suc- cejTion was not necejfary. To this Mr. B/:xter reply'd : * That what ever En- couragement fuch Perfons might take, there was no juft Encouragement given them. The beft Things, - as God^j Mercjfulneji, Chrift*s SatisfaFiion^ the Preach- ing of Free Grace, &c. may be Occafions of encou- raging Men in Sin, but are not therefore to be dif- own'd. Becaufe a clear Succeffion is not necejfary^ it doih not prefently follow, that Intruders are to be erabrac'd ; for they defpife or negle£l God's Order. If God bid them go and work in his Vineyard, but for Order's fake go in at this Door, he that will not go ia at this Door is a Difobedient Servant, and not to be own'd 'till he reform. But if God himfelf do nail up this Door, there needs no exprefs Difpen ra- tion for noit going in at it. And it no Way follow?, that becaufe Neceflicy may be pleaded where 'lis not real, it may not be therefore pleaded where it is fo. Tho* many Men may be guided by Fancy, and run before they are fent, yet other Ways muft be found to ftop them, befides a Suppofition, the Con- fequences whereof are fo fatal. Bat -what ever Li- berty any take without aWa^-rant, that Man mnft have a very hard Heart that would leave fuch a Nation as this, much more all the World, to the ap- parent Danger of BverUfling Damnation, and God's publick Worfliip to be utterly caft out, if it fhould * be prov*d. That the Succeffion of Legitimate Ordination * is interrupted^ 4. Mr. Johnfon's Fourch Argument was taken from the Necejfity of Impofition of Hands in Ordination^ which K 3 ImpO' n4 The LI tE of Chap. VU. Jmpofirion of Hetnds could not he had by him theit fcould ome immediately into the Minifiry^ after a fuppos^d Inter- uption in the Succejfion, To this Mr. Baxter reply'd : ' That he did not take Impofition of Hinds to be ablblutely eflential to Ordi- nation. He mentions a Bilhop of H^^orcrfter in his Time, fo Lame of the Go^.t that he could not move his Hand to a Man's Head ; and yet never heard a Nulhty fufped^ed in his Ordination. He fays. That Impofition of Hands is required^ and a proper Means, ne- cejfaiy not to the Beings Out to the iVell-heing of Ordinal tion. He asks him. If becaufe the Holy Ghoft hath reveal'd it to be the Will of Chrift, that a Bifhop have Faithful Children, and keep them in Subje- ction with all Gravity, it therefore follows that it is Eflential to a Bifiiop to hav? Children ? How interrupted muft this make the Succeflion ! Or be- caufe 'tis the Will of ChrilV, a Chriftian (hould. not fpeak an Idle Word, doth it therefore follow, that he that fpeaks an Idle Word is not a Chriflian ? Things muft not be carried too far. There may be Nercii;ty of Ordination without fmp-'fjtinn of Haihis. A Man caft into, remote Parts of the World, and there plainly called to the Office of the Minifiry, if he muft Travel over Land and Sea for Ordination, his Life may be gone, or moft of it fpent, while he is fecking Autlvinty to ufc it for his Mafter. if a few only of tlie Ordainers were left in a Country, Or in many Nations, and thofe hnprifcn'd, or forced to hide rliemreives, they mif })r ordain by an Inftru- ment nnder their Hands, when they could not do it hy Imp^fi^icn of JUtids. But befidcs, it is Neryeafy to fuppofe how Ordination by Imp -fit ion of Hands may be kept up^ tho' an Epifccpal Succfjion fhould beintei' rupted. And withal, the Neccifity of Impofition of Hands in Ordination, is much iels clear than the Nc- celHty of Ordination it felf, canvafs'd under the Se- cond Argument. Upon the Whole he told him, his main Strengrh lay here ; T'ont Chrift or his /Ip^ftles have mention'd no ether H^ay of con^eyirg Miniflertal pox^er but by Ordination and Impofition of Hands , and therefore there is no other l^ay, and this m neccffary to the Being cf the Ojfice, Now we may as ftrongly argue for Ghap. VIL Mr. Richard Baxter. 135 for any Mode or Convenient Circumftance fo re- quir'd or us'd. j^s Chrift or his Apcftles mention no H^ay of Ordination^ hut X9ith Vrnyerconjimcl^ or hutvpith Impofitionef Hunds on the bare Head, or but in the Sy- riacl^j, Hebrew, Greeks or Latin Tongues, or but on a Man that: IS Vigilant^ Sober and of good Behaviour : And there- fore there is no other XVay ; hut this is of abfchite Necef- fity to the Being of the OJfce, But as this is no good Arguing, no more is the other. It is as bad as if one had thu^ srgu'd with the Tfraelites in the WiJder- nefs ; God hath mention'd no other Way of Cove- nant Engagement, or Church Entrance, but by Cir- cumcifion j and therefore there is no other, but this is neceflary to a Church State and an Interelt in the Covenant. No Divines but acknowledge foire Cafes muft be judg'd, and fome Laws interpreted, >'a'»="^e<- iuinvy which yet is but according to the True Senfe of the Law, as Chrift taught the Pharifees in the Cafe of David, the Priefts, and his DIfciples rubbing the Ears of Corn. * As it feems "Matthias and the other Apoftles were Ofdain'd without Impofition of Hands, fo Gregori^ Thaumaturgus was ordain'dby Ph.rdimus, both againft his Will, and when he was diftant three Days Jour- ney. Gregory Kyjfcn mentions it, in his Orat, de Vit, ThaUtnat j and tells us, Tija't vohcn Gregory avoided the Hands of the iBipdoP, he by Prayer andjolemn fpWds fets him apart ^ tho"^ ahfijit^ to the Priefthocd. Nyjfen fpeaks of it as true Ordination, and the Form us'd fhews that it was Cdnftinuing him in Office as Bilhop of Nercsfarca. * And it really was an Authoritative Confecration to God as a Bifliop, and a Confticnting him over that Church by Pra) er, and folemn Words of Con- fecration.. Their Debate ran upon many other Particulars, lefs momentous than thefe, which are therefore omitted. At another 1 ime, he v/as dealing with the Anabap- His treat- tifts in order to Peace, and that upon this Occafion, »>^ w»/> Mr. Lamb and Mr. Allen, two very fober Men, were ^he jiwt- Paftors of an Anabaptift feparated Church in London, baptlfi. Mr. Lamb*s Wife, who was a good undcrftanding Wo- man, wroie Mr. Bixter Word, That her Husband was K 4 under 1:^6 Ihe L i t^ c. of Chap. Vll. under [ome Dijlurhancc in his Mindy not vpith any I{efe- rence tolnfant-B^ftifm^ hut r.hcut Separation tipon the Ac- count of it • atid that a Lettn from him upon that Sub^ jecl r^oiild he very feafouaule. Hereupon Mr. Baxter wrote to him ; and prov'd by i'cveral Argomenrs, * That * tho' he Ihoiild continue in his Opinion about Infant- * Baptifm, yet he ought not to make it a Reafonof de- * ny ing Communion with his Brethren of another Mind :' His Arguments fo wi^bught upon him, as to faiisfy him. Afterwards, he propounded the fame Confideracions to Mr. Ailen^ v-ho was alfo fatisfy'd : And thereupon they with joynt Confent diflblv'd their Church, and werp very zealous for the Redudlion of their Brethren of the ytnahaptifis Wzy, and to thai End they had a Meet- ing with divers of the moft moderate Paftor§ of the Re baptiz'd Churches : Mr. Baxter fent them Terins on whic|i they might have Peace and Communion with their Brethren ; and they confulted about the«5^ and were in a likely Way of Agreement, had not the Broils of the Army, and the Confu(ion attending the pulling dqwn of Richard Cromvel prevented it. jfV'A ffje He treated alf^ with Mr. Philip Nye about an Agree- Jndepen- ment with the Independents : Two Things Mr. Nye de- denu. manded as NccelTary Concefl'ions in Cafe of an Union That they might have Liberty to take Church Mem- bers out of other Parilhes : And that they might have ' all Church Power within themfelves in their feveral Congregations.' Both which were comply'd with in Mr. Baxter's Propofals in a Meafure. According t() which, they were to be Members of conftant Alfocia- tions, and meet in Synods, tho' not as fubie«5l to their Govcrnmeur, yet in order to Concord: And before they took Members from other Churches, it was to b^ debated in thefe AfTemblics, H^hether there vons fufficient Caufe for a ii^moval. But the grcatcft Difference was npon the Point of Ordination, For whereas 'twas of- fcr'd, * That in Cafe any of their Paflors removed or dy'd, if the fucceeding Paftor wercprdain'd, either by ' any remaining PaHor of that Church, or by any Pa- ' ftors of other Churches, their own or others, they * iliould be own'd as Paftors :' It was rcquir'd they Ih'^uld be arknowledg'd as Paftors, tho' never prdain'd fey any Paftor of their own Church, or any other. ^Vfaich pup a Stop "to tjic Proceeding.' A little before Chap. Vll. Mr. Richard bixter. 127 King Charles's Return, fome Papers pafs'd between him l^'ith tht and Dr. Hammond^ about an Agreement with the £;>//^£;j//coj74/ C0pal Party, which went thro' the Hands of Sir I(alph -Partj. Clare. He propos'd, in order to a Brotherly Agree- ment,, That private Chriftians might have Liberty to manage the Concerns of Religion as they pjeas'd, in their Family, without MoJeftation ; Profanenefs might be urtiyerfaj/ly Difcountenanc'd and Punifh'd ; That great Care might be taken as to the Abilities and Piety of the Paftorsof the Church ; That no Paftofs be forc'd on the Flocks without their Confent ; That the Mini- vers be urg'd to Perfonal Catechizations ; That there bean open ProfeiTion of Faith and Holinefs, upon the puffing out of the State of Infant into that of Adult Church Members ; That Symbolical Miftical Ceremo- nies be not forc'd upon Perfons againft their Con- fciences, or a Form of Prayer fo impos'd, as to reftrain a Freedom of Praying according to the Variety of Cir- cumftances and Occafions ; That the Paftors of each Parifli Church have Liberty to hear Accufations of He- refy or Scandal, publickly to admonilh Offenders upon Occafion, and call them to Repentance, to abfolve the Penitent and rejecf^ the Impenitent : That the Neigh- bouring Paftors aiTociating for Union and Communion, may hold Monthly Synods in every Market Town, ha- ving a ftated Prefident ; that all Paftors be here Re- fponfible for their Conduct:, and the more weighty Af- fairs of Particular Churches here decided : That eve- ^ ry Quarter there be a Synod of all the Paftors of each ^ County, with a ftated Prefident ; to receive Appeals, ■wjthovit deftroyiog the Power of particular Paftors, or lelTer Synods, and that no Prefident ordain, deprive, fufpend, or excommunicate, without the Confent of the Synod : That National Councils confift of the Prefidencs of both the Diocefan and Inferjour Synods ; or elfe of the Diocefan, and two out of each County, freely chofen by the major Vote of all the Paftors : [ That no Subfcription be requir'd of the Paftors, but to the Holy Scripture, and the Ancient Creeds, and to the necelTary Articles of Faith and Pradfcice exprefs'd in Scripture Terms, and to the Renunciation of all He- refijss contrary thereto : That no Paftor be difplaced unlefs for Infufficiency, Negligence or Scandal, com- mitted within two Years before the Accufacion, And th^t »?8 The LIFE of Chap.VIF. that Perfons Excommunicate might not be pwiiftrd upon rhat Acconnt with Corporal Punilhments, nn- kfs it be by Disfranchifing. -Dr. Hammond^ in Kisr Reply, caft nH the Alterations or Abatements npon King and Parliament, without any particular Promi- fes of Endeavours to accomplifti them : Tho* his Death, 'A'hich was juft upon the King's coming in, was st Great and General Lofs ; it being highly probable that his Piety, and Wifdom, and Intereft, might have had a ronliderable Influence for the better, had it pleas*d God to fpare his Life. Ui< T>ir- Beiides all thefe, and a great many more Endea- futesrvith votirs of his for Peace among^ Proteftants, he was of- the Tafijis.'^^^ engag'd againft the Papifts. He firft wrote three • Difputations^ ngainft them : One to prove tbt Prote^' jinnt I{eligion J^afe * another tO (hew their B^iigihn urT'" fttfe I and a Third to prove, tb/ii they overthrexv the F^tl\ by the ill B^folution of their Faith, He rext wrote AH^inding-Sheet fcrr Popery^ containing a S^ummary of Moderai:e and Effedtual Rcafons againft ^ their Reli^'^ gion- And afterwards publidi'd his Kfy for Catholicl^^, to open the Jugling of the Jefuites^' and fatisfy ail that are but truly willing to underftand, whether the Caufe^ of die i^'?wr« or B^f armed Chvchcs be of God. Befidel which, lie managed fome particular Debates with • leveral Rbmanifts, as H^. Jhhn(ort^ alias Terrot^ and others. And let but all this be added to his Labori- ons Diligence among his own particular Flock : And ''lis many Practical Writings that he publifli'd, ani it will amaze atiy Man to conceive, how one of ((^ iTUTcli Weaknefs, who wa's conHantly folIow*d with divers Intiimities, fhould be capable of To much Scr- vikre : But an Heart full of Love to God, afid flam- ing with Zeal for his Honour, carried him thro* all, and made Ir.m for Vigour and AcSlivity the Wonder of his Age. ^ CHAP. Chap. VIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 159 CHAP. VIII. The Tratjfa&foffs in Order I0 the Healing pafj'd Breaches^ after King Charles his Reflauraiion : The Savoy Conftrence 5 and its frnitlefs Iffne, WHEN the King was receiv'd with the ge- ^«. j66o. neral Acclamations of his People, the Ex- pe6tations of Men were various, according to their feveral Interefts and Inducements. Some plain and moderate Epifcopal Men tho't of Reconciliation and Vnion with the Preshyteriar.s, The more Politick Pare of them knew that all their Ancient Power, and Ho- nour, and Revenues would be reftor'd to them, and none fufferM to fliare with them, but fuch as were entirely of their Mind and Way. But many of the Presbyterinns were in great Hopes of Favour *. To 7^/^, ^-^^^^ , cherifh which Hopes, Mr. Calamy, Dr. Retinoids, Mr. mentnfthe Jifh, Dr. Spurftow^ Dr, iVdlis, Dr. Bntes^ Dr. hUnton, Fresbyte- Mr. C/ife, Mr. Biix.'er, &c. to the Number of Ten or W^w M«;'- Twelve of them were made the King's Chaplains in Or- y?er< at dinary : Tho' none of them ever Preach'd, except ^'oun, Mt.CaUwy^ Dr. lieignolds, Mr. Baxter, Dr. Spurftovpy and Mr. Woodbri.dge^ each once a piece. By this Means they had eafy accefs to hisMajefty, and intending to improve it to the Common Good, waited upon ivim with my Lord Mtnchefier^ recommending to his fe- rious ConFideration, the Union of his Subjeds in Re- ligious Matters, which if he would pleafe to inter- pofe, he had now a moft Happy Juncture for effeding ; - and begging that only Things neceffary might be the Terms « * BefidesTarticuUr Tnmifis from Men inTort^er, they had an Afurance fromKinr Charles hMlf, in his DecUrati art from Breda, to all IvsLo- yinr Subjeas, April 4. ^660^ in rahich ^ere thefe Words : We do declare a Liberty to tender Confdences, and tlut no Man Ihall be difquieted, or caird in Q^ueftion, for Differences of Opinion, whicli do not difturb the Peace of _ the Kingdom. 140 The LIFE of Chap. Vni. An i6(5o. Terms of Union; that the true Exercife of Church Pifcipline might be allow'd ; and rh^t the faithful Minifters that would Exercife it might not be caft our, nor unworthy Men obtruded on the People. Tlie King declared hinnfelf highly pleasM with their Tncii- nations to Agreement, and refolv'd to do ins Pirt to- wards the promoting of it : But told them, * Thai this Agreement could not be expededro be ccmpals'd by bringing one Party over co the other, but by abating fomething on both Sides, and meeting in the Midway. That if it >vere not effedted it ftiou^d be long of themfelvcs, and not of hinj : N^^, That he was re- folv'd to compafs Union, and that he would draw thetwodiftant Parties together, himfelf, t3c. yiM thereupon he defird them^^o oflfer him fome Propofals in order to an Agreement about Church Govenment, which being the main Difference, if it could be ami- cably adjufted, there would be little Danger of dif- fering in other Things. And voithal, he defired th?m ^ to jet down the moft that they ct)uld yield to. They told him, They were but few, and had no Commiflion from their Brethren to exprefs their Minds ; and therefore beggM leave to acquaint their Brethren in the Country, that they might know their Scnfe. The Kjng faid. That would be too long, and make too much Noife, and therefore he had rather have the Propofals from ihem, who might take fuch as were in the City with them as they tbo't good. Hereupon they declared. That theycould not pretend tofpeak for, or oblige others ; and that therefore what they did, muft fignify but the Minds of fo many Mm as were prefenr. The fQing told them. It ihould be fo ta- ken ; and that he intended not to call an Aflembly of the other Party, but would bring a few, fuch as he tho't meet : And that if he tho't good to advife with a few on each Side, for his own Satisfa(flion, none had Caufe to be offended at it. They alfo be^^gd of the Kjn^, That at the fame Time that they offered their Conccifions to his Majefty, the Brethren on the other Side might ajfo bring in theirs, containing the utmoft that they could abate and yield on their Side, in order to Concord ; that fo when both were fecn * and compar'd together, a Judgment might be the t better Chap. Vlil. Mr. Richard Baxter. 141 * better formed, as to the Probability of Succcefs. And *. the Kjng fromisd them it fhould be fo. After this, the Minifters met from Day to Day at Slcn CoUedge^ to Confuk Openly with any of their Brethren that would joyn with them ; that none might lay they were excluded. Many of the City Minifters came to them ; and many Country Minifters, who were then in Town, joyn'd alfo with them ; as Dr. iVorth^ ( afterwards a Bilhop in Ireland) Mr. Fulwood^ afterwards Arch-Deacon of Totnefs and others ; but Mr. Matthev Newcomen was the moft conftant. In about three Weeks Time, they agreed to a Paper of Propofals, ( which was drawn up for the moft Part by Mr. Calnmy, Dr. F{e:gnolds and Dr. fVorth) in which, " after anHum- *' ble Addrefs to His Majefty, and four Preliminary 7-/,^,-,. p^,, ** Requefts, viz. That ferious Gcdlinefs might be Counte- p^j-^i^ ^^ ^^ ** nnnc'd ; a Learned and Pious Minifter in each Parifh King^about ** encQUraged ; that a Perfonal Publicly owning the Bnptifmal Church Go- ** Covenant might precede an admiffio?! to the Lord's Table irernment. ** and that the Lord^s Day might be ftriBly fanHified : *^ they offer to allow of the True Ancient Primitive Pre- " fidency in the Church with a due Mixture of Presby ** ters^ in order to the avoiding the Corrruptions, Par-- tiality. Tyranny and other Evils, which are incident to the Admiftration of a fmgle Perfon. The Things which they principally blam'd in the Englifh Frame^ *' were the great Extent of the Bi/hops Diocefs^ their de- *' puting Commijjaries^ Chancellors^ and Officials to Aft in " their flead; their ajjuming the fole Power cfO'dinavion " and JurifdiHion ; and aHing fo -arbitrarily in Vifita^ '* tion Articles- bringing in New Ceremonies, and " fufpending Minifters at Pleafure : And for reform- *' ing thefe Evils they propofed, that Bijhop^VjhersF^- ** diitlion of Epifcopacy unto the Form of Synodical Go- ** vernment received in the Ancient Churchy (hould be ** the Ground- Work of an Accommodation; and that " Suffragans (hould be chofen by the refpedive Sy- " nods ; the Affociations be of a moderate Extent, the " Minifters be under no Oaths, or Promifes, of Obe- " dience to their Biihops, as being Refponfible for *' any Tranfgreflion of the Law j and that the Biihops '• Govern not by Will and Pleafure, but according " to Rules, Canons and Conftitutions that ihould be *Jl gAtify'd and EftabUfli'd by Ad of Parliament.^ — As ' . "^'f, '^''' Propofals, hgnify d cuhy cjick/y got Lirings or L ^-^^^'^ J"' , ^,"''^'^1^°" '^^' ^^^ aurcfljips.i'fthatAahadHnin- fiich fhonld be Caft out, as were capacitated them ; on which Ac- m any Benefice belonging former- count it it much tire fame Thing, ly to Onc that Was not grofly «n- 04 if that A^i had frfidifplacd fiifficient or Debauch'd ; but hnm- them, biy Bcgg'd, that rdl who had fuc- ceeded fc.tndaloui Perfcnj, might hold their Places. They further dcfircd, that the Broad-Seal might be revok'd which had been granted to (C Qiap. VlII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 145 to ieveral, for thole Livings that had been formerly An. i66v. fequeftred, where the Old Incumbents were fince Dead ; by which Grants many worthy Pofleflbrs were ejedted, tho' there were none before that could pretend any Right ; And chat his Majefty would be pleas'd to Publiih his Pleafure tliat no Oath or Sub- fcriptiojis, nor no Renunciation of Orders might be re- quired of any, till it was feen what was the lifne of the defired Agreement. The King treated thera very Refpe.difully, and renewed his Profeilians of his earned deiires of an Accommodation of the Differences, told them he was well pleas'd that they were for a JLirurgy, and yielded to the Eflence of Epifcopacy, and promis'd them that the Places where the Old Uicumbents were Dead, fhould according to their Defire, be contirm'd to the Poffeflbrs. Whereas it had been promis'd them by his Majefty , that they fhould meet with fome Divines of the other fide, and fee their Propofals, it much difappointed them to find •none of them appear. Bur, they were fearful of giving Difguft, by Expoftulating or Com- The An- plaining. After fome time of waiting for the Conde-/Ver of th fceniions and Compliances of the Epifcopal Divines f/^y^^/''?' in Order to Peace, they at length receiv'd a biting 2?*>m:. Anfwer ; by way of Refledtion on the Propofals they had made to his Majefty. In this their Anfwcr, they Declare as to their Preliminary I{equsslj, "' That ** they don*t perceive any farther Security can be " given, than is provided by the Laws of the Realm ' ** already eftablilh'd. As for private Religious Liber- ' *' ty that they are free to it, fo a Gap be not opened ** to Sed:arys for private Conventicles, for the Confe- '* quences of which none can be refponfibie to the *' State : That they are for a Godly Minifter in each " Pariih, but know not what is meant by his re- ** fiding in his Cure, * nor how far that Word may be '* extended, nor what farther Provifion can be made " for ^ Thefe Gentlemen it feems were of Arch-Blfhop WhitgiftV Mind, rsho in , thy do it not to the difiurbnnce cf the Peace; and thnt no Jujlice x>f Peace or Officer drfturb them. This being defign'd to feture Liberty to the Papisls, there was a general filcnce upon the Reading it. The Bifliops tho't it a nice Point, and therefore faid nothing : The Preslyterians were a- fraid to fpeak againft ir, Icalt all the Scd:s and Parties ihould look upon them as the Caufers of their Suffer- ings; and they fliould be reprefented as groily Partial, in de/iring Liberty themfelves, while they would have no others have it with them. At length, Mr. Baxter fearing their filencc might be milinterpreted, fpake to this purpofe. Th^t Dr. Gunning n little before jpenkjtig^ ■AgainH ScBs^ i:ad nnm d the Papifis and Socinians : That for their Pnrts^ thiy did net defire Favour to thetnfeives n- ionei end rigorous ^averity ngainst none : But as they Hnm- l!ythanl(d his M^jcHy for his d^chir'd Indulgence to them- feheSj fo they diftinguifJo'd the tolerable Parly frcrn the in- iolernble : for the forvicr, they humbly crnv'd fdf Leni- fJ and Favour: But for the Liitjr^ fttch ,is the two forts tncntton'd^ for their Pa^ts, they could not rtiakc their Tole- rntict} their I^equeft. ,To which hJAMajefly faid, that there were Laves fufficifnt ttg<^injl the P/ipifis : And Mr. B/rJt- ^er rcpjy'd, that they under jhad the Qufjlion to be^ whether ^bofe Law; Ihould b(&xepmedor mt ^ ijppn which the Matter was Chap. VIIL Mr. Richard Baxter. 1 5 j was drop'd. Bin before the brea:king np of the Meet- An. 1660. ing, the King, having Decermin d what he would have ftand indie Declaration as to the Senfe of it, nam'd four Divines to Determine of any Words in the Alterations^ if there were any Difference ; vi^. Bp. Morky, Bp. Hind:- man, Dr,I{eignolds and Mr. C^/f. i66a that Expreflion in the Prayer afier Baptifm, \A/hich infmuates as if every Child that is baptiz'd, was re- generated by God's Holy Spirit ; and againft the Crofs. In the Catechifm, they excepted againft the mentioning God-fathers and God-mothers as giving the Name 5 againft the intimation of Regeneration as univerfally attending Baptifm ; againft rehearfing the Commandments any otherwife than according to the New Tranllation ; againft the mentioning two Sacra- ments only as generally ncceflary to Salvation, when there are Two only ; Againft Teeming to found Bap- tifm upon A(ftual Faith and Repentance, and that efpecially as perform'd by the Promife of the Sure- ties ; and againft the omitting a particular Explica- tion of Faith, Repentance, the two Covenants, Ju- ftification, San£lification, Adoption^ and Regenera- tion. Againft the Rubrick afferting the certain un- doubted Salvation of baptized Infants, without Ex- ception. Againft the flight Ufe of Confirmation. Againft the Suppofition in the Prayer, that all that come to be Confirm'd, have the Spirit of Chrift, and the Forgivenefs of all their Sins. Againft the founding Confirmation upon Apoftolical Pradice, in the Prayer after Impofition of Hands : and againft making the Receipt of Confirmation abfolutely necef- fary to the Holy Communion. In Matrimony , they excepted againft the necelTary Ufe of the Ring ; a- gainft that Expreflion, vpith my Body Ithee vporfhip^ Sec. In the Order for the Vifitation of the Sicl^j they ex- cepted againft the Form for Abfoiution, as not fufti- ciently Declarative and Conditional ; and againft in- joining the Minifter to give the Sacrament to every iick Perfon that defires it. In the Office of Burial^ they excepted againft the Minifters being oblig'd to meet the Corps ; againft the common tlfe of that ExprefTion of God's taking to himfelf the Souls of all that are offer'd to Burial, which is not true of Perfons living and dying in open and notorious Sins. Againft giving God hearty Thanks for delivering ail that are ofFer'd 1:0 Burial, out of the Miferies of this finfu! World, ^c. which may harden the Wicked, and is inconfiftent with the largeft Rational Charity : And agaijift hoping that thofe reft in God, who have not by ' their 158 The LIFE of Chap. Vjir. An. 1 66c.* their Adual Repenrance given any ! Hope of their BleffedEftace, G^c. Ground for the The drawing up of the Additions or New Forms was undertaken by Mr. Baxter alone, who f^il'd it, The Reformed Liturp^ which when read by the Minifters was generally approved of. And that the World may judge what fort of Forms they were, which the Mi- ■** The Com- nifters defir'd to have Liberty to ufe inftead of the filer of the Forms that were in Ufe before, or inftead of fome of Third Vo' them where they fcrupled any Fart of the Service-Book, lumer^frht this Reform d Liturgy is here added attheClofe of this Complete Volume at large, as it v^^as then drawn up. * Hifiory of TA • Enghnd, ^"^"g in Folio, p. 235. here pajfes th!s Cenfure. When the drawing up the Addi- tionsor New Supplements to be made to the Liturgy, was by his Brethren committed to him alonCjhe drew up an abfohite Form of his own,and ftil'd it the Reformed Li tr4r^y • as if he had the Modefty to think that the Old Liturgy compird by a JSIumberof very Learned Confeflbrs and Martyrs, muft now give Place to a New Form, compofed by a Tingle Man, and he by E-' ducation much inferior to many of his Brethren.' But had this Gentleman veen fojufi, as to have read the 'Reafons tphlch Mr. Baxter g;4-p(?, for his doing that -Kfhich he refrefms as fo ajfuminq;^ he'd hare feen little Occafion for his Fcfie^tion. Tor the Def^n of this Liturgy rffas not to juTlle out the Old one, vhere PerfonstPere fat iis Performahce wa-- C'r.itejnpti'jle-^ nor that therewas any want of Mode/iy neither, when hii Bretlne:: put him upon the Undertaking. And bejides, they giving their Approbation when they pe- Tuftd itf and joyhing in the prefentingiity made it in FjfUt tinir own, as fuj- ficlently Chap. VIII. Mr, Richard Baxter. 159 During this^ Interval, the Convocaticn was chofen,^^«. i6<5i. iivhich was PoUtickly defen'd 'till now*. Had it been caird when the King came in, the inferiour Clergy would have been ¥ rhe Author of the Confor. againft the Diocefans. But after- wifis Plea for the Nonconformifis^ wards many Hundreds were turned fays^ great Fains and Care K>ere out, that the old fequeftred Mini- ufed to frame this Conyocation to fters, how meanly foever qualify'd, the Mind oj the High Prelatical might come in. And the Opinion ^^^'> h ^^f/"«er''d^ That tho' it was true the Text fpake about Things Lawful and not Commanded, yet when they were debating the Lawfulnefs of a particular Command, * viz. r^ Chap. VIIL Mr. Richard Bixter. 167 (viz. The enjoyning Minijiers to deny the Communion to An. \66i, fuch as durst ?iot receive it Kneeling) it was very pro- perly urg'd ; becaufe the Text forbids any fuch Com- mands of Things Lawful, as are not confiftent with receivi7tg and forbearing. And they added. That that Text muft necefiarily take in receiving Perfons to the Holy Communion, becaufe it requires the receiving Men to that Church Communion in the generaJ, and without exception,of which the Communion in theHo- ly Sacrament is a moft eminent Parr. Nay^ they farther ur^d the Point clofely thus. The Text fpeaks indeed of Things Lawful, as fuch, abftradting from Commands But of Things which materially were partly not Com- mandedy and partly Commanded, h was not Com- mnnded to Eat or not Eat the Meats in Queftion, to keep the Days or not keep them : In thefe they virent againft no Law. But to be Weak^ in the Faith^ and erroneoully to take Things Lawful to be VnUwful^ and Things Indifferent to be Neceffary, and to offend a Brother by the Ufe of Liberty on the other Side, were againft the Commands of God. But as for the Things about which there was to be a Forbearance, the Text intimates, that they ought not to be com- manded by any under a Penalty that is not confiftent with that Forbearance; for that no Governourshave any Warrant to rejedt fuch as are only weak in the Faith : they ought to receive them, and to farther their Re- ception ; and cannot do any Thing towards their Re- jcdlion upon the Account of any fuch Weaknefs with- out flat Sin, without breaking the Laws of God, who hath required that fuch Perfons, lliould not be rejetSted on the Account of Things in themfelves In- different. For the Things fpoken of by the Apoftle, were not only not Commanded, but forbidden to be Commanded, any farther than may ftand with the Reception and Indulgence mentioned.' And they bro't the Matter clofe to the Cafe before them thus. They of whom St. Paul fpeaks were to be receiv'd and forborn, altho' they finn'd in their Weaknefs, in refu- ting that as (infui which was not fo. So tho' it Ihould be own'd that it were unwarrantable to refufe Kneel- ing as flatly finful, yet were the Scrupulous to be re- ceived and forborn. And that the rather, becaufe they that refufe Kneeling, at worft, break but the Com- " M 4 mand i68 The LIFE of Chap. VIII. An. \66\' mand of Man ; whereas they of whom Sc. Paul fpeaks broke the Commands of God, and yet were to be forborn : And then, That the Text was to be under- Itood of Church Commit nion, they prov'd from the Circiimftances of the Words, from Parallel Texts, and from the Teitimony of the moil celebrated Expo- licors, Hammond and Grotius, Sccondlv, In the other Part of the Difpute, when the Epifcopal Divines were the Opponents, they bro'c an Argument of which this was the Major Propolition : "Jhiit CQinmnnd, which commit ndeth only an Act in it feif Lawful, is not Sinful. This Mr. Baxter denied. The Opponents back'd it wi;h another Syllogifm, of which this was the Major : That Command, w/Jch commandeth An Ac} in ic feif Lnveful^ and no other Ad or Cicumjlance Z'nlnvpful, is net Si>ful. This alfo Mr. jB^jcf^r denied ; giving this double Reafon : Both becaufe that may be accidentally a Sin which is not fo in it feif, and may be unlawfuHy commanded, the' that Accident be not in the Command: And alio becaufe it may be com- nianded under an unjuft Penalty, the Opponents there- fore urg'd farther thus : * That Command which com- ' mandech an Adt in it felf Lawful, and no other Acl: ^ whereby any unjLift Penalty's enjoyn'd, nor any Cir- ' cumltance whence direcflly, or per Accidens^ any Sin is - Confequent, which the Commander ought to provide ' againlt is not Sinful.* MT.Bitxrcr itiil pfrlilted in his Denial, and gave this Reafon : Beraufe the iirft Adi commanded may be accidentally Unlawful, and be commanded by an nnjuft Penaltv, tho' nooiherAdl or Circumitance be luch. The Oj>pnnents therefore pnce more advanc'd this Propofition: ' That Command * which commandeth an Adt in it felf Lawful, and no * other Adi: whereby any unjuft Peniky is enioin'd, ' nor any Circumitancc whence djredtlv, or f^er Acci- *■ dens, any Sin is Cofifequenc, which the Commander f ouphr to provide againlt, haih in ic all things requi- - lire to the Lawfuinefs of aComm.md, and particularly * cannot be guilty of commanding an Act per Acci' - ^.v/j unlawful, nor of C('mmini!ing an A£lunder an ^ unini)" Penalty.' Which Proportion alio he denied for the foregoing Reafons : Litimating that fuc]! a Com- piajid hath not iiecelfariJy ail Things in it tequifite to the Chap. VIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 1 6^ the Lawfulnefs of a Command j becaufe tho* no other j^B An. i^^f be commanded whereby an unjuft Penalty is enjoyn'd, yet ftill tjie firft AB may be commanded, under an unjuft Penalty : And the* no other Ad or Circumftance be . commanded, that is a Sin fer AccUens, yet the firft if felf commanded may be a Sin fer Accidens. h may be finful privativei'y, by omiflion of fomething neceffary, fome Mode or Circumftance. It may finfuJIy reftraitj, tho' it finfully command not. It may be finful in Mo-r dis ; commanding that univerfally^ or indefinitely, parti- cularly, or fingularly, that fhould be otherwife y tho' in the Circumftances (properly fo cali'd) of the A(ft, no- thing were commanded that is linful. It may thro* cul- pable Ignorance be apply 'd to undue Suhjetli^ who are not Circumftances. As if a People that have the Plague be commanded to keep Publick AlTembJies for Worihip, the Lawgiver being culpably ignorant that they had the Plague, ^c. This repeated Denial put them fo hard to it, that they could proceed no farther. And being ftop'd in Arguing, they have fince made it up in unhandfome Refle£tions. Biftiop Morley particularly in Print aiferted, That this Aflertion of Mr. Baxter's was not only Falfe, but Deftruftive of all Authority, Humane and Divine, as not only denying all Power to the Church of making Canons Eccleliaftical for the better Ordering and Governing the Church, but alfo taking away all Legillative Power from the King and parliament, and even from God himfelf. For that no A£l can be fo good of it felf, but it may prove by accident a Sin : And if to Command fuch an A(5l may be a Sin, then every Command muft b? a Sin. And if to Command be a Sin, then God can command no- thing, becaufe he cannot Sin : And Kings, Parliaments and Churches ought not to command any Thing, be- caufe they ought not to Sin. Upon this the whole Nation almoft was fiU'd with Tragical Exclamations againft the abominable Affertion of one of the Difputants at the Savoy*. As if, be- caufe ■^ He that vpould fee a dt^inCi Account of this Matter, may read Mr. Bax- Xtx's Letter to his Belored "People of Kederminfter, of the Caufes of his beinr forbidden by the Biffjop of WorcefJer to Preach within his Diocefs ; with the Bifhofs Letter in Anfvffer to it ; and fome fbort Animadverfons upon the Bifhop's letter. Printed in 1662. I70 The LIFE of Chap. VriL An. i65i.caufe 'twas aflerced that Things not evil of themfelves, may have Accidents fo evil as may make it a Sin to him that (ball command them, it (hould therefore follow that nothing may be commanded for fear of thofe evil Accidents, in Cafes where the Commander cannot be chargeable with any Hand in them. Whereas 'tis a * Owr/lyd, I am afraid they will. Nay, ^tis credibly reported he fijould fay, Now we know their Minds, we'll make them all Knaves if they Conform. Whether his Temper was af- terwards any Thing cooler, let others judge. Jt looks a little that Way, that when his Nephew, Sir Jofeph Sheldon, whowas Lord- Mayor of London in 1676, dejired his Advice about his ConduCl in the Tear of his Mayoralty-, he fl)oul<£ make him no other Anfwer than this : Confider, Coufin, that as I am Arch-Bifliop of Canterbury, fo you are Lord-Mayor of London. t The Spirit of this Prelate maybe eafily judg'^d of by any one that will Be at tl)e Pains to read his Warm and Faffionate InyeUiye again/l A/r.Baxter, and his Account to his People of Kedcrminfter, of the Caufe of his EjeHrment : In which Invefiive, among many other Things, he with the utmofi Warmth aferts, That Monarchy cannot confift without Epifcopacy : That he, at Blfhop of Worcefler, was file and immediate Pafior of all the People in his Diocefs : And that he who tho"* lawfully ordain d jhnuld preach to any Con- gregation without the Blff)ops Llcenfe, came not in by the Door, and therefore was a Thief and a Robber, ^c. But that he might afterwards^ upon feeing the fmall Succefs of the Eigours usd, grow fnmewhat more tem- perate, I have fome Reafon to believe, from a particular Pajfage convey d to me in fifch a Way, as that I have no doubt of the Truth of it • which was this : Being confulted by the Mayor of a Country Corporation, whofe Zeal was far beyond either his Wifdom or his Charity, what Method he ftiould take, ef- feftualiy to root out the Fanaticks in the Year of his Mayoralty -, the Bi- fhop now grswn old, firft preached Friendlinefs to liim, by ordering him a Glafs of Canary, as oft as he ftarced his Queftion in Company ; and next admoniflyd him when alone^ To let thofe People live quicciy, in many of whom he was fatisfy'd there was the true fear of God j and who wei'C not likely to be gain'd by Rigoui* and Severity, 172 The LI F E of Chap.VIIL — ft 1 !L_ An. i66i.Jler^ was a frequent Attendant and the chief Speaker of all the Bilhops, always delivering bis Mind with great Earneftnefs and Zeal, and often interrupt- ing; thofe of the other Side in their Difcourfe. He was a Prime Manager of the whole Affair ; and unwilling to yield to any Thing that might Jook like Modera- tion. He was the longeft Liver of any. He died j4n. 16S4. Bilhop Cofmsof Durham metconftantly among them, and was for Two Things very remarkable. "^Dr.Bues ^^^^' ^°^ ^^^ being lb excellently vers'd in the C4* i'« hilvum- ^''"■'' Councils and Fathers, which he appear* d to re- ra/ Sermon rnemb?r Very readily, when there was Occafion for Ci- /or^/r.Bax- tations. And ter rrffrtf, Secondly for his Opennefs. For as he was of a Ru- 7 hat in the ftick Wir and Carriage, fo he would endure more Free- Conference dom of Difconrfe, and was more Affable ajid familiar at Wovze. than the reft of (he feiO^opi.*. fter-Hoiife V ^^'wM/lc Kinor's Declaration, when the Mimfters deftred that the Bijhops fhouUexerctie their ihunh Torrer with the Counfel and Confent of Fresby ^^ MI yt" ^'-^^^'^ ^^^^"^ prefent/y rcply'd, If Youv Majefty grant this, You will Unbiniop Your Bi[l\op5,^But' remarkable is a Fafage in his Uft Hill and Teflamtnr, primed b'^^th tn Enjjlifh and Latin vfith his Funeral Sermon and Life. It defen-es tyuii/cribin<; from pa Baxter remembers not to have feed fbid.glyei there. him this Chara^er: That lie was a Man could do Good againft Evil, Forgive much, and of a Charitable Heart ; and who Dy'd to the no great Sorrow of them, who rcckon'd his Death was Juft, for Labouring With all his Wight againft the Oxfari 5 jMile Aft, quicldy after it^ Mr; Chap. VIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 1 75 Mr. Thorndike fpake once a few Paflionate Words, -4«. 1661. confuting the Opinion which ihe Minlfters had received of him from his firft W'ritings, and con&iming that which his fecond and laft Writings had given them of him. Dr. HejHn and Dr. Barwkk^ did not appear. Dr. Hacket (afterwards Bilhop of Coventry and Lich- field) faid little. Neither did Dr, Sparrovp (afterwards Biftiop of Norwich) fay much •' But what he did fpeak was with Spirit enough for the Impofing and Dividing Caufe, Dr. Pierfon f afterwards Bifhop of C^e^erJ difputcd accurately, foberly, and calmly, and procur d himfelf a great deal of Refpec^: from the Minifters; and a Per- fwafion, That if he had been Independent he would ' have been for Peace: And that if all had been in his Power, it would have gone well. He was the Strength and Honour of the Bifhops Caufe; but Mr. Baxter tho't it dubious, whether he heartily maintain d it. Dr, Gunning (afterwards Bi(bop of £/r) was their for- wardeft and greateft Speaker. He f^uck at nothing. When Dr. Bates urg'd it upon him, that on the fame Reafons as they imposM the Crofs and Surplice, they might bring in Holy Water, and Lights, and abun- dance of fuch Ceremonies of i^fl??;c, which we havecaft out : He anfwer'd Tes ; and fo I think we ought to have more and not fewer, if we do well. He feem'd a Man of greater Study and Induftry than any of them ; was well read in Fathers and Councils, and of a ready Tongue: But fo vehement for high impofing Principles, and Church Pomp, and fo very eager and fervent in his Difcourfe, that he often over-run himfelf. As for the Commiffioners on the other fide, their Charader may be feen in the other Volume. At the Clofe of the laft Day it was agreed between them, that nothing fhould be given in on either Side to the King, as charg'd on the other fide, but what fiiould be deliver'd in Writing : And that the Account they (hould on each fide give Ihould be this; that they were all agreed upon the Ends, the Churches Welfare, Unity and Peace, and his Majefty*s Happinefs and Contentment ; but after all their Debates were difa- ereed of the Means 5 and this was the End of the Aflem- &y and Commii^on, Jhe 176 7he L IFE of Chap. VIII. An. 1 55 1. The Difpute being ended, all the Minifl-eys that were . . . CommifTioners met by themfclves, and rcfolv*d to draw /?'^ '"/> "P ^ri Account of their Endeavours, and Prefentit to on the Ktnr ^'^ Majefty, with a Petition for his promised help for after the Conference. thofe Alterations and Abatements, which they could not procure of the Biftiops. They 6rft applyM them- felves to the [Lord Chancellor, and crav'd his Favour to procure the King's Declaration yet to be pafs'd into an Adt, and his Advice how they fhould proceed. He confented to their giving his Majefty an Account of their Proceedings in an Addrefs, and when they had drawn it up, Perus'd it ; and after fome Alterations it was Prefented to his Majefty, by Bp. I{eignolds, Dr. Bares, Dr. Manton, and Mr. Baxter, Mr. Calamy being at this time indifpos d. In this Addrefs, after a Par- ticular Account of their Proceedings, they thus ex- prefs'd ihemfelves. — — • ' And tho* we feem to have la- bour'd in Vain, we fhall yet lay this "Work of Recon- ciliation and Peace at the Feet of your Majefty, Bc- feeching you to Profecute fuch a Blelfed Refolution till it attain Succefs. We muft needs Believe that when your Majefty took our Confent to a Liturgy, to be a Foundation that would infer our Concord, you meant not that we fhould have no Concord but by Con- fenting to this Liturgy, without any condderable Al- teration. And when you Comforted us with your Refolution to draw us together, by yielding on both ' Sides what we could, you meant not that we fhould be the Boat, and they the Bank that muft not ftir. And when your Majefty Commanded us by Letters Patents to Treat about the needful Alterations, we reft alTured that it was not your Senfe, ihat tender Con- fcicnces were to be forc'd to Pradtice all which they judg'd Unlawful, aini not have fo much as a Cere- mony abated them : Or that our Treaty was only to Convert cither Part to the Opinion of the others; and that all our Hopes of Concord or Liberty conlifted only in Difputing the Bilhops into Nonconformity, or coming in every Ceremony to their Minds. As your Majefty under God, is the Protection whereto your People fly, and as the fame Neceflities ftill re- main, which drew forth your Gracious Declaration, we moft humbly and earneftly Befeech your Majefty, that the Benefits of the faid Declaration may be con- ciou'd Chap. VIll. Mr. Richard Baxter. 177 * tinu'd to your People, and in Particular, that the^«. i^^i^ * Additions may be made to the Liturgy, that are * therein Exprefled. We fha]l wait in Hope, that fo * great a Calamity of your People, as would follow the * lofs of fo many Able Faithful Minifters as rigorous * Impofitions would caft out, fliall never be Recorded * in the' Hiftory of your Reign : But that thefe Impedi- * menrs of Concord being forborn. Your Kingdoms * may F our ih in Piety and Peace, c^r. But ail their entreaties avaiPd nothing to ward off one of the grateft Calamities fom a (inful land and Pe' p e. The\ fou^ihr Peace with the utnioft Earneft- nefs, but were generally ente?tain'd with Reproach. They were all Branded as ^igid Prabyte iavs^ tho'they ne '^Occafion, cfpecially Mv. Spnrry^ Jay long in Prifon: mj a ' ^j^^j when the Forgerv and Injury was detedled, J^*^^ -^^^^ !f ^ they had much Difficulty in obtaining a Releafe. mcH. There'^^^^ ^^* ^'^^^^^ "^vas nam' J there, yet he was then TOPI I I ome to Oxford Two Hundred Men all in their Arfns ; you hmvf who doth Cont' mand them. Dr. Greenwood hath fent to Mr. Combs the Barber^ to get his Tarty of Scholars nady that TiJijht. And I hare fent to Mr. Hickman t» get his Men ready at the fame Time, And Dr C:3win has fent to Mr. Cor- nifh to i^et hi< Men ready at the fame Time. And I have fent toDr. Cori- nanghi to <^et his Men ready. And all the Sch'ilars are to meet In Dr. Ro- gers'* Garden, 1 pray fend the B /under bujffs thither., for I intend to be there vnyfelf. And I pray ^ire the Bearer hereof $ 1, out of the Stock .• And I pray remomher me to the Six Men unnam'd. Fire Counties are to rife that Night vithout fail I need rprite no more to you. The Word is^ God is the Word, and pray teil them all fo. In this Letter there was a great Lift o'l Nimts includtd. The Mayor of Oxford prefently difpatch d a Mef- fcn^er with a Letter to the Lord Vaulkland liien Lord Lieutenant of the County : And fent another Letter with the like Accoimt to the Recorder of Oxford , one of their Members in Parliament, Crc. The next Day two of the Deputy-Lieutcnr-nts ftnt for Mr. Martin, and threatned at firft to commit him : But upvin ftcond Thoughts difmilTed him. And that very Night many of the Mili ia came into the Town, and kept Guard for two Days in the City. So that had not Mr. Martin taken fo prudent a Method, had he tarried a Nighr, the Letter might have been found a- boiit him, and Oxford had quickly been as full or fuller of Plotters and Piifoners than Uocefier. At the fame Time Mr. Andrerv Parfons wns us'd witii great Severity, and Try'd for preaching Treafon in Shrcp' /Z»«>f, and bro't in Guilty : But by lb violent a wrtfting of Words, that all the World crif d out Shame ; and the Lord NetPpvrt interpofing, pro- cured the King-s Pardon for him. See Conformifls Fourth Plea for the Nm- conf. pag. -^c. &c. There was fomething of a. like Sham Plot in Lei ce/let' [hire and Tori/hire, Ibid. pa^. 59, 40. The Great Defign aim'd at by all thcfc Me. hods, was to pofTefs the Parliament, that it was abiolutcly ne- celTary to make a ^evere A(fV againft fucb a reftlcfs Sort of Men, who nor contented with the King's Pardon, were always Plotting to difturb the Government. And they reached their End. Thcfe Plots and Stirs in fe- vf.ral Couniies of the Land, were in Ofhbcr and Korember i66t. And on the 20th of November the King appearing in the Houfe after an Ad- , journment, made a Speech wherein are thcfe Words. — — —I am forry fo find that_ the General Temper and Afeflion of tin: Nation are: not fo well m Chap. IX. Mr. Richard Baxter. i8i in London, and had been fo for foir.e Time, by which cnmpDs\i as he efcap'd ; And yet where Men were taken up and ^ '•"'/' "^ ^^>9 imprifon'd in diftant Counties, ic was fiid to be for ^^uUlbaye B.I ATf^/'s Plot. heenyt^ter jo ft nal BlejfiHgs of Cod Almighty upon m all, and after fo great Indulgence and Condcfcer.tiom from me forwards all Interefis ; there are many wicked Injlruments flill ns ulCliye' as e\er^ who labour Night and Day to aifturb tie Fubllck Teace, and to make People jealous of each other : It may be worthy your Care and Vigilance to provide proper Remedies for Dijeafes of that Kind : And if you find new Difeafes^ yf'U mufi find new Remedies, die When the Houie of Commons after this Speech came to their Debates, tip flands Sir /. P. one of the Knights for Wone/terfhire^ and with open Mou:h informs them of a Dangerous Presbyterian Plot on foot ; and that many of the Chief ■ Confpirators were now in Prifon at W'orcejierjhire- 1 he like- Informaiioa was given by fome Members who ferv'd for Oxfordjhire, Herefordjhire^ Staford/hire^ and other Places. Nay this was the General Cry ; this all the Pamphlets printed at that Time ran upon. And 'twas in this very Seffions that this Bill of Uniformity pafs'd the Houfe. And that the Gene- ral Cry occafion'd by thefe Sham Plots much promoted ir, will eafily be be judg'd by any one, that will but be at the Pains to perufe Tarringtons Narrative, to which the Reader is referr'd for Satisfattion. C H A P. IX. The rM of Vniformiiy ^ and Re&Miouf tw- ."^[-^''^^ A if C- '-^- i 1/ . ^ .fpcakinr of . Ohf It : ^nf!cl the njccting dn;i :nkncj?7g oj this DecU- many won by P erf 0/2 s by It. *"'*^"'« ''» " hli Sermo^ ^ "^ Ocwithftanding alkheirDifcouragements Mr. Cc- \^^^^'j: ^^" j^^ /^is-^jy and fooie other Minilters, ftiJl made ufe ^^Z Z*"^' ^ of what Interelt they had 10 Men of Note and jl\t /j,' Figure, co get the Paiiiainenc to pafs the Kings DscU- ,^ranted r.^tlon into a Law; aiid lometimes the Lord C ha n- y^f /; 4 frcc- ceJloar and ethers ga' e them fome Hope : But when dom to Con- ic came to the Tryal chey were difappointed ; it was fdentious rejecfted *. And fo the Declaration did nbc only die Minifiers that were unfatisfyd with the Old Conformity^ that if it had been obfcry'd, ;> had pre- rented the doleful Vlvifon ihut fucceedccl afterward. But when there was a Motion made in the Houfe of Commons that it might pafsintoan Ail, it wa^ oppos'd by one of the Secretartes of S^tate^ which was reckon'd a fvffcimt Indi- Ciition of the Kjng''s Ay^rfenffs to ii, N 3 before i82 li,e Llbh of Chap. IX. before It came to Hxecution, but ail Attempts for U- nion and Peace "were at an End. Nay, a rigorous A(5l was bro't in for Uniformiiy, clogg'd on Dcfign to make the Weighi of Conif'rmicy heavier than e- ver. Reafoning, Petitions and Hntreaties back'd with ever {o many weighty Confidcrations, were dilVegard- ed as vain Things. It fecmM to be accounted the One Thing Neceflai^' by thofe who had gotten the Reins in their Hands ; a Thing fo necelfary that no Realon muft be heard againft it, that thofe call'd Piesbyrciir.ns *muft be forc'd to do ^* A JXpthary of the Church that which they accounted pub- ^j/^.n.^ud, a Man of Note and ji^-jj Perjury, or be caft out of ^ure ^hen a jUcr Gcntlc:r.a.n Xrufl and Office, boib in Church fh.^dfo-^.'Re^^rn that the l>oor and Common-wealth. While this vai '^n ffratt-, tlMt many cber a o , j- ^\, xt- -n Af'iifjfforc ^. u ^.. ' .. a'!i t -^^l was depending, the Minifters /f-tni/ters eouia not pave Admih n li • r t i i y-v /"^ repUed, It was no Pity at ^'^^ mterpufing as they had Op- aH; if we had tho'c fo mnnv pommity, bad peremptory Pro- ^''th<»ni uroald have ConfomVd "^^^^^ guen them by feme in great w? vyould have made ic ilia;ter. Piaccs, that the King would grant: that by Way of Indulgence, which had been denied them in the Way they moft delir'd it ; and that Care ihould be taken before the Acl: pafs'd, that the King Ih^uld have Power referv'd to him, to difpenfe with it as to fjch as deferv'd well of him at his Reftoration, or whom he pleas'd. But at length the AQi pafs'd the Houfe t> and ali i It's generally /aid it n^as car- their great Friends left them in the *ifd but byyery fevfFotes : And Lurch. And when afterwards t'nat fome yvhovPere a;:atnj} Itvere they, upon the Utmofl EncOUrage- ii'p^^from the Hoiifc by Stratagem, incnc from Men in Power, had drawn up a Petition to prefent to his Majefty for Indulgence, they were grievnufly thrcaten'd with incurring a Pra:mnnire by fo bold an Aftempr, tho' they had worked their Pcririon fo Caiire- louily that it extended not to the Papifts. This Rigo- rous Adl X^ when it paffed, gave .i Dr. Bates in his Sermon at ail the Minifteis, who could not ^jr. B;ixcer'j FiA^era/, fpeakin'rof conform, no longer TitTie than 'till thi4 4^1 f:y<^ That theo/dc/er.'y J^^yti^oloymrv D/rr, Augufi the 24th jromHrahandK..en::e andthe j ^^ ^^en they Were all Caft ViUn'T Gentry rom their Jtrvi/e \i 1 u r\ « •> u • Co.np)ia.,er.iththeiounjre.ery ^"^- ^/^^^ V' ^ ' ' c''' ' ^cliy.t'^i^rryon^ndcomt^U.uit. "^"^^ Gladnefs to fomc, and Sor- '^ ' row to others, and occauon d many, »p4 Chap. IX. Mr. Richard Baxter. i8^ and thofe very different Refledlions. Among the reft, ^«. i<55i. there was a Remark made by a Man of Note, which I cannot pafs by : Had nil the Miniftcrs (faid he) Con- form d^ People would have thot there was nothing in I{e^ ligion ; dnd that it was only a Thing to he tailed of in the Pulpit^ and fervs a State Defign ; while the Minifters turnd and Chang'd any H^ay with the State : But th»fe Js/len ghing up their Livings^ and expofing themfelvcs and Familiei' to outward Evils, rather than they would conform to Things imposed ^ not agreeable (as they apprehend- ed ) to the Go/pel "they preach"* dy have convinci Men^ there k a Ideality in I^ligion^ and given a Check, to Atheifm. This Acl of Vniforniity which made fuch an Altera- tion in all Parts of the Land, by ejedting fo many va- luable and afefulPerfons, (of whom a more particular and diftin(5l Account is now given in a feparate Vo- lume) was paft in an Heat, but its EffecSls have been lading. Perfonal Piques too mu h influenced feverai ^c ^],^ of the moft zealous Promoters of it: But ^o{\ti\iy,con:pilerof when Pafiion and Prejudice come once to be worn out, the -^dJol. will rue the Confequence. Some have applauded it as of the Heroical : But it was a Prologue to a Tragedy, that Complete has not yet reach'd its final Period. Others have a^- Hiftory of tempted to vindicate it*: But it would be hard to do England, ^ 236. freaking of the Aft for Uniformity, fays^ it was found neceflavy for the Peace and Safety of the State, as well as for the Good and Glory of the Church. As for the Peace and Safety of the Stale, Hok? did thefe Mi- nijien indanger it ? Many of them had fujfer'd for the King^ and ontxibuicd all that in them lay to his Refauration : They ^ a^ tJ/ut of Captain Y2.rnngton. mentioned before.^ there had been no tho^t of Danger^ to the Pubiick Peace or Safety; fuch an Awe and Reftraint ai he fpenhs of, could not hare appeared upon any Account Expedient. J^ut its hard when Men fet their Wits on Work to make Necejjities^ that they may hare fomething of an Excufe to bear hard on others whom they bear lll-tvill unto, to anjrver thofe NeceJJities. And as for the Church »f t/^/i w^J for its Good,! knovf not what would have been to its Damage : if this were for its Glory, It would he hard to fay what would ha-ve been a Vi [grace to it. To his Judgment^ til oppofe that of Mr. Pierce (which is not the lefs to be rez^arded for his not hein'r a Dignitary) who fays, I think that common Chriftiani:y hath fuf- fer'd much",by their Silencing and Difparagemenc. Preface to theConformiJi's J^lea for the Nonconformi/is^ Part i, N 4 it 184 The LI Ft of Chap. IX. it upon Scripcural Principles. Having Reafon ro reckon my lelf a Confiderablc SufFtre^ by it, tho* not ihen to'"n, I hope 1 may without Offence, drop a Tear, upon the Remembrance of the Funerals of fo many VVo:ihics in nur I/faei\ who were buried at once in a common Grave. Tbc'v wrrc not a poor inconfiderable Handful, a few Scores only of ac eprable and ufcful Minifters, who wcjc by this Adt caft ou: of the Church, but many Hundreds. They did not throw themfelvesout of Scr- ^ vice, but were forcibly ejc^l-'d. They begg'd for Con- tiniiancc with all imaginable Earneftneis, and urg'd uranfwerable Ar^u;nents m their Petition for Peace, but were repuls'd. They were not caft out becaufe not needed ro carry on the Work of the Gofpel in the Land : For there were, and ftill are among us many defolaie Quartets, that are over-run with Ignorance and Pri fanenefs : And there was more to be done in Order to general Inftrudtion, Excitation and Reforma- tion, than all their joint Labours would have fully fuf- fic'd for ; and yet they were eje£led. This was an A6lion without a Precedent ; the like to which the Re- formed Church, nay the Chriftian World ne\er fa\y before. In the Ancient Adrian Perfccutions many Scores of faidifiii Orthodox Publifhers of the S^erlafting Gof- pel wer« Slain atid Baniflrd : In this Cafe Two Thou- ifand at once had their Mouths ftopp'd even whilft they were alive, and were doonvd to Silence in their own Na'i e Country, and thar by, their Brethren, tho' thrir Labours were call'd for, and earnelHy defir'd. *Twas heretofore rcckon'd a moft horrid Thing, and drew Tragical Exclarnations from fucceeding Hifto- rians, rhar between Three and Four Score Bilhops (h uld be fent at once into the Ifle of S^ndinia by the /ifiicnn V<^njnli : And fo it really was, becaufe they wne hereby banifli'd from their Flocks, which was an alTed:ing ^ hin^, notwithftantPrt5,tW and others of his ftamp) denied their Liberty, provided jW»/4«>they gave the Publick, Security of their good Beha- Terfon or viour * '. The fame Treatment as they had given to q- Trrforts vhatjheyer^ fhould at any Time or Times aftpvwards^ iifc the Book of Com- jnon prayer, or caufc it to be usd^ in any Churchy Chappel^ or Fublick Tlace of a orffjtp^ or in any priratc jP/ace or Van:ily -^ that eyery Ferfon fo of endings fljould for the firf Of ence forfeit and pay the Sum of 5 1. of Lav^ful Englifh Money ^ for hU fecond Offence the Sum 0/ I o 1 ; and for the Third Offence fljou/d fifff'er me j^ho/eTcara Imprifonmcnt, without Bail or Mainprife. Er^fy Mini- fcr that did not ufc the Dir^rtoiy, n-a^ for erery Time that he did offend, to forfeit the Sum of 40 S. ^nd any that fljould Preach, Write, ox Print, or caufe to be Uritten or Printed, any Thing in the Derogation or Vepraying of the tU fuid Book, fhould forfeit for eyery fuch Offence, fuch a Sum of liloney, as p)ould at the Time of his Conyifli"n be t})Ou;rht fit to be imposed up- OP him, by thoje before whom he was tryd ;, Proyidcd it WM not lefs than J I. and mt excefdinr^ the Sum of «;o I. And all fuch Tines were ordered to go to the Ufc ^f the Poor. Ti/is Ordinance is 1 confefs an Eyidence, of what is too plain to be denied, that all Parties when they have been uppermojl, hayc been too apt to bear hard on thofe tUat haye been under them. But it deferyes a V'-marl^ that <■>•?>? by thii Qrdintnce as ferere as it was, no Encouragement thefs Chap. IX. Mr. Richard Baxter. 187 others, would by many who liv'd in thofe Times have was giyen been reckon'd highly favourable, if compared with ^^ werce- what they actually met with . And whereas fome have ^/^O ^"' urg d the Treatment of the Epifcopal Party in Scotland, ^'""^^" •* , after King ff^illiani's happy Afcent to the Throne, in a f^ ^'^^ Way of Vindication of their Carriage to thofe of the^-p^'^" oppofite Stamp after Kine C/;/:?7ej"s Reft an ration, it b j \.r! ^^'% Jett t(i any rerlons to judge, whether there be any accordinr Thing Parallel in the Two Cafes, if it be but confiderM to this Or- that notwithftanding Presbytery is thi^ Government efta- dinance blilh'd by Law in kotlnnd^ as much as Epijcnpncy is in were yery EngUnd, yet upon their late Settlement, the Epifcopal /^w' •• I Minifters there ( excepting fuch as were notorioufly wip) / Scandalous, or had Livings from which Presbyteriar. Mi ^^i^^d fay nifters who were then Living had been ejedted) were .^'^^^ allow'd the Enjoyment of their Places during Life, up *"^^'»'''y?'^ on no harder a Condition than that of taking the Oaths J ^f ."^ to the Civil Government. And many fuch are conti- ^-^ "^-[j^' nu'd in their Livings there without Moleltarion, to t^is Fiye\ni/e very Day; Aa,' and the ACl a- ^aifift Coftvettticles, which were pafsd againfi the Nonconformijis after tlic Keftauration. But to Return; had thefe ejedled Minifters, who were fo hardly dealt with, been either univerfally or generally. Enemies of all Order and Regularity, it had been much more tolerable : "When as there was fo far from any juft Ground for fuch an Infinuation, that a Regular Difcipline was what they pleaded for, and moderate Epifcopacy was what moft of them would have freely fubmitted to. Whofoever have charged them as fond of Anarchy and Confufion, knew not the Men or their Communication, Arch-Bifhop V/her's Platform (befoi'e exhibited, Pag, 145.) they would have rejolc'd in ; with a due Indulgence to thofe of their Bre- thren, whofe Latitude was not fo great as theirs. Had they however been loofe in their Morals, or fcandalous in their Lives, their Treatment it mufl: be own'd might have been fairly juftify'd : But fo far were they from that, that they were as Exemplary for ftridnefs as any in the Land. Had they been meanly qualify'd for the Minifte- lial Work, the Church might have much the better fpaj:*d them : But inftead of that, we may fafely de- iie 'i88 ' The L I F E of Chap. IX. iie their grcateft Enemies to produce in any Age or Country, Two Tbouiand Men barter quaiif .'d for Publick Minifterial Work, and more oiligent and laborious in it, more accepted anci n. re ufefuj, than thefe very Perfons who were Cloarh'd w h fo much Contempt. Few Ages has tr^iluc't^ moie Eminent, Ufefuj, Succefsful, Preachers, than Mr. 8^.xt:.r pf l^e* derminftcr^ lAv.Bjvohs oiToli, Mr. a.ivcjw? of Vfin- chffilsr^ tAr. I{syner of Lincoln, Mr. EtkandJj ll'nlcs^ Mr. Hleron of Brsadftl^ Mr. An^ier of Derttnr,^ Mr. H.ghtS of Plymouth^ Mr. Ben of Dn^cheslc^ Dr. Mtnton of London^yix. All?n o^Tnuntov^ with rtiany ^ ihcrs. Bvii; perhaps ihey were intolerably Humourfome. This i know hath been faid by fi me. But ren, Mr. Ventrk of Canterbury, Mr. Philip Henry^ and many others. And tho' fome it muft be own*d, were againft the Royal Family, there yet were others who fuifcr'd for adhering to it ; as the Lancafhire Minifters who wetc many of them Ejedtd for refufing tnd writing agai^ift the En^ gngmcnt^ Chsp, IX. Mr. Richard Baxter. 189 gagcwenty even when many of the Epifcopal Party took it; and Mr. CojA., Mr. Kjrbyy and Mr.Ha-.rifov^ 8cc. who hazarded their Lives in Order to the bring- ing in King Charles II. And yet this Ad: made no Difference. It fpar'd neiiher Age nor Parts, nor con- (iderM any Service done, but levell'd all that lay in its way; and fpake no other Language than either bow or break. Had it ain\'d at hindring the doing Mif- chief only, it might have been Vindicated: But under pretence of that, ithindred the doing Good, and that to many ; to Hundreds and Thoufands of Souls; by Men whofe Hearts were earneftly bent that way, and defir'd not to live for any lower Purpofe. Mult we not think that Piety was little fet by, when grave and ex- pericnc'd Guides muft be forc'd to quit the Churches, to make way for Raw unfurniOi'd Novices ; when Men full of Love to God, and the Souls of their People, muft yield to fuch as minded Preferment more than real Religion ? God forbid, this (hould have been tht* Cafe generally : But that it was fo in many Particular Inftances is too notorious to be deny'd. Muft we nor fay, that Mercy forfook the Earth, when fo many of Liberal Education, were put to Dig, orBep, or Starve? Were cafl out of their Freeholds to Fence againft Fu- ture Crimes.^ Were turn'd inio the wide World with- out any Vifiblc Way of Subfiftcnce? Any Thing that might have tended to their Relief or Ea'fe was rejected as unfufferable. They were not only excluded Prefer- tnems, but cut off from all hope of a Lively-hood, as far as the InduOry and Craft of iheir Adverfaries could reach. Not fo much as a Poor Vicarid^e, not a Blind Chapel, not a Schod was left them : Nay, tho' they offer'd (as feme of them did) to Preach for nothing, it muft not be allowed them. They only beg'd I iberiy of Confcience, to Preach and Woifliip God, according to the Primitive Rule and Simplicity, and that they m.ight not be Ejeded and Excommunicared, and forced to beg their Bread, becaufe they could not confcnt to what they could not Believe, nor Vow againft their Duty. But they they were caft off with Difdain. And what was all this for, but to promote Vniformiry ^ A charming PVord! ^ For the Thing itfelf is yet to be fo'c for, even among themfelves, by any one that know? the Difference between Cathedrals and Parilh Churches) A 1 90 The Lift of Chap, i X. A iVord tliar muft necelTariJy ha' e a peculiar Force, when it coulJ have fo ftrange an Infiuence ! Bur ccr-- tainly, 'cis an odd Meihod to ^o about to make all of one Mina, and Mode, and Way, by rending, divi- ding, md tearing Mmiftefsand Peoplel Its but an Ov d foTX.0^ Vniform.ty^ that hinders 'L'/i;Vy, by turning the Church into a Party 1 , What was the Aim of all, bnc to fettle l'?ip(fitlons r Which in all Ages have been gree- dily fwallow'd by Mea of loofer Principles, while they have been fnares to the moft Confcicntioiis; wlio will look carefully about them, and arc not for wr ggling themfelves either in or out by Diftindlions and Evali- ons, (which yet they were as able to have fraoa'd as their Neighbours) but would do all in Siniplicity and Godly Sincerity, without Equivocations or Referves There- by endeavouring to maintain and fpread a Principle of' Honefty in the World. The Publick Settlement not being closed with, a general Clamour was rals'd againft thefe good Men, ■whole Defire itwastoferve God faithfully, and Live quietly by their Neighbours, as if they were hoc to be fuffer'd to live upon the Earth. What was their Crime? Surely nothing that God had declared to be Sin ; no- thing but what was made a Crime by the Law of the State; and would therefore ceafe to be fuch at auy Time, when that Law was rcmo.M: Nothing but what might have been fafely tolerated, without Da- mage or Danger to Church or Commonwealth, as ap- pears by the Event lince a Legal Indulgence hath been granted them. But if refuting to Conform to ^jch Im- pofirions as d'd not appear to be within the Compafs of rhe Commilfion of the Impofers was really Criminal, it could not be fo in a very high Degree .- And where- fore then was the Punifhment lo great ? Would it be Wifdom in the Government to threaten all thole that would not eat Rye-bread, all that would not Ccnfonn lo any Common Falhion, with being Impiifond or Ba- nifhedJ Should Mens Brains be knock'd out to kill a Flie on their Fore- head ? Is this agreeable to the Rules of Proportion? h it equitable, that for fuch Th'ngs as however Faulty they may be, may yet leave a Man a good Chriftian, and one of the belt of Su^jedls, he fliO''ld be treated as if he had forfeited the Priviledges of his Birth, aqd his Imerefl in the Rights of Chriftiani-. Chap. [K. A/r. K chara Bixc r. >' ty, nay, and H manity too? But inftead of yielding their Practice to be at all Crimnal, it appear'd to rhem CO be their Duty. They thought witnelling againft Hu- mane Ufurpations in Divine Things was a piece of nc- ceirary Fidelity to God. They apprehended the Law of God obiig'd them to prcfervc the Purity of Cfariftian "Worfhip. Suppofe they were miftaken in the Particu- lar Application of this General Principle, did they there- upon deferve to be puniflVd, as if they had raz'd and deny'd the moft Fundamental Articles of Faith ? Was Poverty and Contempt, Confifcation and Impnfonment, Kipour and Severity, the fitteft, or likelieit Means for cheu- Conviction, or not rather a Snare to betray them to A (ft againft their Confcience? Did the Chriftian Doctrine obtain in the World by thofe Ways and Me- thods which were pitcht on for the fixing and feeling of Vniformity r* Was it agreeable to Chriftian Charity to make the Terms ftrait on Purpofe that they might be fcrupled, and then blame Men for their Non compliance? Or to cafl them out of the Church, and then Excom- municate them for their Abfence ? Was it good Policy in a New Settlement after Confuiion, to difoblige and exafperate a Body of as fober Perfons as any in the Land, who are really its Strength, in order to the gratifying the loofer Sort, whofe Principles and Practices weaken the Bands of Government, and open a gap for Confu- iion ? Or was it the moft likely Way to keep ov;t Po- peiy^ to weaken the Hands of a Number of its hearty confcientious Adverfaries, and Sacrifice them to the Kage of the Emiflaries of ^mc^ who therefore fet themfehes moft againft them, becaiife they had no hopes of ever inducing them to any Thing that Ihould look like an Advance towards the I{omnn See, or a Revolt to a Fo- reign Jurifdidion ; to which fome of their Brethren ap- pear'd much more inclineable ? Again; did the Adors in this Affair do as they would be done by ? Did they not bitterly complain in the Time of the Interregnum of the Severity of their Treatment; and that when they could not but be confcious to themfelves of much greater Severity on their Part towards their Brethren formerly, in the High Commiffion Court, C?c. when they bad the Power in their Hands ? h is but Uks for /%, was a Plea in the Mouth of all forward Peifons? But was not the Score paid before-hand by the Rigor of 192 The LIFE of Chap. IX. King Charles the Firft's Reign (to look no farther back) in Ecclefiaftical Matters? And is it a becoming Thing, to have fo many ufeful Perfons avowedly facrific'd to Re enge r Is this Paflion fo riveted, as to be become He- red itary ? Does it run in the Blood, and defcend with the Patrimony, as a necelTary Attendant of that clear And uninterrupted Ecclefiafiical S uccjfion, thzt is, by feme fo much Celebrated ? It cannot indeed be deny'd, but that all Parties among us when they have had the Afcendanc^ have born too hard upon tbofe who lay at their Mer- cy : And it is much to be lamenteJ. But is fuch Here- ditary Revenge as H-'innibal's, who was fworn at the Altar never to be Reconcil'd. a Thing agreeable to Chri- ftian Principles, or becoming any Embafladors of the Prince of Ptace? But I cannot yet leave thefe Confejjors, I move it to the Reader to view the Lift of them, obferving what manner of Men they were, who were the Triumphs and Spoils cf Vniformity. They were Men that would have been highly efteem'd and honour'd in the Primitive Church, for which they who bore fo hard upon them profefs fo great a Veneration. They were Men of great Faith and Truft in God, and by their Integrity (ilenc'd many that apprehended Religion a Fancy. They re- joic'd in theUfefolnefs of their Brethren, while they themfelves were Difcountenanc'd. They Prayed hear- . tily for their Civil Governours, and all in Authori'^^y, while treated as Seditious Perfons, and unworthy of any Favour. They were own'd of God in all their Trou- ble*, carry'd rhrough a great many Difficulties, gained upon many of. heir Enemies by their Patience and Quiet- nefs, and at laft were taken under the Prote(^ion of the Government. The Generality of them were Ejected in the moft nfefnl Part ( f their Lives, when they were fitteft for Service; betweenrhe Age of Thirty and Fifty. In their Private Mmirtration*; they did good to the Sonls of ma- ny ; this (Blrlfed be God) is too evident to be deny'd : How much good then might they have done, if they had but been kept within the Publick National Efta- blilhment? And to whom muft the Land afcnbethe Jofs . of their valuable Labours, but to the eager Efpoufers ,of Rites and Ceremonies? What was the IlTue of the heat ot tliele Zealots? Did they gam their Point, and Chap. iK. Mr Kichard Baxter. 195 fix Uniformity ? Or did they not rather run Things to that heighthj that Prophancnefs had at length over-run us, and All that was dear and val able to us was in Danger, when bare-fac'd l-'opery afc^-nded the Throne^ trampling at once on our Religion c^nd Liberties ?" And was ic not then freely own'd.. that Papifts in Difguifc harl all along blow'd the Gals, and done he hotteft Part of the Service? Can rhisever be forgot?' Who can bragg or boaft of their Gain in the Strife for Uni- formity ? Were the b'-^fie Informer shtlovdi and advanced? Or were they not generally infamous . And did not many of them come to a Tragical End ? Or will it be found that thev who were herceft when in Commiflion of the Peace, in profecuting the Poor Dijjeniers, have profper'd moft in their Families and Eftaces? Or is the Mf-mory of thofe Statefmen who wee moft Adtive in this Service, moft grateful to true hearted Bngh'/hmen? Doth the Providence of God in this RefpecSfc deferve no Remarks ? Did God difown thefe. Worthies, when the great Ones caft them off? Let any Perfons obferve and judge. They and their Families were fupply'd, by an invifible Hand. A noted Man among them, (who himfelf had a good Eftate) reckon'd up as many who were Ejected within a few Miles round him, as with their Wives and Children made up above a Hundred, who were all turn d out to the wide World, and Liv'd upon Pro- vidence : Concerning whom he oblerv'd, that though they were oft in ftraits, yet they were not forfaken* Nay the fame Perfon (when he had been Youn^, and then was Old) obferv'd, that tho* many of the Ejedted Minifters were brought very Low, had many Children^ were greatly harrafs'd by Perfecution, and their Friends generally Poor, and unable to Support them, yet in all his Acquaintance he never knew, nor could remember to have heard of any Nonconform} ft Minifter that was in Prifon for Debt. Providence was inftead of Livings to thofe, who left their Livings for the fake of their Confciences. They were driven firft out of their Free- holds, and afterwards from all Corporations, on Pur- pofe that they might befeparated from their kind Neigh- bours. Cautions were emred againft them, in all ways of Lively -hood they were capable off; and yet they Liv'd comfortably , and maintained iheirFamilics credibly 3 O many -a|h^ 1 94 The LI tB of Chap. IX . many of them bred up their Sons to the Miniftry, in which they arc now ufetul ; ami the , Dy'd at laft in Peace, and were laid in their Graves with Honour, Did Kjticonformity Die with them ? Would to God it had, provided the Caafes of it had been remov'd, by a Cordial Comprehertfiiyn: Would to God it had, if there Were nothing in it but Humour and Fancy, and Preju- dice, as lome will have it. But as lon^ as \z ts bottom 'd upon fuch Stable Principles, as the fucce7 were fettled, they durft not yield, fome upon one Account, others upon another, and feveral ^pon many fleafons at once, fearing they, ihould thereby have offended GocJ. Many Eyes were upon them; their Refufal was Publick ; the Gap made by their Ejection wide and great ; and the.Conlequen- ces very confider^bje. , The Cenfures which were after- wards pafs'd upon them were harJli and fevere; and at length it became Modilh to run them all down, as a Pack of unreafonable and humourfome Complainants, jfofterity muft an^, will Judge in.th^ Cafe,, when Plain- tiffs aiid Defendants are all in their Graves. For their Help and Affiftance, I have here drawn up the Plea, pf thofe who were the Sufferers, which compar'd wiih gie Arguments and Replies of the Aggreffours, may elp in parting an impartial Judgment, 1 defire only it may be obferv'd, that the following Abftra£l, contains the Reafon^ p^ thpfe who were the moft Moderate, and leaft fond of Separation. . , I The Things impos'd upon them, if^ they would Aeeb theit livingis oi tedurefhips, or any Poft of Ser- 0 2, Vied 196 The LIFE of Chap. X. vice in the EftablifliM Church were thefe Five. They muft be I{e-ordaind^ if not Epifcopally Ordain'd before. They muft declare ihcir unfeignd /iffcnt and Confent to all, flnd every Thing contain d and prefcrib'd in /ind by the Boof^ of Common Prayer^ and Adminiftration of the Sacra-' mentSy and other I{ites and Ceremonies of the Church of England ; together xvitb the Pfaher^ and the Form or Manner of Makings Ordaining and Cofifecrating (f Bifhops, Priejis, and Deacons, &c. to which was fuperadded an equivalent Subfcription. They muft take the Oath of Canonical Obedience^ and fwear Subjedtion to their Ordi- nary^ according to the Canons of the Church. They muft Abjure the foiemn League and Covenant, And they muft alfo Abjure the takjng Arms upon tiny Pretence whatfoever^ a^ainlf th£ K}ng, or any Commiffionated by Him. Thefe Things were all flraitly enjoin'd, without any Thing to qualifie or foften them, or room for a Difpenfation. So that if any Man fcrupled but one Point, and could have complv'd in all the reft, he was as certainly Ejed- cd, as if he had fcrupled all. And all of them were indeed fcrupled by many, who weighing them maturely, could 4c ifljouid ^^^ regard them (as Circumftances ftood) as Things in- haye that different, or barely inconvenient; but refus'd them as thai my flatly finful, according tothebeft Light they could gain hare r hear- by their utmoft Enquiries. I'll view them diftindly, in fing theRea- the Order in which 1 have roeniion'd them*. fons that had betn ghen by others^ had been no fign of my Approbation of all that IFc hearfe ^ notwithflanding that I am one of thofe who dare not Conform : But it feems it has been taken otherwlfe by thofe that haye Written againji this Chapter. And how jufily^ let the World Judge, I. They muft be ^e-ordaind^ if not Epifcopally On dain'd before. This was plain in the AFi of Vniformity^ by which it was Enadled ; * That from and after the Feaft of St. Bartholomew i66i, no Incumbent, in Pol- feflion of any Parfonage, Vicarage, or Benefice, that was not in Holy Orders by Epifcopal Ordination, Ihould enjoy the fame, but be tpfo faHo, depriv'd j his Ecclefiaftical Promotions being void as if he were na- turally Dead, G^c' Room indeed was lefc for re- ceiving Epifcopal Orders (if till then wanting) be- tween the Time in which the A'^»^'--> Hi*^'^'[erSupplicans^un- • ■ ^i„ ^ u t: T 11 tenus Rev. in Chrifio Pater rirDo' jequmne them to be Epilcopally . ^^ V • -n r\y .J ui_jr - rj minus, Dommw GeorPius Tcr- Ordain d who had been m a reg-a. ^^^^^ ^^^.^^ (^^,^,. ^ ,^^ ^^ lar way Ordain d by Presbyters be- ^^ 5^,,^^ vUconatus oUlnem fore, tended (and indeed was by j^xta Motem & rUu4 Ecdefis^ the generality DeflgnM) to nullifie Angllcanx^ dignaretur admiitersi. their pafs*ci Orders, and invalidate their Conf^q'^ent Miniftrations, and at the fame Time to re(ic& on Foreign Churches, who have no Epifcopal i ^^ qi Orders, as deftitute of vaLd Gofpel Miniftrations, the) lyffe, «,/,/ durft nor fabmit to it f. frj} ' wrote againfi this Tenth Chapter, vm at prft for laying ajtde the Con/tderation of thU Re-ordi- nation : Def. of Min. Conf p. 4. Bwf upon Second Thots added an Appen- dix to prore it Lawful, f/om Scripture PraBice, and the Reafonof the Thinr. Which Fojifcript lanfwef'd, Def. of Mod.Nonc. Tart i.f. 56. Mr. Hoadlv alfo declares for Re-ordination, Reafon of Conf. p. 6. &c. He gi-^es thlt Grand Keafon I becaufe Epifcopal Ordination is the Regular, Orderly Ordina- tion in the Church ofCbrifi-j and the departing from it tends to the Overthror^ of all Order. And he AJferts that Perfons dre wholly unqualified to Aff as Minifiers without it, &c. In return to him, I in Def. o/Mod. None. Part r. f. $4. &c. Plead that he takes that for granted in this Cafe which is the main Thin^ in Queflion: And declare that his Way of Reafoning the le/s af- feShsus, becaufe' tis Hike the Reafoning of thePapifts againfl the Proteftancsi it refleHs on many of the Suffering Witneffes of Chrifi, vho hare /food up in Defence of the Truth and Purity of the Gofpel, and on moft of the Reformed Churches now in being ; it lays more flrefs upon a Hicety than on the main Sub- fiance ', and is fuch that it woi^ld not be born with, if retorted^. After tphichy I from Scripture and Reafon, ju/lifie Presbyterian QrdinatloM, and f^jew the Infujficiency of what is ufuaUy alledg'd from the Fathers, to invalidate it, c»« wake Re-ordination needful. Mr. Hoadly on the other Side, in Ij/s Defence: «/ Epifcopal Ordination, argues thus. He fays that JBilhops liave the Solts Power: They have had it in PofTeflion for i $50 Years, tiiey iiavc all the Right that Prefcription can give. But it does not follow^ they hayc a Scrip- tural Right to any fuch Exclufiye Power: And meer Pajfeffton tho' rf never fo long a Continuance, gives noRight properly fo calld. He adds. That therc*s ho Inftance in the New Teflament of Ordination performed by Pref«bycers j or i^ithout fome Church Officers Superiour to. them : But though there K?«rc in the beginning -t wlien Ordination was managed by the JPresbytery, fome Church Oncers concernd who were Superiour to Presbyters^ yet is there m hint in the O 4 flVw 200 The L I F t of Chap, X, J\^e%P Tefl anient of the rtecefftty of the Continuance of fttch Svperiour Officers in the church. He further adds. That all Sc. P^m/'s Raics for Ordination are dired>ed to Superiour Church Officers. But it no more follows from thence^ that in after A^es none hut Superiour Officers mi ht Lr.v^^uUy Ordain^ than it does, that none but fuch, migh! Lawfully Admini[twn fudgment than theirs, and that efpecinily when feme among them plainly rcprefeut it as a meer prudential Inftitution, defignd to prevent Divi ons and Schifms. Whereas, if we refufe to credit t))eir Report as to the Writits of the ]\'ew Teftament, we refufe the bcft Evidence of the Kind, that the -.'attcr will bear. . — Mr. Hoadly afterwads tales a great deal of fains to Stren':then and Support the Teftimony from the lathers upoi: this H(ad, in Oppofition to my ObjeCiions:, And I have a particular Reply by me^ Vfhich had long fince feen the Light, but that J was unwilling to divert him from his better Imphymcnt. Bw^ having wcigHd all that he ha< faid, J am fiill 10 feek for Proof, that Diocefan Epifcopacy, or the Cfjnpnement of Ordination to Superiour Biftxips, to the Jlxclufiun of Presbyters, was of Apo- ftolical Inflitution And if not, then PresbytciS may warrantably Qrdain, at well as Preach and Ad mini ft er Sacraments •, and qualified Perfons Ordain* d by fuch have no Occafion to be Re ■ ordain d. IL Tbcy Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 201 -rr II. ' They were re^uird to Declare their Unfeigned Af- ^Uutherii * fent and Confcnt to all,and every Thing contain d and ( »• e. * prefcrib'd in and by the Book, Inticled, The Book ^ickman- * of Common Prayer, and Adminiftration of the Sa- "* ) ^;"'- * craments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the ^°^"* f ''^ * Church, together with the Pfalter or Pfalms of David -^f^'^^'': * and the Form or Manner of making, or ordaining, '^^^^^^^^ * and confecrating of Bifhops, Priefts and Deacons, f^jj^.^^^ * And they tnuft alfo (and ttjat ex Animo) ■ Suhfcribe Pa . CTt fed to imagine that the Framersof this impos'd Decla-^^*^'^ ration and Subfcnption, had had this B^ok of ^^^^^J^fo^s^forV' Prayer dropping down among them immediately from Noncon- Heaven, and that they lookM upon it as nothing elfe formity. ^ but a continued Oracle from Firft to Laft : And that /oofe sheet. they were of the Mind of the famous Dr. Swadlin^]^2gQ i. who fpeaking of the Publick. Service' very roundly Af- ferts *, That there xvas not a Tittle of it, but it vpas by the Diaate of the Holy Ghoji ±. That Gentleman was ^ f " 5** ' Anniverfa" 9y Sermons on the ^oth of January ; Particularly that An. 16 $6' J Mr. OllyfTe Def. o/Min. Conf p. ig, 14, feems not a little difpleas'd at my here mentioning Dr. Swadlin, w/i*, he fays, it reprefented by Mr. Wood rf^ in a Manner diftraCled : And feems to vfonder that J fhould fpeak of Per- fons Idolizing the Common Prayer Book. Mr. Hoadly alfo exprejfes himfelf -itffith fome Heat, he owns it in fo many Words, Reafon.of Conf. p. ^^, that I (hould cite this PaJJage of the Common Prayer Book's being diliated by the Holy Ghoft : And both of them alfo touch upon it afterwards. If it may therefore be to their Satisfaihion^ I have found better Authority to the fame Purpofe. For when the liturgy was firfi framed in the Days of Edward Vf. it was by the King fent to the Lords and Commons ajfcmbled in Parliament^ who upon Perufal of the Book, declared in their Afh of Thanks, that it was donejhy Aid of the Holy Ghoft. An. 2. Edw. VI. i. And as much as thefe Gentlemen contemn poor Dr. Swadlin, ^et I hope they'll ownBi/hbp Sanderfon to have been a great Man. Now Biffjop Walton in the Account of his Life^ that is prefixed to his Sermons, with a great dealt of Gravity ajfures us, that he told him that the Holy Ghoft feenned to afBft the Compofers of the Common Prayisr. There was owe Abbot, who wrote of Church forfakers, who iryd up the Liturgy of the Church of Engfand to that heighth, as mt to be afham'd to fay that the Wit of Men and Angels could mt mend it, and that it is a fuffcient Difcharge of the Minjjiers Duty but to read it. And Afy.Pierce (Conformifts firft Plea for the Nonconformifts, p* 20.) fays. That he has known fome that tho*t no Worflnp Divine, without the Common Vrayer. Hr m^ San 2 famot help counfiif^ thii an idolizing o/f/» Cow wff» Prayer. not 2 04 rhe LIFE of Chap. X. not only plras'd to alTert this, but he tho't fit to prove it too. His argument is fo admirable for its Peculiari- ty, that I cannot forbear tranfcribing it. Of all Offices in that Book, he faftens on that of Matrimony , and par* ticularly on the tirlt Prayer in that Office ; which be- feeches Almighty God to blc-fs the Coapk co be mar- ried, as Jfaac and ^bxca. Whence he thi^a Argues, * This Prayer was diitated by the Holy Ghoft to the Compolers ot the Common Prayers, or maoe by * thole Coinpofers Wiiboiu the Uicitare of the Hv^ly ' Ghcft : Bi.t not by them withov-t his Didlaie ; there- * fore by his Didaie ro them, if by^them, witho'it * him, rhen they would have made it according to Hu- * mane Reafon, and fo have faid, Blei's them^ O Lord, * as thou did it blefs Ahrahayn and Sarah^ or as chcc. didft ' blefs Jtfct;/; and ^%ehel ; and they had humane Reafon * for it. For Abraham was God's firft Friend, "^jficoh was ' God's great Favourite But fays rhe h-oly Ghoft, not ' fo, nor fo : But let it be, b'.efs their* as Ifaac and B^bec- * c/T. And there is no Humane Reafon for this, but a * Divine Reafon there is, and that is thisj Abraham ' had his Hngar in Sarab*s Time, and his I^eturahzket'- ' wards. Jacob had his Leah^ his T^ilpah, and his Bil- * hah ; But Ifaac had none but his Hebecca. And ther^ * fore fays the Holy Ghoft, let it not be, blefs them as * Abraham and Sarah^ blefs them as Jacob and l{achel z ' * For then People may be apt to think they may have ' many Wives at once, if not fome Concubines: But ' But let it be, blefs them as thou did blefs Tfa/ic and * Bi^ebeccn. Let them know, one Mao (hould have but ' one Wife, efpecially at one Time. A little after, he * adds, certainly therefore, blelfed are they which die * in maintaining that Service- Book, which can without ' Contradi61ion, Father the Ceremonies of it upon the * Holy Ghoft.' This it muft be own'd is plain Deahng, But the poor Nonconforynifts had not that Spirit of dif- cerning, which fach clear lighted Gentlemen were fa- voured with. If they muft have Forms of Prayer, they defir'd they might be according to Humane Reafon, and liOt fatber'd upon the Holy Ghoft without better Pre- tence to Infpiration. Their feeing fome make a plain Idol of the Common Prayer Book, rendrcd them the lefs fond of it. Such a Declaration as was required of them •, con- Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 205 •concerning it, was in their Apprehenfion as much as could be defir'd or don , concerning the Book of God, the Bible it felf. Yea they qneltion d, Whether many a fober Man might not have fcrupled to declare fo nnuch concerning any Copy of the Bible now Extant in the World, there being hardly any one to be found, ^^'■;^^'' but what may have fch Faults and Slips, as "^aynlf'of make an unfeigned AiT^nt and Confent to every Tittle, ^^^ ^^^^-^ a Matter of rational Scruple*. But as for the Book of j, ^o. &c.* Jays, rh^t Affent and Confent are Law Terms, and may be tahn either ahfoluteiy nt comparatively ^ and intimates that it is enough, if being perfwaded of the Lawfulnefs of the Things enjoined^ they unfeigredly Ajfem and Confent thereunto, and judge it ttuch better and more eligible to ^fe it,, than by Re- fufal to lofethe Legal OpportunUy of exercifng their Minijiry. He fay>, the Aflent and Conient U only to be undevflood of all Things enjclnd to be i*>'d und fraClisd. Mr Hoadly alfo fays mmh the fame ^ Reafon. of Cont: |>. g6. &c. declaring that AflTtnt and Conient is to be cnnfind to the Ufe of what U contained and prefcrib'd in the Bool:, and f. 59, he fays, that it is ab' folutely determined by the very Farliament tJ^at made the Afl, that it iff as meant fo. And the Nature, Manner, and Torm of all Lav? Deeds and Fuh- lick Declarations, he fays, rehire this Way of Interpretation, and condemn the other : Whereas on the Contrary, I hare giycn as good Eridence as need to be defired in 2d Def. of Mod. None p. 119, that the legijlators have gi-ven their Senfe to the fame Fwpofe veith the ejcded Minifiers in this Cafe. The Lords and Commons agreed that to under/land the Declaration of AfTent ar.d Confent only as to the Ufe of vphat was prefcrib'd, was not enough to mh- fwer the Law. Tor from the -very Journal of the Lords, I hare gheif 4 true Accout of the State cf the Cafe thus: On July the \^th, 166^. A Bill was fent up from the Commons to thi Lords, intituled. An Aft for Relief of fuch Perfons as by Sicknefs or other Irapedimenr, are difabled from fubfcvibing the Dechvation in th6 Aft of Uniformity, and Explanation of Part ol the faid Ait. At the Second Reading in the Houieof Lords it was committed. Some Altera- tions and Amendments were made by the Committee, and a Ciaufeaddt-d of this Tenor : And be it enafted and declared by the Authority afoae- faid, That the Declaration and Subfcription of Aff:nt and Confent in the faid Aft mentioned, fliall be underftood only as to the Piaftice and Obe- dience to the faid Aft, and not otherwife, Tliis Additional ClaiUe \va3 agreed to by a Majority : But Twelve Lords protcftcd againft it, as de- ftruftive to the Church of England as now eltablifli'd. When the Bill was fent back to the Commons, they defir'd a Conference, which ^vas yielded to by the Lords. The Commons vehemently declared againft the Amendments and Alterations of the Lords and t\^':^ Additional Caufe 5 ^nd it was openly dcclav'd by one of the Managers on tiie Part of tlie Common 2o6 The LIFE of Chap, X. Commons, Common Prayer, ^e. They found fuch Marks of. that what Humane Infirmity, in the Frame and Contexture, andi was fent x\^^ particular Offices of it, that they durft not make down to jfjg Subfcriprion and Declaration requir'd, iiJl they, them^ could receive Satisfaction, with Reference to fundry, toucmng gx(-eptiQns they had to brine in, which appeared to them this Bill, c xiTr.- d^ J n r Jiad nfi- of gr^^t Weight and Conlequcnce. ther Ju- * . 6ice nor Prudence in ft. W|ien the Conference was ovei:, the Lords voted an Agreement with the Commons, and dropp'd the Adiilional Claufp before recited. ; nothing treed he defifd more plainly and fully ^o gire the Senfe of t1}e Zf- t'ljlaton in the Cafe^ than this of which Mr. Baxter had giyen an Hint before. This I tho*t might hare been allots d to determine this "Bart of the Controverfy. iut Mr. Ollyffe id Def. of Win. Conf. p. io6. will fuppofe that I had it from fame Ancient Gentleman, And that it mdies not fo much to my Fut- fofe as I reprefent : And Mr. Hoadly in Def. 0/ f/^ Reafon. of Conf. p. j. faysy he has heard the Truth of my Aciount much conteffed. Itf the mean Time I quoted the journal of the Lords for my Vouchers, and referred theift 4ind others thither for Satisfafilon : And it is no difficult Thing for any Gen: tleman to get a Sight of it. if any one will be at the Pains to take a Vieiif «if that^ and flill remdins dubious as to the Senfe and Intention of the Legi' haters, I P^all wonder at it, and defpair that drgulng will anfwer any En4» The Lords aim^d at declaring, that a bare Ufe was intended, that a Num.- her might be that V^ay easd ', and tlte Matter had been clear on that Side had the Commons concurr'd : But they refufing to allow of bare Ufe as fufficient^ and dratPing oyer a Majority of the Lords, in Eff'efh determined, that they jpho put that Senfe upon the Declaration of Aflent and Confent, that it was to the bare Ufe and no more, leading Perfons (iill room for difapproring any Thing contain d or prefcrib^d in the Common Prayer Book^ wretchedly mif-in- terfret it-, and ajjume to themfelres a Powet of interpreting contrary to the tegijlators themfehes, I. The Subfcription and Declaration requir'd, they found would take in the Do£lrine of F{eal Baptifmal [{e- generation, and certain Salvation^ Confequciit thereupon. And that whether the Perfons baptiz'd, were qua- lify'd Subjedls of Baptifm, yea or not. Ic would! be an Approbation ot the Rubrick at the End of the Publick Office for Baptifm, where 'tis faid^ It k certain hy Goefs UP^ordy that Children which are hnpti:(dy dying h" fore thry commit a^ual Sin, are undoubtedly fav*d, Ic would have been well if they had quoted the Place; for the Diffenting Minifters freely confefs'd their Jgnp- ^a'nce^ that ibey knew of no fuch Word in Scripture^ Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 207 h would alfo be an Agreement, to ufe conftantly iiftor E^aptifm that Tbankfgiung 5 I4^e yield thee hearty Thanks^ moft merciful Father^ that it hath fleaid thee to [Regenerate thit I.fant vfith thy Holy Spirit. Now when they fhould be obliged to baptize all Comers, without a Liberty of refufing the Children of InfideJs, or the moft Scandalous Sinners, (provided they had but Sponfours) to blcfs God prefently as foon as the Office was over, for Regenerating them by his Spirit; and lav it down as undoubtedly certain that they were fav'd iF thry died, this was what their Light would not fuflice for j and therefore till then 'twas their un- doubted Duty to avoid Concurrence. For who can fo much as queftion whether or no it would have been 2 Sin in them, to blefs God with Confidence for what they did not believe was real ; and to lay that down as undoubtedly certain from Scripture, of which they faw not there the leaft Foundation* They found the Chil- dren of the wickedeft Parents (of Whores and Adul- terers living openly in all notorious Sin. and wholly withcnt God in the World) baptized without Scruple ; and many of them died foon after Baptifm : Now how Could tbev pretend to be Cure by the Word of God, and paft all doubt that all fuch went to Heaven, when God fo pofitively deckr'd in the Second Commandmcnc^ that he VQould punifh the Iniquities of the Fathers upon the Children, unto the Third and Fourth Generation *? This at leaft might make the Matter dubious to them. Sup- ^ ^ofe a Chriftian King fhould conquer a Country of „ .^^ . Pagans, or Mahumetans, or Jews, or compel ^^^(;^^at^^^ if I pro- due' d thit Text fot the Damnation of Infants ', Reafon. ofConf. p. 46. and eften harps upon it afterwards : Whereas I really had it not in my Tho'tSy and I helieve the fame as to the ejefled Mtnljier from tphom I took it. For my Part Im Hot for pofitively damnin^^ without good warrant \ and leaft of all fhould I he for being fey ere towards Infants: But yet fending all Infants undoubtedly to Heaten that are bapti&'d ii certainly too lax. God's "vifitin^ ihe Sins of the Fathers upon the Children-, is not here produc'd as an Argument that he dooms Infants to Hell for the Sins of their Parents •, but as a Proofs that it becomei us to be more wary than to talk of undoubted Salvation, in the Cafe of all baptiikd 5 for that where God yifits for Sin, (tho he'll take Care to do it confiftently with his Juftice) there may not be that Eridence of ^aly4tm^ as can in an^ tolerable Senfe be called undoubted^ their 2o8 The LIFE of Chap. X. their Infants forthwith to be Baptiz'd, and fome of them immediately expire, at leaft before the Commif- (ion of a(^uaj Sin, is the Salvation of all fuch fure, and paft all doubr, and this to be made out, and cleared by the Word of God ? Is it in the Power of Man to make Infants fure and certain of Salvation ? It is in the Pow- er of Man to kill t poor Infant, and to choofe his time for doing it. Many Whores murder their Babes before Baptifm, and they might as well do it immediately af- ter, and fo affuredly (upon this Hypothelis) fend thena to Heaven, whither they (hall never come themfejves, without bitter and forrowful Repentance. And fo might the aforefaid King and Conqueror, (after he by Baptifm had given them their fure and unqueftionaHle Paffport for raradifej even in Charity and Kindnefs immedi- ately cut the poor Infants off, and fo without any far- ther hazard, give them Poffeflion of eternal Blifs. But our Minifters could not tell how to apprehend that any Mortals had fuch Power over Souls, as this would amount to. , ¥ 7/,e It hath been pleaded by fome in this Cafe to mollifie tl[!)op and the Objedfcion, that the aflcrting of a Baptifmal B^genc Vhineiwho ration, was what was mainly intended ; * and that met in the Jerufakm Chamber^ tn 164.1^ vpere for leaying out the Words undoubtedly fav'd, out of the lafi Kubrick of the Office for Confirmation^ from whence it tffas remrrv'd into the Office for Baptifm in the ISew Common Trayer Book. Jlnd Mr. Baxter tells w, (fee his Life in Vol. p. ^1%.) that when in the Tublick Debate with the Bifh9ps, he infiancd in one of hii Varijhoners that wai a Vrofefid Infdel^ and yet faid he would come and mahe the Common frnfejjion for his Child for Cuftom fake-^ even Dr. Sanderfoh Bipjop of Lin- coln, rtn/werf/ ^4«^ none of the Bifhops contradicted) that if there were Godfathers it had a fufficient Title, and Bi/hop Motley and others confirm'd it. Now thefe Godfathers (fays Mf. Baxtcrj being not Adopters, nor Owners, 4re cannot fee it certain in Gods Word, that all thofe are fay^d whom they prefcnt to Ba\)tifm ^ no, nnr whom Ungodly and Hypocritical Chrijiians prefent. for how can the Covenant fave the Chiid^ as the Child of a Believer, which fa- veth not the Tarent as a Believer himfelf^ And fw era I Gentlemen even in th: Houfe of Commons., who were of the Church Tarty, declared that they could not have fubfcrib'd this Kubrick, as to the certain and undoubted Salvation of Baptized Infant^; and Sir 'Uincclox. LikG, Knight of thr Shire for Middle- fcx, Son to one of the Secretaries of King Charles the Vlrji-, wJ/o had bad Bi* fhop Andrews and Bijhop Lake for his Godfathers was one of them. But Mr. Oilyffc, fay^, ("Def. of Min. Conf. p. i5. drc.) that this Kubrick is no Part nf -nhat is prefcrib'd for Ufe j and yet thinks to molUfi the Matter by here- Chap. X. Mr, Richard Baxter. 209 herein they bad the Concurrence of many of the moft r.jfeytin<^ a, celebrated, Refdrmed Divines, and of many even o^BapufmaL our owfi moft admired Writers; to which they had^f^e^ter^. this obvious reply: That the Thankfgiving afer Bap-^^""- Mr. tifm, mentions ^geveratingvoith the Holy Spirit ; which "oadly ^Z- carries the Matter farther than the Sign, and feems to^^^^^fon. dehote the Th'ng fignify'd, as adtually given to each^^ ^^h ^ baptized Perfon. Befides the Senfe of the Church in this v^.j'^'^^J" toint is fi^fiiciently clear'd by the Ofiice for Q^-'^fi''^^^- this ref^rl tion^ m which the Bifliop who officiates, in his firft Ad- ^^t to ths drefs to God, exprefies himfelf thus. Almighty and e- Uicnjfentcd. verliving God; who hafl vouchjafed to, Regenerate thefe thy andconfent* Servants by i^Vnter, n7id the Holy Ghofi^ and haji giv:riedto: But unto them Forgivenefs of all their Sins, ^C. This (diidpleads that with Reference to all Comers, (as to which 'tis well Baptlfm known there is very Hrtle Care) gives ground to all^^'*^''^ concerned to think themfelves fufficiently Regenerated ■^^''/^''^ ''*" ailready, and to apprehend that the Church doth not ^^.'1'^^'*^^ think their aiming at any farther Regeneration needful,^. .^^''"** when once they are baptiz'd and confirm'd. This was ^.J^^'^^ V a Thing that appeared to our Minifters of fuchdarge-^/ ^.^ *- rbus Confequence, that they durft not concur in it or ^/^/^gj^^;^^^ any Way approve it, for fear of Contributing to the ying done ' dny Thing to put them out of thisState^ they J?)aE he fayed. And to theObjeillon taken from the admitting all Comers^ he anftvers, that he kwivs n t thc.t Bdptifm may not be dented, to the Children of Athei/is, /(?«?<, and Infidels : For the Of- fice fuppofes a Chriftian Country^ and Chriftian Parents, 6Zc. My l^eium^ Dt(. of Mod. None. Part. 2. f>. 134, &c. is this: That take the Kubrick at the End of the Office for Baptifm, the Thankf'hin^ In the Office immediately after Baptifm, and the Office of Confirmation^ as referring, to Baptifm prcieed- in^, all together^ and they difcover that Laxnefs upon the Head oj Baptifm^ as a Regenerating Ordinance, as may prore a Temptation to many, to think that Ordinance a fuffic'.ent Pafport for Hearen ; and that the bare receiving it, is. an abundant Eyidence that Perfons are the Children of God, as much as they need defit.e to he fo. And for my Part I mufi confers, I think that the. eje^ied Minifter«i,;e 154. Short Suryei^h of the Grand Cafe r>f the Prefent Mm'ftry^ fage 15. Baxter'i nonconformity Stated and argued;- paire 4S. His Pica for Peace ^ fage 169. His Defence of the flea for Peace, fage 1 6 ar.d 1^7, &C. at Large. ^ Mr.Ol' 1, This AfTent, Confent, and Subfcription, was a- lyffe, Def. mong other Things to the Ufe of Godfathers and God' of Min. mothers in Baptifn), to the Exclufion of Parents*. Conff.g^. &c. denies that Parents are excluded or yuflled eut by thelJfe of Godfathers-, and fays. That their Ri^ht is fecured, and their Benefit (onfulted thro' the Uho/e. Artd tho he ovpns the too common Carelefnefs of Godfathers, yet wont allow that the Ajfent and Confent "couired, at ail encourages it. And he ap* f lands the Care taken hy fome to pre'vent Abufcs^ of. K>hich he declares his own Abhorrence. Afr.Hoadly,Reafon. ofConf. f, ^1, ^z. fays. That Parents are to pro-vide the Sponfors, and that the devoting their Children by them to God, is a^ much their o:z^n AO: and Deed, as if they had no Sponfors ni< not to be fet afide when abufed ; but its otherwife an to a purely Humane Infiitution, efpeci.illy when it is in it felf liable to jufi Obje^lions^ as this is, t^hich has been ju/ily complain d of by many (both in the Church and out of it) as a great Occ a/ton of the general Prophanation of this Ordi-^ nance. And therefore while thefc Gentlemen bewail the little Regard many' Godfathers lave to tlje ferioTts Part df their Office, (which as far as it goes is Well) I beg leave (in ConjunClion with the felled Minifiers) to bewail tJje This Chip. X. Mr, Richard Baxfer. 2H This they eftt emM finful, not only becaufe it }\}{\]ed;;rofi Cor- out the Parents Right to devote iheir Children to God^'^P'ion in Paptifin, which is the Thing vpon which the Admini- ^^''<^ff *i ftracion of rhaiOrdinancetolMfar.cs was primarily Found-'''** ^^'^y edjbuc alfo becaufe it r.pen'd a wideDoor to thcProfaning'^!''^/'' '/* '" of one of the moft awful Solemnities of our Holy ^eii- Jj^'^£'^^^'^.. gion. In as much as G>^dfa'Hers and Godmothers are nei- n^^i^iT^*^ ther requir'dto be chofen with due Care and Caurion • ^lidac^ (and in the Cafe of many Perfons, *tis really impoffiblccor^.w t9 to procure any ferious Undertakers :; nor are they tied the Ecclc CO bring the Children of Chriitians o:dy, nor only (uch /laflicalCott' as they take for their own, but without any Difference /?'>«'^"j», may bring the Children of any Atheifts or Seducers, '^^''«'/'?f>*^ Jews or Infidels, at Pleafure, without taking any fur- '^'^'^ ^^ ^'^'^^ therTho't or Care about them. Withal thefe God-'"*"^''"'*^ fathers and Godmothers pcrfonate the Child, as be-?'"^.'^*^ lieving in Chrift, and renouncing Sin ; and that with-'^/f/f'*^*^^' out any Authority for it, either from any Natural Right, "^^J^^^'^j^^ . or Pofitive Law. And the Ordinance of Baptifm wiiJ^/,^^*^,.^ feem to be put upon that inf'fficient Bottom, by 2Lny fomeGod' one who fedately cotiipares the Ofiice for that PuTpofe,/rff/,er5 bat with the Church Catechifm. For the Promife of the mind that Godfathers and Godmothers, in the Child'sName, is in rvhlch is both repiefentfd as the Foundation of Baptifmal Dedi- ^'^f'"'' P«fj» cation, and the Ground of the Claim of the Benefits ^^^c^o^^^^ and Bleffings thence arifing. Now our Minifters fenfi- ^""y ,^f, bly found that this would not bear Sc§nning. In the '*'*^^" ^^' Church Way this Ordinance is fo managM, as if thej!!^ '/y'*'^* Godfathers Faith were Beneficial to the Child, ^^^ (^f^/theve'i not the Parents: When as God requires no Faith or Re- //^^/^ ^^^^ pentance of Infants, but only that they be the Seed o^ ^^ ;)^^tters Penitent Believers, and devoted to him as Rch, thisal- fland^ that fo was an Offence to many. And then they found, that it vfiU he o- Godfathers and Godmothers were generally bro't to thn-wife ) that it won't be rery likely they (hould much credit the Inflitution. The Queftions al- fo in the Bapifmal Office are }i*ftly exceptionable. Murciilus/.i7.<, That the Cuflom of interrogating Infants is fo abfurd that it canmt be defended. And the Learned Spanheim fays^ that this mimical Vrofejjinn of the Sponfr.f^ Tfhich is afcribd to the Infant ^vpi II fear ce be found to haretahen Place before ihe^i^h and Ninth Age ^ when Superjiition prevailed. Thefe Interro<^atoriei (hould be referred for grown Perfons, who have no Need of Sp nfors, which the church officioujly provides for them. He that would fee more of this Matter^ may fonfult Mr. OilyfTe'i 2'<:»" tion ; but as far as appears,upon very weak Grounds* For /""ow/i d to exclude nil that have not Sjjonfon f, and that there is no fuch Word in the Book which he has fubjcriU'd to : And asks me^ if I do not know that there is a Vorm in the Book for Baptifm without Godfathers f. And adds, that this Form is to be us'dy •when there fhall he any ^reat Caufe and Necefjity-^ and the Minijler is left fole fudge of this Caufe and Necefjity ^ and that if PerfoMs immoveably fcruple Godfathers this is a great Caufe or Necejji.y -^ and that he and his JDJeighbours knew of no Obligation Dr. F. was by Lav? under , to be fo fliff as my Margin reprefents him. If this will hold, I /Jjould be glad-, but I doubt it won^t, and haye given my Eeafon^why, Def. of Mod. Nonconf. P. 2. p. rys, 6tf. What honeji Mr. Raftrick faid to Bifljop M-^hite of Peterborough in his Vijitation^ defences Mr. Ollyffe'i Confideration. 1 have obferved, faid /;^, That when fuch as your Lordfhip comes. to enquire into thePraftifeof fome of us, you examine it by the Letter of Conformity, underftood and expounded in the moft flriftand rigid Senfe that can be: You urge upon us our Promifes and, - Subfcriptions, and you aggravate the leaft Omiffion to the Heighth : So that we are infnar'd in this Cafe ; lirft courted in by plaufible Con- ftru£lions, and then rack'd and fcru'd, and fqueezd at no Rate, ^c. See his Letter 10 me, at the End of Def. of Mod. Nonconf Part 3. ^.28. Alay Mr. Ollylfe nerer have Reafon for a like Complaint fay I. Mr. Ho2dly takes this grf, and the ^th, and ^th Head together -^ and jointly (onfders the denying Bapiifmto fitch as had not Sponfors, and to fuch as would net fubmit to ufe the Si'^n oj the Crofs, and denying the Communion to fuch as would not receive it Kneeling, as Terms of Communion, and Impoftions^ Reafon of Coni p. $6. &c. And he ajjerts, \. That BiJJ)ops have Aut' ority to prefcribe thefe Things which are fo grieyoufly complain d of The^ ])avetlns Authority he fays, as they are oblig'd to provide for the Prefervation of Order^ and as it re fulls from the Nature of all Societies, that tJ)e Governors /f)ould have a Power r,f ordering what feems to them moft fir the Beauty and Ad- vantage of them. He intimates the cjeffed Miniflers would have join d with the Bijhops in impojinr and prefcribing fome Things, about Time Place and Li- turgy ; and fa'^s, that the Bifhops have Authority to prefcribe in the one Cafe as well as the other , and thence forms an Ar'^ument thathe feems to think un- ,anfwerable. He adds, />• 785 that the Governors of the Clmrch in requiring fuch Things as thoj'e mentioned, have ordered nothing, but what if all would ferioufly comply with., is certainly for the good of the Church, and therefore hav( ,done their Duty, and cannot be charged with Sin : And that the dijprop'.rtio' pablenefs of the Penalty does not make the Command unlawful ', for that then /the Governours of the Church could injoin nothing at all. And if any fufer in thefi Qafesy ^pis mp PQ be chared on the Commands which are defgnd 1 0 be P 3 ' the 214 The LIB t. of Chap.X. a T^^cf ^, the Cnn:n fubfcrib'd, obliges in exprcfs Words to ufe ^ainp d;/-^^^ Form prefcrib'd, and n ) other: And the [{i,hrick De- o>W?r, hut clarcs there lliall be tor e- ery Male Child to be Bapdz'd, vpon the twoG^dfathers and one Godmother • and for every Fe* \'^4i:n2Ci maie, one Godfather and two Godmothers. Confe- tf th')fe Vfly^ don't corrfly. He plead< alfo for the Yetalninz^ fuch Imp'fitions vhen once fix'd., becaufe the Fujudtcei and Scruples a^ainft them are unreafnnahle and ^mitndlefs^ and f?rike at all EcclefafticaL Authority \ and bccaufe the parting wifly thefe Things^ if they did not fart alfo K?ith other Things^ v^ould fignify ytnthln^. 2. He ajferti th.it St. Pnul fays nothing againf} this tn Rom. 14. pa*' 88, &c. ylnd-^. He alfo ajfcrt< that Mr.hiy:ic\ s praHife^ and thePra- ff I Ceo f the Independents ha-s been for, and not againft^ fuch Impojittons^ as are the ToundatloKS sf the hearie/} Char'i^e a^au'ji the Churchy p. 96, &C. But as for this Tic a cf his for the Epifcopal Power, and the' Iwpoftions proceedinr ftom itj^ Ihare dlfinttly anftrer'^d it in t/;elncroduftion to the id Part of my Defence, from V 30. to ij. 40. What he fays upon Rom. 14. is confider'd in the fame Iiifoduiftion, V 4c, 41, fire. And the FraHife of Mr. Bixtei* and the Independents, is alfo ccnftder'd, ^ 4^^. AndJntheClofe of that Intro- duction J make th's fair Ojfer : Let it but be clearly proved from Scripture, that ojtr Saviour has »^ive)-> a (.owmiffon to any to fx General Re^^^ulations in his Wor^hipt befdcs necejfary, or at mofl expedient Circumftances : Let the I>ounds of cf thisCommifJicn be plainly fx'd and limited, fo as that it may be known when "tis us' d regularly, and tvhen exceeded: Let the Perfns to rt>hotn thii Conrmifjior. is giren, be defer! b'd in their nccejfary Qualifications : And let it be fherrn diflinfUy, tvhat thnfe ¥,cclefiaftical Re^^ulaitons are that are to be obeyd, and vrhat Obfdier.ce is due to them ; a7td let it be proVd t bat fuch Obedience is a Duty ; and let the Proof of it be direfl rather than Confequential ; or if an Argument is drawn from the Confeqjienccs of the Refufal of Obedience on vne Side, let the oppnfte Argument frotn the Confequences of yielding fuch an Obediencp be weighed alfo on the other Side : And fnce this Obli'^ationifRea/^ ynufi arife from the Will of God :, let that br evidenced in a Degree of Plain- tiff ^ that may bear fome Proportion to the Dugree of Poftirenefs with which it if affnted ', Let but fuch Things as ihefe be{ cleared, it will be found we are open to Con^'iffion. But it could not be accepted: 1 am told, that were all the Th'n's I Mention capable of a jiriCl Vemonf ration as true ss any in the Mat hematic I: s, it would be a yery great Abfurdity to put fo important a Caufe upon this IJfue, bccaufe fo few of thofe whofe Corxern it is, are capa- bi>' ncnmmod.ftrd to the Cataciiics of thofe concerned : And till this be ^iven, I for one, mufi be excufei, if my Notions of Ecclefaflical Power and Authori* tyt run but low. . quently Chap. X. Air. Richard Baxter. 2 1 5 qnently all that wouldOflficiate in the EftabJilhM Church, muft by verbal Declaration and Subfcription, bind themfelves * to deny Baptifm to all Children of Godly * Some Parents, that have not Godfathers and Godmothers, it muft be even tho' the Parent be leady to do his own Part, Pro- owned fefling his Faith, Dedicating hiS Child to God, and ^^^^^ ^^'^e- proniiling a Religious Education. *« g'^^n ^ , J _ , themfehes ahttt'itude^ hut hovr far tltey could ju/^ifie it, would he 4 pfetty clofe Enquiry. J re- member in Mt- Henry's Life^ there is a Fajfai^ey which deftryes noting i^on this Oci.afion One of the Parifhiotters of Dr. F. of Whicchuich, de fired h^ to giyeWay that his Child might be baptized by another K^itJynuc ihe Croj)^ and Godfathers^ if he would not do it himfelf He refufed both ^ afid by d tettet returned this Anfwer For my Part (faith he) I freely profcfs niy Tho'ti that the ftri£t urging of Indifferent Ceremonic?, liath dane more Harm than Good ; And pofSbly had all Men been kfr to their Li- berty therein, there might have been much more Unity, and not much lefs Uniformity. But what Power have I to difpenfe with mv fe!f, bs;ing now under the Obligation of a Law and an Oath ? And he CoKc/udes, I am much grieved at the unhappy Condition of my felf and o:ht,r Mi- nifters who mud either loofe their Pariihioners Love if they do not com- ply with them, or elfe break their Solemn Obligations to pleafe them. This Freedom and O^ennefs upas certainly more honeft tho joined t^ith a fccm- in^ Stifnefs-i than Ferfom fretettdin^ to difpenfe with themfelres, vfiien under the moji Solemn Bonds. Such an Agrcenaent our Minifters apprehended fin- ful. They durft not caufelefly deprive Souls of vi- (iblc Chriftianity, much lefs Damn them for want of an Humane, unneceffary, if not Corrupt Invention. They durft not make a Covenant to Rob Chrifi: and the Church of Vifible Members for nothing ; and confign thofe over to the Un-covenanted Mercy of God, whom he (they well knew) vvas ready to ac- cept for his : And fo Concur in fetthig the Will and Advice of Man againft Chrift, who laid, Forbid thetn not ; and was angry with thofe, voho forbad them to come to him. And it feem'd to them very odd that the fame Perfons (hould be fo forward to deny Bap- tifm to poor Infants for want of a Formality, when, yet they apprehended it would give them a certain AlTurance of Salvation, as hath been hinted before. One of them thus expreffes himfelf upon this Matter. P 4 ! Shall 2i6 The LIFE of Chap. X. - Shall a Minifter dare to withhold fo mvich good from, ' and enJeavour fo much evil to the Souls of poor In- * fanes indenting them their Chriftendom, meerly \ip- * on the Account of fome AccelTories, and f^:rii pled Ac- * cidents invented and imposed by Man, and not at all of the EfTence of Baptifm itfelf ? Bcfides the itupiety * BaxtcvV < and irrcligion of fuch aProcefs, the Minifter (accord- j;^r.crnjoY- < -^^g ^.Q j^J5 '^^^ Faith) would be moft Cruel and Un- ^■l?J'-^'d "Merciful in fodoing^anddefervM if poifible, robeun- *^ 6q" * chnftenedhimfelf again, and turn d among Canibals, HisF/eafoy ' ^^ °"^ "^^^^ deeply dipt and Baptiz'd in their barba- ^eace, par. * ^°"^ inhumanity than any of themfelves : And yet if jm. He- * jhe be a true Son of the Church, and puncflually obferve fence of the * his prefcribed Rule, he mull not Baptize any Infant JBJea for * without Godfathers and Godmothers, whether it be ^^eace, * fav'd Of damad.' This was what our Fathers could fa^. 50. not Swallow or Digeft*. 4. This AlTent, Confent, and Subfcription, would o- t The Bi- b^ig^ to fign the Infants in the Adminiftration of Bap» fhrfi and tilni with the Tranfient fign of rhe Crof, and to deny Dirmervho Baptifm to the Children of fuch as refufe itf. met in the Jcruf^lcm ih amber in \6^\.6hfeWi that in the Ancient Liturgies, no Crofs tifas frn'd upon the Party Baptiz,'d^ but where Oil atfo was u^'d: And there- fort cc.ncciv'd :haf Oil bein<^ now omitted, fo may alfo that which was Con- (onjit 'f'.t with it, the Sign of the Crofs. But Mr. Ollyffe, Def. of Min. Om*. p i\^.' f0s, that there is another Office of Baptifm in the Lititrgy^ %fhich the Minijier is authorl^'d for great and nccejfary Caufes to ufe, in which thi< Si'n is wt prrfcnb'd. And as for ihe ufe of the Sign of the Crofs'^ he fnys it is not in^ but af^ter Bap'ifm :, and he vindicates the ufe of it'^' And tin ong th-- Addendrj, he fays^ that grf'Wn Ferfons may be Baptii,'d withouP fr mijing to fubmrt to the iffe of it-^ and if when the BaHifm i< finiJJ/d^ the Bapt'zd Perfon (hall rcfufc th" S/';« of the Crof^ the Min fhr cannot help i(. A r Hoadi} alf.^ Keatbn of Conf. p. 57, 58. fays., they mufi be yery injudi- cious Perfor,$ indted, that can imagine that the Church fupfofs any Grace is wrou'iht fy the Si in rftheCrof nr the ufe of it^ and therefore there's no nee4 of reg.irdin» 0/ t/;e ;. into the Congregation of Chrift's Flock, and do fign crofs be made in or after Baptifm.^ if it cscclu^es the Children of fuch as are difati>fied. The Crofs as usd in the Church of, England, /> a Sign of the Merits of ChriU^ a dedicating Sigtt, intended to incite, and therefore may be jujily fcrupled.^ It rpas fo by the Ele£led Miniflers, becaufe it encourages fo many to afcribe Vertiie meerly to the Sign of it attending upon Baptifm : And the more fo, becaufe they found fo many Men of Learning and Eminence run that Way, as well as tJK more Vulgar and JnjudicioHf. 'Tis an evident M ealnefs to lay flrefs upon this Sign, when Learned Men cannot to this 'Day agree in the true and proper Torm of tU Crofs. And to deny Baptiftn to Infants, becaufe their Parents fcruple it, is an unjpeakable hard/f)ip, and not to be jujiijied. He that would fee more about this, may confult Mr. Ollyffe'i Second Det. o/Min. Conf. /'. 172. Mr. Hoadly'^ Def, «/ the Reafon of Conf. p. 59. and my Def. of Mod. Cone. Tart. 3. p. 327, & 395- ^f^^^ '*^»/^'* ^y ^^^"^ ^'*^ of Eif/}op Taylor'5 Mind ^ that a fymbolical Kite of Humane Invention, to ftgnife what it does not effeU, and then introduced into the Solemn Worfhip of Cod, isfo like thofe\yain Imaginations and Keprefentments forbidden in the Se:onc[tommandmeni, that the yery Sufpicion is more againft Edification than their Ufe can pretend to. Duft. Dubit. B. 3. Ch. 4. p. 681. ' him 2i8 The LJi^E of Chap. X. * him with fign of the Crofs, in token that he (hali noc * be afham'd to confcfs the Faith of Chrift Crucify 'dj, * and manfully to fight under his Banner againft Sin, the * World and the Devil, and to continue Cbrift's faith- * ful Soldier and Servant to his Lives End, Amen.* So that the Thing fignify'd, is Chrift Crucify'd, with the Benefits of his Crofs. And tlie Image of the Qtok is appointed to work this Grace, by way of exciting Sig- nification : And it is Exprefly made Man's Covenant- ing Sign, by which he bindcth hinifelf to Fidelity ; en- gaging, That he win not he a/batn^ to confefi the Fnith cf ChrJft Crucified^ &c. AH Covenant Duty that is re- quir'd on Man's Part is hereby promis'd : And the Ca- non declares it is a Dedicating Sign. So that it fecmeth a Sacrament of Mans, added to that of Chrift. And tho' it be a Bond onfy on Man's part, and have nothing in it of an Aflurahce on Gods Part, which is what hath been often rep!y*d ; yet taken fo, it feems no fmall Re- fiedlion. For it looks as if Baptifm as Chrift had ap- pointed it, were efteem'd a Bond not fufficiently firm and ftrong» and therefore needed fome Addition where- by Men might be tied the f^ifter to him, and bound the iBore firmly to their Duty. Our Fathers who knew any Thing of this kind would be refented by an earth- ly Prince, could not underftand upon what juft Grounds we might prefume to make more bold with the great Law- giver in the Chriltian Church. And tho* in the Form of Words us'd, the Sign of the Crofs is (aid to be in lok^en he Ihail not be alham'd to confefs the Faith of Chrift Crucify'd, yet the Generality are apt to underi^and it, as if it had been faid, that in Vertue and Foxver of thu Sign, the Perfon Baptiz'd ihould not be afliam'd to Confefs the Faith of Chrift Crucify'd, but fliould fight manfully under Chrifts Ban- ner againft Sin, the World, and the Devil. Now they durft not concur in giving even an Occafion, (knowingly) of fuch a Mifunderftanding to the Vulgar and Injudicious. The' Chrifiians In the Primitive Times might make ufeof thtSign of the Crofy yet the very fime Reafon which might put them upon thatUfe with a Reference to the Heathens, (Tiould in the Judgment of the Silcnc'd Miniftcrs, havemov'd us now wholly todifufeit, with Reference to the Papilh, Profeflbra then Sign'd them- felvcs Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 210 felves with the Sign of the Crojly to diftinguifh themfelvcs from the l^ngans, who fcorn* d the Crofs, with every Sign and Token of it: And with Parity of Reafon they thought we (hould now forbear fo doing, to di- ftinguilh our Selves from the Idolatrous P~ipi/is; who fuperfticioufly Adore the Crofs, foolifhly figDing them- felves wirh it upon every Occafion, thinking chemfelves no good CathoHcks without fo doing, and. putdng no little Hope and Confidence in it to Free and Prorecft them from all Evil, and to furni(h and invert them with ^ all Good. Now that they might Witnefs their Diflike Baxter*; and Deteftation of the Vanity of the Pnpiflj herein, ^°"/''^[°l'^j they could not unfeignedly Aflfent and Confent to the^^^ J^^^^ retaining of this Sign. ^^^ p^ _2 But their Offence at it was much the more heighten'd, -jI hU in that the \J{c or Negle6l: of it was not icft to the Mi- Flea far niftcrs Difcretion, but wherefoever it was refus'd, Bap- ^eacey tifm was to be deny 'do For the Subfcription that was page 1 16, requir'd, exprefly obliged to uje no other Form (therefore ^'^ Defence to be fure not in the Office of Baptifm) than that in "/ '''^ ^^^^ the Book. And the Form of Baptifm there inferted,-^''*' ■P''»f^> could not be us'd by one who omitted the Crofs. They CS^ '9* could not herein agree, becaufe they found, that fuch a ^ '^ m'* Promife and Covenant as was reqair'd, always to ufe-^^^.'^^g '^ that Sign in Baptifm, was a confenting to the altering Perfon of the Terms of Chrifts Covenant, and Sacrament, and a^alhy to contradidt one of his Fundamental Laws. Baptize, y;;e«>/»^ faith Chrift, all that are made Difciples j all that Re- fome Rea- pent and Believe. No, faith the Convocation, Baptize/o«i for hit none that are proposed, tho' they have all that is necef- Nowonfor- fary to make them Difciples of Chrift, unlefsthey will "''O'* ^o^" take the Tranfient Image of a Crofs, for their farther ^^*f ^^" Obligation. Here was amanifeft Encroachment upon '"'"'*^» the Kingly Power of our Saviour, in making new ff ^^ '^"^^ Terms of Communion, which they durft not concur in : iq^^^I . A turning the Keys upon thofe whom they knew Chrift io alent to, pve it only tn fuch. It was indeed T'^ ' k Aflerred by the Difpucants on the Church-fide at the Sa^ jr^l. - " '^9'f that the Liturgy only requird it (hould be given i^neel' tHahin:ll not own. And if it be the Senfe of the Church that rctjuircs Kneeling, that all /hould Kneel -^ and this Kneeling as re<]urrd by the Church be one of the Cereinnnies Ajfented andConfcntedto,thenmitfi the Declaration ajid Subfcription made in compliance with the Afh for Uniformity, he an Agreement to exclude fuch as refufe Kneelm'^, whxhthe EjeCled Mini/lers durfi not concur in. He that would fee more of this Matter, may ccnfult Mr. 0!!yffe'5 2^.Dcf. o/Min. Conf Andmy Def of Mod. Nonc.Part r^.p. 329. * 7 fhallonly add, that Kneeling at the Communion wasordered by Pope Honorius, An: 1 1 r 4 Here the Sacrament was made an Idol, fays Bp. Jewel in hisfirfi Book againff hirdirg. SeeDnrctal L ^ Tit. 1 . Cap gc.Reg. p. 67, Andthti Ithink well defrvcs more Confideration in the cafe Time But let it once be fairly frorp'dY that liifhops, Priefls, and Deacons, had from the Time of the Apofiies, thofe dr/l'tnB Pothers whith ate mw a^gn''d them by the dmrch of "Enghnd^ 'K great Mercy^ to t4^ unto him- ''^ ''** ■?»'e to fay and avouch conierning every one whom they -^.^'<^f •^''■'»*- Bury'd, That God in gre^.t Me>cy has tal{en his Soul ; viz/i-^y^ ^'f' by Death out of the Body ; And t^ken it to hiwfelf; this ^/^J"f' ''"^ was beyond their Faith, and they found nothing Jike^^^/"^*" it in the Gofpel, which fpeaks altogether in another ^n/^gL ** - Language to and of in^penitent Sinners. It is p^^i^Mr.OUvff-' Contradi(5tion, that Thoufan-is are cut off by Death //, /./^ x)^^; in the midft of their Sins, of Drunkennefs, Whoring, of Min. Conf./7. 5g. &C. fays, that the fllenvd Mlytifien vfere not put to that which they tpere fo afraid of nor rvM he neither. He f leads that this Office may be fafely us'd at the Gratis offome ^ Out fays that confenting to ufe the Book^ does not oblige to ufe thit Office at the Graves of all. J^-nd tho' there w a Canon that threatens Sufpenjton to Mlnifiers who refufe to Bury any but the Excommuni- cate, yet he intimates, that ti?here a Minifter fcrufles ufing ihisOjjice, he need but take his Herfe and ride out of Town, and can be in no great danger up- on that Account : Or elfe he may leave out what is liable to be mifcoftftrued, die. Mr. Hoadly, Reaibn of Conf. p f 12, 6sc. fays, he wont trouble hi m- fc If or its with fearchin^ out fome pofjthle found- Senfc, in which fome of the Pajfages in this Burial Office that are excepted againfi mi^iht be under fi ood : He frankly owns that in fuch Cafes a6 thofe that are mention d, of Men cut off' in the midjl of Notoriotu Sins, as Drunkennefs, Adultery, Murder^ &c. this Office is wholly improper. Only />e pleads for God's taking to himfelf, the Sou/ of a departed Brother, in the Common Way: And ii fill for hoping beyond what «thers can fee ^eafon for: But afier all, does not think that a Mini- fier is obliged to ufe thefe Exprejjions excepted again/}, in fuch Cafes a.s thjfe mentioned'., or is likely to fuffer the leafi inconyenicnce for omitting them. Uind he afferts, that the omitting of thefe Sentences in fuch Cafes, is not con.' trary to the defign of the Church in prefcribing this Form, but more agree- abli to iti than the vfn^ them, Q Swear* X26 The L I FE of Chap. X. Mheti I Swearing, ^c, without any lign of Repentance from afterguards Firft to Laft, fo Living, and fo.' Dying : Now, how mentioned a can it be faid, T/M^ God took^ away fuch Perfons out of this remarkable lyorld by Deatb^ in Mercy^ in great Mercy? In as much FaHr, rvhich as at the fame Inftant, they were taken away from all n**Tn' Po^^bility of Future Repentance and Amendment of Ton & hi ^^^*^' '^^^^ ^^^'^ ^" ^^^^ Cafes it might rather be cfffmw^i ^ ^^3.1'd, That God took, them awny in Wrath ; provok'd by a Sermon ^^*^ ^°"g Abufe of his Patience, and rheir own Impeni- that the ' tency. Yet neverthelefs the Prieft mutt not only fay, Diffentcn tliat God took away ail fuch Perfons, in Mercy ^ in gretit hadfome Mercy ^ but aJfo pofitively affirm, that Good took^ them to pUufible himfelfy \. e. into Heaven. Whereasthe Scripture faith objections exprelly, that neither Adulterers, nor Fornicators, nor a^ainji the Drunkards fhall ever go to Heaven : Yet hereby muft Common j-jj^y j^j^^g oblig'd themfelves, in perfedt Oppofition, ^^VJ\ when they Bury'd any known Adulterer, Fornicator, or San*^ 1 f ^^ Drunkard ; to declare and avouch that his Soul was ajfw fertdlno; for ''^^^^ nwnd to }}im, that he was fo little fat is fed with that Office himfelf^ that for that yery Reafon he had never taken a Cure of Souls •, Mr. OllyfFQ pajfes it by 'as a Private Story ^ and Mr. Hoadly fays, that he finds the Truth of it much queft ion d-^ and therefore to give them SatisfaCiion, I Jj^all now tell them that I have it under the Hand of Mr. Stancliffe, who wrote that Pajfage (among many other Things of bis own Knowledge) in the Ikargin of p. 5 J 9. of my Abrid-i^ement, and afterwards was fo kind as to fend me his Book for my own Ufe. And I fuppofe none that knew him, and knew his Vrisedom with Dr. Tillotfon, wiE demur upon crediting the Relation. He that would fee more upon this Objection, may Confult, my Def. of Mod. None. Part. 2. p. 219. &c. Mr. Ollyife'i Second Dcf. o/Min. Conf. p. 203. Mr. Hoadly'i Def. of the Reafon of Conf. p. 80. And my Def, of Mod. None. Part 3 p. ^2^, & p. 40^- / fhall only add., that the Bijhops and Divines raho met at the Bifljop of Lincola's in Weftminfter, in 1^41, about Alterations^ were for changing the Phrafe in this Office^ in fure and certain Hope of, the Refuneition to Erernil Life, and putting it thus 5 knowing alTurtdiy that ihc Dead IJiaU rife ng^in. Writings Ghap. X. Mr, Flichard Baxter. 227 Writings they tho't theinfelves oblig'd to Condemn. They (hould hereby be in danger of fpeaking falfly for God . mifreprefenting his Word, and hardningthe ungod- ly and prophane in their Hope of coming off Safe at Laft, altho' they perSfted in their diffblute and licenti- ous Courfe. Now they durft not Dannn a known A- dulterer, Fornicatour, and Drunkard, while he was Living, and yet fave him when he was Dead. Nor yet again could they commit his Body to the Ground^ in * fure nnd certain Hope of the I^efurreB ion unto Rternnl Life,. Which Words muft neceflariJy be fpoken with Refe- rence to the Ferfon then Interred, inafmuch as they are the Continuation of the foregoing Declaration : vi^^, Gods taking his Soul to him/elf, Befides it follows f which puts it out of Doubt) in the laft Colled or Prayer, Thaf when we Poall de-part this Life, voe may rcjl in him^ O'^'l* Chrift^ lii our Hope is this our Brother doth. Now chey tho't it were eafie to fore- fee fundry Cafes, in which they would be fo far from having any Jure nnd certain Hope of a Happy I^efwreHion, unto Eternal Life and SaU vation^ that there would rather be a ftirc and certain fear of a doleful I^JurreHion unto Eternal Death and Damnation, And withal, it feem'd to them to be but a wild and fanciful fort of Charity in thefe Men, that they fliould have fuch hopes as to perfons Dy- ing under fuch grofs Sins, as Murder or Adultery, Re- bellion or Blafphemy without Repentance, while yet many of their Confciences were too tender to allow *ji tetter the Office to Differ: ters^ becaufe they were hopelefs^ow a Mi* Schifm^ticks *. ni/ier to a Ferfon of Quality -i P}ewing fame Feafons for his Nonconformity. Baxter'^ iVo«fo«/or- mity Stated and Argu'd^ page 85. His Flea for Feace^ page 187. Cor- hst's Remains, page 161. 2. They could not Confent to a falfe Rule for find- ing out Eafier Dayf. In the Common Prayer Book f Mr, Ollyffe in his Def. o/Min. Conf. p. 7c, 71. asks why they mayr.'t confent toufe a ^ood Rule that generally hnlds good^ becaufe in a Reyolut'.on of [cores of Tears it has been found to hare forne Exceptions? Mr. Ho^dly'f Realbn of Conf. p. I 2f. jQryj, that fuppofmg this Rule falfc, a Man might with a fafe Con- fcience^ both dec/are his j^jjent and Omfeni^ and SuLfcrihs: And add<^ that tlte fuppofed faljity of this Ru/e^ is wholly founded upon a miflake of out Q^ z there - 228 The LIFE of Chap. X. own. Tht- there is a Rule for finding out the moveable Feafts and B 14 J e neither Holidays. Eafter Day (on which the reft depend) is contraciich tii^nys the flrft Sunday after the firfi Full Moon, vehtch hap- the Table m ^.„j ^^^^ ^.yr^^y. ^/,^ Q„p ^nd Twentieth Day of March : And the Common -j: ^y^ p^j^ ^^^ happens vfon A Sunday, Eafter Day is llr]h^Com^^^'' Sunday after. The frequent falfity of this Rule, 7»on Al- tnanacli xohuh agree with the Table. Only we (he fays) judge of the Mcon h the Common Almanacks^ which are there fet down according to the Keformation of the Kalendar^ and the Rule jpeals of the Moons m they are to be found in our own Kalendar, according to the Account in Ufe before that Keformaticn. Hereupon^ /, in my Def. of Mod. None. Conf. Tart 2. p. 241, added fame T articular 'Remarks of a Hori})y Friend, who is rtchon'd to hare a good Matljcmatical Head, by all that knorv him, to P)ew tijat our Brethren had no fuch great Caufe of Triumfh upon this Head. But Mr. Hoadly it fcems will hare nothing to do with him, till he learns more Manners (not to fay 'Religion) than to ridicule and infult the Common Trayer Book, and more Wit than to meddle \with what he under/lands nothit^ «/. * v Mr. '\r\o2d\y himfelf (nay eyen as Great a Man as Dr. Wailis,) has jtnce heen chargd with not rightly understanding this Matter, by one that prof effes with great Pains to hare fully clear d it. I defrd my Friend once more to coniidir the Matter, with the help of this new Light., and give me hisTho'ts, itphlch he hath accordingly done 5 and with his leayt I here offer them to the hot Id, '' Tliat-v'e may ilohtly judge whetlier the Rale in the Common Prayer " Book, ro find out Eafter for ever, is lit to be Ajfented and Confented to, ** a.s what ^viII hold always (or indeed, at all) True, we muft firft know " what is tcv be underftood by EASTER-VAT. If a Tearly Memorial " of our Lord's Refurreftioh, which he would have the Chriftian Church " oblerve in all Ages and Places, we can't but veliemently fufpeft (if not '* firmly belitve) theie is no fuch Thing te be found by any Rule what- *' ever, ef^Tecially wlulft we have a li'eelcly Memorial of it by Scrip- ** tural Au':hority, as we are well perfwaded. We do indeed find " the Word £4y?er, Afts 12. 4, put into the Text by our Tranflators, " who were too plainly willing to favour the Thing', but eveu tliey have " own'd in the Mirgin, that according to the Greek (yrdi;^, Pafcha) it " fiiould have been, the Tajfoyer, and means no doubt, the plain down- " rigl'.t Jewifl) PafTovcr, which Herod would have elos'd and crown d with' " the Martyrdom of Teter. We think 'tis but little in Favour of Eafter- " day and the other Moveable Fcafts depending on it, or the fixt Ones " which attend tlieni, that St. "Paul hatii faid to the Galatians, (Ch. 4. 9, " io,ii.) H9W turn ye again to the weak and beggarly Elements, where- * unto ye def re again to be in Bondage? Te obferve Vays^ and Mornhf^^and may Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 229 may be feen by confulting the Common Almanacks ; " 7/>/p^, and by comparing it with the Table that follows after- " '^^drears. wards in the Common Prayer Book, to find out Ea^er "^ "^^^ ^- Day for ever. So that here was a Book to be AfTemed "Z*'^'^ °f ^ '\ypu, leji " / haye " hep6'a>''d upon you Labour in Fain. Nor can we, yet pofTibly come up '^ to the AflTurance exprels'd in a Synodal Epiflle of the Firfl: Council "' of Nice ( Lit. Conflant. Ecclef. &' Epifc. qui Concilio non inter fue- " runt ; ) that whatever is decreed in the Sacred Councils, of die Bi- *' fhops is all to be taken for the Mind of God : We want a furer «' Word for it, than any we have yet met with ; fince, as Protefiant!:., ." we look on all Men to be fallible; andjwith the Church oi En^hnd hold, 6* that even Councils may Err, and havede err. We yet can't lee that the f* Canons afcrib'd to the Apoftles are truly Canonical, or indeed Ge- <^' nuine •, fo that ('according to the Seventh or Eighrh of them) if any *« Bifhop, or Presbyter, or Deacon keep tlie Sacred Pafchal Day (^Sacr. «« Pafcba Diem) before the Vernal Equinox, with the j^eivs, ht is to be «« depos'd. It does not appear tliat the N^cene Council had any fach Ca- «« non lying before them. " If it befaid (as it feemsto be agreed by all who defend the Rule '' for finding out Eafter) diat Lajler-Dciy is, that which the Council of " Nice has directed; it might perhaps bear a Qj.ieftion, wiietherthe more " Ancient and Original Pafcha of tlie Chriftbns were not a well defign- •-• ed compliance with the Jcws^ who were ^o generally zealous of the Law 5 « that is as far as Chriftianity could admit; it may be as to tlie ufe of <•' Unleavened Bread, or the like. " Evn the Apoftle Paul fays to tlie Difciples at Ephefut, (Atts j8. 21.) *" I mufi by all means keep this Veajl that cometh in Jerufaiem. It may be " other Chriftians who could reach it might do the like; and diat at leaft ^^ the Chriftian Jews^ who were fcatter'd up and down amongft the Gen- " tilei would p'ay fome regard to the Time of the PafTaver, And it may '' be quefiion'd, whedier, if there were to be a Chriftian Pajcl)a (fo ic " was ever call'dj by die fame Greek Name with the Jervijh Pa (lover) ic " fliould not have been ftill guided by the Time of the /en?///; Paflbver, " as founded upon God's own Appointment, Exod. 12. Tiiey who would ^ keep a Yearly Memorial of our Saviour's Refurreiition, could not do it «' more properly, than lliortly after diat Solemnity, which would nam- <« rally bring to remembrance his Crucifixion, WHEN CHRIST OUR « PASSOVER was Sacrificed for us, (i Cor. 5. 7.) It might not in- " deed be fo agreeable to keep the very Day of thePaffover for thatPur- " pole, as the Quarto decimani, who had die Nanie from obferving die " Fourteenth Day of die Firft Month as dieir Eafter; nor that diey fliould *' be Feafting, when die greater Part of Chriftians were folcmnly Faft- y^ ing, as is intimated in the forement\on'd Epiftle: Yet they are not « there cenfur'd for counting the Firft Month after the Manner of die «' 7eKT5, as it might be alter'd and made later by their Embolifms, or the Q. 3 and 2^0 The LIFE of Chap, X. "incerca- and Confenced to, that was inconfiftcnt with itfelf. «'htingof How could they Ajfent and Confent to all, and every *' ^ Thir- Xcing contain d m this Book, when they found in it a- ^^^f^^'] moiia other .Thines a Table and a Rule that clafti'd, "Mondi o .=» J "(which " tliey call'd Vc-Adar, uncll might •' be for a Firft Month of their own, widiouc being ty d to that of the *' /(?wj; yec ftill were for guiding their Pafcha, or Eafter, by the Four- *« ttenth Day of the Firft Month, but not without-attending to the Vernal *' JEquir.oK. " It does not indeed appear that the Council did by their Canons or any *' way direft any Thing farther about Ea/ier-day, than that they " judg'd it right the whole Chriftian World fhould obferve one and the « fame Day : And reckond it very abfuvd that the Jewilh Cuftom fliould *' be followed in keeping that Feaft. They appear to have left the t' Fixing or Finding of it, to the Mcafures and Rules then ufed by tlie •' Roman Church, without intimating what they were. But it feems to ** have been prefumed rather than proved, that the Council, or however •' the R(>man Ufage, fix'd Eaftet'day to be the next Sunday after the firfr ♦* Tull Monn^ vphich happens on^ or next after the Kr«4/ yEquin,x ; but^ if •' that Tull Moon fall upon a Sunday^ then the Sunday next following to be •' Fafier-day. '* Now inftead of faying rhe Firft Full Moon that happens on, or next ** after the Fcrnal Equinox, theR»)le in the Common Prater Book ro find «< Eafter for ever, fays, the firft Tull Moon that happens next after tite One *' and ttventicth Day of March. 'Tis -true that at the Time of the Flift ** Council of Nice, it was all one to fay, the Vernal yE^ivtJOx, or the One *' and tv?entieth of March, on whidi it then fell. But if they either fiid, •' or intended the Vernal Equinox for all Time coming, our Ru.'e can- 't not always fhow the Eifter-dsy by them deffgn'd : When as the Vernal " i^uinoxfalls now about the Ninth or Tenth of March : Nor can it be *' rc-afonably thouglit, hiitthat the Council of iV/Vf, defign'd tha"- Eaper-day V- fhonld attend the real Vernal yCquinox •, oiherwife tiiere fhould have ** been no mention of that, but only of the One and twentieth of Marthy f' whir'? ' '^ ' r time only happen 'd to be the Vernal v^quinox, and would not one Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 151 one determining this to be Eafter Day, and another a- " t>e Co in nother Day. If the Rule be true, the Table is falfe. " Time to If the Table be true, the Rule is falfe. And they tho't "corae. If it a grievous Cafe, that they muft be turn d out of their " ^^^^^^^^^^ «' that the Rule in our Common Prayer Book were fa/rlycap^bleof thebenfe " lately put upon it, as if it had been faid, theF«// Moon {on^ or) next after the ** One and ttffenthth of March, yet it would not (how the true Eafter^day, " or that whi'th the Church of England has profefs'd to take for true ; " fince the Council of Mce is what it has pretended to follow. *' But as to the Senfe, which has been fo lately put upon the Rule, '■' it appears altogether forc'd and taken up only to fcrve a Turn. For " let it be cbferv'd, That the Word [After] is three Times ufed in the *' fame Rule. Eafier-day (on which the refi depend) is always the firfi 5m«- «< day after the frji VullMoon, here 'tis intended after that Full Moon, toge- *' therjwith the Day on which it falls is over and ended : And fo again in ** the laft Part of the Rule. And if the TuU Moon happens n^on a " Sunday^ Eafier-day is the Sunday after ; that is, after the former Sunday '* with its following Week-days are dVer and ended. Bat now where 'tis *' faid in the fame Rule, the frfi Vull Moon that happens next after the One " and twentieth Day of March. They would have the Scnfe to be After ■" the Beginning of the One and twentieth Day 0/ March : A Conflru£tion *« very differing from, and indeed contrary to the foregoing and t'ollow- ** ing Ufags of the fame Word, and to the EngUfh Idiom, or rather to *' the proper Way of fpeakingin whatever Language : Nor does it appear ** that there is an Inflance parallel to what they would here make. The *< learned Dr.Wallis who has given a large Account of the iaclufive way of " reckoning in other Languages, does yet exprefly obferve, that it is not " fo much in Englifh, 'Tis true, that in our Verfion of the Bible, .*' there are fome literal Tranfiations which could not fo wellbs juftify'd or " excus'd, if there were not fometimes a Doubt about the Senfe, and that *' it is fo well known to be a Tranfiation. But neither does it appear, " that the Rule under Confideration is tranflated, nor is there any Notice '* given that the firft [After] is to be underftood otherwife than as is ufual " in Englifh. And let us put the Cafe, that the Moon comes to be Full the " firft Moment of March theTv/enty-firft, can it fitly be faid to be Full after *' iheTwcnty-firft, when'tisnotFullafteranyPartofit, for ' tis known to l>e '* immediately, though not vifibly decreafing after its Oppofition to the *' Sun : Or if we will have it called ftill a Full Moon to the End of *' Twenty-four Hours, let us then fuppofe that the laft Moment of its " Twenty-four Hours, falls in with the firft Moment of March the " Twenty-firft, Ihall it then be faid, that a Full Moon happens u^on March '« the Twenty-firft, and alfo upon the Day foregoing ? What Confufion »• would that make? «* Upon 2^2 The Lift, of Chap. X. Livings, becaufe they could not t Baxter', Tlnnconformity Sta- p^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ . ^j^Q^^h in many ted nnd^^^ud^yngtSi. Hjs Years, they were diredlv cont, a- T/ea for Peace V^g, l6o H. ^ j^^. ^^^ Defence of the T/ea for Teace, .^r ^c i t- n r page 8 1. The-PeaceablcVekn: 1^^^^/ ^as bm a Trifle, yet for Being a Modeft Account of the Perfons to be obhg d CO Confent Ik'onconfnrmifli Meeting , with to that as true, whichin many Ca- fome Rcafons for tbei/ Nonconfor- fes they knew to be falfe, was no ?w;>jr, Oil. 1675. page 26, 27. fmall hardfhip f. 3. They mnft Confent to read Apocryphal LefTons in the Publick Chnrches, which they could not A- grce to, becaufe of fuch fabulous Legends of Tohit and hisD^^; Bff/Zand the Dragon; Judith SLnd Baruch, Sec, Thcfe they found were not only to be read wholly an J intirely, Morning and Evening for Two Months to- gether, but all of them alio under the Title and Notir *' LTpon the Whole, If I could fee that the Rule might he fairly fo un- *' dcn'tood, as to reconcile it to the Table in the Common Prayer-Book " for Forty Years and to the Common Almanacks, 1 would congratulate '' tlie Succefs of fo many fcveraj ElTays, and fo much Pains beftow- " ed. Nor have I the Leifure or Inclinatioii to lay out half the Time " or Labour' to condemn the Rule as perhaps four or five learned *' Men have feverally done, one after another to clear it. But if it " would well bear the Senfe put upon it at laft, I cannot yet think it *' would agree with the Council ot AVfe, as it is not only pretended *' but flrongly pleaded. It might be added, that the Nineteen Years Cycle *' of the Moon, depended on for fixing oiEaJier^ is tnown by the Learned •' not to bi exaQ, but would fenfibly fail in lengtii of Time. What has " been here faid mayferve 1 hope at Icafi to excul'e Non-conformifts in fuf- *' pe(^ting the Rule for finding outEafler : and if either they have not fuiTi- ** cienc Skill, or u{c not the rtquifite Application to take i: right; let it *' be confidcrcdi chat this Point was always far frombcin^, or being by " them accounc'.d their only or main Objeftion to Conformity. " Whether I may lela dilpicafe in being lefs pleaiant now than before *' with the Eccleliafiical Moon, 1 kr.ow not: But as that was confefltdly '* no Creature of God's, fo neither did 1 then apprehend it to have been " fuci'i an Ordinance, or Creature of Man as I might not make free with, ** but I now heanily b(g Ptrdon for anvThing that might be, or feem in ** me unbexommg in my former P.^per. B.it 1 am afraid Whether any " Thing will be ;)dmiticd to clear the poor Diflenters, till Providence '• ] ieud iheir Caiut ^ as I c-^n't but think it will fometime do, to the Con- " Vid'tiwn of iJiiir unkind Brethren. on Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 239 on of Holy Scripture. For fo in the whole Lump toge- ther they are filled in the Order, without any Note of Difcrimination to make a Diftindlion between one and the other. In the mean while in the fame Order (as ap- pears by theKalendar) fome Books of the Sacred Canon arewhoUy left out, and never to be read ; fome of them within a very little; fome of them but half to be read; and many of them Mutilated and Ciirtaird as to feveral * Mr. Chapters'^". OUyfle in his DeF. of Min. Conf. p. JU SZc. won't grant that Miniflers are ordered to read the jipocrypba/ Lejfons^ hut vpHI haye it left to their Difcretion : And fays, that when the M^nifler ben^im or ends an Apocryphal Lejfon, he may tell the Teople that it is Apocryphal, and fo prevent all Ahufe. Mr. Hoadly in Rea- fon of Conf. p. l 2^, i 24^ cannot fee that it is unlarrful to read Books in the- Church, in which there are many ufeful and excellent Things, as well as fom^ few Relations fufpe5led to be fabulous -, and fays, that if it may be done without Sin^ 'twere much better to read a great many ufeful Tilings, and amongft them a Fabulous Story once or tyoice in a Tear, than to divide the Church under this pretence. And adds, that the Church has fujficiently diflin" guipyd between Apocryphal Books andCanonical Scripture : That fome Canonical chapters may be improper, and unintelligible, and many Apocryphal Leffons are of more Ufe, and more to Edification: And affirms, that we cannot prove any one was ever led by the Order about reading the Leffons, to equal the Apocry- phal Books with the Canonical', and he never knew or heard of an Infiance, My Reply maybe fetn, Def. of Mod. Nonconf. Tart 2. p. 24.7. &c. in which among other Tlnngs, I give Mr. Hoadly an Infiance of one in the furprizin^ Storm of Wind in 1 70 3, who being affeCled, was for reading a Chapter, and fixd on one in the Apocrypha \ and being reprov'd by a Grave Minifier, (front whom I had the Pajfage) freely told him, that he took the Apocrypha to haye heen as truly the Holy Scripture, as any that was bound np in his Bible. And he that would fee more on this Head, may befdes that Reply of mine, confult Mr. OllyfTe'i Second Def. of Min. Conf. p. 219. Mr. Hoadly'i Def. of the Reafon o/Conf p. 94. and my Def. of Mod. None. Tart 3. />• ??5, C^ 408. All which put together, may I think, help any one to judge in this Matter. I P) all only add, that the Reading Apocryphal Leffons was contrary to the Ancient Council of Laodicea, Can. 59. which forbids their being read in the Church. Tl)e Words are thcfe : Non oportec Libros in Ecclefia Icgerc, qui funtextra Canonem ; fed folos Vac N. T. Canonicos Libros: And that the 'Reading Lejfons of Canonical Scripture, infcad of the Apocrypha, was one of the Amendments agreed to, by the Archbijhop of Armagh, the Bl/ljop of Lin- coln, Dr. Prideaux, Vr. Ward, Dr. Bionwrigg, Dr. Featly, Dr. Hacker, f^c. when they met together by the Order of the Lords, at the Bijhop of Liu» coin's j» Weftiniiifier, in 1641. This 254 The LI F H of Chap. X^. This was what they could not by any Mea:ns approve of. For tho* they could freely own there were many valuable Things in the Apocryphal Books with all their Faults, yet could they not have foch a Degree of Re- fpc(fl for them as to think them fit to be read in Churches in the Room of the Holy Scriptures. They were here- in confirmM by finding even the moft celebrated Bilhops and Dodtors of the Church owning there were many Relations ii^ferted in them, that wereFalfe and Fictiti- ous. And they were afraid of contributing to the mif- leading o: a great many weak and ignorant People, (of which there are but too many in the Nation) to fancy them of equal Authority with the Holy Scrip- tures; of which there is therefore the more Danger; * Bixter'i becaufe in the Order of reading the Leffons, the Title jior.confor- of Holy Scripture, and Old Teftament is given to the 7nity Stated Apocrypha *. and Ar- gu'd^ page B6. His Flea for Feace, page i66. Corbet'5 Bemains^ page J 59. The Letter jrom a Minifier to a Ferfon of Qj^^Hty^ pjewing fame ReO' fons for hli Nonconformity. Troughton'5 Afology for the Nonconformifts, page 31. Eleutherii Q. e. Hickmanni) Apologia fro ejeiiis in Anglia Mint" fihs^ page 50, c^f. . 4. They muft Confent to the Miftranflation of the t Mr. Pfa/ter t. Ollyflfe, /« his Def. o/Min. Conf p. 74, 5^c. fays it is only a Miflranjlated F falter they Confent to ufe at worf}^ without con fcnting to the Afijirarfation But he does Tiot know that he's ohligd to ufe it. A Minifier he "^hlnhs is at Liberty to eho'yfe which Ferjion he pleafes : And he does not fee why the Old J^erf.on may not he Lawfully ui^d. ^Mr. Hoadly, Reafon of Conf. />. 152- fayi-i that the Declaration of Jljfent and Confent touches this Tranjlation no farther^ than to oblige to the Ufe of it in Fublich W'oYJhip : And if a Tranjlation, tho" faulty^ Way not be usd in the Churchy 'twould he fays^ be hard to J7)ew a Tr an fatt- en that is Ferfcc}j or one thai has ^ot greater Tailings than what is here pro- duc'd. My Reply, Def. o/Mod. None. P^/r^ 2. f. 259, (?>tc. was this. That fchen a Man Affents and Confents to the Ufe (to go no farther) of the Com- won Frayer Bo'.k, he feems to Affcnt and Conf nt to the Ufe of the F falter in the Common Fraycr Book, which is alfitnention'din the Title Page of it-, and I cun''t fee how he is afterwards at Liberty to exchange it for an thcrF falter : Tfyat while the Miniflers who were Ejciied apprehended the lafl Tranflation of the F falter better, tJ)ey nv'ght well be backward to bifid thcmfehes to Ufe a worfe : That it was a great hardfhip for them to he put upon owning that there 79as nothing in the F falter that was a Fart of the Common Frayer Book, The Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 235 The Pjalter is particularly mendon'd in the Verbal contrary to Declaration required of every Incumbent. It rouft be *^^ ^ord of AiTented and Confented to, as having nothing in it con- ^'^^7 ^J^en trary to the Word of God. To this they could not a- ^^^ A> ^'^e gree, becaufe they found feveral Miftranilations in the J!^f^ ^''^ OidVerfion of the Pfalms^ which was indeed more ac- V T^ commodated to the Septua^mt than to the Orignal Ht^ thlnmn brew. In Pf. 105.18; Onr Pfalter reads the Words ^^ '^7w^* thus, ayid they were not obedient to his PVcrd: Our Bible would fee reads them, nnd they rebelled not againft his TVcrd. Thus more of this therefore they Argu'd. One Particular contained in the Matter^may Book of Common Prayer is the Tranflation of this Text, confuh Mr. But if the Tranflation be true in the Pfalter, it is falfe OllyffeV in the Bible : And if it be true in the Bible, it is falfe ^{(»»dDef. in the Pfalter. How could they give their j^ffent, that ^ ^'"^ they rebelled, and rebelled not? *Tis the like in fome other ^"^* ^* Cafes. Now they could not approve of that Pfalter as y^'n » entirely agreeable to the Word of God, in which they j)^^ V j^ found fundry plain Miftakes. Reafon of Conf. p. 1 01. And my Def. o/Mod. None. Z'. 558. I /f)alL only add, that the Reading Pf alms according to the l(ei9 Tranflation^ was another Thing agreed to, by the Archbifhop 0/ Armagh, and other Bijhop and Doctors at the Dean of Weftminfter'i in 1641^ ■■\ . , . \ . 5. They muft AfTent and Confent to St. Athdnafim his Creed. In whicn Creed there is this Exprclhon, which Faith except every one do l^eep whole and undcfi/ed ^ without Doubt he fhnll perifh Everlafiingly. This to our Fathers feem'd very harfli. Tho' they approv'd of the Creed in general as heartily as their Brethren, and e- fteem'd it an excellent Explication of the Doctrine of the Trinicy, yet could they not look upon themfelves as fo far caU'd to Judge other Men, as to conclude, all certainly Damn'd for ever, that are not fo well skill'd in that Myftery, as not to believe every Word there written. One of the Articles of this Creed is this; The Holy Ghoft is of the Father, and the Son. In this Article the Greek Church hath differed from the Latin, and held that the Holy Ghoft proceeds from the Fa- ther only. And it is by Confequence imply *d, that the Greek Church muft be held undoubtedly Dam- ned, which was an uncharitable Cenfure, in which they 2^6 The L IFF- of r>. X.' * Mr. they durft not Cone ir* Withal, foinc of che Ejected Ollyffe /« Miniiters, ' as well :\s rnany of coofe who Conform'd) hU Def. of confiderinp rhe g.^odi)ef«; of God, c^c. were of *:0 iarge Min. Conf. and exccnlivea Cbariry, a<; ro apprehem^ rh-i!: whoTo- t' '$j ^6 ; ever vvalk'd (incerejy up en his Lighr^ wth a general r^l n /^^P^"^3"^^ f'^ his unfeen Errnur?, Was in k i^teof c-^"^ '^ Acceptance with God, by Vertne of the Covenant made Z^nJkL^ "^^^^ -^^'e" .'f^^>.-7, and hhah^ &c. * Novj foch, tho't k the Kin-hth unreaionable to before d to renounce fo miich Cindour .Artfcie of ^s fhis amounted to, r;]] they faw raort^ Reafon alledg'd th^ Church ^han they couid meet with, on the behalf of this Prirv- *f Eng- .ciple ; Thae whofoiver did not piiyiFiunlly believe the Athi- land, in nafian Creed muk undoubtedly Perijh f. Order to our being qualified for the Publick Exercife of our Miniftry^ according to the Toleration A6l^ v^hen I mention d thU phje^ion jrom the Alhanafian Creed : Jind l)€ pities iyje upon that Account^ p. So: But I confefs I cant fee why that Pjoiild hinder my tnc^iikuinq; this Exception which it is well hnown they Tery generally ryiade and la':.i ftref> upon. And Afr. Hoadly, Reafon of Conf. f \%^S fays., that tho" there is nothing in the Athanafian Creed but what may i>e faid with a good Confcience, yet he dont fee how the Publi(k Service would fuffer^ were there ?io damnatory Sentence erer read in it. Nay^he's: of Opinion^ that the DoClrine of the Trinity would be better fecur^d, and this -very Ac- count af it better receiyd^ without fuch Sentences than with them. In my Re- ply, Def. of Mod. None. Part i. p. 264, i6^ :, I teU Mr. Ollyffe (which he feems to ha^e, known nothing of) that the Dijfenting Minijlers about the City, in a Body gave in their Senfe of the Articles when they fuhfcrib'd them, and rnnonfr the reft of this Eighth Article:, in the Olofs upon which the damnatory Claufes of tins Creed, are exprefly excluded the Subfaiption, tho' ftis there ad- ded info many Words) they are part of the Liturgy, Ajfented and Confented to. This was Printed under the Title of, T\ icliard Baxter'5 Senfe of the Subfcribed Articles of Religion -, Printed for Benjamin Cox in Ludgate- Street, 1^89. in Quarto. And there was fame thing of the fame Tiature done in fever al Parts of the Country. We that have fubfcrib''d the Article.Sf have in this refpefl only made it known to the World, that we belieye thi^s Creed, but we hare by no means declared our Belief that all thofe ^jould ever- lartingly Ptrifli, or cannot be Sav'd, tJfat are of another Belief as to fome Claufes in it. And I know feveral, who did they difcover arty Reafon to think this would not hold, would Renounce their Subfcription to the Articles, as fublickly as ever they made it. He that defires to fee msre about this, may confult Mr. Ollvfrt'^ Second Def. of Min. Conf /'.a??. Mr. HoadIy'.$ Ut^. iff tife Rcqfon of Conf. p. 102. And my Def. of Mod. None. p. ^^.H.rir^it. t 7'l)c Peaceable Dejign, page 14, 15. Baxter'* li'onconjormity Stated and Argud, ^: I ^:^. His Plea for Peace, page 19 1. Corbet'i Kew^w, i>3ge 154. 6. They Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 237 6. They myft AlTent and Confenc to this Rubrick, at the End of the OSce for Confirm a f ion ^ that nonf Jhall be ndmit*ed unto the Holi Communion, until fuch Time as he be Confirmed^ or be ready and defnous to be ^ Confirmed^ i /n^^* of Min. Cofif. p. 83 ; fays^ That Terfom may be dejlrous to be confirmed, rvho yet by fome Things [erupted in the Office^ may be hindered from being acfua/fy Cr,n' jirmd /V/r. Ho^diy, Realbn of Conf. p. 1 34, fays^ This U^a great Grievance indeed^that all admitted to the Communion fhou/d be ohtig d folemnly before the Btfhop to own their Baptifmal Covenant, and have his Frayers ! &c. But it feems to have been the aim of the EcclefiajJical Settlement, to have Terfotts kept from the Communion for their Scruples in this Cafe, which the ejeShi Minifiers durft not concur in : j^nd whofoever made light of it, it tvas tu them a great Grievance for Perfons to be kept from the Communion, ''till a Bi- f)op laid Hands on them, and ceicit'y'd them by ihac Sign of God's F.ivour and Gracious Goodnefs towards them, which is the Exprefjton us''d in the Office, to fuch as are Confirm d. They could not fee how this could be iufii- fed. See more in my Det". of Mod. None P. 2. p. 264, &c. Mr. OUyffe'f 2d Def. of Min. Conf. p. 257. Mr. Hoadlv'5 Def. of the Reafon. o/Conf. p. 102. Def. of Mod. None. Part 3. pag. 558, and^ii. . Now the' many of the Ejeifled Minifters were very defirous to have Confirmation reftored, and tho'c it would be exceeding ufeful, if manag'd with a becom- ing Gravity and Serioufnefs, . yet to deny Perfcns the Communion for refufing to be Confirm'd in the Epif- copal Way, was whac they knew not how to juftifie. They found it was a Thing fcrupled by many Perfons : And were their Scruples juft or unjuft, while the fame Perfons were willing to own their Daptifnial Covenant underftandingly and feriouily before the Church, and their own Pallors, and to know thofe that labour'd among them, and were over them in the Lord, and efteem them in Love for their Works Sake, and to be at Peace amongft thcmfelves, they duift not for their fcrupling this Diocefnn Ceremony, caft tbem from the Communion of the Church of Chrift. And there- fore they durft not declare their Approbation of the Order that required it, nor Affent and Confent to it, nor Subfcribe chat it is not contrary to the Word of ^ „ God*. ^Baxrer'i mnconj^r- ^>ty Stated ard argudj P^ge 97, &c, Thcfe 238 The LIFE of Chap. X. — — — • ^ Thefe were the Reafons which they alledg'd, and Printed, and Publifti'J, for their refufing that Ajfent, Confcnr, and Subfcription, to tlic Book of Common Prayer, and all, and every Thing therein contained, which was a Second Thing ftraitly required by the A^ of 'Uniformity. * Mr.Ol' 11^' They were alfo required to take the Oath of C/t- lyfle in his nonical Obedience^ and fvvear Subjedtion to their Ordi^ Def.o/Min. W'^ry, according to the Canons of the Church *. Conf./'.86; fays, That thif Notion of Smearing to the Canons^ was firfi (farted byMr-'BiX" ter in 89 : and is not conjijient with what he had advanced el fewhere : jind wou/d infnuate that the Canonical Oath no more obliges to fubmit to the Canons J than the Oath of allegiance does ^ and charges the Notion adyanc^d with many jibfurdities. Mr. Hoadly alfo^ Reafon. of Conf. p. I gd, &c; is dijpleasd with my inferting according to the Canons of the Church, which Words are not in the Oath : and intimates that a Man may he ordain d in the Church of E. without taking the Oath of Canonical Obedience : (fame would hay c ihank''d him, if he had told them wlnre, and by what Bipjop',) and fays, that the Meaning of the Oath is no mere than this : I fwear that I will yield fuch an Obedience as is due, according to the Laws of Chrift's Clmrch, from an inferiour Presbyter to his Bifhop, provided he enjoin nothing but what I apprehend in my Confcience to be lawful and honeft. hh'ch Oath (he fays) fuppofes, that every Thing he commands may be un- lawful ; andean have no Eefrence to the Canons, but as they are the Matter of a particular Eifhop's Injun^ions '.^ and then leaves a Liberty of demurring upon them; and can refer to none but future Commands : And therefore he gives it as his Opinion, that the Objections here drawn from the Canons, are no more ObjeCfions againfi taking this Oath, than a'^amfi taking the Oath of Allegiar.ce. Tt which I retly, Dcf of Mod. Conf. Fart. 2. p. 274: 7'hat the proper Meaning of the Word Canonical, is according to the Canons : And tl)erefore Canonical Obedience, mufi be Obedience according to the Canons. If hen we fwear Alle^i^ianre we bind ourfelvcs to the Laws that provide for the Defence and Support of the Fcrfon, Crown, and Dignity of our Prince, and the Succeffion a: fettled : Other Laws we are obUg''d to under our Con[fitU' tinn, by f^ertue nf the Confent given by our Keprefentatives in Parliament j which I cannot find tlte Canons of i6o^,havc, to make them binding : But they tl)at fwear to thtir Ordinary, are by that Swearing deftgnd to be bound to obey him Canonically ^ and the Canons are explain'' d and inforc'd by the Bi- P)ops in their fufitation Difcmrfes ; and they are the Standard by which they try fuch as ftpeav Obedience to them. Thefe Canons are the Liws according to which Obedience is due from an inferior Presbyter to I/is Bifliop, in that Tart of Cl.riil's Church winch is call'd the Church of England / And therefore I fjould tl-ink the Oath jfjould have fame rezard to them, hijhfps are not here at-Lii/irty to require what they plcafe, Thty a\e as much oblig'd In Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 259 In the Form of Making, Ordaining, and Confe- to the Ca- crating Biihops, Priefts, and Deacons, this Quettion nnns in is required to be put to Priefts and Deacons at the Time their higher of their Ordination, l^il^ you reverently Obey your Or- sphere, at dinary, and other chief Minifters^ to whom is committed ^^^^h^'^^^ the Charge and Government over you ; follovoing with a '" ^"^"' glad Mind and Will their Godly Admonition, and Jubmit- °^'^ ^'^P'^' tinz your felves to their Godly Judgments ? The Anfwer !,P' r'^. 1 »j • T -11 r J J t t JL ■ ' TT I therefore I to be return d is ; I mil Jo do do, the Lord being my Help, „g^-^„i An Oath alfo is adminiftred to the Ordained of thisy-^^ ^^ ;j,^j. Tenour ; I A. B. Swear that I will yield True and Can't- Hoadly nical obedience to the Bifhop of N.— * and his Succef- That vvho- fors in all Lawful and Haneji Things, ever dc- figns CO ot- ficiace as a Minifter in any Churcli, aOs not fairly and honeftly it he do not firft fatisfy his Conlcience about the Lawfulnefs of Obedience to fuch Rules and Prefer iptions, as have been laid down and agreed upon by the Governors of this Church, for the Regulating the BJnviourcf ail tliac minifler in it, and refolve to obey them : But that as far as I can jud^e, he Ails neither fairly nor honeftly to frvcar hell obey his Ordinary^ when hit Confcience it againfi thofe Can^s by which this Obedience is to be re-rulated. Jlnd this I think, may receiye not a little Light from the Hijiory of Cano- nical Obedience, from its firfi Entrance i^ito the Church, down to the prefent Time, which I hare given, Def. of Mod. None. Fart 2. p. 29B, &c. /»■ fhort -y if Obedience to the Canons, when they become the Commands of a Vat' ticular Bifhop is promifed in this Oath (which is acknowledged) then the Oath muji be dejign^d to gire the Church AJfurance, that Perfons will obey the Ca- nons when they are call'd upon to do fo. And they that confider the Canons may dn this if they pleafe ^ hut for my Fart, I cannot wonder that the ejeficd Mi- ni fiers fhould be averfe to it. They that would fee more of this Matter, may eonfult, Mr. OllyfTe'i 2d Def o/Min. Conf />. 246. Mr. Hoadly'5 Def. of the Kt2^. of Conf. p. 105. Def. 0/ Mod. Conf. P^rt. 3. p. ^^Ojaud ^11. Herein they could not Comply, for the Reafons fol- lowing. • I. Becaufe as all Obedience hath an Eitential Rela- tion to the Laws and Mandates of thofe whom Per- fons are bound to obey, fo the Canons of the Church, fettled in its feveral refpe£live Convocations, arc the ftated Laws of the Ecclefiaftical Governntent: And therefore the Oath of Canonical Obedience, w»hich hath a^ Reference to thefe ftated Laws or Canons of the Church, appear'd to them, to carry in it a plain Obligation to comply with them, and fubmit to them, in their ftated Pradtife, where they had not a "Oirpen- fation. 240 The LIFE of Chap. X- .1 — — — — — *' ' facion. And tho* the Obedience, that is in this Cafe fworn, be limited to Thifigs Lawful and Honefi, yet is it evidently fuppos'd and taken for granted, that the Canons which are in Force, do require no other than fuch Things, without leaving Perfons at Liberty which Canons they'll obey, and which they'll refufe : Which was a Latitude which they had not found any Bifh'op in the Land free to allow to any of their Clergy. So ^ j,j . that tho' in the Oath there be a Limitation in Words, Fourth f '- y^^ ^^^y plainly faw it was only to be extended to Fu- Tion Mr i^ye Commands^ while an Obligation to comply with OllyfTe de-^^^ Things antecedently requir'd by the Canons as Law^ dares they fi^l ^'»d Honeft, was fuppos'd and taken for granted : For have no certainly the Church Reprefentative in its feveral Con- manner of vocations, could HOC by thofe who profefs fo great a Concern Reverence for all its Di£tates, be fupposM to require with^^ Def. Things of any other Stamp or Charadler. Now pera- cj Min. (|j-,g f jjg Canons^ they could not be fatisfied that many Conf.jp'.9(5. Qf jjjg Things therein required, deferved that Chara- conjefs I ^^^ . |sjjjy^ they ^ere not convinc d, but that many thl h "/ Things by thofe Cayions requif d to have been the Mat- tpife : Be-^^^ ^^ "^^^^^ conftant Pradtife, would to them have been raufeit Ly^'^^^'^'^f''^ ^"^ Dipoojieji ; and therefore they durft not the Vounda- come under any fuch enfnaring Obligation. tion of a Whether they had any Reafon or not for thus fcrup- CoTnnta?id Jing Conformity to the Canons^ according to the De- to publip) mand of this Oath of Canonical Obedience, let any im- an Exconi' partial Perfons Judge, when I have briefly fet before mutiicaiion them the Canons to which they fcrupled to yield Con* ■ "^ ^^l^ formity, with their Obje6lions againft them. Breakers of g^ ^^^ Yov^nh Canon, * Whofoever Charges the 1 7e anon, « g j^ £ Qq^j^q^ Prayer, with containing any Thing Minifler *" ^^' '""V *^ repugnant to the Scriptures, he is to be Tnay b7re- * '^^^ ^'^^^^' Excommunicated, and not reftor'd but by 5K/W by * the Bifhop of the Place, or Arch-Bifhop, after his his Ordina-* Repentance, and Publick Recantation of fuch his rytopub- * wicked-Error *. ///?;, by Vet- tue of the Oath he has tahn. And therefore this feemi to We to be one of thofe Canons that concern an inferior Clefiymani own Behariour andConduCh in his Office^ tho' Mr. Hoadly declares himfelf of another Opinion. See more of this Matter-^ Def. of Mod. None. Tart 2. p. ^08. Mr. Ollyffe'i id Dei, of Mn. Qoni.p. 284, &c. Def. o/Mod. None. Fart 3. f- 5J5- Thty ■Chap. X. Mr. Fvichard Baxter.. 241 They could not bind themfelves to conform to this Canon^ biecaufe tho' it (hould be ailow'J to be an Error, to bring fuch a Charge againft the Bo"k of Common Prayer, yet could they not fee that it muft therefore be at? Error of that Magnitude and Wickednefs, as to de- fdrve Excommunication. If all, that have worfe Errors than that can be fupposM to be, muH: be prefentiy ex- communicated, the Church would remain but thin. Befides, they could not but eftecm it a great Abiife of Excommunicatiov^ to have it thunder'd rut againft any Perfons before they were heard to fpeak for themfelves, ot told of their Siri and callM to Repentance. Excom' tnunications of this Kind they duril not publiHi when commanded, fot fear of offending Chri ft, and injuring his Servants : And therefore they durft not Promife or Swear thit they would do it. And as for thofe who >- o . , would throw the blame in fuch a Cafe rpon the Com- ,. "^^'f ^ mandot Superiors, they appear d to them to open ^ mit-^ stated Door to the Execution of any Tnjuftice or Viliany in ^^^ ^y. the Worlc-i, fuppoling Authority fhould interpofe with a ^^^^ ^aoe C^ommand . io5, &c. By the Fifth Canon, ' All rhofe are to be iffo ^n^%- '^ Excommunicated, (3c. who afiirm any of the Thirty Nine Articles agreed upon in Convocation in 1 562, to f rhis is * be erroneouSjOr fuch as he might not with a Cafe Con- another of ' fcience tubfcribe to f. thofe Ca- nons with '(phith Mr . Oily ff^ fayi^- they have no manner of Concern-^ Def of Min. Conf. p' 96. I reply ^ Dbf. of iMod. None. JPan 2. p 910: That I cannot but reckon they have a great Concern in it, -xphen they may be called on to fubUfh Excommunications according to it : And 1 rccnmmend it to JW". Hoadly'^ Notice, That this Canon is fo far from beingifePeatd, that its rather confirm'd hy the Toleration Act. " ^ ; "^ They could not bind themfelves to conform to this Canortj for the fame Reafons as they fcrupled Confor- mity to that foregoing. And wirhal, they found the Words of feveral of the Articles liable to Exccpdon; and fome of them of fmall Moment and dubious. They could not fee the Warrant of that Authority afcrib'd to to the Church in the Twentieth Article.* They knew of no Charter Chriji had given to the Church to hind Men up to more than himfelf bath done. Neither could they e- fteem every Tblngthatis true, an Ariide of the Creed, ' R 0£ ^42 The LIFE of Chap. X. or ncceffary to Church -Communion, fo that all that Diflcnt muftbe prcfently caft out. Befides, they found Billiop Jererfi; Taylour overthrowing the Ninth Article about Oiigin.tl Sin ; and Dr. HnmmGnd refining upon , the Fourteenth Article, and denying the Seventeenth ; t BiKter'i -^ ^vhich they had many Followers, who were all by Uortconfor- ^j^|^ Canon to be ipfo F^Bo Excommunicated. Which ^T ^!i^' ^^^ ^ Thing in which they durft not concur, as eafily 'L^/^f forefeeing, that this would make the Articles an En- palTioQ gi"e of endlefs Strife and Divifiont 6.1 By the Sixth Canon, ' All tbofc are ipjo faHo to be * Excommunicated that Ihould affirm that the Rites and * Ceremonies of the Church of England are Superfti- ' tious, or fuch as being commanded by Lawful Auiho- ' rity, Men who are zealoufly and godly AffecSled, may ^ Th.'.< a/- (, ^^^ ^jjjj J^ gQod Confcience approve and ufe them, or fo Mr. Oi- I ^g Occafion requires fubfcribe unto them *. lyffe fayiy They ha>e no Concernrffith, ibid. But he fhould haye added, vnlefs they are calld upon to publifh Juch Excommunications as it threatens, %phich I knot;; not reho can fecure them from, for all Times to come. Tor tho" fome are for letting thefe Camas He ajleep, yet others are earnejily defirous they fljould be awahen'd. Dtf. of Mud. None. :Ban. i, f. ^u^ In this Canon the Church feemed to them to affume to it felf a moft Exorbitant Power, by laying fo great a Strcfs upon every one of its Ceremonies, as prc- fently to Excommunicate Perfons, that Ihould but reprefent any one of them as unwarrantable. Much ginore, could not have been faid as to the Ten Com- mandments, or any Articles of the Creed. But be- fides, the ejeifted Minifters did efteem the Things a- bove mentioned to be unwarrantable, and therefore could not agree ro Excommunicate themfelves, and fuch as concurr'd in the faiTK Sentiments and Apprehen- } BixteiNfions with them 4^. J/onconpjr- fnity Stated and Argued, page ill. By the S^cnth Canon, * All thofe are ipfo faBo to ' * be Excommunicated, that fhould affirm that the Go- ' veinment of the Church of E>iglnnd^ by Arch-Bi- ' ftiops, Bifliops, Deans, Arch-Deacons, andchc reft that Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 243 * that bear Office in the fame, is Repugnant to the ^ Th.sCa * Word of God *. non alfo .l^r.OliyfTe declares they have no Coticern w'tth^ Def. o/Min. Contp. pd. But for my Fartf . I can't fee how its repealed by the A6t of Toleration^ Dc f of Mod. None. P^rf. 2. p-^i2. Or if it is repeal'd^ I can't think it vf.U o^ any Thing the worfe^ either for Minifiers or People in thi Churchy that it conti- nue repeal''d, without ever being in Force again, Tho* fome of the Silenc'd Minifters could have gone farther than others in fubmitting to Diocefan Epifcopacy^ yet take that Form of Government in the Compafs of it, according to this Canon, and they found it full of Corruption. The Paftoral Power, which was lodg'd by Chrift in the Minifters of their refpecftive Congre- gations, was overthrown ; and the Power of the Kjys put into improper Hands : And that Bifhops (hould go- vern the Church by others, in a fecular Manner, even by Lay-men, who do that in their Name which they know nothing of; could not in their Judgment be re- concil'd with the Word of God. And therefore they durft not bind themfelves to Excommunicate zll fuch, as fhould pafs but fuch Cenfures upon the Frame of the Ecclefiaftical Government, as it really deferv'd t f Idem r* By the Eighth Canon, ' All thofe are ipfo fa&o to be ^/Wpage ' Excommunicated, who (hould affirm that the Form 112. * and Manner of Making, and Confecrating Bilhops, * Priefts, or Deacons, containeth any Thing in it re- ■fThifal" * pugnant to the Word of God ij:, fo is ano- ther Canon that Mr. Ollyffe declares he has no Concern with, Def. of Min. Conf. p. <^6, And I jhall be "very well pleafed^ if the Ecclejiaftical Courts let him always alone, without calling upon him to publifh any Excommunication that fhouldl convince him of his being concern d with it. Tho' it fhould be fuppos*d there were nothing amifs in this Book of Ordination, yet the Belief of its Inno- cency could not in the Efteem of the vSilenc'd Minifters be juftly deem'd a Matter of that Moment, as to be necelTary to Salvation, or that Perfons fhould be caftout of the Church for the want of ir. They could not therefore take an Oath, whereby they Ihould enter ir>- ^ j^ to a Combination of that Nature, as would make them 7^;^ p^„^ liable to be charg'd with the unhappy Confequences *. , j / ^ K % By ^ 244 ^^^^ LIbE of Chap. X. Py the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Capons, * Such ^ as feparaie themfelves from the Communion of the ' Church of England, and fuch as own thofe feparate ^ Thefe *. Societies to be true Churches, are all to be Excom- Thrceca- ' municatcd, and only reftot'd by the Arcb-Bilhop*. ftons alfo Mr. OllyfFe declares he has m Concern vithy ibid. But if he had had a Lirin^ in fome Bifhofs Viocefes^ in the ,/atfer Jind of h^ing Char],CS tl>e Second's "Rei'rn^ he'd hare found he had a Concern rvith them to his Sorrorv^ unlcfs he'd have pubHp) d Excommunications againft fome as honefl Men m afiy in his tariff), ■, Canons of this Kind they durft not fwcar S-abje- >6tion to, becaure they tho'c them very unchariLalJe, Jf a weak miftaken Cbriitian may be a true Chriftian, tho" faulty ; they could not fee why a miilaken Congre- gation pf Piaus Perfons, might not be a true Church, tho* faulty. 5uppofing it granted, That they whofe- ,'paiatied from the. Church of £r;^/^(;C^vrj;. \ Mr.Ol- : V , ■ - •> •• - lyftt can't tellh ^ - - - -- - - -- Conf. p. 99. But wethinki, it vffere better for him to avoid binding hlmfelf to fttch infnarhig Canons ^ Def. of Mod. Nonconf. Tart 2. p. 315, gi5. To this they durft not fwear SubjedVlon, for the Reafons menti6h*d before, under the Head o^ Ajfent fid. ibid. and Confent ^. pa ae i j 7. By the Twenty Eighth Canon, * Minifters are re- * quir'd to refule Communicants coming from other * Farilhes*'^. ^'^ATrOI- if the Mjnifler find any Hardjhip in this^ he muft f/jew hh Suhmilfon to the Biftjop by Petitioning nr Suffering, Def. of Mm. Conf p. 100. Butt hope he'll gire others their Liberty to think it both wifer and faferto avoid coming under any Obligation., than to run the Hazard of being fo hamper d^ Def. of Mod. None. Tart 2. /». 3170 To this ihey could not fubmit, becaufe in fome Cafes the receiving of Communicants from other Pari- ihes might be a Duty. As particularly, if the Incum- bent of a neighbouring Paridi were Vicious or Scan- dalous, or Divine Ordinances were fo manag'd, as is inconliftent with the Edification of the Parilhioners. For them in fuch Cafes to have refus'd to receive Perfons to Communion with them, would in their Apprehenlion have been grofly uncharitable \\, H 7^ j;^^^ By the Thirty Eighth Canon, * A Minifter repent- ' * ing of his Subfcription, or afterwards omitting ariy \ of the prefcribed Forms or Ceremonies, is firft to be R 3 * fufpended 246 The LIFE of Chap, X. ^ With ' fufpendcd, and then Excommunicate, and then de- ihiiMr.Ol' ' pQs'd from the Miniftry*. lyflfe de- ^ dares tley have no Concervy Def. of Min. Conf. />. g6. But thU was as like- ly to be inffled on^ as any in all the Body of the Canons^ in the Tear^ 1 662, gutd afternrards, which was the Time that this Chapter peculiarly referred to^ Def. of Mod. None, P. 2. f 518. This they apprehended might in many Cafes be ro Confent to caft a Man out of the Church, for be- ing Coiifciencious • To which they were afraid to fubmir, leaft they fhould contribute to the filencing , Tome of thofe who as much deferv'd Encouragement, as t Id. Ihd. ^^y perfons whatfoevcr \. jngc II ». ^ gy ^j^^ p^^^y Seventh Canon, ' All that go forBap- ' tifm for their Children, or the Communion for them- * felves from their own Parilh, becaufe the Minifter is * no Preacher, to another Parifh that hath a Preaching ' Minifter, are fufpended, and after a Month to be Ex- J Wiih * communicated t. thif all'" Mr. OITyfie th\nh they hare no Ccr.cern, Def. nf Min. Conf p. g6. And I heartily vri/h he never may find l)imfelf cramped by any Thing of this Kind : But Jj^nu/d the A^ of Toleration ever be repeat'd^ perhaps fame that hi wifhes well to^ M'ni/iers and Feople^ may be in no fmall Danger by it. To this they could not fubmrt, becaufe they appre- hended there was much more need of driving the People to preaching Miniiters than from them. And tho' they did not efteem the Sacraments Null, when adminiflrcd by ill qnalif/d Mmifters, yet they could not but look upon it as Sinfal, either to harden an Ig- norant and Scanda'ous Pcrfon, tliat had intruded into the Office of the Miniftry in his Prophanenefs, or to Id. Ibid, encourage People that need better, in being contented P^S^IIP- withfucha Mniiftcr. By the Fifty Eighth Cinon, * Every Miniflcr faying ' the PuMick Prayers, or ramiftring the Sacraments, or • other Rites of the Chnrch, was required to wear a ' decent and comely Surplice with Sleeves, to be pro- * vide d at the Charge of the Parilh, and that under I Pain of SufpenfioY). Chap. X. Mr. Richird Baxter. 2.47 The Surplice as a Symbolical Vcflment*, was what * M-r.Ol' they found many Learned and Excellent M'nifters had iyffe/;?rc in former Times been againft : And it was fo fTjalJ a kind/y .x- Mauer, of fo little real Necefliry or Ul'e, t:nd rbe /'^^''^^ ^/•'^ great Things to be Ey'd in the Bxerdfe of aGofpeJMi- [^«»;^Sym- niftry, depended fo little upon ir, that even thofe who ^°^'^^ ^° would rather have fubmittcd ro it, than have been de- ^/V^- ^ * priv'd of the Publick Exercife of their Miniftry, yet (^^j^f J durft not concur :n the Sufpenfion of others, who were iqi. n^ more Scrupulous of it than themfeives, upon that kc-Qantfee count; as they muft have done, if they hadfabjedted/^W the themfeives to this Canon f- Surplice h any more than a Dlfiinclhe Garmsitt., 2d Def. o/Min. Conf. />. 2p5. But BiJIjop Taylor fays, it fignifies Purity and Truth. Others have [aid it fignifies Light, and others Alacrity^ Integrity, and theExpeftation of Glory, Sic. How the Minifers that were ejeCied, knev? of no Authority any have to threaten Suffenjion upon a Fai/ure in fo frnali a Matter 5 and therefore could not here join in, Def. of Mod. None. P. 2. p. 320. t Idem Ihid. 121. By the Sixty Eighth Canon, * MiniiRers are required ^ to Baptize all Children withoiu Exception, who arc -iMv.Oi- * offer'd to them for that Purpofe %. lyffe /4)<5, They are mt obliged to Bnptit,e all Comers, Def. 0/ Min. Conf. p. 26. and p. I02- H« fays. That there is no Difference betrveen the Traflice of Cnnformijis notv, and the T^oiiconformifts when they v?ere in thdr T laces ; and that if this be rigor oufy purfued, there mufl be a Submijjton ; and that 'tis not to he rt^on- dered at. That a good Man P)ould in fmie Cafes be under a Necefjity of fuf- feiing, &c 'Tis anfvperd, the Canon is ycry exprefs. And to go into the ihurcb, and fmear to the Ordinary, and yet not regard this Canon, is not fair, a hen the J^onconformifis heretofore Therein Publick Churches, they were at Liberty to refufe to Baptize ths Children of thofe Paren'^s, as were either knoxvn not to be Chrijlians, or to be grofly Scandalous ; which is 7tot left by this Canon, as was own'd at the Savoy Conference, &c. Def. of Mod. None. ^ 322, 323. Tho' fome of the Silenc'd Minifters were much ftraiter in their Notions about the quallfy^d SubjeBs of Baptifm than others, yet they were generally againft SubmifTion to this Canon, becaute not convinced that the Children of all Comers, (as of Atheifts fuppofe. Infidels, Jews, Hereticks or Blafphemersi who might Upon Occafion, be offer'd as well as others) were fo far R 4 in 248 27je LIFn of Chap. X. in the Covenant of Grace, as to have a right to a Solemn Inveftiturc in the BlelTings of it. And tijl they were convinced of this by clear Proof, they e- i^eemcd it too great a Domination over Men's Faith, to conuiiand Obedience in this Point npon Pain of> Sufpcnlion. And they Apprehended fwearing Obe- dience herein, to be a confenting in EiTe(5^, to the Profaning of one of the molt Sacred InAitutions of oui U. Ibid. Religion. By the Seventy Second Canon, ' Minifters were de- * barr'd the Liberty of keeping private Fafts upon any * Occalion, or fo much as being prefent at them, with- ' outcxpoling themfelvesto Sufpeniion the Firft Time, * Mr.Ol-* Excommunication the Second Time, and Depofition lyffe, Def". ' the Third Time*. of Min. Conf. p. ic?, \ c^. fays, That the allowed Times of Faftittg by Law and "Public Jt Authority do fo frequently return, that there can be m poffible need, that a Mini fur P)r,uld af point any other : And that the' Canon forbids Vafts only for Seditious Ends and Purpofes. I anfwer Bifhop Or indil as well as the Old Puritans were of another Mind. The feditir.us Meetings referrd to in the Canon were Giindari Prophcfy!n^s ; and fmh Sort of Meetings, none that Love ferious Religion pould concur tn difcouraging, Dcf. of Mod- None. Part2.f.yS\. The Silenc'd Minifters for their Part, could not but efteem thofe ro be unworthy of that Sacred and Ho- nourable Function, who were not to be trufted to Faft and Pray wirh their People, as Occalions might re- quire, while the Law was open, to punifh all Abufes. And taking this to be a Part of their Office, they could no more renounce it, than the Liberty of Preach- Id. Ibid, ing the Gofpel, when and where the NeceiTuies of l-age 122. Souls required it. By the 1 1 2th Canon, * The Miniftcr jointly with the * Pariih Officers, is requir'd every Year within Forty ' Days after Eaftcr, to exhibit to ihc Bilhop or his Chancellour, the Names and Surnames of all his Pa- fhioners, which being of the Age of Sixteen Years, t Mr 01- ' did not receive the Communion at Eafter before. V.?i\.here fays. That a MiHifer may ir/yc an Account of the St^te of his Pariflj to his liifhop, and yet he not profecute the A'on communicatits, i^c. a)td adds, that the Minifer is not bound to this by any Promifc j ftrr the Oath doL^ not oblige to ti With Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 249 With this Canon, agrees the Ru brick which is '^n-difhomfi ferted in the Common Prayer- Book, at the End of the Thiny''Jm fhey tho'c a Parr of the Church) were altogether exclud- 'p J'^^f'^ cd, but alfo bccaufe the Clergy were far from being P ,' therein fairly reprelented. * As to the Force of the Ca- ^^n^-,n;nrT ^^^^ of fuch Convocitions upon abfent Perfons as well as the Riulus preient, they apprehended that it depended upon the rar- of sn En'r. lianienr, whof? Ratification they look'd upon as necefla- iifh Con- ry,in order tr their having any Force or Significance at all. vocation, But tho' rhey fnonld bemiftaken in Pointsof this Nature, page to. which they tho'c had not been fo ftri£lly cnquir'd into Jupijies their Demur as to thefe Cnnonsinthii Refpe^l, wJ)CH fpenking of a Convocation^ he ^^nth this remarkable Conceffion : It cannot be calKd 3 true Reprefentative of . c Chnrcli, tho' it be now a Lf.gil one. In the Lovv-er Houfc, there- are v./ the Province of Canterbury, T wcnty Deans or more who pretend to fit there ; cher^' are as mnny Frodors from Chapters^ and Sixty Anh-Deacom, and about Thircy-eig'it Clcrls chofen by tlie Clergy. So that the Deansznd Chapters^ who hnd th'ir Authoriry at fird by Papal Bull?, and have now their Exemptions and JurirdiiTtion? continu'd to them only by a Provilb, in ^he bia'nte of 25 Htn. VIII. have more Intcreft in liic Convocation than tile wiiole Body of the Clergy. Thele are all made either by the King or bv the Birho}>!=?. The Sixty Arch-Deacons^ are all of the Bilhop's Nomination, and their Authority is of late Date, and bat a Humane Con- itiuuion. All this is bdides the Intcreff that the Bifhops have in making tiie He rum? of two only out of all thofc who are chofen in the I'cveral Aril)-Dcaconries of their Diocefs 5 {o that the Inferiour Clergy can in no Sort be u>id tobe equally reprefented there. Hhat Pleafurc foeycr fome angry Zealots tniz^ht take in any Thing that jnight bear hard upon fo great anOrna- went "f their Churchy there are no unprejudiced Perfons, but think his Lord' fl)ip deferycs much better Treatment ^ than Canon l 39, // executed, would afford him. buc Chap. X. Mr, Richard Baxter. 251 but that they would very well bear Canvafing, f it t Either feeni'd to them ftrangely and needlefly fevere, that an ^^^9 ^^'''s Excommunication muft prefently be Thundred out a- ^'f ^'" '« the right, or it bath been to very little Turpofe^ thatv^e have had fo many Writings (and -many of them bulky too ) lately fuhUpid upon this Matter, and that with Warmth and Eagernefs. And really it fcemstodif-interefted Standers-by^ pret- ty remarkable, that after fuch Stifnefs in ajjerting the Churches Authority^ as to.Ecclefiaftical Matters, it p)ould at laji remain a Controrerfy vphcre this Au- thority is to be Indgd. ^Tis in the King, fays Dr. Wake, as it rras heretofore in the Chriflian Emperors, and indeed in all Chrifiian Frinces, till the Papal Vfurpation. The fame fays Dr. Kennet. / beg your Pardon Gentlemen, fays Dr. A. that is a Method that tvould fuhvert the Fundamental Rights and tiberties of the thurch and 'Clergy of England. It would bring in Slavery into the Church, vfhich will quickly fpread it felf into the State too. A Con- vocation hath an inherent Bight of framing Ecclejiafiical Canons, as it is an Etclejiaflical Synod. Each Party hath tonftderahle Abettors, and the latter Gentleman who undertook the Defence of the inherent Right of the Convocation, hath (tnce received conjtderahle Preferment^ as a Reward for his Service. Here- upon the Lord Bi/hop of Sarum in his Reflefiiom, page 7, 8 ^ makes this ob- fervable Remark. It has pafled (fays he ) gene;rally among the Clergy, chat Ecclefiaftical Matters could only be judg'd by Perfons deriving their Power immediately from God : And as the Clergy have their Commif- iion from him, fo it was a received Dof^rine, that the King likewife had ills Power from God ; and that therefore, the Church was to be govern'd by the King and the Convocation : And the Book of Canons being rati- fied only by the Regal Authority, feems to give fuch Authority to this, that a Man ought to be mildly corre^led, if it fliould prove to be a Miflake. It could never be tho't Parliaments were jfure Dlvino ■ fo it was a Con- fequence fuitable to their Principles, who put our whole Eccleliaftical Conftitution on the Bottom of a Divine Right, to fhut this within the Hands of rhofe who they believed afted by a Divine Commiffion. I (fays he ) was nfver of this Mind. I always tho't that the King was no brher Way Head of the Church, xhcn as he was the Head of- the State, with whom the Executive Power is lodged, and who is the Head of th.e Legi- flative, in Conjunft^ion with the great Body of his Parliament. But this Author knows how much tJie Doftrine he advances was condemned, 2nd by whom, not long ago : Therefore a little more Temper were but Decent, if he tho't fit to find Fault with it. And a little before, fwak- ing of Dr. A's Maxim, that the Supremacy is not fingly in the Kin or, but is lodged with the whole Legiflature, he thinks fit to make this Declaration ; I confefs I was always of this Mind ; but I remember a- rnong whom this pafled, not long ago, for little lefs than Herefy. jVo«? 'tis left to any one to judge, whether it is not odd and unaccountable, that we fhould have had f fierce a Contefi here in England, ever fince the Re- formation about the Ecclejiafiical Authority, and that among them who hav^ been fcruing it up to the utmofi heighth and Rigour againfl their poor gainft 25i The LIFE of Chap. X. D'fentin^ gainft them. And as to the Credit and Reputatiorj^of Brethren^ the Canons of any fuch Ecclcfiaftical Synods or Convpr (k-/;i cs«/f/ cations, they coutd not help conceiving that that de- «c? fee pended more on their Agreeablenefs to the Word of Things m (rj^^j^ j.},^^^ ^^ ^1^^ Ccmmendations given them by the ^ther nid^^^'^^^^ and their Admirers. But that the Church to ^Jfter 171 ^^^^'^ *^'-^ Saviour had fo often recommended Mildnefs be ^a ftif ^"^ Gentlenefs, fhould be but a Word and a Blow, and Content .on '^^^""^^ ^'^^^ ^^^ higheft CenfuTes where perhaps there Khere it is might bc only a miltake but no Malignity, this the Si- tote lodgdi Icnc'd Minifters efteem'd not only adting without a "War- Voth it not rant, but unfuitable to a true Chriftian Spirit, and there- fare with fore could noc fwear Submiilion. thh Ecclc- iiaftical Authority here in England,' as with the pretended InfallibiHty in the Rom^n Church^ The Fapifis will have it that they have an Intallibiiity among them fame where, hut where to lodge it they cannot agree: $ome will ha-re it lie in the Fope, othrs in a Gt)icral Ccundl, and cthrsin both jointly. So tljefe Gentlemen will have it, that there is a mighty Ecc'Clialtical Au- thority, (to decree Rites and Ceremonies, and fctile and promote Uniformi- ty, e King, others in a Conyocati- en, and others in the Three F.fiates' of the Realm, King, Lords and Commow^ with or withmt a Convocation. And have not Sentimenti in this refpeil as much vaiyd in cur Church, with Times, Seafons and Circumftances, as th^y have in the Roman Church, about their Darling Infallibility? And ts it not manififtly hard that: Canons Piould remain in force, whereby thofe are to be Excommunicated, who are not clear about the AutJpority of a Convocati' en, when 'tis'e pen at this Day aeknowledg'd by Contenders on buth fides, that the Rights and Powers of an Engiifh Convocation have been but little enqutr d i/tto? Doth not that enquiry which hat It been fo warmly purfu'd^ Tiaturally lead to a farther enquiry into the true Kature, and Extent of that Ecclefiafiical Authority.^ which our Blejfed Lord the great Lawgiver of his ihurch hith Ir-d^'d in any hands whatfoever bejides his own f For might it Tiot as eafily be fuf'^osd much fhould have been taken upon Trufi, and many 9n'fiales committed, about the Kature and extent of fuch Fower, as about thg hands in which it is lodg'd? Could we but fee a^ mud) Fains taken up'.n thi^ head, as thtre ha^ been upon the other, we could not but hofe for a good Jjfue Till then we think both our fathers and we arc very ja'.rly iufiljiable in rejw' Jing Submijfion to Canons, in faming which It Is queftlonahlc whetl^er t})e Ac- tors did net over-fhott their Authority. Howeva, to ufe the Bifi)op of Saium'i Thrafr^ we cannot but think that a Man ouglK to be nii'dly ConefteJ, (not Excommunicated) /'or being Cautlotu and wary in Things of fo duliom a Na-^ ture, tht' it P^ould appear, upon a particular CanvajJIng of his ScntimctttSythaf he wa< under a miliake. Baxter 5 Koitconformity Stated and Argud. pag. 123. Chap. X. Mr. ELichardBaxttr. 253 It hath been pleaded by many, thajt the Oath of Canonical Obedience^ doth not oblige to approve of all that is in the Camns. To which they AnCwei'd, that in their Judgment, the cafe of a Minifter, was much the fame as that of a Juftice of Peace. . ^ *Tho' ajoftice of Peace be not "^ Mr. OWy^t fays the Cafe of k bound by his Oath to approve of ^''^»M ^^ «°^ ^'^' ^^'^^ °1 ^ /»- every Law of the I and, yet he is fi'^^ofFeace Det.o/ Min.Conf. bound to Execute all of them by f^^oJ, MrMo2dlyf.ysthefan:c, his Place, when he is call'd to ict. f '^f" f L^' '^''' ' ' €- %r \f -A.- 1- t r^ \. lAr It IS fo. andhotPjar not, may So alfo a Mmifter taking the Oath ^^ .,^;.^/^^^ ^^^^ ,^ ^^^ f^ of. Canonical Obedience, is bound , j^l^d. j^^p^^c. Fan 2. f.r6$i6iQ. to Execute the Canons^, and particu- -j- /^. ,7,/^^ ^^o-, 22. larly thofe Canons where Excom- irsunication isdenounc'd, when cali*d upon by bis Or///- iiary. It hath been farther Pleaded, that many of thefe Can' n^a^e difus'd, and fo Vacated; like many Laws of the Land that are grown otit of ufe. To which, the Reply tseafie: That many of the Canons before Men- tion'd and Objected againft, cannot be fo much as pre- tended to be difus'd ; and many of them were much lt£s difus'd at that time, when the Minifters were Ejedt- cd, than they have been at feme tim^s fince:, .But ftjU fo long as there is neither any Publick Declaration gi- ven that might help to diftinguifli among thofe Canons, (which were all enadted by the fame Authority) which were yet binding, and whvch Superannuated ; nor a liberty of judging in the Cafe left to private Miniikrs, fo long this Plea appears without any Force. For let any of them appear ever fo much difus'd, if the Ordi- nary thinks fit to interpofe with his Authority fur the re- viving them, the Oath obliges to Submillion. 2. Another Capital Reafon why they Scrupled at ta- king the Oath of Canonical Obedience ^ was becaufe they found the Epifcopal Government managed by Chancel- Jors Courts, (which were kept in the Bi(hops name in- deed, while they in the mean time were not fufFer'd to adt in them) where Lay- men Exercife the Church Keyes^ by Decretive Excommunications and Abjolutions, They found the Word Ordinary roention'd in the Oath, would admit of divers Senfes. That it not only meant the Bifliop of the Diocefs, but the Judges in their Courts. This is the Senfe given by Couftns in his Tables, and by all Civilians, And as for the other chief Minifters added The L IFE of Chap. X. added in the Oath, to whom Subjedlion was to be Sworn, ihey fa\3v not how lefs could be thereby meant, than all the Arch- Deacons^ Officials, Commijfarys and r Surrogates, with the reft of the Attendants upon thofe Courts. The Silenc'd Minifters durft not bind themfelves by Oath to a Submilfion of this Nature, for fear of * Mr. Concurring to overthrow the Pailoral Office * They OUyik fays could not think the Adminiftration of the Sacraments tbitt Mini- proper and peculiar to Paftours, if the Keys were not ficrs are not hound by Oath to thefe Courts. The Oath of Canonical Obedience has not the Word Ordinary in it. And he ajftrts that no fart of the Ta/ioral Power is taken from the Ministers that Chrisi has given them^ Deh of Min. Conf. p. 109. But if the Word Ordinary is not In the Oath, Uls in the Ordination Fromife-, which comes much to one. It leaves a great ambiguity ♦, and as Thin^^s stand is infnanng. For the King is Supream Ordinary. The Arch- hi/hop is the Oidinary of the whole Trovlnce that is under him. The Eljhop is Ordinary in his Dlocefs : And yet under this Word are comprizd all fuch to whom Ordinary JurifdiClion in Caufes Eccle/ia/iical doth of Right belongs whether by Privlledge or by Custom, See Godolph, Reperr, Canon, /». 23. — Mr. OUyffe adds, p. 115. That Minljlers are not bound blindly to follow the Determination of the Courts in any Thing, eJpeciaUy not in Excommunications and Abfolutlons: And no Conftitutlon can be fo perfect. In which Confclent'iotu Ferfons may not fame time or other be exposed to Sufferings. Mr. Hoadly fays, Reafon of Conf f. 152, that he can't fee how this touches the Matter before us. He does not think I can produce any In/iances of Mini/ters th.n have fufferd any Thing conjiderable for refufing Obedience. But after all, he declares It not fair, and that it looks not fincere, for Men fir ji to offer them- felves to the Mini/try in the Church, which is in cffeU to profefs that they are ready to Conform to fuch of the Canons as relate to their Behaviour, and art now In Force, and afterwards to aCl as they think ft, without regard to tkft Canons. To which let It be added, that the preventing any Thing of this kind, WM one end of the Oath, (which Is highly probable,) and 1 don't fee that we need defire much more, in favour of our Nonconformity in this Ke/^e. 41 7, 418. Tor my own Furt, I fhould think it a great hardfhip to oblige myfelf. To follow with a glad Mind and Will the godly Admonlcions, and rubmic to the godly Jndgmcnts, of Courts managed by tlit Canon Law, whici) really have the Ecclejiajiical Fowcr in their Hands^ accord- inr to our Conftitutlon, while the Bl/f)opi have but tl/e Name. Chap. X. Mr, Rkhird Baxter. 255 fo too*. For the nloft proper Ufe of the K ys is in a ^id ibid. way of Judging who is to be admitied to Sacramental/'^^' 34- Communion, and who debar'd u. If only delivering the Elements, and not judging to whom, be p oper to the Paftour, then is he to fee with other Mens Eyes. Now it was their fied Apprehenfion, that in a matter of fo great Morpent and Confequence, it was their Du- ty to fee with their own E>es, and not Adt blindfold : And that our Lord Jefas Chriit had inveftcd all that were '^aftours, with that meafure of Power which was Necelfi'-v in order to the fecuring the dired: ends of their Office. Such Power its true might be abus'd, and thereiorc they were not (as fome have charg'd them) agSiHlt being Accountable in cafe of fuch an Abufe: But then they at the fame time apprehended that aa Appeal in fuch a Cafe, would be much more properly Lodc'd with a Synod, (whofe having a fixed Prefidenc or Bifhop would not have difgufted the Generality of them, efpccially if he were chofen by the Synod itfelf) or with a Meeting conlifting partly of Minifters, and partly of Deputies from the Neighbouring Churches, than with a fet of wrangling Lawyers, whofe concern in fuch Matters they lookM upon as irrational as well as unfcriptural; and whofe Management of them was more likely to be Calculated for their own Profit, than the Credit of Religion, and the Purity of the Church. As for the Provifion made by the B^brich, before the Office for the Communion in the Common-Prayer Book, vi:(. That when a Miniiler l^eeps any Perfons from the Sacrament, hejhould xvithin Forty Days give an Account to the Ordinary, that he might proceed again ft them accord* ing to the Canons fj they could not acquiefce in it, be- ^ y/,^ g;. caufe diffatisfy'd as to the Grounds upon which thefe Or- pj^^p and dinarys (whether they were meer Lay- men, fimple Pref- Vhines wh^ met in the Jerufalem Chamber in 1 641, reprefented this Kubrick (which the Gentlemen I *' hare had to do with fo much juftifie) as needing clearing. And it certainly does fo, if what is advanced in the Cafe of Reg.ile & Pontificate, p. 179. will hold, (as I don't fee but it will) viz. That an AShlon lies againfi the Minifiet who jhall refufe the Sacrament, to them who he knows, fees' and hears in their Conrerfation and Principles, to be neyerfo much unqualified, byters, 256 The LIFE of Chap. X- bycer<;, or Diocefans) appropriated the Cognizance of Matters of this Nacure ro ihemfelves, which in the Judgment of common Senfe was more proper for thofe that had rhe Opportunity of Perfonal Infpei^ion, than for meer Strangers. They were alto confirm'd in their diflike of this Method of Procedure, becaufe of the Difficulty, Tedioufnefs, Vexatioufnefs and Expeiifive- nefs of it ; becaule of the number that muft be accus'd if the Canons were foUow'd ; becaufe of the great hin- drance it woujd be to them in their Minifterial Work ; ^ ^^^^ and in a Word, becaufe of the impoflibiliry of keeping Baxter ^e- vip 2Lny F^eal Difcipline, in fuch a way. In which they elares that Were much Confirmed by Obfervation and Experience *, t^^ in the 2$ Tears Time that he A'vV under Biffjops^ he never knerp one that wm kept ^bm the Sacrament except a Puritan, vho [erupted to take it Kneelin^^ 5 Diipu t3t. of Church CovtrnTnenr. Advert, p. 16. ' . • t The Church Party themfelves have not been infenfible of Corruptions tn thli Eefpef}. Ammg others., Bijhop Burnet at the dofe of hit excellent tiijiory.nf the Reformation., Koies d>at there was one Thing (we could heartily rotfh there were no wore) yec Wanting to complect' the Reformation of thre Churdi^ which w;is the reftoiing a Primkive Difci^)Iine agarnVl: 5cand^I«^Us Pcrfons, the Eftabfifliing the Governmtnt of the Chuich-'iri Eisilefiiftical Hand?, and taking it out of Lay-hands, who hays fo long pi^pHan'd ir, and liave expos'd tha Authority of the Chl^rcfh, ia.fid the Cenfut^s of it, ch'itily Excommunicationy to the contempt oij-tlT6) Ration,; by, which the Reverence due to Holy Thing?, is, in fo great, a Meifure loftjanddfed-read- fullcfl of sll Cenfure?^ i^now become the moit Scorned and Defpifed. A^^rid^cment., pag. \69- -. ■ '.> . Neither is this the only great DefcCh tvh'ch this Worthy Bifhop hae 9hfeTvd among «*. ' fr,r in hi* noble Difcourfe of the Partbral Care, p. 95"^ 96, he hath taken notice of Pluralities and Non-Refidence, as allowed by an ASi vfhich paft in the Reign of Henry Vlll. which he fays has been the oc'cajion of much Diforder and Scandal in this Church: Adding.^ that he had not been able to findf that apy fuch Ait ever faji^ in any kingdom or State in thri- fiendom. ' And that the Council of Trtnt, had in thefe refpefis made Provi- fons a'^alnfi Abufes, which art ftiU. fuppcrted by Lavs ar^ong tu. And as to the fubmitting to the Determinations and Injundlions of thefe Ordinaries, in which they had not by this Oath and Covenant fo much as a Judgment of Dilcrction left them, they durft not engage, or bind themfelves, for fear of approving Sacrilegious Pro- phanencfs. For if it be fo fi>r nicer Lay-men uncall'd and unqualify'd, lo ufurp the oiher Pans of the Pafto- Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 257 ral Office, particularly the Adtiiiniftration of the Sa- crament, (as ic is generally efteem'd) then they con- ceiv'd it muft be fo too, for them to ufurp the Power of the Keys. And if the Bifliops took it for tJfurpati- on in Presbyters^ to take Upon them to exercife Power in this Cafe, as fuppofing ic Proper and Peculiar to tHem- felves, they could not fee, why they fliould not judge ic much more fo in Lay-men. As for Excommunications and Abfolutidns they look'd upon them as very weighty Matters, and durft not agree to trifle in them. If the Bifhops could truft their Confciences with their ChancelJours ^, and leave ^ Qg^j. them to pafs Sentence in their Names, without ever fvey Good- hearing or trying the Caufss depending; and fufferman, them to Excommunicate Perfons for them, tho' they Bi/hop knew not on whom they pafs'd that heavy Cenfure, of Glou- nor why they did it, it was to themfelves; as the Mi- cefter, nifters could not underftand it, fo neither could they ^*» '"'^ ^l^' help it ; and they were not refponfible for it: But whctif^" *° "^^ they brought thefe Matters home to their own Door, ^J^^ My/tc and requir'd of them, that they alfo (hou Id truft their ^'"» ^^',> Confciences in the fame Hands, they defir'd to be ex- ^^^ ^^^^ cus'd, till they were better fatisfy'd in the Point. They p^^^j^^e an could not yield to Receive and Publilh their Excommu: Order undet nications blindly, Icaft they (hould be chargeable with tfj^ jUngs their Irregularities and Abufes ; and be the Inftrumems own Hani of molefting, worrying, and ruining, as Religious and Seal^ vpherein he forbids that any Church Man or Prieft in Holy Orders^ fhould be a Chancellor. And this he reprefents a* the occdjlon of all manner of Corrupiitns. Some have been deUverd over to Satan for a Groat. This has made Excommurticatioti contemptible. Vor 'tis hard to perfvpade weak Under ft andinrs that that can be of God^ which has but one Puniff?ment for aU forts of Crimes : Or that treats ihofe 06 ill that fcruple a Ceremony^ as the Committers of Whoredom or any o- ther deadly Sin. Eift)op Taylor in his Du£ior Dubitantium tells »<, that for a trifling Caufeto cut a Man off from the Communion of the Churchy is to do as the Man in the Fable, who efpylng a Vly upon his Neighb'jurs Forehead^ 9ire»t to beat it off with an Hatchet, and fo (irook out his Brains. And yet a grave Adyijer, who fint me a Packet of Hints lately, put together with great Warmth And Zedt^ here fo far forgets his Chara^er, as to tell me in fa many Words, That the Queen and Parliament may Pafs an A£t if they pleafe, that any Man that befliits himfelf (hall be Excommunicated. Which fnethinks difc'/vers little real refpeU either to Chursb vr Stdte^ in om that fU" iendi fi mu(h Zeal for bath-^ 158 The LIFE of Chap. X. Perfons perhaps as any in their Parifties, Nor durft they Confent to Publilh the Abfolutions of notorious De- bauchees, who have given (it may be) no other Proof of Repentance of their Crimes, befides Paying the Fees of the Court. Thefe Things they well knew expos'dthe * Id Ibid. Cenfures of the Church to Scandal and Contempt, and page 105. therefore they were unwilling to give an helping Hand *. And to take fuch an Oath as this of Cancmcal Obedi- ence, and make fuch a Covenant, with a Referve to themfelves, afterwards to demur upon the Commands of the Ordinary, when agreeable to the ftanding Rules of the Ecclefiaftical Adminiftraiion; or make light of the Cnnons^ which where delign'd to be the ftanding Rulea of their Obedience, before they were repeal'd and fa- perfeded ; they could not look upon as any oiher than egregious Diifimulation : And therefore they thut it much fafer to wave this Oath altogether, and keep them- felves free from any fuch enfnaring Bond. t This IV. They were alfo requir'd to Abjure the Solemn Abjuring League and Covenant \, For the A-^9' For 'gn Prince whom ihcy had call'd in to their Alli-r ftanco, againft the Perfon of their Sovereign King Jar?}es, and thofe who were CommifTionated by him. And as for the poor Ejc-dted Minifters, who endur'd fLich hardfhips for refuling this Declaration, they came off with this Honourable Teftimony from Impartial Spe<5latoiiis, which will be given them by Pofterity, though Ch;ip. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 165 though it fhouW be gmdg'd them by the Prefent Agc^ that by that Refufal of theirs, they in their feveral Places and Stations heJp'd as much as in them lay, to Pave the Way for that Late Glorious Revolution, to wiiich we owe all our Prefent Happinefs, and all our Future Hopes ; while the Promoters of this Declaration and all that adher*d to it, could contribute nothing in the Cafe, without bidding Defiance to their moft dar- ling Principle ; the Principle which for Twenty Years together had made the Pulpits Ring, and the Prefs Groan. It muft be own'd that thefe Two Laft Points, of Kenouncing the Covenant, and Subfcribing the Politi- cal Declaration againft taking Arms in any Cafe vQheitfo* ever, have not for fotne time been infifted on, with fuch as enter the Miniftry in the Eftabli(h'd Church. The former was fix'd by the Adl but till 1682, and then it drop'd of Courfe. The Latter continu'd till our Late Revolution, and then (as it was high Time) was fuperfeded. For fuch Reafons as thefe, the Minifters who were Ejecfbed, durft not comply with the Ad: of Uniforojity, and fall in with the National Eftablilhment. Hereup- on they have been generally afpers'd, and blacken'd with all imaginable Freedom. But this muft be acknow- ledg'd after all ; that if they err*d in this Matter, it was ior fear of erring ; and therefore they deferv'd RelpecS: rather than Reproach, becaufe they adled like Men of Integrity, according to the Light they had. Some of them were more influenced by fome of thefe Conside- rations than oihers were; but all put together gave them abundant Satisfa£tion in quitting their Livings, when they found they could not keep them with the Peace and Safety of their Confciences. Tho' in reality it is own'd by the beft Cafuifts, that if but one Thing, which after Search and Enquiry they apprehended to be finful, had been made neceflary to their continuing iii their Places, they bad been bound to have left them. Here were a great many Things, which they faw not how they could yield to, without Sin: And therefore they forbore. There were none of them, but would have yielded to what would have been fufficient to have made them Minifters, in the Apo- files Days or after: But the Yoke now impos'd was (o heavy, that neither they nor their Fathers were S \ able 264 The Lift of Chap. X. able to bear it ; and tho* their Fathers had been for ma- ny Years complaining, yet was it made heavier noW, than ever it was before. Jteafons of ^° ^^^^ hence- for ward the Church Doors were fhut the. ejecled "pon them With Contempt, and others fill'd their vacant Minifters^ Pujplts : AnJ they were left to fpcnd their Time iii for conti- Solitude and Retirement, preparing thcmfelves for ano-^ 7JM/«;^j»r/;e ther World, as being of no farther Ufe in this. They Minifirf. were much perfwaded to lay down their Miniftry, when they were deny'd the Liberty of exercifing it publick- ly; but the Generality of them, could not be fatisfy'd upon many Accounts. They fearM the Guilt of perfi* (i ) Mr. dious breaking their Ordination-Vow^ (i.) by which they Hoadly in oblig'd thcmfelves to the diligent Performance of their hii Reafon Miniftry. They were afraid of the Sin of Sacriledge in of Conf. alienating Perfons who were Confecrated to God. It Tart 2. had to them a very ftrange Appearance, that their Bre- p- 10, &c. thren (hould fo much aggravate the Sacriledge of aliena- J^y^, he jjj^g confecrated Utenfils and Lands, when they at the y , - fame Time were fo forward to alienate confecrated Per- M'nifteri ^°"^' *"^ difcovcr'd fuch an Approbation of it: When expreflypro'^^'^^^ their Apprehenfton the Lands and Goods, were misd when t>^^ to ferve the Perfons, who were employ'd in the Di- theydeyoted vine Service. Many of their People claim'd the Con- themfehes tinuancc of their Relation and Miniftry, and having to the Ser- givcn Up themfelves to their Conduct in Divine yice of God^ but nothing ought to be implfd in fuch a Vow and Dedication^ that if con' trary to the Service of God, and inconfiflent with the good of the Chrt/iian Church And that therefore if their Ends might be better promoted, by for fa- hng the Mlniilry than continuing in it^ they would neither have been perfidi- oj^ nor facrilegious if they deferted it, but rather if they continued in it. My Pep/y^ in Def of Mod. None. Part 3. page <5, S'c is thU : That when Fer. fom duly qualified do derote ihemfelres to the Service of God in the Work of the Alnifiiy^ 7m ne(ejfarily imply d (whether it be expreft or no) that they engage to y,/ake that the Bujinef of their Lires. And when thry are thin en^agd, though a change of Circumfiances may occafion a -variation in the manner of their exercifing tJmr Miniftry.^ yet no change of Circumfiances can make their continuing in the Minifiry^ (oi far Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 265 Things, beg*d they would not defert them. {2.) They (2.) Mr. profefs'd they could not truft their Souls to the Pafto-Hoadly'^ ral Guidance and Care, of a great many of thofe who Reafon. of were plac d in the Churches in their ftead ; and de-Conf. P. 2. clar'd, that if they Ihould forfake them, they would ^ »t', 52c. Charge them with negle6l of their Souls, whofe Care|^^j' y'"*^ they had undertaken. So that they feared the Sin or^Jll/'^ ^ Unfaithfulnefs, Cruelty, and Unmercifulnefs, and^^ ^r ^^^^ incurring the Guilt of ruining Souls by flopping their /^^^^^ ^^ own Mouths. The Magiftratcs Authority was indeed ^;,g ^^-^^^^ againft them ; but they found themfelves under a fo- Min'fiers^ lemn Obligation to an higher Authority to fulfil their 7«/V/;t b^ Miniftry as they were able, when fought to for help \induced by for negleding which, they could not difcern how ih^their own Command of the Magiftrate could furnilh them with-4f^<^'o»« a juft Excufe. Should they have been commanded to^o them^ forbear feeding their Children, or relieving the Poor ^^^ ^^»y and diftrefs'd, they (hould have fear'd bemg charg'd ^^ Z^'^'*! with Murdering them, if they dy'd thro' their Neg- ^V^^"^|^^^^ Jed ; And in like Manner they were apprehenfive of ^^ reoj^ them ftiil tn Mini fief to them ; but that he cannot fee that it follows from thence^ that therefore they ought. And. he ashs^ if they never remoVd from the People, who thftt intreated them ? He frames a long Speech for the Jilenc'd Mini" fiers to their People^ and fays^ they might have made fuch a Speech with a faft Confcience. But had he had the Care of the Souls of a Parijh and been ownd by God, and done much good : Had he then been filenc'd by Authority for not complying with fnme Things as to which his Confcienc« after his utmojl Enquiries remained dijfatisfed : Had his Place been for fame Time unfup' th'^ 5 y^ f'''*^ '/ ht continued not his Miniftry among them, they mufi have had nt Ordinances, no Puhlich [Vorfhip amongfi them ^ (which actually was tlje Cafe of Mr. Qujck, and fame others) and had the poor People whom he had been Paflor to, adjured him by all that was facred^ that if he had any yalue for their Souls, he would continue his Miniftry among them : I can hardly queftion, whether he would have comply'd with them ; or fhould he have refused, I know not how he could have anfwered for his fo doins P'^ ^" "^^^^ ^^^''P °^ ^^'^ Nation great, no' withftanding He de>ue> ^^^ ^cg^l ProvifioH fof them ; many Minifters in the w: ^«t r W Pubhck Churches having more Souls to look after, many (.f thar. feveral would be fufRcient for. (4.) And at the them mi^ht hnvtf $cen tci , p.^jxiahlc Stryanti in the Mini/try^ had they conttnu'd in tf^ F-jJah/ jhd Chur. 27, d Churchy and yet wonH allow this a fujficient Eea- fon for the People to join with feparate Churches : Becaufe fiill the Church has Tnade fufficient Frovifion for them. And he adds^ That in the Places where this Plea might be urg'd with the hefi Grace, 'tis odds whether the People get any Thing by forfahng their Parifl) Minifier, &c. / anfwer, That let the /landing Frovifion of the Church for the ajjifiing Perfons in their Way to Hea- yen, be ever fo good of the Kind, it yet does not follow either that an hnnefi Chriflian in 1662, was bound to prefer an ignorant carelefs Minifier that wof fent as a Succcffor before his former Paflor, under whom he had found much of Gods Prefence ; or that the Minifier that had fuch a Succejfcr Was bound to he filent upon his coming, though the People earneftly prejfed for tJje Conti- nuance of }}is Labours, &c. Def. 0/ Mod. None. P.-^.p. gg, (6.) Mr. Hoadly, Reafon. of Conf. P. 2. j- 48, fays, That fuppofing there once was a Conveyance of the Minifterial Office^ yet there is nothing in a- ny of the fe Paffages winch intimates 'the Duration of it contended for : And he examines them particularly for feyeral Pages together. I reply ^ that it is eno" to anfwer the End for which thefe Paffages are produCd, if they prove^ that the Minifierial Office is for Life^ whefe the Ends of it are fecufd ^ which I endeavonr to manifeji and confirm by particular RefieCiions on the fey era/ Scriptures cited, Def. of Mod. None. P. g. ^.4?, &c. (7.) Air. Hoadly, Reafon. of Conf. P. 2. p. 6c, &c. fays, He knows none that mantains that the meer Command of the Magifirate, is fu^ient to oblige a Minifier to lay afide the Publick Exercife of ijis Office : But adds. That there may be Confiderations fufficient enough to induce a Minifier to c^m- fly with fuch a Command of the Magifirate ; and that thefe Texts Jjave nothing in them againfi this. My Anfwer may hefetn^ Def. ©/ Mod. None. P. 3. p. 49 not 2 68 The LIFE of Chap. X. not but think the fending up of fuch a Requeft to God a mocking of him, wliile fuch as the7 were, ceas'd to labour, who had been call'd and qualify 'd, own'd and ^?. ) Mr. fucceeded. ( S. ) In fliorr, maturely weighing the Koadiy, whole Matter, rhey afcer the narroweft fearch, appre- Reaion. of hended ir an indifpenGble Duty lying upon them as Conf. P. 2. Men and Miniiters, by the Obligation of God's Law of ^,65, /ajs Charity, and by the binding Force of their own Vows TJtat fup- -J. ^.j^gjj. Self-Dedication to the Service of God in his ^McS' ^°"^^' ^^ ^^ ^^^'^ ^^^ *" ^^'^ Exercife of all their Ta- lerltioT' ^^"^^' Humane, Chriftian, and Miniftcrial, to feek hemcittioKs ^^ ^^^'^ Peoples Souls ; and therefore to preach or taken from ^^^^^ ^"d exhort them, in the Manner that appeared the Tublick ^^ '^-ni moft conducible thereunto. ( 9.) They could Good, they '^c't fee whence either Civil Magiftrates or Bilhops had had ceafed any Power to Doom them to utter Silence, fo long as fom their they could not prove upon them, either Apoftacy, He- Laaours in refy, or Perfidioufnefs, or any Thing inconfiftent with JPublick, the PuMick Peace. And therefore perfifting in that ^ '""*"'' Work which God- and the NecefTitics of Souls call'd ^,-'^^^- them to, they iho't Patience their Duty, as to all Suf- ihisPeti- ^^^^^^^ ^^^V might meet with : In which Refpe£l they tion hut ^n^^avour'd to Aral themfelves as ftrongly as was the^ might Poflible*. hare faid vithout mocking God. / anfv^eY^ That nothing is a mpre proper mocking God, than a pretendinr^ earneftly to beg of him^ vrhat voe our [elves lotll not contribute to^ according to our jibilitj ^ than a feeming Earncf? for that which I ' yiegleCled by us, as far as he has put it in our Towtr ; vfhich would haye cV'« the Cafe of thefe M'mifters^ had they teas' d from their Labours. Def. of M'.'d. None IP art 5. p. 50. ^ , 9. ) Mr. Hoadly, Reaf. of Conf. P. 2. p. 6g. intimates^ TJ)at thefe Ar- gu'y '"« Or/ler to the more general reaching of the nrhC^dBut^^^^^ ^^^^ ^f ^'^'K^^'* ' They thought it their Duty irt '}'t is yet to ^^^^^ ^hce to efpoufe the fame eaufe,and adhere to the 6e provd, ^*^"^ Principle (3.) in Oppofuion to thofe who reckoned that any ^he Church fo Perfe(ft as to need no Amendments. And Iftahl'ip}' finding that i^ was the Duty oftheirMinifterstho'filenc'd went pf by the Magiftrates, to continue in the Exercife of their fo pcrfef}^ Miniftry, th^y were convinc'd they were oblig'd therein as that Se- ro fupport and encourage them. (4.) Neither could they yeriiy to- forbear preferring the Labours of thofe Minifters, the fui- vards fuch tablenefs of whofe Gifts, and whofe Readinefsto watch M cant fall £^^ ^j^^-j, ^quIs they had experienced, before others that '" '^y V' came in their PJaces, to whom they were Strangers, and Taufe'^thly ^^ ^^ whom they were at the beft in great Uncertainty. are dljfatif- fied, can be ju/iified : Or that it is reafonahle to condemn Perfoni without any Froof of Guilty &lc. Def. of Mod. None p. 85. (5.) Mr. Hoadly, Reafon. of Conf. P. 2. p. 9^, &c. fays. That Mini- fiers and People mtght hayecontinud in Communion with the Church of England, without thinking it fo perfeCh as to need no Amendments • and without forfak- ing the Caufe they wereingag'din : That they did not attain to 'BerfeCiion or a greater Degree of it, in the feparate Churches they erected : That to feparate from a Church in Order to obtain a farther Reformation, is not reafonahle or defenfible : That the Method taken by them and their Succejfors, is not likely to make the Church of England one Degree more perfect than it is already .- And that if this be a good Argument for a Separation, there will always be a Necejjity for one 5 and that their own Amendments would not make the church fo perfefl, but that this fame Pretence for Reformation would remain. Thefe Suggepions I have difiinBly conjiderd and anfwerd, Def. of Mod. Nonconformity, Fart, 5. p. p:?, Stc- (4.) Mr. Hoadly, Reafon. o/Conf. P. 2. p. 145, &c. fays, That this Ar- * P)all be their * afiors. ' if the Patron ofers an unfit Man^ and the People refufc him, he may offer others. If they continue to difagree:, the Matter Is eaflly nc' commodated, by letting the Patron choofe who pmlL have the Place and Tythes^ and the Feople who fhall be their ^afor. If they go to another Parijb, the In- coHremence is not great- If a Number of them join together in choofing a Pafior, liying peaceably and quietly, there is no Harm in it. The Patron has his ^IBilght in prefenting the Perfon that has the Publick Maintenance. The Farifh jyiinifier has his Right ^ for he hath what Publich Maintenance is legally fix'd to the Liyingj which is as mr^ch as the Biflop's In/iitution, and Patrons Prefenta- tion could entitle him to. And at the fame Time alfo the People haye their J^ight^ which is faying the Tythe Legally due to the Parifh .Miniver., to choofe whom they will for their PaUor, witJ)out injuring Bifijop, Patron^ Parifh Minifler, or any one elfe. (5.) Mr. Hoadly, Reafon. o/Conf P. 2. p. 148. fays, That this Right to choofe their own PaTior, doth not according to ourfelves fo belong to the People, as that they may not lawfully recede from it upon fome Cnnfiderations ^ nay, as that they ought not inDuty to doit : That in Farijhes where the People chufe their own MiniTiers, tloere are the greatest Diyifions and J^uarrels, as uncjua' lify''d jyiiniiien as in other Places, and perhaps the greateii Number of Dijfen- ters: Tl^t the ConVtitution can neyer be fo ordered or fo happily contriVd, as that eyery particular Chrisiian Jhould be under the Minislry of the Perfn whom he would choofe aboye all others : That Mr. Baxter had fuch a Senje of the Advantages ofVarochial Communion, that he advifed bis Veople o/ Kedermin- fter to attend upon their ]?arijh MiniUer : and that fuppofing an unqualified Minister fettled in a Parifl, his Varifhioners are not prefently in fo defperate a Condition as is reprefented : All which SuggeUions I have disiinftly confiderd md anfwefd, in Def. of Mod* Nonconf. P, 3. />• i $4, &c. ic 272 The LIFE of Chap. X- t» * • — ' — — — __ it would be hard for the Magiftrate to fay, you (hall have this Phylician or none ; when perhaps another may better hit their particular Conftitution ; Or you (hall have this 1 awycr or none ; when it may be they know another who was much fitter to have the Ma- nagement of their Concerns : So * Cyprian, I/^. i. £/>. 4. /tfjyj, did they alfo reckon it a ftrain- ttifGod'sOrdi»a»cethatthePeop/e i^g the Point too high, for the Ci- fhculd eUa their o^n Taf]or. ^q Magistrate, (and much more See upon thsHead La Rocques ,i,e Bilhop) to fay, you fhall have o>.f.rrn.O of he EcUJiaftual ^^-^ Man Or none for your Paftor, Vifctpline of the Trote/iants of . r ^ rr-i i .- * France to the Vrimithe Church, ^hen It ^yas fo very pofTible for p i5, 17, &c. ^ particular ^^em, to know another Minifter, Church if a Society -pnluntarily who might be unexceptionable, €onjoind for the Furpofes of Di- and much more fuitable to them, yine Worfhip : And it is contrary in the feveral Refpedls in which a to the Nature of it ^ that they half e Minifter*s help was needful to Taslors or be Members without them. This appear'd to ihcm to their free Confent. M'mifterscan- bg a contending with them for at tu>t do file proper Work of VaUors Rjght which God * and Nature had npithoui this Confent -^^^^ ^ji^^^^ ^^^ therefore they t B^^^erjl^onconform.ty Stated ^^^^ ^^^ j-^^j ^^ r^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ *ndAro^ud,pag.,6^,&iz. before they woujd Part with it f. Many of them Apprehended that the Method of the National Eftablilhment broke in upon Oec7/,^ Ciergics making. (S.) If they were intruded in any Mr. Ho^.d- Corporarions, they muft for a long time be forced to ly fayi is fwear that there was no Obligation at all, from the Ttothinr but inyeClhe : Reafon 0/ Conf. Tarti. p. y6. But as fight as be makes of it cne K?l)i/ej and as folcmn as he is in hit Appeal or Adjuration another tvhi/e^ f. 79^ This injluencd 771 any, and fame of them very cofijiderate and under* fiandin^ Temple too : And the OccafiojialBill, has not a little revived and heighten d the Imprrffon. And indeed the Spirit oF the Church ought to be confider'd i)l thii. Cafe. For K'hin they that had the Afcendant^ veuuld require all to comply with their Humours and Tandei f, to confoxm to fuel) Impofitions as were not vF.irr anted by Scr'pturc:, to comply Kriih fome Things that they judg'd un- iarvjul^ or elfc they muj} be cafl out of the Church : H hen fuch a Conjiitution as ours /< muf be fettled, in oppofttion to all ihe Perfw a/ions, Arguments, and f'ntreanc', us'd by the Managers of the Conference at the Savoy ^ when fuch irregular Ate hodi vere us d to fettle iJ)is Confiiiutifra-.^ and after it was once fettled, to ff-nglhen and confirm it; Afcthods altogether Vnfcriptural ; Methods Je/f rut live of dm (I i An Charity^ and highly prtjudiciul to the Souls of Men^ Akihxls direclly tending to vfea/:en the Prottfiaru Jntcrefi, and much to dif- ferve Heli'SJ^n in Gener:il awong «* ; when they that had the Management difcfivcfd fich a Spirit, I think they rrh") were for making the. Scripture their Stand.xrd., had the more Beafon to withf and their Encroachments, (which wrvc likely enough to improve in time) unlefs they would run the hazard of the intirc lofs of their Purity and Liberty too, and have a Hand in betray- ing both their Ciril and Riligintis Bj'^hts. Def. of Mod. Nonconformity, J'ar' ^. p. 192, 19;.* And I think I may yery fafely add, that this Argw tr.tw has lofi nothing of its force, fince the Clergy in the General, have in this Kcign been fo unwearied in their P.ndcarours to get an Atl again/i Occa/i- onal Confgrmiiy -, in the compaffing which at laff, they fo much Triumph, Qatk Cktp. X, Mr. Richard Baxter. 270 Oath Ciird the Scletnn League and Covenant^ either on ihe.n or any other : This feem'd to them a Proclaiming Of Perjury Lawful, as to that part of the Covenant u'hich was unqueftionably Lawful; as the renouncing of Scaifm, Popery, Prophanenefs, ^c. They were fadly pefler'd with the Corporation A^^the Veftry U^, the Oxford AH, thj MiL'tia A8y C which were all Fram'd by the ruling Clergy and their Patrons) whereby an Oath was impos'd upon them not to endeavour any Alteration of Government in the Church, to bind them to left contented with what they could not but efteem C'^rrupt : And they muft alfo fwear an Abhorrence of taking Arms againft any Commiflionated by the King, which they knew not but in time they might be obHg'd to, by his breaking the Original Contract with his Peo- ple ; which was afterwards actually found to be our Cafe. Multiply 'd Burdens of this Nature, made the Clergy efteem'd rigid Taskmafters. And when there was any Effort made for Relief, to hear it become the common Cry, O the Church, the Church is in Danger; as if the whole Tabernacle totter'd upon the touching of the leaft Pin: And at the fame obferving that they who could not bate an Ace in the Ceremonial Part, were yet ready enough many times to make confiderable A- batements, in thofe Things in which lies the main of Real Religion ; and that they who were fo fond of their Conltitucion, had fo little Charity left for thofs whofe Sentiments differed from theirs; and were ready toqueftion the validity of their Miniftry and Ordinan» ces, nay and even the Poflibility of their Salvation too, if they queltion'd but the Jw Divinimi of Bilhops ; Such Obfervations as ihefe made many of the Laity think, that there was no fmali Danger of Encouraging them in their Rigours, and affuming Prctenfions, by an Ad- herence and SubmifTion to them. Things being in the Pofture, that hath been thus briefly reprefented; the National Conftitution being fo contriv'd as to keep out many both Minifters and Peo- ple, who were truly Confcientious upon fuch Accounts, as thofe menticn'd ; it was a very natural Queftion, what muft they do ? Without the Crofs, and Sponfors there was no Baptifin to be had; without Kneeling no Communion; without Submitting in many Pariflies to unqualified Guides, there was no room left by the Law, T ^ for 28o The LIFE of Chap.X. for Miniflerial Inftruftion, and Paftoral help ; and were the Things required own'd to be in themfeJves LawfuJ, there was no falling wholly in with them, without Pra- ctical fiibmitting to a pretended Authority of making New Terms of Communion, which was more than See thts ic could* be made appear, our Bleired Lord had en- Branch of trufted any Mortals with : How then muit they Steer? the vlr-M- y^^^ ^jj^y ^^^ ^-jj^ without any Oi'dinamres at allP Or TT^ /'"f "^^^^ ^^^y ^^ againii th^ir Confciences that tliey might j-^ //^'^'^ enjoy them? Mnft they be contented to be depriv'o of How^iLet- ^^'-* n^ctlfary Means of Salvation ? Muft they live like tertoaFcr- Pagans fill they got rid of their Scruples? That certain- Tow?/^ ^4- -'y would be unbecoming Chriftians ; and unaccounta- iity, TPho b!e in fuch as know the worth of Souls, and the weight took ofence of Things Eternal. And if not, then they muft take atDeanSCii' fitting Opportunities of Worihipping God according lingHcets to their Confciences, in a freedom fiom infnaring Im- Sermon. pofiticns ; being careful in the mean rime to maintain Love and Charity, towards thofe from whom they diffcrM. And this was the Courfe they accordingly took; having fometimes the Smiles, and fometimes the Frowns of the Government ; being fometinies tolera- ted, and fometimes abridg'd ; till at laft the fruitlefnefs of Rigour and Severity beini^ generall) evident, they were taken under the Publick Protection, and had their Liberty allow'd them by the Three Eftates of the Realm, King, Lords, and Commons. in the m^ean while, among other Charges that were (\.) Mr ^^^"Sht againft them, none made more Noife than that Hoadly of 5c/3//??i. (i.) Both Minifters and People upon the Re^fonV ^^^^""'^ of their feparaie Affimblies, were cry'd out Conf. Part upon from Prefs and Pulpit as dangerous Schijm.^tid^s, 2. p. 22$; ^nd under that Notion bro't under a Popv^lar Odium^ fays^ it im- and Jadcn with unfpeakable Reproarh. A great Duft forts little was lais'd, with which the Hyes of many were too to debate this Pof^n of Schifm. J nm jait^jyd : But K>l)cr:erer kc that arc Dijfeiiters are char^^d aa Schifmatick?, it mufi ticcejjart/y he a main Point how the \\ ord Schiim i^ w'd in Scripiurei, becauje if the Senfe of the Word which it there ufual^ be not af'p/icabJe to «j, we are not Schillnaticks in the Senfc of Scripture. And then fit Mtn pre m that Name ercr fo /on^r^ or ever Jo freely^ while we are not churn^eaUe wiih that UnchaiitahiCncfs whi(h is tite Scripture badge of S&M'mw.l^k^, v- ••'-'/" n f. T^'f. f/" Mod. None. />. 2C4, 20$. - much Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 28 much aiFed^ed, for them to difcern diftindly the Me- rits of the Canfe in Debate. This hath been an ufual Method, and is no new Invention. A Member of thek own, the Ingenious Mr. H.iles of Eaton (who by 3 good Token has had a great many hard Words for his Pains) told them long ago, that Herejie and Schifm are Two Theo- logical Scare-CrowSy us'd by thcje that feel{ to uphold a Par- ty in R^eligion, to terrifie their Oppofues, However they weigh'd the Matter, conlider'd the Grounds of the Charge bro't againft them, found themfelves Innocent, and made their Appeal to the Unprejudic'd and Impartial, in divers Apologetick^ Writings. They pleaded that their Pra£lice was not what the Moderate Scripture calls Schi/m. As Schifm is there reprelented, Noncon- it lies not fo much in variety of Opinions, or different fbrmifts Pradices, Modes or Forms, or different Places of Wor- «» Schif- [hip, as in a want of true Love and Charity. For as w<«t/f^^. Hcrefii is oppos'd to the Faith^ fo is Schifm oppos'd to Love 5 and both Herejie and Schifm are diftinguilfi'd by thofe Things to which each of them is oppos'd. This they evidenc'd by a diftin6t Confiderationof the feve- ral Paffages of Scripture, where Schifm is mention'd ; which do all of them fo evidently Point a^tVncharita- blensjl as the difcriminating Badge of Schifmaticl{s, as gave them abundan*: Satisfadlion they were Free from guilt in this Refpedt, tho* feparating of Communion, fo long as they took Care not to violate that Love and Charity which ought to be among Chriftians. He that is Converfant with Scripture may eaiily obferve, thac there may be Schifm, or a Schifmatical Spirit working in a Church, v/here there is no Local Separation; and there may be a Separation and yet no Schi/m on the Part of them that Separate : Nay, that there can be no Schifm in Scripture- Account, where there is not an uncharita- ble Alienation of Cbriftian Hearts from each other, be- caufe of their differing Apprehenfions about leffer Things of Religion. This being the true Scripture Notion of Schifm, they tho'c it very evident, that fome on each iide in this Debate, may be under Guilt; but that all on neither fide were fairly chargeable: Particu- larly, that all thofe who feparatc from the Church of England are not juftly chargeable in this Refpedt, there being many among them, who tho* they'll freely give their Brethren of the Eftablifli'd Church the Preference in ' many 282 The LJ Ft, of Chip.X. many other Things, will yet vye with them, for a free, Jarge, and extenfive Chariry. Palling from the Scriptures to the Prim'tive Fathers, they found nuny of their Exclamitions agamK tlj.^ Sin of Schifm very warm and leverc ; and perhaps it aiay be made appear that feme of thetr, might Jay more ftrefs (in their RepreCentarion of che Thing rhey fo hea- vily Ccnfur'd,) on the bare Separation, and lefs on an uncharitable Spirit and Temper, than we can difcern in Scriptn'^e, which was their proper Standard, as well as ours : But be that as it will, the Poor Branded .J.Jfenters have not ftuck to own, that the heavy Cenfures of the primitive Fathers, were better grounded tnan our Mo- dern invedkives ; and they give this Reafon for it, which deferves to be conlider'd ; vl:(. Becaufe the Church in thofe Times made no other Terms of Communion, than Chrirt had made to her Hands- Whereas 'tis now quite oiherwife. And yet they found even as fevere a Perfon as St. Cyprian *, delating * CyprianiEpul. ^8. &Lib. I. that a Confcientioui People ought to ^ Epift. 4. See alfo the Confiituth fepnrate themfelves from a fcandalom on and Difciplim of the Frimitive and xvicksd Pajior; whence they in- CtfjirW;, j>a-e 144. & pa^e2i$- ferrM, that there may be fome juft grounds of Separation, even in the Sjenfe of the Fathers : And that even where there may be the true Faith, and acceptable Worfliip ; where all Sacred Ordinances may be validly adminiftred, and no- thing that is necelfary to Salvation be wanting : And confequently Separation even from a true Church, where Ordinances are valid, and nothing neceflary is wanting, is not in their Efteeni, (if they are confiftent with them- felves) prefently d^wriAble Schifm. Tlit-y farther Pkadt d, that their Separation was not ChoJ'en and Vuluntary^ but Pored and Con^raitid. They were caft out of the Church by their Impofitions, and Excommunicated by their Canons : On which Account many of the Lnudehfinn Faction, even to this Day deny ihem Chrifti:^n Burial; (as the Charitable lAv, ^bert Burfcou^h of Totnefly and others.) They were free to hold conftant Communion with the Eftabliih'd Church, upon thofe Terms which Chrift had made necclTary ei- ther to vifible or realChrillianity, or to the Exercife of the MiniOry; but were rcj^c^ed with Scorn without farther Compliance, in Things which after the utmoft Search, Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 283 Search, they could not find the Word of God would Warrant. So that they did not throw out then:irelves, but were rejected : They did not voluntarily feparate, but were forc'd to it: They were Pafi[ive,and not A(^ive: And having Petitioned, and Expoftulated, Pray'd, and waited for a long Time to little Purpofe, they could not fee any remaining Duty lying upon them, but to pro- vide for the Necelfities of their Souls, and the Worlhip of God, in the beft Manner they could, with Safety to their Confciences ; maintaining Love and Charity to^ wards thofe who rejected them ; and waiting patiently till they Ihould become fenfible of their unbrotherly Treatment of them, and open a Door for their Reftau- ration. They farther Pleaded, that if there were a Schifm amcng us, it moft properly lay at their Door, who laid the Foundation of it by their fcrupled Impofiiions, and might remove it, and prevent the Difmal Confequences they fo much complain of, by leaving the Things that are fo llraiily enjoin'd, in their proper Natural Indiffe- rence. They found that the main inlet of ^11 the Di- ftradlions, Confuiions, and Divilions of the Chriftian World, bath been the adding other Conditions of Church- Communion than Chrift hath done. They could meet with no Charter that he bad given to any Perfons, whe- ther they were cloth'd with a Civil or an Ecclefiaftical Authority, containing any Power of making fuch Im- policions. They durft not therefore encourage fuch Pre- cenfions. If they would drop them, the Schifm would vanifli. If they were fonder of them than of Peace and Unity they tho't it a Sign that they hardly believ'd them- felves, when they fp^ke fo warmly upon the Confe- quences of a Schifm, they could fo eafily put an end to. And whereas fome have Pleaded, it was not in the Power of the Church to make fuch an Alteration. The Anfwer is eafie; 'twas in their Power at King Charles's Reftauration ; The King and Parliament then did nothing in Ecclefiaftical Matters, without the Con- currence and Influence of the Bifhops, and the Convo- cation. *Twas alfo in their Power, when King H^iUi- am afcended the vacant Throne, who prepared Matters for them, propos'd the Alteration to them, and urg'd it upon them, but to little Purpofco The Carriage of the 284 The LIFE of Chap. X. the Clergy in thofe Two JunOures is a plain Indication of their not being encJin'd to that Alteration, which might put a Period 10 that Schifm, about which they make fach a Noife. We can t therefore have fo bad an Opinion of them, as tofuppofe they fpeak as they mean, when they rcprefent theTragicalConfequencesofafuppo- {ed-Schif/n^ which they tnigh: fo caiily have prevented and remedy'd, but would not. But however'tis as to that, the Poor DiJJ'enurs tho't that the Ingenious Mr. H can- not become Schifmatic/tl*, yafs'd, may s confult Corbet's Votnt of Church Unity and Schifm difeusd. Baxter's fcarch for the Engtilh Schlfmatick. Owen's brief Fmdication of the Nonconformifts from the Charge of Schifm, Alfop's Melius Inquirendum, Fart 2. Ch. 2. page 200. Wadfworth's Sefaration no Schifm. Henry's Brief. Enquiry into the J\'ature cf Schifm : And Tong's ingenious Defence of that Enquiry, A main Expedient which was pitch'd upon by the Their Occa- moft Moderate for this Purpofe, was the Communica- j^^wrf/ cofn- ting Occafionally with the Eftablifh'd Church, alrho' they »^f«'o» at the fame Time held more Stated Communion, wirh ^'^^^ /^'^ feparate WorOiipping Affembliest. Hereby they tho't^f'^yfi^'^ they Ihould fliow their Love and Charity untotbofe from /"j j ^^' whom they ordinarily leparated; and yetat the fame Time "x ^^j . Ihould (how their firm Adherence to their Fundamental p^rt of [be Principles, of keeping the Ordinances of Chrift, as he Debate a- had appointed them without Additional Terms of Com* bout Occa- munion ; and of purfuing in their refpediive Places and fionalCon' Spheres a farther Reformation than has as yet been reach'd formity, among us, in Order to an Happy Settlement. But taking ^^^ Hoadly this Method, they have had the common Lot of thofe who ^^^5^6* in any Cafe have been for keeping within a dueMedi- ^^"'^"^JPh ocrity^ they have been eagerly Affaulted by thofe, who p^^^^^ ^f have been addided to Extreams on either Hand of them, ^^^ ^* ^* and run down as utterly inexcufeable becaufs of thcir^^ ^'^ °' Moderation. They have let Things work, in hope, that ^,^ j i'^^ Time with Obfervation and Experience would open a /o^ /,/^ way for the Convidion of their warmeft Cenfurers; till diftinElly^ at length they have been trampled on, as if they had no- Fan 1 1 f . thing to fay in their own Defence. o/Def. of Mod. None. from p. 21J. to p. I'll. But cannot think it needful (ej}ecially as Things fiand) to repeat the Arguments on one fide or i other. They have been reprefentcd as Hypocrites and in- confiftent with themfelves, in pradtically owning the Lnvofulncfl of the Terms of the Eftablilh'd Church, by Communicating OccafwtiaUy with it; while they have pleaded the linfulnefs of thofe Terms, in Bar to con- 286 The LIFE of Chap. X. conftant Communion*. But here" * It has been commonly pleaded^ in there will not appear the leaft that if Occaftonal Communion be InCOnfiftency, tO One that obferVCS Liwful, Conftant Communion is a that the Terms of Communion Duty. But it does not follow, with the Eftablifli'd Church are There's a Fallacy in the Terms, ^ot pretended tO be fmful abfi- By Lonflant Communion, they i^^^,^^ ^^^ ^^j^ refpctiivciy : It is nOt mean full Commumon, and ex- pleaded, that they are of the Num- tlufive of all other. Jsow our \ r V -tl- u r n- r i Occ.lional Communion is not ber of the Things that are foS.«M oft},at Kature. We do not fay f ^^at they can in no Cafe be either by Word or Fraclice that i-^^f"', but among Thmgs that are that is Lawful : He only commu- either Sinful or Lawful according yticate vith you Occafonally in to Cireumftances. And indeed th-ife Things in which vee are fa- moft ( not to fay all ) HumanC tisfyd that we may ; ought we A(ftions, depend more upon Cir- therefore to join with you inthofe comftances than we commonly Thinp in which we are difatis- Obferve. Tho' no A(5^ion can be fyd, which yet we muft do in ^^^^^ ^lut it muft have Agent, Ob- Or^er^o Full W Conftant Com- ^^^^ Manner, End, Time, Place, "^"^^^" • and other Cireumftances attending it ; yet it may be confider'd, with- out confidering at the fame Time any, or all of thefe : And if we attend carefully we fhall find, that the very fame Aftion as to the Matter of it, is made morally Good or Bad, according as the Agent is proper or im- proper, the Objedt fuitable or unfit ; and the like. Thus plentiful Eating and Drinking may be morally Good yr[ fome Cireumftances, as well as good upon st natural Confideration ; when yet to do fo every MeaJ, or very frequently, would be very bad ; 'twould be In- temperate and Dangerous in Point of Health. So alfo Fafting is laudable and praife-worthy, when fo ma- nag'd as that it furthers in the Divine Service ; but very prepofterous and pernicious, when fo oft repeated, as that the Body is macerated, and the Spirits depau- peratcd, and the Perfon concernd unfitted for the Ser- vice either of God or Man. Cireumftances give Adtions their Moral Goodnefs oi^ Badnefs. *Tis fo in this Cafe. The very fame Terms of Communion, which are unwarrantably impos'd by the Church of England, may he complied with upon Oc^ cafim lawfully, by thofe who would a6t irregularly and finfuUy, (hould they fall in with them for a Conftancy. The Adtion of communicating is the fame indeed in SubiUnce Chap X. Mr. Richard Baxter. 287 Subftance at one Time as at another, and the Matter of that A<3:ion hath no Moral Evil in it ; fo that a fit and juft Occalion may therefore tender it fit and lau- dable; and yet the Conftancy of that Adlion may by fuperadded Circumftances be made apparently Evil. To thofe who take Things in grofs, fuch an Adion as Communicating, appears the fame Thing, done now and then, or for a Conftancy : But if the\ would give themfelves leave to think foberly, they'd • foon fee a great Difference. The Aftion is the fame^ and not the fame. *Tis the fame in one Refpedt, but not in others. *Tis the fame as to the Subftance or Matter : but not as to attending Circamftances. Communicating covjiantly under fuch Impofiiions as are in the Eftabliih'd Church, is an A- (Stion cloath'd with fuch Circumftances, as make it highly different from Communicating occtifionally. The one doth pradticallv pronounce the Adion confider'd materially to be (what indeed it is) Lawful: The ether does reprefent the fame A6lion as eligible^ nay, prefera^ ble ; which is contrary to the inward Senfe of the moft Moderate among the D^Jf enters. Neither will the pri- vate Expreflion of a different Senfe, be a fufficierit Guard againft fuch Publick, and more forcible Lan- guage of continu'd Pradice. The one does pradically aifert the Liberty with which Chrift hath hath made us Free, in Oppofit:on to rigid Separatifts : The other practically betrays our Liberty, in Compliance with ri- gorous Impofers. The one difcovers this to be our Senfe ; this Worftiip is in the main Sound, tho* Irre- gular and Defective : The other on the contrary, feems to intimate as if Divine Worfhip were nor acceptable without fuch fuperadded Formalities. Occafional Com- munion manifefts, that in our Apprehenfion the Addi- tions to Divine Worlhip that are bro't into the Church of England, are not deftrudtive of the Elfence of Wor- ftiip : Conftant Communion would reprefent Chrift's own Inftitution as defedlive, and not orderly or decent without them. The former condemns the uncharita- bly Cenforious, when the other would appear to acquit Ecclefiaftical Aflumers. The former fhows our Charity towards thofe whofe Sentiments and common Pracif ice differ from ours ; the Latter would be a confining our Charity t« a Party, and a Pradical difowning and condemning 288 The LIFE of Chap. X. condemning all other Worlhipping AiTemblies. This Latter Conlideration appears to be of great Weight ; in that conftant Coitimunion with the Eftablilh'd Church, is by its grcateft Advocates imended to be exclufive of Communion with all others: And there- fore that Church has provided ( by Canon xith) That if any one ipeak of feparate Congregations, as true Churches, they Ihall be Excommunicate, C^'c. Now thefe Moderate: Difftutcrs have all apprehended, that Ihould they thus confine their Communion within the Limitsof that Party, ( or indeed of any other Party of Chrirtians in the Land) and avoid all other Chriftian Aflemblcs and Places of Worfhip, as efteeming them no true Churches, they (hov^ld prove themfelves deftitute of a Chriftian Spirit, whatfoever Church they might pretend to belong to. Now where lies the Incon(ift:en- cy in the Cafe, when we don't aflert the Terms of Gom- miinion in the Eftablifh'd Church to be fimply finful, ( i. e. that it is finful to do the Things themfelves that are requir'd) when yet we aflert it to be finful to bind up ourfelves by thofe Terms : Whereby we lliould be oblig'd to do continually, what we have only Liberty to to GO more rarely, and upon fit Occafion. They have been farther call'd upon to confider the Strefs laid in Scripture upon Pence and Vnion^ which is fo great, as feems to require the facrificing of any PJeas •to Things that are To valuable, fo Truth and Holinefs be but fccured ; and they have been over and over told that they appear not to have the due regard there- to, while they cannot Sacrifice to them fo much as their own greater particular Satisfaction. To which they have an cafie Reply. They have as great a Regard to Pctice and Vfu'cn as their Brethren ; and ihow it by their Readinefs to go as far in Order to them, as they can conceive they Lawfully may ; which they do by occafionally Communicating with them;, but as for conftant Comumunion they therefore only refufe it, be- caufe it is in their Apprehension unlawful to them, for the Reafons above fpecify'd, notwithftanding that the Occafional be lawful. We may lawfully for the Sake of Pcace and Quietnefs, put up Injuries and Affronts ; rjay, it is a certain Duty : And yet to do fo for aCon- ftancy and in all Cafes, were fo far ftom being lawful, that it wonld be a ruining ourfelves, and contributing to the ovcrdirow of Common Right and Juftice. Tho* Imay Chap. X. Mr. Kichard Baxter. 289 J may be allow'd, nay requir'd, to Sacrifice my own private Righrs in many Cafes, to the Common Peace, yet I muft not endanger a Publick Mifchief, or Ruin, for fear of a little prelent Difturbance. What were this, but as if for fear of difturbing a Peccant Humour in the Body, we Ihould fuflfer it to proceed uncontrourd, tiJl it prov'd Fatal? And certainly the Oftence taken by Bigots, at the afTerting againft them a truly Chriflian Liberty, is no better than a Peccant Humour; not in- deed to be needlefly enragM ; and yet much lefs to be quietly fuffer'd to become predominant. As for the more Moderate DilTenters, they are therefore againft a Pradtical abetting of Impofitions, as being the great Engine of Difturbance and Divifion. They are hearti- ly defirous, if it be poftible, and as much as in thenn lies to live peaceably with all Men: And for that very Reafon would not willingly be found Combating thofe whom they cannot convince. They are free to acknow- ledge, that to an offending Brother, gentle Methods and Time is due; and much more to a Church that needs Reformation : But the waiting time feems to bo now over, when the Practice of fuch Things as needed Reformation is heighten'd into declared Purpofes, of perpetual adherence. Have not thefe Things been en- deavour'd to be riveted by a Solemn Oath never to cn^ deavour (no not each Man in his place) any alteration in the Church ? Have not thofe who would have con- tinii'd in the Church, complying as far as they could without Guilt, been Ejed^td for that very Reafon, be- caufe they would do all they could to better it, and leaft they Ihould ? And was it not the declared Senfe of the Body of the Clergy after the late happy Revolution, that no Amendments were needful or delireable, or to be yielded to ? To what purpofe then is it to wait any longer ? Hath not that Method been try'd long enough without Succefs? Should any think that by going (if totally from the DifTenters, to a full and fole Communion with the Church of England, thty might Contribute lomething towards difpofing McnS minds, and paving the way, to the defir'd Alterations ; they would do well to confider, that they have very little Reafon to hope to J!ain that Characfter and Reputation with the High Church Party, as Ihould make them of any Significance, unlefs they U would 1^0 The LIFE of Chap. X- would Counter-adi the very defign of their yielding fuch a Compliance. Before they could Infinuate them- felvfs into any good Efteem, they muft pretend their Preference of what they think but tolerable, and there- fore would go into the Church that they might Contri- bute to its Amendment in. Nay, ihey*l find it will be expedted they IhouJd lliew a Hatred and Contempt of what they think preferable, and would go inio the Church to make way for. In a Word, they would not be able to make their way to the doing the good they aim at, but by Speaking and Adting Contrary, both to iinceriry, an^^ to the very end they propofe to themfelves. For if they who have always adher'd to the Eftablifh'd CUurch, are fufpedied when moderate, and exploded vvhen appearing to deiire or endeavour any Reformati- on; it is but conlentaneous to Pveafon to expedt, thac they who come ot! to ic, muft be much more fo. Up"in the whole, the moderate Diflenters think they have fufliciencly acquitted themfelves as lovers of Peace and Vmon^ by fhowing their readinefs to do any Thing in order to it, which they can conceive they Lawfully may do. Nay, they think they have herein outdone, their Brethren of the Eftablilh'd Church, who might have e'er this remov'd the hindrances of Pf4ce and XJnion^ without any Danger of Sinning, but would not. Notwicbftanding their continu'd Refufal, they yet fliow . their Peaceable Difpofition, by Communicating occa- fionaliy wirh them ; and cannot conceive that even the God of Peace and Order does allow Chriftians to fol- low External Peace and Order, to the great and appa- rent Prejudice of inward Peace, and general Purity ; and tbe'f f >re they dare go no farther. Ti»ey have been further Charg'd as being herein want- ing in their Duty to the Civil Magiftrate; but in their Ap,"ehenfion very undefervedly, fince upon the ftri£left Fnqiiiry they cannot find themfelves in thisrefpedl juft- ly Blumeable. They are ready to Demonftraie their ^^!ard to Ci' il Governours by Submiflion to what they /hould lefs choofe, nay to what would be to them a HariOiip: Bat in what is in their Judgment (after the utmoft Search) finful, they dare not comply ; as look- ng upon themfelves countermanded by a Superior Au- jho'ity. This Article of the Controverfie hath been manag'd very Wordily 5 but after all that has been faid, they Chap. X. Mr. Richard Baxter. , 2^1 they are fully facisfyM in this, that Obedience to the Magiftrares in conttant Communion with the E/ia- bh(h*d Church, cannot be made appear to be a Duty; any farther than the Thing itfelf is Evidenc'd to he Lawful. *Tis commonly aflerted, that we have more certainty that we are bound to obey Authority in, ail Lawful Things, than we have that wha,t is required of us is Unlawful. Be it fo: yet thq certainty of its be- ing our Duty to obey Authority in all Lawful Things can no farther affedi our Confciences, than as we have Evidence that what is required is in its attending Cir- cumftances Lawful. Be this Principle undoubted and confefsM ; yet that it is rightly apply'd, and cogent or binding in the prefent Cafe, can be no clearer or furet to us, than 'tis clear and fure that the Things requir'd are Lawful. Should Parents upon their own Judgment, or any Sinifter Confiderations, plead their Authority with a Child for his Marrying a Pap^'if, "''ging his Obligation to obey theiii in all Things Lawful; if he in the mean time but doubts the Lawfulnefs of comply- ing with them in this matter, he hath a f ifficient Coun* terplea, vi:^. that the Thing requir'd appears not a- mong tbofe Lawful Things.- And yet he may comply fo far, as Civil Occafional Converfe with PapiBs, may be manag'd without Dangerous Temptation. Tho' a Son in fuch a Cafe were not able to Demonftrate the ^jnlawfulnefs of entire Compliance with his Parents Commands, yet it were fufficient that they could not clear to him the Lawfulnefs of fo doing ; fince 'tis up° on that Suppolition only, that the Argument hath any force ifi it. And it is the fame alfo in the prefent Cafe. They have been alfo charg'd as T^mfoyi:(eis^ in Com- municating Occafionally with the Eftabl Ih'd Church, becaufe it was Necelfary to Self-Prefcrvation when the Laws againft Dilfenters were rigoroijece(Tary to the holding any Port in the Go- vernment, ever fince the Sacramentel Teft* To which they have this to fay, that let Meli make what Cla- mours they pleafe, whoever will fairly confider Things will find, that it is not a matter of Policy, but plain Duty, to do what we Lawfully may do in all its Cir- cumOances, in Order to Self-Prefervation, and the pre- venting ruin ; and alfo in order to the more general Ufefulnefs. What is indeed unlawful may not be done ; y % btii 292 The LIFE of Chap. X. but what is in all its Circumftances Lawful, ought to be done in fuch a Cafe ; and that Occafional Commu- nion is of the number of fuch Lawful Things, hath been all along held by the more moderate Dilfenters. This Opinion of theirs was not taken up with the Sa- cramental Teft, but was own d long before, by many of their moft noted Minifters, and moft Intelligent Ad- herents ; And having declar'd that for their Opinion, and regulated their Pradice by it, from the beginning of their Nonconformity, they could fee no Reafon why the fuperinducing fuch a Teft, ihould make any Change or Alteration, either in their Principle, or Correfpon- dent Pradlife. And whereas they have upon this Ac- count been cenfur'd as guilty of Carnal Policy, it will appear to any impartial Obfervers, one of the falfeft and moft fenfelefs Charges in the World. For had the more moderate Diflenters any Self-Intereft to ferve and purfuc, feparate from the common Good, they muft have been wretchedly overfeen if they had not taken a q-jite different Method: For their particular Intereft hath been far from being fervM by this Means, nor was there any likelihood it fiiould. They might with much greater cafe make and hold faft their Party, by fuggefting an utter unlawfulnefs of Communicating at all with the Eftabli(h*d Church, than they can convey the Diftincftion to common Capacities, by which they . muft defend themfelves, and engage the Adherence of others in a conftant Communion, in their feparate Alfemblies, while they profefledly allow them an oc- cafional one elfe- where. For the minds of Men are generally for taking Things in Grofs, and accounting them altogether good, or altogether bad, and arc im- patient if not incapable of attending to thofe differen- cing Circumftances, which render an Ad:ion that is the fame for Sabftance, one while and in rhisrefpcdt Law- fal, and another while, and in another refpedt unlaw- ful. And in being willing for the fake of Truth and Charity to run this Apparent hazard, they have all a- long tho't they have been fufticiently cleared from this Imputation. They have been alfo warmly AfTauIted upon the- Head of Sc/irhinl; and told by fome, that their occa- fional Communicating v^ith the Eftablifh'd Church which they thought Lawful, led othets in imitation of them, Chap. X. Mr, Richard Baxter. 295 them, to fuch a compliance as they judg'd finfuJ. Their Reply was not to feek. Were occafional Com- munion abfolutely indifferent; had they not been o- blig*d to it, for the Teftification of their Charity, and other binding Reafons, they were not then to ufe their Liberty, for fear of mifguiding others by that Practice, which they might without Sin have altogether omitted : But when what they did as Duty, and with aJJ that Guard which the difcharge of fuch Duty would allow, is mifconftrued, 'tis not a Scandal given, but only ta- ken. They were alfo told by others, that this Liberty they took in Communicating Occafionally, was matter of Scandal to many in the Church of England^ who were hereby confirm'd in their way, and led to think that rheir Impolitions were juftify'd by their thus abet- ting them ; and they Self-Condemn'd, by not falling heartily in with them. In which cafe they had this to fay for themfelvesj that the largeft Charity is always liable to the moft Mifconftruc^ions : And that when they only difcover'd their Senfe of the bare Lawfuloefs of Communicating with them, while their Stated Separa- tion, with their ready Defence of it (when call'dupon) fhow'd they were far from apprehending it preferable ; if this Ihould be interpreted as an Encouraging them, it would be thro* a faulty want of Confideration, and the blame muft lie at their own Door. And when they were told by others that they ought to mind the Apo- ftles Charge, and mark thoje who c^ufe Divifionsj their Pradtice anfwerM for them, that it was their great en- deavour to keep from Extreams,and mark uncharitable Dividers on both hands of them; that fo by carrying it with as Difinterefted an Integrity as was Pofliblc, between the furious Biggots on both fides, they might both fnve themfelves from the untoward Generation where^ in they Hvd^ and do what they could to pave the way for that Coalition of the more moderate of all fortSy which was the Thing that from firft to laft appeared to them moji defireable, and which (they yet conceive) will at lafi h found Neccfftry to our common Security' y U 3 " pH A^ 294 ^^^ LIFE of Chap, XT. CHAP. XL Mr. ^h^TZi:s Settlcmerithz LONDON. The Occafion of his Separation fiom his : Beloved People at KEDeRMINSTER. Flif Carriage to them after he left them, -., HfS Labours in LONDON, till he was V'- Abilene' d. The St ate \ T IT Hlh^ }At. Baxter continued in a Private 9f Ajfnir:\ \/ \/ Comer of the Country his Name grew Fa- vfben . r. ^ ^ moup all over the Nation: And when he Baxter was afcervV'ards more in general view, by being fix'd in came to ^ fhe City, which is the common Center of the Land; London. He kept his Reputation, and his ufefulnefs was the . piore Exienfive. He came to London at the time when 'all Things tended to work a mighty Change. Prote(^or I{jchn;d was depus'd, and the Government that Suc- ceeded, Was very Precarious and Changeable. Some 'tho't the Obligation to I\j char H was not diflulv'd^ iior " could be till ar other Parliament ; or till he had made a . fulicr Ren-inciation of the Government. Moft were "'•weary of the frequent Changes they had paft thro* ; Ail had great Expectations from the Approaching Parlia- riient. The King's Return was what was generally de- fir'd ; and that even by thoG% who had but a Melan- cholly Prorpedt of the Confequences of fuch an Alte- ration: For they could fee no h' pe of a Settlement any other way. The minds of People were in no fmall Commotion, thro' a variety of clandeftine Rumours. Politicians were b'lfily at Work to quiet and fatisfie ihe;n. They procnr'd fevcral Letters to be written from France^ full of high Eloginms of the King, and A ITli ranees' of his firmnels in the Proteftant Religion. Among thr relt one was written by Monfieur Gnches^ a famous Preacher at Chojenton to Mr. B^f't**, declaring, that the Kir)g was prefent at Divine Worlhip in the French . Church at lli^nr, and I^che/^ tho* not at Charenton,. The(e Letters were Printed, andfttisfy'd many. The Chap. XL Mr. Richard Baxter. 295 The New Parliament was no fconer met, than they His appointed a Solemn Day of Faiting and Prayer, in or- Preaching derto a general Humiliation for the Sins of the Land 'o-renfon and to invoke the Divine Bleirmg on their Confultati- ^«^/'f^Oc- ons, Mr. Baxter was one who Preach'd before them ^'*^'"^^? ^^' upon that Occafion. It was upon the laft of April 1 660. In chat Sermon, fpeaking of the Differences then on Foot, and the way to heal them, he toJd them that whether they fhouU be Loyal to the KJ^g ^oi no matter of Difference ; in that all agreed; it not being pojjible that a Man fhould be true to Proteftant Principles, and not be Loyal; as it xvof impojfible to be Loyal upon Pcpijfh Principles, And as for matters of Church Government, he told them it was eafie for moderate Men to ccme to a fair A- greement ; and that the late Arch-Bifhop 0/ A R M A G H and he, had agreed in half an Hours Difcourfe^ Sec. the Papifts were angry at his Charge, tho' he cited Canon the third of the Lateran Council under Pope Innocent the Third, which was a full Juftilication of his Alferti- on. The very next Morning afcer this Day of Failing, (May the ift.) the Parliament voted home the King, Nemine Contradicente. About the fame time, there was a Day of Solemn Thankfgiving in the City, for Monl(s Succels, &c. and Mr. Baxter Preach'd before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen at St. Pauls ; and he en- deavour'd to fhew the value of that Mercy, fo as toihew alfo, how Sm and Mens Abufe might turn it into matter of Calamity : and what ftiould be the right Bounds and Qualifications of rhat Joy. Dr. Morley being often free in his Difcourfe for Peace and Union, Mr. Baxter ob- tain'd a Meeting with him, and had an Hours Difcourfe upon that Subjed:. The Dodror fpake much of Mo- deration in the General, but would not parly upon any particular Terms of Peace. He fpake much for Litur- gies, and againft Exremporary Church Prayers ; And at length declar'd that the Janfenijis were numerous among the Papifts, and many among the French inclined to Peace, and that to his Knowledge, if it were not for the Hin- derances which Calvin had laid in the way, moft on this fide the Alpss would come over to us; by which what he aim'd at was eafily Difcover'd. When the King was come home, Mr. Baxter PreachM once before him as his Chaplain ; and often waited upon him with the reft of the MinifterSj as has been before related ; ufmg his U 4 utmoft 296 The L 1 F ti. of Chap. XI. utmoft endeavours to keep Things from coming to ex- tremity ; in which the' he Succeeded not to his Delire, he yet had the Satistacf^ion of the diiinierefted Sincerity of his Airr.s and Intencions. Hhe'uCH' King Chnrlcs had not been long in England, before 0/1 at K<^.- the Old Sequeltred Vicar of K^dcrminftei\j (who was yet dcrminrttr, hving) was reftor'd to his Parfonage. He had before andcndca- remain'd unmolefted. And iho' the Parliament had your to hare in^dc an Order that no Sequeltred Minifter iliould have contmud |3J5|^fj}^ part unlefs hcremov'd out of the Parifli where he had been Minifter, yet did Mr. Baxter never remove hi'.n cu: of the Vicandge Houle, no, nor once came within the Doors of it ; fo far was he from feizing it ns his owPj or removing him out of the Town. But he liv'd in Peace and Quietncis, and without Scandal and OfFcnlivenefs. He never difcover'd any uneafinefs till the times chang'd, and then was as Alfuming, as before he was Submiilive. The Sequeftration continu'd in the hands of the Towns-Men. They gathered the Tythes and Profits, and thus difpos'd of rhcm. Mr. Bax^ tcr had 90/. per Annum, the Old Vicar 40. 61. Yearly went ro the Lord for Rents : There were alfo fome other Charges ; and the over-plus was given to Mr. Bax- ter's AfliRant. When the Vicar was reftor'd, Mr. Bax- ter would gladly have been his Curate,- for he was fo fenfible of his own infufficiency that he always kept one ; but even this could not be granted. Being often with my Lord Chancellor afrer the King's Return, he when he refus'd the offers of a Bdhoprick, begg'd his Lord- fhips Fa\our about a Settlement at f^edcrmivfter. Sir Ji-TlphCUre was the great Obftacle; v.'ho once freejy told him that if he would Conform, no Man in EtigUnd was fo fit to be there as he; but if he would nor, no Man fo unfit. Ojice meeting Sir ^iiph in Bifhop Morley's Chamber, he defir'd to know if he had any 1 hingagainfl him, that (hould make him fo much oppofe him. His anfwer was, that it was becaufe ho would not j:ive the Sacrament to any Kncelinq; andthat.of iSoo Communicants, he had not above 600 for him, and the reft for the Vicar. Mr. Baxter reply 'd that he himfeJf knew that he invited him to the Sacrament, and offered it him Kneeling, and that under his hand in Writing: and that openly in his hearing in the Pulpit, he fcad promis d him and all the rcfl^ that he never had nor wouJd Chap. XL Mr. Richard Baxter. 297 would put any Man from the Sacrament on the Account of Kneeling, but leave every one to the Pofture they jhould choofe. And that the Reafon why he never gave it to any Kneeling was, becaufe all that came would (it or ftand, and thofe who were for Kneeling would not come, unlefs he would adminifterit to them on a- Day by themfelves, when the reft were not pre- fent : And he had no Mind to be the Author of fuch a Divifion, and make as it were two Churches of one. And that the Confcioufnefs of notorious Scandal which they knew they muft be accountable for, made many Kneelers flay away. And as to the Second Charge, he begg'd Leave of the Bilhop to fend by the next Poft, to know the Minds of the People j for that if he f^und what was ailed g'd was true, he Ihould take it as a Favour to be kept from them. This being under- ftood by the People of Kjderminjier^ they in a Day s Time gathered the Hands of 1 600 of the 1800 Commu- nicants, and the reft were fuch as were from Home. This Subfcription he a few Days after (how'd Sir I{nlph before the Bifhop, and they were both of them there- upon To much the more againft his Return to then». However, my Lord Chancellor wrote to Sir E{alph a- bout the Matter, and told him that it would be a Thing grateful both to his Majefty and himfelf, for Mr. Baxter to be refettled among that People according to his Defire, and ofter'd that whatever Annual Allow- ance (houid be agreed upon for Mr. Dance the Old Vi- car, lliould be paid by his own Steward by Quarterly Payments, till he was otherwife provided for to his Sa- tistadtion. But it was a meet Compliment, and had no Effefl. Not long after, he went himfelf into ^or- ceflcrfhire^ to try whether it were pofTible to get any ho- neft Terms from the Vicar, that he might preach to his former Flock. But when he had preach'd Twice or Thrice, he denied him Liberty to preach any more. He ofFer'd him to take the Lecture only which he was bound to allow him under a Bond of 500/. but he refus'd it. He offer'd to be his Curate, which alfo was refus'd, He offer'd to preach for nothing, but could not be accepted. At length he only begg'd leave once to adminifter the Sacrament to the People, and preach his Farewel Sermon to them, but could not obtain it. The Vicar adted herein according to the Diredion of his 298 The LIFE of Chap. XI. his Superiors Going afcerwards to the Bilhop, he al- togecher denied him the Liberty of preaching in his Diocefs. He offered him to , Preach only on the Creed, the Lord's Praver and the Ten Commandments; and only to fuch as had no Preaching ; bur could not have Liberty. The Bifhop tola him that he would take Care th? People (hould be 110 Loofers, but ftiould be taught as well as they were by him : And for a while he procmM rhe rnoft ac»:eptable Perfons he could get to keep up the Led^ure, till the finalhiefs of the Auditory furnidi'd him with an Excufe for putting it down. One Day Biihop Morky took the Pains to preach to thcni hiuifelf ; and vehemently inveyM againft the Peo- ple as Presbyterians, and againft Mr. Baxter their Mi- nirter, but with little Acceptation or Succefs. A while after the Dean, Dr. H^aryneftry did the like, and fpent Three Hours upon the People to cure them of their Admirarion of Mr. Baxter^ and within a Month, be repeated his lnve£fivc, taking a great deal of Pains to perfwade them that they were Presbyterians and Schif- matical, and led to it by overvaluing Mr. Bnxter, Their Le£luf es ran much in the fame Strain generally, which inftead of winning upon the People drove them from the LeCiure, and then they accusM them as deferring it, and fo put it down. For their ftated Preacher, the Bi- fhop fet lip one of the beft Parts he could get, but he was quickly weary, and went away ; then he put in nne that had been a Schoolmafter in the Neighbour- hood, who died in a little Time. Then he put in a young Man, who fought to win upon the People by kind and gentle Ufage, and applauding Mr. Baxter, The People were glad of one that had fome Charity : And yet were not either by roughnefs or gentlenefs, to be won upon to the Love of Prelacy. Advice to When he parted from his dear Flock, which was not bii 'People without mutual Grief and Tears, he left Mr. Baldwin tphen he ' ^^ ^i^e pnvately among them, and over-fee them in left them '^ bis Stead, and vifit them from Houfe to Houfe; ad- and Car- vifing them notwithftanding all the Injuries they had Tiaire to- receiv'd, and all the Failings of the Minifters that rvards them preach'd to them, and the Defecfts of the Eftablilh'd Way ajtertvardi. of Worfhip, that yet they (hould keep to the Publick Alfemblics, and make Ufe of .fuch Helps as they might have there, together with what Help they had in Pri- vate : Chap. KI. Mr, Richard Baxter. 299 vate : And only in three Cafes to abfent themfelves. When the Minifter was one that was utterly infuffi- cient, as not being able to teach them the Articles of the Faith, and ElTentials of true Religion ( fuch as Alas they had known to their Sorrow :) Or when the Minifter preach'd any Herefy, or Dodlrine which was contrary to any Article of the Faith, or neceffary Pare of Godlinefs : Or, when in the Application he fet bim- felf againft the Ends of his Office, to make a Holy Life feem odious, and to keep Men from it, and to pro- mote the Intereft of Satan. Yet not to take every bitter Refle£l:ion upon themfelves or others, occafion* d "^by Difference of Opinion or Intereft, to be a fuffi- cient Caufe to fay that the Minifter preachM againft , Godlinefs or to withdraw themfelves. He therefore V^mov'd his Dwelling from among them, becaufe they themfelves apprehended that his Stay with them, would have been much to their Damage, thro' the Bit- , ternefs of his Adverfaries. And when he was gone from them, he did not fo much as write a Letter to them, except once a Year, leaft it fliould be the Oc- cafion of their Suffering. For had they but received a Letter from him, any difplealing Thing they did, would have been imputed to that. For Inftance, when the AS: came out, requiring all that had any Place of Truft in Cities, Corporations or Counties, Ihould be put out, unlefs they declared that they held, That there is no Obligation lying upo7j them^ or nny other Per/on, from the Onth call'd the Solemn League and Covenant^ the Bailiff and Juftice, and thirteen Capital BurgefTes of Kjder- minjfer^ except one that had been an Officer in the King's Army, and moft of the Twenty five Inferior Burgefles alfo were turn'd out, tho' very few of them had taken the Covenant themfelves. It was faid, that Mr. Baxter had perfwaded them to refufe this Declaration, till it was manifeft that he had ne- ver fpoke a Word to them about if, nor then written a Line to them of a long Time. But fuch Things as thefe were what poor Mr. Baxter was us'd to. No- thing more common than for him to have fcandalous Reports fpread Abroad concerning him. Of which this Inftance among others was remarkable j that juft at the Time that the Bifhop was filencing him, 'twas reported at London^ that he was in the North in the Head of a Rebellion I 300 The L I FE of Chap. XI. Rebellion 1 And at Ksdcrtyiivfier he was accus'd, becaufe there was a Meecing of fcveral Minifters at his Houfe, which had been Cuftomary for feveral Years. While they were at Dinner it fell cut, that by Publick Order the C'vcnttnt was to be burnt in the Market-PIace, and it was done under his Window. The Atten- dance was Co fmall, that they knew nor of it till after- wards. And ycc becaufe he had preach'd the Morning before, (which was his laft Sermon among them) upon Ch rift's Words upon the Crofs, Father forgive thenty for they knovp not what they do : He was accus*d of it as an heinous Crime, as having preach'd againft th€ burning of the Ccvcutint. Altho' he meddled not with it, nor in- deed knew of it till afterwards. f/o«7 thn ^^hcn Mr. Bfrxn^r afcerwards publifli'd hisBook call'd rv'tre ^iffcci- ^^^ ^^^'^ ^-^ Church DivJfioru, even his Old Kjderminfter €d, after Flock began to cenfure him. For it having long been their Suf- the Aim of chofc who preach'd among them, to make firings for them think him a Deceiver, they grew more and more ji'ciifonfor- alienated from the Prelates and their Adherents. Con- 7»ity. tinuing to repeat Sermons together in their Houfes, many of them were laid long in Goals, among Thieves and common Malefadlors,which much encreas'd their Exalperation. They continu'd their Meetings whilft their Goods were feized on, and they wereFin'd andPunilh'd again and again. And they that fell out with the Biihops for cafting out Mr. Baxter^ and fpeaking ill «f him, were fomc of them very Angry with him, and forward to cenfure him, for ftrengthning the Hands of Perfccutors as rhey caji'd it, by perfwading them of the Lawfulnefs of Commnnicating in their Pari(h Church, wiih a Conformable Miniiter in the Liturgy. Notwith- ttanding which he continu'd the fame Care of them as before, and was as concerned for their Welfare as ever. At length their Old reading Vicar dy'd, about the Day of the Oaie of the Adl againft Conventicles. Sir I{alph CUre his thief Friend dy'd a little before him. And now Mr, PuTXtfy was in a Capacity of helping them to a valuable ufeful Marl, who fhould have made it his Bulinefs ro promote ferious Religion amongft them. For the Old Parron Colonel John Brid^/s^ had fold the Patronage of the Living to Mr. Thomas Foley ^ with this Condition, that he ihould prefent Mr. Br.xtcr next, if be \vcre capable of it 5 and if nor, that he fliould prefent no Chap. XI. Mr, E\.ichard Baxter. 501 no other but by his Coofent ; xo which Mr. Foley readily agreed. So that he now had a fair Opportunity of helping them to a Man to their Hearts Defire, which was his real Intention and Endeavour. Many tho't he would now have Conform'd himfelf ; there being a Va- cancy in that Place, where he had offered to preach as a Curare, whenherefus'd aBilhoprick : Many of theBi- Ihops beljev'd he would now have come into the Church ; Particularly Arch-Bi(hop Stem of Tork,, fpake thus to a Minifter : Take it on my Word, Mr. Bax- ter doth Conform, and is gone to his Beloved J\edder- minilrer : But he had no fuch Tho'ts, and aim'd only at helping into that Place, one who might be fincerely bent upon promoting the Good of Souls ; which he found a Matter of greater Difficulty than he could he- fore-hand have apprehended it. For the Religious Peo- ple (who were the main Body of the Town and Pa- rifh) refus'd to have any Hand in bringing in another Minifter into the Church, leaft they fhould feem to Confent to his Conformity, or be oblig'd to own him in his Office, They were not by all the Means tfaac could be us*d with therr, pievaiFd upon at all to con- cur in the Matter, Whereupon Mr. Baxter alfo refus'd to meddle in the Choice : The rather becaufe if he had, fome of his Enemies would in all Probability ha\ e been forward eno' to fay, that he contradled for fome Referve to himfelf. And withal, he knew that Mr. Fo- /o the Patron (who was a Smcere, Religious Man) would make the beft Choice for them he could. This Mr. Thomm Foieyj was indeed a great Bleiling to that Town and Country. He was rais'd from very fmall Matters, to an Eftate of above 5000/. per Annum by Iron- Works : And that with fo juft and blamelefs Dealing, that afl Men he had to do with, magnify 'd his great Integrity. Having the Patronage of feveral Livings belonging to the Lands he purchas'd, he made it his Bufmefs to fill them as they became vacant with Worthy, Ufeful Minif^ers. And in Thankfulnefs to God fur his Mercies to him, he built a well Founded Hofpital near StourbridgCy to teach poor Children to Read and Write, and then fet them Apprentices : And "endowed it with about 500 /. fer Annum. How hap- py would this Land be, were fo Good and Pious a Ufe of great Profperity. a Common Thing I This worthy Gen- 502 The LIFE of Chap. XI. Gentleman was many Ways exceeding helpful to the Town oi Ksderminfter : And particularly upon the Va- cancy fore-mentionM, he put in a valuable Man to be their Minifter ; of whom they themfelves gave this Account, that he was an honeft Man, and a good Preacher, declaring they had rather have him than ano-- ther. When he wasfix'd among them, Mr.B j.s;rfr wrote Letter to them to join with him in Prayers and Sacra- ment. But their Sufferings had fo far alienated them from the Church Party, that they would not yield that this Letter (houid be fo much as read among them. Mr. Bix- As for Mr. Baxter^ when he had Preach'd up and ter'i Fub- down in Londm in feveral Places occafionally for about itch La- a Year, he at length fix'd with Dr. Bates at St. Dunftans hours tn the in the i>VeJi in Fleetjlreet ; and preachM once a Week, City^tillhe 2is Ledlurer, having an Allowance from the Parifh for Kfas St- jjis Pains. Seeing which Way Things were going, he /er.ca. for his better Security, applied himfelf to Biihop 5/be/- ^ow, for his Licence to Preach in his Diocefs. Some were offended at his taking this Step : but he went to him as the King's Officer. The Bilhop received him with abundance of Refpedt : But offer'd him the Book to fubfcribe in . He pleaded the King*s Declaration, as exempting from a Nerellity of fubfcribing. The Bifhop bid him therefore write what he would. Whereupon he fubfcrib'd a Promife in Latin, not to preach againft the Dod:rine of the Church, or the Ce- remonies, in his Diocefs, as long as he us'd his Licence. Upon which he freely gave him his Licence, and would let his Secretary take no Money of him. And yet he could fcarce preach a Sermon, but he was inform'd from fome Quarter or other, that be preach'd Sedition, and refle(5led on the Government : When he had nei- ther a Tho't nor Word of any fuch Tendency. But he had a crowded Congregation, and that was one Thing that ftirr'd up Envy. And one Day the Crowd drave him from his Place of Preaching. For it fell out, that in the Midft of a Sermon of his at St. Dunftun$^ a little Lime and Duft (and perhaps a Piece of Brick or Two) fell down in the Steple or Belfry near the Boys, which put the whole Congregation into a fudden Me- lancholy It was tho't the Steeple and Church were fa I- ing, which put them all into fo confufed a Haf^e to get away, ihat indeed the Nolle of the Feet in the Galle- ries*- Chap. XI. Mr. Richard Baxter. 305 ries, founded like the Fall of the Stones ; (o that the People crowded out of Doors turn ultuou fly. The Women left fome of ihem a Scarf, and fome a Shoe behind them , and fome in the Galleries raft them- felves down upon thofe below, becaufe they could not get down the Stairs. He fat ftili in the Pulpit all the while, feeing and pitying their vain Diftem- per, and as foon as he could.^bc heard, he intreat- ed their Silence, and went on*. The People were no fooner quieted * p,. B^^es in bis Funeral Ser- and got in again, and the Auditory man for Mr. Baxter, reprefenn COmpOS'd, than fome that ftood up- it as a fgnal Inftance of his firm on a Wainfcoat Bench near the l^aith In the Diyine Frovidencey Communion Table, brake the ^»d his Fortitude (as indeed it Bench with their Weigh r, fo that '^'^O ^^^^ 4^^^ *^c ^«''r)' »/'<'« the Noife renewed the Fear again, ''''" Occafion was oyer, he reaf- andthey were worfediforder'd than ^'^'^^ ^]'' Difcour/e, v>lth thU before. So that an old Woman was T'^L / r'^f ^'^ '.'/ '"'"C^f' , J , /-., , i-v , . the Minds of the Feople : Wq heard at the Church Door askmg ^^^ . ,,. L,.„:^^ J ^^a r^ ^ . r c r^ i £ 1 • ^^^ ^^ ^"^ oei Vice 01 v.,'od, to Forgivenefs ot God, for not taking p .^ ^^^ felves, that we the firft Waromg ; and promifing niay be feailefs at the great if God would deliver her this once, Noife of the diflbiving World, ftie would take heed of coming when the Heavens fhall pafs thither again. When they were away, and the Elements melt again quieted, he went on. But »n fervent Heat 5 the Earth al- ihe Church being Old and Dange- ^o and the Works therein Ihall rous, the Church- wardens deter- ^^ burnt up, c^c. min'd to repair it ; and fo he was forc'd to preach out his Quarter at Sr. Brides Church, where the Common Prayer was us*d by the Curate before Sermon. On the Week-Days, Mr. Afhhurfi with about Twenty more Citizens defir'd him to preach a Ledlure in Milkrftreet^ for which they allow'd him 4c /. fer Annum, which he continu'd near a Year. And at the fame Time he preach'd once every Lord s Day, at BUckrFrynrs, where he would take nothing for his Pains, for fear of rendring the Parilhioners lefs able or ready to help their worthy Minifter Mr. Gibbons. The Laft Sermon he preach'd in Publick was at Blacks-Fry ars^ on Mny the 25ih, 1662. For which he was accused, as telling the People, that the Gofpel was now departing from them. And he was told by the Lady Balcarret ^\thzx. the Old QuQen of Bohemia was much 304 The LIFE of Chap. Xir. much offended, that he (hould fay the Gofpel was going away, becaufe fome Minifters were filenc'd and others put in their Places. Whereas there was not the leaft Colour of Ground for fuch an Accufaticn, from any Thing he faid. Thus he ceafed from his PubHck Mini- ftry Three Months before Bartholomew Day, the Time when the reft of his Brethren were filenc'd ; which was a Thing for which many cenfur'd him. But he for- bore Preaching fo foon, partly becaufe the Lawyers did interpret a doubtful Claufe in the Ad of Uniformity, as putting an End to the Liberty of the Ledtarers at that Time ; and partly becaufe he would let all the Minifters in the Nation underftand in Time, what his Intentions were, leaft any might be influenc'd to a Compliance, upon a Suppofition that he intended to Conform. CHAP. XII. jln. 1662. Hk own and his Brethren! Treatment after ^ The their Ejection^ till the Indulgence in l6j\. Cafe of the Non- /' B-AHE ejefled Minifters, continud for Ten Years ^^^n^^'r I i" * St*te of Silence and Obfcurity*. It was mifts after, J^ jj^^-j. ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Endeavour to be found in mew^D^" ^^^ ^^y ^^ ^^^^^ Duty to God and the King ; but they * There had been many Writings pubUpid Pro and Con, from the Time of the 'RefioratioHy and they vpere continued in 1661, and 1661. BiJf)o(> Gau- dcn r^^rote for the fiecefjity of a Liturgy. Another wrote a fober and tempo- rate Vifcourfe concerning the Interefi of Words in Frayer, the jujl Antiquity and Tedegree of Liturgies^ or Forms of Frayer in Churches^ with a Fietp of the State of the Church when they were jirfi compofed or impofed ^ together with n Difcovery of the Heaknefi of th^ Grounds upon which they firji brought in-^ or upon which Bifjop Gauden hath lately difcourfcd the JCectfjity of a Liturgy^ &c. Lend. 1 66 I. (^. There was alfo puhlifl/d a fhort^ fober and paciftk I X ami nation of fame Exuberances in, and Ceremonial Appurtenances to the Common Prayer, by William Prinne, Efcj-^. TJje Liturgical Confider-iror confidercd^ or :i brief View of Dr. Gauden s Coiifideraiions touching the Liturgy of the Cliurch of England, By G. F. Tl)ere was alfo a Controverfy warmly carried on, 1662, andl66^, between Mr. Zach- Crofton, and others^ cct\ccrnin^l Communion witJ) the Church under her prefent Corruptions ; ])0W jar it was latpfula'nd warrantable, and how far not fo. But thefe Debates affetied mt thofe 'bat had Power in their Hands^ mr did they afford the Sufferers any Ke/icf could Chap. XII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 305 could not be fiifferU to live in. Peace. Such v^as the ^'^^ i^<^i' Policy of the Court, that they mul\ either be crnfli'd by their Fellow ?YoteJUnts, to the itrengthning of the ^omifh Intereft ; Or if favour'd with any Connivance, they muft have the Fapifts Partners with them, that fo the Prorejiant Intereft might be chat Way weakenM. This 'was a great Hardlliip that attended their Cir- cumftances ; but it was altogether their Unhappinefs, and very remote from being their Choice j and there- fore no Matter of juft Refledrion. * The Adt of Uni- formity as has been faid cook Place, Aug. the 24th, 1662. On the 26th of Decemher (ollo'wing, the King publifh'd a Declaration, exprefling his Purpofe to grant fome Indulgence or Liberty in Religion not excluding the Papifts f rhe Houfe of Commons oh many of whom (he laid; hnd dejerv d Feb. 25, |65J, Voted agalnji fo well of him. Some of the Nfl»cow- any /mc/> Indulgence, and Pur^ formijis were hereupon much en- fuunt to their Vott^ -waited en courag'dj and waiting privately on the King were fill'd with Hopes. They would have perfwaded their Brethren to have thanked the King for his Declaration j but they re- fused, leaft they Ihould make Way for the Toleration of the Pnpifls. The Declaration took not at all, either with Parliament t or Peo- ple • And (b the poor Nonconfor- mifis were expofed to great Severi- ties. They who at the King's coming in were fo much carefs'd, his Majefiy v?lih their Humble advice that no fucb Indulgerxe might be granted : And tn their Votes they gaye their Reafons ; but they were fuch,as that ye'ry Parliament ( a^ well as they who fucceeded it ) when they came to difcem the Growth of Pa£)ei'y, found to hare littU Strength or Subftance in them, and therefore they afterwards favs? good-Reafon to Vote the con- trary. ^ As foon as the Aft -of Uniformity took ^lace, more Plots were hatch'dy to keep up the fame Spirit^ as Yarrington'5 Plot firfl ftirrd up. Thomas Tongue, George Philips, Francis Stubb-, James Hind, John Sailers, and Nathaniel Gibbs, were tried for High Treafon, and rcere cnndemnd in De- cember, 1662, and an Account of it publifjyd^ entituled.^ A Brief Narra- tive of that Stupenduous Tragedy, late .intended to be a6^ed by the Sara- nical Saints of thefe Reforming Times. But whoever reads their Trial, will fee Reafon to conclude that the Court was very willing they fl^ould be thot Guilty, to enflame the Populace againfi fuch as d d n>t fall in with the Chuich of England, and ferye fome other Purpofes which were then on foot. were -o5 The LIFE of Chap. XII. -ri«. 1 5:: 2. were now ireated with the utmoft Contempt. The iilenc'd Minifters were not only forbidden to preach * in Publick, but were fo carefully wacchM in Private, , xhat they could not meet to Pray togetherj but it was a Seditious ConventicJe. Mr. Baxter and Dr. Bates .were defird to be at Mr. Beales in Hatton Garden^ to pray for his fick Wife, who had a Feaver, and was at ihe laft Extremity. Thro' fome other ncceffary Occa- fions they fail'd of being there, and if they had not, they had been apprehended. For Two Jnftices of rhe Peace, Living far diftant from each other, the one at iVcfiminJier and the other ztClerkenweli, came thither with a Serjeant at Anns to feize ihem. They fearch'd the Hon fe, and even the fick Gentlewoman's Cham- ber, and were difappointed. But tho' they efcapd, many Holy and Excellent Minifters quickly after were laid in Goals in many Counties in the Land, for the hea- vy Crime of Preaching and Praying. As Mr. Cool{ of Chefter^ ( the Sufferer for joining with Sir George Booth, to make Way for the King's Reftauration) Mr. 'Nor- mati of Bridgewater, Mr. Allen of Taunton^ and Mr. Bn?npfieldy Mr. Ince, and Mr. Sachcverell^ and orhcrs in Dorfctfhlre^ &c. Ah. ]563. In June 1663, * The old Peaceable Arch-Bilhop of Canterbury, Dr. Juxon died, and Dr. Sheldon Biihop Ac 7;,/.< of London fucceeded him. And much about that Year \66i. Time there was a frefh Difcourfe rais'd of Liberty rv.t^ pxtb' d^ffign'd for the filenc'd Minifters. They were blamM Upj'd an by many, for not Petitioning the Parliament 5 tho' they Jiff ti dote to cure the Gihmitts of their Trembling for fear of the Ark, by Vr. Wo- inackj v;ho tJ^o't it worth his While to fend into the World n laboured jpcr- formance^ in Op^ofuion to an Occafional ILxtcmpornry Sermon of my gaod Old Grand father's. The World fmil d at it ^ but he hnd his End. His Dedica- tion is KemarJcabU. It rum thui : To the Strenuous Impugners af Schifm and Rebellion ; the ingenuous AfTertors of tlie King's Supremacy, Crown and Dignity i the zealous Patrons of tb-e Churches Hierarchy and Liturgy, the vigorous Cnam^jons of Decency and Uniformity in God's Publick Wor- fhip \ the Honourable Reprefcnrative of all the Commons of England now in Parliament .ifltmbled, under the mofl Excellent and AuQ)icious Majcfty of Chitrla the Second, Leiv?rcnce Womack. D. D. Arch-Deacon of Sujfoll', dcdicaceth thefe his Occalional Meditations, in Jultification of the prefent Settlement of God s Solemn Service in the Ciiurch of England, againft the ScJ UJjjiatical Fears and Jcaloufies, and the Seditious Hiati and lulinuations had .Chap. Xn. Mr. ELichard Baxter. 507 bad Reafon eno* againft it. Many Members encou- ^«- 166$. rag'd the Expectation of either an Indulgence , of Mr. Ed- or a Comprehenfion. And it was thereupon vjdsm- mundCaU- ly debate«d, which of the Two would be more de- wj. The fireable. Some were for Petitioning for a General -Author in Indulgence, thus arguing with their Brethren; TouJ'^'^^^^i are Blind, if you fee not that the Jid: of Vniformity was ^•'^ ^^^^rd, made fa rigorous, and the Weight of Conformity fo much ^ '^^^ encreafed, that jo the dumber of the Ejected- Minifters f,^^ might be fo great, as to force them to be glad of a ^J v General Toleration, which might takje in the Papifts. And ^j^^^^ ^^^^ if you thinks to ft and it out, they wilt yet bring you to it ^^^ ^ ^ook in Defpght of you. They will encreafe your Burthens, and of another lay you in Vrifons, till you are glad to petition for Juch a Nature c air- Toleration, And ft and it out as long as you can, you ft:all fed, Icha- le forcd to procure the Papifts Liberty ; and the Odium bod, or of it foall not lie on the Bifhops, but on you that are fo Five much againft it. The Bifhops fhall fppa!{^ ^g^i^ft if, ^'nd they Groans of will force you to beg for it, who are againft it. And if ycu^^^^^^^^^'^^^^ will not do it now, you do but ftay till the Market rife, Pj'udently^ and your Suffering's be made greater, and you foal I be gUd^'^^y'^^'^^'* 1 • J ^' ,. ^T- L u r J and pafUo— to do It at dearer l\ates. 1 o whom others replied, ^ J ^^^ ^ that they would fufter any Thing rather than promote ^^^JyJ'^^ Popery, her Second Tall^ tJneat- Tted^ by thefe Five Dangerous, tho undifcernd Mifcarria^es that camd her Virft, viz. I. Undue Ordination. 2. Loofe Profanenefs. ^. Unconfcionable Symony. 4. Carelefi Non-Kef dene e. 5. Encroaching'^ Pluralities. Hum- bly prefcnted to her Suprcam Head and Governor, the Kings moft Excellent Majefiy, and his Great Council the Parliament,&lc. This Book tho' hi^^h eno^ for the Hierarchy, and the Ceremonies, and li)^ fever al Parts of Conformity, was yet written with a very grave and ferious Spirit^ and warmly complains of above Three Thoufand Minifters admitted into the Church, nrlio were unft to teach bee aufe of their Touth : And of One Thoufand Vive Hundred de- bauch d Men Ordain d : And of many Unlearned Men Ordain'd : And oj One Thoufand Three Hundred Vorty-two Tallious Minifers a little before Or- dain d : It complains alfo (among other Things) that of Twelve Thoufand Church Livings] or thereabouts, Three Thoufand and more being impropriate^ and Four Tlwufand One Hundred Sixty-five being Sine-Cures or Kon-Kefident s Livings, there was but a f-oor Remainder left for a Painful and an Honef Minijhy, for the Glory of God, and tl?e Salvation of Souls. Mr. Cawdrey alfo thii Tear wrote againf Conformity.^ 82c. X 2 hU.B.'iX^'er ^g8 The life of Chap. XII. ^^n. i6r;. Mr. Br.xrcr was about this Time confuked by a Perfon ot Honour concerning the Matter fo much taik'd oi : He preis'd him to give him his Judgment, whether the Way ot hidiilgencs or Ccmprchenfion wgis more dtlireablc. He freely gave him his Tho'ts lo this Purpofe ; That he was not for Comprehcnfion with- out Indulgence ; nor for Indulgence' without the En- largement of the A61 of Uniformity to a greater Com- pchenfioti ; but tor the ConjurK^tion of both. He was not for Comprehenjion alone, becaufe when they had goiiC the fartheff, many worthy Perfons, whofe Gifts in the Chgrc^h might be very ufeful, would be ftill left out ; and there would be much want when all were employed ^ and the Lofs by their being utterly Siienc'd would redound to the Souls of many. He was not for Indulgence alcne, uniefs the Law were Trade more Comprehenfive ; becaufe the Impofitions and Reftridlions of the Law were really unaccount- ble ; becaute nothing can be more defireable than the Strength and Unity of the Eftabhfti'd Body of the Clergy ,• and becaufe a bare Indulgence would be apt to Occafion fuch Jealoulies and Animofities^ as that it would not be long enjoy'd in Peace : And therefore he declar'd, he was for a Comfrehonfion of as n^any fit Perfons as might be taken in by Law, and then a Power referv'd to his Majefty, to indulge the Rem- •nant as far as might be conducibie to the Peace and Be- nefit of Church and State. €• the All But inftead o^ Indulgence or Comprehenfion^ on the ag^iinfl Laft Day of June, the A<^ againft Private Meetings for them, caird Religious Exercifes pafs'd the Houfeof Commons, and the Cotu'cn- Ihortly after was made a Law. The Sum of it was, tide Alt. srhat every Perfon above Sixteen Tears who ts frefejit nt any Meeting under Colour or Pretence of any Exercife of ^li- giony in other Manner than is allowed by the Litur"^^ or Pra- Bice of the Church of England, where there arc Five Per^ fens more than the Hou/hold, fhall for the Firjl Offence^ h '^ Juflice of Peace be I^cordedy and fent to Goal Three Months^ till he pay 5 1 ; and for the Second Offence Six Months till he pay I o 1 ; and the Third Time being Con- I'itied by a Jury^ fhall be B^nifl:>'d to fonie of the American Plantatio7:s^ excepting New-England or Virginia. It ivas a great Hardlhip that attended this A£f, that fo much Power was given by it to Jufticcs of the Peace, to Record Chap. XFL Mr. Richard Baxter. 509 Record a Man an offender without a Jury*: And if ^«. 166^. .they did it cauflcfly there was no Remedy, feeing every Juilire was fnade a Judge. Before the Danger and oufFei ings lay on the Minifters only, but now the Peo- ^ ^ pie aJlo were forely try'd. t ^"'^^''^ Fol.^. /'.' 249. /rf^J, That this is a wrong Complaint, and a RefledHoa upon many Qther of our wholefome Law?, which could never be executed, it Evidencenpon Oath before a Juftice of Peace, could not make him To far a Judge, as to pronounce the Penalty exprefs'd in the Letter of the Law, without the Formality of a Court and a Jury. It is fufHcienc (fays he) that the greater Offences, and the greater Penalties aifeftino Life, or Liberty, or Eltate, fliall not be determined by any private Jullice.^, but ia the more folemn Manner of Court, and Judge, and Prifoner, and Jurj\ And fo it was by this very Acl accordingly provided, that no one fliould be convifted of the Third Offence, which incurred Banill-iment, without a, regular Trial by a Jury. And hereupon hU Margin is decently "-rac'd with the Miftakes of the Author of the Abridgment. But had this Author eyer had his Goods feiz''d and taken from him, fo as not to hare had fo Tnuch as a Bed left to lie on, (v?hlch was the Cafe of feveral of the ejeft- ed Mini(iers) purely for affing according to his Confcience ; and this upon the Evidence of a fcandaloiis Informer, and Villains hir'd by him to fwear what was for his coveted Gain, va^hich Mr. Viercc honeftiy ob- ferves v^as the Cafe of the Nonconformifis when this Afl k^^ execufed againft thsm. ( See his Third Plea for the Nonconformifis, p. 75/) I ctn hardly fuppofe he would have applauded the Law for its VV'hoiefomnefs, or have reckoned the charging this with being an Hardship, as any yery great; Miftake. After this the Nonconformifis were nor a little, di- .4^. 166^. vided among themfelves, as to the Lawfulnefs and Expediency of Worlhipping God in the Publick Churches, ove» and above their Private Meetings ftill kept up with great Secrefie. Mr. Baxter and Dr. Bates^ and feveral others with them, were for fre- quenting the Publick Churches, when better Helps were not to be had ; And for reforting to them now and then, tho' they had their Choice, to (how their Charity. They were for having their moft ufual Communion with thofe AflembHes, which they tho'c were manag d moft agreeably to the Rule and End of Worlhip ; and yet for having Occafional Commu- nion with others, as Members of the Catholick Church, to (how their Catholick Communion with X 3 all 3IO The LIFE of Ch^, XH. An 1 65$. all the Body of Chrift. But others were vehement for * ThU an entire Separation*. fublijb'd Mr. Alkiirs Call to Archippus .• Beim^ an Humble nnd Earnefi Motion to the Fjcfled Miniflcn by \\ nj of Utter, to take heed to their Mi- wjlry that they fulfil it. At length Mr. Baxter finding his Publick Service at an End, retires into the Country to Atlon in Middle- /e.v, that he might have the more Leifure for Writing. He fix'd there in the Month of July^ where he fol- lowed his Studies privately in Quietnefs, and went eve- ry Lord's-Day to the Pnblick Affembly, when there was any Preaching or Catechizing ; and fpcnt the reft of the Day with his Family, and a few poor Neigh- bours that came in. An. 1(565- ^" the Time of the Plague, Anno 1665, he went TheFlarue. ^^ ^^' Hampden's ill Buckinghamfhire ; and there was Mourning for that defolating Stroke, which carried off about an Hundred Thoufand Perfons in the City of London, befides a proportionable Number in other Parts of the Land. The lilenc'd Minifters had till this Time preach'J very privately, and but to a few, (not fo much ihro' their Timeroufnefs, as in Hope that their Forbearance might at Length procure them foine Liberty .) But when the Plague grew hct, and the Minifters in the City Churches fled, and left their Flocks in the Time of their Extremity, feveral of the Nonconformifts pitying the dying and diftreffed People, that had none to call the Impenitent to Repentance, nor to help them to prepare for another World ; nor to comfort th?m in their Ter- rors ; when about Ten Thoufand died in a Week ; were convinced that no Obedience to the I aws of any mortal Man whofoever, could juftifie their neglcc^ling Men's Souls and Bodies in fuch Hxtrcmitics, any more rhafi they can juftiiie Parents for famifliing their Children to Death. And thereupon they refolved to ftay with :he People, enter the forfaken Pulpits, tho' prohibited, and give tbc:n what Afliftance rhey could, umler fuch an awakening Providence, and alfo vifit the Sick, and get what Relief they couK! for the Poor, cfpecially fnch as were fhjt ip. The Perfom that fet upon this Work, were Mr. Thomas Vincent^ Mr, Chejlcr^ Mr. Janeway^ Ghap. XI/. Mr. Richard Baxter. 511 Mr. Turner^ Mr. Grimes^ Mr. Frankjyn, and fome o- An, i66$. thers. Irhofe often heard them one Day, who were fick the next, and quickly died. The Face of Death did fo awaken Preachers and Hearers, chat the former ex- ceeded themfelves in lively fervent Preaching ; and the latter heard with a peculiar Ardour and Attention. And thro' the Blelling of God, many were converted from their Carelefnefs, Impenitence, and youthful Luds and Vanities ; and Religion took that hold on the Peo- ples Hearts, as could never afterward be loofed. And whilft God was confuming the People by this qp i q \ Judgment, and the Nonconforraifts were , labouring f^^.^^^^jj"^* to fave Men's Souls, the Parliament which fate at Ox- fcrdy was bufie in making an Ad: of Confinement, to make the Cafe of the filenc'd Minifters, incomparably harder than it was before, by putting upon them a cer- ^ tain Oath, which if they refused, they rauft not come, (unlefs upon the Road) within five Miles of any Ciry or CorporationjEny Place that fent BurgelTes to Parliament, any Place where they had beenMinifters,or had preach 'd after the kdi of Oblivion. The main Promoters of this Adt aaiong the Clergy, were Arch-Biihop Sheldon^ arid Bifhop H^ard of Salisbury : And tho' the Earl of Southampton Lord Treafurer (who was one that had ever adher'd to the King, but underftood the Intereft of his Country and of Humanity) vehemently oppos'd ity yet the Lord Chancellor and his Party carried it f- f In the When this Adt came out, thofe Minifters that had any Lettet frsim a Ferfon of Quality to his Friend in the Country, in the Second Folume of the St^ieTi-^CXs of King Charles'5 Reign, this Matter is thus exprefs'd. This was flrongly oppofed by the Lord Treafurer Southar/ipton, Lord H harton. Lord A^dey^ and others; not only in the Concern of rhofe poor Minifters that werefofe- verely handled, but as it was in ittelf a moft unlawful and unjuftifiable Oath ; however the Zeal ot that Time againft all Nonconformifts eafily paffed the Aft, pag. 42. See alfo Conformifls Second Plea for the Nqa. conformifts, pag.io^ii. That in a Time both of Wat and rf aTlague-i fuch an AB as the Fire Mile Act ff)ou/d have paj7, vpill amaze all that da not kyji>t9 the Secret of that Time : Says Bijhop Burnet, in his Speech in the Hoitfe sf Lords, about the Occaiional Bill, in 1 703. And in another Speech of his, in the Houfe of Lords, on Marcli 1 6. I JOf'-. upon Occafion of tite Artislei rf^rt/«/2'D)*. Sacheverel, he has thefe Words : To the Word Commiffion' d by the King, fome moved that the Word Lawfully might be added, to make all plain. This was prefled in the Houfe of Commons by Vaughan^ afcer- X 4 Main- 512 The L I f tL of Gbap. Xll. -4«. I <56$. Maintenance of their own, found out fome Dwellings ward Lord in o'jfcurc Villages, or in feme few MaTket-Towns CI]ief-Ja- j.^^^ were not Corporaiions: And fome that had no- mce ot the ^^^j^^^ left their Wiyes and Chikircn, and hid them- ommon- f^jvcs abroad, and foofietimes canoe kcretly to them by The An Night. Bat the moft, refolv'd hereupon to preach the tornev Ge- ^^^^ freely in Cities and Corporations till they went nerai after- ^o Prilbn. Partly becaufe they were then in the Way ward 'Lord c>f their Calling, in which they could futfer with the Chancellor greater Peace ; and partly becanfe they might do Kottm- fome gocid before they fuffered, and partly becaufe ^ham, an- the People much dedred it, and alfo were readier to fwer'd, relieve fiich as laboured among them, than fuch as That was (jjd nothing but hide themfelves ; and partly becaufe not necef- ^^\^q^ j^ey lay in Prifon for Preaching the Gofpel, f^,^^y°\ both they and their Wives and Children, were like to Comm:ri.n ^"^ niore Pity and Relief, than if they Ihould forfake imporfcd ^^^^^ People, and their Work. Seeing therefore the ir i fincc if it was not lawfully iiTaed our, to lawful Perfons, and for a law- ful Reafon it was no CommifftoH ; and the whole Houfe affented to this : Yet in the Houfe of Lords the fame Word Lawfully was prefs'd to be added by the Earl of Southamptan^ who was ani'wered by the Earl of Anrlefey^ to the fame Purpoft with what had been faid in the Houfe of Commons. He indeed infifted to have the Word added, becaufe it would clear all Difficulties with many, who not hav-. ing heird of the Senfe givf.n in both Houfes, might fancy that any Sort oi Commijjtnnhting granted it would not be lawful to refift it. He did not prevail ; for it was faid, Tliat his Explanation being the Senfe of both Houfes, it would be foon fpread and known over the Nation. jind yi*t our Late Englifh Hi/? or i a ft, Tart g.- p. 259.* fays, J h:it the Mac- . tPrs of Fafl here delivered, arc very much to be qucllion'd. / real/y think r.ot, after this Elucldalion of my Lord of SariimV, tvhich fl^errs u*^ vchat Grounds my Lord Keeper Bridgman had to proceed upon. He add'^ That there hardly appears to beany Diftin£^ionin a private Perfon's Law- fully or Unlawfully Lndcavouring any Alteration of tlic Government in Churcli or State, fince whoever cndeavoursic, will befurc to think it Lriwfu] lo to endeavonr. Kotieithfi andin^ which there /till remains as peat a Diffe- rence between them, as between Right and Wrong, Good and E.vil, Juft and Unj'Mt. Afid he intimates, ti)at there ourht rather to have been a D/- flindion at the round ExpreJJton of not taking up Armsagainfl thofe Com- niiifionatefd by the King, in purfuance of luch Commlifion : And he fayi^ they mi^ht rather have dcfr'd to have it thus explain d or under- Jhnd -^ thofc^ tf^a: are Leg:illy ComnnTionated, in a Leg^l Purfuance of fuch CommifTiou. But 1 dont fee why both Explications were not yery dcjireable. Queftion Chap. XII. Mr. Richard Baxter. * 315 Queftion came to this, whether Beggary, and Famine to An. 166$, themfelves and Families, with the deferting of their Calling, and the Peoples Souls, was to be chofen, or the faithful Performance of their Work, with a Prifon after, and the Peoples Companion? They tho't the latter far the more Eligible. And yet when they had fo chofen, theic Straits were great. For the Country was fo Im- ' poveriiliM, that thofe who were willing to relieve them, had generally no great Abiliry. And yet God did mcrcifnlly provide feme Supplies for them; fo that fcarce any of them perilh'd for want, or were Expos'd to fordid Beggary: But fomefew were Tempted againft their former Judgments to Conform. The Oath impos'd upon them, was this. ' I A.B. do fwear, that it is not Law*- ' fal, upon any Pretence whatfoever, to take Arms againft * the King: And that I do abhor the Traiterous Poficion ' of taking Arms by his Authority againft his Perfon, or * againft thofe that are Commiflionated by hira, in pur- * fuance of fuch Coramifiion : And that I will not at * any time endeavour any Alteration of the Govern- ' ment, either in Church or State.' This Oath, fur- nilh'd with matter of endlefs Debates. But the Non- conformifts being in the Adt which impos'd it, charged with Seditious Dodtrines and Heinous Crimes, many were much concern d. And hereupon they endeavoured to find out a Senfe in which the Oath might be taken fafely, to prevent their Faffing under that Brand to Po- fterity. Dr. Bate; confulted the Lord Keeper Bridgeman who pro- tr» thU Tear i^6^, Orders fefsM a great Refped for him, a- ^'^''^ /««^ fi''^ ^^'^ Anhblf/jop of bout his taking it in a found Senfe. Canterbury to the feveral Bt/hops He to fatisfie him, promis'd to be "£ ]" ^/'"["^'^ l"!"^ Z^^^'"'*^ ^^^1 ..c/r j*u ^ Heads, of which thu was one = at the next Seffions, and there on ,;,^^ .^ p,ould make a return of the Bench to declare openly that ,,,^ ^^^J^ ,f ^„ ^.^^^^ ^^^, J, by Endeavour in the Oath to change f^^^iji Minijiers, with their T lace Church Government, was meant of Abode, and manner of Life. It only Unlawful Endeavour, Upon bore date on July -jth^ this Tear, which Declaration, he and fundry And our late HlUorian, Vol. 3. other Nonconformifts, to the num- p- 259. tells «<, that the Returm ber of Twenty, took it at the Selll- «/ *^e feveral Bijhops hereupon, ons, to avoid the Imputaiion of ^^e fi'H prefery'd m the Umhsih Seditious Dodlrine f. "^'^''*'-^' After 314- The LI F E of Chap. XII. J — - — ■ An. 1666. After the ceafing of the PJague, Mr. Baxter return'd to AH on on Mnrch i,'l\ an J found the Church- Yard like a Plowed Field with Graves, and many of his Neighbours Dead, but his own Houfc uninfected, and his Family that he left there fafe. The number of Mi- nifters that were Imprifon'd, find, or othcrwife Afflict- ed for Preaching Chrift's Gofpel, all this time was very great. lite Fire of September 3, 1666, began that dreadful Fire, where- London. jfjy the bell and one of the faireft Cities in the World, was turn'd into Afhes and Ruins in three Days Space. The Seafon had been exceeding dry before, and the Wind in the Eait, where the Fire began. The People having none to conducft them aright, could do nothing to refill it, but ftood and faw their Houfes burnt with- out Remedy, the Engines being prefently out of order and ufelefs. The Streets were crowded with People and Carts, to carry away what Goods they could get, and they that were moft A£live and befriended, got Carts, and fav'd much: While the reft loft almoft all they had. The lofs in Houfes and Goods could fcarce be valu'd. Among the reft, the lofs of Books was a very great detriment to the Intereft of Piety and Learning. Moft of the Bookfellers in St. Pauls Church- Yard, car^ ried their Books into the Vaults under that Cathedral, where it was tho't almoft impoflible for the Fire to come. But the Church taking Fire, the weighty Stones falling down broke into the Vaults, and let in the Fire, and there was no coming near to fave the Books. The Library alfo of Sion Colled^e was burnt, aud moft of the Libraries of the MinLfters, both Conformifts and Nonconformifts. Ac laft fome Sea-men taught them 10 blow up fome of the next Houfes with Gun- Powder, which ilopc the Fire, and in fome places it ftopt as won- derfully asii had proceeded, without any known Caufe. It ftopt at Holhorn ii>'/V»r, and near Sr. Dunjians Church in Fleet-Street^ and at Sepulchcr's Church when the Church was burnt, and at Christ-Church when the Church was burnt, and near Alde^fgate, and Cripplegate^ and other Places at the irnll^ and in Aufiti-Frynrs the Dutch Church ftopt it and efcapd : It ftopt in Bifhops- gntc-Strcet, and Leadenhall-Strcet, and Fcnchurch-Street^ \n the mid ft of the Streets, and ihort of the Tower : And all Southwarl{ cfcap d. This was a fight that might • have Chap. XII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 315 have given any Man a lively Senfe of the Vanity of ^«. i666. this World, and all the Wealth and Glory of it, and of the future Conflagration of the World. To fee the Flames mount up towards Heaven, and proceed fo furioully without reftraint; To fee the Streets fill'd with People aflonifli'd, that had fcarce Senfe left them to" Lament their own Calamity. To fee the Fields fill'd with heaps of Goods, and Sumptuous Buildings, Curious Rooms, CoftJy Funiture and Houlhold-ftuff, yea, Ware-houfes and FnrnilhM Shops and Libraries, &c, all on a Flame, while none durft come near to receive any Thing. To fee the King and Nobles ride about the Streets, beholding all thefe Defolations, while none could afford the leaft relief. To fee the Air as far as could be beheld, fo fill'd with Smoak that the Sun ihin'd thro' it with a colour like Blood, &c. But the dolefulleft fight of all was afterwards, ta fee what a ruinous confus'd Place the City was, by Chimneys and Steeples, only {landing in the midft of Cellars and heaps of Rubbifh ; fo that it was hard to know where the Streets had been, and dangerous of a long time to pafs thro' the Ruins, becaufe of Vaults and Fire in them. This unhappy Fire, made the Way of the Nonconform mists yet the plainer to them. For the Churches being Burnt, and the Parifh Minifters gone, for want of Pla- ces and Maintenance, the Peoples Neceffity became un- queftionable; for they had no Places now to Worfliip God in, faving a few Churches that were left flanding, which would not hold any confiderable Part of them. Whereupon the Nonconformists opened Publick Meeting- rbe Puh- Houfes, and were very full. And as Circumftances lick Meet- then ftood, to have forbid the People to hear them, had inrrs of tire been in Effet^ to forbid them all Publick Worlhip of Noncoa- Godj and require them to live like Atheifts. formifts. But that they might difcover their Charity to thofe from whom they difFer'd, a confiderable Number of the Ejed:ed Minifters in the City, met together foon after the Fire, to confider whether they ought not to join fometimes with the Parifh Churches in the Sacrament j and whether their total forbearing it might not tempt thofe of che Eftablifht Church to believe that they took their Communion for Unlawful. It was generally a- greed that fuch Communion was Lawful and Meet, when it would not do more harm than good. Iq ?i6 The LIFE of Chap.XH. -i«. I "^67. In the Year 1667, the Lord * The King in a Speech to both ChaiKellor HiVc was Jmpeach'd and Houfes of Parliament, on Teb. Difcardcd: And it fecm'd a remark- 10, this Year, thus exprefs'd ab'e Providence of God, that he himfelf. One Thing more I hold who had been the Grand Jnftrumenc Tnyfelfohllid to recommend un- of Stare in the foregoing Tranfacii- tf>ym at thU prcfcnt, t=^lfchif, ^.^^^ and had dealt fo feverelv with That your.ou/d fcrnufy th.nh of ^^^ Noncmformifis, ihould at length fomc Courfe to be^^ct a (^^j^erL-^- bv his Own Friends be Caft out and on and Ccmpofure^ tn the Minds r>' -,,,1 , ., . ,- , ^ ^ ^ ef ,«y Proteftant St^Wh in mai^ ^^'^^ ^^ ^^lie thole whorn hc had ters 'of Religion, rcherehy they may Pcrfecutcd were the moft Moderate le induc'd not only to fub'mit quiet' "^ his Can fe, and many for him. h to the Gorernment^ but alfo The Dukeof B/.'c/;/wjr/j^w,fucC.eeded chcar fully give their Afft fiance to h\xn as Chief Favourite. He was a the Support of it. Man for Liberty ^. tender him, the Nonconformifis in Loyidcti were connived at, and People went openly to their Meetings ^ j^ without Fear. This encourag'd the Country Minifters, 1667, who did the like in moft parts o( England ^zni Crowdsof There were the moft Religioufly enclin'd People were their Auditorst- many In Pamphlets fublifJid about Toleration and Indulgence. As, Indulgence and Toleration confiderd in a Letter t$ a Perfon of Honour. Qji. A Peace Offering in an Apology and humbU Plea for Indulgence and Liberty of Confcicncc^ by fundry Protellanrs differing in fome Things from the Prefent Ejiabli^jmcnt about the horj7)ip of God. Mr. Corbet publijh^d a Difmurfe concerning the Religion of England, and the Settlement of Reformed Chriflianity in in due Latitude : Jn Ttpo Parts. To which an Anfrver was Publifhedj cal'Cd Dolus an Virtus. A Propofition for the Safety and Happlnef of the Kitig and Kingdom. The In- conrenip.ncici of Toleration : Or an Anftver to a lafe Book^ Intituled a PropO' ftion made to the King and Parliament^ for the Safety and Happinefs of thr King and Kingdom, (^u. AVefenceof the Proportion : Or fame Rcafons rendred vhyths Noncnnformi/l Mini fter who coma tohii Paripj Church and Common Prayer., cannot yet yield to other Things that are injoynd, without fome Moderation, &c. ;{ Our Laie Hiforiany Part 3. p. 271, fays., it Qiouid be added to the Foot of tliis Account, that it could be no great Credit to the DifTenting Party, ro Invc had the Earl of Clarendon their Oppufcr, and the Duke of Buck- vfham their Promoter. Tiie firft oppofing them upon no worfe Principle than a Zeal to the Eftablifh'd Church, as the mad cflcvhial Bulwark againft Popery, and the other appearing in their Intereft upon no better Account than 1 ftrong Affef^ion to the Univerfai Liberty of Opinion and Praftice. But I (J}ould think if fuch Conjtderatiom as thefe are l>e)'e bro't in, t])e Church vill Jta^e no great Caufe to boafl, who was help'd to her ftron^^cfi Law< again/} the Poor Non^iyi^ozmifis., by thofe who (it appear d plainly afterwards) were carrying on a Popljh Inttreji : And yet wiren they fujj'trd unliv thofe Law^, th'-y Chap. XII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 5 1 7 In January 1668, Mr. Bdxter received a Letter from An. 166S, Dr. Manton^ intimating that be was told by Sir John -^ Treaty Barber, that the Lord Keeper Bridgman defir'd'to Con- "^^^^^ ^^^ fer with them Two, about a Comprebenfion and Tokratl- ^^^ Keener on. Hereupon he came to London^ and chey Two waited S^" on the Lord Keeper; who told them that he had fent ^^\ j ^ for. them, to think of a way of, their Reftanration : To r^^^ which end he had fome Propofals to offer to them, . * which were for a Comprehenpon for the Presbyterians, and a,n Indulgence for the Independents^ and the reft. They ask'd him, whether it was his Pleafure, that they Ihould offer him their Opinion of the Means, or oiily receive what he offered to them. He Reply 'd, that he had fomething to offer, but they might alfo make their own Propofals. Mr. Baxter told him, he tho't they might be able to offer him fuch Terms (without injuring any- one) as might take in both Presbyterians zwi Indepen- dents, and all found Chriftians into the Pubiick Efta- blifh'd Miniftry. He AnfwerM, that that was a Thing that he would not have, and fo it was Agreed to go firft upon the Comprehevfion. A few Days after he fent his Propofals. After this they met with Dr. H^i!l{inr, and Mr. Burton, to Confer about the Matter.- The Lord Keepers^ or Dr. WilldnV Propofals were thefe : In Order to a Comprehenfion, it is humbly Offer'd. ** I. C / HA T fuch Perfons as in the late Times of Diforder ** have been Ordained by Presbyters, fhall be ad- mitted to the Exercife of the Mlniderinl FunFiion, by the Impofition of the Hattds cf the Bifhop, vpith this or the like Form of PVords : Take thou Authority to Preach they were willing to accept belief from any Hani \ as knowing that what' eyer Principle they might be of, that appear d for them, there wa* too much of an implacable Spirit in fuch as were againft them, l^or can I fee they can jufily be bUvn'd for rather cboofing Lenity and Mildnefs from a Man of m Trinciple^ thanVining, Imprifonment^Banijhment^ and Ruin j from one of ftrid High Church principles. , " the ?i8 The LIFE of Chap. XII. An. i662. " the V/ord of God, and to Miniller the Sacraments in " any Congregation of the Church of England^ where " thou Ihalc be Lawfully appointed thereunto. An ex- '* fcdient much of this Nature rvai PracHcd and Allow d of^ *' in the Cr.fe of the Catharifts and Meletians, Vid. Sfib " Canon Cone. Nic : And Symdical Epiftle of the fame ** to the Churches of Egypt, Gelafius Cyzicenus, H/if. " Co7j. iWc. Second Part. '* 2. Thr.t all Perfons to be admitted to any Ecclefjitfiical " FuncUon or Dignity, or the Employment of a Schoolmafter^ ** (after the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy) {hall (in- " flead of all former Subfcriptions) be requird to Suufcribe " this^ or the like Form of H^ords. f A, B. Do hereby Profefs and Declare, that I do approve the Doctrines, Worlhip and Government Eftablifh'd in the Church of Englandy as containing all Things neceffary to Sal- ** vation ; and that I will not endeavour by myfeH or '* any other, diredtjy or indiredily, to bring in any ** Do£lrine contrary to that which is fo Eftabliflied; *^ And 1 do hereby Promife, that 1 will continue in " the Communion of the Church of England^ and " will not do any Thing to difturb the Peace thereof. '* 3. That the Gejlure of Kjieeling at the Sacrament^ *' and the ufe of the Crofl in Baptifm, and bowing at the Name of Jefuf, may be left indifferent^ or may be taken av^ay, as fhall be tho't tnost expedient, 4. That in Cafe it be thought fit to review and alter " the Liturgy and Canons for the Sntisfaciionof Dijfcnters, *' that then every Perfon to be admitted to Preachy fhaJl^ *' upon his Inflitution, or Admiffion to Preachy upon fome " Lord's Day (within a Time to be limitted) publickjy *' and folemnly read the faid Liturgy^ and openly declare '* his Ajfent to the Lnwfulnefi of the ufe of it, and fhall " Protniffy that it fhall be conflantly ufed at the Time and '* Place accujlomcd. In Order to Indulgence of fuch Proteflayits as cannot be Comprehended under thePublick Eftabiifhmcnt, it is humbly Offered, " I . That fuch Proteftant.^; may have Liberty for the " Ex?rcife of I^cligion in Publick,, a7id at their own Char^ *' gB^s to build or procure Places for their Publick, iVorjhipy *^ either mthin oy near Tomis, asJhitH be tho't mofl expedient, ** 2. That it. Chap. XIL Mr. Richard Baxter. 519 <( cc cc cers to fufpend or filence might be. more limited';;^. ;"''*''J^. That there might be an explicit owning the Baprifmal ^y'**^ Covenant infxfted on in the Cafe of all admitted to full y^^^^l'f^^^J'' Communion: That a Con^undtion of honeft Neigh- /^}^V^^- ' bours for private Religious Exercifes might np't be ta- wa^ coip- ken for Conventicles : And that fuch as deride or fcorn tMd, -^ at Chriftianity or the Holy Scriptures, might be num- There vaa^s bred with the fcandalousSinners mentioned in the C^z2o?ziW^K' /'«6- and I{ubricl{, and not admitted to the Communion, C^c *. ^ip>^d a - . ; Dipourfcof Toleration, in Anfwer to the Difcourfe of the Religion of England. A, Letter to 4 Member of tbit prefent Parliament^ for Liberty of Confcience, TAe Toleration Intolerable .• And in Anfrver to />, Liberty of Confcience tlie Klagiftrates Intereft. Findicite Cultils Eyangeiicf^ Or the Perfeftion of Chrift's Inftitutions and Ordinances about his Worfliip, AlTertedand Vin- dicated, from all Ecclefiaftical or Humane Inventions, &c. But after all. the Difcourfe and Debates upon thU SubjeCi^ there was a ProcUmation this Tear ^ publijh'd, for inforcing the Laws againfi Conyenticles-^ and a Fate fafs'd in the Uoiifi of Cmimm for remmng the aH again fl them for Three Tears. Y After 5^22 The LIFE of Chap, XU. An sfith the rchole Matter, hoping to have preraiTd for hii concurrence in it, he be/iirr'd hi mf elf and all hii Friends, and made fuch a Par- ty that nothing could be clone in it. i66^. Afrer a long Debate a Bill was drawn up by Judge Hale^ to be prefented to the Farliamcp.r. But they no Toon(?r fate, than the High Church Party made fuch an Intercft, as that upon putting it to * Sijljcp Wilkins v;ho vfos a the Vote, it was carry *d that no Candid, ln^^enuous,andoptn hearted ^^n fhould bring an A£l of thisNa- Man, acljuainiing Bijhop Ward ture into the Houle *; and fo they prevented all Talk or Motion of fuch a Thing. And the Lord Keeper who fet it on Foot, grew as ihdiiferent about it as any one, when he faw which way th^Stream was ftrongeft. In September, this Year Sir John Baber inform*d £)r. Mnnton, that the King v/as inclinM 'to favour the ''Nonconformi^s, and that an Addrefs now would be accepted : And that it muft be a thankful Acknow- ledgement of the Clemency of his Maiefly's Govern- ment, and the Liberty enjoy'd under it, (^c. Such an Addrefs was agreed on, and prefented by Dr. Mnntorf, Dr. Bates, Dr. Jncomh, and Mr. Ennt). The King met them in my Lord Alinj^torh Lodgings, receiv'd them gracioufiy, and pro- mis'd to do his utmoil to get them comprehended within the Publick Eftablilhment. But after all, the Talk of Liberty, did but Occafion the Writing many bitter Pamphlets againft Toleration. \ And among other Things this Year Publifh'd, there came out a Br ok call'd, A Friendly Debate be^ tveeen n Conformilt and Nonconformift ||. The Au- thor of ir, having met with weak Patfages of fome Difl'cnting Miniftcrs, fcrapes them together, for mat- ter of Reproach: And having heard fonic crude t Thu Tear Articles were pent d'jvtn into the Country to tin Clerzj, with Frlvate Or- ders to pjme-i to male the Con- yentic/crs as feiv and inonf- 7'he Ei'zhth La/i Article wa^ thtii worded; Uljether do you think, they Plight be eafily fup' prefs'd with the Afffiance of the Ci\il Magiftrate ? Conf. Plea for the Nonconf. Fart i. fage 40. durable rf> might Ae and Lad Article WSir Matthew Hale in hii Jud'j^e ment con- cerning the Nature oj True Religion, &c. I\trf ^•, Haying a F articular f.yr to thii Boitky thuf cxfrejj'ei. himfclf .' I do remember vhcn Bui. Johnlbn madt hu Flay of the Alchvmift, wherein he brings in Anaitus in Vcri/ion of »/;- Pcr/'/m then call'd Piuic:in.s, with many of their Fhrafcs in life among thc'fi, taken .out oj the Scripturcfi with a Vcftgn to render that fort of •ftrfoMs r'uiiculoiHi and to gain Applaufe to hii \[it and Jrancy^ tbo' tU and Chap. XI f. Mr, Richard Baxter. 525 and unmeet Expreflions droppM by Private Perfons, he ^» i6'jo. brings them forth in a way of Dialogue, in which he P<'^M^ »'^- makes the Nonconformist {peak as foohlhly as he could -^^"^''^ °" defire, and only fjch lilly Things as he knew he could '^'^'"^ "°^ , eafily (hame. And thence he argues againft Nonccnfor-'^J^J^ ^°^ tnlty^ which is jaft as if a Man fhould go to prove the J^^^rr the Religion of Chriftians or Protefiants foolifh, becaufe n-re.it' Ones there are weak Perfons to be found amongft them. ^W G^/- This Book was too much fuited to the Humours o^Unts , yst thofe who not only hated the NoncvriformiUs, but were h'u Tlay defpifers and deridefs of ferious Godlinefs; who were tvaidiflitdi thereby confirm'd in their Contempt and Scorn of ^-t^d indeed Religion in General. This Year, i^/:{. 1669, Sir ^7/- ',^^''^^^*"'^7 lir^m Turner was Lord Mayor of London, who never di- ^'^'^^/^ ^*" ilurb*d ihe Nonconforming Mmifters; or troubled Men-^^^'",^ *^ T for Religion : And their Liberty ^in London, did hearten ^^'^^' ^ Vfr and encourage fo many Preachers thro' the Land, thacf/^°f ;^|^^^] in all Probability many Souls were the better for it. ^^ ^w/j to render ths Puritans tidiculotcs. That rehifh teas ^nfeemly in a Poet, tpho made it his hujinefs to make Plays, vein certainly more T-ulfume and Unfavoury, in one vffha isfai obligd byhii Profejjim, Profpicere honori Religionis Chriftianpe, and not to render it ridiculous and contemptibfeyby raillery, and fcurrilom Jefiing- The next Year came out a far more virulent Book, call'd Ecclefiaftical Policy, written by Sam. Parker, who was aftewards a Doctor and a Bilhop. A Man of ex- traordinary Parts, who was bred up among the more zealous Party of the Enemies of Prelacy, and feeing fome Weakneffes among them, and being one of an eager Spirit, was turn'd with the Times into the con- trary Extream. He wrote the moft fcornfuUy and ralhly, the moft prophanely and cruelly againft the Honconformifts, of any Man that ever Aflaulted them. In a fiuent, fervent, and ingenious Style of natural Rhecorick, he pour'd out Floods of odious Reproaches, He was firft anfwer'd by Dr. Ov^en, and afterwards fo handled by the ingenious Mr. Andrew Marvel^ that he grew much Tamer. Whilft Mr. Bixtcr liv'd at //^ow, as long as the A£i sigainft Gonventicles was in Force, tho' he Preach'd in' his Family, but few of the Town came to hear him : Partly, becaufe they tho't it would endanger him, and .partly f©r feat of Suffering themfelves. But when Y 2 thS -24 The LIth of Chap. XU. ■f i67>.the A(5l was expired, there came fo many, that he wanted Room. For there came almoft all the Town and Fanih, befides a great many from Brainford, and the nc)ghbouring Farilheg. The Parlon of the Pariih was Dr. /^/<>f, Dean of l-i^'nuifcr and if^clveihampton^ ^ Parlon cf HafeHy and of y^ffow, and the Kings Chaplain in Ordinary. His Curate was a weak, dull, >oung Man, th^t fpent moft of his Time in Ale-Houfes, and read a few dry Sentences to the People but cnce a Day: And yet becaufe he Preach'd found Do(^rine, and there was no better at Hand, Mr. Baxter con^antly heard him when he Preach'd. They who heard him before, ufually went with him to Church, there being Icafce Three that refus'd : And when he Preach'd after the Publick Exercife, they went out of the Church into his Houfe. This the Parfon could not bear the fight of: And he was the more Offended, becaufe he came not to the Sacrament with him, tho* he had fome- times done it elfewhere. Mr. Bix- At length the Parfon thus got an Advantage againft iviilnipn him. One Brnjginile an Apothecary at f^olvcrhnmpton jonment where he was Dean, wrote him Word that Mr. B^ignolds upon tht ^YiQ Si'enc'd Minifter of that Place had in Converfati- J^" on told him, that the NoyiconformOis were not fo con- tempLible cither for Number or Quality as they were .reprclented ; that moft of the People were of their Mind ; that Crcmvoel tho* an Ufurper had kept up Rng- land againft the Dutch, Sec. And that he marvelled at his rieac againft Private Meetings, when at A8on, the Dean futfcr'd them at the next Door. With this Inrellij^encc the Dean haftens to the King, as if he had fcmL' Treafon to difcover. The King upon his aggra- vating Matters, bid him go to the Bilhop of London^ as fom him, and confujt with him, about the Suppreffi- on of Mr. Bfixte)'s Meeting. Two Juftices were chofen for their Pcirpofe ; F{pjl^ and Phillips : The former a Sov, at Braiuford, and the latter a Steward of the Arch- Billi p of Ctntcrhury, They fent a Warrant to the Conltablc to apprehend him, and bring him to Brnin- ford. When he was bro't before them, and all Pcrfons but ihemfelves fhut out of the Room; they told him he was Convitft of keeping Conventicles contrary to the Law ; and fo they lendei'd him the Oxf.rd Oath. He it)ld (hem, that he took not his Meeting to be contrary to Chap. XIL Mr. Richard Baxter. 525 to Law; and that the Oxford Oath did not concern him ; An. 1670. nor could he apprehend they were impower'd by the Adfc to pucic upon him: But they declaring themfeivv's 'fatisfy'd in what they did, and preffing the Oath, he ftarted fome Difficulties about it, and deiir'd their Explication, but in vain. At length they committed him to New-Pnfon Goal at Clerkenwcll for Six Months, without Bail or Mainprize. And thus he left AHcrij the Inhabitants whereof were greatly exafperated again ft their Parfon, for this Fa£l: of his: And really he could hardly have done any Thing more to hinder the Succefs ofhisfeldom Preaching there. For nothing certainly can have a worfe Afped:, in any one that bears the Cha- radfcer of an Ambaflador from the Prince of Peace, than his feeking to Moleft and Difturbhis Neighbours, whofe defire it is to live in Peace and Qjaietnefs, without noife or ftir ^. ^ In September this Tear fiSyo) was the Trial of Air. William Penn, and Mr. VVini?.m Mead, at the Old Baily. The Court treated them roughly. The Charge rvas given to the furj/y after the Frifoners were out of Court.^ which was contrary to Law and Cufiom. Eight of the Jury at frfi agreed to bring them in Guilty.^ and Tour Diffented. At length they brought them In Guilty of fpeaking in Gracious Street. Upon which the Court threatened them., and they were confind all Nighty without Meat^ Drlttk, Fire.^ or any other Accom- tnodaticn. The Court being fat the next Morning., they gar e the fame Ver- diil. Hereupon they were threc^end to be Un'd^ Staric d, and Kuind. They were kkpt another Nighty without any Accommodation as before : And at length they unanimoujly brought them in Not Guilty. For thus Ferdi£l they •were find Fourty lAarki a Man^ and ordred to be Imprifond till 'twas paid. In this his Imprifoncnent, Mr. Baxter was manifeftly hardly dealt with ; for the AA againft Cof.vmticles was expired fome Time before. He was never Convic!Sl of a Conventicle while that Law was in force. The Oxford AB fuppos'd Perfons ConvicSt of a Conventicle-^ and did not enable any to Convidt him without another Law : And there was none but the Juftices Man, who at all witnefs'd concerning his Preaching: But fuch Things were common in thofe Times. As he was going to Prifon, he caird on Serjeant Fountain, to confult with him ; who perufing his Mittimm, advis*d him to feek htsin Habeas Corpus, Many at Court mov'd for him : The Earl of Orrery^ Earl of Manchester , Lord Arlington, and Duke pf Buckingham f intimated to the King that his Impri- Y 3 fonnient 326 The LI FE of Chap. Xll- uin. 1670. fonment was nor for his Service. And Sir John Baber came to him in Prifon, to let him know that the King in Dircourfe bad figniTy'd to him, that be was not wii-^ ling ro be feen to relax the Law, but that he would not be offended if he fought his Remedy at Law. Accord- He obtains inglv he refolv'd upon doing fo. His Habeds Corpus was «t Habeas demanded at the Common l^leas^ and Granted. The Corpus. Judges declared the Mittimus InvzWd: Becaufe the Wit- nclfes were not Nam'd ; which is a Matter of great Moment. For if Perfons may be Imprifon'd by Jufti- ces upon fuch an A(fl as the Oxfo,d AH^ and the Wit- nefft s he unknown, any Innocent Perfon might be laid in Prifon, and have no Remedy. Upon this he was Difcharg'd. His Imprifonmeni was indeed no great Suffering to him : For he had an Honeft Goaler, who fiiew'd him all the kindnefs he could; He had a large Room, and the Liberty of a fair Garden ; and the fight of more Friends in a Day, than he had at home fome- timcs in half a Year: And when released, he was very much at a L ofs, for he was not acquitted as to the main Caufe ; the Mittimus might be eafily amended, and he Connn'd ag.iin. He knew not how to bring the main Point to a Tryal, whether they had Power to impofe upon hirh the Oxford Oath', and his Counfellors advis'd , him to forbear, and not go to Queftion the Juftices for falfe Imprifonmcnr, leaft he were Born down by Pow- er. Ic was Reported he was ennch'd by his Imprifon- menr, but without Ground. For all the Prefents that he receivM, were thefe : ic Broad Pieces from Sir Jchi Bcrvnrd: 10/. from the Countefs o^ Exeter : and 5 /. from Alderman Bcnrd. More was offer*d him, but he refus'd it, for this defray'd his Law and Prifon Charges. The fanne Jufticcs as foon as they heard of his Relcafe, made a New Mittimuf^ to fend him to Xcopgate ; but he kept out of their Reach. For his neact ^ M.tny remove was to Tctteri^hc near B^rfict, where he was «Vi>/«;ri forc'd to take up with a few mean Rooms for a Year*. Were this Ten puhlijhd for nnd a^ninfl e jiu- th'^rity of K'ng Jamcs and hi < Council^ the rotes of parliament ini662y The rrefbyteriayi Mini ft tn in 15^5, ^«jjt ht /ntinded. *' People returning from their Seditious *' and Sclf-fcekin^Teachcrs^ to the Uuity *n4 i Chap. XII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 3 3 1 and the Death of fome. * About this Time my Lord An. i6-ji. ■L'nitderdale going into Scotlandy fignify'd to Mr. Baxter a ^urpofe there was of taking off the Oath of Cano- " ^ ^^^^ nical Obedience, and all Impoficions of Conform icy '| j^,':^'! there, fave only that it fliould be necelTary to fit in ^^ J"^ ." Presbyteries and Synods with the Bifhops and Modera- ^ oTgocTs tors : And told him he had the King's Confent to offer ct vvqj.- him what Place in Scotlnnd he would choofe ; either a cc n^jp i^ Church, or a Colledge in one of the Univerfities, or a c< will be Bifhoprick. From accepting which Motion he excufed <« to die himfelf, from his Weaknefs and Indifpofition, and the " Glory Circumftances of his Family. After that the Earl of" of God, L^.ude dale was in Scotland, Sir Robert Murrey a great " ^^^^ ^^^^~ Confident of his, fent Mr. Baxter the Frame of a Body " ^^'^^ ^^ ■ ' "^ " the «' Church, *' the Praife of his Majefty and Government, and the Happinefs of i\\^ '^ whole Kingdom. And fol bid your Lordfliip heartily Farewail, and am,- My Lord, Lambeth- Houfe, Tour lord/hip's moji AffeCtlonate Vrkni May 7. 1670. and Brother. * GILBERT CANT'. A^opy of a Letter from the Arch-Deacon of Lincoln, to the feyeral Fariffja vplthm his jfurijdiHion. S I K, <& r Have received a Command from my Lord Bifhop of Vnco/n, to dif- 1 " perfe Copies of tlie preceding Letter, to the feveraiParilhes wiihin t' tliejurifdidtionof the Arch-Deaconry oi Lincoln. In Purfuance therefore " of his LordChip's Order, I fend this to you ^ fiarneftly deiiring you, *' to take efpecial Regard to perform whatfoever is therein requir'd of ^' you, either in your own Perfon, or relating to yourPariQiioners. And " Iiow you (hall difcharge your Duty therein, 1 ihall expert an Account 2it ^' the next Vifitation. lam, Tour yery Loying Vrlend and Brother^ J. CAWLEY, Archidiac. Lincoln. * Mr. Andrew Marvel mmtiom a HoUtlch Engine^ who about this Time 'ypas emplofd by fome Oxonians, as a Mijjionary amottg the Nonconformifts of the adjacent Counties ^ and upon Ve/ign, either gathered a Congregation of his own, or Preach' d amongfi others, till haring got all their Names, hethrevr bf the Fizard, and appeared in hii Colours^ an Honeft Informer. Mearfal Tranfpros'dy pag. i/^. of 532 ' The LIFE of Chap. Xil. Am. 157/. of Church Difcipline for Scotlind, and deArd bis A- nimadverfions. The Scheme was haiidfomeJy contriv'd, and favour'd of nnch Moderation; but che Power ot Synods war contriv'd [O be in the King. Mr. Br.xter made bis Remarks as he was dcfir'd. In the Year i^yr.f the Dio- ' ' t This Tear was fubli[J}d a cefe of SrAisburj was moft fiercely fad Karratiycofthe Opprejjion of driven On CO Conformity , by many Honcf People in Devon, Dr. Seth Hard their Bilhop. Ma- and other Farts, by inftrmen ny Hundreds did he profecute and Ju/iica, out of their pretend- vvith great Indultry ; and a- ed Zeal to put the Aa a^ainjl ^long the reft, that learned, hum- Conpenticles in Execution. ^j^^ holy Gentleman Mr. Thomus Grovc^ an ancient Parliament Man, of as great Sincerity and Integrity as moft in the Land. He ftood it out a while in a Law Suit, but was overthrown, and forc'd to forlake his Country, with Multitudes of others. During the Mayoral- ty of Sir Samuel Sterli'fi^, many Jury-men in Lcndon were Fin'd and Imprifon'd by the Judge, for not finding certain Q^ickers guihy of violating the Ad: againft Conventicles, They appeal'd and fought Reme- dy. Xhe Judges remained about a Year in Sufpence ; and then by the Lord Chief juftice Vaiighan delivered their Refolution againft the Judge, for the Subjedts Freedom from fuch Sort of Fines ; he dilated upon ic in a Speech of Two or Three Hours, which was re- ceived with great Joy and Applaufe by the People ; and the Judges thereupon were cried up as the Pillars of * fig Law and Liberty*. Compiler of the Third Column of the Compleat Hillory of England, p. 1S6, feems not ^leafed that the Diflenters fhould complain of Perlecution ; and fays that the Lares had impofed but moderate Penalties upon them 5 and that they defied the Juftice of the Nation, ^c. And fo in EfeSl he ju/iifies all the Seyc- Titles agamfi them. And if this yields him Comfort upon a cool Eefleilion^ I am far from envying him his Satisfadion. The Parliament having made the Laws againft Konconformifti Preaching, and Private Religious Meet- ings fo fcvcre as hath been rcpiefcnted, the King altho' he confented to thofe Laws, became the Patron of their Liberty. Not by any Legal Abarcmen[s, but by his Connivance as to the? Execution 3 the Magiftrates for Chap. X II. Mr. Richard Baxter. 3 35 for the moft Part doing what they "^ The Earl of Briftol called to- perceived to be his Will * The g'^^^'-^ ^ Meethg of the chief of Minifters were encourag'd by ^^^^ fffi^. and tenired them an Sir John Baber and others, to make ^,^^^;''/ ^f''y^ andtoidthem that their Addreffes to the King, to pro- f ^''f\ ^^'^'^^ "'^ ^^"-^^ --^ ^ ): , . T 1. J T , the Dijfenters K^as noK; £x d^ ar.d fefs their Loyalty, and agknow- ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^J^^^ '^^^ iedge his Clemency; and they did ^/^^, therefore It r<^ as their inter efl fo. The King told them, that tho to maheUfe of all the Provocatlm fuch Adts were made, he was a- theDifentersmip^htmcetwlth^and gainft Perfecution, and hop'd e're to offer their ui'ljift^,nce toihemm long to (tand on his own Legs, €rder to the engaging them to JBe- and then they fhould fee how much thion for a generalToleratinn : But he was againft it. By this Means ^hy '^^uld neyer be brought to k. they gaind Peace and Quiet in ^'/^"Z' Burner^ Speech in the their Meetings in the City: And f^fc of Lords, about the Ojz- m all oir i?»c/j4^dF Preface to tin Unieafonablcnefs of Sej>3rp.tion, p. 2g. Many Writings were fiibllfh'd u^on the Matter at that ycry Time. One vftote Toleration not to be abus'd ^ or a ferinus ^eflion foUrly dubated and refnhcd upon Presbytcrinn TrincipUs ; \iz. H^lnther it be Chap. Kill. Mr. flichard Baxter. 555 among the Nonconformiflj, while others fear'd the Con--4«. i6j2, fequences. For they well knew, that the Toleration ^-^^^'^fab/cy was not chiefly for their Sakes, but for the P^.pifts -^efpeciaf/y and that they fliould hold it no longer than their Inte-^^"'* ^'^^ left would allow it them : And withaj, they fear'd it^.**"^^^5- would continue the Divifions, which were much hetttr^Y"\^'r heard by a Comprehe}iJion, However they concluded |-^- '/* *"' on a cautious and moderate Thankfgiving for the King's p^^^^^^^ Clemency and their own Liberty, and were introduc'd^o take Ad- by my Lord Arlijigton. Mr. Baxter was not very iov-rantare ward to take the Advantage of this Indulgence : He from his was defirous of Liberty in another Way, and was fear- ^>^'y*,^y>- ful what this Method would iflue in. But at length ^'«f<^ ^W<<- there being no Room to hope for any better Terms, *''^^'^'»> ^» when he faw the Minifters of London y generally fettled ^'^''■^ *''" *'';" in their Meeting Houfes, he had a Licence alfo pro- ^'^'^^^ ^''-'*" cur'd for him by Sir Thomns Player, with this P^culiari-^^^^'"''" ty, that it was without the Title of Independent, Pref- -p J T^ ^ byteriiin, or of any other Party, but only as a Noncon- conTrel-a- formift, ]'i,^^^ ^ ' A'\b' dnA to gather ihemfehes into difiinSf and feparate Cimrches. On the other Side ttfas pulj/tj/yd a TraSl with this Tit/e^ Indulgence not to be re/wi W, Comprehenfion immbiy de- fir'd^The Churches Peace earnefily endeayour'd.And jhort Reflexions on Tolera- tion not to be abus'd,€^c. /Z'ew/w^; t^'^t it is the Duty of Pres^yterians^to tnaks ufe of the Liberty granted 5 And that it is no finful Separation, nor contrary ta Presbyterian Frincip/es for th^fe who are call''d Presbyterians to preach to and meet in Congregations difiinfl- from the Parochial AJfemblies, under prefent Circumflances. The Merchants at this Time fetting up a Weekly Mr. Bax- Letiure on Tm^y, An Army (prttended to -Parliament be defign'd for Service againft the Dutch) lay encamp'd '^^^^en'd. at Blijcl^-Heath, Many of the Commanders were l^a- ..pifts., ,It was the general Apprehension, rhac having no Hope to get the Parliament to fet up their Religion by Law, it was cheir Intention to put down Parlia- ments, and reduce the Governmeiit to i\\e Bench Mode], and Religion to their Stare, by a ftandmg Army. All that Lov'd their Country had difmal Expecflations. The Parliament paffed an, A(ft for preventing Dangers which might happen from Pcpif):' RecufantSj by which ic was enacted, That no Man ftibuld bear any Offi:e or Place of Truft, who did not take the Oaths of Supre- macy and Allegiance ; and that all that fliouid be ad- mitted into any Office Civil or Military after the firft Day of Eafter-Term in 1673, fhould receive the Sacra- ment according to the Ufage of the Church of Eyiglnnd^ within three Months after their Admittance^ in ibme Publick Church, upon fome Lords-Day. Upon the palling of this Teft A£^, the Duke of TI^^/; who was Ge- neral of the Army, and the Lord Treafurer C/z/for^, laid down all their Places. The Parliament met again, OEio- her the 20th, and Voted againft the Duke's Marriage with an tcalian Pafift, a Kin to the Pope, They re- Z new'd 338 The LIFE of Chap, XIII. An. 1673. new'd this Vote in their next Seflions, and upon a Mef- * Tbii Tear ^age fent to the King about it, received this Anfwer ; (1^7?) Difcoune of true Re- ligion. Ht- reiy,Schirm Tolcrau- on, and what beft between Confor- mifts, and Noncon- formif^s. that it was too Jate to ftop it. On Friday, uct, 31, They pafs'd a Vote, that no irorc Money Ihould be gi- ven, till they were Tecur'd againft the Danger of Popery, and Po/^//^^ Counleilors, and their Grievances were re- el refs'd. And indeed the Warmth and Bojdnefs of both Honfes againft the Pafijis grew very high. * In thisSeflion, tbeEarlof Orm 7 defir'd Mr. Brfjff^r to draw up Terms of Union between the Conforrfjifls, and the Noncojiformifts, in Order to their joint vigorous Means may ^PP'^fi'^g Popery : And he told him that Sir Tbomai Osborn be us'd a- ^^^ New Lord Treafurer. Bi(hop Morley of J4^inchefter, gainft the and feveral other great Men were mightily for it : Up- Growth of on which he fent him Piopoials for that Purpofe, the Popery. Chief of which were ihefe : Fropofals " ^^^^ "^ Covenant, Promife, or Oath, (hould be raUnion " required to Ordination, Inltitution, or Indudlion, ** but the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy ; the *' fubfcribing to the Dovftrine and Sacraments of the ** Church ot England^ as exprefs'd in the 39 Articles, " and a general Declaration againft Rebellion and Sedition. That till the Nonconformifls could be bet- ter provided for by Vacancies, they fliould have Li- berty to be School-maftersj or Alllftams to Incum- bents, or to preach Ledlures in their Churches, ei- ther fuch Leisures as were already endow'd with Maintenance, or fuch as the People (hould be willing to maintain : and that in the mean Time their Meet- ing Places that were convenient (hould be continued in L^fc as Chappcls. That Liberty be allow'd for Neighbours joining together in Praying to God, and Praiiing him, and repeating Sermons, in their pri- vate Honfcs without MoJ:^ftation. Thar for the Li- turgy, ^"^ ^^^^"^ *^^^ Papijls and frotejianrs differ but in Che Non- ^^"ords: Upon wliicli he was forced to vindicate himfelf confor- ill a Sheet, calTd an j^fpcal to the Light^ which ftopp'd inifls, \>a'^e. not tht Accufation : For fome had the Wifdom and Con- 71, 6:c. fidt nee to fay, that that Appeal to the Light did more to ftrengthcn Fnpen^ than ever was done by any Papijis. Mr. Baxter was the firlt that was apprehended as a Co«- 'vcnticler after this Alteration of Affairs. He was taken, preaching \\\^ Thurfday Leisure at Mr. Twners. He went with the Conftable, and W^-^^ the Informer, to Sit PVil- finm Pnitne/s, who demanding the Warrant found it .fign'd, by Hrmy Montague, Efq; BaylifFof H^cflminfler, Sir If'^iiiiam told them, that none but a City Juftice, could give a Warrant for apprehending a Man for preaching in the City : And fo the Informer was defeat- ed, and hiS Heart afterwards fmoie him ; and he came to Mr. B ^xtcr and begg'd Pardon, and profef^'d Repen- tance. He freely forgave him, and admonifh'd him fe- rioully to amend his Life. Endeavours were ufed tp furpr:ze Dr. Mr,:tnn : But one Mr. Bedford preaching in his Room was apprehended. He had taken the Oxford Oath before, and in that rerpe(ft was not obnoxious : But was fin'd 10 /. and the Place 40 /. which was paid by the Lord iVha tou^ the CountelTesof Bedford^ Man^ Ji frt(I)M- ^^^^f"^'''f a^^d CUre^ and other Hearers. : T^j/'f for Another Sclflon of Parliament approaching, Biihop an yiccom- ^^">';, and Biftiop fVard^ were in Appearance, very »?'^//«;'fln (i/fju'nfible of the Danger of Popery^ and therefore very ti'j' o ifi- forward for Abatements, and taking in the Nonconfor'* Chap. XIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 545 tnifls, and mov'd ic to many. At length Dt, Tiliotfon,An. 167^. and Dr. StilUngflcet^ defir a a Meeting with Dr. Men- ton^ Dr. Bates, Mr. I'oo/y and Mr. Baxter, in Order to conh'der of an Accommodation, and Taid they had the Encouragement of feveral Lords both Spiritual and Temporal. Mr. Baxter at firft met the two Dodors alone : And they confider'd and canvafs'd various Draughts ; and at length fix'd on one in which they agreed. This being communicated to the Nonconfor- mifts, was fatisfadtory : But when they communicated it to the Bi(hop.% there was an End of the Treaty; a great many Things could not be obtain'd *; The Terms ^ Mr. agreed on, were much of the fame Nature with ihofeB^^^'ter above mentioned as proposM to my Lord^Orrcr;, with^'^''^ /^ very little Variation, ^^- TUlot- fon, to know wht' ther he might have leaye to ffenJ: of it, in Order to the promotiftg Concord^ and to flgnify how far they were agreed,^ that their Thames might be fome Advantage to the Work^ and he thereupon return d him the following Letter dated April If. l6jy I 5 /^, Took the firft Opportunity after you were wi^h us to fpeak to the Biihop of Sal — ■ , wlio promifed to keep the Matter private, and only to acquaint the BiQiop of Ch — with it in Order to a Meet- ing : But upon fome General Difcourfc, I plainly perceived feveral Things could not be obtained. However, he promifed to appoint a Time of Meeting, but I have not heard from him iince. I am unwilling my Name (hould be ufed in this Matter ; not bur that I do moft heartily de- fire an Accommodation, and fhail always endeavour it : But I am fure it will be a Prejudice to me, and Signify nothing to the effeding of the Thing, which as Circumflances are, cannot pafs in either Houfe, without the Concurrence of a confiderable Part of the Bifhops, and the Countenance of his Majefty, whicli at prefent I fee little Reafon to txpeft. Tom AfeClionate Brother and Serv4fttf J. TILLOTSON. ?4 The 344 7/je LIFn of Chap.XIll. An. T6y$. The Informers in the City went on, but met with nria- rty Difcourageinents. The Aldermen were not fond , of them, but often fhifced out of the Way, when they kneiv tliey would cpme to them ; and fome denied them their Warrants; tho* by the A6t they thereby forfeited an loo /. Alderman Frr'h got an Informer bound to the Behaviour, for breaking in upon him in his Chamber a- gainft hi^ Will. Strowd and Mn-jha, becarrie General Informers : But were foon fallen upon by their Credi- tors, and generally hated. Some of them fwore a- gainft ]Mr. Bnxtyr before Sir Tijomns D/:vn ; and he went to him and vindicated himfelf, proving that he was not charreable with breaking the Law, but could not be regarded. One that fwore againft him, went a J i tele after to Rs^riff, and hearing Three Minifters Pray and Preach, his Heart was melted, he profefs'd his Soirow and Repentance, and left his wonted Companions. And another of them came to Mr. Bax- ter in the Street, and promised he would meddle no more. When tlie Parliament met, there was great Heat in the Houfe of Lords, upon the bringing in an A£f, to impofe fuch an Oath on Lords, Commons and Ma- giftrares, as was impofed by the Oxford Aci upon Mi- iiifters. The Sum of it was, * That none Commilfion'd * by the King, may be by Arms rcfifled, and that they * would never endeavour any Alteration of the Go- * vernment of Church or State.* The great Speakers for it, were the Lord Treafurer ajid ihe Lord Keeper, with Bifliop Morley and Bilhop I4'ard. The great Speakers againft it, were the Earl of Shaftsbury^ the Lord HoUis^ the Lord HaUifax^ t A Urge Account oftheDe- the Duke of Buckn'ghanf, and the kates on this Head in the Houfe Earl of Snlubury : Who jointly With of reer<, may be feen, in a Let- the Marquis ot Pf^ in :1c tier, and the ter from a Terfn of Qj^tality to Earls of B'/'/^o/, Bcrli^fhire and Aks- his I ricnd in the Country., that i^ hury^ enierd thcit Proteftations 3- fublijb'd in the Second Volume, gainft ic. t They pleaded that this of the State Trans of King Qath would be deHrudive to the Xharks'5 2?«;^>f, ^. 4i,&c. priviledge of their Houfe, which was to Vote freely, and not to be prc-obiigcd by an Oath to the Prelates. After a great many Debates, tho' the 7 eft was carry 'd by a Majority Chap. XIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 345 Majority, yet it was fo altered, as made it incapable of -4«. 1^75. ferving the Purpofes of thofe who a,c firft were moft Zealous for it; it was not to their Guft, for they re-^ lucd it to thefe Words of a Declaration, and an Oarh. I /I, B. do Declare, that it is not lawful on any Pre- tence whatfoever, to take Arms againft the King, and I do abhor the TraiterousPofition of taking Arms, by his Authority againft his Perfon, or agaiaft thofe that are Commiilion'd by hinni according to Law, in time of Rebellion and War, in Adting in Purfuance of fuch GommiHion.* ' I A.B. do Swear that I will not endeavour an Alteration of the Proteflant Re- ligion now Eftablifh'd by Law, in the Church of England, nor will I endeavour any Alteration in the Government of this Kingdom in Church or State, as it is by Law Eftablilh'd.' And when t Paft, the Lords got in this Provifo, that it fhould he no hindrance to their free Sfeahjng and Voting in the Parliament *. Kpting * / thifik it mt amifs here to ittfeft, A Utter ji-om Arcbbifhop Sheldon, to Vr. Compton Blflop of London, dated Jan. 17. 1675. IRigbt 'Reyerend^ and my -very good Lord, rHave tliought fit for ferae Reafons that nearly concei-n the Church, to pray and require your Lordfhip, and by you the reft of my Brethren tlie Bifhops of this Province, that forthwith upon the Receipt hereof, you fend Letters di)e£)-ed to the Archdeacons and Commiflaries of your refpeftive Dioctflfes, wililng and ftraidy charging thera, that as well by Conference wiiJi tlie Mioilters, as the Church-Wardens of each Parifli, or fuch others as may but give them the moft punftual Satisfaftion, they par- ticularly inform themfclves as to the feveral Enquiries hereafter mentioned: And tliat having gain'd the moft true and certain Information herein, that they are able, they prefently after tliis their next Vifitation of Eafier ended, tranfmic their Account thereupon in Writing unto their refpeftive Diocefans, and they to your Lordlhip, by you to be Communicated to nie, with your Lordlhips iirft conveniency. And to the end that they may be the more circumfpeft and fudden in the Execution of this Aifair, 1 think it not unneceffary that there be fome Advertifement intimated unto them, how that even they themfelves and their Jurifdiftions are in fome meafure 946 The LIFE of Chap. XIH. 4a. \6-}6. Ks^if^g the Informer, being in Prilbn for Debt, Wrote to Mr. Baxter to endeavour his Deliverance, which he did. He cold him in his Leccer, that he verily believ 'd that God had lent his Affli6J:ion upon him, as X Punilhmenc for giving him fo much trouble ; and ear- neftly deiir'd him to Pray to God to forgive him. A- nothcr Inroruicr Mdy Henry, Lord Bijhop of London. This Tear 1 67 5, tl>epe vas a Bosk Printed, Entituled, The 'Eeacea'bU Vejign^ or a» Atc^unt of the Nonconformifi> Mcetlnj^^, by fome Miniflen of London, tphich Dr. Stil^ingfieet, w/>t reflc^ed upon it in the Freface to his UnreafonabIeMcf> of Separation^ f- 25, J'ty^t ^^^ Trinted vith a Deji^n to prefent it lo the Farli ar/ietit . The fame Teat came uut, fume Eeafom vhich prevail d w'th the Diffenters in Brilrol, to continue their Meetingi^ hovervcr Profccuted or Dijiutb'd. fi'^vcr alfo tfas puhlifh d. Separation yet no Schtfm^ or Nonconflrmifis no Schifmaticks, in Anfwer to Mr. Sliarp'i Sermon before the Lord Mayir, by Mr. Thomas Wadfworth. uind Mr, Stockton's 'Rebuke to Jnhrmers, with a Plea for the Miniflen of the Gofpel, inllcd Non- ctnfcrmijii, and their Meetings, and Adyice to thofc to vfhoni thefe Informers Addrcf themfelves, for Affijiance in tlteir Undrrtakinrs. Kow alfo was Trimed Naked Truth, jaid to be Written by the Bifhop of Hertford ; which contain d federal bold Truths, and had feyeral A^ftvers^ of which fome weu Smart^ and otlieti mort Mild. How- Chap. XIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 947 However he ftill went on, and Built a New Meeting- ^n. i'j66 Houfe in Oxenden-ilreet, the Old Place over St. Jnmess Market- Houfe, being not tho'c fafe; and when the New Chappel was finilhed, and he had Preached but once, a Refolation was taken to furprize him the next time, and fend him for fix Months to Goal upon the Oxford j^cf. He knowing nothing of it, had taken a Journey into the Gauntry, and Mr. Seddon a Dnrbyjhire Minifter was procur'd to Preach for him •• He was taken and fent to the Gate-Houfe, alcho* the Warrant fuited him not, He continu'd there near Three Months, and at laft was deliver'd by an Habeas Corpuf. About this time, 12 or I i of the Bilhops dining with that Eminent Citizen Sir Nnthnnael Hern then Sheriff of London^ and Dif- courfing with him about putting the Laws againft the Diffenters in Execution ; he told them, that they could not Trade vpith their Neighbours one Day, and fend them to Goal the next. In the next Seflion of Parliament, the Duke of Buckingham make a notable Speech againft Petfecution, and defired the Confent of the Lords, that fee might bring in a Bill for the Eafe of His Maje- fties Proteftant Subjedls in matters of Religion; but while he was preparing it, the Parliament was Pro- rogii'd. Mr. Baxter having been kept an whole Year from Preaching in his New Chappel, in /ipril 1676, be- gan in another, in Si. Martins Parilh *. A little before, the ^ In i6j6, were pubitfh^dmori King importunately Commanded Anlmadyerjlom on Naked Truth. and Urg'd the Judges, and Lcn- I-tx Talionis, or the Author of don Juflices, to put the Laws -^^^^^ "^^^ ^^ ft^'P^ TCahed, 410. againft the Nonconformifts in ^^1^- ^niodefi Surrey of the Execution: and Sir Jofeph Shel- ^f confderabe Thngj tn * don the Lord Mayor, the Arch- ^'yfjf'^^ /""^ft' -T i-n » i^- r J- I titled Naked Truth. Mr.bmirlL, bifliops near Kmiman accordingly ^^ ^^^ ^.^.^^ .^ ^^^^ . ^^.^^ did fo for fome time, and many ,,,^^;„ Anmtations, upon the Mmifters were clapt up m Goals. Anlmadyerftom on Naked Truth : Mr. Baxter was forcibly kept out Supposd to be Written by Andrew of his New Meeting-Houfe in Marvel. Svffallovp-Street , by a Guard of Conflables and Ofiicers, for many Lords Days together. Bat Mr. H^adfworth dying, he Preach'd to his Flock in Southwark many Months in Peace, no Juftice being wil- ling ro difturb them : And when Di, Loyd fucceeded Dr, 348 The LI FE of Chap. XIH. An, 1578. Dr. L.tf?}plugh in St. Martins Parifli, he offer'd him his Chappel in Oxenden-Street for Publick WorHiip, and he * rhc^ accepted ii *. Gcr.tlc- wan that Com fled the Third Volume of the Compkat Hiilory of England, ^uot'iM^ this Pajfage^ /»* 41 2, fays. That that pare of the Relation as to the OfJcr of a Chnppcl, is known to be taife. This appearing tc he a direci ContradiClion to Mr. Baxur j Relation of a matter of fa-!}, vpJj'ch he himfelf teas concern d in, troubled wanj. The rather, iecaufe it fcertid to firihe at the Credit of his vfhole Hifiofy, Mr. BaxiCT had not r^y ^Jferted in the Hi' fiary of his Life, P. 179, that he waf encoura^'d bjJ>r: Tillotfonto mike the offer of the Chappel, qnd that it was 'iccepc-d to his great Sirisfifti- on; but he had mentioned it in feveral of his Hnrh that rffere puhUpj'd in bii Life time : And particularly in Itis Brey}ae Gentle- man who confulted him, for his mofi ohliginz^ readinefs to do JufiiiQ to Truth ^ t^o* not much to the Credit of the Compleat Hifiory. In 1678, The Popifh Plot broke out, which exceed- ingly alarum'd the whole Nation. The Houfcof Com- mons after many warm Debates, came to this Refoluti- on ; that there hath been, and is, r.n Execrable r,nd Hjliifh dejign, ccntrivd and carry d on by Fopifi^j {{ecujants for Ajfr.ffmating and Murdering the Kjngy for Jubverting the Government, nnd for dt'/rroyinj/ the Protejlant [{elision by Kavo EjUblifh'd, Moft of their time was fpent in fcarching into this Plot, and in endeavouring to pre- vent the Fatal Qjafequences oil it. Many futfet'd fpr it. Chap. XIII. Mr, Richard Baxtet. 349 if, notwithftanding all the Endeavours of Great Men -4». 167^ about the Court to fave and fcreen them. The Parti- culars may be feen in the Hiftories of the time. At length on January the T4th, 167^.. this Parliament which fo long cdrtioly'd with the Criurt in all their Defires, which to Gratifie the Clergy, caft fo many Worthy Miniftersout of the Chr.rch by the Ad for Uniformity, and afterwards lard fuch) heavy Burdens on the Poor Nonednformifts; which improved by fetting, and grew more and more concerned for the Publick Welfare, as they were ??s,vakened by a Senfc of the Common Danger, was fuddenly Diiroived. This Diflblution occafion'd a General Ferment in all Parts of the Country. It was generally efteemM the Common Concern in the next Election to choofe firm Proteftants, who ftiould heartily apply themfelves to make Provi- (ion for the Common Security. The New Parliament had their firft Seifion March the 6th foil-owing, and ^«- 167^. they began where the laft Parliament left off. When they had Sate fome tirrie, they were Prorogu d to /iu- ^^y? the 1 4th "^ : But before that time, they were Dif- ^T^/^/^^-^^y^ folv'd by Proclamation, and another cali'd to Sit at 1679, ^^^ iVeHminfler in OHoher following. When they allem- fuhUjh'd bledj they were Ad journd till the i6ih of '^Miuary: By Mr. Alfop'i which 'time, a New Plot was Difcover'd by Danger. Melius In- field^ which the Papifts had contrived to lay upon the quirendum. Diflenters. They were afterwards Adjoum'd feveral times till OFtober the 30th, when they Sate and pro- ceeded to Bufinefs. Finding no other way to keep Popery out of the Nation, than by Excluding the Duke of Tor l(^ from the Succeiiion to the Crown, they bro't in a Bill to Difable him. On November the 1 1 th, it palTed the Commons; on the 15 th it was carryM up to the Houfe of Lords by the Brave Lord '^jfe!^ and there at the Second Reading it was thrown out, by a Ma- jority of Thirty Voices, of which 1 4 were Bilhops f. f rhe¥e This Houfe of Commons had before them a Bill ^as now for a Comprehenfion^ and another for an Indulgence, pchUflyd Both of them were read twice, and were before the a fliorc and true Ac- count of the feveral Advances the Church of England hath made cowards 'Rome :, Or a Model of the Grounds upon which the Papifis for thcfe Hundred Tears hay e built their Hspes and LxpeCiations^ that England would e'er lonr return to Foperj, Bj Dr. Du Moulin, fometime Hi/lory J^rofifor of Oxford. Com- 350 The LIFE of Chap. XIII, An. 1 58o. Committee. Having obtain'd a Copy of the Heads of a Bitt for Vniting hts Majfji/s Protejiant Subje^s^ that was agreed on at a Committee , Nov. 1 8, 1 680, I (hall here infert tbem. " I. All Perfons that (hall Subfcribe, and give their Affent and Confent, to Thirty fix of the Thirty nine Ar- ticles, vi:{. all that concern the Dodlrine of the Church of England only, (hall be capable of any EcdeJiafti- cal Living or Preferment, as if they had fubfcrib'd, and given their Aflcnt and Confent to all the Thirty " nine Articles. *' 1. No Perfon to be admitted to any Ecclefiaftica! Living or Preferment, that does not Erft take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and take and lubfcribe the Declaration taken by the Parlia- Mr. Titus, Mr. PovqcI, Sir I{jch/ird Tern- the Houfe of P^^y Mt. Hamhden, M.T. Finch, Sir Thomas C Urges, Col- (nmmons at lonel Birch, on One lide : &c. And feverai others alfo the Parlia- on the oppofite fide. One Gentleman when the Bill nent in of Comprehenfion was Read, was pleas d to fay, That . 1680. he tho't it more Convenient to have n Law for forcing the page 207. Diffenters to the Church, than to force the Church to yield 2iij 212. to them. But fays a Worthy Gentleman who Ipake if- ierwards» Ghap. Xfli. Mr. Kfchard Baxter. 55:^ terwards; 0'foat Love, Friehdfhip or Obediev.ce can the An. i68o' Church expeH f can they be depefided on, or the Church be flrengtherid P Tju rnay pre- vent their Conventicles', and force them either to come to Church or pay Fines, or be imprifond ; hut you cannot ex- peB- that their Opinions or Affeliions fhmld be alter d by fuch Proceedings^ vpithoitt rohich the Church cnn never he the Jirongen Afterwards he adds^ if the OxioYdi Aci and other Laws againji Dijjenters^ were pro[ec}ed in fa^ ^our of the Proteftahc Religion, it was Grange that they were Jo much promoted, (as 'tis well known they werej by Sir Tho. ClifFoid, Sir Sol. SwaJe and Sir Roget Strickland, who have fjnce all appear'^d tobe Papijrs, But; they had not time to bring Thingsto Maturity. For the King was diffatisfy'd with their Proceedings; his greac want was Money, and they were refolv'd to give none, unlefs he would pafs a Bill to Exclude the Duke oiTork^, Whereupon on the 14th of Jan. they were ProroguM : But before they rofe, they came to thefe Two Refoluti- bns : I{f/olv^d Nemine Contradicente, That it is theOpi' nion of this Uoufe, that the Acts of Parliament made ih the F(sign of Queen Elizabeth nrtd Kjng Jam'eS r.gainU Popifh i^ecufants, ought not to be extended ngain'd PrOte- ilant Dijfenters, /ind ^efoh'd, that it li the Opinion of thtf Houfe, that the Profecutibn 0/ Proteftant Diffsnters tipon the Penal Laws., is at this Time grievous to the Suh'» jsB, a weakning the Proteiftant Interefi, an Ryicourage^ went to Popery, and dangerous to the Peace of the Kjng- -dom. After which they were firft Prorogu'd and then Diflblv'd. Another Parliament met at Oxford \n March following, but had not time to do any Bufinefs. There was a complaint then made of the nnprecedtnted lofs of the forementiort'd Bill for.tbe {Repealing the AH of 35 Eliz. but without any Satisfaction orRedreis. Notwithftandmg that the Fears of Popery were iii thefe Times fo great and general, and manifeRly but too well grounded, yet did Dr. Stillingfieet then Dean of St. Pauls chink fit (prevaifd on as is fdppos'd by fome great Perfons) to reprefent all the Nonconform if^s as Schifmatickj: And he did it to purpofe, Ctho* moft Peo- ple tho't very unfcafonably) in a Sermon before the Lord Mayor, on May the zd^ 1680; Intituled the Mif- chief of Separation. He there takes notice of it ss an h at Ae- 354 'T*^ LIFE of Chap, XIU. jU. I 58o Acknowledgment of many of the Dilfenting Minifter?, That Commihiicn xv'uh the Publick^ Churches was Lawful, pare 1 2 12 ^^^ ^^ refers to their Two Mecdngs to confider the '^ ' ' lawfuinefs of Parifh Worfhipthat Mr. Baxter had tnen- tion'd in Piinc, (which have been before hinted in this Narracive) : And yet a few Pages after, hf complains ' th^t the Liivpfulnefi of. jc^ff^^ vpith the Church in Publicl(^ Affemblies vom kpft as a mighty fecret in the Brenjls of the Teachers ; leait they floould feem to condemn themfehes, whilfl they preacFd agninfi Separation in n feparate Con" gregation. But it appeared to unprejudiced Standers by, a pleafant Fancy, that he fhould reprefent Men as having a defign to conceal, what he knew they had publilh'd to all the World in Print. In the fame Sermon, the Dr. lamented, That when the Diff enters fo genernUy con" jsntpd in this Cafe, there foould he fo few either of their Preachers or People that came ordinarily to the Publick, Con- gregations. And adds, That it is hard to under (Innd if '' ' ' occafional Communion he Lawful ^ thdt conjiant Communion fhould not he a Duty, Sec. An Anfwer was Written to this Sermon by Dr. Owen^ with great Gravity and Serioufnefs ; in which among other fuitable and feafonable Remarks, he upon occa- fion of the Doctors caution to the Nonconformifts, j,^2, ; by feme of the City Juftices alio*. Tear rcM f)ul)i jL'd, An Appeal of all the Nonconformifts in England to God, and aU h? IM'iei nn - in EiiK'pt", in Order 10 miini',e[l their Sincerity in Point of C) fr , . and tlh King: iB^ Lewis Du Moulin. The Findi cation > pu 'Ujfj a by Dr Faikner, ffroy'd no Vindication of the , J ,ulnel\ and Anticjuity of Set fyrms cf Public k Minifierial ■fgcncraliy Uid hy.^ or iwpoi'd on all Aiini/laru 8vo. 16B1. By This Chap. XIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 557 This Year alfo the Meetings of the DilTenters were An. |582. oft broken up, and the Laws againft them' vigoroufly executed. Many Minifters were imprifon'd, and they and their Hearers fin*d. Mr. Baxter was fuddenly fur- priz'd in his own Houfe by a Poor Violent Intornner, and many Conftables and Officers, who rufli'd in, and apprehended him, and ferv'd upon him a Warrant to . feize on his Perfon for coming within Five Miles of a Corporation, and Five more Warrants to diftrain for 195/. for Five Sermons. Tho' he was mt^ch out of Order, being newly rifen from his Bed, where he had been in extremity of Pain, he was contentedly going with them to a Juftice, to be fent to Goal, and left his Houfe to their Will. But Dr. Thomas Cox, meet- ing him as he was going, forc'd him in again to his Bed, and went to Five Jufticesand took his Oath, that he could not go to Prifon without danger of Death, Upon this the Juftices delay'd till they had confulted the King, who confented that his Itnprifonment fliould be for that time forborn, that he might Die at home. But they executed their Warrants on the Books and Goods in the Houfe, tho* he made it appear they were none of his, and they Sold even the Bed which he lay Sick upon. Some Friends pay'd them as much Money as they were praisM at, and he repay 'd them. And all this was without Mr. Baxtei'^s having the leait Notice of any Accnfation, or receiving any Summons r.o Appear and Anfwer for himfelf, or ever feeing the Juftices or Accufers : And afterwards he was in coa- ftant danger of New Seifures, and thereupon he was forc'd to leave his Houfe, and retire into private Lod- gings. Dr. Annefly and feveral others alfo, had their Goods diftreined for Latent Convidlions, others were imprifon'd upon the Corporation hSt; while others were worry*d in the Spiritual Courts. Warrants were fign*d for Diftreffes in Hacl^ney to the Value of /400/. and one of them for 500/. And on January 9, 168K Mr. Vincent wastry'd at tht Surrey ^ti^xons upon the 35 th o'iEli^, and Caft. This Year Dr.Sti/Ungfleet Printed his Vnre^ronahle' nep of Separation : Or an Impartial Account of the Hi- ftory. Nature and Pleas of the prefent Separation from the Communion of the Church of England, to which feveral Letters are annexed, concerning the Natiire of A a 3 our 558 The LIFE of Chap. XIIL An. i68:. our Differences, and the way to compofe them, from f v^ral Eminent Divines Abroad. Thefe Letters are Ap- plauded by our late Compleat Hi- *;'(/. 3. f. 593. ftorian*, and by Ceveral others. But he that confuks the Printed Fretich Letters of Monlieur CUude, who wrote one of ihofe Letters that are Printed at the end ot Dr. StilUng- fleets Book, will fee no great Caufc for boafting on the Church fide upon this Occafion. For whereas the Letter that the Dr. has Printed, is the 37th in Number among the French Letters of Monfieur Claude^ that which immediately follows, and isthe3Sth in Num- ber, and Written to a certain t See Oeuyres Fo/ihumes de Lady, and dated at Pfirisy A- Mcrtfieur Claude, Tome Cintjui- prill 6. 1 68 1, giveS no little Elu- «me, /». 264, &c. cidation to what went before f. I'll therefore add a part of the Letter: " UADAia, \[ TTAvingunderftood feveral Ways, that many Per- ■*-^ *' fons have not taken my Senfe and Exprefli- ** ons concerning the prefent State of the Church of ** England well, I tho't it not amifs to exprefs myfelf " to you more particularly, that you may know the ** Innocence of my Thoughts and Intentions. Firft of ** all, I folemnly Proreft to you, that when I wrote . ** upon this Subjedt to my Lord Bifliop of L ndorij I *' had no profpedt that my Letter would be Printed, or *' made Pub'tck: Nay, I was fupriz'd and aftoniiVd to fee it both in French and EnglifJ: at the end of the Book you fent me : And bclides, you may if you pleafe, Madam, reft alTur'd, that in what I wrote I " aim'd but at Two Things ; To juftify us from a Ca- '* lumny which fome charge us with, as if we belicv'd '* there could be no Salvation under the Epifcopai Go- *' vernment; and ro affiftas far as my Weakncfs would ^' allow me, in a gpod and holy Reunion of the Two ** Parties. As for the firft, I think I have juftly enough *^ explain'd tiie Senrimenisof all the Praejhfus of thig " Kingdom, and in Particular, all thofc that are ho- " nour'd wiih our Charadler ; And I am alfur'd that '^ the Englijh Presbyterians would i^ot go fo far, as to •f qucftion ihe pollibility of Salvation under the Mi- r niflry of Bxfliops. They have too much Light, and e Throne upon Kin^ J.mcsN yibdlcution^ upon wire!) Kin'r William wj4 .advanced to it. The Convention Declared in fo many li^v^lV That King J AMtS had endea- voLii d w iubvert tlie ( onflitiuion of llTib Kingdom, by breaking, THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT BETWEEN KING and PEOPLE, drc. made Chap. XIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 361 made a very Signal Prefentment, viz. f^:>at all thofs ^»- '684, that were for the Bill of Exclufjoriy might he appre- ^^ f^^ tj^^ hended and proceeded ngainft ; and all Conventicles^ &C. -jth of Several that were taken at the Meetings were Gon- them^ it vidted as Rioters, and fin'd 1 o 1. a piece ; and fome could mt Young Perfons ( of both Sexes j taken at the fame ^fH he de- Piaces, were fent to Bridevoell to beat Hemp. About ^^^^^ h w this Time, one Mr. B^bert HUyot of Oxon a pious ^J^hat Gonformift who had devoted his Eftate to charita- 7^ ^""^ ble Uf^s, gave by hisLaft Will 600/. to be diftri- ^^^^^'^^^^'^ buted by Mr. Baxter to Sixty poor ejedted Minifters, p^/JJ Jf adding, that he did it not becaufe they were Nonconfor- Orange mifi:s, hut becaufe many fuchxv ere poor and pious. But the K?bich cer- King*s Attorney Sir Robert Sawyer, fued for it in the tainly ^as Chancery, and the Lord Keeper Korth gave it all to the and is inex- King. It was paid into the Chancery by Order, and cufable, if as Providence ordered it, there kept fafe, till King »°^ upon PFilliam fo happily afcended the Throne, when xhz ^^^^ Score of Commiflioners of the Great Seal reftor'd it to the Ufe Self-^re- for which it was intended by the Deceafed ; and ^^^^^^»on- Mr. Baxter difpos*d of it accordingly. This Year alfo „ W'^^/* there was a moft cruel Order made by the Juftices of jyj^^^ '^ Peace at the Quarter Seffions at Exon againft all Non- -^ ^J^^ ' conforming Minifters, allowing a Reward of Forty u^j^rg ^c Shillings to any Perfon that apprehended one of them : urdsy on And the Bifliop required the Order to be read by all May 16. the Clergy, the next Sunday after itftould be tcndred 17-^. up- on Occajion of Dr. Sachevereir^ Impeachment, mentioning this Pompous Decree at Ox- ford, takes Notice how little a While they flood to it, in thefe Words. Three Days after we left Exeter, a Head of a CoUedge came to the Prince tu invite him to come to Oxford, afluring him that the Univerfity would de- clare for him. He went a*' near it as Abingdon, but then the fudden Tur» of Affairs at London obliging him to hafte up, the Aflbciation was fent thither, aud was fign'd by the Heads of the Colledges, and many others there -, fome doing it in a particular Warmth of Expreffion, and faying that their Hearts as well as their Hands went with it. Thus as he obferves, they contradiSled their fam'd Decree Five Tears after it was made. And yet in a little Time, they upon fome Dif appointments or other Fiews^ feemd to take another Turn back to it again, By embracing the Notion of a King de faflo, which is but a fofter Word for an Ufurper. But in the Tear 1709, thii Decree of theirs was burnt by the Hands of the Common Hangman, together with Dr. SacheverellV Sermons^ by the Order of the Houfe of Lords. £0 362 The LIFE of Chap. XIII. An. 1584. to them. The Order may be Teen at large, in Mr. Bax- ter's Nonconformitj ftated and argued, to which it is prefix'd *. This * There K^as noxff jmblifbd The Nonconformifls Plea for Lay Communion with the Church of England hy Mr. John Corbet, together with an Account fj the Judgment And FraCiice of fotnc Mini/iery vpho v>ere deprf-p'd. Mr. Howe alfo novf fnhlijh'd a Sermnn in the Continuation of the Morn- ing Exercife, upon this Quejrion ^ What may moft hopefully be attemp- ted to allay Animofuies among Proteflancs, that our Divifions may not be ouv Ruin } In vfhich fpeaklngof Love as one of the heft Means to unite, ej?abli/f)^ and preferre Chrifiians^ hcexpreffes himfdfthus: Among thofe that dilTent from the Church of England^ there are fome that think it not (imply unlawful to Conform ^ but find how f. 89. ever what is requir'd in the Church lefs edifying to them : And tho' they can therefore partake in it at fome Times, think them- fclves more ordinarily bound to attend fuch other Means as they find more conducing to their Spiritual Profit and Advantage , judging they have an undoubted Right from Chrift, anciently alloWd from Age to Age, in the beft Times of the Chriftian Church, and never ^uftly taken from them, of chooling thePaftors to whofe ordinary Care and Conduft they Ihall com- mit their Souls. Thele Pcrfons accounting the Pubiick Worihip f. 85- fubftantialiy agreeable to Divine Inftitution, tho* in fome Acci- dentals too ^iifigreeable, tliey think there is more to incline them at fome Times to attend it, than totally to difown it. Foi- what Worfliip is there on Earth, that is in all Things uncorrupt ? And they appprcliend ir fit to teftify their union with the fincere Quiftians that may be ftatcdiy unJer that Form, efpecially in a Time when the Con- teft is fo high in the World, between them tliat profefs the Subftance of Reformed Chriilinnity, and them that have much deform'd it : And conceive it becoming them at any Time to exprefs their own Unconfined- nefs to a Party, and to ufe that Liberty, which they think fhould not be judged by another Man's Confcitnce ^ which yet they would have regard to, where there are not greater Reafons to preponderate. They are in- deed under a Difadvantage ( with them that are apt to ufe a greater Li- berty in their Cenfures than they do in their Practice in thefe Matters ). when it falh out that their partial Compliance is the Means of their Se- curity from Penalties : And their Difadvantage is greater, whofe Judg- ment to this Purpofc has aot been formerly dedar'd and mnde known. "^ But they for bhame ought to be lllenr, whofe total Compliance gains *^hem nut only Immunity, but great Emoluments. And if it be faid a- gainf^ them, r^re thty not at all Times oblig'd to ufe the Means i-. 92. which arc mofi edifying.' They may fay, at all Times wheii thty Viave nothing to out weigh their own Edification. Thii Tear A 62^, Dr. Withy alfo puhlifh'd the Proteflant Reconciler, in Z190 Farts: Humbly fUadittg for iondefcention to Viffm'mg Brethren in Things Chap. XIII. Mr. Richard Baxter. 565 This Year while Mr. Baxter lay in Pain and Languifli- An. 1684. ing, the Juftices of the Seflions fent Warrants to ap- prehend him, he being one in a Catalogue whi- h was (aid to contain the Names of aThoufano Perfons who were all to be bound to their good Behaviour. Know- ing that their Warrant was not to break open Doors, he refus'd to open to them, tho' they were gor into his Houfe. Whereupon they fet fix Officers ar his Study Door, who kept him from his Bed and Food by watch- ing all Night, and the next Day he yielded. They carried him to the Seflions, when he was fcarce able to ftand, and bound him in a Bond of 400 /. to his good Behaviour. He defired to know his Crimes and Accufers : But was told, 'twas only to fecure the Go- vernment againft fufpefted Perfons. He was fome Time after carried a- *" ^^'^ ^'M <'/ Samm in his gain to the Seflions Houfe in great %«^^' /« *''^ ^<'«^ '(^^'//^ » 703, Pain, and forc'd to continue Bound (f \^'?^^ ^^ '^'^ ^"i^^,^' '^?^'^" Herefus'd to ftand Bound, not ^f ^?4"\^^'"' f'^r "T f , - 1. 1 • u - ^ the Diiienters was fet on Foot- knowmg what they might interpret ^^^ ^^^^ ,^,„ ,j^,„ ^h,„ ^^^ Se! a Breach of the Peace : But his verities againft them were very Sureties would be Bound, leaft hard, they were folicited by the he (hould die inCa Goal. He was car- Agents of the Court to Petition ried thither a Third Time, and for a General Toleration, but {till bound, tho* for the moil Part they could not be prevail'd on. he kept his Bed * September the 23,d, Mr, Thomas I{o/weII^ who was Mi- Mr. Rof- nifterof a Diflenting Congregation in S^edriffy was im- weiriC^/V. prifon'd in the Gate'Houfe in H'^eflminfteYj by a Warrant from Sir George Jejferys for High-Treafon. A Bill was found againft him at the Quarter-Seffions at Kjngfton in Surrey ; upon which he was arraign'd on OHoher the 2,5th, and tried November the i8th following, at the r.l Things Indifferent and unnecejfary for the Sahe of Peace : And jhctping hoi» unnafonable it is to make fuch Things the nece/fary Conditions of Commu-' nion, part I, And earneftly peifn^ading the Vijfenting Laity to join in full Communion with the Church of England ; and anfiaering all the Ob- jeUions of the Nonconformifis againft the Laia>fulnefs of their Submijjion unt9 the Rites and Conflitutions of that Churfh. Part IL This Tear alfo was fubUfb'i the Confoimifts Plea for the Nonconfor- niifts. In Four Parts. 364 The LIFE of Chap.Xin. j^ 1634 KJ^}^'s-B.'nch Bar, by a Surrey Ju'-y, before the Lord Chief juftice Jcfferys, and three o'her Judj^es of that Court, I4'^ithins^ Halloway, and M^alcot. The H!gh- Treafon as laid in the Indidtment and fworn by the WitncfTes, was that in a Sermon which he preach'd on Sfptemher the I4ch, he faid tbcfe Words' That the Pco- fie ( meaning the Subjedts of our Sovereign Lord the King) mnk:'^ a flockifig to the faid Sovereign Lor-d the) Jf^nv ^pon Pretence of healing the Kjn^\'Rvii, which he (meaning our faid Sovereign Lord the King) could not iic ; hut thr.t we (meaning himfclf and other Traiierous PerfonsSubje6Vsof our faid Lord the Kmg) are they to whom they ( meaning the Subjedls of our faid Lord the King ) ought to fiock^^ bccauje we (meaning himfelf and the faid other Traiterous Perfons ) are Pri&fts And Prcfhets, thnt by our Prayers can heal the Dolours nnd Griefs of the People. iVe (meaning the Subjed:s of our faid Sovereign Lord the King) havehdd two wicked K^ings (meaning the raoft Serene Charles the Firft, late King of Etigland, and our faid Sovereign Lord the King that now is) whom we can refemble to no other Per/on^ But to the 77ioft wicked JEi{EBO AM ; And th/tt if they ( meaning the faid evil difpofed Perfons then and there fo as aforefaid with him unlawfully affenibled and ga- ther'd together) would Jiand to their Principles^ He ( meaning himfelf) did not fedr hut they (meaning him- fpjf and the faid evil difpofed Perfons) would ov?rcoi?ie their Enemies^ (meaning our faid Sovereign Lord the King and his Subjedts) as in former Times with H/ims Horns ^ broken Platters, and a Stone in a Sling. The Wit- neffes were three Women. They fwore to the Words as they ftand, without the Jnnuendos ; the Trial lafted about feven Hours. Mr. B^ofwell made a moft full and clear Defence of himfelf i very modeftly and yet ftre- nuoufly vindicating his Innocence, to the Satisfadlion of thofe who were prefent ; and fo as to gain the Ap- plaufe of many Gentlemen of the Long Robe. The Jury however, after they had been out about half an Hour, bro't him in Guilty. The Women who were the Witneflcs were infamous Perfons, laden with the Guilt of many Perjuries ; which had cafily been prov'd upon them all, before the Trial, could Juftice have been had : But they were fcreen'd by the Recorder, who w-$ the Pcrfon that laid the whole Scheme of the Bull- nc& Chap. XIII. Mr. R.ichard Baxter. 365 nefs, and paich'd up the tndicftment, in Terms fuitcd An. 1^84, to his known Abiliries. But fuch of them as c ujd be met with, were afterwards oonvidied of Permiy^ and Smith the chief Witneis, was pilloried before the Ex- change, Sir John Tiiihot who was prefent, repreff ited ^ to King Charles the State of the Cafe as it appeared at y^^^ J"* the.Trial ; and he ordered Jcffc-s to nr.d nn ^'*^^^^on. j^^^^q^^.^' ^ Whereupon he Aflignd him Council afterwards, ^^c;^'puUi(k- plead to the Infufficiency of the Indictment in Arreft f/q n^^^I of Judgment; and the King gave him his Pardon, up- va rive c^ on which he was difcharg'd *. the Pro- cer-dings of the Court of Seffions in Bny^o/againfthim, tohh Convi^innonthe Statute -of the ^Sth Eliz. and his Abjuration of all the Kims Dominions-' This Yea/t^U" fo, Mr. Bi-Ktei- J>ubii fly d a TraCl intituled ^CztholickCommamcn defended^ in tpkicb he ^are his Reafons to the World for Communkattn^ with ihe Farl(B churches, and jujiifyd them againft Twelve Afgunienti of Dr. Owen's to the contrary. About this Time alfo was fuhliflid a ColieSliott of Cafes written f» recover the Vijf enters to the Communion of the Church of England, which w-ai afterwards Abridgd hy Mr Bennet of Cokhefter. Some haye windred tluit this Colle£lion has not been difiinBly anfwefd. As to which I hare this t9 fay, that it ivas tnce intended to^haye return dan Anfwer tothem diftinlUyj^ and the Work was divided among feyeral Ferfons, but at length laid apde 5 not up$n the Account of any peculiar difficulty that was found in ii^ but ^- caufe it was tha^t partly needle fs, and partly unfeafonable. Tbefe Cafes are 25 in Number-^ of whifh there are two^ viz. the I ^th atU the I ythi the Cafe of Infant Baptifm, and the Perfwalive to frequent Com- munion, that do not concern the Body of the Dijfenters. The ^th, ahoja a Scrupulous Confcience, was anfwer'd long ago^ by Mr. Delaane, to his Coji and Smart-i as the World well knows. The id and 5^, about Church Communion, were anfwered by Mr. Nathaniel Taylor, in 1702 .* And the l6th, about the Crofs in Baptifm, by Afr. James Pierce. And he that needs an Anfwer to the refl, may find it In fome or other of thofe numerous Trafls that hare been publifh'd by the Dtjfenters^ upon the fc yeral Farts of the Controyerfy. Thus if any Man thinks he wants an Anfwer to Dr. Scot, and Br. Claget about Forms of Trayer, and about the Common Prayer, I recommend to him tir. Collins'^ two Books about the Reafons why fome pious Nonconforming Mi- ttiflen in England i?«4f^e it ftnful for them to perform their Minifierial A{is in Fublick Solemn Prayer, by the prefcribed Forms of others, &c. in Anfwer to 2Pr. Falconer. If any Man wants an Anfwer to Cafe the lOth, <«Wf Scandal, llet him read Mr. Samuel Clark'i Treat! fe of Scandal. And there is hardly any one of the reft, but a fu^cient Anfwer to it may befoundj in Jome of the nurmrous Writirgs of Mr Baxter on thefe Matters. —1" January 566 The LIFE of Chap. XIV. An. 1 584. January I (), Mr. Jcnl{ynsditdin Newgate, as did alfo Mr. Bamvfield and Mr. {{alfh/oriy and feveral others in other Prifons. And quickiy afcer dy*d King Charles himfelf ; vi:[. on Februa y 6, i68t. Tho* he continued the Profecution of the poor DiiTenters, yet they held on their Meetings j heartily praying for his Peace and Profperity : And at laft they were as much concern'd at his Death, as any People in the Kingdom. CHAR XIV. Thdr Cafe in the Reign of King James the Second, Jin 48 ^ 1 "^ HAT the rigorous Ufage of the Dijfenters io * ' ^' I the foregoing Reign was owing to Pofijh -^ Counfels, they themfelves never doubted ; and tho' fome were a long Time before they would fee or at leaft own ir, yet it was a great Comfort to them af- ter all their Sufferings, to find fuch Men as Bifljop * See his StilUngfl^et at laft Openly acknowledging it. * They lit- charre to ^^^ expedled better Treatment in this Reign, when his deny, bare-fac'd Popery lifted up its Head among us ; but wife in his p'ri- is that Providence which governs the World, which ntary Fifi- ferves its own Ends, even by thofe very Things, where- Mf*o«,p?g. by poor Mortals are moft difappointed. It is indeed 49* eno' to amaze any one, to obferve the Meafures of this Reign, with their Confequences, whereby all Man- kind were difappointed. The Church Party not only, ex- pected to have the Diffenters wholly under their Feet, but depended fo much upon their Merits in their Adherence to the Duke in his Diftrefs, and his pofitive Affurances, that they were very Secure, and tho*t the Day their own : Put on a fudden found their All in fuch Danger, that without new Methods their Religion and Liberty was gone. The Diffenters expe£tcd not only greater Rigours and Severities than before, butconclud- ed ihey ftiould if it were polfible, be extirpated : \VTien as, to their Altonilhment, they found themfelves eas'd of their foregoing Hardlhips, and Courted and Carcfs'd, by thofe who they knew would rejoice in their Ruin, and Chap. XIV. Mr. Richard Baxter, 367 and had left no Method unattempted in Order to it. w4». 1685, The P/ipiils thought by raifing thofe who had been fo long deprefs'd, to have inflam'd thena wish Revenge againft their Brethren : to have widened the Animofi- ties among Froteftants ; that they might all be thereby rend red the more fure and fpeedy Sacrifice to their Ma- lice and Cruelty 5 and hereby they did but drive the contending Parties the nearer to each other, and make them at laft the more vigorous in their united Effort, to avert that common Ruin, which hung over their Heads. So that all Parties were furpriz'd, and found themfelves Miftakenj but an infinitely Wife God over-ruFd all for Good *. * Th late Com- fitat Hi/iorian, Vol- 5. p. 445, repeating the whole foregoing Taragraph^ fays, That there is fome Difingenuity in this way of the Diflenters re- prefenting their own Cafe. But let the World. Judge between us. We are yery fenfthle^ 06 he fays, That the firft Defign of Popery was to have fee the Church upon a vigorous SuppreOTion of Conventicles , and a fierce Execution of the PjSnal Laws : But that when fo many of the Clergy feli in with this Vejignt^ ^^^^y fhould he dlfappointed, and at laft he conyinc'd that they were puUing down "Ruin on their own Heads, deferyes a Remark .' And when Proyidence did appear for the Vijfenters, whateyer the Vefigns of Agents were, I thinh they ought to take notice of it, and be Thankful, It has indeed been Common, fince, to refleft upon the Vijfenters for their Cat' riage in this Reign : But nothing can he more Unjuft. The worthy Author of the Advantages of the prefent Settlement, and die great Danger of a Re- lapfe, Printed in l6%g,,{To he feen in the Tirft Vol. of State Trafis in the Reign of King William, P^ol. I. p. 26y.'] Declares, That the greateft Pare of the Diflenters were fo fenfible of the mifchievous Defign on Foot, that tho* they had fraarted fomewhat hardly under the lafh of the Penal Laws but a little while before, yet they would rather venture the continuance of them, than run the hazard of ruining the Subftance and Being of the Froteftant Religion among us : Nor could all the Virulent Pamphlets thrown about to exafperate them, by a Tragical Commemoration of their former Suffering by the Penal Laws, ever perfwade them/o far out of their Senfes, as not to be fully aflured that the little Finger of the Popilh Inquifition, would be heavier upon them than the Loins of all the Penai Laws made iince the Reformation againfi tliem. And indeed, to the Fi- delity of that Party at that Critical Time, are we to afcribe a great ihare of the difappointment the Popilh Party met with, who were much chafed that the grand Cheat of the Tokiation had no be»:- ter Succefs. In 368 The LIFE of Chap. XIV. jht. 1685. In the Rtrign of King 9^^wej the Second, which Afr. Bax- began Februxry 6\\\. i68t, the fame Methods vns, upon their making Application to thofe above, were more favoured than had been ufuaJ. A noble Set of Concroverfial Writings was now pub- liflied by the Divines of the Church of England^ a- gainft the Errors of the Church of l^me : And it muft be owned, that they fignaHzed themfelves, and gained in-T ntal Honour by their Performances. And if the Diiienters did not appear fo generally, nor fo pubiickly upon this Occafion, it may without much DifficuJty be accounted for, by one that Confiders all Circum^ ^, fiances *» „- » - 'l Takes JCotice of it<, and freely infulti upon it^ That while the Church of England Vhines were to fo good + Apparat. ai D fcnC Turpofe ingag'd in this Controyerjy, the Nonconformifls Ecclef An„hc. p. 8s. kept Silence^ and fetp^ if any of them durji come in to their Affifiance^ againft the Common Enemy. jAnd fome others have us^d like Language. But it jhould be confidefd that they had written a/^ain/l ths Romanics yery freely before.^ and had the lefs Reafon to dq if at this Time : That they did not find their People fo much in Danger, as many that n-ere edutated in the Church of England / That they both in City and Country preach" d with great Freedom againji Popery, wh'ch jhewd that if they wrote lefs againji it than others, it did not arife from Tear : That many of them tho't it not fo proper to attempt to tahe this Work out of the Bands of the Di- \ines of the Church of England, 'who n:t only did it well, but who were in Duty bound to do the more in Oppoftion to the Common Danger^ becaufe they had done fo much to hajien and occafion it \ and wIjo fo rlfihly improy'd in Light, and in the lavgnefs of their Jv'otions, by being necejjstated to fupport fome Principles in thefe Debates, which they had flighted before, and feemed willing to difcard : And Finally, that feyeral of the Dijfentcrs did at this Time attempt to publi/h fome TraCls againji Popery, but met with Dif- couragement when they fent them to the Prefs, becaufe they came from fitch as vere not of the Church of England, who feem'd dejitom to ingrofs the Managment of this Controyerfy at this Time wholly to litem fchi-s. Thi^ aUuatly was tlie Cafe as to fome Treatifes then wri'.ten by Nonconformifts ,-. jind it need not feem firange, if this being generally known, jl^ould limder others from making like Attempts . But a full Anfwer to this ObjeClion againji tl)e Dijfenters^ may be feeninMr. Jong's Defence of Mr. Henry'j Notion of Schifm , The King's Difpenfing Power was at length the Subjedt of much Difcourfe and Debate. But at laft the Matter was thus determined by Eleven of the B b 3 Twelve 574- The LIFE of Chap. XIV. jin. 1^85. Twelve Judges, i. * That the Kings of England are ' Sovereign Princes. 2. That the Laws of England ' are the Kings Laws. 3. That the Kings of En^- ' land have the Sole Power of difpenfing with the ' Penal Laws in Cafe of Ncreiricy. 4. That the * Kings of England are the Sole Judges of the Necef- * iky of difpeniing with Penal Laws. 5. That the * Kings of England do not derive this Power from * the People, nor can on any Account or Pretence be ' lawfully deprived of it. 6. That the Kings of /i«^- * land can never depart from this Prerogative. Injunctions went out from feveral of the Bi(hops under the Seal of their Offices, to all Minifters in their Diocefles, ftridtiy to enjoin and require all Church- Wardens to prefent thofc that did not come to Church, or that receiv'd not the Sacrament at En- per, Thefe Injundtions were publickly read in Hertford/hire^ and Ejjex, and many other Places. And it feem'd to be a prevailing Opinion, that the Pro- tcfiant Dijfenters muft be profecuted, or l-'opery could not be fupprefs'd. And therefore the Juries in fome Places at the Aflizes this Year prefented it as their Opinion, that unlefs the Dijfcnters were effe£lually Profecuted, their Dangers could not be prevented or remedy'd : Bnt the iinfeafonablenefs of fuch Ri- gours, and the fcandalous Villanies and Perjuries of . many of the molt Noted! Informers both in Ci- ty and Country too, made fenfible Men foon weary. . 71)6 Com- King James in Order to the carrying on his De- miffion for figns the more fuccefsfully, sjranted an Ecckfiaflicf.l . Ecclejiafti' Commiffion, which was dirciSed to the Arch-Bilhop ■>iljiffiUfs.Q{ Canterbury^ the Lord Chancellor, the BiJhops of Durham and liochejhr^ the Earl of ^cheftsr Lord High Treafurer, the Earl of S under land^ and the Lord Chief Juftice Herbert ^ or any Three of them, whereof the Lord Chancellor was always to be one, devolving the whole Care of Fxcicfialtical Arfairs upon their, !h thelargelt Extent th;it ever had been known in £w^- hnd. They open'd their Commiflion on the Third of .-luguf}^ and fettled the Method of Prorecding .- Buc • the ComtnilTioners Names were feveral Times alccr'd.^ They began with fufpcndini; the Bilhi>p of Lc?uh)i, foe not Chap. XIV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 575 for not fufpending Dr^ Sharp upon the King's Com- An. 16^6 » mand. They afterwards deprived and fufpended Dr. Pencbel, Vice Chancellor of the Univerfity of C.i»a- hridge^ and Head of Magdalen Colledge, for refufing to admit one j^lhan Francis^ a Benedictine Monk, to the Degree of Matter of Arts, without taking the Oaths : And Dr. Hough the Prefidenr, and the Fellows of M^,g- dalen Colledge in Oxford ; for not complying with the Kings Mandate in the Elecilion of a Prefidenr. By which Methods ail the Clergy in the Kingdom were convinc'd, that the Papifts were coming to take Pof- feflion. They made hereupon fuch Exclamations, as plainly ftiew'd they were unable to bear a fmall Share of thofe Severities themfelves, which had for a long Time been fo liberally infli£ted upon others. A Difpenfation or Licence Office was fet up this Year, where all Comers might have Difpeniations, paying only Fifty Shillings for themfelves and their Fa- milies. Many of thofe who were profecuced as Cor- venticlers, took out Difpenfations, which not only flopp'd all ProcelTes that were commenced, but gave ihem Libqrty to keep Meetings for the Future. Ma- ny were released from their Imprifonment, and had their Fines remitted by the Kings Pardons. Among the reft, Mr. Baxter obtain'd his Pardon by the Me- diation of the Lord Powis' His Fine was remitted, and on Wednefday Kovember 24, Sir Samuel Aftrey fent his Warrant to the Keeper of the Kings Bench Prifon to difcharge him : But he gave Sureties for his good Behaviour ; his Majetty declaring, ( for his Satisfadion ) that it fhoald not in him be interpreted a Breach of the Good Behaviour, for him to refide in London^ which was not allowable according to the Oxford AH ; and this was enter'd upon his Bail- Piece ; 7. e. the Parchment in which his Bail was given. Notwithftanding this, he continu'd fome Time after in the Rules. And on February the 28th follow- ing, removed to a Houfe he took in Charter-Hmfs-Tard. March the i8th, the King acquainted the Council, that be had determin d to IlTue out a Declaration for a General Liberty of Confcience, to all Perfons of what Perfwafion foever j which he was mov'd to, by having obferv'd, * That altho* an Uniformity in Reli- * gious Worlhip had been endeavour'd to be eftabiilh'd B ,b 4 * within 57^ ^/^« LIFE ef Chap. y IV. An. i585. ^ within this Kingdom, in the Succeffive Reigns of * Four of his Predecefibis, aflifted by their Refpedive * Parliaments, yet it had been ineffedtuaj ; that the * Reftraint upon the Confciences of Diflenters in order * thereunto, had been very prejudicial to ihis Nation, * as was fadly experienced in the horrid Rebellion in the * Time of his Royal Father ; that the many Penal Laws * made againft DilTcnters in all the foregoing Reigns, * and efpcci^lly in the Time of tbelate King, had rather * increas'd than lelTen'd the Number of them : And that * nothing could more conduce to the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom, and an increafe of the Number as * well as the Trade of his Subjedts, than an intireLibcr- * ty of Confcience, ^c* And thereupon, heorder'dthe Attorney and Solicitor General, not to permit any Pro- cefs to IfTue in his Majefty's Name, againfl: any Diffen- ters vvhatfoever. The Declaration publilhed for this Purpofe, boreDate //;?ri7the I ith, 1687. An. i68y. The Difienters were not fo fond of hard Ufage, as to refufe a Liberty fo freely offered them; nor did they think it good Manners, to enquire too narrowly how that In- dnlgence came about, fo long as they were fhelter'd by it The Letter from Oppreflion. A Letter of Advice to them, was of ^dyUe hereupon publifli'd by that accomplilh'd Statefman the to a D'fen- Marquis of Ha/Iif^x, tho' without his Name. The Let- fn. ter was written with a great deal of Artifice, with defign to infinuate a twofold Caution ; That their new Friends were to be fufpecfted; and that it would neither beChri- ftianity nor Prudence to hazard the Publick Sa fety,either by defire of Eafe or of Revenge. His Cautions were regarded by the wifer Part of them, notwithftanding the U|icertainty with what defign this Application was made to them. As Thankful as they were for their Eafe and Liberty, they were yet fearful of thelffue ; neither can any Number of them of any Confideration, be charg'd with hazarding the Publick Safety, by falling in with the Meafurcs of the Court, of which they had as great a dread as their Neighbours. And as for Revenge, tho' they had a fair Opportunity for it, yet eould they not think it a Thing dcfircable, either as Men or as Cbri- ftian*;. If they over-did it in their Addreirt:s, ihey tho't the High Church Party, who had been fo us'd to top- ping Fiijrhts of Complcrrenr, when returning Thanks for the DiiToiving one of the beft of Patliaments, had Chap. XIV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 377 little Reafon to Refledt on them *. But 'they were not -^»* 1687- many that could be Charg'd: Among the reft, Mr. Baxter had no concern in Addrefiing ; but fet himfelf f ^^ ztI{utUnd'Houfe in Charter-Houfe-Tard, where he exer- ^'^^'^^ ^*'* cis'd his Miniftry in ConjuncStion with Mr. ^y^^^^^W^^Jd'*^ - to make a peaceable Improvement of the Liberty afford- dertake to cd, fp as to do all the good he could without Offence vittdkatc to any. The like did his Brethren in other Places, and aE the Ad- therefore they waited in expedtation of feeing the dieifes that Effedls of the Marquelfes Declaration on behalf of the "^ere made Church Party ; That all their former Haughtinep (they h Diflen- are his own Words) towards the Dijfenters was for ever ^^^^ ^fi^*" extingulflodi and that the Spirit of Perfecution was turnd ^^'*' ^*^ff f^om the ^j^^ qi f Proteftants Abroad, hut rather inlarge the Foundations^ of Enghnd upon which vpe are to 'Build our Defences again§i the Com- fljouU mon Enemy, tread foftly when they lay them to their Charge 5 confidefing that fome of the Church Men cottcurr'd with King James to oyerturn the Legal Efiabli/hment : And fome dignify d Perfons were in his High Commijjion, and found it no eafy Thing to wipe off B.efleCiions upon that Account. Horverer, though there were high Plights in fome of the Vijfenting Addrejfes^ for which I could be loath to Apologize ; that which moji of them run upon, was Thanh to the King for the Liberty they had^ and a Fromife to beha-ve themfehes quietly in the Ufe of it. Among other Methods that were now taken for the ThefaUad- promoting of Popery, this was one. Mr. Obadiah^^f^^P °f iVall^er^ who was Maf^er of Univerfity Colledge 'm^^^^^^h Tro- Oxon , kept a Particular Prefs at Work in the "I'f" '' '^ Colledge, upon feverai Popifh Books, that were to be ^'-y^"^^*"- fprcad all through the Nation. Some Gentlemen of the Univerfity of Oxford , (whofe Names could be mentioned if there were Occafion) were earneftly de- firous to get the Sheets from the Prefs as faft as they were Printed, that they might have Anfwers ready to his Books as foon as ever they came out, and an An- tidote at Hand, to prevent the mifchievous Effeds of the Poifon that was vented. This was no eafie Matter to compafs; and various Methods were thought of that would not Anfwer. Ac length they fenc to one E.J^ who 978 The LIFE of Chap. XIV. An. 1685. who could not but approve the Defign in oppqfition to Popery, and did undertake to give what Alliftance he could ; And he adliially did help them to a great many .Sheets, which he got from a Boy that attended Mr. I4^al' i{e/s Prefs. By this means the Sale and fpreading of the Popifli Books was very much prevenicd ; for there were .Anfwerr. 10 tliem out, as foon as the Books them- felves,or before, which was no fmall Service. hixM^'nU \cr was a. great while before he could difcover how this came about: But watching narrowly, he found out that this Boy deliverd the Sheets to this E. J. who he fuppos'd was empioy'd by the Gentlemen coiKcm'd, and upon the Secret. Hereupon he was taken up, and carried before feveral Juftices who were unwilling to meddle in the Matter, but being brought before Sir Ed- iward py^iikjir, he was for committing him. E. J. fenc notice to the Gentlemen with whom he had been con- cern'd, how it was with him, and delir'd their Dire£ti- on. They fenc him Word that if he would conceal them, and not let it be known who had the Sheets, they would make him an abundant Amends if ever Prote- * When iiant Times came again*} and the McfTenger aifur'd Protertanr Times aftefvardi did come a^ain, in the Re/>w cf Kin^ WILLIAM and J^een MARY, thit poor Man had occafion to remind thcfe Gentlemen of their Promife. Vnr it f) happen d-, that there rva^ a difference hctvpeen Mr. Guy and Mr. Parker, {to tphom thu E. J. »r** a Seryant^ about the Trefs, and they were g^'ittg to Laxp •, but at length they came to an Agree* ment:^ and Mr. Guy and Mr. Parker left the Prmting-Houfe, which was ict to the Company of Scationers :^ and one Article of the Agreement vrasj that the Company were to employ all the Old Servant<, and certain Gentlemen of the Univerjity {among whom were the yery Gentlemen whom thii E. ]. had done fuch Service to^ and that with fuch haz,ard to himfelf and fuch Pro- .fnifcs of A requital) were made Deltgates for Printings and who they pleaid 'Were employ d and no other. Hereupon, he apply d to them with great Ex- ■'jii^Atiom: Vi hich were unhappily jrufirated^ when they came to underftand ■he wa! a Dijfenter. He made itfe of others, and particularly of a Friend jfifjo had before been his Bail, rvho gave them to underftand that he <9as no other Man than he wa^y when he at ih:ir d^flre had c.ypos'd hlmfelf to net the Sheets for their Seryice, but this would not do. He made ufe cf V)r. W'allis rf> an Htercejfor. It was injificd on that he mufi be recommended by the Varfon of hit Partfl). He wa<- offended with him bccaufe he did not SaptiT.c his Children: But 1)0weycr he applied to him, and he rcfusdto' recommend him becaufe he was a Vijf?nter. At length it was put to the f'^te amongfl all thoft concern d in the Management of the Affair, whether hhn Chap. XIV^ Mr. Richard Baxter. 379 him they were Men of Honour, and therefore tho' he ^«- 16&7. Aifferd for the Caufe, he might depend upon their j r eiving him Sarisfacftion. Whereupon, he fent them a „'* -'^/i^'^ Promile that he wonld conceal tnem, whatever ^^ jfjould he might foff-r. Being afterwards carried before Mr. Obn. ^^^^ ^^^ diah PJ/alker himfelf, he offer'd him if he would let to this poor him know to whom he convey 'd the Sheets when he Man^andhe receiv'd them, be would not only difcharge, but con- be alhwd liderably Reward him, and not only give him Money, to keep his but help him to a Place in the Univerfity that might be ^i^ce^ or U for his Life: But he refus'd. Upon which he tbreaten'd f^^»^ off him; and Sir VViUinm boqnd him over to the Affizes,-^"/" ^ and he gave in Bail. Before the time of his Appearance , 'J^. '^ came, Judge HoUovoay fent for him, (having Obndiah ^j^^ Walker with him) and attempted one while to wheedle Yean and him wirh fair PrQmifes, and then to fright him with y^ /Jj). ^^ Threats to make a Difcovery: But he remain'd im* pnft for moveable : And upon his Appearance he was clear'd. Irmfelfani his nume- rous Tamily^ tho' all the refi of- the Servants were continud in. The Matter was warmly debated.^ and he had fame that pleaded for him., hut the Majonity were againfi him., for this only Reafon^ that he was a Dijfenter : Thus., after as great Obligations as a Man of his Eankj could lay on thofe that were fo much his Supcrion^ and after as fair Promifes ai could be made^ and after keeping him Two Tears in fuj^er.ce^ the poor Man was left deflifute^ and. pr'jy'd a ftanding Evidence of the uncertainty ajxd fallacioufnefs of High Church Promifes. For tho' he afjijled to flem the Tide of Popery when it was ■ coming in like a Floud., yet he might have Jlary'd, for being a Diffettter^ jf God had not provided for him. Mohlieur Dkkvelt who had been fometime here as Agent for the Dutch (I am not certain under what Charadter) had his Audience of Leave, on Mny the 20th. The King told him, that he doubted not but that he fhould have the Prince of Orange*s Approbation for the taking off the Penal Laws and Tefts ; and would have him to acquaint the Prince therewith. DickveU reply'd, that he was bound to acquaint the Prince with his Ma-- jefties Command, and would do fo j but he did under- ftand fo much of the Princes Senfe, that he was bold to fay, he was not of that Opinion. Dickvclt carry 'd ic like a Confiderablc Starefmen, and vigoroufly purfu'd ine Interefts of the States, and of the Prince of Orange^ He gave ^\\ polTible Aliurance to all that he Conversed vvith^ 580 The LIFE of Chap. XIV. jin^ i 578. with, of the Princes firm and fetled Refolution to fland up in oppolkion to Popery, and the Defigns of France, and to Promote and Maintain the true reform'd Protejlunt Religion, agiinft all Oppofition. He alfo Privately gave great Airarance to the Nonconformifts, that they IhoiiJd find Refpeds from that Prince when opponunity offet'd^ and that they might be fadsfi'd, he was no Friend to Rigour and Sev erity in Religious Matters, but a great Friend to Liberty of Confcience. The King finding that all his Meafures would be in- evitably broken, if the Penal Laws and Tcfts were not taken otf, by means of which, his Friends Rood continually expos'd, refolv'd to leave no Method un- attempted, that might Contribute towards his reaching this Defign. The gaining the Concurrence of the next Heirs, would have been a very plaufible Piet with the moft averfe ,• and therefore not refting fatisfi'd with Dicl^veir's Declaration, he refolv'd to try the Prince and Princefs of Orange, and be f jjly certify *d of their Senfe andliKlination. To that end he employed Mr. James Stuarty who wrote a Letter to Penfionary Fagel, who was one in whom the Prince put an entire Confidence, and with whom Mr. Stuart pretended to no fmall Intimacy : The Prince and Princefs were fo averfe to medlmg, thar it was a long time before they would allow the Pcnfi- onary to make any Reply upon fo touchy a Point; fo that Mr. Stuart by Order wrote feveral Letters before he receiv'd any Anfwer. At laft it being Induftriouily fpread Abroad, that the Prince and Prmcefs agreed with the King in the Defign of taking ofif thole Laws which the Nation look'd upon as their main Security; and this being made ufe of as an Argument to bring others to a Compliance, the Prince and Princefs tho'c it ne- ceflary for their own Vindication, to allow the Pcnli- onary to make a Reply, and difcover their Tnie and Real Senfe of the Matter. Accordingly that Wife Mi- P ^ nilter of State Fagel^ in a Letter from the Hague, bear- Fapcls'j ^"^ Date November 4 this Year, knt Mr. Stuirt Word, Letnr. ^^^^ ^"^^ ^^ %^^^ ^^"^ ^° underftand that his Letters were Written with the Kings Knowledge and Allow- ance, he would therefore deal very plainly with bim in the Matter and without referve : And thereupon he proi eeds to tell him, ' That it was the Opinion of the * Piincc and Princefs, that no Chriftian ought ro be Per- ' fecuted Chap. XIV. Mr, Richard Baxter. 38 1 fecuted for his Confcience, or be ill ufed becaufe h^An. 1687- differs from the Fublick and Eftablifh'd Religion : And therefore that they could Confenr, that the Pa- pifts in England, Scotland and [reldnd^ ihouldbc fuffer'd to continue in their Religion, with as n:iuch Liberty as is allow'd them by the States of HoUnnd ; in which they enjoy full Liberty of Confcience. And that as to the Dijfrntersy iheir HighneflVs did not only Con- fent, but did heartily approve of their having an en- tire Liberty for the full Excrcife^of their Religion, without any trouble or hindrance; fo that none may be able to give them the leaft difturbance upon that Account; and that their Highneffes were ready to Concur to the Setling and Confirming this Liberty, and Protect and Defend it, and likewife to Confirm it with their Guarantee, which Mr. Stuart had men- tioned. And that if His Majefty defit'd their Con- currence in Repealing the Penal Laws, their High- nefles were ready to give it, provided thofe Laws ftill remain'd in force, by which the Roman Catho- Jicks were excluded out of bothHoufes of Parliament, and out of all Publick Employments, Ecclefiaftical, Civil and Military, and likewife thofe other Laws which Confirm the ProteHmt Religion, and which fecure it againft all the Attempts of the Roman Ca- tholicks ; But that their HighnelTes could not agree to the Repeal of the Te!t^ and thofe other Penal Laws laft mentioned, that tend to the Security of the Pro- teHnnt Rehgion ; fince the Roman Catholicks receive no other prejudice from thefe, than the being exclu- ded from Parliament and Publick Employments. And that they believed they fhould have much to An- fwer to God for, if the Confideration of any prefent Advantage, fhould carry them to confent to Things, which they believed, would be not only Dangerous but Mifchievous to the Proteilant Religion.* By which full Declaration, the Court was much difappointed, many ftaggering Perfons confirm'd, the Church Party reviv'd, and the Diflenters comforted, in Hope the Liberty they had obtain'd was like to prove Lafting. And yet the f 'ing went on, Clofeting Lords and Com- unons, and all Perfons that had any Places of Profit or Truft, ufing fuch Arguments as were mofl: likely to prevail for a Compliance; Many were dilplac'd up- on 382 Tie LIFE of Chap.XlV- Jin. 1587. on their Refufal, anJ fucceedcd by others that appcar'd more Pliable; which did but heighten the General DilFacisfacftion of the People, to fee themfelves like to be gull'd out of their main Security. About this time, Commiflioners were appointed by the King, and fcntinto thc{e\.'eral Counties of Enghmd^ to enquire what Mo- ney or Goods had been Levy'd up^on Di(]cnters upon Profccurions for RecuLancy, and not paid into the Ex- chequer. Many were afraid of being call'd to an Ac- count ; and it was commonly apprehended, that a ftrivft Enquiry would have caufed great Confufion. Here the Dijfemers had a fair Opportunity of being re- reveng'd on niany of then bitterefl "^ I fl)ould haye thought this Enemies*; But they generouQy wjv/jt haye defcrv'd the Notice pafs'd all by, Upon the Promifes of or.e vfJyo fets up for a Com- and i^flurances that were given pleac Hiftorian. them by leading Perfons both of the Clergy and Laity, that no fuch Rigorous Methods Ihould ever be us'd towards them for the time to come, but that they might depend' upon t There great Temper and Moderation for the futuref . VTas a lorm of Trayer appointed by hit Majefiys fpecial Command^ to he u^d in London and Ten Miles round it^ on Sunday the lyh of January, and throughout England on Sunday the l^th of the Jame Alonthy 1687, &c. in behalf of the Kinivd may be happily brought forth, to the Joy of our Sovereign Lord the Kir>g, the further Eftabliiliment of his Crown, the Happinefs and Welfare of the wliole Kingdom, and rhs Glory of thy great Name, (ire. Had roe poor Dijfenters been ob/igd to Ufe fuch a form, upon fuch an Occa- [ton, we fhould have thought it a great Hardjhip. if fuch Things dont ijuicken our 'I hunls for our Liberty^ ve are much to blame. That the fnrcr way might be made to the Eftab'ilhing an Univerfal Toleration by Adl of Parliament, Changes were made in all the Corporations in the Kingdom, and a certain lort of Men calfd f^^^^uintors^ who Wltc Perfons- of mean Fortunes and Abilities, but gre,it forwardncfs ^ere fent intu all Parts to cxamin* Mens Opinions, They that would promife to ufe then IiiicrL-ft in Eltdi- Chap. XIV. Air. Richard Baxter. 583 ons, to bring infucb into the Parliament as would com- Aft. idSy- ply with the King's Defigns, were prefer'd as Mayors, Aldermen, (^c. which was proposM as an Effed:ual Method to reach his End. But this was fo Grols^ that the Managers became Contemptible, and few Men of any Reputation would have any Concern with them. On the 17th of April, the King renew'd his Declaration -Aft- 1688, for Liberty of Confcience, with fome Additions, and a -^^'^ ^^^^ Promife to get it eftablifh'd by Aa of Parliament. declaration On the 4th of May, an Order was pafs'd in Coun-^^ Liberty, cil, that the Declaration of Indulgence fliould be Read in all Churches and Chappels in the time of Divine Service, in and about London on the lOth ar.d 27th of that Month ; and in all the reft of Erjgland and fVales on the 3d and loth of June following ; and that all the Bilhops in their refpedive Dioceffes, fliould take Care to have the Order Obey'd. The Refufers were to he profecuted by the Ecclefiaflical Commiflioners. The whole Body of the Clergy refus'd (very few excepted) and fo were all liable to be Ejeded. Seven Bilhops in- 7-/,^ sijhp terpos'd, and waited upon the King to give him the Teuti^n. Reafons of their Refufal, to Difperfe or Read his Decla- ration. They were, Dr.Sandcroft, Archbilhop of C/jk- terbury^ Dr. Floyd, Bifliop of St. Afaph, Vr, K^nn, Bilhop oiBath^ndfVells, Dr. Turner, Bilhop of £/y, Di. L^k^e, Bifhop of C/;;c/?eiffr, Dr.fV/jite, Bi(hopof^ Peterborough, and Sir Jcnathnn Trelaxvny, Bilhop of Bristol, They deliver'd to the King in his Clofer, a Petition in behalf of themfelves and their abfent Brethren; (hewing, thnt their' unvoillingnejl did not proceed from any want of Duty and Obedience t» His Majeky^ nor from any want of due Tendernefs to Diffenters, in Relation to whom they were willing to come to fuch a Temper, as (lionld be tho't fit, when that Matter Ihould be Confider'd and Set- led in Parliament and Convocation*: But among a '>' The Bif/jofj of Lincoln (Dr. Wake) in hit Speech in the Hovfe of Lords ^ with Relation to the Articles agaitt/i Dr. Sacheverel, fays, that Dr. Sancroft then Archhi- pop of Carueibiiry, forefecing fome fuch ReyJution as foon after K^as hap- pily brought about, began to conjtder how utterly unprepar'd they had ieen at the Reftorai'ion of King Charles the Second to fettle mar.y Things to the Ad- y ant age of the Church-^ and toha*: a happy Opport unity had been loft ^ fgr vant of fuch a preylotii (are, as he was tl)erefore deJiroH^ P}ould fintp bt ta- ken, for the better and more perfefi E/^abliJhment of it. And he at th^ grea.i 384 The LIFE of Chap. XIV. An. \ 6%^. great many ether Cofifiderations y froyn this ejpccially^ bc caufe thnt D;clnrntion Wtii founded npoti fuch a Dijpenfing Came Time Power^ as had often been declared Illegal in Parliament , yeas, for ^nd TV as a Matter of fo great Moment and Confcquence to cnnjiderin Intereft and Fa(5tion, in the Age he lived in ; and look which Way he would, he found great Caufe to lament his Defedls and manifold Diforders, for which he was ready to beg Pardon both of God and Men : Which Frame and Temper he carried with him to his Grave. He was from firft to Jaft very obfervant of Provi- His Re- dence, and took great Notice of God*s Dealings with ^a^^'Me him. ■ God doth indeed often Manifeft a particular Care ^^^'"^e- of thofe that are his ; and were Divine Appearances in ^^"^^^* their Favour duly Noted and wifely Recorded, they would much recommend a Holy Life. Mr. Baxter had many ftrange Deliverances which he never could forget. When he was Seventeen Years of Age, as he rode out on a great unruly Horfe for Pleafurc, which was wont on a fudden to get the Bit in his Teeth, and fet a running ; as he was in a Field of high Ground, there being on the o- ther Side a quick-fee Hedge, a very deep narrow Lane a- bout a Stories Hight below him, fudden ly the Horfe got the Bridle in his Mouth, and ran moft violently -, and oa a fudden turn'd afide, and leapt over the Hedge into that Lane. He was at the Ground a little before th6 Horfe ; and as the Mire fav'd him from Hurt in the Fall, fo it pleas'd God the Horfe never touch'd him ; but two of his Feet came to the Ground on one Side of him, and two on the other ; iho* the Place made it feem ftrange, how his Feet could fall befides him. At another Time about the fame Age, he had a mar- velous Deliverance from a Great Temptation to be a Gamefter. Being at Ludlow-CMc, where a great ma- ny idle Gentlemen had little elfe to do, he was learn- ing to play at Tables of the baft Gamefter in the Houfe. Once playing with him, when his Oppofite had fo much the better that it was an Hundred to One, befides the Difference of their Skill, he ftill held on, tho* both he and the Standers-by all laught at him fos not giving up, and told him the Game was loft. He was fo confident of it as to offer an Hundred to One, and actually laid down Ten Shillings to Six-Pence. When the Wager was laid, he told him there was no Poffibility of the Game, but by one Caft often ; and it fo fell out, that he had that fauve Caft for fevcral Times fucceffively, fo that by that Time one could go Four or Five Times aboutthe Room his Game was gone, vhich caus'd great Admiration. He took the Hint, fear'd 400 The LIFE of Chap. XV. fear'd that the DcviJ had the Ruling of the Dice, and did it to entice him to be a Gamefter, and fo gave him his Ten Shillings again, and relblv'd never more to play at Tables whillt he liv'd. At another Time Tra- velling from London into the Country about Ckriftmns in a very deep Snow, he met on the Road a loaded Waggon, where he could not pafs by, but on the Side of the Bank ; pafling over which, all his Horfes Feet ilippM from under hiin, and all the Gins broke, fo that he was caft juft before the Waggon Wheel, which had gone over him, but that it pleas'd God the Horfes fud- denly ftopp'd, without any difceinable Caufe, till he got out of the Way. Many a Time was he broughc very low while he was at t\ederminfter fo as to receive the Sentence of Death in himfelf when his poor honefl Same re- playing Neighbours there met together, and upon iheir ntarkable f2i.^[^g and earneft Prayers, he hath been recovered. Ar.jwcTi oj Qjj^g when he had been very low for three Weeks to- ''^P" gether, and was unable to go Abroad, the very Day that they prayed for him, which was Good-Friday, he fuddenly recover'd, fo as to be able to Preach and Ad- minifter the Sacrament to them, the next Lord's Day, Another Time, he had a Tumour rofe on one of the Ton- fils of his Throat, white and hard like aBone ; above the Hardnefs of any Schyrrous Tumour. He fear'd a Cancer, and applied fuch Remedies by the Phylicians * Advice as were tho't fitteft ; but without Alteration, for it remain'd hard as at firft. At the End of a Quarter of a Year he was under fome Concern that he had never prais*d God particularly for any of the Deliverances he had formerly afforded him. And thereupon being fpeak- ing of God's confirming our Belief cf his Word, by his fulfilling his Promifes, and hearing Prayers (as it is publifli'd in the Second Part of his Snints Reji^) he an- nexed fome thankful mention of his own Experiences, and fuddenly the Tumour vanifh'd, leaving no Sign where it had been remaining : Tbo* he neither fwal- low'd it down, nor fpit it out, nor could ever tell what became of it. Another Time having read in Dr. GerJji:rdt}\e admi- rable Effedls of the fwallowing of a Gold Bullet upon his own Father, in a Cafe much like his: He got a Gold Bullet, between Twenty and Thirty Shillings Weight, and having taken it, he knew not how to be Chap. XV. Air. Kichard Baxter. 401 again deliverd of it. He took Clyfters and Purges for about Three Weeks, bur noihiiig Itir'd it -• And a Gen- tleman having done the like, the Bullet never cam? from him till he died, and it was cut out. Buc at la ft his Neighbours fee aparc a Day to fait and pray fjr him, and he was freed from his Danger, in the Beginning of that Day. At another Time being in Danger of an Mgi- Jops, he had alfo fudden Relief by their Prayers. God marveloully honour'd his praying Neighbours at Ksder^ minjier^ by hearing their Prayers in a great n- any In- ftances. One Mrs. Giles had a Son of about Fourteen or Fifteen, who upon the Removal of a Fever fell into a violent Epilepfy ; and had Four or Five violent Fits in a Day, in which they were forc'd to hold a Key be- tween his Teeihj to fave his Tongue. The Phyficians us'd all ordinary Means for a long Time in vain, but at laft the People of the Town, at her Requeft:, kept a Day of Fafting and Prayer ai: her Houfe ; and the fe- cond Day, he was fuddenly cur*d, and never had a Fit afterwards. One Mr. Cook-, removing from Kjntar to J\ederminfter, and meeting with Difficukies in his Con- cernments, fell into a Melancholy, which afterwards turned to Madnefs. He €<" ntinu'd in it feveral Years j the beft Means that could be, being us'd to little Pur- pofe. Some were for fetting upon Fafting and Prater on his Account ; but Mr. haxter difcourag'd it, hav- ing no hope of Cure, his Oiftemper being Natural or Hereditary to him ; his Father, having much about his Age fallen Mad before him, and never recoi-er'd. When he had continu'd in this Condition about Ten or Twelve Years, fome would not be diffwaded, but fafted and prayM at his Houfe with great Iinportunity; and continu'd it once a Fortnight, for feveral Months : At length he fenlibly mended, and by Degrees finely recover'd. At another Time Mr. Baxter riding upon a great hot metled Horfe, as he ftood upon a floping Pave- ment in H^orcefier, the Horfe rear'd up, and both his hinder Feet dipt from under him ; fo that the full Weight of the Body of the Horfe fell upon his Leg, which yet was not broken, but only bruis'd ; when confidering the Place, the Stones, and the Manner of the Fall, it was a wonder bis Leg was not broken ail to Pieces. Another Time as he face in his Study, the D d weight 4C2 . The LIFE of Chap, XV. Weight of his greateft Fvolio Books, brake down Three or Four of the bigheft Shelves, when he fate clofe un- der them ; and they fell down on every Side of him, and not one of them hit him, except one upon the Arm. Whereas the Place, the Weight, and Great- nefs of the Books was fuch, and his Head ]uft under them, that it was a wonder they had not beaten oui his Brains, or done him an unfpeakable Mifchief: One of the Shelves juft over his Head, having Dr. H^aL tons polyglot Bible ; all Auftins Works, the Bibliotheca Patrunt ; and Marlor^te, Sec, Another Time, vi:(. March 16. 1 66 5, as- he was Preaching in a private Houfe, a Bullet came in at the Window, and pafs'd by him, but did no Hurt. It was alfo a very remarkable Prefervation, which he received over St.James's Market- Houfe mention'd before. And indeed his being car- - ried thro* fo much Service and Suffering too, under Co much Weaknefs, was a conftant wonder to himfelf, and all that knew him, and what he us'd himfelf of- ten to take Notice of with Expreflions of great Thank- ful nefs. He continued his Publick Work as long as he was able ; which was much longer than either he or any one elfe could have imagin d, he (hould have done. Af* ler his Settlement in Charter-Houfe Yard, with Mr. Syl- vefter^ he gave him and his Flock his Pains Gr^/w every Lords Day in the Morning ; and every oihcr Thurfda^ Morning at a Weekly Le£lure. And thus he continu'd for about Four Years and a Half, and then was alto- gether difabled by his growing Weaknefs for Publick Service : «And ftili he continued even for the fmall Refidue of his Life, to do good in his own hired Houfe j where he open'd his Doors Morning and Evening every Day, to all that would come to join in Family Worlhip with him ; to whom he read and expounded the Scrip- tures, with great Serioufnefs and Freedom. But at length his Diftempers took him off from this alfo, and His Jutft confin* d him firft to his Chamber, and after to his Bed. Sicknefi Then he felt the Approaches of Death, which ufually AidDcath. reveals the Secrets of the Heart. But Mr. Baxter was the fame in his Life and Death.' His Laft Hours were fpent in preparing others and himfelf to appear before God. He faid to his Friends that yifired hiai, Tou corns hither to learn to Die : I am not Chap. XV. Mr. Richard Baxter. 405 not the only Per/on that muft go this Wny j I can tiffure you J that your whole Life be it never fo long is little eno to prepare for Death. Have a Care of thii vain deceitful World y and the Lttfts of the Flefh, Be fure you chcofe God for your Portion, Heaveft for your Home^ Gods Glory for your Efid, his Word for your Rule, and then you need never fear^ hut we fhall meet with Comfort. His re- fign'd Submillion to the Will of God in his fharpSick- nefs was eminenr. When Extremity of Pain coii- ftrain'd him earneftly to pray to God for his Relcafe by Death, he would check himfelf and fay : J^ is not fit for me to prefcribe ; vphen thou voilt^ what thou wilt^ hovo thou wilt. Being often ask'd by his Friends, how ic was with his inward Man, he replied, I hlefs God, I have a well grounded AJfurance of fny Eternal Happinefs^ and great Peace and Comfort within ; but it was his Trou- ble he could not Triumphantly exprefs it, by Reafon of his extream Pains. He faid, Flepo muji perifh, and we mufi feel the perifhing of it : And that tho^ his Judgment fubmitted, yet Senfe would Ji ill make him Groan, He gave excellent Counfei to young Minifters that vi(ited him, and earneftly pray*d to God to blefs their Labours, and make them very fuccefsful in converting many Souls unto Chrift. And exprefs'd" great Joy in the Hopes, that God would do a great deal of Good by them, and blef- fedGod, that they were of moderate and peaceful Spi- rits. He often pray'd, that God would be merciful to this miferablcy dtftraHed World : And that he would pre-* ferve his Church andlnterefl in it. During his Sicknefs, when the Qpeftion was ask'd him how he did, his An* fwer w^s; almoji well. And at laft heexpir'd on De- cember the ?>ihy 1 691. And was a few Days after in- terr'd in Chrijl Church, whither his Corps was attended by a moft numerous Company, of all Ranks and Qua- lities, and efpecially of Minifters, fome of whom were Conformifts, who tho't fit to pay him that laft Office of Refped. There were Two Difcourfes made upon Oc- cafion of his Funeral ; one by Dr. Bates, and the other by Mr. Sylvefter^ which are both fince publilh'd. The former may be met with in the Doctor's Works, and the latter at the Ead of Mr. Baxter''^ Life in Folio, He had fet his Houfe, and all his Concerns in or- der, fome Time before he left this World. It had been his Cuftom all along, to keep a Will continually by Dd ^ him* ii if. 404 Tke LI tE of Chap. XV . him. His Laft Will bore Date, July the 7th, 1689- The Beginning of it was peculiar, and pretty remarka- ble. It ran thus; H« VilL " I Kjd.Kird B^ixter of Loytdm, Clerk, an unworrhy Ser- vant of Jcfus Chrift, drawing to the End of rhisTran- Iirory Life, having thro God's great Mercy the free Ufe ot my Underfianding, do make this my Laft Will and Teftament, revoking all other Wills for- merly made by me. My Spirit, I commit with Truft ** and Hope of the Heavenly Felicity, into the *' Hands of jefus. my glorify d Redeemer, and Inter- " ceffor J and by his Mediation into the Hands of God ** my reconciled Fathef, the Infinite Eternal Spirit, *^ Light, Life and Love, moft Great, and Wife and " Good, the God of Nature, Grace, and Glory ; of ** whom, and through whom, and to whona are all *' Things; my abfolute Owner, Rv^kr andBenefa<3:or; • * whofe 1 am,and whom I (the* imperfectly) ferve, feek, -*' and truft; to whom be Glory forever. Amen. To *' him 1 render moft humble Thanks, that he hath filled *' up my Life with abundant Mercy, and pardon'd my ** §in by the Merits of Chrift, and vouchfafed by his *' ^\>\r\i to renew me, and Seal me as his own, and to *' moderate and blcfs to me my Long Sufferings in the " Fielh, and at Laft to fweeten them by his own In- " rercft, and comforting Approbation, who taketh the .*' Caufe of Love and Concord as his own, ©"c. He ordered his Books to be diftributed among poor Scholars : And all that remain'd of his Eftate, after a few Legacies to bis Kindred, he difpos'd of for the Bench c of the Souls and Bodies of the Poor. And he -left Sir Uenry Afhhurjr, B^vpland Hunt of Boraton, Efq; :Mr. Thomas Hunt Merchant, Edward Harly Efq; Mr. Tl omiis Cook, Merchant, Mr. Thomas Trench Merchant, and Mv .K^hert Bird Gentleman, his Executors. jo Be "^as one that was always fond of a retir'd Life, and yet it was not in his Power, fo to conceal his Worth, as that it (hould not be obferv'd and refpedled, both by fuch as were near him, and fuch as liv'd at a remote Difiance from him. My Lord Broghill ( afterwards Earl of Orrery, and Lord Preficient of Mwifter) had a great Value for him, rominated bitn as one of the Committee to State the Fundr.^ Chap, XV. Mr, Richard Baxter. 405 Fundamentals of Religion ; And entertain d him very re- fpecftfuUy at his Houfe. While he concinu'd there, he became acquainted h^ Con- with the pious and learned hich-Eifhop Vfioer^ who then yerfation Uv'd at the Earl of Peterborough's in St. Martins Lane • -K^'th ^irch- and their mutual Vifits and Interviews were frequent, ^'f^^op u- There having been a Difference between Dr. K^endaH, ^^^ i -^.^^ and Mr. Baxter about the Extent of Redemption, they ^'^^^^'^/^ '^ by Agreement met at the Arch-Biftiop's Lodgings, Jea- ^^"Jy"^'''*^* ving it to him to Arbitrate between them : Who freely declar'd himfelf for the Dodrine oiVniverfai f^edemp" tion^ and own'd that he was the Perfon who brought both Bifhop Davenant^ and Dr. Prclion to acknowledge it. Having given his Judgment, he perfwaded boch to forbear a farther Profecution of the Controveifie, which ihey readily promis'd. In his Converfation with Biftiop Vfloer^ he defirM his Judgment about his Propofals for Concord with the E- pifcopal Party; which werethefe; That a Paflor he Go- fvennor as well as Teacher of hit Flock, That where there <:re Several Presbyters in a Pari/h, one he the Stated Prejident, That in each Market Toupw, (or fome fuch Divifion) there be frequent Affemblies of Pnrochial Paftors for Concord^ and mutual Ajfiftance in their H^orl{^ voith a fiated Prefi- dent alfo. That in every County or Diocefe there be a Gene- ral Affemhly cf the Minifters, once in a Quarter, Half a T^ar, or Te/ir • having lil{evQife a fixed Prefident^ without whom nothing be done in Ordination^ or any Matters of Corri' mon Concernment, and that the Coercive Power or Sword be appropriated to Magiftrates. He told him they were fuf- ficient to unite moderate Men ; but would be rejedled by others. And in Difcourfe about his Predidlions as to the Return of Popery^ he declared, he pretended not to any Prophetical ^Revelation, but only was under that Apprehenfion from his Converfe with the Apocalypfe. The Bilhop alfo gave him his Judgment for the Validity of Presbyters Ordination ; and told him that the King at thellle of JVight^ ask'd him where he found in Anti- quity, chat Presbyters ordain'd any alone ; and that he replied, he could fliew much more, even where Presby- ters alone fucceflively Ordaind Bilhops ; the Presbyters of Alexandria choofing and making their own Bilhops, -from the Days of St. Mark, till Heraclas and Dionyfm [as faith St, Bierom in Epijl, ad Evagrium,"} He moreover P d 3 own'd 4o6 The LIFE of Chap. XVI. owa'd to him, ibnt the I{edu3ion of Epifcopacy to the Form of Synodicd Government^ which went about, was \\\?t : And with a great deal of AfTurance gave it him as his Judgment, That Synods are not property for Government^ but for Agreement nmang the Pajlors ; and a Synod of Bi- fhopSy are not the Governor 3 y of any cne Bi/hop^ there pre" fent. While the Debates continued, after the Reftauration of King Charles about an Accommodation of Ecclefiafti- cal Matters, Mr. Baxter as appears from the foregoing Account, was often with the Earl of Clarendon^ Lord Chancellor, who carried it with a great fhew of Refpedt to him : And his Intereft in him was fuch as to engage him to do good Service to the People o^ •Ncxo-England^ on whofe Behalf, h$ oft pleaded with him. The Cafe was this. Mr. Ellioi having learnM \ht. American Language, and converted many of the barbarous Natives to Chriftiani- ty, was defirous of fettling regular Churches among them. In Order hereto, it was firft necefHry to build them Houfes and draw them together, ( who were us'd to live difpers'd like wild Beafts) and to get a Maintenance for Mlnifters to preach to them, and Schoolmafters to teach and inftracSt their Children. For this Purpofe Cromwell in the Time of his Government, had a General Collection thro' the Land. The People gave liberally for fo good a Work ; and the Money was ^ut into the Hands of a Corporation fettled on Purpofe to difpofe of it to tne bcft Advantage ; who keeping fome in Stock, purchafed 7 or 800 /. a Year in Land, which was appiopriated to the Service of the Gofpel in tbofe Parts. The Land was bought of one Col. Bedding- field, a P^piJ^y and an Officer in the King's Army. Up- on the King's Reftauration, the Colonel feiz'd the Land again for his own Ufe, and refus'd either to furrender it, or repay the Money, pretending the Corporation was illegal and null. Hereupon Alderman Afhhuift who was Treaforcr, calFd the Corporation together, per- fwaded thofe who were Members of it, that were ob- noxious, to recede, that he might fee if the reft might be continued, more fit Men added, and the Land re- covered. Mr. Baxter urg'd the Lord Chancellor about it, and found him Hearty. When the Matter had de- pended a Twelve-month, he granted a Decree for a new Ghap. XVI. Mr. Richard Baxter. 407 -new Corporation. Some Lords were made Members of it ; Mr. Boyle was made Prefident, and Mr. Afhhurft con- tinu'd Treafarer, and the Matter was happily fettled. Whereupon Mr. Baxter received Letters of hearty Thanks, from the Court and (governor m New- England^ and from Mr. Elliot^ and Mr. 'Norton, ail acknowledg- ing the fignal Service he had done them. After Mr. Baxter was (iJenc'd with the reft of bis Bre- thren, he had Letters from Foreign Divines full of re- •fpedt, and courting him to a Correfpendence with them, which he durft not yield to, for fear it Ihould be Mif- interpreted. Among others, he receiv'd a Letter from Monfieur AmyraU, upon Gccafion of a Word of Dr. Louis dti Moulin^ who had faid that he had heard that Amyrald had fpoken flightingly of the Englijh Nm- conformifts : And another from Monfieur SolUcojfer, a Minifter in Sxvit:(erland^ who defir'd his Advice about fetting up the Work of Minifterial Inftrucftion of the particular Families and Perfons of their Charge. But fear of Offence, prevented his anfwering thefe and o- iher Letters from Foreign Parts, tho' he was often ap- plied to. In the worft of Times, he had feveral even at Court D«ife Lqu- and about the King, who were verf refpe£lful to him.derdaie. Among the reft Duke Lauderdale profefs'd great Kind- nefs to him. But he being a Perfon generally tho't ill off, and one whom the Parliament voted an evil Coun- fellor, many were offended at his having any Correfpon- ^ence with him : Which he gave Way to, partly to a- void Rudenefs after abundant Civilities, and partly that he might make Ufe of his Intereft in him for the doing Good upon Occafion : In which he fometimes was not without Succefs. While he liv'd at ABon, he had the Happinefs of free ^. ^^ Converfation with that MirroE of Juftice, that Orna- ^^^^ ^j"^^ ment of King Charles his Reign, the worthy Sir Mat- thew Hale, Lord Chief-Baron of the Exchequer, who liv'd in his Neighbourhood. Their Converfation ran much upon the main Points of Religion, the Immorta- lity of the Soul, and Certainty of a Future State, C^c, His Gonverfe was highly pleafing and profitable. He found him to be a great Lamenter of the Extremities of the Times, and the Violence of fome of the Clergy, and a great defirer of fuch Abatements as might take in Dd 4 all 4o8 The L IFk of Chap. XV. all Ufefoi Perfons. He manifefted his Relped to Mr. Br.xtrr^ by giving an h*»ph Encomium of him, both for Piety and Learning, before fell the Judges ac the Ta- Wc at Sc'jeMits Inn^ at the Time -when he was in Pri- fon \»pr^n the Oxff>rii /J8 ; and by leaving him a Legacy of Forty Shillings in his Wiij. The Eail of Bnlcr.rres who was driven out of Scotland by Crtimvo^el^ and Went to KingC^«r/p.f in his Exile, had alfo a great Value for him ; which was occa(\on'd by his leading Mr. 'B^.xt-e/*s Books, upon the Lord Lauderdnle% recommendation. This Earl of B^lcHfiies tvas a very confidcrable Man, taken for the Head of the Presby- terians with the Ktng ; but unhappily he fell out with the Lord Chancellor, and was afterwards forbid the Court, and in fomeTimedied of aConfumption. The Lady Bnlcmres was not (hort of her Lord in Refpcdfcs to Mr. Baxter, When he was building a new Meeting-Houfe in O^en^ den-ftreet, tho' he meddled not with it himfelf, he had Contributions fent in freely by many Perfons, to Mr. T/jc- m/ts Stanley, who undenook the Care of the Disburfe- ment,^^:. Alderman /J fhhurft and Mr. Booth fem in loo k collected among their own Acquaintance ; Sir '^ohti M^t- nard^ol. The Lady ^rwiwf 60 1. The Countefs of W^^jr- tv/c/j^ 20 J. Mr. Brooi{e Bridges 2o-l. Sir James Langham 10 \. The Countefs of CUre i o 1. Sir Edward Harln \ o L Mr. Trench and Mr. Brand 20 1. The Countefs of Trecon^ 97el6 J. The Lady Clinton 5 1. The Lsidy Ehattor Hollis 5 f. The Lady Fft:(. James 6 1. The Lady I{jchards 5 J. Mr. Hampden 8 1. Mr. Henly 5 1. and many others,otherSums. He was much confulted about Cafes of Confcience. Scarce a Man in England had more applying rhemfelves to him upon that Account than he. OneP^riTage is too The-Refo- remarkable to be'paft by. In 1 665, the Lord /jhley fent hthnof a a Letter to Sir Jolyn Trevor at jlkon, fignifying that a Cafe of Con- good Friend of his, in whofe Cafe the King did great- fcience. jy Concern himfelf, had all his Fortunes caft upon Mr. Bax*ter's Rcfolntion of th's one Qlfe : Mljcther a Proteftant Lady tfflriH Education^ mi^t marry a Papijl^ in hope of his Cifrtveyjjon, he fromifirtg not to dijlurb her in her F(eligion. The Lady told thofe that Were concern'd, ^hat fhc would not Confent, unlefs Mr. Baxter fatisfy*d her'rhat it was lawful. The Cafe was Nice ; he weigh- ed it vTcU : AnB this was theS«bftanceof his Refolution. In Chap. XV. Mr. Richard Baxter. ^q^ In General, it cannot be faid to be limply, and in all Cafes unlawful to Marry an Infidel or Heathen^ much lefs a Papist. Nay, it may be Lawful in Cafe of true Necefficy where better is not to be had ; and in Cafe it be very likely to prove fome great Commodity to Church or State. But ordinarily *tis Sinful, what Hopes foever there may be of the Husbands Converlion. For a Huf- band" ought efpecially to be a meet helper in Matters of the greateft Moment; and he that is no helper in Religion, muft needs be a binderer ; Marriage is none of the Means that God hath requir'd in order to Con- verfion : A Wife in fuch a Cafe, may rather fear being Chang'd by a Husband, than reafonably hope to work a Change upon him : Or if fhe be fo happy as to efcape Perverlion, there is little hope of her efcaping a fad Calamitous Life : His Religion will not allow him to Love her otherwife, than as a Child of the Devil, in a State of Damnation may be Lov'd. And therefore it can neither be for the Glory of God, nor the true Com- fort of the Party concern'd. In the whole Courfe of his Life he had fcarce 'a Friend whom he more Valu'd and Refpecfted, and by whom he was more Belov'd, than that Noted Citizen Henry y^flohurfi ^E{q; commonly call'd Alderman Afhhurfl^ who was the moft exemplary Perfon for Eminent So- briety, Self-denial, Piety and Charity, that London could Glory of. He was a Chriftian of the Primitive Stamp, and did good to all as he was able, efpecially needy, lilenc'd Minifters; To whom in Lancafloireir lone, he allow'd looi per Annum, He left behind him the Perfume of a moft Honoured Name, and the Me- morials of a moft Exemplary Life, to be imitated by all his Defcendents. Mr. Baxter gave him his true CharacSter in his Funeral Sermon. Many Foreign Divines wrote to him with abundance of Refpedl. As particularly Monfieur Brunfenim, Chaplain to his Eledtoral Highnefs of Brandenburg ^ who fent him Word, that he had employed feveral Perfons to Tranflaie fome of his Pradkical Works into Lmn, which were Difpers'd and Sold throughout that Country, and ofFer*d him bis utmoft Service in any Thing, wherein he was Capable of obliging him. « "Dt. Spencer alfo, Chaplain to the Duke of Saxony^ direfted Mr. Chriftopber Minin, a Divine who liv'd in his 4IO The LIFE of Chap. XVI. his Houfe, to Write a very kind and refpedlful Letter to "bAiL-Baxter^ and tell him how much his Books had i)romoted Practical Religion in thofe Countries, fince they were Tranflated into Latin, and how wonderfully God had Bleft them for the good of many. But tho' he was not a little refpedted by many both at Home and Abroad, yec he was alfo moft mifcrably traduc'd and cenfur'd, and often falily AccusM. No Man had more Written againft him by Perfons of different De- nominations; nor bad any Man more falfe Reports lais'd of him. In fhort, Living and Dying, he was as much, Re- fpedied by fome, and as much Slighted by others, at any Man of the Age. CHAP. XVI. His Works ^^^ Writings. I TS well known Mr. Baxter was a Confiderable Writer, and few ever Wrote to better Purpofe. His Books for the if Number and Variety of Mat- ter in them, make a Library .- They contain a Treafurc of Controverlial, Cafuiftical, Pofitive and Pradical Divinity. This at leaft was the Senfe of the Judicious ¥ See his ^r. Bates^. Neither was he alone in this Sentiment j Sermon at for the Excellent Bilhop fVilkins did not flick to fay, bif fnneral.thsxhe had Cultivated every Subject: he handled. A Compleat Lift of his Works is .therefore added for the Satisfa£tioa of the Curious. The firft Book he publifli'd, was his Aphorifms of Jufti" fication and the Covenants, with their Explication annexed: Wherein alfo ic opened the Nature of the Covenants, Satisfadlion, Righteoufnefs, Faith and Works, ^c. lis. This was Printed in 1649, and was difpleafing to many, on Account of fome Pecu- liarities. He Received and AnfwerM Objcdions fenc him agaioft it, by Mr. Burgefi^ Mr. PVanen^ Dr. H^al- ipSj Mr. Cnrtvoright and Mr. Law/on : And to the Jaft adher'd to the, Subiiance of itj tho' he could have wilh'd Chap. X V.l Mr, B^ichard Baxter. 41 1 wilh'd fome Things a little otherwife exprefs'd, and ' that he had lee Perfons alone when be touch'd upon their Errors. He defir'd that his Confeffion of Faith (after mention d) might betaken for a fuller Explica- tion of thifi^ Book. In 1650, He pubiilh'd his Saints Everlafting Z^^if, Or a . Treatife of the Bleflfed State of the Saints, in iheir En- joyment of God in Glory, /^to. which he Wrote in a very Languiihing Condition, when in the Sufpence of Life and Death, and yet it has the Signatures of a moft Holy and Vigorous Mind. This is a Book for which Multitudes will have Caufc to Blefs God for ever. Among others, Holy yix.John Janervay was thereby Converted *. ^ See hh The fame Year he publifh*d, Plain Scripture Proof of Life, ]^. 6* Infants Church Memher/hip and Baptifm, ^to. which were the Arguments us'd in a Publick Difpute with . Mr. Tombes the Anabaptift at Bewdley ; which Book recover'd many from Anabaptifm, and Eftablilh'd more. In 1653, He publi(h*d the right Method for Peace of Conjcience and Spiritual Comfort ^ in 3 x DireBions, 1 2s, He wrote it for the Satisfa6lion of Collonel John Bridges his Lady. This Book pleas'd Dr. Hammond^ and Comforted many; But fome have been difturb'd wiih what he there fays about Perfeverance, A little after, he pubiilh'd hts Judgment about the Perfe^ verance of Believers^ to remove fome Objedtions upon that Head, ftarted upon Occafion of the foregoing Difcourfe. The fame Year he publifliM his Chrijiian Concord: Or, the Agreement of the Affociated Paftors and Churches of iVorceFterJhire, with its Explication and Defence, and an Exhortation to Vnity, /^to. As alfo, the PVorcefler/hire Petition to the Parliament,' for the Miniftry of England, with the Defence of it; in Anfwer to Sixteen Queries, Printed in a Book, caird a Brief Difcovery of the Threefold State of Anti- Christ : And there is alfo added Seventeen counter Queries, and an humble Admonition to the Parlia- ment, People, and Minifters, in /^to. In 1654, He pablilh'd Two Affize Sermons, entitulcd true Chriftianity, One of Chrift's Dominion, and the ath€rx)f his Sovereknty over all Men as Redeemer, S^'o. The 412 " The LIFE of Cbap.XVI. The fame Year he publilh'd hiB Apolofj^ in Anfwef to JS/ir. Blaise, Dr. /C^«//^/, Ludiomcew ColvinWy or Lu4o- vJcus MoUn^ui^ Mr. Cmndav^ and Mr. Eyres, ^to. In 1655, Hepublifh'd his Confejfion of Faith; efpecially concerning the liiterelt of I^epentance^ and fincere O- hedience to Cbrift, in our Jvftification and Saivation, In Defence of his Aplx»i[mSy and in Oppolicion to An- tinifnianifm^ ^tc, Tiie fame Year came out hxsMunMe Advice to the Ho- nourable Members of Parlianaent : Being the Sub- ftance of fomc Dicedlions he deliver'd in a Sermon in H'tj^wmflef Abbej, in Order to Church Reforma- tion and Peace. As alfo a Sermon of making Light of Chrift ; and ano- ther of Judgment. He this Year alfo put forth the ^ai^ers Catechifin : Or the Quakers queftion d, J^fo. And the XJnrcnfonablenejl of Infidclhy^ in Four Difcour- ies. With a Defcripcion of .the Blafpheming againft the Holy Ghofti and a Poftfcript againft Mr. Lyford : ' And the ArrogaiKy of Rcafon againft Divine Reve- lations reprefemcd : h%iMi^ Clement Writer, 8vo» In 1656, He pabli(h*d his Gildoi Sahianw, or i^eformed Pafiour, Svo. Prepared to be deliver'd at a Day of Fafting and Prayer among the pyorcefierfhire Mini- fters, and afterwards Enlarg d. The Agreement of the faid Worcejier/hire Mini Hers for Catechifing or Perfonal Inftrwding all their wiiling Pa- nihioncrs, ^vo. Certain Difputations of ^ght to Sacraments, and the True Nature of Vifibic Cbriftianity, againft Mr. Blake. In 1657, He publith'd, the Safe Heligiony or Three Dif- putations for the Reformed Catholick Religion, a- gsiwiH Popery^ %vo. A Treatife of Converfion, At^o. Several (ingle Sheets, for their better Spreading. As a Winding Sheet for Vopery. A Sheet for the Mmiftry .(Againft Malignanis. A Sheet agair>ft the Quakers. /A Second Sheet for the Miniltry. A Sheet Directing Juftices in Corporations to Difchargc their Duty to God. A CfiH to the Vmtnvevted. A Book blafs'd by G^d with macveilous Succefs in reclaim it)g Pcrfons fiom tberr Im- Chap. XVL Mr, Richard Baxter. ^ 413 Impieries. Six Brothers were once Converted by Reading that one Book*. Twenty Thoufand of ^ Dr.Bites's them were Printed a^id Difpers'd in a little more than Sermon at 3. Year. It was Tranflaced into French^ and Dutch^ Mr. Bax- and other EuropVray^ 4to. *'— — The Poor Mans Family Book : In Nine Days Conference between a Teacher and Learner, in a Fa- miliar Way : Teaching how to become a true Chri- ftian, how to Live as fuch, and to Die fuch. With Forms of Prayer, Praife and Catechifm, for the Ufe of Families, 8vo. A Book that was well Accepted, and hath been very Ufeful : Many Thoufands of them being diftributed thro' the Nation. ■ ■ , ' — An yJppeal to the Light. In a SerOiOn on Ephef, I . verfe 3 . 4to. In 1675. Ca.me out his Caehoh'cl^Theolof J, Vol. In which he undertakes to Prove, that befides Things unreveal- ed, and known to none, and ambiguous Words, there isnoconfiderabledifference between the ^r;?2?Kj4«/ and Calvinifis, except fome very tolerable Difference in the Point of Per/everance. For which Book he ex- pected to befallen upon by both Sides, but had the Happinefs to efcape : Neither has it as I know of been anfwer'd to this Day. „., ■ ..^More Proofs of Infants Church Mewherfhip, and confequently their Right to Baptifm. Againft Mr; TombeSy ^nd Mr. Danvers, 8vo. r-^Two Difputntions of Original Sin ; As from A- dam, and as from our nearer Parents. 'Seled: Arguments tignin^ Popery^ /:i^to. 'A Treat ije of Jujiifying B^ghteouf/tcjl^ againft Dr. luUie^ and Mr. Chri flop her Cartvoright^ 8'. o. A Sermon in the Morning Exercife againft Popery ; A- gainft any meer Humane Head of the Church of Chrift, either Perfonal or Colledive : Being the 5th. in Number. In 1676. Came out the Judgment of Nonconformifts, of the Intereft of Reafon in Matters of Religion, 4to, E e —A 4i8 ^TheLIFEof Chap, XV\. A Review of the State of Chriftian Infants, againft Mr. Hutchinfofi^ Mr. Danvers, and Mr. Tombej, 8vo. •The Judgment of Nonconformifts, about the Difference between Grace and Morality, 4to. •Their Judgment about Things Indifferent, commanded by Authority, 4to. •Their Judgnicnt about Things Sinful by Acci- dent, and of Scandal, 4:0. What meer Nonconformity is not, 410. 'Roman Tradition Examin'd, as urg'd as in- faliiblc agamft all Mens Senfes, in Anfwer to a Book called 3.^ationnl Difcowfe of Trnnjubfiantiation^ 410. In 1 677. Came out Knk^-'d Popery : An Anfwer to a Book call'd the Catholick Naked Truth, Or the Puritan Convert to Apoftolicai Chriftianity; Written by William Hutchinfop^ alias Berry, In 1678. He pubJiftieda Funeral Sermon for Mr. Henry Sti-hs, 8vo. In 1679. He put forth a Treatife, StiPd, Which u the true Church : The whole Chriftian Wvrld ai Headed by Chrift, or the Pope and his SubjeHs ? In Anfwer to Mr. Jvhnfo?!^ 4tO. . The Nonconformifts Plea for Peace; Naming the Matters of Conformity, 8vo. In 1680. He publifhed a Funeral Sermon for Mrs. Airf- ry Cox^ caird the true Believers Choice and PJea- • * fure, 8vo. . The true and only way of Concord of all the Chriftian Churches; Againft Mr. Do^weZ', 8vo. The Defence of the Nonconformifts Plea for Peace, againft Mr. Chc:-iy\ Anfwer, ^c. 8vo. —The Second Part of the Nonconformifts Plea for Peace. Their Principles about Civil and Ecclefi- aflical Authority, Obedience and Refiftance, 4to. A Moral Prognoftication of what muft be cx- pe<5Vcd in the Churches of Chriftendom, till the Golden Age returns, 4to. 'Church Hiftory of the Government of Biihops and their Councils, 4to. An Anfwer to Dr. Stilling fleets Charge of Sepa- ration, in his Sermon before the Lord Mayor, 410. In 1 681, Came out his Treatife of Epifcopacy, 410. Chap. XVL Mr. Richard Baxter. 419 • —A Funeral Sermon for Henrjf /i(hktirft^ Efq; 410. •v-Poetical Fragments, i 2S. ■An Apology for the Nonconformifts Miniftry; containing the Reafons of their Preaching; an An- fwer to the Accufations urgd as Reafons for their Si- lencing; and Reafons proving it the Duty of Bilhops and Conformiftsto endeavour their Reftauration, 410. -i~Of an Univerfal Humane Church Supremacy, againft Mr. Dodwe/f, 4to. —An Account of his Diflent from Qr. Sherlocl;, 4to. ——A fearch-for the Englifh Schifmatick, 4to. A Third Defence of the Caufe of Peace, againft — — 7i the Accufation of Mr. Hlnklcy and others, 8vo. •A fecond true Defence of the meer Nonconform mifts; agaitlft Dr. Sf////w^j?f(rA, Mr. Glanvil, &c. —A Breviate of the Life of Mrs. Margaret Baxter ; vrho died June 14th j68o, 4to. In i68z, Game out an Anfwer to Mr. Dociwel*s Letter^ calling for more Anfwers, 410. ■A Specimen of the prefent Mode of Controver- fie in England^ with Remarks on VEJlmrge, 410. The true Hiftory of Councils Enlarged and De- fended, 4to. ■ A Funeral Sermon for Mr. John Corbet^ 4to. -Of the Immortality of Man's Soul, and the Na- ture of it, and ocher Spirits : Againft a Letter to an unknown Donbter, 8vo. •Of the Nature of Spirits, efpecially Man s Soul, in a Collation with Dr. Moore, 8vo. -A Sermon of the cure of Melancholy; in Dr. Atwe/Iy*s Morning Exercife, 4to. Compaftionate Counfel to Young Men, efpecially Londort Apprentices, Students of Divinity, Phyfick, and Law, and the Sons of Magiftrates and rich Men, 8vo: Of which, he gave away 1500. •How to do good to many : Or the Publick Good the Chriftians Life. A Sermon, 410. In 1683. He put forth his Family Catecbifm : A Teacher of Houiholdcrs, how to teach their Houfe- holds the Principles of Rehgion, 8vo. — Additions to the Poetical Fragments, 8vo. — — Obedient Patience in General, and in 20 Parti^ cular Cafes, €^c. 8vo. E e X —A 420 The LIFE of Chap. XVI. A Farewel Sermon prcpar'd to have been Preach'd to his Hearers in KJddertninfter^ 4to. 'His dying Thoughts; Written for his own Ufc, in the latter Times of his Corporal Pains and Weak- nefs. The Noble Lord, iVilliavi B^uffcl^ who dy*d a Martyr for the Liberty of his Country, a little before ^^ his Death, by a trufty MefTenger, Tent Mr. Baxter his hearty Thanks for this Book^ which had made him better acquainted with the other World than he was before, andgnot a little contributed to his Relief and Support, and to the fitting him for -what he was to go through. The dangerous Schifmatick clearly detected, and fully Gonfuted, 410. The id. Part againft Schifm : Or Animadver- lions on a Book of Mr. ^tlphfons^ 4to. •A Survey of the Reply to Mr. Humphrey, and Mr. Baxter, concerning Dr. Stillwgfleet, Sec. 410. In 1684. Came out Caiholick Communion Defended: Realons for Communicating with the Parifli Churches, 410. ■ An Anfwer to Dr. Owen's Arguments againft that Praiftice, 410. — — Whether Parifli Congregations, be true Chriftian Churches? Againft Mr. Lo/^, 4to. •A ftiort Anfwer to the chief Objedlions in a Book Entitl'd a Theological Dialogue, 4to. Catholick Communion doubly Defended, 4to: -The Judgment of Sit Mat hew Hale of the Nature of true Religion, 4to. In 1685. Came om Vnum Necejfarium, or Chrift's Ju- ftificaion of r.'y.rfs Choice, 8vo. • A Partiphrafe on the New Teftament, 4to. For thi* Rook the Author was very feverely handled, by the {]clp of fuch Innuendoes as would Arraign the ver.' Scriptures themfelves. In ^689, Came out his Senfe of the Subfcribed Ar- ticles, by the Minifters of L^w^o;;, Concerning Reli- gion. 4tO. The En^rlifo Nonconformity as under King Charles the II. And King yA Reply to Mr. Tho, Beverly, 4to. ■Of National Churches ; Their Defcription, Inrti- tution, Ufe, Prefer vation, Maladies and Cure, 410, Againft the Revolt to a Foreign Jurifdidion, 8vo. -Church Concord ; Perfwading againft Divifions and Separations, 4to. —His Penitent Gonfeffion and Neceflary Vindica- tion, 4to. ■*The Certainty of the World of Spirits: Or an Account of Apparitions and Witch-crafts, 8vo. Since Iqk Death have been Puhlipoed^ The Proteftant Religion truly Stated and Juftify'd : Writ againft a Book, call'd the Touch-Stone of the Reformed Gofpel, 8vo. 1692. A Paraphrafe on the Pfalms of David in Metre j with other Hymns, 8vo. 1692. A Treatife of Univerfal Redemption, 8vo. 1694. His Narative of the moft Memorable Paffages of his Life and Times, Vo\.i6^6, The Mothers Catechifin, or a Familiar way of Catechi- zing Children, 8vo. 1701. Befides all which Writings of his own, he wrote more Prefaces to the Works of others, than any Man of his Time. We have a Preface of his, before Mr. Swinficclis Book of Regeneration; another before a Book of Mr. Hopkins ; another before a Book of Mr. Ecdes ; another before Mr. Pool*s Model for advancing Learning ; ano- ther before Mr. Benjamin Baxter^ Book ; another before Mr. Jonathan Hanmer's Exercitation of Confirmation ; another before Mr. Lavorence of Sicknefs ; two before two of Mr. Tombe's Books; Another before a Difcourfe of Ee 3 Mr. ±22 Some Hiflorical Additions Chap. XVII. Mr. iVilliam BelPs of Patience ; An Introdudtion to Mr. Jof. Aliens Life. A Preface to his Alarum to the Unconverted : Another to Mr. Hi^iv's Bleffednefs of the Righteous : Another to Mr. Clnrk's Annotations on the >J2W Teftaraent: Another ro Mr. Abraham Clifford's Dif ourfe on the Two Covenants : Another to one E- ditioii of Mr. P^cvolcts Book of the Sacrament: Another to the nth Edition of Scudders Daily Walk: Another to Mr. lV:irnm Allen of the Covenant. Another to a Book of Dr. Bryansk of Dwelling with God : Another to Mr. F:/chkJs*s Forgivenefs of Sin : Another to Mr. Gouge's fureft and ifafcft way of Thriving : Another to Mr. Ohed tViUs of Infant Baptifm, againft Mr. Danvers. And one to Mr. Corbet's Remains; with many Others. I might add the Cenfures pafs'd by Eminent Men up- on his Works : But Til be contented with that of the Learned and Ingenious Dr. Barrovp, who gives this as his Judgment : His PraEiical Pf^ritings were ne- ver mended, and hn Controverfial ones^ feldom Confuted' His Pradtical "Works have fince his Death, been Printed altogether in Four Volumes, in Folio. CHAP. XVIL An. 1688. 7]5e Caje of the DiJJenters^ and their Treat- ment-^ And the New State of Things in the beginning of the Reign of King William and Sixteen Mary. KING William when he was Prince of Orange, in his Declaration publifh'd at the Time of his Expedition into Engla7id, promis'd to endeavour a good Agreement between the C hutch of England, and all Proteftant Dljfcnters, and to cover and fecurc all thoje who would liv* Peaceably under the Government y from all Perfe- cution upon the Account of their B^Ugion. And it is but a piece of Juftice that is due to him, to acknowledge that he kept his Promife 5 and that if he proceeded not - • as Chap. XVir. after the Revolution iff l688, 423 as far as he at firft defign* d, in getting thofe depriv'd of An. 1688. the Power, thac wanted not for Will to bear hard upon their Neighbours, the Obilru6tion came from others, who had Defigns of their own to ferve, by preventing the guod Effects of his Endeavours, as will appear from the Sequel. There were great Expedlacions concerning the Con- fequences of the fudden Alteration here in England* All Europe was furpriz'd with the Report of it; and we at Home were not fooii able to recover out of our Amaze- ment. Never was the Throne of Engl^.nd better a- dorn*d and fiU'dthan by this noble Pair; and the greateft Contention at firft feem'd co be, who Ihould Ihew them the moft Refpedt. They were nofooner Proclaim'd than the Joy Eccho'd from all Parts. Among the reft, the Dijfenting Minifters in and about the City of Loh" don, Prefenred an Addrefs to their Majefties, at which Tinne Dr. Bates made the Two following Speeches. To the KING. May it pkafe your Mttjefty, ^ 'np H E Series of fuccefsful Events that has attended -*• ' Your Glorious Enterprize for the faving thefe * Kingdoms from fo imminent and DeftrucSlive Evils, ^ has been fo eminent and extraordinary, that it may * fprce an Acknowledgment of the Divine Providence '' from thofe who deny ic, and raifes Admiration in all * who Believe and Reverence it. The Beauty ^and ' Speed of this Happy Work are the bright Signatures ' of his Hand, who creates Deliverance for his Peo- * pie. The Icfs of Humane Power, the more of the ' Divine Wifdom and Goodnefs has been Confpicu- ' ous in it. If the Deliverance had been obtained by ^ fierce and bloody Battels, Vi(5toryitfelf had been de- ' jeded, and fad, and our Joy had been mix'd with * affliding Bitternefs. But as the Sun afcending the ' Horizon, difpels without noife the Darknefs of the * Night; fo Your Serene Prefcnce has without Tu- * mults and Diforders, chafed away the Darknefs that * invaded us. In the Senfe of this aftonilhing Deli-? * verance, we defire with all poffible Ardency of Af- * fedion, to magnifie the glorious Name of God the E e 4 ^ Atithpf 424 Sorne Hiflorkvl Additions Chap. 5^V1I. An. i638 Author of ic, by whofe entire Efficacy the Means have beefA fuccefsful: And we cannot without a warm Rapture of Thankfulnefs, recount our Obligations to Yonr Majefty the Happy Inftrument of it. Your llluftrious Greatncfs of Mind in an Undertaking of fuch vaft Expence; Your Herolck Zeal in expofing Your moik precious Life in^^fich an adventurous Expe- , di:ion; Your wife Conduifi: and unfhaken Refolution in prolerining Your great Ends, are above the lofticft Fiights of Language, exceed all Praife. We owe to Your Majefty the Two greatel^ and molt valuable Bieirings that we can enjoy, the Prefer vation of the true Religion, our moft facred Treafure, and the re- covery of the falling State, and the Eftablifiiing it up- on juft Foundations. According to our Duty we Promife unfaincing Fidelity, and true Allegiance to Your Majefties Perfon and Government. JVe are en" ccuragd oy Tour Graciom Promife upon our firfl Addrefi, humbly to defire and hope, that Tour Majefty voill be pleafed^ by your Vi^ifdom and Authority, to eflablifo a firm XJnion of your Proteftant Subje(3^s m the hiatters of I{eligton^ by makjng the I{ule of Chriftianity to be the J^ule of Con- formity, Our Blejjed XJnion in the Purity and Peace of the Gojpel, will mal^e this Church a fair and lovely Type of Heaven, and terrible to our Antichrijiian Enemies ", Toti will mnl{e England the Heady Centre fom whence a powerful Influence will be derivd for the Support of I^e~ formed Chriftianity Abroad: This will bring Immortal Honour to Tour Name, above the Trophies and Triumphs of the jnoit renowned Conquerors^ M^e do Ajfure Tour Ma- i^fty* ^hat we (hall cordially embrace the Terms of XJnion, which the ruling H^ifdom of our Saviour has prefcrib'd in his PVord. We fhall not Trefpafs farther upon Your Royal Patience, but (hall offer up our fervent Prayers to the King of Kings, that he will pleafe to direft Your Majefty by his unerring Wifdom, and always encline your Heart to his Glory, and.encompafs Your Sacrtrd Perfon wuh his Favour as with a Shield, and make your Government a Univerfal Blefling to thefe Kingdoms. His Majefty was gracioufly pleas'd to make this An- Uv^x, J tal{e kindly yaur ^ood I'f^ijhes ; and whatever k ih my Power fknll be employed for obtaining fuch a ZJnion n'm^ng you. I do Ajfure you of m) Protection and Kjnd- neJJ. To Ghap. XVII. after the Revolution in 1688. 425 An, 1688. To ^/je dUEEN. Ma'i it pleafe your Majefty^ * VT OUR happy Arrival into Your Native Coun- -*- ' try, and Accelfion to the Crov^fl, has diffus'd * an Univerfal Joy thro' this Kingdom. Tis an aufpi- ' cious Sign of Publick Felicity, when Supreme Ver- * tue, and Supreme Dignity meet in the fame Perfon. * Your inviolable Firmnell in the Profeflion of the * Truth, and exemplary Piety, are the moft radiant * Jewels in Your Grown. The Luftre of your Con- * verfation, unftain'd in the midft of Tempting Vani- * ties, and adorn*d with every Grace, recommends Re- * ligion as the moft honourable and amiable Quality, ' even to thofe who are averfe from hearing Sermons, * and apt to defpife ferious Inftrudlions and Excitations to be Religious. fVe humbly defire Tour Majedy voili * be pleas' d by Your PJ/ifdom and Goodnefs to compofe the ^ Differences between Tour Proicftant SubjeBs^ in Things ' of lefs Moment concerning Religion. We hope thofe i^f- * verend Perfons X9ho ccnfpire with us in the main End, the ' Glory of God and the Publicly Good^ will Conjent to the * Terms of ZJnion^ wherein all the Reformed Churches agree, ^ We fhall fincerely Addrefs our Requefts to God, that . * he will pleafe to pour down in a rich Abundance, his * Blellings upon Your Majefty's Perfon and Government, * and preferve You to his heavenly Kingdom. * Her Majefty was gracioufly pleas'd to Anfwer them * thus : I will ufe all Endeavours for the obtaining a V' ' niony that is neceffary for the edifying of the Church, * J defire Tour Prayers, This was a Publick Fad:, and the Speeches were af- terwards printed, whereby the Dijfenters in Effe£l de- clared to all the World, their Readinefs to yield to a Coalition with the Eftablifti'd Church. But little No- tice was taken of it. They had receiv'd Encourage- ment to expe£t great Things. The Bifhops and Clergy, the Nobility and Gentry, with great Unanimity before the Revolution profefs'd themfelves fenfible of the Ne- ceility of making the Ecclefiaftical Foundations wider, and having a clofer Correfpondence with the Protefiant Churches Abroad, ^c. Among the reft, they found a celebrated Writer at the latter End of the foregoing Reign 426 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XVII. An. 1688. Reign, when apologizing for the Church, flndherpafs'd ^ An Ap')- Proceedings, thus * expreiTing himfelf. It ts not to be lo When it is your own Turn I to be lepiefented by others, is this Part of the Truft 432 Some HiHoricdl Addit'wnf Chap. XVI I. An. 1689. Vindication of fame Proteftqnt TrincifUs^ &C.p. 52. ^ Aihy Numi from his Egeria. And their Trie/ts to Tffhom the Regulation of fuch Matters 9pas left^ were gene- ally ^e- liey''d to be inffifd. you commit? What Dr. S/^c> /or/; worthily fays, con- cerning a Bilhop, he might (and particularly, after, doth ) fay concerning every other Man, He can be no more reprcfeutcd in a Council, than at the Day of Jvdg" ment ; every Man's Soul and Confcience mufl be in bis ovpn Keepings and can be rcprefentcd by no Man. • ' It ought to be coniidered, that Chriftianity, where- in it fuperadds to the Law of Nature, is all Matter of Revelation. And 'tis well known, that even a- mong Pagans in the fettling Rites and Inftitutes of Religion *, Revelation was pretended at leaft, upon an imply'd Principle, that in fuch Matters Humane Power could not oblige the Peoples Gonfciences. ' We muft be excufed therefore, if we have in our Practice exprefs'd lefs Reverence for Laws made by no Authority received either from God or Man. ' We are therefore injurioufly reflcdled on, when it is imputed to us, that we have by the Ufe of our Liberty, ackowledg'd an illegal difpenfing Power. We have done no other Thing herein than we did when no Dilpenfation was given or pretended, in Confcience of Duty to him that gave us our Breath. Nor did therefore Pradtife otherwife, becaufe we tho't thofe Laws difpenfed with, but becaufe we tho't them not Laws. ' Whereupon little need remains of enquiring far- ther. Quefl, 3. * Whether fuch Laws Ihould be continued ? * Againft which, befides what may be colle(5ted from that which hath been faid, it is to be confi- der'd, that what is moft principally grievous to us, was enacted by that Parliament, that as we have too much Reafon to believe, fuffer'd it felf to be dealt with, to enflave the Nation in other Refpedis, as well as this ; and which (to his immortal Ho- nour ) the Noble Earl of Danby procured to be dif- folved, as the firft Step towards our National Deli- verance. ' And let the Tenor be confider'd of that horrid Law, by wh ch our Magna Chart a 'WTL'i torn in Pieces | the worft and moft infamous of Mankind, at our own r.yi cp("e^ hired 10 accufe us ; Multitudes of Perjuric^ -.'.mitted; Convi£lions made without a Jury, and wiuiout any hearing of the Perfons accu- ' fed Chap. XVIL after the Revolntion in i6%d, 4:55 icd Penalties; inflidted ; Goods rifled ; Eftates feized ^«. 1689. and embezl'd • Houfes broken up ; Families difturb'd often at moft unfeafonabJe Hours of the Night, with- out any Caufe, or Shadow of a Caufe, if only a ma- licioas Villain would pretend to fufpe(5t a Meering there. No Law in any other Cafe like this. As if to worfhip God without thofe Additions, which were corifeft unnecetfary, were a greater Crime tiian Thefr, Felony, Murder or Treafon ! Is it for our Reputation to Polterity, that the Memory of fuch a Law Ihould be continued ? ' And are we not yet awakenM, and our Eyes open d enough to fee, that the Making and Execution of the Laws, by which we have fuffer'd fo deeply for many by-paft Years, was only, that Protellants might de- ftroy Proteftants, and the eafier Work be made for the IntrodiKftion of Popery, that was to deftroy * ihe Relidue ? * Nor can any Malice de«y, or Ignorance of obferv- ing Englifk Men over look this plain Matter of Fadt : After the Diflblution of that before mentioned Parlia- ment, Diflenters were much carefled and endea- voar'd to be drawn into a Subferviency to the Court DefignSj efpecially iii the EIe<£tion of after Parlia- ments. Notwithitanding which they every where fo entirely and unanimoufly fell in with the fober Part of the Nation, in the Choice of fuch Perfons for the three Parliaments that next fucceeded, (two held at tVejiminfler^ and that at Oxford) as it was known would, and who did moft generoufly alfert the Li- berties of the Nation, and the Proteftant Religion. Which alone, ( and not our meer DilTent from the Church of Englnfid in Matters of Religion, wherein Charles 11. was fiifficiently known to be a Prince of great Indifferency ) drew upon u"?, foon after the 'Diflblucion of the laft of thofe Parliaments, that dreadful Siorm of Perfecution, that deftroyed not a fmall Number o^ Lives in Goals, and ruin'd Multi- tudes of Families. * Let Eyiglifh Freemen remember, what they cannot but know, that it was for our firm Adherence to the Civil Interefts of the Nation (not for our different Modes of Religion from the Legal Way, tho' the Laws * gave that Advantage againft us, which they did not F f * againft 434 Some Hi fieri cal Additions Chap. XV II. An. 1689. againft orhers) chat we endur'd the Calamities of fo many Years. * "When by the lace King fome Relaxation was gi- ven us, what Arcs and Infinuations have been us'd with us, to draw us into a Concurrence to Defigns tending co the Prejudice of the Nation ? And with how little EfFedl upon the generality of us, it muft be great Ignorance not to know, and great Injuftice to deny. * But he that knows all Things, knows that tho' in fuch Circumrtances, there was no Opportunity for our receiving Publick and authoriz'd Promifes, when we were all under the Eye of watchful Jea- loufy ; yet as great AlTurances as were poflible, were given us by fome that we hope will now remember ir, of a future eftabliih'd^ Security from our former PrefTures. We were told over and over, when the Excellent Beer Fage/ts Letter came to be privately communicated from Hand to Hand, how eafily better Things would be had for us, than that encourag'd Papjjis to cxpedt, if ever that happy Change fhould be brought about, which none have now beheld with greater Joy than we. * We are loth to injure thofe who have made us hope for better, by admitting a Sufpicion that we Ihall now be difappointed and deceived (as we have for- merly been, and we know by whom ) or that we fhall fuffer from them a I{eligioiis SUvery, for whofe Sakes we have fuffer'd fo grievous Things, rather than do the leaft Thing that might tend to the bringing upon itiem a Civil Slavery, * We cannot but expedt from Bnglijh Men, chat they be jutt and true. We hope not to be the only Inftan- ces, whereby the Anglica Fides and the Punier, fhall be tho'r all one. * But if we who have conftantly defir'd, and as we have had Opportunity, endcavour'd the faving of the Nation, muft however be ruin'd, not to greatcn (one Hair) the Wealth and Dignity, but only to gra- tifie the Humour of them who would yet deftroy it; we who are competently inurM to Sufferings, (hall thro' God's Mercy be again enabled to endure: But he that fits in the Heavens, will in his own Time ']ud^ our Caufe, and we will wait his Piea- * furc ; Chap. XVH. afrerthe Revalfith.tin x6S3. _ 435 fure, and We hope furfer all that can b^ influitl'^, 4«- i^8p. rather than betray the Cauie of.ReformaJ Chriitiahicy , in the WorM. * But our Affairs arc in the Handiof Men of Worth and Honour, who 'apprehend how liccie grattfuj ' a Name they fliould leav.e to Poderity, or obtain, now with good Men of any PejrTwafion, if under a Pre- tferice of Kindne/s to us,' they Ihould now repeat the • 'Arts of ill Men tfi' an ill Time. Great Minds will think it beneath them to fport thernfelves-with their own Cunning in deceiving oth^r Men, which were really in the prefent Cafe coo thni not to be fcen through, and may bt the eafi,e At^tainment of any . Man, that hath enough of Opportunity, and Integrity, little enough, for I'uch Purp' fes. , And 'cis as much tbo grbfs' to endeavour to abufe the Ai^orfty of a Nation, by going about to make that otoop to fd tiiean a Thing, as to niake a Shew of intending vvhaE they relolve to their uttermoft ihall never be. ' But fome may think by" Concellions to, us^ the Church of Etigland will be ruin'd, and a greaic Ad- vantage be given 10 the bringing in of Popery.., * To which we fay, the Generality, of the Diffenters differ from the Church of England^ in no ^.yibOan- • tials of Do(5lrine and Worfhip, no nor of Go v'er^-jqxent;^ .. provided ic be fo managed, as' to attain it^-t^u,^ ac- knowledged End ; the favouring of lis therefore will as muchriuii th^ Church, a^ its Enlargement and ad^ . ditionai Strerigth will fignifie to its Ruin. .. .. .' ' "' And doth' "not the' Wprld^knoA/v^ that wherein we .'cfifFer froiVi them,' we' differ from'the 'P.^;'//?fCOQ? And that for the 'niolt Part,' v^hercjih they differ from us,^ they feem to agree with therh ? ,,* W§ acknowledge their Strong, Brgve and Profpe- tous Oppofition'co Popery: But they'have oppos'd it by the Things , wherein they ag?ee with us ;" their Differences frorri us are no more a. bence againft Popery^ than an In'clofure of Strawis againila.Flame of Fire. ' But 'tis wont to be faid, we agree not among out? felves, . and know not what we would have. . * And do all that go under the Name of the Church oi Ev^land agree among them ielves .> Wc can Ihew more cdojSderabre t)ifagreements anaong them, than tny can tetween the moift of us, and a confiderablc " ' Ff 2 r Pars 456 Some Hlflorkal Addition. Chap, XVII. An- 1689. Part ot them. They all agree 'tis true in Conformity : And we all agree in Nonconformity ; And is not this meerly accidental to Chriftianity and Proteltantifm ? and herein is it not well known, that far the greater Part of Reformed Chriftendom do more agree with us ? ' An arbitrary Line of Uniformity, in fome little Accidents, fevers a fmall Part of the Chriftian World from all the reft : How unreafonably is it expeded, that therefore all the reft muft in every Thing elfe a- gree among themfelves ? Suppofe any imaginary Line to cut off a little Segment from any Part of the Terrettrial Globe, 'tis as juftly expedled that all the reft of the Wc^rld fhould be of one Mind. If one Part of EngUnd be Taylors, they migiit as well ex- pect: ihat all the People befides (hould agree to be of one Profeflfen. * Perhaps fome imagine it dilhonourable to fuch as have gone before them in the fame Ecclefiaftical Sta- tions and Dignities, if now any Thing fhould be al- tered, which their Judgments, did before approve and think fit. * But we hope that Temptation will not prove in- vincible, vi:{. of fo cxceflive a Modefty as to be afraid of feeming "Wifer or better Katur'd, or of a more Chriftian Temper than their Predeceffors. * But the moft of us do agree not only with one another, but in the great Things above mentioned with the Church of EngUnd too ; And in ftiort, that the Reproach may ceafe for ever with thofethat count it one ; they will find with us, when they pleafe to try, a very extensive Agreement on the Terms of King Charles II, his Declaration about EccleHaftical Aflfairs, Anno 1660. Q^ieji. 4. * Whether it be reafonablc to exclude, all that in every Thing conform not to the Church of Eno/anJ, from any Part or Share of the Civil Power ? * The Difference or Nonconformity of many is fo Minute, that it would be as reafonable to exclude all whofe Hair is not of this or that Colour. ' And what if we lliould make a Dif-termination, by the Dccifion this Way or that of any other difputcd Qiicftion, that may be of as fmtll Concernment to Reiigion ? Suppofe it be that of eating Blood ; for *the Ghap. XVH, after the Revolution in 1688. 457 the Deciiion whereof, one Way, there is more pre- -^«« 1689. tence from God's Word, than for any Point of the difputed Conformicy : Would it not be a wife Con- ftitution, i:heit whofoevcr thini^s it lawful to eat Blacky" Puddingy Jhc.ll he capable of no Ojffice ? Sec. * But we tremble to think of the Exclufive S/icramen- tal T^, brought down as low as to the Keeper of an Ale-houfe. * Are all fit to approach the Sa- cred Table, whom the fear of Ruin, or hope of Gain may bring thither? We cannot but often remember with Horror, what happened three or four Years ago : A Man that led an ill Life, but frequented the Church, wa? obferved not to come to the Sacrament, ^nd preftby the Officers to come ; he yet declined knowirig himfelf unfit ; at length being threatned and terrified came : But faid to fome prefent at the Time of that folemn Adlion, that he came on- ly to avoid being undone, and took them to Witnefs that what he^ere receiv'd, he took only as common Bread and Wine, not daring to receive them as the Body and Blood of Chrift. 'Tis amazing, that among Chri- ftians, fo venerable an Inititution fhould be proftitu- ted to the ferving of fo mean Purpofes, and fo fo- reign to its true End I A^nd chat doing it afcer the Manner of the Church of England muft be the Qua- lification ! As if England were another Chriftendom ; or it were a greater Thing to conform in every Pun- ctilio CO the Rules of this Church than of Chrift himfelf! * But vye would fain Ijjnow whofe is that Holy Ta- ble ? Is it the Table of th;s or that Party, or the Lord's Tabled If the Lord's, are not Perfonsto be ad- mitted or excluded upon his Terms ? Never can there be Union or Peace in the Chriftian World, till Ffa \m * A Certain warm hut namt- lefs High church Triend^ wha was pitas d lately to fayour me with a Facie t of Remarks and Obfervations^ asks me. Why I will repeat fuch a Notorious Lie as this ? and whether 1 ever knew one Inftance of it ? Andin his free and familiar Way^ he bids me for Shame leave this out in my next Edition. But I have no$ feen Reafon to follow his Advice. The Faper feems to me to /peak a great deal of Reafon. And far an Infiance of debarring Pcr- fons from felling Ale ffithout taking the Sacrament^ I refer \ny Admonljher to the Tarip) of St. Giles Cripple-gate, and the pjflurbance which the prefent worthy Biffjqp of Gloucefter met with there, a few Years be* fore this Paper was written ; of which the World has bad an Af' iount in Print. ^]8 Some-Hifii/ncdl Addit'ims Chap. XVH. Jin. idSp. * vve cake dawn our arbitrary Inclofuces, and content / Qurfclves with thofe which our common Lord hath * ^le^..' If (le fells under a Curfe that alters .Mens * Land- Marks, to alrer God's is ijot likely to infer a * Bitiilng. .' The Matter is clear as the Light of the Sun, -that * as inany Perfons ,oF excellent Worth, vSobriecy and ' Godlinefs, are entirely in the Communion of. the * Church ot Evglnnd j fo that there are too many -of'-a * ^vorfe Character that are of it too 5 a^d divers Pju- * dent, Pious and Sober minded Perfons that ar^ not * of it. Let common Reafon be confulted in ihis * Cafe ; fuppofd the Tables turn'd, and that the Riile •• wtre to be made the contrary Way, vi:{. That to do * this Thing, but not by any Means afcer the Manner ' of the Church of England^ were to be the Quahfica- * tion j and now fuppofe one of meaner Endowments, * as a Man and a Chriftian, do what is requir'd, and ' not in the Way of the Church of Englnnd ; another • .'V * that is of much better, do the fame Thing in that * Way ; were it fuiuable to Prudence or Juftice, i;hat * becaufe it is done after the Way of the Church, of * Ergl'and^ a fitter Man Ihould be reckon d unqualifi- ' ed ? And one of lefs Value be taken for quahfied * becaufe he does it a different Way ? Then is all that * folid Weight of Wifdom, Diligence, Sobriety and * .Gocdnefs, to be weighed down by a Feather. : ' * It mufk furely be tho't the Prudence of any Go- ' vernment, to comprehend as many ufeful Perfons as * it can, and no more to deprive it felf of the Service * of fucb, for any Thing lefs confiderable than tbofe Qualifications are, by which they are ufeful, than a * Man would tear off from himl'clf the Limbs of his ' Body for a Spot upon the Skin. 'And really if in our Circumfiances, we thus nar- * row our Intertft, all the reft of the World will fay, ^ that they who would deflroy ns, do yet find a Way ^ to be our lnJ[lru'i\, the Liturgy andCe- rea.onics of the Church of Ey^gland^ which had their Eftabli(]ip[ient from King, L©rd« Spiritual and Tem- por^f, ,and Commons alfembk-d in Parliament, there can be no Reafon why the CommilTioners for.altering f any Thing in that Civil Conftitution, Ihould confift ' only Chap. XVII. after the Revolution in 1688. 440 oiily of Men of one Sort of them ; unlefs it be fup- An- 1689. pos'd, that Humane Reafon is to be quitted in this Affair, and the Infpiration of Spiritual Men to be a* lont depended on. 3. * Becaufe, tho' upon i^owj//^ Principles the Clergy may have a Title to meddle alone in Matters of Re- ligion, yet with us they cannot, where the Church is acknowledged and defined to confift of Clergy and Laity 5 and fo thofe Matters of Religion which fall undfer Humane Determination, being properly the Bufinefs of the Church, belong equally to both ; for in what is of Divine Inftitution, neither Clergy nor Laity can make any Alteration at all. 4. * fBecaufe the pretending that Differences and Delays may arife, by mixing Lay-men with Eccle- liafticks, to the fruf^rating the Defign of the Com- n:iiirianj is vain and out of Ddors, unlefs thofe that make ufe of this Pretence, fuppofe that the Clergy Part of the Church have diftind Interefts or Defigns froni the Lay-part of the fame Church, and will be 2 R€afon, if Good, why one or other of them fhould quit this Houfe, for fearof obftruding theBufinefsof it. 5 . * Becaufe the Conrtmiffion being intended for the Satisfadion of DiJfenterSj it would be convenient that Lay-men of different Ranks, nay, perhaps of different Opinions too, ihould be mixed in it, the better to find Expedients for that End, rather than Clergy-men alone of our Church, who are ge- nerally obferv'd to have all very much the fame Way of Reafoning and Thinking. 6. * Becaufe it is the moft ready Way to facilitate the palling the Alterations into a Law, that Lay- ^ Lords and Commoners fhould be joined in the Com- miflion, who may be able to fatisfie both Houfes of the Reafons, upon which they were made, and thereby remove all Fears and Jealoufies, ill Men may raife up againit the Clergy, of their endeavour- ing to keep up, without Grounds, a diftind Intereft from that of the Laity, whom they fo carefully ' exclude from being joined with them, in Confulta- tions of common Concernment, that they will not have thofe have any Part in the Deliberation, who muft have the greateft in d,€termining. 444 Some Hifiorical AddHions Chap. XVII. An, 1689. 7. * Becaufe fttch a leftrain'd Commiflion lies liable to this great Objection, that it might be made Ufe of to elude repeated Promifes, and the prefent gene- ral Expedtation of Compliance with tender Con- fciences, when the providing for it is taken out of the ordinary Courfe of Parliament, to be put into the Hands of thofe alone, wh6 were lateft in admitting any need of it, and who may be tho't to be the more unit to be the fole Compofers of our Diffe- rences, when they are look'd upon by fome as Parties. LaAly, ' Becaufe after al], this carries a dangerous Suppofition along with it, as if the Laity were not a Part of the Church, nor had any Power to meddle in Matters of Religion ; a Suppofition direftly oppo- (ite to the Conftitution both ot Church and State : Which will make all Alterations utterly impof- lible, unlefs the Clergy alone be allow'd to have Power to make Laws in Matters of Religion, fince what is eftablifli'd by Law cannot be taken away, but by Confentof Lay-men in Parliament, the Clergy themfelves having no Authority to meddle in this very Cafe, in which the Laity is excluded by this Voce, but what they derive from Lay Hands, Subfcrib*d, PVINCHESTEIi, MOBPANT, LOVELACE. * I Diflent for this and other Reafons ; becaufe it ig contrary to three Statutes made in the Reign of Henry VIII, and One in Edward VI, which impower Thirty two Commiflioners, to alter the Canon and EccJcfiaftical Law, ^c. whereof Sixteen to be of the Laity, and Sixteen of the Clergy. STAMFOHP. The ji^ for ^^y th« 24th, The A Ft for exempting their Majefties Liberty of Proteftaut SiibjeBs, Diffenting from the Church of Eng- Confiienee. land, froyn the Penalties of certain Laws 3 received the Pvoyal AfTcnr. It was hereby enacfted, That none of the Penal Laws to which they before were liable^ fhould thence forward- he ccnjirued to extend to any Perfons diffenting from the Church of England, that fhould tak^e the Oaths to the Go- vernment^ Chap. XVII. after the H evolution 7^ 1 6SS. 445 vernment^ Sec. That all Preachers and Teachers among An. i68p. them^ taking the Oaths ^ and fubfcribing the Articles of the Church 0/ England, excepting the i^th^ '-i^fh^ and 36th, and Part of the loth, and Licenfing the L' laces in which they meet^ and keeping the Doors of fuch Places unbarr d, and unbolted, fhould have free Liberty to VQor~ fhip God according to their Confcien- cei, ^ * And that vehofoever fhould ^ Trt^emy Tears after the paf- come into any of their Congregations., flng of this AB^ it became a and give them Difturbancc^ ormifuje Quefiion, whether it ti> as a To- aiiy Preashcr or Teacher, upon Proof leration or not. Vr. Sachevetel given before a '^ujiice of Peace by Two ''^ould by no Means allow it ^ andit or more PVitneJfes^ foould find Txvo ^''' ^he Sccor.d of Tour Articles Sureties to be bound by I{ecogni:(at?ce ^P°^ ^^''^h he was ImpeacFd^ in the Penal Sum 0/50/. and in De- f"" l'"' ^'^""^ Indulgence or To- fault of fuch Sureties be committed to ^''f'' ^['^^'^^ !' D:f enters, m n T \'it /- / r\ . Order to the uniting Trote ft ants in Pnfon, till next General or Quarter ,„,^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ y Seffions, when upon Conviaton they j,-^ reprefentcd as unrcafonabie, fhould ftiffer the Penalty of 20 I. ^„^ ^/,, allowance of It as un- &C. And that all fuch Preachers warrantable : And he was char^'d and Teachers in feparate Congregations with ajferting, that he is a falfe fhould be thenceforth exempted, from Brother with 'Relation to Cod, Re- ferving upon any Jury, or from beiyig Ugion^ or the Churchy who defends chcfen or appointed to bear the Offce Toleration or liberty of Con- of Church-warden, Overfeer of the p'^»^e. Pcor^ or any other Parochial or H-^ard Office.^ or other Office in apy Hundred of any Shire, City, Town^ Parifh, Divifion or Wapentake^ 8cc. From that Time they were eafie and thankful ; tho' many of them would have been glad to have been taken into the National Eftablilhment ; fome Hopes of which were flill left them, becaufe there was a Bill for that Purpofe yet depending in Parliament, which pafs'd the Houfe of Lords; and when it came down to the Houfe of Commons, they defir'd his Majefty to fummon a Convocation, and lay the Matter before them. Dr. Nichols * tells us, that while this Bill was de- * Appa- pcnding, Dr. Tillotfon who was then Chaplain to ^^^' i^ King Willliam^ perfwaded the King to take another Det.Eccier. Method, in order to the accompiifhing his De- ^^" ^* ^'' fires. And he fays, that in Order to it, be reminded him of the unhappy Jeft often caft upon the Reforma- tion by the B^manijis, becaufe it was owing to a Parliamentary Authority ; And mov'd that no farther Occafion 44^ Some Hi(ior I cal Additions Chap. XVII. jSjt. i58p. Occafion might be given to a Charge of that Narurc. He intimated that that Matter was fitter to be referred to an Ecclefiafticai Synod, whofe Determinations in the Cafe would be more agreeable totheCleigy, and be more Religioufly obferv'd by the People ta(j. Ad- ding, that for fear of delay if fuch an Affair Ihould be put into toT many Hands, it would be beft (as had. been prac^is'd formerly,) for the King by his Letters Pa- tents, to Authorize a fele(5t Number of Learned Di- vines, to meet together and debate, and confuit about the propereft Methods of healing the Wounds of the Church, and fixing a durable Peace : That fo what they agreed upon being laid before a Synod, might firil have their Approbation, and then have a Parliamentary San- dlion. And he fays that it was upon his Advice, that the King fummon'd a Convocation, and iffu'd out alfo a Commiflion to Thirty Divines, to prepare Matters to be laid before them. I doubt, however, that he after- wards faw Occafion to repent of this Advice : And am well alTar'd that it is the wifli of many, (not to fay 'twas afterwards his) that when the next fit Opportunity arrives for fuch an healing Attempt, (the proper Method for which is plain enough whenever Perfons are really willing to purfue it) it may be taken with more vigour and lefs Formality. The Reformation had never been brought about had it been left to a Convocation ; nor will our • Breaches be ever heal'd but by a true Englilh Parliament. And let but them fct about it in earneft, and they'l do it with eafe, as far as is neceflary ; ftill leaving Men a Liberty to judge for thcmfelves, without being liable to any Hard (hip or Severity. Accordingly the King fumm.on'd a Convocation ; and iflued out alfo another Commilfion to Thirty Divines to prepare Matters to be confider'd by the Convocation. The Commifiion was as follows: The m-ttf *' Whereas the Particular Forms of Divine Wor- Ecclefafil' " fhlp, and the Rites and Ceremonies appointed to be cal Com- " usM therein, being Things in their own Nature in- mijjion. " different and alterable, and fo acknowledged ; it is " but reafonable, that upon weighty and important Confiderations, according to the various Exigencies of Times and Occafions, fuch Changes and Alterations lliould be made therein, as to thofe, that are in Place r~ *'and it Chap. XVII. after the Revolntion in i68S. 447 il c< (( and Authority, ihonld from Time 10 Time Teem ^«. 1689. either Necefiary or Expedient, " And whereas rhe Book of Canons is fit to be re- viewed, and made more fuitable to the State of the " Church ; and whereas there are Defedls and Abufes *' in the Ecclefiaftical Courts and Jmifdiiflions ; and ** particularly there is not fufficient Frovifion made for " the "removing of fcandalous Minifters, and for the " Reforming of Manners either in Minifters or People: *' And whereas it is moft fit that there Ihould be a ftri£l *' Method prefcrib'd for the Examination of fuch Per- " fons as defire to be admitted into Holy Orders, both ** as to their Learning and Manners. " "We therefore out of our Pious and Princely Care *' for the good Order and Edification, and Unity of the Church of Englnnd, committed to our Charge ** and Care ; and for the reconciling as much as is polli- " ble, of all Diiferences among our good Subjects, and to take away all Occafion of the like for the Future, have thought fit to Authorize and Empower you, ^c. " And any Nine of you, whereof Three to be Bi(hops, '^ to meet from Time to Time, as often as ihall be ** needful, and to prepare fuch Alterations of the Li- " turgy, and Canons, and fuch Propofals for the Re- " formation of Ecclefiaftical Courts, and to confider " of fuch other Matters as in your Judgments may m»oft " conduce to the Ends above-mentioned. Ten of the Commiflioners were then Bifhops ; V7\, Dr. Lamplugb Archbifhop of Tork^ ■■ Dr. Ccmyton^ Dr. Mew^ Dr. Lloyd, Dr. Sprr.t, Dr. Smirh^ Sir Jonathan Trelauny^ Dr. Burnet, Dr. Humfreys, and Dr. Stratford* who were the Bilhops of London^ PT^inchcFrer, St. Ajnph^ ^cheHer, Cnrlijle, Exeter, Sdisht-iry^ Bnngor, and Che- fler. Twenty other Dignitaries were added to them : As, Dr. Stilihigfleet, Dr. Pntikk., DT.Tillotfon, Dr. M?^- got. Dr. Shnrp, Dr. KJdder, Dr. Aldridge, Dr. Jatic, Dr. Hall, Dr. Beaumont, Dr. Mountague, Dr. Goodman^ Dr. Beveridge, Dr. Bnttely, Dr. Alfion^ Dr. Tennifon, Dr. Scot, Dr. Fowler, Dr. Grove, and Dr. iVilUams. ThefeCommiffioners often met and debated Mat- ters, but were Deferred by Dr. Janc^ and feveral others. They drew up fundry Alterations ; an exad: iCopy of which I once had, bat unhappily and irrecoverably ioii by lending it out. But thus much I ihall venture to fay, that 44 8 Some Hiftorical AdditioHs Chap. XVII. uin. 1689. that fach Ammendments as thofe were, with fach an Allowance in the Point of Orders, for Ordination by Presbyters, as is made 13 Z;//:^. Cap. 12*; would in all * ^^ Pi;:f)bability have bro't in Two Thirds of the Dijfenters unTrnown ^" England. Which being done, and at the fame Time Ui^jj a Liberty continu'd to fuch as could not be Comprchend- church ed, would have been greater Service to Religion than Friend, in can eafily be imagin'd f , hvi Packet Many of Hints to me, which I have teferf'i to, once and again before, calls it a prevarica- ting with God and Man to wreft the Aft of 13 Eliz. to Ordinations by Presbyters. He tells me that I know that that Statute was made to oblige all Priefts, who had been Ordain'd by Popilh Bilhops to Siibfcvibe the Articles ; And that Presbyterian Ordination was not then tho't off, ^Jrc 27;o* / was far from knowing or believing any fuch Thing, yet the Gentle man being fo yery confident, I took the pains once more to read the ASl over ; find all that I can find there is, that Subfcription to the Doctrinal Articles. ii recjutr'd of all in Tojfeffion of Livings by the Chri/imasDay next following^ and that fuch Subfcribers which way foevef Ordain d, were admitted to Offi- ciate in the Chmzh of England as Minlfiers, e^c. And I find that Fuller in his Chufch Hiflory, upon that very Tear, declares that this Afi was made with refpeCl to the Nonconformifls. Tho* it was favourable to them, if com- pard with what is now requlr,d, when to capacitate for a Livings not only Epifcnpal Ordination is re^uird, and a Subfcription to the Articles, but alfo a Subfcription, and an AJfent and Confent, to all and every Thing contained in the Book of Common Prayer, and the Btok of Ordering Bifhops, Priefis and Deacons, &c. wlicreln are confiderable DoCirinal Additions, and the fuppoft' tion of the Jure Divino, of the Three Orders, of Bifhops, Priefls, and Deacons amon<^ the refl. And tho this Gentlemen is pleas d to tell me that Presbyte- rian Ordination was not then thot of, yet if he" I take the pains to look intCt Air. Strype'i Hifiory of the Life and ASis of Blffjop Grindal, he I find in the Appendix, Numb. 17, a Copy of a LIcenfe granted to one John Morrifon a Sirotdi Alan, to Preach and Adminifter Holy Things throughout the Province of Canterbury, tho' this John Morrifon (a^ the Licenfe takes notice^ was only Ordain'' d in Scotland, in the way of the Presbyterians ; which fort of Ordina- tion ( and they had 7to other in Scotland j Is exprcfy approved in the Vcenfe. t This faying of mine is partic:4larly taken notice of by Mr. Ollyffe, in hii Epiple Dedicatory to his Defence of Minifterial Conformity ^ and by Mr. Hoadly in his Brief Defence of Epifcopal Ordination; and alfo by the Compjeat Hiflory of England, yd. 7,. f. 5$2. And I mufi own I never yet faw Reafon to retraCh it. Tor though the Gentlemen of the Church of England fomwo»/j y>y of the Dijfenters, that they don't know what would fathfy them, yet they have been often told, Bifhop Ufhers Model and King Charles the Seconds Declaration would fatisfy them. Hay King Charles's Declaration alone confirmed by ACl of Parliament, and reduc'd to Pra^ice^ would have bid fair for brin^in^ in Fifteen Huntfted of the Two Thoufand Minlfiers Chap. XVII. after the Revolution in 1 68?^ . 449 Many being fo defirous to be inform'd as to this ^^. 1^89. Matter, I (hall pick up what Light I can about it. And firft the Bifhop of Snrum * gives us this Account. 'In "^ in hit ' the Reign of King James thofe of the Church, who Triennial faw the P/J/i/?^ drawing in the Dijjenters to concur ^'Matton with them, in taeir Defigns againO the Church, appli- ^^■'^''^e. ed to the then Prince of Oranve^ defiring him to make ^"- ^ 7^4- ufe" of his Intereft in them, for diverting them from that : And in thofe Letters which are yet extant, Af- furances were given, that the Church was then in fuch a Temper, and fo well convinced of former Errors, that if ever flie got out of that Diftrefs, all ihofe Dif- ferences would be certainly made up; And to make this Aflfurance more Publick, the Archbifliop and Bifhops in the Petition, for which they were imprifond and Try'd, Declared that they were ready to come to a Temper in thofe Matters both in Parliament and Convocation, Upon this it was that the Prince of • Orange promised in his Declaration, to ufe his Endea- vours to heal all thofe Divifions : In order to the per- forming this, He by a fpecial Comroiffion appointed all thofe Bilhops who ownM his Authority, He being then fet on the Throne^ together with a great many o£ the Clergy, to draw out the Grounds upon which the Diffenters had feparated from us, and to offer Expedi- ents in order to the healing our Breaches. We had before us all the Books and Papers that they had at any- time offered, fetting forth their Demands; together with many Ad vices and Propofitions which had been made at feveral times, by moft of the beft and moft Learned of our Divines ; of which the late moft Learn- ,x^ Mhifters vfho were Eje^ed in Sixty Ttpo. And fuch Concejjions. as Kinr Williara'5 Commifjioners vffould have yielded to, had made the Body of the Fre- fent Nmconformift Minifters very Thankful, with the Allow arsce of the tuh of Eliz. in point of Orders. For the fcrupled Ceremonies being left indifferent^ and the Liturgy amended as to the exceptionable Pajfages, and nothing that re as capable of being interpreted an owning the Authority of the impofers beinr injifled on, that which now incapacitates Ui from exer.cifing our Mini/try in the Eflablijh'd Church would rani/I) away^ tho" there might yet remain room for many Amendments, and fame of them very defirable too, efpeclally as to the Courts that are called Ecclefiafiical ^ which {with fome other Thinchb:fhcp of Canter- bury. The rime was towards the end of that unhappy B^ign^ of which fo much was faid upon Occafion of the foregoing Article. Then when we wer^ in the heighth of our Labours, defending iht Church of Eng- land againft the /fjf^ults of Popery^ and thought of no- thing ejfc, that wife Prelate forefeeing fome fuch I{e» volution as foon after was happily brought about; be- gan CO confider how utter unprepared they hid been at the I{c ft or at ion. * No fooner were their late Majefties of Glorious Memory, feated in their Thrones, but this Defign was openly efpous'd by them. kCommiJfion was ilTu'd our, under the great Seal of England, to a large Number of Bifljops and other Eminent Divinej, to meet together and to cunfider of thefe Matters. And whatever they did, it was to have been carried on from them to the Two Convocations of Canterbury and Tvrk^ : And after it Ihould have pafs'd their Approba- ' tions, it was finally to have been laid before the Two I Houfes Chap. XVIL after the Revolution in 1688. 45 1 * Houfei of Parliament^ and fo to hive gone on to the -4». id89» * l(p)al Jffent. This Wis the Courfe through which all ' that was defign'd, or [hould have been done in this ' Matter, muft have pafsM ; and I am perfwaded no- * thing very injurious to our Churcbei Welfare, will ever * be able to pafs through all thefe. From the Account of thefe Two Bifhops it appears, that the Defign was begun by Archbilhop Snncroft at the latter end of King J^iw^j's Reign, partly out of tender- nefs to the Diflenters, and partly that the Church might not be unprovided upon the B^volution as they were at the time of the ^flauration : And that what was done in King PVilliarns time, was but a continuation of what was begun in the latter end of the Reign foregoing. I (hall now add the Account that is given us by Dr. Nichols *, of the Proceedings of King iVilliiims Eccle- (iaftical Commifiioners. He tells us, * They began with ^ -^p^^^^^ ' reviewing the Liturgy. And firft they ,examin d ^ ^ P*-' * the Calendar I in which in the room of Apocryfhal ^^ Jf ".'. Lejfom^ they ordred certain Chapters oi Canonical ^ ^^^^'^'^^ Scripture, to be read, that vrere more to the Peoples advantage. Athannfiuis Creed, being diflik'd by ma- ny becaufe of the Dnmnatory Clnufe^ it was left to the Minifters Choice to ufe it, or change it for the Aprjlles Creed. New ColleHs were drawn up, more agreeable to the Epiftlcs and Gofpefs, for the whole Courfe of the Year. And thefe the Dodtor tells us were drawn up with that elegance and brightnefs of Expreflion^" and fuch an heat and flame of Devotion, that nothing could more affedt and excite the Hearts of the Hear- ers, and raife np their Minds towards God. He fays they were firft drawn up by Dr. Patrick,^ who was reckoned to have great Ikill in Liturgical Compofures 2 Dr. Burnet added to them yet farther Force and Spi- rit; Dr. Stillingfleet afterwards examin'd them with great Judg'nent, carefully weighing every Word in them: And Dr.Tillotfon had the laft Hand, giving them fome free and mafterly ftrokes of his free and fweet and flowing Eloquence. Dr. Kjddcr^ who Uras well versM in the Oriental Tongues^ made a new Ver- fion of the Pfalmf, more agreeable to the OriginaL Dr. Tennifon made a ColIec5tion of the Words and Ex-* prefTions through the Liturgy^ which had been excep- ted againft, and proposed others in their room that Gg * [titt^ 452 Some Hi florical Additions Chap. XVII. Jbt. i68p.' were clear and plain, and lefs liable to exception. Other Things alfo were propos d, that were left to be determin'd by the Convocation. As, fi.) That the Crofs in Baptifm might be either us'd or omitted at the choice of the Parents. (2.) That a Nonconfor- mift Minifter going over to the Church, fiiould not be Oidain'd according to the common Form, but lather Conditionally, much in the fame manner as the bap- tizing of Infants is ordered in the Chnrch, if there be not evidence of their being Baptiz'd before, with the Addition of the Epifcopal Benedidtion, as was cuflo- mary in the Ancient Church, when Clerks were re- ~ c^iv'd that had been Ordain d by Hereticks. Dionyf, Alexandr, ap. Euftb, Hifi. E. Lib. 7. Cap. i. Cone. Nic, I. Can. 8. Jufi.five Anth. f{efp. ad Orthod. F{e^. 18. Theod, Hi a. Eccl. Lib. I • Cap. 8. in which way of Ordain- ing Archbifhop BramhaU had given a Precedent, when he receiv*d fome Scotch Presbyters into the Church. To all which I Ihall add an Account which I re- ceiv'd from a Friend whom \i is not neceffary to Name, which in the main 1 have Reafon to think is right, though in fome Refpedls defedtive: And fo I believe will all our Accounts be, till the Original Papers come to be publilh'd to the World, • as 1 believe and hope they will be in time. j4n Account of the Proceedings of the Com- mijfionersj to prepare Matters for the apfro ach- ing Convocation., in i68p. 7U Pro- ctedims of Cham- and Le- TH E Committee being met in the Jeruf^lem ber, a Difpute arofe about the Authority Kin^^ vvil. gaiity of the Court. (The Bilhop of E{pchcfter, though ^^^'^•^^"^^' ^^ ^^^ ^'^ lately adled in an Illegal one, being one of thofc that queftion'd it.) The Grounds of this fcniple, were the Obligations the Clergy lay under by Adl of Parliament of King Henry the VIII, not to enter into any Debates, about making any Alterations in Church Affairs without the King's fpecial and immc- -diate Privacy, and Direction firft given concerning fuch Alterations. Ic was a^fwet'd, that, that muft be done either ftafiical Commijji' oners. Chap. XVI L after the RevolkUon in i69%, 452 cither by an Aa of the Kings own Judgment, or by zAn, 1689 private Cabal, (both which ways would be very excep- tionabl'^) or elfe by his Majefty's Commiflion, to a cer- tain number of Ecclefiafticks to confuJt about, and pre- pare what was neceffary to be alter'd, as it was in the prefent Cafe ; For moreover, the Ccimmiflioners pre- tended not to make thefe Alterations obligatory by Ver- tue of a Law, but only to get them ready to Jay before the Convocation : The very Reports being not fo much as to be refcrr'd to the Privy Council, leaft they might be fubjedt to be canvas'd and cook'd by Lay Hands. Howiever, The Biihops of I4^inchefter and {{ochefter Dr. fane and Dr. AldriHge withdrew diffatisfied ; and the reft, after a Lift of all that feem'd fit to be changed, was read over, proceeded very unanimoufly, and with- %^t any Heats, in determining, as follows, {each Article ds foon its agreed on, being Signd by the Bi/hop 0/ London ) That the Chaunting of Divine Service in Cathedral Churches, (hall be laid afide, that the whole may be ren- dred intelligible to the Common People. That befides the Pfnlms, being read in their Courfe as before, fome proper and devout ones be feledled for Sundays. That the Apocryphal Lejfons, and thofe of the Old Teftament which are too Natural^ be thrown out ; and others appointed in their ftead by a new Calendar, Alvhich is already fully fetled, and out of which are omitted all the Legendary Saints Days^ and Others not dir recSly referr'd to in the Service Book. That not to fend the Vulgar to fearch the Canons, which few of them ever faw : A Kubrick be made, fet- ting forth the ufefulnefs of the Crc(l in Bnptifw, not as an effeotial Part of that Sacrament, but only a fit and decent Ceremony ; However, if any do, after all in Confcience fcruple it, it may be omitted by the Prieft. That likewlfe if any refufe to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper IQteeiing^ it may be Adminiftred to them in their Pews. That a Kubrick be made, declaring the Intention of the Lent Fafts^ to confift only in extraordinary Ads of Devotion, not in diftindlion of Meats. And a- nother to ftate the meaning of I{pgation Sundays and G g 3 £???- 454 Some Hi ft or kd Additions Chap. XVII. An. 1689. Ember Pf^eel^s ; and appoint that thofe Ordained with- in the Quneuor Ternpora^ do Exercife ftri£V Devo- tion. That the Rubrick which obliges Minifters^ to read Qt ht2iV Common Prayer, publickly or privately every day, be changed to an Exhortation to the People to frequent thofe Prayers. That the Ahfolutlon in Morning and Evening Prayer may be read by a Deacon ; the Word PrieU in the Ku- brick being changed into MinOier, and thofe Words and H^mifjion^ be put out as not very intelligible. That the Gloria Patri^ fhall not be repeated at the end of every Pfalm, but of all, appointed for Morning and Evening Prayer. That thofe Words in the Te Deum, thine Honourable True and only Son, be thus turn d, thine only begotten Son, Honourable^ being only a civil Term, and no where ufed in Sacris. The Benedicite (hall be changed into the 1 18 Pfalm ; and other Pfalms likewife appointed for the BenediSw and Nunc dimittis. The Verficle^ after the Lord's Prayer, ^g. fhall be read Kneeling, to avoid the trouble and inconveniences of fo often varying Poftures in the Worlhip. And after thefe Words, give Peace in our Time O Lord, ihall fol- low an Anfwer, promifory of [fomewhat on the Peoples . Pare, of keeping God*s Laws, or the like : The old Rc- fponce being grounded on the Predeftinating Do£trine, taken in top firid an Acceptation. All high Titles or Appellations of the King, Queen, ^c. Ihall be left out of the Prayers, fuch as MoSi lUu- Jlrioui, I{eligicu.(y Mighty^ 8cc. and Only the Word So- vereign retain'd for the King and Queen. Thofe Words in the Prayer for the King, Grant that be may vanquifh and overcome all htf Enemies, as of tOO large an Extent, if the King engage in an unjuft War^ ihall be turn'd thus ; Projper all his Righteous Vnderta- kings against thy Enemies^ or after fome fuch Man- ner. Thofe Words in the Prayer for the Clergy, who alone xvork^eft great Marvels ; as fubje£l to be ill interpre- ted by Perfons vainly difpofed, (hall be thus, who alone art the Author of all good Gifts: And thofq Words, the healthful Spirit of thy Grace, ihall be thq Holy Ghap. XVll, after the Revolution in 1688. 455 Holy Spirit of thy Grace, healthful being an^»- 1^89. Abfolece Word. The Prayer which begins, O God whofe Nature and tProperty, fhall be thrown ont, as full of ftrange and im- pertinent Exprelfions^ and befides not in the Original, but foifted in finceby another Hand The Collects, for the moft part are to be changed, for thofe the Bifliop of Chichejler has prepared ^ being a review of the old ones with Enlargenrients, to render them more fenfible and affefting, and what Expreffion^ are needful, fo to be retrenched. If any Minifter refufe the Surplice^ the Bi(hop if the People defire it, and the Living will bear it, may fubftitute one in his Place fhat will officiate in it; but the whole Thing is left to the difcretion of the Biftiops. If any defire to have Godfathers and Godmothers omit" ted, and their Children prefented in their own Names to Baptifm^ it may be granted. About the Athenafian Creed, they came at laft to this Gonclufion. That leaft the wholly rejedbing it (hould by unreafonable Perfons be imputed to them as Soci- nianifm, a Kubrick (hall be made, fetting forth, or de- claring the Curfes denounced therein not to be reftrain'd to every particular Article, but' intended againft thofe that deny the Subftance of the Chriftian Religion in General. Whether the Amendment of the Travflation of the reading P/alms, ^as they are cali'd) made by the Bifhop of St. i^fnph and Dr. Kjdder^ or that in the Bibh^ ftiall be inccrted in the Prayer Book, is wholly left to the Con\ocation to confider of and detlermine. In the Litany^ Comrnunion Service, 8cc. are fome Al- terations made, as alfo in the Cnvons, which I cannot yet learn fo particular Acrouut of as to give them yoa with the reft, as perhaps I may hereafter be able • to do. Thus far my Friends Narrative. On November the \ 6th, the Reverend Bifliop of 5age 14, f»egin, wiienwe fee not where toxnd ? Is it not bettet iS, ^(- to endure feme Inconveniences ( as in all Conftitutions fome will be) than to expofe our Selves to certain Mif- chiefs ? And what can we expe(5l, when the Six Hun- dred Aiierations in 166 1, had no competent Effect, but. were rejected with Scorn ? 'Twas added, that the true, Confoimifij were very well fatisfy'd with their Houfc^ and contented to live and die in it : Sue thai if the Dijfentcri Chap. XVll. after the Revolution in 1688. 459 Dijfenters would go to make Breaches in that Houfe, An. 1689. take Poffcflion, deface its Beauty, and undermine its Strength, and force them to leave it, they could not take it well. That the Defires of their Majefties might be beft known by their living in the Communion of iheEftablifli'd Church, and their Declarations to fa- vour and proteft it. That the Senfe of the Lords muft be judg'd by the Sequel. That as for the Dijjenters they had a Toleration by Statute, which the Church Party could not gain in the Civil Wars for almoft Twenty Years together 5 and they ought to be fatisfy^d with it. And that as for the Reformed Churches, they generally admit'd the Englifh Gonftitution. And to prevent any vigorous Attempt of that Nature, it was publifh'd by many as their Senfe ; That no Alterations ought at all to he made in Things pertaining to I^eligionf bup when there was a great Necejfity : That there wa6 no fuch NeceJJity for Alterations : And that if there were, it was not then a feafonable Time, when fo many F/ithers of the Church, and eminent Perfons of the Clergy^ were inca- pable of aciing in the Matter ^ thro* their Sufperjion for not talking the Oaths. They who were more moderate, readily granted ihem, that frequent Alterations would be dangerous to Religion * ; but aflerted that in the Cafe under Confi- ¥ ^ uttt* deration there was an abfolute Neceflity. There lies to a Friend^ X fay they ) an indifpenfible Obligation upon us to do the relatin>r tu utmo^ we are able to remove this mifchievous Schijm from the Trefettt among us, which has fo long difiurb d the Church of Chrifi Convocation in this Land. The Evil of it mojl certainly muji lie at our *** Weft- Doors, as far as we 9o not the titmoji that in us iieth to re "^infter. move it. And what other H^ay is there now left of attempt- / ing it^ but by coming to fome Terms of Moderation and Temper with thofe that Dijfcnt from us. We have already tryd all Methods of Perfwafion to mollifie them, all force of Argumentation to convince them , we have tried alfo 1 Church Cenfures and Penal LawSy and what have they a- vailed us, but only to heighten the Divijions and encreafe the Mi/chief i and therefore what other Remedy is now left us for a Cure of this Evil, but that as far as we are able we abate of that which hath given the Original thereto ; thofe excepted Pajfages in our Liturgy, and thofe Ceremo" nies in our iVorfhip, which our Dijfenting Brethren cannot Conform with us in ? iVhat are thofe Things which we differ abi^Ht 4^0 Some Hijiorical Additions Chap. XVII. ' — — — ____^_______ Jin. i68>>. about ^ that voe muft for ever Sacrifice to them, the Peace both of Church and State, without ^hating the leafi Tittle for fo great a Good as that of the Common Union of Chrijiians among us ? Is it not eno\ that for the Sake of thofe Trifles^ we have for thefe Thirty T^ars paf/d^ driven up our Divi- fions and Animofities againji each other to that Heighth, ai that voe had almoji totally gi-Ven up our Church to Popery, and cur Gdvernment to Tyranny thereby ? Certainly "'tis nsvo Time to fit down and confider^ whether thofe Things are of juch great Value^ for the Sal{e of which we bring fo much Mi/chief, to this poor diftrejfed Church and Nation^ that jiothing mufl be abated of that unreajonable Rigour whereby we have hitherto maintain d them. Could but a 'Union he once effe^ed among our Selves^ we need not fear all the Power of France and Rome, in thefirmeft Vnion , 465 Princes do commonly frepnre the Matters vohich they fro- An. 1689* pofe to fuch y^Jjfemblies, with the Advice of their Council: Bat upon that Occdfion the Kjng and Queen did Create d Council^ by a Jpecinl Commijfion^ of all the Bifoops vphd ocond their- Authority^ and of the mosl eminent of the C/er" gy, gathered from the fever al Parts of the Kjngdom, that they might confider and prepare fuch Things as fhould be offered by them to the Kjng and Queen ^ that fa their JW^yV- Jiies might propofe theje to the Convocation^ Thjs furely vifoi done in Favour of the Church. But even this was cried out upon, oi a limiting the Convocation, voith many other hard PPords^ which I do not love to repeat. It did then appear in many vifjble Infiances, that our PVoMids were then too tender to be either handled or healed ; fo it was tho*t fit to let the Matter fleep^ and to give no new Occafion td heat or Ahimofity. But at the fame Time to keep the Clergy If ill ready upon Call, if there fhould be any Occafjon for them during the Seffions of Parliament ; yet not to Charge them with a nee dlefi Attendance, when the Publick^ Occafions put them under fo many Taxes: ■ It being alfo obfervdy that irt a hot Time, all unneceffary Affemblies are to he avoided ; for if they have no Bufinefi one Way^ they commonly mak$ »^, another \ But whether there fliouid be Alterations, or no Al- terations in Ecclefiaftical Matters, was not the only Controverfie among the Clergy in the beginning of this Reign: For they were much divided about taking the Oaths to the Government. The Majority of thetn by far did indeed Swear Allegiance to King f^^'///4»jr Some Swore ro him as their Lawful and Rightful King; others Swoie to him as King de faHo only: And a Third Party ftood out, and would not Swear at all They that took the Oaths charg'd thofe that rcfus'd them with a needlefs Nicenefs and Scrupulosi- ty b* And they on the other fide charg'd their Brethren, who Swore Allegiance to the Government, with Per- jury, and Apoftacy, and deferring their Principles. Some that were diflatisfy'd with the Oaths and refus'd them, continu'd Preaching even after the time had elaps'd that was fix'd by A6t of Parliament for their Com- pliance ; they held on Preaching when they were legally SilencM , and fo were Guilty of the very- Thing they had before charg'd as fuch a Crime on their Nonconforming Brethren: And the Generality H h -of 466 Some Hijiorical Addition, Chap, XVII, An, 1690. of them who continued in their Refufal, and at length quitted their Preferments, made a New Separation, and refused to hold Communion with thofe who had taken the Oaths to the New Government ; and fo there was a New Conteft begun, which was on feveral Accounts very remarkable. The Non-Swearing Clergy reprefented thofe who compJv'd with the Government, as a Pack of Jolly * See the Swearers, * fuch as becray'd their Confciences fur large Brief An- Preferments. They on the contrary reprefented them fvper to a, as Schifmaticks, falling into the fame Fault, ihcy had Difcourfe exprefs'd fuch a Senfe of in others. The Non-Swearers ccncernin^ faid their Separation was forc'd, not voluntary. They theUnrea- ^q^q iq\^ by their Brethren, that the Oaths could not ■^f*'* 7^" force them into it, fince they were not made a Con- °le^ ^^ dition of Communion. In their own Juftification, the eparatfon, j^Jon- Swearers alledg'd ; ( i.) That the Penalties to be inflidked on them, wanted nothing of being a Condi- tion of Communion to them as they were Minifters, and the Oaths being impos'd under fuch unjuft and mercilefs Penalties, and attended with fuch fatal Con- fequences, they tho't would warrant a Separation ; for at this Rate, all the Churches in Englr.nd might be \Findlca- ^^^ ^P* ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ anfwer'd f by the iVilli^mites, tion of a ^^at Upon this ArgumcnL, there always was a fufficient Difcourfe Warrant for Non-Swearers and Nonconformifts ; and concerning . that it was a joining with Dilfenters to complain of un- theUnrea- juft and mercilefs Penalties. It was added, thattho* fonablenefi taking the Oaths was a Condition of Communion to of a Nerv them as Minifters, yet that was nothing to the People Separation, as Church Members ; who could vtoi join with them p. 7, &c. without being guilty of a notorious Schifm : That fup- pofing they were grieved by the Secular Power, and de- prived of their Livelihood by an A£l of Parliament, they ought not to revenge it upon the Church ; And that tho' they might no longer officiate as Minifters, they yet might join in the fame Communion as Lay Men. 2. The Non-Swearing Clergy pleaded, that their Authority was from Chnft, and fo no Secular Pow- ei ' ' Unbiihc'p and Unprieft, or difable them, A mans Authority ( faid they ) is from God ; ttrtd ttotxpithftanding any Civil A& to the contrary^ he n itQund to take Cttre of his Office^ thd the moft bitter Perfe^ cutions Chap. XVIL after the Revolution in 1688. 467 cut ions attend him for fo doings and therefore if they voill An. i<58p, Warrant n Civil /l^ to difable us from dangerous Duties^ ^^d 1690. they mufl excufh us if we have tho/e dreadful A^prehen- fions of the Account we have to give ; that we endeavour to do it as vpe can at our ha:^ardf when we are not fuf- fer*d to do it in Communion with them. To this they who were on the orher Side anfwer'd, that as the Prince could not give, fo neither could he take away the Intrinfick Power of the Word and Sacraments, proceeding from the Keys of Ordination :' But the Extrinfical Power and Licence of Exercifing the Mi- nifterial Office rcceiv'd by Ordination, he can in his Dominions confer, and again take away, if the Cafe fo requires ; and that if a Magiftrate may lawfully de- prive, then the Clerk may be lawfully depriv'd : And that if lawfully depriv'd, he is bound to fubmit to fuch Deprivation. They added, That this was true Do- Arine againft the Diffenters when Time was ; he was a Schifmacick who gave this as a Reafon for his Separa- tion ; And therefore told their Non-Swearing Brethren, that if they proceeded up on the fame Principles with the Diffenters, and took up their Arguments, there was as much Reafon to Charge them with Schifm, as they had to Charge tbeJDiffcnters. 3. The Nvn-Swearing Clergy pleaded, that they were bound to obey their Bilhops and Metropolitan ; -for that tho* they were depriv'd by a Secular Adt, yet it was not for any Crimes for which the Cen- fures of the Church depofe them ; and that therefore they were Bilhops ftill, and bound to take Care of their Churches, and their Churches to live in Subje- t^ion to them. They were anfwer'd by thofe that « cotnplied with the Government, that it there were any Thing in this, then they who were of the Province and Dioceffes where their Metropolitan and Bilhop took the Oaths, were obliged to adhere to them al- fo, and ought to feparate themfelves from thofe that fee rhemlelves againft Authority, and refusM to fwear Al- legiance to ir, as they on the other Side tho*c they might and ought to feparate from thofe that do comply with it. But that they could not fee how they were oblig'd to follow their Church Guides into Schifm. iVben (fay they ) did Chriflians in ancient Times ever refufe Cbrnmu- nien with a Churchy hcaufe of Matters of State j or divide H h 2, from 468 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XVll. An, 1689. from others^ becaufe thofc they divided from, Mtit Lawful y attdi69o- and their Duty ta.Jvvear Allegiance to the Sovereign Poxver ? So that here was a ftrange Inverfion. Whereas there. were Two Principles of which the Preladcai Party had all ak'ng from the Time of the Reftauration of King Charks, difcover'd a peculiar Fondnefs ; 1 mean, tie Povoer of the M-igiftrate in Ecclefiaftical Matters^ and Pujjlvf Ohedict^cc without r,ny Limitations i ihey were both of them now oppos'd by iome among thenifelves. An unlimiced Pallive Obedience was fuperfeded by thofe who deferred King James and fell in with King iViUiam,, far which rht:y were fufncieiitly upbraided by their Non-Sweamig Brethren- The Power of the Magiftrate in Ecclefiaftical Matters was no longer own'd, by thofe who fell under the Difpleafure of the Government ; but they fet up for an inherent Right in the Church -, fome of them went as far as to the Kirk of ScotUnd to borrrow New Principles, of which they who were on the other Side, ^ did not fail of giving them frequent Items. Thofe who were of the high flown Stamp, and had formerly had the leaft Charity for their DifTenting Bre-Lhren, wtre forc'd to borrow Pleas from them, to defend themfelves from the Charge of Schifm ; And they who were more moderate to DifTenters, but true to King fVHiam^ found themfelves bard put to it, to defend themfehesin the Change of 'their Notions and Schemes of Government, upon which the other Party with ill Nature and Bitter- nefs eno' infuhed over them. But the DifTenters ftill kepi their Ground, and adher'd to the fame Principles as they had adted upon all along ; they were hearty to the Goernment, and thankhil for their Liberty; an^^ tho' they could not prevail for any fuch Altera- tions in the Ceremonies, Worfhip and Difcipline of the Chiirch, as lliould pave the Way to a Coalition ; they vet carried it with more Refped: both to Civil and HcHefiaical Governors, than many that had fomcrlv valued themfelves upon their Submiflivc- ' nd iho't rhat none could have the Face hencc- ^^ to put vhem upon waiting in Hopes of Altera- and Ami:idmcms, when fo favourable a Juncture iis was paft by and produced nothing : And they t ? at the faae Time fully convincM, that it muft be Chap. XVII. afterthe RevolHt7onmj6^i, 469 befome very peculiar Providence indeed, that muft An. 1689 facisfic thofe of a Neceflity of a Coalition between the contending Parties, 'who difcover'd To much back- wardnefs to lay hold of Two fuch happy Opportu- nities, as the Reftauracion of King Charles and the late Revolution, for the healing of our uncomfortable Breaches. The Diffenting Minifters of the feveral Denomina- tions fubfcribed the Dodlrinal Articles of thje Church oi England, as the Ad of Parliament requir'd : Butfome few Expreilions in them being dubious, Mr. Bnxter drew up a Brief Explication, which he gave in for his Senfe at the Time of his Subfcription, in which many of his Brethren concurred with him. And becaufe few have taken Notice of this Explication, I think it noc injiproper to infert it here. It was intituled, R. BV Sefife of the fuhjaWd Articles of Religion : Printed in 168 p. [ T Take not this Form of Words, call'd, the Articles -*• * of the Church of England, to be eflential to the faid Church ; nor any Thing In them to be efTential to the Chriftian Religion, which was noc fo from its Beginning, and in the Firft Ages of Chriftianity ; yea, and in every following Age : Nor do I take fuch Form or Matter to be inftead of the Scripture and the ancient Creeds, a neceffary Rule of Divine Faith, or neceffary to the Being of Minirtry, Mem- berfhip, and Communion in the Church of Eng- land: But that they were fobordinace to the Scriptures and the faid Creeds, a laudable Profeffion of this Church at the Refcrmarion, that they mif-expounded not the Divine Rule by any j^erefies, thereby to promote our Communion with other Reformed Churches, and to guide Novices at Home in the Expolition of the faid Rule. Far be it from us to be of a Religion and Church, which is no older than the faid Articles or Common Prayer. But hold- ing with excellent Augvftin, That contm rationem ne-r mo fobrius^ ^ contra Scripturam ne?no Chriftiitnw ; fo alfo that, contra Ecclefiam nemo facificus ( the Church ftill being fuppos'd to be for Reafon and Scripture, Sober and Chriftian,) and wifliing that God's owii H h 3 Wor4 470 Some H/fiorical Additions Chiip. XVIT. An i53^. Word were taken for the fiifficient Terms of our Confent and v^oiKord in Older :o Union and Com- munion ; and knowing thar the Ambiguity of Words, and our common Imperfe^flion in the Art of Speaking, do leave an Uncertainty in the Senfe of nnoft Hu- mane Writings till explained, and yetfuppofing that the Authors of thefc Articles meant them Ortho- doxly, that i may cot feem needlefly Scrupulous, I fnbfcribe them .- And that I may not be unconfcio- nably rafli in lubfcribing, I here tell ail whom it may concern, how I u.nderftand the Words which I fub- fcribe. yht. z. ' A Sacrifice for all the Sin of Man Origi- nal zw'i Acftual ] Though {Omnibus'] be alfo in the Lnchi, |[ A.11 ] i-^ left out in King J^mes his Edition. 1 fuppofethcy meant not ffor any Man's final predo- minant Impenitence, Infidelity, Atheifm or Unholy- nefs ; ] but for ail Sorts of Sin, on Condition of Faith and Repentance, a(5lually pardoning them to peni- tent Believers. 4't. 3. 'He went down into Hell.] That is into Hades, the State of feparated Souls ; of which fee Archbilhop Z'fhers Anfwer to the Jefuits. Art. 4. * Took again his Body with Fiefh and Bones, and all Things appertaining to the Perfection of Man's Nature, where with he afcended into Heaven, and there fitreih, (^c"] ' That is, he ficteth in Heaven with the fame Body glorified, vohich was Flefh and Bones on Earth, and catachrefticaliy is by fome fo call'd ; now it is a Cele- fiial, Incorrupcible, Spiritual, (jlorious Body; butin- decd is not now the fame Thing, which we call for- mally FI( 111, Bones, or Blood, nor will admit of the lame Definition. For i. The Scripture faith plainly. That Flcfh and Blood cnnnct hihcrit the t^ingdom of God^ I Cor. 15. 50. There is a Natural Body, and there is a Spiritual Body, v.43,44 The Context fhews. That it is not mortal finful Corruption ; that is call'd Flelh and Blood here, but that Natural Corruptibility, which Ficfli and ^lood hath. See Hammond on the Text. ' Chrift's Body will not be worfe than ours (^hut ours -made liks to his^ Phil. 3. lo.) but ours Ihall not be Flefli, Blood, and Bones. a. When Chap. XVn, after the Revolution in 1688. 471 2. ' When there is not the fame Form or Definition, >i». 1^89. there is not to be the fame proper formal Denomina- tion: Bur no fober Philofopher or Phyfician ever gave fuch a Definition of Fielh, Blood, or Bones, as wiJl truly agree with Chrift's glorified Body: The Name therefore can be but Equivocal. 3. * There is a Symmetry in God's Works, Chrift being in his glorified Humanity advanc'd above An- gels in Power, is not below them in Natural Perfe- (Jiion. His Spiritual Ccleftial Body is congruous to his Soul ; and all the Angels obey and Worlhip him. When we are the Children of the Refurred:ion, we ihall be equal to theAngeIs,and neither marry nor die : And fo not have Bodies of Mortal Conftitution. I dare notfay,That the Sun or Light is a more glorious Body than Chrift's ; nor encourage thofe Difputers, that ask, how many Foot long and broad his Body is, or the Place that containeth it. 4. ^ I dare not incur the Guilt of contradicSting Two General Councils in a Matter of Faith, when they anathetnatize the Diflenters, and agree therein tho' difagreeing in other Things, and pleading the Tra- dition of the Fathers and the Scripture. * The Seventh General Council at C. P. under Conft. Copron. condemning Image- Wor(hip faith,(as Bin- wiwjtranflateth it)pag.378. Defin.'j. \_SiquKnonconfeJfus fuerit Dominum nofirum Jefiim Chriftum poft aj/umptio- nem nnimat<£ rationalis ^ intelleBualis c/irm, fimul fe- dere cumDeo patrs atque ita quoijue rtirfus ventiirumcum Pnternci Mnjeflatc^ judicfiturum 'vivos & mortuos^ non ampUus t^iiidem Carnem, ne<^ue incorporeum tnmsv^ ut yideatur tih iis^ a quibus compuncius eji^ ^ maneat Deus extra crnjjitudlnem carnis^ Anathema. ' To which faith the Second Kicene ( their Adverfa- lies) by Epiphanius : Hue ufque rsHe fentittnt ^ pa" trum traditionibtis confentientin dicunt, 5. ' ThelongChurchDivifion?, which have for 1300 Years followed the ra(h Determinations about fome dark invifible Things,maketh me more inclin d to fuf- pend, than ralhly to affirm, in doubtful Gafes, efpe- cially about God and Jefus Ghrift. H k 4 6, 1% 472 Some Hiflorical AddUions Chap. XV^IL -^- 1689. 6. * It is not the Perfe£lion of glorified Humanity ' to be Flelh and Bones. 7. ' I cannot fay, That Earth (as Flefh and Bones ' are) dwelis in ii'.-herial Regions. A:t. 6. * Holy Scripture containeth all Things re- * cciTary to Salvation.] I con Cent therefore if the ' Mniftry, Sacraments, and Charch Communion be ' neceflary to Salvation, the Scripture containeth all * neceflary to them. liiid. ' In the Name of the Holy Scriptures we un- * derftand thofe Canonical Books, of whofe Authority * was never anv Doubt in the Church.]. Expof. Not * exchiding the Epiftle to the Hebrews • James; i.Pf^'. Ju^le, 2 and 3 John, [{eveUtion 5 which divers * Churches long doubted of. Art. 7. * The Civil Precepts thereof (the Law given * from from God bs Mofes,) ought not of Neceffity to bi^ received in any Common-wealth ] ^■'^P^'f- * Civ Hi a furjt prccceftei, qun7' Common-wealth in fpccie ; Ifup- por< the Articli* mcaneih thefe, and includeth the for- ^ met in the Word {Moral laws) though indeed they * be the moft eminent Civil Laws. ■ 'A)r. 8. * The Three Greeds, vi:(. Nice Creed, Atha- ' W/7//WJ Ciecdj and tliat commonly call'd the JpoJiUs t Creed Chap. XVll. after the Revolution in 1688. 47 o * Creed, ought throughly to be receiv'd and believ'd vi«, 1689. > Exfrof. ' Rightly underftood, 'vi:(, i. That by [God ' of God, very God of very God] be not meant Two f Gods. 2. Nor the Damnatory Claufes taken for Part ' of Athanafims, Creed, though they be Part of the Li- * turgy Aflented and Confented to. Art, 9. * This Infection of Nature does remain even * in them that are Regenerate. ' That is, in a mortified, fubdued Degree, but not ' predominant, or unpardoned. Art, 10. ' We have no Power, {nihil valemm) viz. our f Natural Powers or Faculties are not fufficient without * Grace. Art. 11,^ We are accounted Righteous before God, * only for the Merit of our Lord and Saviour Jefus * Chrift, and not for our own "Works or defervings : ' Wherefore that we are Juftified by Faith only, is a * moft wholefome Dod:rine. Expof, ' Though he that doth Righteoufnefs is Righ- ' teous 5 and the Scripture throughout, and frequently ^ mentionethaninherentPerfonal Righteoufnefs neceffa- * ry to Salvation ; yet this is no Univerfal Righteouf- ^ nefs, nor fuch as will juftifie us according to the Law ' of Innocency or Works, but is meerly fubordinate to ' the Merit and Efficacy of the Sacrifice and Righte- * oufnefs of Chrift, which only meriieth for us as a * Price, our Faith being only the requifite (yet given) t moral Qualification for the reception of the Free Gift * of Pardon, Juftification, and Adoption, and hath not * the leafr Part of the Office or Honour of Chrift : Yen are Chrift's Words true, that by Men's Works they ' Ihail be Juftifycd or Condemned ; and all Men (hall be * judged according to their Works: And James truly ' faith, that by Works a Man is Juftifyed, and not by '^ Faith only. Not by Works of Perfeftion or of Mofes's * Law, nor any that as a Price or Commutation do * make the Reward to be of Debt, and not of Grace, * but by a Pradical Faith or Chriftianity : Such Ac^s % as Faith it felf is, and prove our Belief; fuch as Chrift ' has promis'd Juftification and Salvation to; fuch as * by juftifying Belief to be fincere, do juftify the Perfon * againft the Charge of Infidelity, Hypocrify, Impeni- * tence and Ungodlinefs : Chriftianity is that Faith * which ?4«/ oppofes to Works. Art, \%. 474 '^^"^^ Hifiorical Additions Chap. XVII. Jin 1 ^J%Q. /irt. 12. ' Good Works fpring cut neceflarily of a true and lively Faiih, infomuch that by them a lively Faith may be as evidently known, as a Tree difcern'd by the Fruit. Expf. I, * It is an hypothetical Neccflity that is here meant, confiftent with Freedom, i. And a Truth of Evidence, and not an equal Degree. Art. 13. * Works done before the Grace of Cbrift, and the Infpiration of the Spirit, are not pleafant to God ; for as much as they fpring not of Faith in Jefus Chnfl, neither do they make Men meet to receive Grace, or as the Schools fay, deferve a Grace of Congruity; yea, rather they have the Nature of Sin.] Exprf, I . * No Good is done before all common Grace. 2. Preparatory Grace ufaally goes before fpecial Grace ; and thofe that refift it, are farther from the Kingdom of God, than they that have it : And to him that hath (by improvement), ihall be Given ; And in every Nation, he that fears God, and works Righte* oufnefs, is accepted of him. Believing that God is, ind that be is the Rewarder of them that diligently fcek Him, is better than nothing, and than meer Sin. Art. 14. * Voluntary Works, befides, over and above God*s Commandments, which they call Works of Su- pererrogaiion, cannot be taught without Arrogancy and Iniquity. Expof. ' I fuppofe, they meant not, that Voluntary Canons, Im portions, Oaths, and Church-Offices are fo bad. A)t \6. Exprf. * I fuppofe, this Article meancth only the unpardoned Sinagainft the Holy Ghoft, and of a total Departure from Common Grace, and fome de- gree of Habit and A(ft from fpecial Grace j but de- termineth not the Controverfy, whether any totally and finally fall from fuch an unconfirmed Grace as elfe would Save. An. 1 8. * They are to be had accurfed, that prefume to fay, that every Man fhall be fav'd by the Law or Se£l which he profefTeth, fo that he be diligent to frame bis Life according to that Law and the Light of Nature. For Holy Scripture doth fet out to us only the Name of Jefus Chnft, whereby Men muft be fav'd.] Ex^(f. Chap. XVII. after the Revolution m 1688. 47^ Expo/. * Some Se£ts contradict the Light of Nature. ^«. 1689, * They worlhip Devils, and offer their Children in Sa- ' crifice to them, and Murder the Juft ; this will fave ' none. But if the meaning be to Curfe aJl that hope ' that fome are fav'd, who never heard of the Name of * Chrift, and that his Spirit and Grace go farther than * the Knowledge of his Name, I will not Curfe fuch. ' All were not accurfed that hoped well of Socrates, ' Antonine, Alexander^ Severus, Cicero, Epi^etus, Plu- * tnrch^ &c. There is no Name that is no Mefliah to * be fav'd by, but Chrift. But, i. God judgeth Men * by no other Law, than that which they were under .- * And the Law of Grace made to fallen Mankind in ' Adam and Noah^ was not repeaFd by the Jews Pecu- * liarity. ^. God had more People than the Jews and ' Profelytes of old. 3. The Old Jews knew lefs of * Chrift, than his Apoftles before his Refurredion. 4. The Apoftles then believed not his dying for our * Sins, his Refurredtion, Afcenfion, Heavenly Inter- ' ceflion, ^c 5. 'Tis no Chriftianity ftow, that be- * lieves not thefe. If I durft Curfe all the World, who * now believe no more than the Old Jews and the Apo- * ftles then did, yet durft I not Curfe all Chriftians, * that hope better of them. Art, 23. *Thofe we ought to judge Lawfully called and ' fent, which be chofen and call'd to this Work by * Men, who have Publick Authority given them in the * Congregation to call and fend Minifters into the Lord's ' Vineyard.] Expof, ' Given them, that is, by Chrift in his Scrip- * tore Infticution, and* by thofe that Chrift Authorizes ' under him. Art. 25. ' Sacraments be certain, fure and effectual * Signs of Grace, and God's good Will, ^c] Expof. * They fignify what God offereth; Theyinveft * the true believing Receiver in the right of Pardon, ' Adoption and Salvation: They are morally operative * Signs of exciting and encreafing inherent Grace in * Believers. Art, ie, * Nor is the EfFedt of Chrift's Ordinance i taken away by their Minifter's Wickednefs.] Expof. * Sacraments are not void, becaufe a bad Man ^ Adminiftred them ; but Prayer and Preaching, and J Example, are ufually more effe(5lual from able, godly t Men 47^ Some Hijiorical Additions Chap. XVII. An. 1689.' Men, than from the Ignorant and Wicked. The blind Man could fay, God heareth nor Sinners; but if any be a Worfhipper of Him, and doth His Will, him he heareth. Pfal, 50 ; to the Wicked faith God, IV'iat hail thcu to do to taks ^y Covenant into thy ^otitk^ 8cc. It is a Sin to prefer a bad Man before a better. And it is dangerous to encourage Men in daily Sin; who ufurp the facred Office of Bilhops or Paftors, having neither the Qualifications eflentially Neceffary thereto, nor that which is effentially NeceiTary to a Call. ' The excepted Articles, and thofe that need no Ex- pofition, I pafs by. If I hav e hit on the true Meaning, I lubfcribe my AfTent ; and I thank God that this National Church hath Dodrine fo Sound ; and pity them that Write, Preach, or Pracftice contrary to the Articles which they fubfcribe, and accufe them that refufe fubfcribing them ; and take them for Sinners who take them not for their Paftors, becaufe that their Wickednefs nulleth not their Sacramental Admini- ftratidas. The Presbyterians and Independents, who had often attempted coming to an Agreement before, thought this a proper Opportunity for a new Effay, and after feve- ral Meetings, they Agreed in, and aftertvards publilh'd the following Articles. An. idpc. Heads of Agreemeyit AJJentecl to by the United Mj)]ijleys^ fcc. The foUovoing H:ads of j^^reement have been refolvd upon, by the United Minivers in and tibout London, formerly cali'd Presbyterian and Congregational ; net as n Meajure far afiy National Conftitution, but for the Prefervation of Order in our Congregations^ that cannot come ujf to the common t{ule by Law Eftahliflod. I. Of Churches and Church Members, I . * XVf E acknowledge our Lord Jefus Chrift to have ^ * one Catholick Church, or Kingdom, com- * prebcading all that are united to hira, whether in ' ' Heavet^ Chap. XVn. after the Revolfftlon in i6S8. 477 Heaven or Earth. And do conceive the whole Mul--4». 1690. tltnde of Vifiblc Believers, and their Infant Seed (commonly call'd the Catholick Vifible Church) to belong to Chrift's Spiritual Kingdom in this World ; But for the Notion of a Catholick Vifible Church here, as it fignifies its having been colledted into any form'd Society, under a Viiible humane Head on Earth ; whether one Perfon fingly, or many collediively, we, with the reft of Protejiants, Unanimouiy Dif- claim it. 2. ' We agree, that particular Societies of Viiible Saints, who under Chrift their Head, are ftatedly joyn^d together for ordinary Communion with one another in all the Ordinances of Chriit, are parciciu lar Churches, and are to be ownM by each other, as Inftituted Churches of Chrift, though differing in Ap- prehenfions and Prad:ices in fome leffer Things. 3. ' That none ihall be admitted as Members, in or- der to Communion in all the fpecial Ordinances of the Gofpel, but fuch Perfons as are knowing and found in the Fundamental Dodhrines of the Chriftian Religion, without Scandal in their Lives; and to a Judgment regulated by the Word of God, are Perfons of Vifible Godlinefs and Honefty ; credibly profefling cordial Subjediion to Jefus Chriii 4. * A competent Number of fuch Vifible Saints (as before defcrib'd) do become the capable Subjedh of ftated Communion in all the fpecial Ordinances of Chrif^, upon their mutual declared Confent and A- greement to walk together therein according to Gof- pel Rule. In which Declaration, different Degrees of explicitenefs Ihall no way hinder fuch Churches from owning each other as Inftituted Churches. 5. ' Though Parochial Bounds be not of Divine Right, yet for common Edification, the Members of a particular Church ought (as much as conveniently may be) to Live near one another. 6. ' That each particular Church hath Right to chufe their own Officers; and being furnilh'd with fuch as are duly Qualify'd and Ordain d according to the Gofpel Rule, hath Authority from Chrift, for exer- ciiing Government, and of enjoying all the Ordi- nances of Worlhip within itfelf. 7.* In 478 Some HiJioricJ Additions Chap. XVH. Art. 1690- 7. * In the Adminiftration of Church Power, it be- longs to the Paftors and other Elders of every particu- lar Church (if fuch there be) 10 Rule and Govern ; and to the Brotherhi)od to Confent, according to the Rule of the Gofpel. 8. ' That all Profeflbrs as before defcrib'd, are bound in Duty, as they have Opportunity, to joyn them- felves as fixed Members of fome particular Church ; their thus joyning being part of their profeffed Sub- jedlion to the Gofpel of Chrift, and an inftituted Means of their Eftablilhment and Edification ; where- by they are under the Paftoral Care, and in cafe of fcandalous or ofFcnfive Walking, may be authorita- tively Admonifti'd or CenfurM for their Recovery; and for Vindication of the Truth, and the Church profefling it. 9. * That a Vifible Profeflbr thus joyn* d to a particu- lar Church, ought to continue ftedfaftly with the faid Church ; and not forfake the Miniftry and Ordinan- ces there difpenfed, without an orderly feeking a Re- commendation to another Church. Which ought to be given, when the Cafe of the Perfon apparently re- quires it. II. Of the Miniftry. 1. * We Agree, that the Miniftcrial Office is Inftitu- ted by Jefus Chrift, for the gathering, guiding, edi- fying and governing of his Church ; and to continue to the end of the World. z. ' They, who are calFd to this Office, ought to be endued with competent Learning, and Minifterial Gifts; as alfo with the Grace of God, found in Judg- ment, not novices in the Faith and Knowledge of the Gofpel ; without Scandal, of Holy Convcrfation, and fuch as devote thcmfelves to the Work and Service thereof. ^, * That ordinarily none ftiall be Ordaind to the Work of this Miniftry, but fuch as are call'd and ch^fen thereunto by a particular Church. 4/ ' That in fo great and weighty a Matter, as the calling and chufing a Paftor, we judge it ordinarily requifice, that every fuch Church confult and adyife with the Paftors of Neighbouring Congregations. 5. 'That Chap. XVll. after the Revolution /n 1688. 470 5. * Thac after fuch Advice, the Pcrfoii confuked w^«. t.6po, abouc, being chofen by the Brotherhood of thac par- ticular Church, over which he is to be fee, aiid he ac- cepting, be duly Ordain'd, and fet apart to his Office over them ; wherein 'tis ordinarily requifire, chat the Paftors of Neighbouring Congregations concur with the Preaching Elder, or Elders, if fuch there be. 6. * That whereas iuch Ordination is only intended for fuch as never before had been Ordain'd to the Mi- nifterial Oflice; if any judge, that in the Cafe alfo of the removal of one formerly Ordain'd, to a i^w Sta- tion, or Paftoral Charge, there ought to be a like fo- letnn Recommending him and his Labours to the Grace and Bleifing of God 5 no different Sentiments or Pra- dtice herein, (hall be any occafion of Contention or Breach of Communion among us. 7. * 'Tis expedient, that they who enter on the Work of Preaching the Gofpel, be not only qualify *d for Communion of Saints 5 but alfo that, except in Cafes extraordinary, they give, proof of their Gifts and fit- nefs for the faid Work, unto the Paftors of Churches, of known Abilities to difcern and judge of their Qua- lifications : That they may be fenc forth with folemn Approbation and Prayer, which ive judge needful, that no doubt may remain concerning their being call'd to the Work; and for preventing (as much as in us lies) ignorant and ralh Intruders. HI. of Cenfures. I./ As it cannot be avoided, but that in the pureft Churches on Earth, there will fometimes Offences and Scandals arife by reafon of Hypocrify and pre- vailing Corruption ; fo Chrift hath made it the Duty of every Church, to reform itfelf by Spiritual Reme- dies, appointed by him, to be applied in all fuch Ca- fes 3 vi:{. Admonition and Excommunication. 2. ' Admonition, being the rebuking of an offending Member in order to Convidlion, is, in cafe of private Offences, to be perform'd according to the Rule in Matth, 18. v. 15, 16, 17: And in cafe of publick Of- fences, openly before the Church, as the Honour of the Gofpel, and Nature of the Scandal fhall require : And if either of the Admonitions take Place for the * recovery 4So Some Hifloricitl Additions Chap. XVII. jln. I 690. recovery of the fallen Perfon, all further Proceedings in a way of Cenfure, are thereupon to ceafe, and Sa- tisfatflion co he declared accordingly. 3. ' When all due Means are us'd, according to the Order of the Gofpel, for the reftoring an offending and fcandalous Brother, and he notwithftanding re- mains Impenitent, the Cenfure of Excommunication is to be proceeded unto ; wherein the Paflor and other Elders (if there be fuch) are to lead, and go before the Church, and the Brotherhood co give their Con- fent; in a Way of Obedience unto Chrift, and unto the Elders, as over them in the Lord. 4. ' It may fometimes cocne to pafs, that a Church Member, not otherwife fcandalous , may finfully withdraw, and divide himfelf from the Communion of the Church to which he belongeth ; in which cafe, when all due Means for the reducing him prove in- effectual ; he having hereby cut himfelf off* from that Churches Communion, the Church may juftly ef^eem and declare itfelf difcharg*d of any further Infpec3:ion over him. IV. Of Communion of Churches, 1 . ' We Agree, That particular Churches ought not to walk fo diftindt and feparate from each other, as not to have care and tendernefs towards one another : But their Paftors ought to have frequent Meetings to- gether, that by mutual Advice, Support, Encourage- ment, and brotherly Intercourfe, they may ftrengthen the Hearts and Hands of each other in the Ways of the Lord. 2. ' That none of our particular Churches Ihall be Subordinate to one another, each being endu'd with equality of Power from Jefus Chrift: And that none of the faid particular Churches, their Officer, or Offi- cers, (hall exercife any Power, or have any Supe- riority over any other Church, or their Officers. 3. *That known Members of particular Churches, Conftituted as aforefaid, may have Occafional Com- munion with one another in the Ordinances of the Gofpel, vi:{. the Word, Prayer, Sacraments, Singing Pfalns, difpenfed according to the Mind of Chrift j unlefs that Church with which they defire Comtnunion, hath any juA ExceptioQ againft them. 4. \ That Chap- XVff. after tfje Revolntionin i62^. 481 4. ' That we ought not to admit any one to be a An. 16^0, ' Member of our refpe£live Congregations, chat hath * joyn'd himfelf to another, without endeavours of * mutual Satisfaction of the Congregations concern'd. 5. ' That one ChUrch ought not to blame the Pro- ' ceedings of another, till it hath heard, what that * Church charg'd, its Elders or Meflengers can fay, in ' Vindication of themfeives from any Charge of irregu- lar or injurious Proceedings. 6. * That we are moft willing and ready to give an ' Account of our Church Proceedings to each other * when delir'd, for preventing or removing any Offen- * ces, that may arife among us. Likewife, we ihall be * ready to give the right Handof Fellowfliip, and v/a!k: * together according to the Gofpel Rules of Communion * of Churches. V. Of Deacons and Ruling Elders, ^ We agree, the Office of a Deacon is of Divine Afv pointment, and that it belongs to their Office 10 re- , ceive, layout, and diftribute the Churches Stock to its proper Ufes, by the dirediion of the Paftor and Elders, iffach there be. And whereas, divers are of Opinion, that there is alfo the Office of Ruling Elders, who labour not in Word and Doctrine ; and others think other wife, we agree, that this difference make no Breach among us. VI. Of Synods. 1. * We agree, That in order to Concord, and in any other weighty and difiicuic Cafes, *tis needful, and according to the mind of Chrift, that a Synod be cali'd to confult and advife about fach Matters. 2. * That a Sy^od may confift of fmaller or greater Numbers, as the Matter Ihall require. 3. ' That particular Churches, their refpe£live Elders and Members, ought to have a Reverential regard to the Judgment of fuch Synods, and not diflent there- from, without apparent Grounds ffcm the Word of God. I i VIL 482 Some Hijlorical Additions Chap. XVII. ^Lh .90 VII. Of our Demear.ouY toxvnrds tbs CiviWMagiJlrate, I. ' Wf do reckon ourfelves oblig'd continually to pray fn God'^ Prore of the Chriftian Religion, or of vicious ' Converfation, we iliall in our refpec^ive Places, * as they give us Opportunity, endeavour to ex- * plain to them the Dodtrme of Life and Salvation, * and to our utterraoft, perfwade them to be reconcil'd ! toGo^. , 3. * That fuch who appear to have the effential Re- * quifites to Church Communion, we fhall willingly ' receive Chap. XVfl. after the Keijolfition in i6B8: 4:83 * receive them in the Lord, not troubling them with -^«. 1596^ ' Difpures about Jefier Matters. As we Ajfent to the forewentioncd Heads of Agreement, fo XV3 'Vnanimoiijly ^folve^ as the Lord /hall enable us^ to PraBice according to them. There were now publifh'd Two Difcourfes of Mr. Dive Provinces. But others arguM againft it as prepofterous. A Defign was form'd to bring the Con- vocation to Petition for their Reftoration : But that alfo was qualh'd. One publifti'd an Afology for them: Another in Anfwer to it, publilh*d ayi Examination of the Cnfe of the fujpch'ded Bifloops. They never could be prevail'd with to give their Rcafons for refufing the Oath : And upon that Account it was argu'd to be very improper for them to have any favour (hewn them. Ac Icogth Chap. XVIIL after the Revolution in 1688. 485 length a Mcffage was fent from Queen Mary^ after the An. 1690. Battle at the Boync *, to try Cfup- pofiiig the ParJiament could "have ^ See Bi/hopBuvntt'sRefieaions been brought to difpenfe with their upon a 2amphUt,nntituUd [ Some taking the Oaths) wheiher the Difceztrfes upon Dr. Buvnet, and fufpenJed Bi(hops would do their Dr. Tillorfon, occafion'd by the Fwi^ions, Ordain, Confirm, afllft /ate Tuneral Sermon of the former at Prayers and Sacramenrs, give In- ^M ^^'^ Matter.'} Oft. 16^6, ftitutions, and Vifit their Diocefes. If they would, a Scheme was preparM for offering thac Matter ro a fecond Confideration in Parliament. But the deprivM Bifliops would Anfwer nothing, and Pror mife nothing. And yet the Government proceeded flowly in filling their Sees; That was not done, till Letters were difcover'd that fhew'd what Correfpon- dcncies and Engagements there were among them. Dr. Shcr/ccl{s Cafe, who was Mafter of the Temple The Md* was particular. Had he taken the Oaths at firft sls ft^^ementof others did, no more notice had been taken of him than ^*"- ^her- of the reft: But he refusM, and 'tis laid, cncourag'dl ^°^^' others to do fo too, and difcontinued Preaching from Augvfti. 1689, to Fehnary 2. i6*ry when he began again; declaring from the Pulpit that he did it with the Permiflion of his ^upcriours, and the Advice of fome Eminent Lawvers. Upon this a Pamphlet was publiihM, CcdVdtht New Norjccnf or mist; or Dr. Skerlocl(s t TheCa* Cafe in Preaching after a Deprivation ; fhewing, that '^^"^ ^'^ ^Z'* he hereby juftified the Konconformifts, whom he, as well Overair5 as others, had fo much biam'd for Preaching after their ^"^"^^^^^'^^ being SilencM by the ^a of Vniformity in 62. At^^'^^^J^'^^ length lie'dud being rcduc'd, and King James fled, he r^'^'j /*"** alfo thought fie to take the Oath : And it was common- "^^^or^^y. ly faid, that King (^Vi/L'nm's Snccersat the Boyne ^i^sihc /lament nor convincing Argument that remov'd his Scruples. He/c» muth as then publilh'd the Cnfc of the Allegiance due to Sovereign Ratified by Po\9erSy Stated and Hs/olvcd, according to Scripture and the Kin^s Reafon, and the Principles of the Church of England^ betters Fa' with a more particularRefpedt to the Oath lately en join'd, ^^"^^- ^^ of Allegiance to their prcfent Majeilies. In the Preface''"'^ would to it, hq mentions Bifliop Overal's Convocation Booki. as-^^ '^" '^^* ■ • ^ " count of them, may confult a Book intituled, The Spirit of the Cburch Faftion de- tefted in it? Nature and Operations ^ more particularly in the Myftery of the Convocation Book lately publifh'dy and exposed to the Fiexa and Cenfure Cjf the World, by the late Archbijhop of Canterbury, Printed in l6^i, 4C0. J i 3 that; 486 Some tiijioricul x-iddhJons Chap. XVIII. An. 159c. |;h^5 which openM bis Eyes and gave him full Satisfadi- on. Many were the Anfwers return d to this, his Vir^dication of j^ioifclf. Several Remarks were mide upon his Management of this Subjedb of the Oath. As, that he wav'd ihe Legality ofihc [{evoluticn, and confcquent Settlement, and Jaid his main ftrefs on the difppial of Providence j and fo faid no more than nijght be faid in the Cafe of any Ufurpcr: That King H\llia7?is Right couy never be Maintain'd or Defended upon his Hypothef^s ; and that there was little room for ^confiding in Pcrfcuio that fell in with fuch a Government ^as;thi5 upon iucti Giognds. One upon this Occafion y^'tq\<^ii^rrt^ratul'pjy Litter w Mv. Samuel Johnfon^ who h^dbeenTuch a Sufferer for the fake of our Englifh Li- bertiei: And no fide was pleas'd. The Dodlcr fell un- der the difpleafure of the Jiicobites becaufe he deferted iheai ; and the zealous Friends of King PViHiarns Government, were far from being fatisfy'd, becaufe he fecfi.'d to fall in with them but by halves. V The Hiftory of Pa (five Obedience was pow publifli'd, to pi ovp the unwarrantablehefs of a Nations defending their Rights and Liberties, and refcuing themfelves jfrotn Slavery : Mr. John/on wrote Refle£lions upon it j and fhcw'd that the Opinions of private Doctors there col!e<51:ed were but flights of Fla:tery, oppofite to the Eflablilh'd Dodlrine of the Chwch of England, and to Six -ich of FnrHnment, - t.z»- Thofe of the Clergy that refus'd to take the Oaths, V';-.bf :' '^-'« caird thofc who fell in with the Government Scbifma- ■Th'ifj^i^rors.- ticj^s., and were for Confining the Church of England to th'-irown Party: And they accus'd thofe of their own Church whom they were for feparating from, of immo- ralities in their Prayers, and of all the Mifchiefs done in the Wars, and of fttting up Antibilhops : Nay, fome d'd not flick to declare, that they were out of the Church, and that there was no Salvation to be had among th- m in the ordinary Way. Upon occafion of thefc Differences a great many Wriungs were piiblilh'd, and foHTC of them drawn up with great heat and warr^ith. One put out a Pamphlet with this Title; ffw r'^^ the Clergy and other Members .pf the Church of •El>glai^d ught tn Communicate voith the Non-fvpearing Bi^ j}'opj. In which he pleads that Canonical Obedience was ftill due from the Clergy to their Ordinaries, and noc Chap. XVIIL afterthe Revoltithnin i68S. 487 not to be transfer'd to others; it being reprefented as .^w. 1690* contrary to all the Canons of the Ancient Church, that Two Bilhops Ihould exercife their Jurifdiftions, at the fame time, in the fame See; which he affirms could not be without damnable Schifm. The Men of this Stamp had a new Form of a Liturgy now among them, which was very Remarkable^; 1*11 fingle out a few Paflages * See « by which the reft may be judgM off. It w2ls c^li'd. a Paw^hiet Form of Prayer and Humiliation for God^s "Bleffings upon his Entituled^ Majejiy^ and his Domhijons, and for removing and averting Rcflefti- of God's Jtidgnisnts from tlm Church and State, It had °°^ "PO" a in it fiich Exprellions as thefe : B^ftore to us again ^ the ^^^^ of Pubiick^Pf^j'fhip of thy Natne, the J^everent Adminiftration ^^J^^^J. of thy Sacraments : B^ife up the former Government both r Jr^ in Church and State, that xvs may be no longer without ^-l^^^ "J c - Kjng, without Prieif, without God in the iVorld. J4^e n^^^ ^f jj^g humbly befeech thee to lock, compajfwnately on thti perfecuted Church of Part of thy Church, now driven from thy Public^, Altars in- England. t6 Corners and fecret Clofets : That thy ProteHion may be Printed for over us wherever weJJ-Jall befcatter'^d, and a B^emnant pre- Richard fervd among ft us^ by whom thy Name may be Glorified, thy Baldwin, Sacraments Adminijired, and the Souls of thy Servants ^^9'^- kept upright, in the midji of a corrupting and a corrupted Generation, T'f^e pray thee to be Gracious to our Prince^ v^ho for the Sins loth of Prices and People ^ is now kept out J and that in thy due Time thou wouldlf deal with him according to the Juftice of his Caufe, Comfort him, O Lord^ in the fadnef cf his Spirit ; guide him in the per- plexity of his Mind, and Jupport him in the freights and neceffit.ies cf his Fortunes . f{alfe him Friends Abroad'^ Convert or Confound the Hearts cf J)is Enemies at Home, Do feme mighty Thing for Jiim, which we in particular kjiow not how to Pray t '^** ebferyaUe, that foon for: And by the fecret TV.ndings, and "^'^^^ '^■'** ^^*'^ ^f Flayer w^of powerful iVurki^igs of thy Provide?7ce, t"^blip)'d (the Author of Kphich is make the Stone which thefe fool ifh ^ot generally knorrn,^ there v;ere Builders have rrjecled, the bead Stone ^^f^^^^^^ Mf^^ dtfcoyerd, of c 1 ^ •' T> / • / r. JubyertinT the Goyemment. and of the Corner, — By thy mighty Pow- v n ■ ^ j^- ^ x „ .' , i •',,.', , r^ ;*^. / Rejiorin'r Kinr James, with the er deliver fuch, who for obeying thee ^gifiance c. * Now let us /hew our Tf^ Ives Men, and manly Chri- ftians^ not fwayed by Trifles and little Things, as Children, by this or that Drefs or Mode, or Form of our Religion, which may perhaps pleafe fome the more for its real Indecency. But know, that if while we continue picquering about Forms, the Life be loil, and wc come to bear the Charadter of that Church, Thcu haft a Name that thou liveji^ and art deady we may ere long (after all the Wonders God hath wrought for us) expedt to hear of our Candle- fticks being removed, and that our Sun (hall go down at Noon-day. * The true ferious Spirit, and Power of Religion and Godlinefs, will acft no Man againft his Confciencc, or his rule underftood ; but will oblige him in all Aoi:s of Worfhip ( as well as of his whole Converfation ) to keep clofe to Gofpel-prefcripiion, fo far as he can difcero it. And that, he will find requires, that in Subordination to the Divine Glory, he ferioufly de- fign the working out the Salvation of his own Soul, and take that Gourfe in Order thereto, put himfelf under fuch a Miniftry, and fuch a Way of ufing God's Ordinances, as he finds moft profitable, and conducing to that great End, and that doth his Soul moft real Good. If you are Religious, or of this or that Mode or Way of Religion, to fervc a carnal Dc- fign for your felf or your Party, not to fave your . Soul, you commit the moft deteftable Sacriledge, and alienate the moft facred Thing in the World, ^iigion^ from its true End ; which will not only lofe that End, but infer an heavy Vengeance. Yea, and 'tis too pof- fible to tranfgrefs dangeroufly by preferring that which is lefs, tho' never fo confidently thought to be Di- vine, before that which is greater, or feparafely from its true End. You greatly prevaricate, if you are more zealoufly intent to promote Independency than Chriftianity, Presbytery than Chriftianiiy, Pre- lacy than Chriftianity, as any of thcfe are the Intereft of a Party, and not being confidered in Subfervicncy to the Cbriftian Intereft, nor defigned for promoting the Edification and Salvation of your own Soul. But that being your Delign, Living Religion will keep your Eye upon your End, and make you ftcady and con- ftantly true to that ; and to your Rule, without which you can nevei hope to leicb your End. \ Nov^ Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1 6 88, 497 * Now hereupon, fuch as conform to the Pibiick -^«. 16^0* '*■ Eftabliftiiuent, and they that ililTent from it, may * differ from each other upon a twofold Account. Ei- * ther I . As judging the contrary Way, to be limply * unlawful : Or, 2. As judging it to be only Jefs edi- * fying. 'Tis not the Buiinefs of this Paper to difcufs, * who herein judge aright, and voho wrong; but fup- ' pofing their Judgment to remain as it is (which they ' themfelves however (hould examine, and if it be ' wrong retSifie.) I IhalJ fay fomewhat to each of thefe * Cafes. * To the former, While your Judgment continues as * it is, 'tis true, you cannot join in Worfhip with the * contrary minded ; but nothing forbids, but you can * be kind, converfable, courteous towards them ; and * your common Chriftian Profefiion ( befides the Rules * of Humanity) oblige you fo to be : Yea, and even * to converfe with them as Occafion invites, more in- ' timately as Chnfiians, the vifible marks of ferious ' Chriftanity appearing irn them. * To the latter Sort it is acknowledged, you cannot * conftantly join in Worfliip with tbofe of the contrary * Way ; becaufe you ought ordinarily to worfhip God * in that Way which you judge to be befl, and mofl a- * greable to the Divine Rule, (tho' you are not obli- ' ged utterly to abandon any for its Imperfedtions or * Corruptions, that is not corrupt in the very Eifentials :) *" And that you ought moft frequently to attend on ' that which you find to be moft edifying to your own * Soul : As that fhould be your more ordinary Diet ^ that beft agrees with you. And that Way therefore ' you muft moft conftantly adhere to, which is moft * grateful and favoury to you ; becaufe ycu cannot fo * much edihe by what you lefsreliih. But your Judg- * ment and Latitude will well allow you fometimes to * frequent the Alfemblies with which you hold not * conftant Communion. And if it will allow, it Will * alfo direct you thereto for a valuable End ; as that ' you may fignifie you ordinarily decline them not as * no Chriftians, or their Worfliip as no Worfliip; but * as more defective or lefs edifying ; and that you may * maintain love, and both exprefs, and beget a Difpo- ' fition to nearer Union. And if our Rulers lllall judge * fuch Intercourfesr conducing to fo defirable an End, K k they 498 Some Hiftorkal Addition. Chap, X VIll. wl». 169c.* ihey may perhaps in due Time think it reafonableto * put Things into that State that Minifters of both Sorts * may be capable of inviting one another occafionally f to the Brotherly Offices of mutual AlFiftance in each * others Congregations. For which, and all Things * that tend to make us a happy People, we muft wait ^ upon him, in whofe Hands their Hearts are. Howe\ er, had the Diffenters at that Time taken fome Steps that were oa;itted, fome ill Confequences that at'tsr wards a rofe might have been prevented ; par- ticularly had they now fet up a General Conefpondence in all Parts of the Kingdom, and regularly kept it up, many good Ends might have been anfwered ; and there would have been no fuch Clamours as were rais'd and fpread upon their attempting it fome Years afterwards. But from the Firft, there were fome that kept a watch- ful Eye upon them, to take Care that they might be no farther conniv'd at than the Law oblig'd the Church to give them their Liberty : Tho* there were others who tho't they had as equitable a Right to fome farther Al- lowances, as to any that were particularly made them m the Adt of Indulgence. 1 ihall mention their hav- ing Schools and Academies for the training up their Youth, as an Inftance : And that the rather, becaufe it being left out in the Ac3: of Exemption, ( it were no difficult Thing to cell by whofe Means it was expungd after it was inlerted, if that were needful -,) fome even in this Reign gave them Difturbance about it. And Bi- * Ste his filop Stiiii.'ig fleet * having in his Primary Vifitation this Eccleliafti- y^^y Year, charg'd his Clergy to acquaint themfelves cil Cafes, ^j^i^ ^jjg Dijfenters^ and endeavour to oblige them, and ^ o^ '*, let them iee that they had no other Defign upon them F"*- 3^- bm; jQ ^3q [hem good ; adds, That if nftsr all they grotQ more Hc^djlrong and htjhlent by the Indulgence which the Law gives them, he would have them tal^e Notice, whether they ohfervd thoje Conditions on which the Lav9 gives it to them. For fays he, thefe are l^ttown I{tdes in JLaWy that he forfeits his Priviledge, who goes beyond the Bounds of it ; that no Priviledges are to be extended be-' yond the Bounds which the Laws give them ^ for they ought to be cbjovd as they are given, I leave it (fays he) to be confider*dy whether all fuch as do not cbferve the Condi' tions of the Indulgence^ be not at liable to the Latp^ as if they -Chap. XVIfL after the Revolntion in i6^^, 499 they had hone. This is a plain Intimation he was not -^»- i6<^Cs* defirous the Dijfenters fhould have too much Liberty. Nor was this peculiar to him : It was the common Temper of the Clergy towards them. It was therefore very feafonably that Mr. Lock, at Mr. Lock's this Time publifti'd his two Letters of Tclertition^ with ttvofirfi fomc Account of which I Ihali clofe this Year's Occur- Letters of fences. His firft Letter on this Subject, was printed in Toleration. La'fin in HcHnnd, in 1689 ; and was now publifli'd in Engiifh. He there aflerts that Toleration is a Mark of the true Chriftian Church, and an effentiaj Part of Charity. He is for carefully keeping up the Liftin- (Stion between the Common-wealth and the Churchl The Common-wealth ( according to hitn ) is a So- ciety of Men, conftitured only for the preferving, pro- curing and advancing of their civil Inrerefts, fuch as Life, Health, Liberty, and the PoffefliOn of out- ward Things. He afferts that the Care of Sbuhl is not committed to the Civil Magiftrate, any more than to other Men ; and that his Power confifls only iil outward Force. But the Church he reprefents as a vo- luntary Society of Men, joining themfelves together of their own Accord, in Order to the publick wor- shipping of God, in fuch a Manner as they judge ac- ceptable to him, and effedual to the Salvation of theit Souls. The Right of making Laws for this Society, can ( fubordinately to the fupreme Divine Legiflator ) belong to none but the Society it felf ; or to thofe whom the Society by common Confent has authorized thereunto. No Force is here to be made Ufe of, the Arms by which the Members of this Society are tcj be kept within their Duty, are Exhortations, Admonitions, and Advices. No Church is bound by the Duty of T(7/er4- tion to retain any fuch Perfon in her Borom,as after Ad^- monition continues obft in ately to offend againft the Laws of the Society. No private Perfon, nor particulat Church, has any Right, in any Manner to prejudice others in their Civil Enjoyments, becaufe they are of another Church or Religion. They that are diftin- guilh'd by an Ecclefiaftical Chara£ter and Office, have no Right to deprive fuch as are not of their Church and Faith, either of Liberty, or of any Part of their worldly Goods upon the Account of any Difference in Reli- gion ; Nay they are to prefs the Duties of Peace and K k 2, Good-- 5 CO Some Hiftorical Additions Chap. XV 11 1. 'dn. 1 55c. Good-will towards all Men, and to exhort: all to Cha- rity, Meeknefs, and Toleration. The principal Care of every Mao's Soul belongs to himfelF. It does not belong to the Magiftrate to prefcribe Laws to the Re- jigion of others, either by his own Judgment, or by the Ecclefiaftical Authority and Advice of others. Tho' the Magillrates Opinion in Religion Ihould be found, and the Way that he appoints truly Evangelical, yet if Perfons are not thoroughly perfwaded thereof in their own Minds, ihcre can be no Safec\ for them in followir;g it ; they niuft therefore be left to their own Confcienccs. They are to enter into Religious So- cieties, as they apprehend may be moft to their Advan- tage. And fuch Societies the Magiftrate is to tolerate. As to outward VVoifhip, the Magiftrate has no Power to enforce by Law, either in his own Church, or much lels in another, the Ufe of any Rites or Ceremonies what- foever in the Worlhip of God. It no Ways concerns the Common-wealth or any Member of it, that this or the other Ceremony be there made ufe of. And withal, Things indifferent in common Ufe, when they come to be annexed to Divine Worlhip without Di- vine Authority, are as abominable to God as the Sacri- fice of a Dog. Circumftances of Divine Worfhip that are in General neceifary, may be determined, but not Parts added. Nor has the MagiHrate any Power to forbid the Ufe of fuch Rites and Ceremonies as are already receiv'd, approved, and prad^is'd by any Church. No- tViing may be prohibited in the Worlhip of God, but what is unlawful in the ordinary Courfe of Life, and in any private Houfe. No Power can be given to the Magiftrate for the fupprcfling an Idolatrous Church, which may not in Time and Place be made ufe of to the Ruin of an Orthodox one. Nor are any Civil Rights to be cither chang'dor violated upon Account of Religion, in one Place more than another. Idolatry was indeed to be punifli'd with Death among the Jews, who were under a Theocracy : But it was, becaufe they that were guilty of it were Traitors and Rebels, and guilty of High Treafon. They that were Strangers to ibe Common-wealth of ifrael^ were noc compelled by Force to obferve the Rites of the Mo- faical Law. As to fpeculative Opinions in Religion, and Articles of Fnith^ they Ihould not be imposed on any Church Chap. XVITL after the Revolution m 1 62%. 501 Church by the Law of the Land. For it is abfurd, -^«- J^po* that Things Ihould be enjoin d by Laws which are not in Men s Power to perfornn. The Magiftrate ftiouJd not forbid the Preaching or Profefling of any fpeculative Opinions in any Church, becaufe they have no man- ner of Relation to the Civil Rights of the Snbje(5l. If Truth makes not her Way into the Underfimding by her.own Light, (he will be but the weaker for any bor- rowed Force Violence can add to her. Moral yh^tn'ys belong to the Jurifdidion both of iht- ?vf if^iftraie and of Confcience. Every Man is bound lierc "to l-e c.^e- ful to his utmoft. He may and ought t:- nft f'xhorca- tions and Argun:ients to promote the Salvation of others, but no Force is to be ufed. In Order to ihc fccuri.ig their Temporal Interefts, Men enter into Civil S >cic- ties, where they intruft the Magiftrate to make p: ./vj- fion ; and he is to rake care of the Good and Profpe- ricy of the Society that intruft him : But as to the Matters of Salvation, every one is ftill to do wh^: ] c is in his Confcience perfwaded is acceptable tc :h'^ Almighty. And no Law can oblige Men agsinft il eir Confciences, nor can the Magiftrate change Propriety amongft Fellow-Sub jeds, for a Caufe that has no Re- lation to the End of Civil Government. And yet no Opinions contrary to Humane Society, or to thofe Moral Rules which are neceifary to the Preferva- tion of Civil Society, are to be tolerated by the Ma- giftrate. Nor can that Church have anv Right to be tolerated by the Magiftrate, which is conftitured upon fuch a Bottom, that all thofe who enter into it, do thereby ipfo fr.Ho deliver themfelves up to the Prote- £iion and Service of another Prince. Nor yet are thofe at all to be rolerared, who deny the being of a God, upon whom no Promifes^ Covenants, or v>aths can have any hold. Did but all teach that Liberty of Confcience is every Man's natural Right, equally belonging to all Diifenters from them as to themfelves, and that no Body ought to be compelled in Matters of Religion, either by Law or Force • it would take away all Ground of Complaint and Tumults, upon Account of Confcience. If that Church which agrees in Reli- gion with the Prince, be efteem'd the chief Support of any Civil Government, and that for no other Rea- foQ than becaufe the Prince is kind and the Laws K k 5 - are 502 Sofjte Hijiorical Additions Chap. XVII I. .4». 1690 are favourable to ir, bow much greater will be the Security of a Government, where all good Subje(£ts of wha' locver Church they be without any Diftinftion up- on Acco'int of Religion, enjoying the fame Favour of the Prince, and the fame Benefit of the Laws, fhall tecortie the common Support and Guard cf it ; and where none (hall have any Ocrafion to fear the Severity of the Laws, but thofe that do Injuries to their Neigh- bours, and offend againft the Civil Peace. None ought to be excluded from the Civil Rights of the Common-wealth hecaufe of his Religion. It is not the Divcrfity of Opinions ( which cannot be avoided) but the Refufal of Toleration to thofe that are of dif- ferent Opinions, that has produced all the Buftles and Wars thiit have been in the Chriftian World, upon 'Account of Religion. The Argument of this Letter being refledked on, the Au^ihor of it undertook the Defence of it in a Se- cond Letter on the fame Subjed^. The Objector bad own'd rhat Force was improperio convert Men to any Religion , and was therefore told that the Toleration mov'd for. was but the removing that Force. 'Twas fuggefttd, That i'UC ^^ligicn would not be likely to gain by fi'.ch A Tolc'^.tion. 'Twas anfwer'd, That we have an Experiment in the Chriftian Religion in its firft Ap- pear j nee in the World, and feveral Hundreds of Years after when it gain'd exceedingly, tho* Jews and Pagans •were more than tolerated by -the Governments of the Places, where it grew up : And it's as able to fliift for it felf now wirhont the Help of Force; and this is therefore urg'd in Proof of the Truth of it. The In- ventions of Men in Religion need the Force and Helps 9f Men ro uphold them. A Religion that is of God, wants not the Aifitt^ace of Humane Anthority to make ir prevail. The TcThc^tion pleaded for would be ownM to be a Service ro Religion in Popi/I:, Mahume- tan. Or P.-.gan Countries : and there muA be fomething very peculiar in t'le Air, that muft make it lefs ufeful to T'uth in F^i^'rvd. Th<* Aurhoi of the Letter aflcrting that Force bad no f^oper EfficMcy to enlighten the Underftanding or pro- duce Belief, the Animadverter pleaded that it might indi) cci'.; and at a Diftmice do fome Service : But it was aal^vver'd, That what is unlawful in it felf, (as it cer- tainly Ghap. XVIII. after the Revolution in i6S8, 505 tainly is to punifti a Man without a Fault) can never be Ah. 1690, made lawful by fome Good, that indire^ly, and at a Diftance, or by Accident may follow from ic. If it would, then the Cruelties ufed by Heathens againft Chritlians, and Papifts againft Proteftants are jultifia- ble. But *tis moderate Punsfloments only are pleaded for. *Tis anfwer'd, That any Sort of Punifhments where there is no Fault, will be tho't unjuftifiable Se- verity by Sufferers and By-Standers, and fo produce EfFeds contrary to what was defign'd ; and be more likely to drive Men from the Religion that ufes theiij, than bring them to the Truth. Where Force is ufed, tis Compliance is aim'd at, not Conviction . But 'tis mov'd, That Force may be ufed to bring Men to conjider ^eafons and Arguments^ by which they may be brought to embrace the Truth, which either thro'* Negligence they would never acquaint them/elves with, or thro* Prejudice they would rej eel and condemn unheard, 'Tis anfwer'd, fl.) It is imp»(2:icable to punifli Diflfenters, as Diffenters, on- ly to make them confider. For if you punifh them as Diffenters, you punilh them whether they confider or no. (i.) To punifh Men out of the Communion of the National Church to make them confider, is unjuft. For it may be, being fatisfied of the Truth of their own Opinions they don't j^dge it worth while to confider : Or they may not be able to examine and confider all the Proofs and Grounds, upon which the National Church ?ftablilhes their Settlement : Or they may have exar^iin d, and ^et can find no Reafons and Arguments proper and fufficienc to convince them. And (5.) Whatever indirect Efficacy there may be in Force, applied by the Magiflrate in the Way propofed,. it makes againft the Propofer. As ic may be fer- viceable to make Men embrace the Truth which. mult fave them, fo may it be ferviceable to bring Men to receive and embrace Falfliood, which will deftroy them. Nay Force is more likely to make Men receive and embrace Error than Truth, ; both be- caufe Men out of the right Way are as apt, or apter to «fe Force, than others: And alfo, becaufe few of the Magiftratea of the World being in the right W^y, ( fcarce one in ten, ) the ufing Force would do at Isafl Ten Times as much Hart as Good. The utmoft then, the. plea amounts to, isj^ That it is not impoffibie bus 504 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XV II I. Ah. i6pc. Force may be ufcful ; But there are many Things ot which that may be faid, that are not fie ro be us'd. And if ic may be uieful, it may alfo be ufeiefs. Men mayn't be brought to a right Confideration by ic, or they may have coiilidcrM already ; and God has not directed ic, and therefore there is no reafon to ex- pe(^ he fliould make ic fuccelsful. Nay, Force is likely to L'C more hurtful than ufeful. For to punifh Men for thac which it cannot be known whether they have per- form'd or no, is fo unjiilt, that its likelier to give Men an avcrfion to the Religion that ufes it, than to bring then I to it. And withal, many are unable to difcern becwixt Truth and Falfliood thac depend upon long Proofs and remote Confequences, G^c. But farther, til oigh Force were ufeful, yet ic does noc follow 'tis h-'wi'i 1, Still Commillion or Authority may be wanting. God has nor dirtdred to it, and therefore 'tis not War- lantablf. Where the Scripture is filent, 'tis Prefumpti- on in us ro diredt. God would not have Men compell'd fo hear. He did not think Force a proper Means to bring M'-u into the right Way : And therefore it is not proper. Bur v^ho are they that upon this Hypotheiis are to be pnnifli'd ? 'Tis Juch as nre in a xvrong I4^. and Laity was principally diredted. One goes fo far as to Queftion * whether ever any handful of Men me- j, ^^^ rited more of the Church of England^ by any fingle A6[, ji^^j-^^^ ^ fince the Reformation, than the excellent Perfons who the Prefem accepted of thefe Bifhopricks. The great Perfonal Merit Fofiurs of of the deprived Bijhops, the late eminent Service which fe- Affairs^ veral of them had done to their Country in Kjng James the rvlth ReU' Second < I{pig^, the Caufe itfelf for which they fuff'erd;f'o» to the (which Jeem*d to very many to be the Caufe of the Church ^''''eaty of of England itfelf) and the Commiferation of the People ^^^^^i toward good Men^ who left fuch great and honourable, and -^^'^^^^ h advantageous Pofls, purely for their Confciences ; made it .J}^*' r?ot a very dejirable Thing (as he obferves) to Men of Cha- ^^ raBer and Merit, to venture to fill their Places. The Ja- cobite IntereH wai then truly Formidable y and the I{evolu^ tion was Green, and had taken hut little ^oot. Tet then did thoje excellent Men venture to accept of thofe Employments, in which they could not hut expeEi to meet with Oppoftion, at leait with coldnefl from the Inferiour Clergy, af whom a great Majority did almoft adore their deprived Bifhops, Of the complying Clergy ffays he) its to be feard great Numbers took ^^^ Oaths againji their Wills : Aqd he adds, iVe who conversd among them freely at that Time^ perceivd a great deal of it ; we lamented it, and tho" we could not exnHly teU what Mfchiefs, the ill Blood then caused might afterwards produce ^ yet that it would produce a great deal we foretold, and our Prophecy but too truly came to paf. However, it was to their Immortal Honour^ that they ven^ turd in that tickjifh Coni unsure to accept of thofe Employ' ments, {they could not at that time well be called Prefer^ nients) under thofe difcouraging Circumflances. At this Time was publilhM the Vnreafonablenejl of a Contefi of Separation from' the New Bifhops: Or a Treatife out oithe Church Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, fhewing that although a Bilhop r^ith 7Vb«- was unjuftly depriv*d, neither He nor the Church ever;«ron. made a Separation ; if the Succeffor was not a Heietick ; Tranflated out of an Ancient Gree\ Manufcript in the Publick Library at Oxford, by Dr. Hody. This Baroccian Manufcript was Compps'd upon occafion of the depri- vation of a Patriarch oiConjiantinople, and the advance- ment of another to i)is See. Some Friends and de- pendants of the deprived, began to make a Party, and %\i up the People 10 a Schifm; Giving out that the former ^ o3 Some iVi^orical Additions Chap. XVIII- Jin. id^i.fortrer was fiill their Canonical Bifhop, that it was firiful to have Communion with :hc New one, and that all his Ordinations would be invalid. Hereupon the Author of this Manufcripc is fupposM to have made this Difcourfe to the People of Cot)ji.intifiopic, and included in it all the memorable and parallel Examp^^s that had happened to that See within the fpace of near a Thou- faud Years. He allows thefe Advocates for a Separa- tion all thac they would have. He admits that the de- pofcd BiHiop was cnjuftly deprived, and the New one Uncaronically promoted: And yet aiferts that even in ihefc Circumrtances, if he was not a Heretick, neither the People nor the Ejcdled Patriarch bimfelf ever re- fused Communion with him ; the fufficience of his Or- dinations was never queftion*d by any Council ; there was no Precedent for Schifm upon thofe Accounts in all the Hiftory of the Church. And, from hence Dr. ^ Hoay draws an Argument a fortiori^ thus: That if in the Cafes of unjuft Deprivation and Uncanonical Suc- ceiiTon, a Separation is without Example in EccJefiafti- cai Story, it was much more inexcufable to make a Schifm, v/here neither of thofe hard Circumftances could be found. The Debate among them at this time ftocd on this Foot. One fide faid the State could nor deprive Bifhops of their Epifcopal Character, but that they remain'd Bifhop<; ilill ; and their Ordinations, and Confirmations, and other Epifcopal A6ts were Valid, except fuch Adts of Jurifdidlion as refpedled the particular Diocefe out o^'^ which they were Eje£led ; as Vificing and Cenfuring the Clergy, conferring Benefices, &c. Others faid the Princes had Power intirely to dcpofe Bifhops, andurg'd Solomons depofing the High Prieft Abi.tthar ; and pro- dac'd many Precedents in the Chriftian Church for Con- firmation. And their Oppofites in the mean timeurg'd Inftancesof Perfons who adher'd to their Bifhops, when they were unjuHly and invalidly depriv'd, though their Succeffors were Orthodox in the Faith. The Diffcritcrs in the mean time met Amicably toge- ther, and adled in Concert, a few Particular Perfons only excepted. They Unanimoufly fupported the Go- vernmenr, and had the Favour of fach as were Friends of it. They made their Obfcrvations on the Conten- tions in the Church, and hop'd a time might come, when Chap. XVIII. after the RevolHtionin i6S3, 509 when they that were fo firm in the Intereft of the Go- An. 1691. vernment might be more conlider'd : And they might have depended upon it, had they but coritinu'd their harmony and brotherly Corrcfpondence. The Foun- dation of the Societies for Fi^cfc mation of Mariners was laid this Year, and the Diflemers from the firft were as forward to encourage it, and as ready to affift in it as any. The Jacobites held on plotting againft the Go- veriiment, and endeavour'd to obtain Aififtance from Frr,ncc, fcr the Keinrhromng the lare King. The King was to have been this Year AffaiTinated in FUruiers ; and a Parry in England feem'd not ro have been igno- rant of it. And divers Tra6ls were pubUih'd as betore, in Vindication of the Revolution, and King f^iUiam's Government. The Conteft in the Chcrch cf Er.giand occafiond by The Car- the Deprivation of the Bilhops ftill continu' d. A Vin- rlage of the dication of the deprivd Bifhops was now pviblilh'd 5 Jacohltes. Alferting their Spiritual Rights againft a Lay Depriva- tion : Againft the Charge of Scbifm as manag'd by the late Editors of an Anonymous B^rccci^/i M.S. Herein it is pleaded, that tho* the Inftances coUefted in the faid M. S. had been pertinent to the Editor's Defign, yet that would not have been fufficiemfor obtaining their Caufe: And that the Inftances there colledted are not pertinent to the Editors Defign, for vindicating rhe validity of the Deprivation of Spiritual Pcwer^ by a Lay Authority. And it is here Aflerted, that if the Enemies of the de- priv'd Bifhops would do any Thing to purpofe by the In- m seeBp» of ftances they produce, they ought to prove, that even in SarumsHe- Cafe of a purely Lay Deprivation, thofe Eaftefn Churches fleChions on did not think fit to Affert their Spiritual Liberties, againft a Pamphlet the Encroachments of the fecularMagif^rate, &c, Entituledj But they were not content with Arguing. Tfaeeje<5ted ISome D^f- Epifcopal Clergy, with the iofs of their Places feem'd <^o«r/« «/»o» alfo to lofe their Tempers. And it was 'obferv'd (by ^^- ^""^f^ one very able to make Remarks) That of all the forts o/j'»«pi'-TiI- Men * who have within the Memory of the prefent Age ^^Jl° w ^^' been on the fujfering Side , never any fuffer*d fo little, ^y/ ^^^^ ^ and ragd fo much di the Jacobites, They lofl ^^^^^ „eral Ser- preferments, and fome of them were doubly tax*d; but ^^^^/r^jj^ they were not hunted from Place to Place, nor vex'^d with fo^fner upon Impfifonments and Prcfecutions (as the poor Nonconfor- the latter.^ mifts had formerly been.) They liv'd at cj^uiet even when 169$, they 510 Some Hi jiorical Additions Chap. XVI If. An. 1(592. they did nil they could to let none have quiet about therm And feme of them were fo far grntified, thdt they nam''d their Succeffors into their Benefices^ of which it was believd they aftcrvptirds receivd the grcntsjl Part, Bifhop Bwnct \n Particular had but Five Nonjurors in his Diocefc of Snrum. One of ihem, Mr. Martin, was concina'd in his Living to his Death which happened about 1694, and the Billiop flill paid him the actual Income of bis Prebend out of bis own Purfe. Ke would not take the Oaths, but he did not joyn with the Koyi'yirors in their Schifm. Mr. Spinks enjoy 'd a Dona- tive, which the Bifhop fuffer'd him to ferve by a Curate^ which he could have required him to ferve in Perfon; and he en joy'd his Prebend a Year beyond the Time fix*d by Law . Mr. Jones had the nominating of bis own Suc- ceffor, to whom his Living was Collated. Mr. Dickfon died foon after the Deprivation. Dr. Beach alfo kept in his Living Two Years after he was by Law depriv'd, and was afterwards Indided for Seditious Words, and found Guilty, but Pardon'd. And their Treatment was much the fame in other Diocefes. I'm fure the poor Nonconformifts, who were Ejeded in 62, (though none were truer to the Government than they) would have been heartily glad of fuch Ufage, as the Jncobites now met with, though they were continually Plotting againft the Government ; The overthrow of which they had this Year compafs'd, had not Providence eminently ap- pear'd in our Favour, and given us a fignal Vidtory over the French Fleet, great Part of which were deftroy'd and burnt by Admiral ^uffel: Which gave King Jatncs fo heavy a blow, that he never recover'd the Impreflion of it, but loft all Hopes of ever being Reftor'd. There now came out a Tradl call'd S I'ymon and Abm- thar. Or the Cafe of the depriv'd Biihops and Clergy difcufs'd, in a Dialogue between Eucheres sl Conformiit, and Dyfchcrcs a Recufant : By Mr. Hill. In which the State of Things under King fVilliam, is reprelented as worfe than n Deluge of Popery, and the whole Involution di a great Impiety: And Submiffion tO the Deprivation of the Bifhops a giving up all to Eraflianifm. For it is de- clar'd that if that would hold, a Bifhop would be but an Ecclefiaftical Juftice, and a Pricft but a Church Conftable. Abiathnr\ Priefthood it is here faid, deter- min'd by his own voluntary Ceflion, not the Kings Ec; cleliafticai Chap. XVI II. after the Revolution m 1688. 511 clefiaftirM their Senfe concerning fome of his erroneous C)o;. i^pa, well. But Animolicy and Contention about Dodrinal Matters unhappily broke out amojigft them, and fuch Heats arofe, as expos'd them juftly to the Cenfures of Standersby; and they a6ted as if they had been under the fccret Influence of fome that were fearful leaft their Intereft fhoold gain, by their continuing United, while the Eftabiilh'd Church was fo much divided, A new Impreflion of DY.Cn'Jp's Works was publilh'd irt 1690, yvith an Addition of fome Sermons, Prefac'd by his Son ; and fome Mmifters were upon his requeft pre- vailed with to prefix their Names, Attefting that they believ'd what was publifli'd was Genuine. The known Charadker of the Dodtor, with the Nature of fome of his darling Notions, made this Publication offenfive to many; and the rather, becaufe of the Names prefixed, which they fear'd would be interpreted by fome, as a giving Countenance to fuch Opinions as were thought of ill Confequence. A Book hereupon came forth this Year, Intitled, Gojpel Truth Stnted and Vindicated^ wherein fome of Dr. Crijp's Errors ate confider'd. And to this feveral Names were prefix'd by way of Approbation. The Method of this Book is very clear ,• and had they that were of different Sentiments, as clearly laid down any oppofite Opinions in a Scheme, with diftin^^° This is confirm'd by various Teftimonies. And fince the Vnity of the Church confifts in the true Catholicfe Faith and Ghriftian Affection, whereby Men are knit to Chrift the Head, and to one another ; none are out of the Unity of the Church, but thofe that are deftitute of thefe Fundamental Graces: And to affirm this of Proteftant Dijfenters in General, is a Piece bf Diabo-: lifm which the Gofpel abhors, a.nd Humanity it felf will be aftiamed of. The Author in Chap. 2. proceeds to clear the Nonconformifts, from the Charge of Dif- obedience to Superiors; whether Spiritual Governors the Biihops ; or the Civil Magiftrate. And he makes ufe of a threefold Plea : I. That Bi/hops have no Power ly the LavQ of God, but Tvhat Presbyters have as well as they: From p. 17, to />i bS : He here proves. That the Jurifdi^ion of Eng" lifh Biihops is. not Jure Divino ; but Presbyters have a^ much Power by the Law of God as they : Anfwers Mm » Alk- 532 Some Hi fioricdl Additions Chap. XVIII. An. 169^. Allegations out of Antiquity : And gives the Judg- ment of Fathers, Councils, and School-men ; together with the firft Reformers, and forreign Divines. And from thence he infers that Ordination by Presbyters muit neeus be valid, />. 39 : And that there is no Ne- cefliiy of an uninterrupted Line of Succeflion, from the Apoftles, p, 40, (^c, 1. He pleads, That the vpholejurifdi&ion of our Eng- lifli Bifiofs, and the Powsr of their CanonSy is derivd from the Civil Magifirate^ and Lnvps of the Land, p. 53, &c. 3. He pleads, That the Civil Power has nox9 left us to ofir Lilfcrry in the Cafe of Conformity, and therefore we are 7iot Guilty of Difobedienee to Authority in what we do, p. 60. He goes on Chap. 4. to clear the Nonformifls, from ihe Charge of Ihdecency and Irregularity. He confi- tiers the Nature and Rule of Decency, f. 66. And vindicates the DilTenters from the Charge of Indecency in Expreliion, p. 68. Gefture, p. 69. And Habir, p. 70. Shews that there is no pofitive Deceocy in the Ceremonies, /?. 7 1 . Makes fome Refledkions upon Pa- rifh Order, />. 72. And upon the Terms of Conformi- ty, py 735 and the Reafons of Nonconformity, />. 75. And anfwers the common Arguments produced for the Impofition of Ceremonies, p. 79. In the Refledlions on the £(j:mew, the Notion of Schifm is farther confider d, and divers others Matters. And in the Clofe an Appendix is added that is Hifto- rical, which tho' ihort, is clear and ftrong. A Tied for Now alfo came out A Pica for Abatement in Matters Abate- of Conformity^ to feveral Injundlions and Orders of the mentis by Church of England. By Irenaus Junior 5 a Conforming an Ano- Member of the Church of England : In ^to. The Author nymous begins with an Intimation, that if the many earned and Churchman repeated Promifes of Perfons in Extremity, could lay an Obligation of Performance upon them, to pay their Vows whenever they become folvcnt, there were many of no fmall Figure and Intercft in the Church, under no mean Tie to find out an Expedient and Temper, to heal thofc Breaches which feveral controverted Rites and Ceremonies of the Church had unhappily occa- fion'd. And he mentions fonie, That in the height of the Siorm promifed a Candle as tall as their Main- Chap. XVIIL aft er the Revolution iniSSi. 553 Ma/^, who when that was allay *d, tho'tone burnt into An. 16^^, the Socket, too coftly a Sacrifice to offer up, for the Peace and Unity of the Church. He however, (and he inti- mates he is not alone neither) moves for ConcefHons, in Hopes of gaining fome of the DifTenters at leaft, and preventing the fcattering of others that frequent the Pub- lick Churches. He moves that fome Regard may be had to the tender Confciences of Conformifts, wh© haye a long Time Iain under an heavy Burden : Who like IJfachnr have rather chewed the Cud than divided the Hoof : Bit the Bridie, than fnarl'd at the Gover- nors of it. He moves, (i.) For dropping the Surplice and Ha- bits, of which he declares feveral of the firft Refor- mers had no Fondnefs: And begs that for the Future the Righteoufnefs of the Saints may be a fufficient Qualification for the Minifi:erial Office, tho' they fliould appear in no other clean Linnen in Time of Wor- (hip ; according to B^veL 19. 8. (i.) As for the Sign of the Crofs, which other Pioteftant Churches rejecSted as fuperftitious, and an unnecelTary Addition to the Sacrament of Baptifm, and the infifting on which tempted fome to let their Children die unbaptiz'd, he moves that it might be abated or left indifferent. (^.) As for Kjieeling at the Lord's Supper, tho' it be an ExprefiSon of Reverence when it is accompanied with a devout Heart, yet he pleads 'tis hard to force Mini- fters to deny Children their Bread, meerly for a Rite which the Impofers themfelves own to be indifferent ; And therefore he begs, Th^c that alfo may be left in- different. C 4. ) In the Liturgy^ he moves that the Form and Method of it may be reconfidered, fince it is much of the I{pman Stamp : That Church-Mujicl^ may be fo ordered, as that People may not be tempted to miflake the tickling of the Ears, for an Elation of Mind, and Heavenly Rapture : That David's Pfalms may be read in the Nevy Tranllation ; as vvell as the teft of Scripture; and read by the Minifter, rathef than alternately by Minifter and People: That the reading Second Service at the Altar, may be wav'd as itot to Edification. He would alfo have the Length of the Seivice confidered, and fome Abatement made. This he fays, falls Heavy in Country Villages, where they qaat be a.t the Charge of Readers. He repre- Mm 3 fent^ 5:?4 ^ome Hijidrical Additions Chap. XVIH. m • ■ , . uin. i6<^^. fenrs it as a Grievance, that the moft difficult and con- ftant Labour Ihould meet with the Icaft Encourage- ment : And moves that Matters may be fo ordered, as that poor Country Minifters may not be forc'd to fink dov,'n under two Heavy Burdens of the Desk and PuJpit. He moves that the Lords Prayer and DoxoJogy, mayn't be fo often repeated at the fame Time, leaft People ftiould apprehend they tho't to be accepted for much Speaking. He moves that the ArticJes of Faith, and Subject Matter of Prayer might be clear and per- fpiquous ; and would have the Article of the Dejcent into Hell alter'd, it having been fo much controverted. He's for an Abatement of the Athanafian Creed ( com- monly fo caifd ) that the Gate of Heaven may not be ^ade narrower than God hath made it. As to B^genc ratio7iby the Spirit, which is fo great aThing, he moves that there may be no Infinuation, as if, wherever the Means were ufed, the End were ex opere operato cer- tainly attained : And for the Office of the Burial of the Dead, he's for having it fo manag'd, as that there might be a Separation of the Precious from the Vile ; and rx) hoping againft Hope, nor contrary to it. He moves that the ColleHs for the King, and thofe in Au- thority may be fo ordered, as that the Living may not be flatter'd : That the Office of Confirmation might be allow'd, to all thofe to whom is committed theDifpen- iation of the Oracles of God, and Holy Sacraments. 'And as to Difclpline, he moves that the Minifter of the Parifh might be impower'd to aflift the Birtiop, wheil any of his Fjock are coavented as Criminals: That Difcipline might not be more quick figbted in Matters of Conformity, than in Morals. He complains that Non-Refittance and Paffive Obedience were the Uni- verfal Cry in the Church, and fquecz'd till the Blood came ; But the Mifchief was, when they had nurft the Prerogative till it had ftung fome of them, and hifs'd at all the reft, they prefently let the World fee, they never brew'd this Dodtrine for their own Drinking. Then (fa'. s he) they acknowledg'd wc fuffer juftjy, but \vhat have our Brethren done, whom we purfu'd with fuch Revenge and Rage ? Then they confeft that ihey facrific'd the Intereft of the Church to their Malice : But if the Diffenters would forbear to com- ply with the Common Enemy, they would do great Things Ghap. XVIII. after the RevolHtlon in i6%^. 555 Things for them, whenever they came again into their An- 1695. Kingdom : But alafs there's to too giuch Reafon ( fays he) to cry out, /Egrotat Dcemon, Monachus tunc ejfe vo- lebat : Convaluit Dcemon j D^mon ut ante fuit, Witnefs that great regret fome of them have exprefs'd agalnft that Kindnefsand Favour, which the King and twofucceed- ing ParHamentshave evidenc'dto Dilfenting Proteftants; while they with Fury bite the Chain which 'reftrains them from falling foul upon their former Prey ; Befides their unreafonable ftickle to prevent the Jeaft Abate- ment in Matters, which refpecft the Ceremonial Part of Worfliip; a Conformity to which goes with them for the whole Duty of a Minifter. He pleads earneftly for fuch Abatements as thofe above mention'd in fuch a Jundlure, and urges many very moving Con- iiderations : But the Time was not yet come. The Jacobites held on Plotting, but ftill were dif^ ^». 15^4; appointed in their Deiigns ; and thereby the more en- rag'd. The Divifion continued in the Church of Eng" lanei, and fo did Contention among the Diffenters ; ^ And being both engaged at once, (the' in different Ways) neither Side could much infult the other. Bilhop Burnet now publiih'd four Difcourfes to the ^-/t f, f Clergy of his Diocefe ; the Laft of which is concern- SaVum'* ing the Obligations to continue in the Communion of the p^^^ j^^r. Church 5 in which he reprefents the Diffenters as viola- courCes to ting the Laws of Chriftian Unity, for not complying h^ clergy, withthc AS: oiVni for mi ty. Some No^fj were hereupon pnblifhed by an Anonymus Author, who tho' perhaps he wrote not with all that refpedl that vvas due to a Prelate who has deferv'd fo well of all true Prote- flants, and been fo zealous for Moderation^ as the Bi- (hop of Sarum^ yet faftened upon fome Things that were deferving Obfervation. For it was ( as he takes Notice ) a little odd, that in a Volume publiih'd by fuch an one as his Lordlhip, the Atheift Ihould lead the Van, and the Dijf enter bring up the jlear. And after all that has been (aid of Uniformity in the Church, and the Charge brought againft the Diffenters as violating Unity for not falling in with it, there is a great Dif^ formity in the feveral Modes of Worihip in that Church, and greater Difference between them, than between fome Church Worfhip, and the W^rfhip in lome Diffeating Congregations. For ( fays he \ Mm 4 '4 5^6 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XVIII. An. 16^4. a church of England Courtier is one Sort of iVorfhip- fer^ a Church of England Catbedralift of another kjnd, a Church of Englanci Citi:^en yet lefs Theatrical, ^nd a Church of England Pc^fant of a Sort by himfelf. This diver fity of iVorfhip K fo very co7ifiderable^ and makes thefe pretended Uniformity "Men look, fo little like Members of one a'fid the fame Church, that a perfeEi Stranger to them all, at one Time vifitin^ the Royal Chappel at high Devotion, and by and by lookiyig into Weftminfter Abbey, and anon trdclng to St. Lawrences in the City, and fhortly after tra- vetiing tofome homely Country Church, and iir icily objerving all their vAriota fVays of l^^orfhipping, voould be apt to conclude, that thefe Men never had an AH of Vniformity read among them, but were each of them a more diftinii fort of PVorfhjppers, and lefl of a Piece than the Dijfenters are with the t/ijl memiond, and honefl eft fort among themfehes. This much abates the Plea againft the DilTenrers, as vio- lating Vynty, by being wanting inVniformity. But this was as nothing to the Alfault the Bifhop met with upon this Occafion from another Quarter. For Mr; H/7/ of Kjllmington put out a Book againft his Lordfhips Second Difcourfe of the Divinity and Death of ChriJ}^ and call'd it a Vindication of the Primitive Fa- thers againft the Imputations of Gilbert Lord Bifhop ofSa^' ram. He charges the Bifhop with defeAively ftating our Faith and Doctrine in the Articles of the Trinity and Incarnation : And with expofing the Fathers, un* der the fame and worfe Imputations. And he Appeals to the Judgment of the Church Univerfal, the Archbi- shops and Bifliops of the Church of England, and the next SefTions of Convocation ; and feems very defirous to have the Bifhop then burnt for an Heretick. Some I{emarks of an Vniverfity Min were publifh'd upon this Book of Mr. l^ills ; in which he complains that his Lordfhips Senfe was confounded, and his meaning re- prefented falfly, and by halves; And he calls Mr. Hiffs Performance a ft.^uffage cf Scurrilous Expreffions, and dif- covers great Indignation againft his undecent and un- chriftian Way of Writing, and fays that fuch Men as he, are born to be the pefts of their Neighbourhood, and the Plagues of the Church. This was foon fol- lowed with a Pamphlet, Entituled, Animadverfiont on Mr. Hill '/ Book, in a Letter to a Perfon of Quality; io which the Amhor aft<;r taking him to taik for various Par- Ghap. XVIII. afur the Revolution in i688. 537 Particulars, declares that he wifhes from his Heart he-^«. i5p4. might come to bimfelf, confider his fault, and repent : And fays, that if he could but for a Minute rcfle(5k in cool BJood, upon his outragious Way of Writing, and upon the Service he had done to the Enemies of the Trinity, by endeavouring to Sacrifice to them one of the Defenders of it, for whofe Talents he could not but ex- prefs. fome efteem, how averfe foever he might be to his Perfon, he was fure he would be alham'd of his Book. Had the Diflenters but been now at Unity among The BJjfen- themfelves, when upon every Occafion there were fuch ters d/W- FJames breaking'out in the EftabUfh'd Church, it would '^ed. have been much for their Honour, and might have had good Effefts ; But the ferment that was got a.mongthem was not eafily ftopp'd or check'd. Papers pafs'd be- tween the two Parties calfd Presbyterian and Conffrega- tionaiy in order to a Renunciation of Jlrminian Errors On one Hand, and Antinomian on the other, but to little Purpofe. A Breach was now made in Pinners Hall Le- cture. Mr. Williams was to be excluded : Nothing lefs would fatisfy. A new Le(^ure was fet up at Sabers Ball, Three of the old Lcdturers, vi:{. Dr. Bates^ Mr. Hoxfe, and Mr. Alfof, bore him Company ; and Two more were added : And the Two old Ledrurers at P/w- Tiers Hall, vi:(, Mr. MeaJ, and Mr, Cole, had Four more added to them : And it was obferv'd that Three of them that were fo added, never were of the Union. Mr. Ma- 'her now publilh'd Two Sermons on ^m. 3. zz, Entita- led, The Highteoufnefi of God through Faith, upon all without Difference who believe. Which was anfwer'd by Mr. 14^illiams, in a Tradt, calFd tAan made ^ighteom. Now alfo Mr. Lorimer publilh'd his Apology for the Mi- niftefs whofubfcrib'd unto the flating of the Truths and Errors in Mr. Williams's Book, ; fllewing that the Gofpel which they Preach, is the old Everlafting Gofpel of Chrift; and vindicating them from the calumnies where- with they were afpers'd, by the Letter from a Minifler in the City to a Minifter in the Country, 4t0. And Things feem'd more likely to grow worfe, than better. In the mean Time the Nation fuftain d Two Publick The Death Lolfes, which occafiond a general Concern. The firft "/ -^''f^- lOvas of Archbiihop Tillotfon, who died Nov, ii, Bifliop ^'fi^P Burnet the' a great Orator, did not exceed at his Fune- Tillotfon. 5 !^8 Some Hijiorzcal Addition f Chap. XVIII. .^4»> 1694 ral. He was one of eminent Piecy, fingular fweetnefs of Temper, and a great Lover of Peace; And yet per- haps might not have been fo well able to grapple with fome Difficulties, that he would have met with, had he liv\i longer, as his Succeflbr. Tis obferv'd by Dr. Ni- chols *, That this Archbifhop voai not * In Appar» vpould be fo {often d^ that at length they might agree. Others were VQeQ enough fleas* d that thofe Things that were not agreeable to them were not urg'd upon them, and that they were under fjo neceffity of refufing to gratific the Kjngy and offending their Archbifhop, They could not have any great fondnefi of feeing him at the Head of n Convocation^ who they l^new could not hut remember their former Treatment of him. The Bi (hop of Sarum after his Death defended him from the Charges and Accufations of his Enemies, fome of which were very black > See nefieaiom upon a Fam- and heavy \ He was charged with phlet, Entituledy [Some Difcourfei being ao Atheift, a Socinian, unjuft upon Dr. Burnet, and Dr. Til- and fevere to the Non-Jurors and I lotfon, octafiond by the /ate Vu- knoW not what: But the Bilhop of wral Sermon of the former upon Sarum by giving a true and naked the Utter.] pag. 90. &€. Account ot Things, endeavours to do do Juftice to the Memory of one, whom the oppolite Party had been purfuing im- placably many Years. And in a little time Dr.ff^JUi' am: (who was afterwards Bilhop of Chichejler) publifh'd a Vindication of the Archbiftiops Sermons, concerning the Divinity and Incarnation of cw Bleffed Saviour, from the exceptions of a late Book, Entituled, Confederations on the explications of the DoHrine of the Trinity : And Z Letter was added by the Bifliop of Sarum in Vindica- tion of himfeif frorp the Refle(fkions of the Came Author. And of Within Five Weeks after, w:^. on Dec. 18; Queen Queen^ j^jry alfo departed this Life at Ksnfington^ after a few Days ^l^'■y. lilatjrs of the Sm^-pox. ^leyei was there a more Uni-r verfal Ghap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1688. 539 verfal Sorrow ; Nor could there well be a greater Ocr •-^»- i^94^ cafion, confiderihg how excellent a Perfon She was in herfelf, and how great a Bleffing to the Lan4. The new Archbilhop of Canterbury Dr. Tevnifon preach'd Her Funeral Sermon, at thfe .Time of Her Interment : Nay, there were a multitude of Funeral Sermons that were preach'd and publilh'd upon this Occaiion, both by Church Men and DifTenrers. Bifhop Burne( alfo publilh'd an EJJay upon Her Memory; in whicli among other Things merition*d in Her Commendation, he intimates, That She had an Affe^ion for the Chwch of England that wof neither btind nor partial. She fav9 yohat finifhings were iiill rvanted, and- had dedicated Her Thoughts and Endeavours^ to the eonfidering of the belt ISiieans that might both compleat and jiablijh it. She longd (fays he) to fee us in a clofer Conj'unHion with all Prote- Aims Abroad : And hofd we might ftrengthen our Selves at ^ome^ by XJniting to m as many oi could be brought within our Body, Few Things ever grievd Her more, than that thofe Hopes feemd to Languifh ! And that the PrcfpeEi of fo defired an Union, vanijlod out of fight. The Two Houfes of Parliament, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, the City Clergy of the Church of England, and the feveral Corporations of the Kingdom, Addrefs'd his Majefty^ by way of Cow Jo//}»ce upon this Melancholy Occafion: And among ^the reft, the Diffenting Minifters in and about Lo7idon attended him in a confiderable Body, with Dr. Bates at their Head, who made this AfFc£ling Speech. * May it pleafe Your Majefty, < ^TpHough we come in the Rear of the Train of The Dijren- -*- ' Mourners, to pay our Tributary Tears for ters Ad- * the invaluable Lofs, in the Death of Yoiir Royal drefs -of * Confort, and our itioft Gracious Queen, yet our Re- CondoUnce ^ fentments of it are with as tender a Sympathy as arc ^^ f 'fe^ * in the Breafts of any of Your Subjeds. This gives ^^i^ham, * the fharpeft Accent to our Paffions, that the Confidera- ' tions which are moft proper and powerful to allay our * Sorrows, exafperate them : For while we remember * what She was, how general and difFufive a Blefling to ' Three Kingdoms, the fevere Stroke of Providence in ^ taking Her from us, is moft afflidting. Such a con- J currencc of high Perfedion Ihin d in Her Perfon and ^ AdioRS 540 Sof^e Htjiorical Additions Gbap. XVIII. An. 1694 Adlions, that would have made Her lUuftrious in a low Condition ; and in Her exalted Station, they were attra6live of the Eyes and Admiration of all. Her Mind was above the Temptations that attend the Throne. Majefty was mix'd with that condcfcending Humility, that tender and beneficent Goodnefs, that She was eafily acceflible to all for their Relief and Support. Her Piety and Purity were fo Confpicuous, Her Affe£tions were fo composed and temperate, that the Court, that is ufually the Centre of Vanity and Voluptuoufnefs, became Vertuous, by the Imprefliort of Her Example. Her Converfation was fo regular^ that Her Enemies (if Goodnefs in fuch a bright Emi- nency had any) could not faften a Taint upon Her. Her Royal Endowments for Government, "Wifdom, Magnanimity, Vigilance and Care in managing Af- fairs of State (without which the higheft Princes arc but Civil Idols, ufelcfs and unprofitable to the World) thefe were in fuch a Degree of Excellency, that in Your Majefty's conftrain*d Abfence, while You were defending the Intereftof Chriftendom, againft a Potent Enemy Abroad, witb the Sword of War, She fweetly ordered all Things at Home with the Sceptre of Peace. She is gone, and muft return no more : O aftonifhing Grief! But it becomes us with humble Submiflion to Acquiefce in the Divine Difpofal. The Will of God is always dircdled by Infinite Wifdom, and is the Rule of Goodnefs. We muft refrclh our Sorrows with the Hope that She is entered into Her Sav-iour*f Joy^ whom She imitated and honour*d ,• and that She is made happy in the Love of God, and the Light of His Countenance for ever. * We humbly befeech Your Majefty to accept the renewed A (Tu ranees of our inviolable and conftant Fidelity to Your Perfon and Government ; and thai we (hall influence all that are within our Compafs to pcrfevere in their Duty: We fhall carncftly Pray to. the Blcffcd God to keep You in the beft Protection, His encom palling Favour to fupport Your Spirit with Divine Comforts, and 10 continue long Your Preciotif Life, fo neceffary for Preferving the pure Reli^op, and the Civil Rights of this Kingdom* Chap.XVIU. after the Revolntion in i6SS. 541 ■I- I well remember that upon this Speech, I faw Tears -4«. i6p^. trickle down the Cheeks of that great Prince, who fo often appear d undaunted in the Field of Battle. The new Archbilhop foon after his Advancement, prevail'd with the KiHg to publilh feme Injundtions for the Preferving and Reftoiing of Ecclefiaftical Difcipline. They related to Ordinations, and Perfons admitted into Orders, the [{efid&nce of Bifhops, Qualifications of Curates, Pluralities^ the Manners of the Clergy, daily Frnyers, the Reli- ¥ rhey may be feen at Utge^ gious oblerving the Lords Day^ Vi- in the Compleat HIJIory of Eng- /i//wg- the Sick, Catechis[ing, Confirm- land, Vol. 3. Z'^^. 584,68$. ing. Penance, and Marringe ^. At this Time was publi(h*d, ^ Dijcourfe conctrning the Bifho^King Inventions of Men in the H^or/hip of God, by Bilhop I^ing of Humane of London-derry^ in Ireland '^ which in a furprizingMan-{'*^^'*^*'"'^ ner turns that Argument againft the Diflenters, which '"/^-'^/^'^ they had fo often ftrenuoufly urg'd againft the Eftablilh'd W ''/own to be free from feveral of the Faulcs he charg'd them with. His Argument did not ftrike much, and brought no great Credit to his tfxvn Church, yor any difreputation to the Diffenters ift gehC" Hi I ■ ' ' '" ' ' ' " Chap. XVIIl. afterthe Revolution in 1688. 543 general, who were better known to the World than to-4«. 1594. him, if thofe that he publifh'd were the Notions of them which he cntertainM. Now alfo came out a Plea for Scripture Ordination 5 Mr.Owcn't Or Ten Arguments from Scripture ana Antiquity ; pro- Defence of ving Ordination by Presbyters, without Bifhops to be va- Fresbyteri- lid ; By Mr, James Owen, in 8vo. an Ordlna-- His Aflertion, he States thus: ^'o». That fuch oi are fet apart with Jmpofltion of Hands, for the office of the Miniftry, by Gojpel Mmiflers, vpithout the Jpecies of Church Officer s, who claim n fuperior Power over Presbyters^ are regularly Ordain d^ and their Ordination zj valid according to the Scriptures. He proves it thus. 1 . Becaufe this Ordination hath all the Scripture re- quifits, either in the Ordainers, the Ordained, or the Circumftances of Ordination. 2. Becaufe we have Scripture Examples of fuch Or- dination as theirs. 3. Becaufe Presbyters have as real a Power to Ordain, as they have to Preach the Gofpel, to Baptize, and to Adminifter the Lords Supper. 4. Becaufe this fore of Ordination is the fame with the Ordinations in the Reformed Chuiches be- yond Sea. 5. Becaufe it is better than the Ordination of the Church of B^me, which is not contefted. 6. Ordination by Presbyters is therefore Valid,' becaufe they have Power to impofe Hands in Or- dination. 7. Becaufe among the Jews any one that was Ot^ dain d himfelf ^night Ordain another. 8. Becaufe Ordination by Presbyters is performed by Perfons who have the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven committed to them. p. Becaufe Orders conferr'd by Presbyters, are con- ferr d by fuch as are in Orders, and have the Power of Order equally with the higheft Bifliop. 10. Becaufe Ordination by Presbyters was valid In the Primitive Church. Some Years after, the fame Author wrote a Defence of Scripture Ordination^ againft the Exceptions of T. G ; in which among other Things, he ihews that Timothy and Titm were no Diocefan Rulers : That the Presby- ters 544 Some Hifiorical Additiont Chap. XVIII. Jtn. i6p4. ters of Ephefus were the Apoftles SuccefTors in the Go- vernment of that Church, and not Timothy -. That the Firft Epiftle to Timothy was written before the Meeting at Miletus : And that the Ancient I4^alden{es had no Dio- cefan Bifhops. An. 1^95. This Year came out a Defence of the Archbifhops jiDe fence of ^^"^^^^ On the Death of Her late Majefty ; and of the the Archli- Scrmons of the iate Archbiiliop, Bilhop of Litchfield /hops Vune- and Coventry^ Bi(hop of JE/y, Bilhop of Snlubury, Dr. ral Sermon Sherlock^, Dr. Wak^e, Mr. Fleetwood^ &c. p reached upon for the that and fcveral other Solemn Occafions ; Being a Vin- S^en. dication of the late Queen, His prefenc Majefty, and the Government from the malicious Afperfionscaft upon them in Two late Pamphlets; One Entituled, I{ettiarl{s on fome late Sermons^ &c. The other, A Letter to the Author of a Sermon f reached at the Funeral of Her late Ma- vfiy &"?^« Mary. The Clergy that fell in with the Go- vernment were charg'd as aSting inconfiftently with their former Principles and Pra^ices, 'Tis here declared, that Paflive Obedience as cried up in the late Times, was never the Doctrine of the Church of England^ though it was given out as her Characfteriftick by a Party who did arrogate that Title. *Twas faid, That all the Liberty the Nation enjoys under this Blejfed ^volution, k a Liberty of giving Seven or Bight Millions Tear after Tear^ and a Liberty of loofing ai much more ; a Liberty of being fir ft made Poor^ and then famiflod and ftarvd^ a Liberty of having our . Brethren and Countrymen fent into Foreign Countries to be l^noclCd on the Head ; a Liberty of being fcornd by all Man^ l(indy as the mojl treacherous and perfidious Nation in the 4Vorld. And lall of aU^ a Liberty of being impove^-ifh* d be- yond B^pair, and being ruind for ever j and that none can foexv any Liberty befides as the direB and immediate Fruits cf the {{evolution. Which was thus nobly Anfwer'd, * We are now deliver'd ftom a Popilh King on the * Throne, profelTed Jefuits, and other Papifts, in our * Council, Parliament, Benches, Army, Fleet, and * Univerfities; nor are we now in hazard of having a * Suppofititious Heir of the Grown impos'd upon us, and * Educated in the B^mi/h Communion, to the Ruin both * of our Religion and Property. We are now at Li- ' berty, (and have done it accordingly in a good Mea- * fure) to make fuch Laws, and take fuch other Methods * as are moft proper to preferve us from fuch Dangers ' in Chap. XVIIL after the Revolution in i6d^. 545 in Time to come. All Proteflants are now at Liberty An. 159 s. to Worlhip God according as they are perfwaded in their Confcience is rooft agreeable to his Will, with- out fear of being ruin'd in their Perfons or Eftates, by any Faction, prompted thereunto by the Court, or without hazard of having any Party of Proteftants joyn with Papifts, to overthrow the Church as by Law, Eftablilh'd, that fo they may procure eafe to them- felves. We are now delivered from having the Char- ters of our Cities and Corporations feiz'd by quo TVar- rantos^ Sheriffs impos'd, and Juries pack'd, to ruin the Lives and Eftates of fuch as the Court pleas'd ; and cut off the chief of our Proteftant Nobility, by, wrefted Forms of Law. We are now delivered fronji having the Throats of our Peers and Magiftrates cut, and the Scandal of it thrown on themfelves: We are now deliver*d from all Reftraints upon thofe who have a Right to Vote for Members of Parliament, and are in no fear of having a Court Faction impos'd upon us as the Reprefentatives of the Nation, We are now deliver'd from a Power of difpenfing with Laws, and a Set of Judges and Ecclefiafticks, who advancM the Kings Power above all Laws. We are now aflur'd of a Priviledge of having a new Parlia- ment once in Three Years : And we are now deliver'd from all apprehenlions of the Courts joyning with France to enflave us, or bringing in of French and Irifh Papifts to endanger our Lives and Eftates. We are now fecur'd againft the keeping up of a landing Ar- my in Time of Peace, and have Liberty to enquire which Way the Money of the Nation is fpent, and to puniih thofe that mifpeod it. We are now deli- ^ ver'd from the fear of being invaded by our Neigh- bours of Scotland^ where our late Princes had procured an hdi of Parliament for a numerous Army, to over- awe us into a compliance with the Deligns fet on foot to bring in Popery and Slavery. We are now deli- ver'd from all fear of loling the EngUfk and Proteftanc Intereft in Ireland, by having the Government of thap Kingdom put into the Hands of Irifh Papifts : And we are alCo deliver'd fromt all Fears of an Invafion from thence. We are now deliver'd from all Danger of being engag'd in a War upon every trivial Occafton with our Proteftant Allies, the Dutch i and being N n * made 546 Some H'jftorical Addition. Chap. X VIII. An. 1695.' made the inglorious and unhappy Tools of contribu- ' ting^to the Ruin of the Reformed Religion in Europe. * We are now delivered from an illegal High Commifli- ' on, compos'd of Papifts and corrupt Proteftants, to ' Ruin our Church ard Univerfities. We are now de- * liverM from Regulators 10 turn out fuch Magiftrates * of Corporations, and Commiflioners of the Peace, as * will no: agree ro repeal thofe Laws which fecure our ' Religion. We are now delivered from all Fear of * having Papifts ro be our Ma'^iftrates and Legiilators ; ' or having our Nobility and Gentry profecuted as Cri- * minals, for advifing not to obey the Orders of fuch ' Magiftrates. We are now delivered from having Mo- ' ney levied for the Ufe of the Crown, by pretence of * Prerogative. We are now dehvered from exceflive ' Bails and Fines, and cruel unufual Punilhments: Noi ' arc our Reprefeniatives in Parliament now profecuted * for freedom of Speech. Thefe are the diredl and im- * mediate Fruits of the Revolution. Whereas Archbi(hop Tihtfin was accus*d of turning out Archbifljop Sancroft from his legal and rightful Poffeff' on^ in a nicft viclenc and harhiHrcus Manner : 'Tis here anfwer'd, that the whole Kingdom knows that the one was legally turn'd out, and the other as legally put in, if the Authority of King and Parliament may be accounted Law. And that .^rchbifliop- ^nyicrcft was more fevcrely dealt with for Peiitioning King James, than ever he was for difowning King lV,iHayn : and Guilty of a greater inconfiftency in his Pradices, than any could be faften'd upon Archbilhop lilhtfon. And it being faid, That all the M^orld vpoi fatisfied in the Legitimacy of the Prince of Wales ; And that the Kjr^g and Queen Jligmati:^d him ai fuppr'fititious, contrary to their own Kjjo^edge ; An Anfwer is return'd in thefe Words following: ' Does our Author think, that thofe fulfome Depofi- ' tions after the Prince of Grangers Dcfign was known, ' have convinc'd the World of that pretended Princes * Legitimacy? Or does he think that fuch Evidence as * that, Part whereof may be very confiftent v/ith an Im- * poftiire, and the other Part fworn by fuch as had their ' dependence on the late King, and were known to * have proftituted their Confciences to the Court, is •, fufficicnt to fatisfie the World ? What Account can our * Au- Chap. XVIIL after t/je Revolfitiofi mi 688. 547 Author give, that there was not as much Pains takejl Ah. t6yi to fatisfy the World of the Queens Pregnancy and Birth, when if it had been real, ic might have beca unconcrovertably prov'd by as unexceptionable Evi- dence, as there was to prove the Birth afterwards? Would it have been any Thing more inconHftent with Majeftyi to have condefcended to give fatisfying Evi« dence.of a Thing that was fo vehemently fufpecfled beforehand, than to fabmit to give unfatisfa^^ory and exceptionable Proof of it afterwards ? — Suppofe the Queens Pride would not give Way to it, was She not a Subject that could have been commanded by the King Her Husband ? Or if He had been loth to thwart Her in that Condition, might be not have had fuch Evi- dence prefent at the Time of her Labour, without Her previous Knowledge, as the Nation woiild have given Credit to? Would it have been any Thing more derogatory from Her Modefty to have been brought to Bed before fuch Evidences as thefe, than it was for an Emprefs to be deliver'd on a Stage, ini the middle of a Camp, becaufe Her Pregnancy vl^as fufpe£ted on Account of Her Years? What Reafort * can be aflign d why the Examination of thdt Affair was not fubmitted to the Parliament as the Prince of Orange defir'd ? Why the Two Ladies, appbinted to be Witnefles of the Birth by the Princefs ti _Denfhnrl{^ fhould not have been fent for, till the Time Was paft ? Why the pretended Evidence, who were the mdft parti- cular, (hould have been carried to Frnnce out of the reaclk of Examination ? And how did the Princefs ftigmatize Her Brother contrary to Her own Knowledge ? Was She prefent at the Delivery, or had She any Deputies pre- fent for Her ? Did this Author never read of QueerJ Mar/s Defign to impofe upon the Nation, in likq Manner, and on the fame Account, i;/V. to Entail Popery upon us? And why fliould we think that Maryi of Modenn was lefs Zealous for her Religion than Ma-- ry Tudor? Is there not a Cheat of the fame NatnreJ and managed in the fame Manqer, mention'd in Sider-- fins Reports, Temp, Car, z. Fol. 377. of a Womaii pi'etended to be deliver'd within Bed by a Midwife, and yet the Impofture difcover'd afterwards by tbe Deposition of the real Mother, and the faid Mid- * ^if<^ ? Now what can our Author fay in Op|)6{Ition ta N n 2 ' thefe 548 Some Hiflorical Additions Chap. XV III. An. 16^'y, Debates a- h9ut the Trinity. thefe Prefumptions of a Cheat ? And why the Prince and Princefs of Orange ought not to have- been fatis- fy'd as to the fcruples about it? But inftead of that, that the Principal Evidence (hould be carried whither there cannot be any accefs to examine them ? The chief Thing they have to fay, is the late King's own Evidence ; but bcfides that he cannot be look'd on as impartial in the Cafe; why Ihould we think that the CijLuch of I{ome^ chat could Jifpenfe with His Coro- nation Oath, by which he was obl.g'd to Govern ac- cording to Law, and preferve the Church of England, whereas he did plainly attempt the fubverfion of both ; 1 fay, why might not the Church of i^owe as well dif- penfe with him to Swear falfly in this Cafe, as tO break his Oath in the other, feeing both were for the advantage of the Catholick Caufe? And yet that hi* gotted Prince might think he was doing God good Ser- vice all the while : For its very well known that the breach of Faith, and the moft barbarous Murders and Maflacres are efteem'd hallowed Means by the Church of Home to accomphfli her wicked Ends. No Body can doubt this, who has ever feen the Popes Chappel, where the Freiwh Maflacre was reprefented, and the Admiral thrown out of the Window with thefe Words at bottom, Pcn^if^x Colinii necem pi chat: And indeed the Prefent to the Lady of Loretto by the Queens Mo- ther, and the Kitujs Pilgrimage to St. ^^inifrpcl*sWe\l, to ulher in this Piegnancv, gives the Face of a ftudied Popifh Cheat to the whole Affair, &c. A new Parliament was call'd and met this Year. The Affalfination Plot broke out, and made a great Noifc. King William was to have been Murdcr'd, and an Inva- sion was to have follow'd. King James came down to Cala^ waiting for the Succefs of the Confpiracy, but Providence again appear'd in our Favour. Mr. Pender^ grafi and Mr. De la Hjw made a full Difcovery ; and the Parliament drew up an rijfociation, ordering it to be Sign'd by all their Members: And fo the Government v/as confiderably ftrengthen*d,by thap which was intend- ed to overthrow it. This Year arofc a great Conteft in the Church of England about the Doctrine of the Trinity. Dr. Sherlock wrote upon that Subjedt,-' and afferted Three diftinfi Minds i and vif^s theteupon violently Attack'dby Dr. Souths Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution ini6^i. 549 South, and charged with having Three diftindt Gods. An. 169$. And while one gharg'd the other with Tritheifm, he re- torted upon bis Antagonift a Charge of SabelUanifm, This made a great Noife, and many Pamphlets were Written. One venting Dr. Sher locks Notions in a Ser- mon before the Univerfity of Oxford^ was Cenfur'd, and a Decree pafs'd in ihe Convocation of that Univer- fity, condemning thofe Notions as contrary to the DoBrine of the Cntholicl^ Church , nnd ejpecially to the DdBrine of the Church of Enghnd puhlickjy receky^. His Majefty therefore gave forth Injuntlions for Vnity in the Church : Ordering that no other Daikrine concerning the Trinity Should be dehver'd, than what was contain'd in Scrip- ture, and agreeable to the Three CreedSj and the Thirty nine Articles. Thac new Terms (hould be avoided : And publick Oppofition between Preachers, and bitter inve(4ives and fcurrilous Language againft any Perfons whatfoever. And that the fame Care (hould be taken hereof in Writing as in Preaching. The Archbilhop alfo fent forth his Circular Letter, Dated July the i6th, this Year, ^ It maybe feen at large, Compleat containing many Rules and Or- H/Hcryo/Englandj^o/.^.p.yi^. ders fit for general Obfervation ^. The Diflfenters ftill continu'd their Dodtrinal Con- The Dlfen- tentions. An Attempt was now made for a Reunion ^f|"^ /^'^ among them. There was an OflFer on one Side to re- ^''>''^«- nounce Arminianifm^ if the other Side would but re- nounce Antinomianifm ; h^^t it did not fucceed. (i.) A little after, a (i) The Paper dra%pn ujf for few particular Minifters of both *hU Purpofe, may he feen at forts, privately drew up a Paper, Z^*"^^? '« *he Faithful Rebuke with a Defign to ufe thdr Intereft to a ftlfe Report, p. 22. (2,) to get both Sides to Sign it. (l.) f^^« '«'J^^^.(h ^eafn of v;hat But this created new Heat?, inftead ^^^/'^/^ ^ Hd'^T^^- T'^ ''"" of extinguiihing the old ones. Some '"'^^y, ^^" ^ '!'' //^^^ ^^P^^' ,T ^ ^ c ■ J I • 1 J ^^y ^-^ /^^« '» the Report of were Zealous for it, and complam d .^e Prefcuc State of the DifTe- niuch that it was not accepted: fences in Doftiinals between Others were as much againft it ; fome DifTenting Minifters in and that among other Realons, be- London, pag. n. (3.) See Faith- caufe it bore hard upon Mr. ff^»l//- ful Rebuke, ^. 28. ams, (3.) And not long after, fol- lowed an Attack upon his Reputation which was fo peculiar, as fcarce to admit of any Precedent ; and was fax from recommending the Diifenters as tp their Can- Nn 3 do^ V,y. 55^ Some Hiftorhal Additions Chap. XVlll. Jin. 1^55- dor or Cond'^cS^ to S:anders by. I enter not into Parti- culars, one of unwiUingncfs to revive, what they thai are Wile on all Sides had rather fliould remain bury*d in Obhvion. I Ihall only fay that the Ends of fome Perfons w^re not Anfwer'd. Afterwards a new Cla- ir.our yva3 rais'd againft Mr. H^iUirtm.', as denying that Change of Perfons between Chrift and Believers, that ^vas neceffary to the right Stating the Dodtrine of Satis- faHio^ agiiinll the Scciuiatis. Upon this, Mr. H^illlams wrote a Leti;er to Mr. '^ohn Humfrey giving his Senfe of cV.at Matter: Aod Mr. Lob wrote another Letter to X)t, Bates '^ argMing that either lAv, Williams Vf2is not found in the Point before mentioned, or elfe the Dodior bad not reprefented it rightly in bis Harmony^ Printed many Years before. Mr. T/jomas Goodwin alfo, now publiihM bis Difcouffe of the True Nature of the Gof- fely which he would not allow to be a Lavo : But as it £elJ out, the Church Party could not infult them with any great Decency, fince they bad as warm Contefts among thetti, upon another Head. ''^i. : ^ Several were this Year Executed for the Aflaflinaiion plot, Cin which no Dillenter as I know of was ever charg'd with being concern'd) and among the reft, Sir> l^tlUafn Perk,ins and S'wjohn Friend; who at the Gal- lows were Abfolv'd with Impofition of Hands, by "Mr. Collier, Mr. Cook, and MT.Snatt, Three Non-iu- v:or*. And the ArchbiQiops and all the Bifhops then in Town, to ihe Number of Fourteen, publifli'd a Decla- ration againft this Action of theirs, as extreamly info- lent, and without Precedent in the Manner, and alto- gether irregular in the Thing itfeif. And thefe Abfol- vers were Prefented, and Indidted, and Imprifon'd, but recciv'dno farther Puniihment, though one of them puhlilh'd a Juftification of his Pradbice. The Diffentcrs continued divided, and a Second, and a Third Paper were drawn upin Order to theaccommo-^ dating Matters but in vain. It look'd as if the Creed ma- king Age were again reviv'd. But where there is a Difr portion to quarrel , 'tis an eafie Thing to find an Occafion. Their Divifions were this Year relie£ted on ^ f'V^^ t)y Biftiop Stilliv'^fleet, in his Charge at a Vilitation ac EccUjiafttr i^^jYQpjic^^ He thereupon Charges them as vciy defeSive e^l Cafcs^ i« r/jc/r Difcipline'^. But had there been more Difci- p 09 Voo M'^^ ^^ -^*^^ Eftabli(h*d Church, (of which they have ^* ^ " no. Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1688. 551 no great Occafion to make their boafts; this Accafation might have been pnrfa'd with the more Grace. Mr. Lc- rimer now publilhM his Remarks on Mr. Goodwins L>i(i courfe of the Gofpei: In which he proves that the Gofpel Covenant is a Law of Grace. This Year the Peace was made at ^^fn:'icl[. There ^«. i6'p7. were hot Debates about keeping up ftanding Forces af- terwards : But they were foon over. The Commons Addrefs'd the King for a Proclamation againft Pro- pbanenefs and Immorality, which was accordingly pub- iifh d. This (as our late Hiftorian ^ obferves) ^^4?;^ a new Z,fal to the ^ Compleat H'fiory o/England, Pf^urt:hy Perfons who had engagdthem- VoL 3. p. 746. felves in voluntary Societies for the j^e- formation of Mnnners^ who had foon after^ their Publicly TheSodeties Sermons and Affemblies at Bow Church ; (and he might/"** ^^/o*- have added at S alters Hall too) to animate the goodH^ork,, mation. This was indeed a Work that needed all Hands ; and fince the Diffenters as readily gave their Afliftance in it as any, by Meeting, Gonfulting, Contributing to the Charge of it. Preaching, and giving Inform ations, C^c. I don'i; fee why it flioold not be taken notice of. The "War being now at an End Abroad, an ill Tern- i^ if enters pet began too generally to appear at Home. The very ^rofeeuteii^ Libecty of the Diflenrers to Worlhip God in their own "Way had all along been a Grievance to many : And their bearing hard upon them at this Time in feveral Inftances, where the A6t of Indulgence had not for- mally relieved them, is an Evidence that if they did not revive all the former Severities againft them, 'twas not for wane of good Will. Several at this Time met with trouble for intruding Youth, Among others, Mr. J cfhua Oldfield then Paftor of a Congregation of Diffenters in Coventry^ who had according to Law declared againft Popery^ and fub- fcrib'd to the Dodrine of the Church of England con- tained in its Eftablifh'd Articles^ who had alfo fworn Allegiance to the Government, and Affociated for it, was upon a fufpicion of his iaftrudtipg Youth in fome fort of- Learning, cited on the 6tb of OHobsr this Year, to appear in the Eccleiiaflical Court to be held at Co- imtry on the i4th, for the 'Dioct{& oi Litchfield 2t.T\ci Covrntry^. Where \ipon the Judges Charge of Teaching ' N n 4 with- 4 552 Some Hifiorjcal Additions Chap. XVIII. Aft. i6^-j' without Licence, he demanded a Copy of the Libel or Articles againft him ; but was put off, and forc'd to attend again for it Twenty Miles off at Litchfield, on the 26th. There he received a Libel ex Officio for Teaching without Licence, and without Subfcrip- tion to the whole Book of Common Prayer, and Thirty nine Articles of the Church entire, contrary to the 77th I Canon, though he was not fo much as accus'd as deficient in any other Qualification requir'd therein, or as chargeable with any other Crime what- ever. His prcfent Anfwer was earneftly folicited by the Judge • nor could he obtain a longer Time or nearer Place for it than the Court Day following, Nov. 9. ac Litchfield. He then anfwer'd by his Prodkor; and one of his Family being occalionally Prefent, was by the Judge himfelf terrify'd with the threatning of £jc- tommuriicntion^ into ihej taking of an Oath to accufe the Defendant, which be avoided by withdrawing him- felf, before the Hour appointed for his Examination. But coming to London, the Defendant at a confiderable Expence obtain'd a Prohibition in Form, in the Court of Kjngs Bench ^ by which the Profecution was ilopp'd. I have here added a Copy of the Libel in the Margin for the gratification of the Curious. * The * In Dei Noie Amen, nos Richardtn Raines, Miles Legu* Dr. Vicarius in Spu'alibas gen'lis Reu'di in Cto Patris et dora' dom* Wmi perne Dia Lichen* ct Covenn* Epi Curiaeque fure Cons Epalis Lichen' Oificialis Princ* Itime fulcitus Tibi ^off)u£ Oldfidd de Civitate Coven' Lichen' & Coven* Dioces' Alios Capitula five Interria fubfequen mei^a animne tuae falni mo- rumquc Tuorum reformaconem et prxfertim pueroru Eniditionem fine Lia in ea parte prius obtenta concernen* ex Officio nro ad promoconem Jlath .Binckes]>[oiii Pubci Officii Dni Judicis promotoris neccflai' afl^gnaii damus obmus & miniftramus, Urc. I. Intris Tibi prefato JoflyuA Oldfield obmus et Ailamur Qiiod tu fcis, fSrc. Qiiod oranes & finguli qui de et fuptr Criminibus Excdlibus aut de- lid>is fidunt et funt Ciiminofi et Culpabilcs Juxta leges itatuta canones et Confiituconcs Ecclicas in ea parte edit' ct provis' funt et ftint corrigend' et punicnd' ct obmus et Ailamur coniij diviij et de quolet. 2. Item Chap. XVllI. after the Revolution in i688. 555 The Defendant obtain'd a ftay of the Proceedings ^». 1697- in the Ecclefiaftical Court, and brought up the Mat- ter to be argu'd at the ^in^s Bench^ where it was de- pending Three or Four Terms, to his great Trouble and Charge. A Prohibition was at length obtain'd, and was to have been folemnly Argu'd, but that the Eccleliaftical Court thought fit to let the Caufe fall : Not without intimation from his Majefty, (upon his having the State of the Cafe laid before himj that he was not pleased with fuch Profecutions. Mr. Frank- land's Cafe was Parallel to this, only went much far- ther, for he was Excommunicated : And feveral others met with Trouble about this Time upon the like Account. 2. Item Tibi prefato Joji}U£ Oldfield obmus et Arlamur Quod inter Ca- nones et Conftitucones Ecclicas in eoru' robore exiften' et prefertim per 77 Canonem five Conftituconem Canonu' faft' in Synodo inchoat' Londini Anno Dni 1603. inter alia Ordinatu' et Conflitutu' eft prouc fequitur, vizt. No Man fhall Teach in Fublick School or Prhate Houfe but fuch as fl}all be allowed by the Biff)op of the Vlocefe, or Ordinary of the "Place under his Hand and Seal, being found meet as well for his Learning and Dexterity in Teaching as for fober and honest Converfation^ and alfo for right Under- fiandlng of Gods true Religion, jlnd alfo except he fl}all first fubfcribe to the First and Third Articles aforementioned fimfly and to the two firji Clau- fes of the Second Article. Prout per eund' Canonem ad quern nos referi- mus et pro hie left' ec infert' heri vult et petit' pars ifta promovens quatus fibi expedit plenius liquet et appareu et p'^ ut fupra. 3. Item Q^uod premiflis non obftantibus Menfibi^s Maij, e^c. et Martii 1^95. ac Martii, ^c. j6^6. Nee non Martii, ^c. tet Oftobris hociaftan' et jam curren', Anno Dni 1597. Eorumve, ^c. Touthe faid Jofhua Old- field have Taught in a FublicJi School, or in your own or fome other Prirate Houfe^ Scituate in the City of Coventry within the Diocefe of Litchfield and Coventry, without any Licence from, or allowance by the Bi^op of the Diocefe, or Ordinary of the Place under his Hand and Seal 5 and without firji fubfcri- hing to the Firft and Third Articles, and to the two Tirji Claufes of the Second Article mentioned in the Canon fet forth in the Virfi Article of thefe Articles. Et obmus et arlamiu: ut fupra. 4. Jter^ Quod rone premiflbru* Tu prefatus ^ofhua Oldfield in psenam Juris Incidifti et obmus et Arlamur ut fupra. 5. Item Qiiod Tu prefatus yofhua Oldfield fuifti et es de Civitate Co- ven'Lichen* et Coven' Dioces',^;^^. '6. item Quod premiffa, &c. Now 554 Some Hifioncrd Additions Chap. XVIIF. An. 1697. Now came out the famous Letter to n Convocation' ^J B in- -^^w concerning the Rights, Powers, and Prix ''edges of 311. that Body. The Author declares, That ti^^ -/as a Convocation ^his Time as great need of a Convocation as ?ver ControyerfjAh^^^ was fincc Chriftianity was eftablifh'd ir. ihisK ng- dom. He reprefents the Danger from the Sociniirjs, and other Sabverters of the Catholick Faith : Pleads, the Infufficiency of the Epifcopal Power and Jarifdi- dtlon, and of the Authority of the Univerfitief, to give a fuita'^le Reaiedy ; and intimates, that the Parlia- ment s meddling would not be fo proper. He afferts, that a Cmvocatfcn is as much a. Part of the Conftitution^ as a Parliament it/elf. He complains of the difufe of it, and the defeating the Ends of it, by repeated unwar- rantable Adjournments during the Life of the laft Me- tropolitan. He puts the King in Mind of his Corona- tion Oath to prefeive the Rights of the Church of Eng- land intiie; and infinuates that the Church of England might exped: from him, as tender a Concern for her Welfare and Interefts, as that of Scotland had had, by means of General AjfcmblieSf often convened. He re- prefents a Convocation as a Spiritual Parliament, and the Lower Houfe of it he calls the Commons Spi- ritual : And fays, That ths !\ing is intrufted with the Power of convening Synods and Con'vocations^ in ^fpeB to the Churchy as he is with fummoniyjg Parliaments for the ^edrefs of Grievances^ and the Puhlick^ Safety of the Na- "tion, in the fnme Manner^ and under the fame Limita- tions. He pleads that a Writ ought to be iffu'd for a. Convocation, whenloever a Summons goes out for a ParJiament ; and in Proof hereof, he (among other 7 hiiigs ) urges a Ciaufe in the ancient Writ whereby the Bilhops were fummon'd to Parliament, which was a Premonition or Warning they were required to give to their Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, and the Clergy of their Diocefes, about their Prefence in Par- liament, in Order to form a Lower Houfe of Convo- cation. He affirms alfo that a Convocation when fum- mon d and met, is at Liberty to. confer and treat about Matters proper to their Cognisance. He argues a- gainft the Need of a Licence to treat and debate : And alferis that the Convocation has a Power of proceeding againft any Bilhop, Prieft, or Deacon, for Herefy or Schifmj or any other Spiritual Oflfence.that is not re- ftiain'd Ghap. XVIll. after the Revoluthn in j6S8. 555 ftrain'd by any Adtof Parliament whatfoever : And tha: An. 1^97. their Canons need not a Parliamentary Confirimation, provided they do not impugn Common Law, Statutes, Cuftoms, or Prerogative. Here began a Conteft which is not yet come to an End, and it is nor eafy to fay when it will. An Anfwer to this Letter was foon publifh'd by Dr. I4^akf^ cntituled, The Authority of Chriftian Princes over their Ecclefiapical Synods, in ^vo ; and dedicated to the Archbilhop of Canterbury, He charges the Au- thor of the Letter, with fome farther Defign in pub- lifhing it, than barely to aCfert the Rights of the Clergy and Convocation. He begins with confidering the ^ght of a Convocation to meet and fit ; and takes a Compafs, becaufe the Matter tho* important had not been fo well confider'd as it deferv'd. He afferts that Chriftian Princes have a right not only to exercife Au- thority over Eccleliaftical Perfons, but to interpofe in ^- !©• ordering Ecclefiaftical Affairs too. One great Part of this Authority, has confifted in the Power to convene Synods, and order what relates to their Aflembiing and Ading. It was always a Part of the Princes Preroga- tive, that no Societies fhould be incorporated, nor P. 13. Companies meet without his Pertniffion. The iincienc 14. Synods were conven'd by the Imperial Authority. It was fo as to the greater Councils and leffer Synods. No AflTemblies of the Clergy were fuflfer'd, but by the leave of the Emperors, and according to their Diredtion. And what Power the Emperors heretofore laid claim to in the whole Empire, the fame fucceeding Princes have continu'd to aflert, within their own particular Dominions. 'Twas thus in Spain^ Germnny^ France^ 8iff. i^pT-laysthe Grounds of Synodical Auihority in a Divine Charter ; and calls the Dodior's an mjlaving Hypothefis^ charging it with breaking in upon a Divine Right. He is very angry that the Doctor fhould look upon Sy- nods but as prudential Clubs. He fays the Clergy only are the poor, tame, difpinted, drowlle Body, that are in love with their own Fetters ; And complains that the Powers of the Church are chain'd down to mere Poli- tick Ends and Services. He wonders how a Claim of an opprellivc Supremacy, can be deem'd a glorious Jewel in a Chriftian Crown, which if exercifed, muft of NeceiTity forfeit the King's Salvation ! and asks if it is not a dangerous CoiTiplaifance in Priefts, to fann fuch an Ambition, as muft end in the Ruin of the Church, the Pricfthood, and the Soul of the Prince ? To the DoAor's Examples as to the Power of the Jewifh Kings, B^man Emperors, and other Princes, and par- ticularly Saxons^ he fays they prove no Right : And is concern'd, that every Adt of uncontroulable Tyranny, fhould pafs with the Dodior under the Reputation of Authority. He charges the DoAor with uling his gene- rous Adverfary, not only with extream Spight, but un- deferv'd Contempt : And with being guilty of a great many Incongruities : And at laft concludes with a Wilh, that he might humble himfelf to God for the Wrongs he had done to the Church, and when he has done fo, he doubts not but he would quickly endeavour ' to make her Reparation. Dr. HeSter alfo this Year publifli'd a Treatife concern- ing Schifm and Schifmntickj^ wherein the chief Grounds and Principles of a late Separation from the Church of England are conlider'd and anfwer'd. He fays Men feem to be hard put to it to find a Caufe of Separation, when Proteftanrs are forcM to take up old confuted Popery, to ground it upon. If they had never fo juft a State Quar- rel on the Account of a Popilh Prince, one would think they fliould fcarcely part with the Principles of their own Religion for the fake of him. The Diffenters ft ill continu'd divided, and that to fuch a Degree, that they could no longer keep their Differences private among themfelvcs, but publifhed an Account of them to the World ; as if they were ' afraid to feem to be united, when the Church of Eng- land was in fo divided a State. Now came out a Export of Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1688. 561 of the prefent State of the Differences in DcBrinais, be- An. 16^-}* iween fome Diflenting Minifters in London, written by Mr. Lohh, It was anfwer'd in a faithful ^bti^e to a falfe I{eporr, Written by Mr. y^lfop. And now alfo cdme out, The ^ighteonfnefs of God revealed in the Gofpel -y ot an impartial Inquiry into the genuine DoSrine of St. Pauly in the Great, but much controverted Article of Jufiification ; by Mr. John Humphrey ■ prefaced by the Biftiops of £/>-, PVarceJier^ and Chcfter, This Year Sit Humphrey Edwin who was i DilTenter, rhe Ciii being Lord Mayor of London, carried the B^galia with Sword car* him to a Mfeeting of DilTenters at P inner s-HalL This rled to a Fac^ had unhappy Confequences both in this and the Difentin^ next Reign; and many were the Exclamations and^ee^'wg;. Tragical Complaints which it raifed. Among others Dr. N/c/f;o/j tells the World* That to the great reproach of the Lnvps^ i- « , ^ ^ ^ •: nnd cfthc Cit, Magiftracy, he tar- a„ I t';^,ol!" ' ried the Sword with him to a Nafly o- F- Conventicle, that was kept in one of the City Halls : Which horrid Crime t t Atrox f acinus. ( fays he ) one of his own Party de- fended, by giving this arrogant ^eafon for it, that by thii A^ of Parliament by which they have their Liberty, their Religion was as much efiablifhed as ours„ But many who wifli'd thi^ Action had been wav'd, a^ tending to en- rage, were yet to feek for the Horridnefs of the Crime : Nor could they fee the great Arrogance of the Plea; when the I{eligion that is own'd in Churches and Meetings, is one and the fame. A Pamphlet was alfo now publifti'd, called. An Enquiry into the Occnjio-. nnl Conformity of Diffenters in Cafes of Preferment • of which little Notice was taken at this Time : But it was Republifh'd in 1701, when it will in Courfe fall under Confideration. This Year there was a new Parliament ; but they AH. i6§d: did not meddle with Matters of Religion, tho* they had a Committee for Religion as ufually. The old Differences yet continu d among the Diffen- ters about Dodfcrinal Matters. There now came ouc 4. Defence of the Report concerning the prefent State of the Differences in DoQrinals, between fome Diffenting Minifiers in London, in Reply to a Book intituled, A fMful Rebuke of that I{eport : And it Was foon followed O o v^kU 56r Some Hijiorical Addition. Chap,XVin. jtn. 1 6^1 8- with , Archbifliop Bancroft, Biih'op jev^el, Bifhop J^lljfori^ Deatt- Notp^/; Mr. Hoo\er : King James ; Bi(hop' Andrevos^ Mr. Mafonl King Charles' f. Archbilhop Ldud, Arcfabifhop Bramhalf^ Bilhop Dkijefjdnt, Dr. Heyli'n, Nor did the Parlianienc or Gonvocatioti after King Charles II. Reftauration, ( tho* zealous enough for the Church) think the Church was at all opprefs'd, by the legal Jurifdi(9:iori of the Prince over it. Nay, the moft eminent Divines, defended th^ Supremacy upon the Legal Bottom, as Bilhop Taylor and others; and among the reft Bilhop Par". kfr ; Tyt'. Fa'f(ner^ and Dr. Barrovp. He aflerts, That 'tis the Riglic of every. Chriftian King' to call hi? Clergy together; that the Perfons tbac meet in onr Convocations are determin'd by the King's. Writ.- And that tHe Sovereign Legiflative Authd-;- rity' may appoint any other Method of framing the Lower Houfe of Convocation ( than that which is novv ufual ) that ihould appear to them more propter and c-k^ piediem, ^c. And adds, That if for thus defending the iQng* s' Authority over the Clergy he ought to he cenfur d^ he was afraid fo great a Part of his Order would go along wi^ hifH^ as vtfould mah it fcandalous to (lay behind: And be nufnbsr^d among that little^ "^oify^ turbulent Party ^ who fet tbemfelves up as Judges over them, - And that he was fully perfwaded that nothing at this Day prefervd thefh from I{Uin and Deflation^ but their not having Power ofthemfelvss to do the Church a Mifchief^ and to throw all O 6 i into 564 Some Hi florical Additions Ciiap. XVlll. into Confufioriy in fuch Times of Fnciion and Difcontent, of Hetits and Animofities as the prejcnt 9 to the certain Scan- dal and Divifion of the Church y it may be to a new Con- fltfion of all Things in tie State too. Ai» 16^9. Mr. Hill wrote an Anfwer to this Afpeal^ and it would have been a long Time before any Convocation had bceen fimmond, if the Government had ftaid, 'till they could have agreed what they had a Right to do, when they came together, before a Writ was iffu'd out for that Purpoie. In the Seihon of Parliament this Year, it was com- plain'd of in the Houfe of Commons, that many Perfons dilfenting from the Church of England^ and Men of fmall Fortunes, were made Juftices of the Peace ; Which occafioned an Addrefs of that Houfe to hisMajefty. And great Complaints alfo were made of the growth of Popery. An Addrefs was alfo made to the King, for a Proclamation againft Vice and Im- morality, which was iflliedoutac- -, , , /. • T cordingly : And a Circular Let- r , '^'S-a ^Tt:'^ a ^er to promote Reformation, was rHif 1 ."^r ^'^ ^^"^ ^y^^ Arcbbilhop of Canters ' t' i/ * ijf^yy^ to all the Bifliops of his Pro- vince *. The DilTcnters at length began to grow more cool «nd calm. A Book was now printed, intituled, A Plea for Mr, Baxter, and thofe that fpcak^ of the Suffer^ , ings of Chriji as he does : And Mr. fViHiams publi(h*d an End to Difcord. And fome Time after (•y^*^. the next Year, tho' I Ihall mention it here, that I may have no Occafion to return to thefe Matters again ) came out a Difcourfe of the Bifhop of H-orcefters^ con- cerning the Dotlrine of Chrifi's SatisfaHlon : Wherein the Antinomian and Sociman Controverfies about it are truly dated and explained; in Anfwer to Mr. Lobb's Appeal, and to feveral Letters from the Diflcnting Par- ties in London. The Bifhop very candidly gives an Ac- count what he eftecm'd Truth, and what Error, in the Matters that had been debated, and upon wluc Grounds: But intimates he cotild fee no Occafion for To much Heat : and concludes, there muft be fomethin^ farthei in the Matter^ than afpenr'd to an indifferent and impartial I{eader; which he would not inquire into ; no more (hall I : But as it is Matter of great Lamen- tation Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1 688. 565 cation that they (hould fpend the Reign of fucb a An. idpp* Prince as King William in Party Quarrels; fo it is to be hop'd, the Scnfeofcheill Confequences that attend- ed their fo doing, will be a Caution for the Future. The Bilhop of Sarum^ who feme Years before had The Bifhop publifti'd his Difcourfe of the Pnfloral Care, and dedi- of Sarum'i cated it to the Queen, at this Time publilh'd his Expo- ^xpofition fition. of the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England, °/^''f 2"^"'- which he dedicated to the King. Several of the Cler- ^Jf ^'nejit^ gy were not a little incenfed againft him for the Free- ^^* dom he had ufed in his former Performance. For he there told the Queen in his Dedication^ what need there was of a Reformation of the Lives and Manners of Men, and particularly of the Clergy : And in his pre- face, he fpeaks of the grofs Ignorance of fome in Otders, or that pretend to them ; and the Infcniiblcnefs of o- thers of the extent of their Office, while they ima- gine their whole Work conlifts in Publick Fundkions, and the Paftoral Care is generally neglc(3:ed ; and ma- ny confirm'd in Atheifm and a difhelief of Reveal'd Religion, by obferving the common Want of that ftrift- nefs of Life in Perfons confecrated to the facred Mini- ftry, which their Character calls for. And he applies to them the Words of the Prophets, Malachi 2. 7, 8, 9. and fer, 10. 21. And he adds, it is not our boaftingthnp the Church of England // the heft Reformed, and the be(l conftituted Church in the H^orld, that voill fignify much to convince others . We are too much parties to be beleivd in out ovon Caufe. There was a Generation of Men that cried. The Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, as loud as voe can cry^ The Church of England^ the Church of England^ when yet by their Sins they were pulling it down,' and kjndiing that Eire which confumedit. It will have a better Grace to fee others boafl of our Church, from what they obferve inus,^ than for us to be crying it up with our Words, when our Deeds do decry it. Our Ene- mies will makefevere Inferences from them^ and our Pre- tenjioris mil be tho't vain and impudent Things^ as long as our Live/ oontradi^i them. Such Paffages as thefe in the Preface, with fome warrai and fevere Reflediions upon feveral common Pra£ti(cs of the Clergy in the Book ii felf, had exafperated many of them to a great Degree ^ and the Publication of this his Expofition of the Articled laifed it to f^ha'pit<;h,Ehatitcould not longbefmotbec'd; Oo i " I^ 566 Some Hifioricd Additions Chap. XVlll. An. i6p9. In the Dcdicatiqn of it, he tells King l^^iilUm ih^t h^ VVo)\x9as not y^t done, nor his Glory compient^ till he bnd employ d thar ?o-vtr which God had put into his Hnndi^ in Jupporting and Jecuring the Churchy in thehfiatitjg down In- fidelity hnd Impisty^ in the hcfAJvg the H^ounds and Breaches ihar are made among thofe voho do iji common pyofefs the Faith y but are unhr^ppily disjointed and divided by feme Difjercfices that are of lejs Importance : And above all Thhigs^ in the raijhig the Power and Ejjicacy of I{eligion, hy a juitable J^formationof our Lives and Marmers. And adds, hcvD low fo ever all our Hopes are either of raifmg the Power cf I{eligion^ or of unititig thofe whoprofefs it, yet we hr.ve ofteti beeji taught to defpair of nothing that is once UN" dsrtahen by pur Mnjejiy. In his Preface he intimates, xhac he was mov'd to undertake the Work by Arch- h'i(hop Tillotfon, and encourag'd by Queen Mary ^ that he had the Concurrence of Bilhop Stillingiieet, and the Appijobation of feveral Bifhops : And that vyhen he was t^.ifcourfing with a Lutheran Divine in Germany about their want of Union in thofe Parrs, he reminded tiin of the Divllions in England, about much fmaller Alatcei;s that had continued fo long ; declaring that if the Church of England would heal her own Breaches, the reit of the Reformed Churches would with great Refpedv admit of her Mediation to heal theirs : Which C wiib many other Things in the Body of the Book that were no Way to the Guft of fuch as tho't the . Church of England to approach the Borders of Perfe- ction) he recommended to the Condderation of the O'^i'gy. Thefe Things fo incenfed fome againft him, that forgetting all his paA Service to the Church, they bid him open Defiance, and could find no room for Forgivenefs, as wc Ihall fee in the Sequel. Now alfo came out a Difcourfe cf Schifm : addrefs'd to thofe Diffenters who conform'd before the Toleration, and haveiince withdrawn themfclvesfrom the Commu- nion of the 6/j«?c/jc)/£«^//?«^: By Mt. Biirfcough : But it Xiras anfwered by Mi.Stoddon^a. Minifter in the fameGoun- try. About this Time alfo came out a Book of another Nature, call'd Catholicifm without Popery : An Eflay to render the Church of England, a Means and a Pattern of Union to the Chriftian World : Written by a Gentle- man of the Long-Robe. The Author in his Preface ktisuics that his Difcourfe was prefented in Manu- fcripc Chap. XVIir. after the Revolution in 1 688. 567 fcript to Her late Majefty about the Year 1691, and was now publifli'd not to inflame our Differences, buc compofe them by promoting C/fW/cZ/w ; in Order to which it makes fome Rational and Scriptural Over- tures. In July this Year the Duke of G/o«Cff/?fr died, which the ^n. lyoo. King took Notice of in his firft Speech to his new Par- liament, iho^Fehruary following : Telling them that the Dukes Death, made it abfolutely necelTary that there fliould be a farther Provifion for the Succellion to the Crown in the Proteftant Line, after him and the Prin- cefs : And an Adb pafs'd accordingly, by which the Crown was fecled, on the Princcfs Sophia, Ejeclorefs Dowager of Hanover^ and the Heirs of her Body, be- ing Proteftants : And none were more thankful to God for this Settlement than the DifTenters. The Conteft about the iitting, and the Power of a Con- Dr. Atter- vocation was continu'd this Year : Nay, it rofe to a great- hnry's cr height. For now came out Dr. Atterburys F(ightj, nights^ Powers, and Priviledges of an Englilh Convocation Stated jPowers^ajul and Vindicated^ in Anfwet to Dr* IVake, He dedicates ^^i'^Hed^es it to the Two Archbilhops : And tells them he has no ^ *'^, fhadow of Doubt remaining with him, but that his^"§^^^. Scheme is Truth and will ftand. In his Preface, he^'""'"''^'''^' fays, that he found Dr. iVak/s Book of the Authority of ^ Chriftian Princes, 8cc. a fhallow empty Performance, Written without any Knowledge of our Conftitution, any fkill in the particular Subje6l of Debate ; upon fuch Principles, as are defl-rudiive of ail our Civil as v/eli as Ecclefiaftical Liberiies; and with fuch Afperdons on the Clergy both Dead and Living, as were no lefs inju- rious to the Body than his OoSrine. He declares he found it abfolutely neccjffary to fay lomething in Defence of the Churches Rights, or to lit down contentedly un- der the lofs of them: And that he was intirely acSted by Love to Truth, and pulh'd on by an hearty Concern for the Interefts of Religion and of his Order, and by an eager defire of doing fome what towards the fupportin^ the good old Conftitution he liv'd under, which Dr. tifake both in Church and State endeavour'd to under- mine. He charges the Dr. v/ith liberally cafting flights and reproaches upon his own Order, when it had the ill luck to come in his Way ; Nay, he fays his whole Perforcaance is nothing more than a Series of long^ flac^ ^' ■•■■■■ ' ' O o 4 ■ m- 568 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XVIIL ;^». J 700 impertinent Accounts, attended with fuitable Refled:i- ons; but without one wile Word fpcken, or true Stroke ftruck in behalf of his Point, from the beginning of the Book to the end of ir. Convocations or Provincial Synods, he fays, have been held frequently from the very beginning of Chriftianity. The Authoritative Part of thefe Meetings was composed of the Biftiops and Presbyters. They met Twice a Year, and needed no leave. In thefe AlTemblies the Gravamina Cleric or Artictdi B^formatioriK were conftant- 3y expedled from the Lower Houfe. A Convocation of the Province of Canterbury^ is an attendant upon a Parliament of England, The Clergy were brought t(S Parliament by the Pramunientcs Claufe. But in Procefs of Time, by a miftake in their Folitichj, they were fe- parated from the Parliament, and yet ftill continud to attend it, in Two Provincial Aflemblies or Convoca- tions : Which as they meet for the fame Purpofe, and had the fame Reafons of State inferted into their Writs of Summons as the Parliament hid, fo did they keep clofely up to the Forms and Rules, and Manner of Sit» ting and Ading, pracftis'din Parliament; and they had Parliamentary Wages, and Parliamentary Ptiviledges ; and attended the Parliament as one of the Three States of the Realm. But he declares he's not for fetting up a pica for any old Priviledges and Preheminences of the Clergy which are long lince dead and buried, and which • he thinks ought never to be revived, even for the fake of the Clergy themfelves, who have thriven beft always under a competency of Povpcr^ and moderate Pretences, Thefe Parliamentary Convocations, he fays, came into rhe room of Provincial Councils. But this Author aflerts, that the Clergy have not only a Right to meeq and fit in Convocation, as often as a new Parliamenc Sits, but a Right alfo (when met) of treating and de- liberating about fuch Affairs as lie within their proper Sphere, and of coming to fit Refolutions upon them, without being necefTitated antecedently to qualifie themfelves for foch Adks and Debates, by a Licence un- der the Broad Seal of England. He takes a great deal of Pains about the Statute of 15 H. 8. c. 19. which was the A61 of Submiflion ;( and puts fuch a Senfe upon it, as at length to conclude, that as to all Gonvocational A£l8 previous to the pafling, or decreeing a Canon, the Clergx t Chap.XVllI. after the RevolutioH in i68S. 569 Clergy have juft the fame Right to them lince this Sta- An. 1700- tuce, as they had before it. Though they cant make and attempt a Canon, yet they may Ipeak the Senfe of the whole Clergy of the Kingdom in Matters proper for * them to intermeddle in : They may Petition, Advifc, Addrefs, Reprefent, give their Judgment where it may be defir'd, or their Cenfures either of Men or Books where it may be needful : And fuggeft the fitteft Me- thods of fecuring the Chrifkian Faith, and ©f preventing the revival of old Herefies and Errors, and the growth of new Ones. He charges Dr. Pf^ake with taking a great deaj of needlefs Pains to prove what was not contefted 5 vi:(^ that Princes have an Ecclefiaftical Supremacy. And with infifting moftly upon general Councils, while the Debate turns on Provincial Synods only : And in the few Hiftorical Fadts the Dr. mentions that feem proper, he fays, He either miftakes National Synods for Pro- vincial, or extraordinary Aflemblics for ftated Ones, or conceals fome Circumftances that would give an Ac- count how the Royal Power came fo particularly 10 in- terpofe. He fays, the Dr. does not diftinguilh between the Powrers in FaBt exercis'd by Princes, andthofeof KJghr belonging to them, by Vertue of their Office: And that he confounds the Princes Power of propofin^ a SubjecSfc of Debate to his Synods, with his Power of confining them to Debate of nothing but juft what he propofes. And he adds, that thofe very A(5ts of Au- thority, which were exercifed by Princes in Ecclefiafti- cal Matters, to fupport the Churches Power, are by Dr. ^. perverfely made ufe of to undermine and deftroy it. He intimates, That with the H^^riters in this Argu^ ment it has been a fafhion all along to difguije Truth, He fays, Dr. W. makes no DiftincStion between abfolute and limited Princes, but produces the A6ls of the one to ju- ftify the Exercife of a like Power in the other ; And that he does not duly diftinguifli between the King in Parliament, and the King out of Parliament, and fo confounds the Executive and the Legiflativc Part of our Conftitution ; thofe Powers in which the Crown is Ar- bitrary, and thofe in which it is purely Minifterial. He alTcrts that the Prcemunientes in the Bifliops Writ is not an idle ufelefs Claufe, inferted only on a particu- lar Occaiionj and continued by Accident, .but a real and ^ . ' ' - effectual 570 Some Hi ftorical Additions Chap. XVIIL jln. 1700. effedaal Summons of the Clergy to Parliament ; fucb as they heretofore made formal Returns to, as ofiefi ^s ic went out, and did exprefly obey : And of th's ne gver Inftances till the Time of Hen y the 8th : n - dertakes to prove, that the Writ to the 1 w ■* .-■■ 10 Nicholfon fince Bifliop ot Carlifle, whom he calls a littk Writer^ and Taxes with grofs overfights, if not wilful Faults ; And with great feverity falls on the Biftiop of Sarum for many miftakes in his Hiliof y of the Reformation, and his forwardnefs upon all OccafioRS to bear hard upon the Clergy. He difcovcrs a mighty Zeal to fupport the finkjng Interests of Religion nnd the Clergy : And appears concem'd for the . Reputation of his Order even in Popilh Times, but efpecially in the prefent State of Things. And though it Teems pretty natural to him to be free with all thag come in bis Way, lie yet declares, the utmoft readinefs. to do right to nnj injured Per/on^ l.t his Character he vphat it vpill-y and that he abhors the thought of falling in with a Calmuny knovoingly^ let it be nez'cr Jo Popular and Faflji- CTjahle : And he thanks God that there u not a Line in hii iVork, that can reproach him with the Guilt either cf Flattery or Defjgn. The Ei/I)op The Bifiiop of Sarum did not think it proper to keep of Saium'5{ilence,butfoon fern ^onhhisl{efle^ionj upon this Perfor- Refieflions. mance. He fays,Tibj^ tbbugh the Author pretended to plead the Caufe of the Church, which is indeed the Caufe of ChrUt himfclfy yet he had fo intirely laid afide the Spirit of ■ Chrift, and the Charaiters] of 4 Chrijlian^ that without' large allow anGes of Charity ^ one can hardly thinly that he^ dil Chap. XVlll. after the Revolution in i688. 57 1 4id once refieB on the Obligations he lay under to foUoxv the An. 1700, Humility^ the Meeknefi, And the gentlenefi of Chnft -. So far from that, he feems to have forgot the common Decencies of a Man or of a Scholar. He fays, a Book^ writ with that Youghnefi and acrimony of Sfirit, if well receivd^ would be a much itronger Argument againft the expediency of a Con- vocation, than any he brings or can bring for it. Such Pra- ciices^ be fays, do effiHually cbJiruH the frogrefi of ^eli^ gion^ while an Age that w too much foffef^d againft both m and cur Holy Faith, fails not to make a very wicked Vfe of all thofe advantages with which Ambitious or ill natur^d T'yealots furnifh them; to reprefent m to the World as a Company of ajpiring and fa&ious Men, who are ready to Sacrifice every Thing to our own Humours and Notions^ not co^Jjdering how much Religion itfelf Juffers by the manage- tnent. He confejfes that where it lay in hit Way, either as a Hiftorian or as a Divine, to acknowledge ftich Corruptions and Diforders among the Clergy, as were too vifible to be de- nied, and too grofi to be extenuated or excus'd, he thought it became him to Write honeftly and impartially. He fays he knows that nothing pleafes fome, but what tends to encreafe the Wealth, and raife the Authority of the Clergy; Whereas, others who are juftly fenfible of the cJepreiiloa of Holy Fundiions, chufe rather to fet about thofe Methods by which the Church v/as at firft efta- bliihed, protected, and provided for. He fays that a Convocation cannot be call'd a true Reprefentative of the Church, though it be now a Legal one. In that for Canterbury there are Twenty Deans or more that pretend to fit there ; as many Prodtors frona Chapters, and Sixty Archdeacons, and but Thirty eight Clatks chofen by the Clergy. So that the Deans and Chap- ters who had their Authority at firft by Papal Bulls, and have now their Exeniptions and Jurifdidtions continu'd to them only by a Provifo in the Statute of 25 Hen. 8. have more Iritereft in the Convocation than the whole Body of the Clergy. He declares that for above 1 40 Years the Crown has been in Poffeflion of a Right of making ufc of a Convocation, or of fetling Matters of Religion without it, at Difcreiion, and that this is founded upon a Statute that has been underftood at leaft by Divines and Lawyers in favour of the Prince : And therefore it argues the Fruitfulnefs of a Mans Ima- gination^ who could make fo great a Book, and fuch heavy 5 72 Some Hijiorical Additions Chap. XVI II. Ait. lyco. heavy Complaints, for no other Caufc but this. He modeftly defends his Hiftory of the Reformation, inti- mates the Difadvantage he was under in drawing up the firft Part of it, (ignifies his readinefs to amend any real Miftakes, and his hearty Wiihes that another Spirit might prevail. But after all, a Convocation was this Year fumniond, andffate, and much fuch a Spirit ap- peared wirhin Doors, as the Writings publilh'd about that Controverfy difcover'd without. The Convoca- tion met with the New Parliament. ^ Coyoca- A late Author here obferves * That the Convocation tion now in the Beginning of King H^iHiam's Reign, difcovering Tnet, and an Averfion to the Scheme that was prepar'd for them, fate. was prorogued, And that afterwards^ a new Convocation *Compieat "^^^f^^^ond with everyl Parliament^ and in being with it ^ Hi/iory of ^"^ that for want of proper Bufwefs it was continued and pro- England, ^ogued by the^refident and left always in a Capacity and {{ea^ Vol. 5. dinels to come together^ upon any Exigence of Church or State fa^. 797. that reguird their Counfel orAJJiftance^tho* noJuchExigence did happen for fever al Tears together. What was thus de- fignd for the Eafe of the Clergy^ in not obliging them to a fruitlefs §nd expenfive Jit tendance, when there was no Oc cafionto juftify their Ahfence from the Duty of their CureSy did by Degrees give an Handle of Complaint. Murmurs of [{eflraint avd Hardfhip were privately fomented among thofe of the Cle,gy who were Non-Jurors. Thefe Difcontents unhappily mov'd the Letter Clergy, to raife new Difputes of 'PriviUdge and Independence on the Archbifhop, and Bi- /hops in Convocation ; and to labour to bring t hem fe Ives to be fuch a Spiritual Houfe of Commons, as if their Preten- fifins could prevail, would very much endanger the Peace of ChwchandState.XJndcr this Difpolition the Convocation met, on Feb. 10. Dr. H^ley Dean of Chichefier preach'd the Latin Sermon. The Archbiihop in a Latin Speech admonifii'd the Lower Clergy to choofe a Prolocutor, a- gainft the z 1 ft InlJant. They chofe Dr. Hooper, who was prefented, approv'd, and tonfirm'd. On February 25. when the Archbifliop's Schedule of Prorogation was fent down to the Lower Houfe, which was legally to de- termine every Seflion, they in Contempt of it conti- nued fitting, and proceeded in fome Debates of no Mo- ment : After which the Ifrolocutor intimated an Ad-» journment by Confent of the Houfe, to meet again in ^lenry VII. Cbappel, inftcad of the Prorogi^tion tq; meet Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1 68S. 573 meet in the Jerufahm Chamber, as by the Schedule, -^. 1 700. which exprefly included the whole Body of the Con- vocation, and left no Pretence to feparate Adjourn- ments in either Houfe. The Archbilhop and a far greater Part of his Suffragans looked on this Proceed- ing of the Lower Houfe as a Declaration of feccing up for a feparate Intereft and Power, that would break the Union of a Provincial Synod, and prevent the good Correfpondence of both Houfes, and fo fruftrare the connmon Methods of doing any Buiinefs. In the Fourth Seflion, February 18, the Prolocutor and Clergy did not attend the Archbilhop and Bifhops in the Sy- nodlczl^lice, the Jerufalem Chamber ; which was inter- pretied to be a fecond Contempt of the Authority of the Prefident, and the Obligation of his Inftrument, the Schedule proroguing and continuing the whole Body of Prelates and Clergy. The Archbilhop fent for the Prolocutor, and with the Confent of his Brethren putthefe two Queftions to him : I. Whether the Lower Houfe of Convocation did fir» after they were prorogued by his Grace on the 25 th In- ftant? 2. Whether they did meet this Morning with- out attending in this Place, to which they were pro- rogued. Upon fome Difcourfe the Prolocutor faid. That the Lower Houfe was preparing fomewhat to lay before bis Grace and the Upper Houfe, concerning the Methods of Prorogation, and fome other Things of Form. The Archbilhop anfwer'd, that he and his Bre- thren were ready to receive,whatfoever Ihould be offered by them, and would confider of it, and do upon it what (hould appear to them to be juft and right : But in the mean Time he and his Brethren tho't fit to conti- nue the ufual Pra£tife. Accordingly, that the Fhrafe of Proroguing in hunc locum might admit of noDifpute, it was in the Schedule of this Day exprefty fpecified, in hung locum vulgo vocai JerufaiemChtimber : To which the Lower Houfe fubmited with a Salvo Jure. And at the next Seflion March 6th, the Prolocutor with feve- ral Members, attended the Archbilhop and Bifliops in the Jerufalem Chamber ; and being foon difmifled, went to their own Houfe, from whence in a little Time they carried up a Report of a Committee appointed to Search the Convocation Books, for Dire<^ions con- cerning the Prorogations of their Houfe. The Repore was thus: i. We 5 74 ^^^^ HijiorJcal Addithns Chap. X VIH. An. lyco. I. We find chat the common Ufage of t^is Houfe has been to continue fitting, till the Prolocutor did Pro- rogue or Adjourn, or intimate the Adjournment or Pro- rogation thereof, cither perfonally or by fome Member of this Houfe, thereunto deputed by him : And* in both thefe Cafes (as we conceivej with the Confcnt of this Houfe. And we alfo find by fome Inftances, that this Houfe did not always Prorogue and Adjourn ta the fame Day with the Upper Houfe. . vr».' > boo 2. We find the like common Ufage by this Houf<^ to have been, that when in the Upper Houfe the Con- vocation was Prorogn d or- Adjourn'd, by the Words in hunc locum^ this Houfe did meet apart from the fame, at the fame particular Place v^hete it Sate lail.' And when the Convocation was Prorogued or A^ljournM td fome other general Place, w":^. St. Fauh and Lambeth^ then alfo this Houfe did affemble in a feparaie Place, difiind:ly from their Lord fhips. And farther, we find no foorfteps of Evidence to conclude, that it was ever the PraAice of this Houfe to attend their Lord(hips be- fore this Houfe did meet and fit, purfuant to their for- mer Adjournment. But wbeh this Houfe hath firft met and fit, it hath been the conftant Pradkice to attend their Lordihips with Bufinefs of their own Motion, or when they were calPd up to their Lordihips by a fpe- cial MeiTenger. This Paper was ordred by the Archbifhop to be read, .though it was Intitled, A H^fort of the Commifte^ and did not run in the Name of the Houfe as it Ihould have done; and then referred the Examination of it to a Committee of Biihops. In the mean while the Arch- bifhop deliver'd to the Prolocutor the Form of an hum- ble Addrefl to his Mn]efty, atid propos'd to him the Con- fent of the Lower Houfe, which was given without Amendment, only they propos'd it might be [{e formed Churches inf^ead of I^eformed B^ligiort: And with the Alteration of that Word, it was prefented to His Ma- jefly, on March i otb, by the Atchbifliop. It contain'd Thanks to His Majefty for his conftant Protediion and Favour to the Church of England-^ an Acknowledgment of his Pious Concern for the Reformed Churches in General, and an AfTurance of their f^edfall Fidelity and Affection, and readinefs to Maintain the Supremacy as felled by Law, G?c: And they wetc gracioufly receiv'd by ^ Ghap. XVIIl. afterthe RevolHtionin i6SS. 575 by the King. He thank'd them for their Promifes of ^». 1700. maintaining, his Supreiinacy according to Law ; beyond which be atfur'd them he would never extend k. On M'tvr.y 20th, the Prolocutor brought up a ^epre- fentation from the Lower Houfe, with refpecft to Books lately publiih'd againft the Truth of the Chriftian Re- ligion. It contain'd feveral l^ff/oZ-uej of a Committee of their Houfe, with tefpedl to a Book Entitled, Chrifii- anity not Myjieriom, which (\n Conjunction with feme other Books) they reprefent^d as of pernicious Princi- ples, and of dangerous Confequencc; and pray'd for the Advice and Dire£l:ions of their LordiTiips of the Upper Houfe, about an efFecftaal Courfe to fiipprefs fuch Books. And on March ii. The Archbifhbp producing a certain Book, Entitied^^ Ballance of Fcv^er, 8cc. In the 40th Page of which were thefe Words ; Are not tt great many of us able to point out to feveral Perfons^ mhcm nothing hcis recommended to Places of hig^heH: Trtiif^ and ■ often to r/c^ BENEFICES ^W DIGNITIES, hut the open Enmity which they have nlmoftfrom their Cradles^ prof eft to the Divinity ofChrifi: It was agreed that a Paper fliould be fixM over feveral Doors in I4^eftminjier Abbcy^ intimating that it was defir''d by the faid 4rchbifhop and Bifhops, that the Author himfelf^ whoever he was-, or any one cf the great many to whom he refers^ would point out to the particular perfins^.ivhom he or they l{new to be liable to that Charge^ that they might be pr^oceed^d againji in a judi- cial iVay • which would be eftcem'd a great Service to the Church : Qtberwife the abovemention d Paffage muji be looh^d upon as a PUBL ICK SC AN D A L. And it was Sign'd at bottom T/Jo.'T/i/o/. Dr. Nichols ^ gives this (horc Account of this Convo- * Appa- cation. They colledked and read feveral Books Written rat. ad againft the Orthodox Faith, and noted down their Er- Defenf. Ec- rors, and wanted nothing but the Kings leave to pafs cles. An- their Cenfures upon them, ^nd condemn ihem; and togHc./'. io$» ftrengthcn the Church with new Canons. Some com- plain d as warmly of Bilhop Burnets Expolition of the Thirty nine Articles, as of the Writings of Atheifts and Deifts. But all being at laft tir'd out with waiting feveral Months to no purpofc, without a Royal Licence to proceed to Bufinefs, the Archbiiliop prorogu'd them to, the firft of May. The lower Houfe was fo difpleas'd with this Piorogation that by their own Authority they Ad- 5 7^ Some Hifiorical Additioni Chap. X VIII; An. 1700. Adjournd to tbe next Day, and then to another Day, The Bilhops looking upon this as an ill Precedent, and tending to tbe Diminution of their Authority, were for having nothing to do with the Lower Houfe, till they had given the Reafons of thefe their Proceedings. And thus there arofe a new Concroverfie between the Two Houfes of Convocation, about the Right of Proroga- tion, which Controverfie was hotly agitated. They who were for the Archbiihops Right appealM to Prece- dents for many Years paft, as far as the Regifters re- main d. And they who were for the Right of the Lower Houfe, defended themfelves with Two Precedents in the Time of Archbilhop Laud ; adding, that more In- ftances might have been produc'd, if the Regifters had not been loft. And about this Matter they contended with as much eagcrnefs, as if the whole of their Reli-i gion had been depending. An. 1 70 1. The Partition Treaty novj occafion'd great Debates. In September this Year King James died at St. Germains in France^ above Twelve Years after his Exile, and af- ter frequent unfuccefsful Attempts for a Reftoration. After his Death the King of France declar'd for the pretended Prince of Walei. King William highly re- fenced it, and fo did the whole Nation. A new Par- liament was call'd. The King made a very AfFedling Speech to them, that will hardly ever be forgotten. Ill only tranfcribe one Paftage: " hzt Me Conjure Tou to difafpoint the only Hopes of our *' Enemies^ by Tour Vnanimity. I have floewv, and xt>iU ** always fheWy hdvp defirous I am to he the Common Father ** of aU my People : Do Tou in like manner lay afide Parties '* and Divifionsi Let there be no other DiJiinHion heard *' of among Vs for the Future^ but of thofe voho are for the ** Protefiant B^ligion and the prefent Efiabli/hment, and *' of thofe voho mean a Popifh Prit.ce and a French Go- " vernment, ^ _, , ^. At this Time was Printed an Enquiry into the Occafl- niivr of the ^*^^ Conformity of Dijj enters tnCaJes of Preferment. 1 be Grand Be- Author repiefcnts it as a moft reproachful Thing, for bate about Pcrfons to have fuch prepofterous Confciences as 10 be- Occ^fionarlieve one Way of Worfhip to be Right, and yet ferve Confer- God another Way themfelves. By Conforming (fays mity. he) I deny my Diflfent to be lawful ; or by my Diflent- ing I damn my Conforming as finful. Several Opini* ons Chap. XVIIL after the Rcvohth^ in 1688. 577 ons may at the fan^c Time confift in a Country, in 2^ An. 170!- City, in a Family, but not in one Fierfon. Either the Conformift will mar the DifiTenter, or the DifTenter will 'mar the Conformift. He prefix d a Preface to Mr. How^, (becaufe the Worthy Perfon tvho was then Lord Mayor i:^^ London was of his Congregation) and defires and urges him, either to defend rhis Pradice of Occafional Con- formity, or declare againft it ; Icaft the World fliould ijelieve that Diflenters allow'd themfelves in what they could not defend. Mr. Bovo; publiill'd a fmall Pamphlet in return to this publick Challenge, and Entitled it, Some Confide rat ion of a Preface to an Eitquiry concerning the Occafional Confor- rnity, &c. He tells the Prefacer that he for a long Time had had an habitual averfion in his own Mind froni perplexing himfelf or difturbing others, by being con- cern d in agitating the Controverlies that have been on foot about the Circumftantials of Religion, That he had contented himfelf by the beft Means he could be furnilh*d with, and the befl Ufe God enabled him to make of them, fo far to form and fettle his own Judge- ment as was necelfary to his own Pradlice : That he had faithfully followed his Judgment, and abftain d in the mean Time from cenfuring others who took a different Way from him. That he was fenlible every one inuft give Account of himfelf to God : And that it is a great Confolation to fuch as fincerely fear God, that if with upright Minds, they principally ftudy to Approve them- felves to him ; and if they miftakc, do only err for fear of erring ; he will not with feverity Animadvert upon the Infirmity of a Weak, and meerly mifguided Jndge- menr; And that it is a fure Truth, worth all this. World, that to an honeft unbyaft Heart *tis afar eafier Thing to pleafe God than Men. That they that con- tend fervently, and conclude politively, concerning Church Power, ^c. ofterk difcover more confidence than Knowledge, and folid Judgment, and much oft- ner little of the Spirit of Chrift and the Gofpel. i He farther tells the Prefncer, that before he had offer'd at engaging him in this Quarrel, he ought to have been well allur'd that he really did concern himfelf to advife one Way or other, as to the lawfulnefs or unlawfulnefs of that Occafional Conformity, about which he contended ; Qs at leaft that he ought to have done fo : But that not P p being' 573 Sof^c tirjiorjcal Additions Chap. XVllI. An. 1 70 1, being able to make either of thefe appear, he had been Guilty of an Affectation of intermedling beyond any Call he had, that could lead him to it. Hefignifiesto Mr. Prefacer^ That he had pretended tc Judge in a Matter he had nothing to do with; and that he had taken upon him to invade the Throne of the moft High, in charging the Worthy Perfon referr'd to, with ading againft his Confcience. He tells him, that before he concluded that with fo rafh Confidence, he ought to have been able to prove the Adt in its Cir- cumftance unlawful. And his making ufe of that Text, 2bout fellow ivg God or Baal^ as if the God of the Dif- fenters and of the Eftablifh'd Church difFer'd as the Li- ting God and Baal^ he tells him was prophane and im- pious Wit. He adds, That the Perfon by him Criminated, might notwiihftanding any Thing be had faid, be in the Right ; But that if the Prefacers Judgment upon the Cafe was true, he conceiv'd that that Truth, accompany 'd with his Temper of Spirit, was much worle than the others Error. The I{eply in a Letter to Mr. Howe is warm, and charges Him with miftaking the Perfon, Tem- per, Profellion , and Intention of the Author of the Enquiry ; and with fome angry Reflediions drops the Debate. It muft be own'd it was wilh'd by feveral of both Sides at that Time, that Mr. Howe might have bee;j • prevail'd with to have enter'd into the Merits of the Caufe ; and had he forefcen what foUow'd foon after, 'tis uot very unlikely but he might ha\e then done it: But he not thinking it fo proper as Circumftanccs then ftood, I Ihall here lubjoin a Leitcr which be wrote fome Time /after to a Perfon of Rank and Figure upon that Subject ; which may perhaps be a gratification to the Curious. j1 Lei^ > ai— ■■■ I ■— ■■ -■■..■.■I wL-w II. ■ ^' I — ■ I ■■!■■■■■ i ■■» I — „i ■■ I .„^ ,. —■■I. 1 1 Chap. XVHI. after the Kevolntioft in i6?>'8, 579 A». i7oii A Lettsr to a Perfon of Ho?70ur^ partly reprefent- hig the Rrfe of Occafional Conforjnitj, partly the Senfe of the pre fen t Non-Conformifts, ahont their yet continuing Differences from the Efta^ blifli'd Church. _ My Lordif '* '^IS well known to fuch as have underftood the a letieref -■- *' State of Religion in this Kingdom, fince Mr.Howe^s * the beginning of the Reformation, that there have ^pon that: 'been very different Sentiments about the Degrees of ^«^;e^^, Powers^ and Priviled'^es of an Englilh Convocatin^ he charges him with being a very afTuming Writer, and . talking much of his own Abilities ; with appealing to Mamifcriprs and Records, which he was a Stranger ro ; with being fevere and bitter in his Perfonal Re- fled:ions- and ufing tauming and opprobrious Lan- guage, paft all Charity, and the Rules of Decorum ; making his Adverfary all over Fool and Knave ; and with being, trifling and cbildilTi incorrediing fmali Miftakes. He fays, That they that are Critical lliould be careful, that they do not themfelves commit a Multitude of Krrors, while they are running over their Articles againft other Men ; and that they do not tax a Fault in another, when the very Fault really is their own ; againft both which good Rules, this Author ( he fays ) has offended i and that particularly in his Refledkions on the famous Lyndwood, and the Bilhop of Sarum, and Dr. l^V.ilif, He charges him alfo with exprefling much Rancour and Malice, as well as Rudenefs ; with triamphing Chap. XVllI. after the Revolution in 1^88. 587 ~ triumphing over the Clergy upon their Lofs of their^«. I'joi. Rights, as zealous as he appears for them ; with creat- ing Prejudice without Caufe, and making Parties, when there is Httle or no Difference between them ; and fays, that no Writer ever manag'd an Argument with more Slightnefs and more fuperficial Touches, or indeed more Falfhood and Deceit than he. He. aflferts, That Diocefan Synods, are more ancient than Provincial. That Presbyters are no authoritative Part of Provincial Synods. That Cr.pitular Procters vitrcr fummoned to our Convocations, not for Counfel or neceflary Confent in Spiritual Affairs, but for Secular Polfeflions and Civil Rights, which were often there treated of; and to fupport the Government with their reafonablc Aid and Taxes. He diftinguifhes between true Ecclejjafiical Synods^ which had no Authority in, or Dependence on the Parliament, and Parliamentary Jffemblies of the Clergy. He fays, That the lower Clergy for many Ages did not come to Provincial Synods, but for a dutiful Ac- tendance on the Bifhops, and offered only a fubmiflive Approbation of their A6ts : And that their coming to Parliamentary Alfemblies, was to give Money. And ' that it was by Degrees found expedient, that the fame Clergy as was fummond to the National Parliament, ihouldatthe fame Time be fummoned to a Provincial Synod or AfTembly, concurrent with that Parliament. But this was by another Writ, befides that contained in the Bilhop's Summons, with the Claufe Prtgmunien- tesi And even by another Writ from the King. And he charges Mr. Atterbury with miferable Confufion all along, as if he tho't every Parliamentary meeting of the Clergy, to b/e an Ecclefiaftical Synod, and every Ecclefiaftical Synod, to be a Parliamentary Body of the Clergy ; than which nothing more falfe in Fa£t and Law : And fays, That a Perfon that writes at fo fidi- tious a Rate, would be a much better Champion for another Church of Traditions and Legendary Tales, than for the Church of England^ that can be fupported by nothing but Sincerity and Truth. He fays. That Prohibitions were not fent by our Princes to Parliamentary Convocations, but to Synods only : and ihat Mr. Atterbury s account of Chriilian and ^nglijh 588 Some Hifioricnl Additions Chap. XVIII. An. 1 70 1. EngUflo Synods, is the iroft inaccurate, confus'd, and miftaken Acconnc that ever was given. He wifties ibat the Pamclnal Clergy were more equally and faily reprefented in the Convocation : That their Vrodlrrs in the Lower Houfc, might be at leaft a Bal- lancc to the other digmfy*d Presbyters, and not be ex- ceeded by them more than one half; One Hundred fiippofe to lefs than Forty. He fcveval Times charges Mr. Attcrhuryf with being very uwjuft to the Rights of the Church, in reprefent- ing Affairs of Religion determin*d in Civil Councils. He takes a great deal df Pains to redtifie the Matter of the Premunientes Claui'e : And then fays, That the Engli(h Clergy in their oven Parliamentary Convocations, tax'd their own Body, to the 15 Car. II. 1665 5 when in a following Sejfions of Parliament in 1664, hy Msafures wifely concerted between the Governors of the Churchy and the lending Members of the Hctife of Com- monSf the Clergy were in Silence to recede from the cujio' mary I{fght (f taxing thewfelves apart from the Laity .- And aU their Ecelefiajlicnl Benefices were to be now ajfeffed^ (as their Temporal Eftates were before) upon the fame Foot and Level with aU other EngHih SubfeBs in the Bills begin* ning in the Houfe of Commons, And thus departing from their ancient Pradlice of Taxing themfelves, the End ot the Premunientcs he fays was loft. Rectors and Vi- cars being now tax'd for tbeir Glebe and Tythes, by • the Commons, have a Vote in eledting Members : And therefore have the lefs Occafion to be now reprefented by any Members of their own Body. And in Oppofi- tion to Mr. Attcrbury^ 'vho w.th great Vehemence pref' fes the Execution of the Prarnunlentcs Claufe, he al- kdpes, that the forbearing it, is no late Orriillion ; that the reftoring it would be no Benefit 10 the Clergy ; that it wo'jld not make a Parliamentary Body of the Clergy, uniefs the Provincial Writs be added and exe- cuted; that if thcOmilfion be an Offence, 'tis to the King, otlicrs are not concerned in it ; that if the Church had had that Concern in it that is reprefented, it would hardly have been fo long unobferv'd ; and that the altering now, might be attended with ill Con- ftquences: It might be the fubjedt of forae unfea- fonablc Difference among the Bilhops, or raife fome - unhappy Queftions in the Ecclefiaftical Courts, and be attended Chap. XVIIl. after the RetfolHtion in t6SS. 589 attended with furprizing Difficulties ; It might revive ^«. 170 1. the Claim of the Clergy to Tax themfelves, and iflue in their loofing their Votes in Country Eledtions. Soon after came out a Pamphlet in 4>^j entituled, The Principles of Mr. Atterbury'; Book^ confideredy and his Ar- guments againft Dr» Wake ^.nd others finted and examined. This Author fays> it was Mr. A^nerhurys main Defign to abufe and mifreprefent his Adverfary, ftate his Argu- ments unfairly, and anfwer what he never faid. He alTcrts, That whatever Cuftom there may be for the Clergy's being called to Convocarion when the Parlia- ment fits, there is not the fame Right for their fitting and a^ing. Not one Inftance is brought to prove that the King fince the Reformation, was ever denied the Power of proroguing the Convocation while the Parlia- ment continued fitting ; or chat when he exercifed his Au - thoriiy in denying them to fit and adl, the Legality of it was ever difputed. He charges Mr, Atterbury with a grofs Miftake about the Premunire in the Cafe of the Clergy in the Time of Henry VIII. He confronts Mr. Atter- tury^ with Mr. Smalridges Animndvofions on Church Government. He fays, that fuch Faults as Mr. Atter- burys were, are (God be thanked) to be found in few other Writers : He difcover'd none fuch in any of thofc Authors, whom with all the Stock of Spite and Inge- nuity he is Mafter of, he fets himfelf to defame. This Author alfo charges him with falfly interpreting the A£t of Submillion. He fays that Mr. Atterbury has this very particular Way of managing Controverfy, that he is well aware what Authorities oppofe his Notions t If they are down right Enemies, he denies them to be Legal Evidence : If by Fraud or perverting their plain Senfe, he can reduce them to bis Opinion, he takes that Method for imjjofing upon his Readers Credulity -• And if Confidence of being in the Right can have any Influence, his Readers are fure never to want a Biafs. He dilates on the Petition of the Convocation in Ed- ^ x^ard VI. Time, to the King for a Licence . And dif- covers his Refentment, that fuch a Storm (hould be raifed againft the Royal Supremacy in the Days of King William^ who had been our Prote£ior and Deli verer mpre than any Prince before him. This was foon folio w'd with fome I(emarl{s upon the Kemper of the Inte H^ritbTf about Convocations: particu- Urly 590 Some Hifiorical Addition f Chap. XVIII. An, 1 70 f . Urly Dr. l^^nke^ Dr. K^cnnet^ nnd the Author of Mr. Atter- huns Principhs, This Author obferves that they who were afraid to truft the Church with too much Power, had us'd all they could againft their Adverfaries : And though they inveigh'd fo mightily againft a rude un- mannerly Way of being treated, had yet very plenti- fully befpattier'd their Oppofers. He charges Dr. J4^ake with inveighing againft the whole Body of the inferiour Clergy, (upon whofe Credit that of Religion does in a great Meafure depend;) and with reprefenting his Adverfaries as difaffedted to the Church and State ; as Men immoral and turbulent ^ acting againft re- peated Oaths and Subfcriptions j Excommunicating them, and excluding them from the Sacraments, and pronoiincing them Papifts or Presbyterians; Things not eafily to be reconcil'd with Charity and good Manners. And he fays thofe that wrote after Dr. fVal^c, and fot him, have not willingly fallen much ftiort of hitn. He banters Dr. Kjnnet for his Dedication ; and accufes hinri of making long Panegyricks upon himfelf; and fays he defires his Grace of Canterbury to patronize a great deal of Scandal and ill Manners. He is very fevere in his Refle£lions upon him, and alfo upon the Author of Mr. Atterbury's Principles: And then clofes with a Mo- tion, that every Writer may have a due degree of Re-. fentment, according as he is found to Tranfgrels the Rules of Temper and Moderation. This was followed with an Occafional Letter ^ on the SubjeH of Englilh Convocations ; by the Author of Ecckfi- a/iical Synods and Parliamentary Convocations in the Church of England. The Author reckons it beneath him to take Notice of the Remarks forementionM. He leaves it to the World to judge on which Side the Temper lies. He frankly owns fome Miftakcs ; but they are fuch as aflfedl not the main Caufe in Debate. He vindicates his Reflections on the Author he wrote againft; fays, he has not one Word detracting from him but as a Writer only. He fays he had not exhaufted his Subje£l; and mentions many other Faults he might have found with the Chapters which he had conficlcr'd : And gives his Friend Affurance, that if he (hould goon, he would all along remember to join heartily with Dr. y^. for all Legal Rights of an Envlijh Convocation ; for all ne- celfary Chap. XVUL after the luvoluiionin 1688. 591 ceflary or expedients Powers of the Church, and all Ah, 1701. cuftomary Favikdgcs of the Clergy; that fo thty might be on their Guard againft their coimnon Adver- faries, and not open a Pafs to any oppofite Army, while ihey were Ikirmifliing in their own Camp, and not gra- tify the Erajiians, the Pdpifts, rhe y^jftmhly Men, nor any other Party, who would be glad to fee ihe EAa- blilhment loft, by difputing about the Conftitiuion of it. He argues the unreafonablenefs of the Lower Hcufes pretending to a Right of adjourning themfelvesj and pleads for the Rights of the Arthbilhop o^- Canter- bury ; and fays that when no Prince has challenged the Right of having the Premunitory CJaufe obey'd, and 00 Parliament has interposed, no Bifhop been accus'd for not bringing up bis premoniih'd Clergy with him, when none of the inferiour Clergy have complain'd of not being duly premonilVd, returned, and admitted to Parliament, when no Lawyers have pleaded a breach of Conftitution in the Cafe, that after the filence and confent of allParties concern'd, there fhould at laft arife a private Man, that fhould of his own Senfe requeft, or rather enjoin the Biftiops to command the ftrid Ex- ecution of their Parliamentary Summons on the Lower Orders of the Clergy, and do this with a pure impo- fing on their Lordfhips and the Clergy, Men of Senfe will admire what fuch a Propofal means : And though to ferve a Purpofe it may be fome little Time com- mended, and fomewhat longer excus'd, yet it will on fecond Thoughts be difcover'd to be a new and dange- rous Projeft, that has no Hiftory nor Policy to fupporc it; that would but divide the Church, and difturb the State, and put the whole Conftitution out of Order. Now alfo there was pubiilh'd n Letter to a Friend in the Country^ concerning the Proceedings of the prefent Coti' vocation ; a fingle Sheet in 4to. The Author laments the Difputeson Foot; and prays God they may have no ill Effeds on the Ecclefiaftical Conftitution, nor give too much Encouragement to the Enemies of Epif- copacy. Befides a great many Things hinted here before (which its needlefs to repeat) he fays that the Pr^emuni^ entes was at the beginning complain'd of and oppos'd by the Clergy as an encroachment upon the Rights and Liberties of the Church, and a diminution of the Me- tropolitans Power. And now for fo many Ages it has had 592 Some Hfjiorical Additions Chap. X VHl. An. f/of. had no etFedt in convening the Clergy, to plead for the reviving of it, and that coo under the Notion o£ Defending the i^/V^fj and Liberties of th: Churchy is ftrangeDo'.^rine to fay no worfe of it. He ArgJcs from InOances, for the Archbilhops Right to Prorogue the Lower Hoafe as well as the Upper, and Anfwers the Inftances alledf^'d againft it; and vindica:es the Proceedings of the Up- per Hoafe with refpedt to pernicious Books, that had been Printed. This wis foon Anfwer'd by a Pamphlet intituled, The Power of the Lower Houfe of Convccation to Adjourn ii^feif, vindisated from the Mifreprefentations tf a Ute Paper ^ 8cc, The Author complains thai the Lower Clergy in Con- vocation found themfelves obliged either to contend with their Bilhops, for the Rights of their Houfe, or to give up the Conf^itution of an Evglifh Synod, and be- tray the Truft lodg'd in rhem by the Clergy of the Pro- vince. They however, (he fays) would have kept it within themfelves • But their Lordlhips having fuffer*d a Vindication of their Proceedings and Pretenfions to be made Publick, it was no longer in their Power. The Letter that bad been Printed, is charg'd with giving a Relation that was lame and imperfe(5^, nay in- confiftent with Truth. It omitted the unreafonable At- tendance which the Bifliops requir'd of the Lovirer Clergy, which was a great Grievance. Having touch'd on that, the Author fets himfelf to prove the Power of rbe Lower Houfe to Adjourn itfelf. He fays it muft have this Power becaufe 'tis an Houfe ; which it could not be, if it had not a Power of fitting and riling at Difcretion. He pleads that the Archbifhop has now no fummoning Power but what is Minijieriat' And that therefore he having now no Authority to convene the Body of the Clergy, neither can he ha'^e any Authority to Prorogue, Adjourn, or Continue thenl. HeArgueS alfo from the fitting of Committees, by the fole Autho- rity of the Hotife, in the intervals of its Seffions ; and from the mifchievous Confequenccs that would attend the fuppofing the Power of adjourning the whole Synod to be in the Archbilhop. His Graces Power (he fays) at this rate, would be greater than what the Crown it felf ever Pradtic'd : He'd then have it in his Power to quafli intermediate Seflions, and to prevent the difpatch of all manner of Bulinefs j and fo defeat the very ends Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1 6'$^, 593 of the AfTembly, and the intentions of the Kings Sum- y^« i^oi^ mons. T/w^ 'tis intimated, M'^hen any future Prince [kaB arife who has Thoughts of fubverting the Church Efinblifh-' mcnt^ and knows that the firfi and largeji step towards it^ is by fupprejfmg Convocations; he hath nothing to do for the attainment of thn End, hut only to make an Archbifhop^ vpho (hall be ready to exert his adjourning Power as direBedy and by that Means to prevent all Oppofition that may arifi from the united Counfels of the Clergy to the new Meafupss. nnd Models intended. And he adds, that of the Three Books that are left, which Ihew the Forcns and Methocis of Adjournment prai^ic'd in the Lower Houfe, (one of. the Years 1 586 and 1588 ; another of the Year 1640 • and a Third of that Convocation which fat with the Long Parliament after the Reftoration,) each has feve- ral Inftances, wherein the very ftile of Adjournmerir^ ihews the Power of Adjourning to be lodg'd in the: Lower Houfe itfelf. He Argues alfo from the Form of Adjournments in the Upper Houfe Books ; and alferts that it has been the Ufage of the Lower Houfe to Sit^ Treat and A(3:, after the Upper Houfe wasrifen^ and on intermediate Days alfo, when the Upper Houfe never fat at ail. Several very nice arid critical Remarks are 1 made to Confirm and Support this. Among other Things he affirms as to the Convocation of 1661, That all the Time that pajTd after 1664, may be fuppos'dto have been a continud Dream, in which the Convocation (lept over their Priviledges^ and having once let go the great \ight of Taxing themfelves^ might be lefl careful to jecure the others. He fays, that never any Body of Men main-, rain'd a Difpute of that length and Confequence, wirh more calmnefs or greater deference to their Superiours than the Lower Houfe of Convocation hath done this: In which they perfifted to the Jaft, nocwithftanding the, frequent Changes of the Queftion, the flights and un- reafonable bardlhips of every Sort, which were in the feveral fteps of this Debate put upon them : And he feems fearful leaft their Friends fhould be of Opinion that they have rather ftoop'd too much than too little. For the Members of thfe Lower Houfe when Alfembled^ are no longer to be look'd upon as fo many private Per- fons, but as the Legal Reprefentatives of Eight or Ten Thoufand Men in Holy Orders, and carrying in them the Weight of the whole Clergy of the Province. And Q q tinder 594 Some Hjflorjcal Addition, Chap, XVIU. An, 1 701. under this View he intiinates they may reafonably hope for good Ufage at leaft,i if not for fome little degree of Reipedt from their betters. This was follow'd with A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Lower Houfe of Convocationrelating to Prorogations and Adjournments ; from Monday Feb. 10.1700. tolVednef. day June 15. 170 1. Dmvpw up by the Order of the Houje, The publilher intimates that this Narrative was drawn np, that the Lower Houfe might be in a pofture of De- fence. That they found there were great endeavours us'd to prepoflefs the Minds of the Inferiour Clergy againft their Reprefentatives in Convocation, as if they were invading the Rights of the Metropolitan, and trampling upon Epifcopacy itfelf: And therefore the publifher thought it neceflary that it fhould fee the Light: Tho* for his doing this of his own Head, he begs the Pardon of thole Gentlemen whofe leave he owns he ought to have asVd before. He retiedrs with free- dom on the foremention'd Letter to a Friend in the Coun- try^ which he charges with falCe Affertions, and in con- clufive Arguments, as well as Prevarications. He fays, that the Lower Houfe of Convocation in 1689, had very un- acceptable Bvfinefi proposed to them, and were fo far from confidering how they Jhouid fit to purfue it^ that they defir'd nothing fo much of to be dijchargd from it. The NarrativeWgiTiS with applauding the decency of the Conduct of the Lower Houfe, as well as the Juftice . of their Claim. It owns that the greateft Part of their Time was taken up in defending their Power to Ad- journ themfelves ; a Thing which it reprefents as ne- cefTary to fecure all the other Rights and Liberties of the inferiour Clergy, and of the utnioft Confequence to the Prefervation of the Church itfelf. For if the Archbifhop has a Power to deprive Bifhops of himfeif, and to Adjourn both Houfes of Convocation as he will, 'tis intimated , the whole Eftablifh'd Ecclefitjjiical Conjiitution will depend fo intirely upon his Pleafure^ that fhould he fo thinks fit, he alone might effcHunlly give it up to Alteration or Deflnitlion, The Narrative goes on to tell what they did from Day to Day, till it comes to the Reply of the Bifhops, tD the Anfwer of the Lower Houfe, to the Two Que- ftions put to the Prolocutor by the Archbiihop, which is reflcdcd on with Freedom, though not inferted. The Chap. XVnr. after the RevoUtionin 16^"^. 595 The Arguments urg'd are much the fame as thofe in the An. lyoi* Anfiver to a Lettsr to a Friend, SiC. The Narrative fays that in the Lower Houfe, they carried it for their own Right to Adjourn themfelves, by a Majority of Sixty fix Voices againft Twenty four : After which they de- fir'd a Conference, which being refus'd, and that refu- fal followed with a long Adjournmenr, they exercis'd their Right, and held intermediate Seifions. Many are the compla.ints here made of the Bilhops, as making them attend needlefly ; and as doing what in them lay- to cut off all Coaimunication between the Two Houfes. The Prolocutor Dr. Hooper is vindicated from the Pra- •varication which he was charg'd with by the Bifhop of Banker ; and an Account given of the fteps taken by the Lower Houfe with refp.e£i to the Bilhop of Sarums Expofition of the Thirty nine Articles^ &c. The next Thing that was Printed was the I{ight of the Archbijhop to continue or Prorogue the vsf hole Convocation^ in a Second Letter, by Way of Reply to the Power of the Lower Hcufe of Convocation to Adjourn itfelf^ Scc. and the Narrative, Scc. This Author fays, that after all the endeavours to leffen the Character, and blemilh the Conduct of the prefent Prelates, they have a fuificient fhare in the Efteem and Affections both of Clergy and Laity. He complains that fome Archdeacons made the Juftification of the Lower Houfe, and the pretended Hardfhips put upon them by the Upper, a Part of their Vifitational Charge. He anfwers the Arguments urg'd in their Favour. He fays they may be an Houfe, with* out being vefted in fuch Powers ana Priviledges as none of their Predecelfors either enjoy'd orclaim'd. He proves, that though the Archbiihop is difabled by the Statute of Submiilion from fummonirg a Convocation at Plea* fure, yet after receiving the King's Writ, he fummons it as much by his own Authority as he did before. He intimates, That if the EngJiflD Clergy have been Jleep. ing ever their Priviledges, it has been fo ever (ince the Reformation : None having happen'd to Dream of the refin'd Scheme now contrivM for the Enlarg- ment of the prefent Members from the Authority of their Ecclefiaftical (rovernors. He afferrs that the Con- fent of the Inferior Clergy to a Continuation or Proro- gation, was never either ask'd or given. He charges •hofe he writes againft, with being inconfiftent in their CLq i Prin- 59^ ^ome H/fiorical Additions Chap. X V I II . Aiu 1 701. Principles. When Dr. iVaks afTertcd it to be a Part of the Princes Prerogative to furamon Convocations when hertiall think fii^he was fevercly corre(9:ed for giving the Kingfo much Authority, betraying the Liberties of the Church, and putting it in the Princes Power to deftroy our Rehgion at Pleafurc : But when they would evade the Authority of their Metropolitan by transfering it to the Crown, then all the Power they can give the King is tho't little enough, and there is no Danger at all to Religion, nor are the Liberties of the Church in the Jeaft affected. He next proves that the Argument from Committees to fit in the Interval, is not a fufficient Evidence of a Power to continue ; infinuatcs, that the Danger of trufting the Power of continuing in one Hand, is urg^d upon Republican Principles; and that the Inconveniences of a Power to continue at Pleafurc, conclude as Itrongly againft the Lower Houfe, as againft the Archbilhop ; that the Lower Houfe of Convoca- tion have in their Pradkices gone farther already than any of their Predecelfors, but not near fo far as the Principles ufed in their Defence will carry them. This Principle of a feparate Right to continue, (he fays) in- troduces a co-ordinate Power of Presbyters with their Bi' /hops in Symdical Mutters ; juflifies them in the Denial of their Coimfel and Affifltince, tends to divide their Confulta- tions and Interefisy and pave the Way far a State of Pref- bytery^ iy making all Iniiances of Submifjion^ to be /Jtis . of Choice and not of Duty, He goes on to the Arguirent from the Forms and Methods of Adjournments pra- (Stifed in the Lower Houfe : And afterwards proves, that the Lower Clergy are included in the Continua- tions of the Upper Houfe. He Ihows that in all the In- ftances produced in Favour of intermediate Selfn ns, the Clergy met by the exprefs Command, and Dirc- dtion of rhe Archbilhop, to confider the particular Matters that he prop fed to them ; and that fuch Meet- ings as were held by his Grace's Command can infer no Right in the Lower Houfe to hold them without that Command : That theAppointment of Committees of rhe Lower Clergy, was always claim'd and cxercis'd by his Grace • 1 hat thefe Meetings in the Intervals, could be no other than Commirtees, becaufe rhey frequently fuccecded fuch Conrinuarions as exprefs an entire Suf- penfion of Convocation Bulinefs : And that the Prolo- cutor's Chap. XVIII. after the Revohtjon in 1688. 597 cucor's Prefence could be no Argument that tbey ac^ed -^n '^1 ' as a Houfe, (ince he was ufually at the Head of their Committees as well as of the Houfe, &c. And he re- prefents thofe as judging Right, who were apprehen- five that till another Temper appeared, the Clergy's At- dance upon their refpecStive Cures, would be more for the real Service of the Church and Religion, than their meeting in Convocation : And fays it will increafe his Opinion of their Wifdom and Forefight and Concern for the Church, at leaft till more defirable Effects of 3 iittingConvocaiioncan be (qqw than the late Proceedings gave Caufe to expedt in prefent Circumftances: And that it will be the raorccafily believ'dfor the Future, that the meeting of the Clergy is not an equal BlefTing to the Church, at all Seafons, and under all Difpofi- cions. But this was a very fruitful Debate, and made the Prefs produce very plentifully.** A Letter came out to the Author of the Narrative^ in Vindication of the Pro- ceedings of the Members of the Lower Houfe ^ with I^ela- tion to the Archbifhop's Prcrogation of it Upon May the 8th. The Author profefTes his Trouble to be engaged in a Difpute of this Nature, wherein the Church in general rauft fufFer, which Side of the Qaeflion foevec prevails, and where there's no clearing one Part of the Sacerdotal Order, without laying the Blame on ano^ iher. He complains much of the Narrative as not a- greeing with the Minutes ; and of the Carriage of the Houle to Dr. Verneyy and Dr. Trimnel j and that Leaves were cut out of the Adt Book. He reflecfls upon the omitting to intimate the Archbifhop s Prorogation, and vindicates Dr. Femey's addrefHng thereupon to the Arch- bilhop ; and the Abfence of thofe on Mty 16, who were prefent on the 30th, againft the Reflections of the Narrative, and the Addrefs of the Lower Houfe: And makes a Motion, that they that are in Authority, may not be fought to be devefted of a Power they have been accuftom'd to exercife, till the Ufurpation is plain- ly made out. This was follow'd with a Letter to n Clergyman in the Country^ concerning the Choice of Members^ and the Exe- cution of the Parliament \>Vrit for the enfuing Convocation •: Which upon the Kings fummoning a new Convoca- fion with his new Parliament, recommends care in the 598 Some Hijioncal Additions Chap. XVlll. An. 1701. Election of new Members, iri Confidentiori of the Difpiues on Fovoc between the Two Houfes • and In- timates, that when they are determined to the Preju- dice of the Lower Clergy, there's an End of all the Rights and Liberties of their Houfe, and they are from that Moment, an ufelefs and infignificant Part of the Conftitution. This iWritcr obferves, that the ele- ctive Members bear the Proportion of above Four to Five in the whole. And that the Influence of the Bifhopsis great both m Chapters and Diocefles, and that they'd be likely to exert rhemfeJves towards procuring a Lower Houfe, that would facrifice its Rights and Li» berties to the Upper. Hereprefents it as a moft unrea- fonable Thing, for the Bifhops to over-rule the Ele- (5lions of thofe Prodors, who in Convocation were to repreient the Grievances and Hardships which the Clergy fuffer from their Lordfhips Courts and Officers. He fays, it has been refolv'd m the Lower Houfe, that the intermcdling of Bifhops or their Officers^ to byafs the EleBion of Procurators to ferve^ in Convocation^ is a Grie- vance : But that this Refolution (among others) was hinder'd from being carried to the Upper Houfe, by feme who had determined that the Convocation fhouid meet to no Purpofe. He begs therefore, that the Clergy will reprefent to their Bifhops, that their now intermcdling, would be injurious to the Rights of the Clergy, and utterly deArudbive of the Conftitution of - • .an Engi'iflo Synod. He fays, that the late Pleas for the Authority of Metropolitans, have not been advanced with any View of perpetuating the prefent Church 'Eilablifhment : And that a Temporal Government founded in Liberty, i 2iS ihc En giifh is,) can never in* corporate kindly with a Spiritual Society that is fup- pof ted by Slavery : But will either reduce it to fome kind of Conf >rmity with it felf, or quickly deftroy it. He fays, the fi«^///fe Clergy have fo true a Rerpe£l for Epifcopacy rooted in their Hearts, that its a Si?n of their being ill ufed in an hiqh Degree, and even forc'd to adl on the Defenfn e, when they contend with their Bifliops : And that they confult their Lordfhips Intc- rcfts, bj' preventing; if it be polfible, any Diminution of their own ; and arc fo far from attempting to en- croach on the Power of their Bifhops, that one End of iheir prefent Struggle is to prevent fuch Encroachments. Ke Chap. XVIIf. after the Revolution in 1688. 599 JHe indmares, thj^c it hadalfo been refolved, That the not An. 1701. executing of the Clatife Prjemuniences in the Bi[hop*s ferity but fuffrejjing the fnme^ after thnt the Hjght of the Clqrgy to meet in their Parliamentary Convocations hath been, publickjy difputed and denied, and the encouraging Boal^s and Paper J, written ^g^^*f(^ the Flights and Authority of Con- voeaticns is a Grievance : And he would have the Clergy demand the Execution of this Claufe, which he inti- mate's would faften their Meeting fo clofe to thofe of the Parliament, that neither the Malice of their Ene- naies, nor Treachery of their falfe Friends, would ever be able to diflblve the Union. He anfwers Objed:ions againft it ; 'Tis wi:h him a fufiicient Proof, that the Eifecution of this Ckufe is of fome Importance to the Conftitution, that feme Men are with fo much Zeal and Eagernefs bent and bid to oppofe it. And he con- cludes with that Text of Scripture ; Be of good Courage^ and let m play the Men for our People ^ and for the Cities of our God ; and the Lord do that which feemeth him good. This w^s followed with a Second Letter upon the fame Subjedt ; in which he endeavours farther 10 clear an4 confirm the Entry of the Archbilhop's Parliament Writ, in the Convocation Acfls of both Provinces, and to e- Jucidate fome other Matters, In anfwer to thefe two Lerters, came out the Cafe of the Prdtmunientes confidcred. The Author fays, that now for foive Time the Clergy have had a loud Alarum, that the Governors of the Church are deftroying the ^ . Conftitution of it. That there was a late Reign, when fome Bilhops were made, in Order to ferve an ill Caufe, and to carry on very Arbitrary Meafures, but that fince the Revolution it has been otherwife. That It is a meer Fadlion that runs down the prefent Bifhops for imperious and arbitrary Men ; and that the many Tragical Complaints publickly urg'd againft them, are but the unreafonable Noife and Clamour of ibme of their Inferiors, moved by Difcontent and I)if-' appointment. That it was they that are againft the Bi- lhops that began the Difpute, and made the Aflault j that the Writers on that Side have trefpafs'd in Point ot Charity and good Manners, and publifti'd fo many Infinuations, Colours and Stories, that even Martin MAR-PRELA'tE did not more effedually affront th^ ehe Bifliops of the C. of E. That they that have plead- Qq 4 ci 6oo Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XVIIF. An. lyci. ed againft the Bifhops, have been very inconfiftcnt with one another, whic h fhews that they begun their new Claims, before they had fix'd either the Ground or Extent of them : That themfelves confefs that the Rights they now claim, have not been claitn'd in the Memory of Man ; and that the Power of prefiding over a Convocation is fafe in the Hands of the prefenc Primate : That they have not been ingenuous and fair in their Relation of Things ; and that the Archbilhop bore all their Behaviour, with that Tendernefs and AfFedion that became his Character, and were pe- culiar to his Temper. In Anfwer to the two Letters, he fays, there's no Way of ending the Difputes, while tha Church (lands, but the Clergy's returning to their Duty ; and that even then the Biftiops can do no Syno- dical A6t without them. He can fee no Harm in it, for the Bifhop of the Diocefe to recommend this or that Perfon, as befl qualified to reprefent his Brethren. He intimates, that the Abufes of Ecclefiaftical Courts and Officers, were never made a Subjedi of the Lower Clergy's Remonftrance, till the laft Convocation: That there is hardly one of the Bifhops who difcountenanc'd the late Attempts of the Lower Clergy, but what has been exprelly reviled and flander'd, in fome one or o- ther of the lace Papers and Pamphlets : And that the J^'filves mcrrtion'd, pafs'd not in a full Houfe, and are pot to be foa>id, either in the Minutes or the . Narrative. As for the Motion about ftricfbly exe- cuting the P>(£t?]un:cntes Claufe, which was Dr. ^Hter^ ^ur/s^ he anfwers it cut of Dr. f^^mneth Reply to him: And concludes with telling him, that his Text in the Clofe, was much like H. Petcn his Curfe ye Kierc:^'^ and that he prayM Cod. to forgive him. In Anfwer to his Second I etter. He tells him that the Sight of that had convinc'd him, that his Caufe was now capable of no- thing but hardy Countenance, and flight of Hand; And that it would be given up for gone with all honeft Maukind, when it can be no longer fupportcd with fin- cerity and plainnefs ; and when the kit refort is to great L'^ntruths, ambiguous Referves, and r^ artifices of Deceiving. Another Paper alfo came out againft the forefaid Let- Ur to a Clerpymar}, &c. The Writer of it had faid, that itvas the conttam Practice everfince the Ad of Sub- miiJioD f-~— ^ •-- ^ ' ' Chap.XVlII. after the RevolHtioft in 1688. 601 miflion, in the front of the Adls of every Synod to en- An- lyof. ter the King's Parliament Writ with the Claufe Pramw rJenees, as well as that to the Archbifhop for calling the Clergy of his Province. And in Proof of this he ap^ peal'd to the Original A£ls of the Convocations of Torl(^ Province, and the Authentick Extracts of the Province of Canterbury. This Paper proves the contrary by a Certificate from Torji-; and by Evidence from thofeC^w-^ ter bury £xtra6b ; And then fignifies concern at fo bold 2 Stroke, to ferve a prefent Turn, before the faJfity of it could be detedled ; at that Writers fo Ihamefully impo- fing on his Brethren, and his prophanenefs in applying a Text of Scripture in the clofe of his I etter, to the fiip- port of what was contrary to Religion and Truth. And that Writer having in this Cafe offer'd in fo many Words, that if he herein dcceivM, he was contented to forfeit all his Credit with any good Man for ever; This Animadverter tells him, that he could not fee how he could avoid in that Refpe£t falling under his own Sen- tence. He adds, That he could not help being in pain for the Church, when they who made moft Noife of maintaining it, put itsDefcnce upon fuch an Ifliie ja&this. This was follow'd with a Reply to his Additional or Second Letter; wherein bis Evalions were confider'd. This Author here freely told that Writer, that a compli- cation of Falfhoods, put together with fo much Ma- nagement, could not be the effedt of Ignorance, though even that would not be to be pardon'd, at the end of fuch a foJemn Appeal: But thai an intended deceit (as this has all the Appearance of being) was of a blacker Compie£tion, and requir'd a folemn B^cnnting. That explaining would not do. And that he had taken fuch lengths in his Affertion, that if he could keep up his Credit, under fuch a Cloud of Witnefles that fo fully impeach it, he mtvft conclude there is not Encourage- ment enough for Sincerity to be found in this World. But that he could not fuppofe his Brethren would fee afide theii- regard to publick Records, rather than que- ftion the Integrity of one, who kept his Conclufion, even when he was forc'd to take Notice himfelf, that his Premifes fail'd. Nay, that he hop'd he himfetf would repent, of that which upon the ftri6teft Enquiry appeared to him to be the greateft Prevarication he ever mti with, except his Poftfcript, which alfo is here con- fider'd. 6o2 Some Hrftoncal Additiom ' Chap. XVIII. 4n. lyoi-fider'd, which refers to a Claufe ia the Archiepifcop,a| Mandate : (j.,.,, i.,\ik-\ :"• - ; t Thefe Refle£liorn$ drew forth a "R/r^/ iLe//er ^o 4 Cler- gyman in the C^cuntij^ in Dafer.cc of viiJpat was /aid in thf J'wo formsr, ^h9Ut phe Entry of th^ Pftrliament H^ric^ itf the Journals of Convocation , an/f the infertion of the Clni{fe in the yjrchiepi/copal Mandate, He complains of his Anfwerers, that their chief Talent and Merit lay in- darkning Difputes, and wearying Readers, by an end- lefs Repetition of the fame bajSed Arguments, witlv- out any new Turn of Art or Improvement. The Ar^ of fpreading Scandal, he fays is in our Time grown to an high pitch of Perfedllon ; and fome of the Order are extreamly improv'd of late in their Skill this Way. For his Part, he fays he is eaiier under the Reproaches of his Antagonift, than he Ihould be under his Panegy- ricks. He aiferts his own Innocence ; and declares he had reprefented Fads truly, and that the Author or Authors he was engag'd with, had deny'd it upon raeei^ frivolous Conjedlures and Reafonings. He produces a Certificate of Five Parliament Writs to the Archbi- fhop, inferted in the Extra£ls of Five Convocations ior Canterbury ; sind another Certificate in Oppofition to the Aflfertions of his Antagonifts. He fays that the Wiihes of thofe that wrote againft him, to find the Fadts he alledg'd Falfe, were exceeding ftrong; and that they miftook thofe Wirties for Arguments. And that his Antagonift us'd his Words more like an Executionei; than a fair Anfwerer; and put what he faid upon the Rack, to make it confefs a meaning which he could not but know in his Confcience it was never intend- ed to imply. He gives alfo a farther Account of the Affair of the Archbifhops Mandate; and charges his Antagonift with a very grofs and wilful Prevarica- tion about it; and calls upon him either as publickly to difprove the Charge, or to own it. And confefles in the clofe that his Tafk had been tedious, but that it was abfolutely necelfary, in Order to clear his own Integrity, and deted: the Artifices of thefe Men, who be fays, mal{e Lies their Sf^fuge, and in Falfhood hide themjelvej. But; Chap.XVllI. after the Revolution in \ 6^^. 609 But its Time now to return to the Convocation, that An, lyor. was left fitting, when we broke off laft. The Biihops ^ farther fas has been already intimated) were confidering the ^^^^^^^ \f Report brought up from the Lower Houfe. They ^/,^ p^^. drew up an Anfwer to it, and were for purfuing the ceedings Debate about the Right of Adjournment in Writing, of tht This the inferiour Clergy were againft, and on March Convoc^- 3r. i7or, they Voted their own Right to Adjourn tion. themieives*. And then they fent the Prolocutor with a MeiTage to * See the . Comp/eat Hlfiory of the Upper Houfe, intimating that England, Fol. 3. p. 3^6. &e. they bad confider'd their Reply, anddefir'd a FREE CONFERENCE, upon the Subjedt Matter in Debate. The Archbilhop required their Anfwer in Writing. The Prolocutor told him, their Anfwer would take up about Twenty Sheets. The ArchbiHiop anfwer'd, he did not confine them to length or breadth, but expedled their Anfwer in Writing. The Lower Houfe infifted upon a Free Con- ference, and drew up their Reafons for it, which were prefemed on the 5 th of ApriL The Upper Houfe being willing to give what Satis- faction they could to the Lower, with refpedl to their Complaint againft Mr. Toland*s Book, Intit. Chrifiianity not Myfteriovi^ fearch'd Precedents, and agreed toadvife with Council, upon thcfe Two Queries, i. PVhether the Convocations giving an Opinion concerning n Bool{^ that k "Heretical f JmpioWy and Immoral^ is contrary to any Larv ? And, 2. PVhether the iVords in the Paper fent to them hy the Lorver Houfe, voere fuch an Opinion oi is contrary to any Law? And having had the Judgment of fome Emi- nent Lawyers, they gave this Anfwer to the Lower Houfe, that they did not find, how without a Licenfe from the King which they bad not yet receivd, they could have fufficient Authority to cenfure Judicially any fuch Bool^s j But on the contrary were advifed, that by fo doings > both Houfes op Convocation might incur the Penalties of the Sta- tute of z'^ Hen. VI I L On April the 8th a Paper was dcliver'd to the Prolo- cutor in Anfwer to that from the Lower Houfe, deliver'd April the 5tb, in which the Bifliops tell them, * That * their Proceedings had been irregular, and without * Precedent in fundry Particulars: That they could not ^ find fo much as one Inftance of any Conference de- ' , , ... ! fir'd 6o4 Some Hiftorical Additions Chap. XVI II. Au. J 701 fir'd by the Lower Houfe.- That they were indeed once call'd up ad Colloquium in 1689, but that the Confequences of it wcic fuch as did by no Means in- courage the doing of the like at this prefentTime: And that their pretending to make a rccefs, by their own Auth.ority, apart froa) the Upper Houfe, and without Order from the Prefidcnr, was altogether new, and fuch a Violation of his Authority, as could not be comply'd with, nor fofFer'd, without deftroy- ing the Fundanriemal Conftitution of an Englijh Con- vocation.' After which the Archbilhop nude a grave Speech, and prorogu'd the Convocation to May the 8th. The Lower Houfe fate afterwards as a Houfe, for fome Time that Day, and then adjourned themfelves to the next Day. This ffays my Author) vvas an affectation of Independence that was unknown to former Convo- cations, and never before attempted by any Pre»byten, in any Epifcopal Church. On Miy the 8th the Archbiihop told the Prolocutor, that ' what had been done in the Lower Houfe, as a Houfe, fince the Prorogation, was not only null and without Authority, but of very dangerous Confe- quence to the Conftitmion. And that they could not receive from them, either by Word of Mouth or in Writing, any Thing done by the faid Houfe as a Houfe in that Interval.* At the lame Time the Pro- jocutor deliver'd a Paper, as the k6i of the Lower Houfe this Day, which was an AnUver to what had been fcnt them about Toland\ Book. ' They therein * intimate their Apprebeniion of the little need there * was to confult Lawyers about that Book; that the ' Archbilhop might eafily have obtain d a Licenfe; that * a bad ufe would be made of their omitting to exprefs ' their di Hike of fo ill a Book: And juftify their own ' Proceedings, and much complain of Grievances they * fuffer'd from the Upper Houfe. A Committee of Bilhops prepar'd a Reply tathis Pa- per ; fignifying, That ' they tho'i it fafeft, and moft for * the Inrereft of the Church and Religion, that in the * Matter of 7oUfid\ Book as well as others^ they (hould * govern themfelves by Precedents of former Convoca- * tions : That his Majefty was the propereft Judge^ * when to gram a Licenfe, and when not ; Tho* confi- I dering the Treatment which the Licenfe granted to 't;l;c Chap. XVHl. after the Revolution in 1 6SS. 605 * the Convocation in 1689 met with, it could not be .^. 1701 * tho't advifable to defire another, till a better Spirit * had appear'd m thofe of the Lower Houfe, than * either did then or now: That they would endeavour * CO procure a Law for Regulating the Prefs, &c. That * the Adlions of the Lower Houle did not agree with * their Profcflion ; for that they had rifcn ro higher de- ' greesof difrefpedt and invafion of the MetropoJitan * and Epifcopal Rights, than ever was atcempted by * any Lower Houfe of Convocation before, &c. And * that they had hereby given the greateft blow to the * Church, that had been given it, (ince the Presbyce- * rian Aflembly that fate at fVeftminfter, in the late ' Times of Confufion. A Committee of Five Bifhops was appointed, to meet a like Committee of the Lower Houfe to infpedt the hfSts of each Houfe in this Convocation, and report their Judgments. But the Lower Houfe r^fus'd to ap- point fuch a Committee. And when the Schedule of Prorogation was brought down to the Lower Houfe,' ihe Prolocutor refus'd to intimate it„ and Adjourned to the next Day, inftead of May 16, upon which Dr. Ver- ney made the Addrefs, that was mentioned before, upon Occafion of the 'Narrative of the Lower Houfe, The Lower Houfe had been drawing A !{eprefentation of their Senfe upon the Bifhop of Sarum'i Expofition of the Thirty nine Articles of the C, of E, which they brought up May the 30th. Then happened the Altercation be- tween the Bilhop of Bangor and the Prolocutor> men- tioned before. The Paper prefented with Relation to the Bilhop of Sarutns Expofition, reprefented it as the Senfe of the Lower Houfe, that it was a Bool{ that tended to introduce fuch ti Latitude and Diverfity of Opinions m the Articles vpere framed to avoid* That there were many Pajfages in the Expofition of fever al Articles^ that appear'' d to them to be contrary to the true meaning of them^ and to other rC" ceivd DoEirines of the Church. And that there veere fi)me Things in it which feernd ef dangerom Confequence to the C of "Eos hy Law Eflablifh'd, and to derogate from the Honour of its Reformation, Then appear'd Dr. Sherlock^ and Twelve other Mem- bers of the Lower Houfe, and exhibited a complaint in Writing, to the Archbiftiop and Bilhops, that they mov'a 6o6 Some Hijioncal Additions Chap. X VIIL Ah. 1 701. in the Lower Houfe to enter their Proteftation againft later meSate Scffions^ but it was by a Vote carried againft them , which Vote was nnt alJow'd to be Regiftred nei- ther; and therefore they begg'd leave to be admitted to enter fuch Proteftations : And they fubfcrib'd their Names to it. June the 6th ; The Archbiftiop cold the Prolocutor, That he could not according to the Order of their Houle receive any Thing from him, till the Irregula- rity complain d of was fet Right; And yet at the re- peated Requeft of the Bifhop of Sarum, they were willing to receive the Paper their Houfe had prepared againlt his Book.* The Prolocutor not having that Paper now at Hand was fent to fetch it; And when he went away left behind him, a Paper, by Way of De - fence of the Proceedings of the Lower Houfe, which was read in his Abfence, by the Regifter. Ic contain'd their Reafons for declining to meet the Committee of Biihops as they were defir'd. ' They intimate they were a diflindi Houfe, and en- tirely at Liberty to admit or decline the Appointment of Committees as they faw fit. That the Bilhops had no regular Way of feeing the Tranfac^ions of their Houfe, but by their laying them before them ; But that if the fight of their Journals was demanded as of Right, they had Reafon to infift upon their Liberty. That they could fee no ground for fuch a Committee. That they had Reafon to exped their Lordfliips (hould put into their Pofleflion the Journals of the Lower Houfe, of is86, 1588, 1640, 1 66 1, ^c. (which of Right belong'd to them) before they requir'd the In- fpecftion of their prefent Proceedings. That they were however difcourag'd by rhe Declaration made, that what they had done was of dangerous Confe- quence. And that their Lordlhips Sentence, cutting off all intercourfe between the Two Houfes, was not only over fevere,- being pafs'd upon fo fmall an Occa- fion, but deftroy'd for the prefent the whole Defign, and the very Being of a Convocation. This Paper was referred to a Committee of Bifliops to examine, who drew up a large and particalar An- fwerj fignifying, •That Chap. XVlll. after the Revolution m 1 6SS. 607 * That it would have become the Lower Houfe to ^«. 1701- have acknowledg'd the Patience and Tendernefs of the Upper Houfe. That fearching Precedents, they had found they had a Right to Appoint Committees ; and that the Lower Houfe had never before refus'd to comply with fuch an Appointment. That by their Refufal, they had difobey'd the Authority of the Pre- fident and Bifliops, and broken the intercourfe be- tween" the Two Houfes. That for this ihey might have proceeded agiinft them, by Canonical Admoni- tions and Cenfures, which had hitherto been forborn: But that till tbey return'd to their Duty, Bufinefs could not proceed. That their Reafons ofFer'd for their Ju- ftification, were founded upon plain miftakes both of Right and Faci. That they aflbm'd to tbemfelves to be an Independent Body ; Whereas the whole Convo- cation is but one Body ; and both Houfes were always continued and prorogu'd with one Inftrument or Adfc; and that of this Body, the Archbiihop was the Head. That the Aim of the Motion to have the Books in- fpedted, was to prevent Miftakes, and take away all Occafion of Difputes and Controverfies between the Two Houfes. That their complaint of wanting for- mer Journals, as if tbey had a Right to keep them (if they knew vtheie) was very unreafonable and un- juft. That the Regifters and AA Books of both Houfes, belong*d to the Archbiihop. That the Ancient Regi- fters were in the Library at Lambeth, where they bad free Accefsto them. That had they met, the Bifhops might have fatisfy'd thofe of the Lower Houfe, that their Adjourning tbemfelves, ^c. were not only Ille- gal, but of dangerous Confequence. And therefore they move that they*l confider of their Irregulari- ty, (3c. The Paper againft the Bifhop of Snrum being brought up*, the Archbiihop mov'd for the Particulars of their Charge againft his Book : And waiting fome Time for them to no purpofe, Adjourn'd ro June the 13th. A Committee of Bilhops, declar'd their Judgment as to the extraordinary fteps of the Lower Houfe. r. * Upon Occaiion of the complaint againft the Bi- * (hop of Snrum^ They declar'd it their Opinion, That * the Lower Houfe had no manner of Power, judici- * ally to Cenfure any Book : That they ought not to 'have 6o8 Some Hifloncal Addition t Ch a p. X V 1 1 [. -^>i. i-oi.^ have entred upon the Examination of a Book of any BiHiop of this Church, without firft acquainting the Preiident and Bilhops : That their Cenfunng the Bi- fhop of Snrums Book in general Terms, without men- tioning the particular Paifages on which the Cenfurc was gfv^unded , was defamatory and fcandalous : That that Biliiop by his excellent Hijiory of the Reformation, approv'd by both Houfes of Parlia- ment, and other Writings, had done great Service to the C of H, and delerv'd the Thanks of their Houfe : And that tho' private Pcrfons may expound the Articles of the Church, yet that it could not be proper for the Convocation at this Time to approve, and much leis to condemn fuch private Expofitions. 2. As to the Altercation between the Prolocutor and the Bifhop of Bangor^ they declared they were of Opini- nion, that the Bimop had made a true and juft Report of the Anfwer made him at the Door of the Hoafe : That the Prolocutor made the fame Anfwer in EfFedl to the Archbifhop in the Houfe : That the Paper read by the Prolocutor in the Houfe, was not about the irregu- larity complained of, but to introduce a Complaint againft the Bifliop of Samm which had no Relation to it : That the Prolocutors Anfwer was fuch, as by no Means ought to have been given, by him, to the Arch- bifhop, or any Member of that Houfe. 5. As to Dr. Verney and the reft of the Diflenters from the Majority in the Lower Houfe, they declar'd it their Opinion that they had behav'd themfelves as of Right and Duty they ought to do : They had main- tained the juft Rights of Convocation, and deferv'd the Protediion of the Upper Houfe : That the Prolocutor and fome others of the Lower Houfe, had violated the Methods of Proceedings in Convocation, endangcr'd the Conftitution of the Church, and been guilty of ma- nifeft Difobedience and Contempt. June the 20th, the Prolocutor appeared in the Upper Houfe; and the Archbilhop told him ^as before,) that he could receive no Paper but that containing the Par- ticuliarities of the general Charge againft the Biihop of Sarums Expofition^ which at that Bifhops requeft: he was ready to receive. The Prolocutor faying he had Two Papers, but could not prefcnt the one without the other, without the Dircdtion of the Lower Houfe, went back for Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in 1 688. 609 for the Opinion of the Houfe, but did not return, till An. 1761. the Convocation was prorogued to Auguft the 7th, and thence to Sej>t ember i\\^ \%i\\, till' the Parliament was DilTolv'd, and the Convocation with it. :\ And here 1 Ihail take Notice olf the lilflory of this xhe Hlfior^ Convocation^ that firft met pn February 6, I700, which of the Con- was publilh'd at large in 1701. I mention it here for yocation ti$ fome Rcafons that will be obvious. It is faid to be 1700. /\to. Fnithfully drawn from the Journal of the ZJpper^ and from the Narrative and Minutes of the Lower Houfe, The Au- thor in his Preface reflects on the Narrative of the Pro- ceedings of the Lower tioufe^ as drawn np in haft and iii Anger, never ordered by a full Houfe in any proper . Seffion, and read and debated in intermfdate Conveii^ lions only. He alks how the Lower Ho(fe came to a Power of publiihing any Synodical Affairs without the Concurrence of the Upper, or the Knowledge of thePrefident? He fays there was much difguifc and fubterfuge in the Edition of the. Narrative: And that - the publiflier of it, was not mafter of the Argument ; and either not well inftrudted in his Caafe, or not well difpos'd to report it. He fays, That the late AlTembly Men would not Adjourn to the Day given by Autho- [ rity, but carried their Difobedience a ftep beyond the I Neighbouring Prcsb)tery; and touches on many un- l warranted Affertions and Kefle(5tions in the Preface to ; thi Narrative, He takes Notice that the Original Mi- nutes of this Lower Houfe were not preferv'd, but had been all Burnt or otherwife deftroy'd • But that all that remained, was an A£l: Book of the Lower Houfe, not drawn out of the very Minutes of each preceding Day^ upon fre(h Memory, by the /^cftuarv himfelf; but the Work of a Committee toward the end of the Seffion, to make up a Narrative rather than a journal, more to i'lftifie themfelves, than to deliver naked Matter of Fadt. In the entrance on the Hifi^ry^ the Narrative is Re- fle(5):ed on, for faying that the Righrs they claim are indifputably clear, and necclfary to the very Being of ^ Convocation. If it be fo, this Author fays we have had no Convocation in Being thefe 400 Years. As to the Temper boafted of, he fays ihe World will Read And Judge, He fays that Men of Defign may inforni the Clergy, that their Rights and Privlledges depend R r on 6lo Some Hiilorkdl Additions Chap. XV 111. An. lyoi.on frequent and uninterrupted Convocations; but if their Scheme (hould prevail, and the inferiour Qergy be bound to a continu d Attendance during the whole SclHons of every Parliament, it would be foon found the Burden of the Church, and the Oppreflion of the Clergy. He fides with, and vindicates Dr. K^nnet about the Atchiepi/cofal Mandate ; and when he has done it makes this Remark: That in an Hiftorical Subjed:. if Writers fail for want of Light and Know- ledge, it is fomewhat excufable ; but when once they come to invent, and to impofe their Inventions, for difgracing an Adverfary, and deceiving a Reader, it muft be downright want of Sincerity and Confcicnce. Refle(flions are all along inferred upon the Paffagesand Proceedings of the Lower Houfe, and alfo upon the Karraiive, He obferves that the Lower Houfe firft exempted themfelves from Obligation as to the Place which the Archbilhop Adjodfn'd them to ; by Degrees they exempted themfelves as to the Time alfo, nil at length they entirely rejedked the Authority of the Sche- dule. Firft they pleaded for a Tacit, and then they came to an exprefi Ccnfent to their own Prorogation ; by which they took away the natural Senfe of the Pro- locutors intimation ; For none can want to have their own Will and Pleafurc intimated to them. There are many fuch Remarks made in the Courfe of this Hiftory. There are alfo fome other PalTages to be there met with, one of which I think it proper to take No- tice of. When on Afril the 8th, Dr. Finch return d from the Upper Houfe to the Lower, with an Account that no Meffage would be receiv'd from them for want of the Prolocutors Prefence, the Dean of Glccefter in fome re- fcncmcnt took Occafion to fay, that fmce the Upper Houfe denied this Correfpondence with them, it was row Time for the Ho ife to return their Thanks to Mr. Atterhury, for his learned Pains in AflVrimg and Vindicating the Rights of Convocation. LTpon which it was warmly Debated, and the Form of Thanks be- ing pr.ipos'd to be chang'd, from learned Pains in Ajfer" thig arid Vindicating^ into his Endeavours to Ajfert and Vnidicafc, upon a Divifion of the Houfe, it was carry 'd as dcfign'd, in the Affirmative. And then the Prolocurot faid. Chap.XVin. afterthe K evolution in 1 6^^. 6ll ■^aid, Mr. Archdencon of Totnefs I and this Hcufe (no Par- ^»' i l^J- liameorary Phrafe fays the Author of ihe Hiftory) re- tun you our Thanks^ 8cc. Upon which Vote a Letter was afterwards fent to that Univerfiry, That whereas Mr. Francis Atterbury, /^f^ o/Chrift Church had fo hap^ ply Ajferted the Bights and Pr hi ledges of an EngHfh C(?«- vocation, m to merit the folemn Thanks of the Lovper Hou/e of it, for hfs learned Pains on that Subjeff. *-^It migb^ he hop d the ZJniverfity would not be iefl forward in takjng fome publick^ Notice of fo great a Piece cf Service to the Church. And that the moft proper and feafenable marl; of J^'Jps^ to him, would be to confer on him the Degree of Dr. of Divinity by diploma^ without doing- Exercife^ or pacing Fees: "Which was accordingly done. Many other Particulars are contain'd in this Hiflory^ not to be elfewhere met with : The taking diftindt No- tice of which would not confift with my defigned Brevity. About this Time alfo, Dr. Hody^ publifli'd A Biflory Dr. Hody*i of Englifli Councils and Convocations-^ And of the Clergies Hijlory of fitting in Parliament, Sec. in 8vo. In his Preface, hQ^^uncils promifes a faithful and impartial Hiftory ; without ^^^^ ConyH" adding, concealing, or falfe Colouring. He fignifies ^^^f^^"^' that he had perus'd the Ancient Records of the Archbi- Ihops of Canterbury, and examin'd the Edition of our Engiijh Councils. He declares himfelf an adverfary to no Man; and promifes not to go out of his Way to find Faults in other Mens Writings ; but that where he notes them, 'twas becaufe they lay direcStly in his Way. He fays he had no inclination to thofe modifli Figures f'f Writing, Raillery and Contempr. And yet he couldnotforbear with indignation to take Notice of fomd laie Retleftions on the prefent Government both in Church and State. He begins with afi Account of the Members of P^^e i> ^X/hicn an Engllfh Convocation is made up, which have "^c. been in fome Refped;s different at feveral Times, and lipon feveral Occafions. He confiders a Convocation, p. 12, either in itfdf as it is a S>nod, and c.ail'd by the Arch- biOiops Mandate, or as it is a part of the Parliament, and fummon'd by a Royal Writ directed to each parti- cular Bilhop. He fays the Prxmunicntes Writ has fel- dom been executed by any Bilhop, or if executed, never ^^e£lually obey'd: Neither has it been exped:ed it R r 2 Ihould 6 1 2 Some Hijiorical Additions Chap. XVIII. Am. lyoi.lhould be. He gives an Account of Ancient Synods; P. 14. fome H^elcb, others under Augufiine firft Archbifhop of Cnnteibwy^ 8cc. He obferves tbac in old Times they often held their Councils in open Fields, upon the Bank P. 34. of fome River, and under fome great Oak. He men- tions the Synods and Councils of the 9ch Century. p. 51. They confifted not only of Bifhops, but of other the moft p ^^ Famous and Wife Men. He proceeds to the Synods and Councils of the loih Century. In this Time the married Clergy or Seculars^ were turn'd out of Mona- fteries and Cathedral Churches, and [{eguUrs put in p go their Places. He goes on to thofe in the i nh Century, before the Ccnquep. Where the Author obferves, That all thofe Charters in which Exemptions are pretended to be granted to Monafteries before the ConqueSi are P. 106. rpurious. He touches on the Laws of King Edward the Confeffor : And it is is obferv'd out of an Ancient Writer, that even in the Confetfors Time, as well as afterwards under the Conqueror, c^c. the Clergy were reprefented by Two Prodlors fent up from every Arch- deaconry and Deanry, as the Commons by their Knights p. 125. of Shires and Burgeffes : But he fays 'tis forg'd. He then conliders State Councils or Parliaments after the Conquer ^ and how far the Clergy were concerned in them. p. 1 32. He gives a Lift of Bifhops and Abbots and other Eccle- fiafticks, who held o(fVilIiam the Conqueror as Tenants in Capite: He obferves that many Presbyters were fok ^- M5- . He goes on to Parliaments under the Conqueror. He obferves that in thofe Times, the Mafters of Chancery and of the Rolls, the Clerks in Chancery, and of the Two Benches and of the Exchequer, were all Clergy- men; And the Clerks of the Kings Courts being ftiU Mrn in Holy Orders, all Livuigs in the Kings Gift, not exceeding the value of lo Marks were therefore put into the Hands of the Lord Chancellor, to be difpos'd ' of arr,ong fuch Servants of his Majefty, as he faw deferv'd. The Clerks of Parliament were alfo Clergy- men : And no longer fince than 1551, the Clerk of the P- 1 74 Parliament was Prolocutor of the Lower Houfe of Con- P. 18$. vocation. He comes next to Parliaments under l^niliim {i.)P.2io- /^/^yTj^j . ^qJ fo tQ thofe under Henry I j and thofe under S^)^*'^' Ring Strphc?n (f.) Under Hw> the II: (2) Under C^'^Pidl^ /<^/V'4rti I: (3.) Under King Joh;. '4.: Under Hen- U )P i^ r; 111. (5.) He confidcrs how far the inferiour Clergy '^ ■ ^ were Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in \ 62^. 615 were concern'd in Parliament, after Edwardl, (6.) And -^'*- 170'- after many Remarks made upon the Pr<£municvtes Claufe, (6.) P.37 1 . he concludes that it was continud in the Writs, afcer it became a conftant Cuftom for the Clergy to meet in a feparate Body by Vertue of the Archbilhops Man- date, that thereby our Princes might alTert their Right of calling the Clergy (if they pleafe) to Parliament ; which the Clergy opposed, as an invafion and inroad ^ >, p upon their Liberties. (7.) ^^'^ '^^^' In the Third Part of his Hiftory, He gives an Ac-(8.)P.i.&c. count of Synods under the Archbilhops Stigand and Lan- (9.) p. 2 j. frtmc: (8.) In the Time of Anfelm and William Corhel6ic. Archbifhops : (9,) In the Time of Archbifliop Theobald: ('io.)P.4o. (10.) Under Hemy II. in the Time of Theobald^ Thomas "^c. Beckety s,nd [{jcbard Archbilhops: (11.) Under i(/cA4r^ I. (' i')^-<^o. in the Time of Baldmn and Hubert Archbilhops;^'^- (li.) Under King John in the Time of Hubert and Ste- >*^'<'f*Z pljen Langton Archbilhops, (13.) Under Heny ^^^' ^^(\^Ap'qq\ the Time of Stephen Langton^ S. Edmund and Boniface ^ / ^ ^ \' p Archbilhops. ( 14. j He proceeds, to give an Account of , 35 ^c. Convocations in the Reign of Edward 1, under John (i^.) p, Ftckham and I\pbert Winchelfee Archbilhops; (15.) Ift 165. ~ the Reign oi EdivnrdW. under Robert Wincheljee a4id (17.) P. l^ulter Reynolds Archbilhops. (16.) In the Reign of 179. Edvard III, under I{eymlds, Mepham, Stratford, IJJip, (18.) P. Langham, VVittlefey^ and Sudbury Archbilhops. (ij-) In ^^9- the Reign of I{ichardH. under Sudbury, Courtney, and C'9-) ^• ^rww^e/ Archbilhops. (18.) In the Reign of /^^«>7 IV. ^45- under Archbilhop y^/wwie-/. (10) In the Reign of Hen. y®*^ "• ry V. unditv Arundel and Chichley Archbilhops. (lo.) Ex- ^^ * > p traces out of the Parliarrent Rolls of Hemy VL relating 277. to Convocations. C2i.) Convocations in the Reign (22.)?, of Edward IV. under Archbifliop Bowchier. (21.) In 279. tlie Reign of Hsnry VU. under Archbilhop Mor- (21.) J?# -*<»«. fl3.) 280. Together with the new Parliament, the King fuiij- TheFro-r mon'd a new Convocation. Dr. Sherlock, preach'd a ceerf;«^5 of I,atin Sermon at the opening it, from Jude v. 3. Dr. fVood^ the new W4r^Dean o^Sarum (a Civilian grown Popular fays my Conyo- Author, by oppoling his Diocefan to whom he ow'd \i\%cation. Preferments) carried it for Prolocutor, from Dr. Beve- ridge Archdeacon of Colchejier, The Two Houfes agreed in an Addrefs to his Majcfty, which was prefented on Jan, 2%* SL^Jf^enfingtono 6l4 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XVIII* Ait. i7or. They fignifyM therein to hfs Majefty the deep Re- fentment every cne of them had, at their firft hearing of the great Indignity which the French King ofTer'd to His Majel^y and His People, in declaring the pretend- ed P ince of fV^^ics to be King of his Majefty's Realnns and Dominions. They renew'd their Proteftations of a firm and unftiaken Allegiance: And alTur'd his Maje- fty, they would do their utmoft Endeavours in their refprdhvc Places and Stations, to Maintain his right- ful Title, and the SuccelTion in the Proreftant Line as by Law Eftablifh'd, againit the faid pretended Prince, and all other HisMajefty's open and fecret Enemies, C^c. And the King gave them a Gracious Anfwer. There was however a great Difference between the Two Houfes, and between the Members of the Lower Houff, about the Right of Adjournment. This Diffe- rence was heightened on Jan, 28. For then a Member of rhe Lower Houfe mov'd to change the Form of Entry in their Minutes, and to ufe the Phrafe, of Do- rtiinus Prolocutor Continunvit (^ Prorogazit quoad banc Domum ; and it was done accordingly : The Prolocutor in his own Nanic, continu d and prorogued that Houfc, inftep.d of intimating that it was continu'd and Pro- rogu'd. / This was excepted againft by fevera! Members on Veh'-. 1 . But it was carry'd by a Majority, that there • fhonid be no A teraiion, and that the Matter fliould 7)Ot rhen bf: furrher debated : And when the Schedule of P'orpf^ation came down from the Upper Houfe, it ;>^a^ laid afide, while the Houfe was proceeding to other I'uiiiiefs. A Mem'^er mov'd that the Meffage deliver'd to the Prolornror might be Communicated to the Houfe, w!i!ch he tho't they had a Right to infift on • the Majo- rity Qppos'd him, and they went on to appoint a Com- mittee of Grievince?. And then the Prolocutor Ad- journ'd as by rhe Authority of the Houfe, and the Dilf-nting Members Protefted by Word of Mouth; and before rhe next Meeting, put their verbal Protefta- t^on into Writing. On l\-hr. p. a Motion was made, ihat that Proteftation might be admitted and entred, as a iVanding Evidence of their alferiing the juft Rights . ..nd A' thoritv of the Prefident. This was oppos'd by -a Majority. But Dr. BcverUge propos'd a Qneftion, I4^,jitber upon Suppofition that the Houfe may fit upoti Syno- 4ical Chap. XVIII. after the Revolution in i68S. 615 dical Bufjnefiy dfter the coming down of the Schedule, till An. lyol. they think their Bufinejl over^ the Hcufe would agree thnt the Schedule fhould be then executed^ and the Houfe Pro- rogud to the Day and Hour there jpecifyd^ by Vertue of the faid Schedule, and in Obedience to the Authority whereby the whole Convocation woi Prorogud, To evade anfwer- ing this Queftion it was at laft agreed, that a Commitiee fhould be appointed to confider of fuch an expedient about the Prorogation of the Lower Houfe, as might tend to the compo(ing of Difputes: And Eight were fix'd on one fide, vi:{. Dr. Hooper^ Dr. Jane, Dr. Aldrich^ Dr. Atterbury^ Dr. Binck^s, Mr, Needham, Mr. Moory and Di. PVynne: And Eight on the other Side; vi:(. Dr. Beveridge , Dr. Hnyley, Dr. H-^illfs y Dr. K^nneP, Dr. Trimnel, Dr. Prideaux, Dr. Green, and Mr. Lloyd, And this Committee meeting Febr, 10, Agreed, That no Forms of Prorogation fhould be us'd b) the Prolocutor here- after^ that were net Uid before the lait Convocation : That the Forms Ui*dby the Prolocutor in the Convocation of j 586, 4nd 1588, fhould hereafter be us'd by the Prolocutor in the Order they lie in the Bocl{s, beginning with the Firft till they are aU gone through ; And that they fhotdd be pronounced by the Prolocutor^ when the Houfe agreed that their Bufinefl was over. After this, fome boalted of the Advantage gain'd on the Side of the Lower Houfe, and that the Archbiihops Friends had given up his Caufe; and ex- cluded the Schedule from any concern in the Adjourn* ment. To obviate which Senfe, fome prepar'd a Paper againft the next Seflion, in which they declar'd, That they underftood the latter part of the Agreement aforefaid, with an Exc^f^on to any Cafe^ when the Pre/ident f/oould fee Caufe to J end an Order with the Schedule^ fi^^^fy^f^g the exprefl Time of intimating the V'Orogation upon that Day : Otherwife if it were pretended to mean^ that the Authority of the Archbifhop, or any Order fent from tbe "Upper Hwfe^ W^t thereby excluded or diminijh'd, they then folemnly prO" tefted againfi any fuch meaning or intended meaning l Which was brought to be offer'd to the Houfe, on Febr. 1%, The Eight Members alfo drew up a Declaration o£ their Senfe, in which they fignify'd, among other Things, that they refused an Alteration that was ofFer'd on the Third Article of the Agreement foremention*d^ 'si^. That the Form fhould not be pronounc'd by the Prolocu- R r 4 t^or^ 41 6 Some Hiftorical Additions Chap. XVIIT. An. 1701. tor till the Hotife ngreed that their Bufinep xpas over: This they refus'd, becaufe tho' they might generally prefuine upon the Archbilhops confent for their futing to dif- patch all proper Bufinefs; yet they could not agree to any Thing that fliould preclude his Right to Prorogue them immediately if he found it expedient: And that they us'd the Words protiounc'dly the l^rolcciitor, loprc- vem the putting any Queftion to the Houfe about Ad- journing thewfelva ; and that the Prorogation might be always to the Time and Place appointed by the Schedule, Xk\Febr. IX. The ProJocutor being indi(pos*d, ap- pointed the Dean of Chrift Church to Ad: as bis Depu- ty; And a Deputy fo appointed, had been accepted, had Apphcation been duly made to thePiefident to Ap- prove and Confirni him. But no fuch Application being made, the Archbiftiop fent for the Clergy, and pro- f f gu*d the Convocation to the 1 4tb, telling them that sin, incident had happen d of great Moment, which he and his Brethren muft take time to confider of. On Febr. 13. Dv.fVoodxvard the Prolocutor died, in his Lodgings zttVJlminJier^ in very unhappy Circum- ftances. (Says my Author) The Archbifhop on the 14th told the inferiour Clergy he was much furpriz'd at the News of it, and adjourned them to the 19th. The Prolocutor before his laft Sicknefs, had complain'd rtvuch of his Bilhop, my Lord of Snrum^ on Account of his Breach of Priviledge in his Treatment of him. The Cafe was thus: The Bilhop Yifiting his Clergy, The Clergy paid their Attendance : But the Dean of Sarum dechn'd appearing as Redor of Pef//;, wii^out making a reafonable Excufe ; nay, rarher aggravated his Ab- fence with Contempr. The Bifhop order'd a Citation in the ulijal Method. When the Time of Priviledge afterwards commenc'd, he ordred his Chancellor to pur a ^tet upon the Caofe, and there was no farther Proceed^ ing. Upon this a formal Complaint was on Febr,^, piicfenred 10 the Upper Houfe, in which this was repre- fcnted not only as an unlawful Molcrtation of a Mem- ber of the Lower Houfe, but an injury offer'd to the whole Body of the Convocation, in the Perfon of the Referendary between the Two Houfes of it. The Arch- biftiop and Biihops anfwer'd, that the Proceedings re- ferred to, were begun when there was no Priviledge^ ♦ and Ch3ipW\\L after the Revolution in 1688. 617 and that upon the opening of the prefent Convocation ^«. 1701, a Stet was put upon the Caufe, nor was there any Cita- tion of Procefs decreed fince. But thefe Matters were canvafs'd wiihoi^t Doors as well as within : yind a faithful Account of what p^H in Contocation was pijbhih*d in Three Letters, Ntimb. i, 2, 3. Whrre there are Hints of a fetled Refolution taken, of rendring Convocations infignificant and ufclefs. The Author in his firft Letter fays that for nefar 150 Years paft, there is no one Inftance of the Confirmation of a Deputy Prolocutor above . nor any Ground or Co- lour to believe that the Bifliops at ail inrermedied with it. On Fehr, 19. the Archbifliop difmifs'd the Clergy with a Speech : In which taking Occafion from their Complaint of the Biftiop of Sarum, he tells them, ' he * hopes for the Future, they would not be furpriz'd in- * to Complaints, but would ftay till they wereaffur'd * they were well grounded both in Xi^l^i^ and FaSi. He * adds that the Choice of a new Prolocutor would not * now be fo feafonable, for that many Members were ' abfent, attending their refpedfcjve Cures; and that a * War was breaking out, which would turn Mens * Tho'ts another Way : And that therefore he intended " a Prorogation. He tells them their Heats had given * great Offence, even to thofe that underftand not. the Nature of the Controverfv, but were concern'd, * that there fiipuld be any Differences among fuch as * were by Profeflion the Minifters of the Gofpel of * Peace, &c.' The Prorogation was to M4rc/j 5. The Second Letter now came out. The Author fays that his Grace was pleasM to read his Speech; and that more Members now attended than were prefent at the Choice gf the laft Prolocutor: That more came to Town upon. this Occafion than had left it to go to their Curesj and he left his Friend to gnefs whether their Prefence might not be a truer Reafon for the putting off the Ele^fiion than the others Abfence. He adds, that fuch hindrances as thofe mention'd had not been thought fufHcient in other In- fiances ; And that there was not even a War wanting in 1666 to call oflF Mens Minds from Convocational Bufinefs. He intimates that the fear of an Accommo- dation of their Differences was the Occafion of thefe unprecedented Proceedings. And in the Third Letter, ■ , . - .-■.... ■ he 6 1 8 Some Hifhrical Additions Chap. XVIII. An. lyoihe carps at the Rcprefentation given by the Upper Hoiifc of the Proceedings of the Bifhop ofSarum againft his Dean, and (hews the Grounds they went on in their Complaint. About this Time came out an Expedient froposd^ in Anfwer to the R^ight of the Archbifhop to Continue and Prorogue the whole Convocation afferted. The Author fays. That there is no one Church throughout the Chriftian World more remarkable for Unity, and a good Corrc^ fpondence between its Members than the C. of E. as by Law EftablifliM, from the Time of its firft throwing out the Superftition and Corruption of Popery, to its Second Deliverance from ^mifh Tyranny and Op- prelfion ; But that fince, the Clergy have fallen out among themfelves, and from little mifunderftandings are in danger of breaking out into a Flame.- And where- as Divifions in the Church us'd to be heal'd by Synodi- cal Aflemblies and Councils, Things have been fo ma- naged by the fomenters of the Differences, as to make the very Meetings of the Clergy anOccafion of warmer Difpiues. He obferves that from the very Time that the DiflTenters were by Law indulg'd, the Clergy of the Eftablilh'd Church found themfelves abridgd of their Ancient Priviledges. He afcribes the Differences between the Two Houfes, very much to the miftakes which both of them fell into, upon the Bifliaps changing their Houfe, and removing to Jertifnlem Chamber, leaving ' the I ower Houfe to fit in HewyWW Chappel. And the main of the Expedient propos'd, is that the Lower Houfe fliould agree always to Adjourn to the' Day to which the Archbifhop AdjournMrhe Upper Houfe, that they might be always ready to attend him where they were f-nt for. This was anfwer'd in a Letter to the Au- thor of the pretended Expedient, which told him that an Expedient muft begin in owning the Authority of the; Metropolitan and his Suffragans : Whereas what he pro- pos'd, referv'd the Authority of Adjourning the Lower Houfe to themfelves : And that Grievances may be redrcfs^d, but a Power fo elTential to the Conftitution maft not be parted with. Another Anfwer alfo came out, Entituled, {{efleHions upon a Inte Paper, Ent. 4n Ex- pedient propos'd : This Author charges that Paper, as be- ing rather an Inve(5livc againft the Upper Houfe, than an Expedient for reconciling them to the Lower. / Aftec Chap. XVIII. afUr the Revolution in 1688. 619 After the Archbifhops Speech, with which fome were An. 1701. well fatisfy'd, others difcover'd their great diflatisfaition. ^^^^ ^^^ They met again Two Days after, and chofe a Chair- riageofthe man or Moderator. And when the Day came to c/et^y, which both Houfes had been Prorogu'd, they meeting the Bifliop of Lincoln^ who as the Archbilhops Com- mifTary had Prorogu'd the Convocation to a farther Day, begg'd him to carry a MelTage to the Archbilhop, of their defire to proceed to the Choice of a Prolocutor. He offered to take their Senfe in Writing. Thereupon they cry'd out that it was the Vmnimom defire of the Loxver Houfe of Convocation, ^c. One prefenc oppos'd, and faid that they were not a Houfe, and that many Members did not alTent to fuch a MefTage ; and that at moft it could with Truth run only in the Name of fever aI Members of the Lower Houfe. This rais'd a new Clamour ; and the Member who thus openly Diffented, was feverely reflected on^. And the King dying within a few Days after, the Convocation was Diffolv'd ; tho' fome would gladly have had it continu'd, becaufe the Parliament did fo: The Lawyers declar'd it could not be. And when they made an Attempt to have it continu'd by an extraordinary Claufe added in fome '-Parliamentary Bill, the Attorney General declared it was againft the Queens Ecclefiaftical Supremacy ; up- on which they were forc'd to acquiefce in its Diflb^ lution. Our Glorious King 0^illiam died at KJnfmgtov^ on^*'*^ ^i^' Mtrch 8, 170'. The Hiftorian li^msDeatk who wrote his Life*, fays, That tho he publickly frofefs'd the Efiu- * ^'^ ^^'^ '^^'"^^ Volume in hliflod [^eligior?, yet he fti/I retained ^^""""^ P* 5«7. a great Tendemejl for the Dijfen- ters^ and was ever averfe to Perfeeute People on the yiccount of their Belief, And he elfewhere f intimates, That he t preface to Volume Firfl, was by fome looked on as one -P^^ ^V* voho by Tolerating all {{eligionSy intended to overturn' the Eftnblifyd Church. The former Pan of this Charadier argu'd him to have a juft Senfe of the Rights of Humane Nature, as well as of the true Intereft of Britain : The Latter, is a Re- flexion that difcovers at once the Ingratitude, Igno- rance, and Bigotry, of thofe that made it. He had in- deed 620 Some Hifiorkal Additions Chap. XIX. An. 1701. deed a Regard to the DifTcnccrs, and yet they were not even in his Reign intireiy free from Hardlhips. He knew they were Hrm in his Intereft, and true to his Ti- tle, and faithful in his Service; and they never gave him any uneafinefs : It is not therefore to be wondrcd he fhould difcover a good Opinion of them. Perhaps the Time may come, when that may prove not to be to""^ their Difadvantage. They not only at firft cxtoU'd him '^ as their Deliverer from Popery and Slavery, bat in the whole courfe of his Reign ('which vilibly aim d at the Publick Good) they carried it to him with the Refpeft that was due to the great Defender of the Liberty of Europe : None more heartily Lamented the unfpeakable Lofs which the Nation fuftain'd by his Death, or arc to this Day more grateful to his Memory ; or more thank- ful for the Settlement of the Succeffion to the Crown in the Proteftant Line, which muft be afcfib'd to his tender Concern for the fecuhng our Liberty and Reli- l^ion, to our Pofterity after us. CHAP. XIX. An Account of the Cafe of the Dijfenters^ and of other material Incidents in the Reign of ^een ANNE, till the pajfing the Bill again(l Occafional Conformity, ?« 1 7 1 1 . K ING PVilliam was no fooner dead, than ihq Diflfenters felt the Effedts of the Change. They that bore them ill Will before, and were ready to reflect upon them on all Occafipns, now openly Tri- umph'di and tho* their Hands were tied before, feem'd now to conclude they ihould have full Liberty to deal with them as they pleas'd ; and talked of nothing lefs than fupprefling them. This was common in the City: And in fcveral Parts of the CouBtry, they talk'd of pul- * New- ^^"^ down the Meeting Houfes, as Places not fit to be caftle under fuff^r d. A|id in one Town * they a6tually went to Line. Work, as foon as ever the Tidings of the Kings Death • reach'd Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in i6^Q, 621 reach'd ihcm. Several Sermons were preached, and Pam->1». 1703^ phlecs difpers'd to blacken them as much as was poflibJe. And fuch a violent Temper difcover'd itfelf on a fud- den, and fucn an inclination to Heat and Fury, as plainly fliew'd the Parties afFeded to have been kept under an unnatural fort of Reftraint before. Some that had taken the Oaths to King fVilli/im, ftiew'd that they did not love him by Afperfing his Memory. He was bred lip amongftche Presbyterians, and on that Account whatever, he faid or did, they could never think faim a true Friend of their Church : But having now a Queen Upon the Thirone, that was bred up in the Way of the Church of England^ they threatened Revenge upon thofe who had done them no other Injury, than the modeft ufing the Liberty that had been Legally granted them amounted to. But Her Majefty openly declaring for the fame Meafures as had been purfu'd in the laft Reign, and the Houfe of Peers appearing Zealous for the Me- mory of King fP'i/liam, it was a curb and a check to them. Among the many Addrefles prefented to Her Majefty at the firft entrance on Her Reign, the Diffenting Mi- nifters in and about the City, of all the Three Deno- minations, Presbyterians, Congregational ^ and Antifa- dobaptifts. Waited on Her in a Body, with Dr. Daniel fVil/iams at the Head of them, with the following Addrefs, Signd by all their Hands ; which was after- wards inferted in the Gazette, of March 13 170', To Her moft Excellent Majefty^ Anm^ by the Grace of God, Queen of England^ Scotland, France, and !■ eland. Defender of the Faith, &c. MoFt Gracioui Sovereign, ' \\/ E Your Majefty's moft Loyal and Dutiful Sub- ^ ' jeds, the Proteftant Diffenting Minifters in * and about the City of London, crave leave humbly * to Reprefent the deep Senfe we have of the unfpeak- * abieLofs, We and all Your Majefty's good Subjed^S * fuffer by the Death of our late Glorious Monarch, ' fVilIiam the Third. , * But herein we are moft fenfibly and effed^ually * Relieved, by Your Majefty's moft Happy and Peace- l able Succeflion to thefe Crowns, whofe rightful and * un^ 6i2 Some Hifiorjcal Additions Chap. XIX» wl«. 1702 * undoubted Title we acknowledge with the greateft * Sincerity, and whofe conftant Zeil for the Proteftant ' ReJigion is fo juftly Rcnown'd: For fll which, with * Unfcign'd Joy, we Blefs and Adore the Divine * Goodncfs. ' We farther beg leave to AlTiire Your Majefty of * our moit Dutiful AfFedion, and inviolable Fidelity, * to Your Royal Perfon and Governnfient ; not doubt- * ing of our Share in the many Bleflings of Your Ma- * jefty's Wife and Happy Reign, which vre heartily * Pray may be long over Us. This w4s the firft Titne that the Three Denominations appear d together at Court upon fuch an Occaiion ; and it was de(ign*d hereby to manifeft to thofe who Were common Enemies to them all, that their Diffe- rences among themfelves were not fuch as hindred them from maintaining a Brotherly Aflfedion. They took the Oath to the Government, as it was now al- ter'd by the Parliament as freely as any Men ; and de- flr'd and aim'd at nothing but to live Peaceably and Quietly, ferving God according to their Confciences, and to their utmoft aflifting and fupportmg the Go- vernment, in a neceifary, hazardous, and expenlive War againft the Enemy of the Peace of Europe. But the Debate about Occafionnl Conformity, which had been rais'd in the foregoing Reign, was now revived . with great Warmth. Few wrote on the Church Side, but what made this the Matter of their Invedtives and Cenfuies. The Moderation of the Diflenters towards the Eftablifh'd Church that was formerly reckon'd a Vertue, was now reprefented as Criminal, and an Evi- dence of an ill Defijrn : And that was cry'd down as flnfulwhen it qualify 'd for an Office, which they had from the firft Declar'd to be Lawful in their Apprehen- fion, and had accordingly pradlic'd in a private Capa- city. It being the defire of many to bring them under a Popular Odium, this was reckon'd a proper ftep to it. This was the common Cry of the Leaders of the Party in the Eledlionof anew Parliament: Andthc Populace thac are ufually led more by Noife than Realon, gene- rally gave intoir. Before the new Parlianicnt which was call'd this Year (and in Elec5bing which there was a mighty ftruggle) fate Chap. XIX. after the RevolHtionin 1688. 625 face down, a Pamphlec came out with this Title, The £- ^». 1702- ftnbli(hment of the Churchy the Fre/ervation of the State ; Shewing the Reafonablenefs of a Bill againft Occafional Conformity : In which the Author undertook to prove the encouraging Diffenters utterly inconfiftent with that Duty of Charity that wasow'd them by the Church ; that a ci- vil Difcouragement of them would be highly agreea- ble to Religion ; that their Objedtions as to Cruelty, and with Refped; to Confcience had nothing in them ; and thai the Countenancing them would be. as little Politick as Pious. And it was foon follow'd by ano- ther, call'd, The Cafe of Toleration I{ecogm^y ; in which a ftrenuous Motion was made for the adding farther Conditions to the Toleration, and efpecially that of In- capacitating fuch as had Benefit by it, for all Civil Employments. And the Author has this remarkable PaiTage. If the Strength of the Dijfenting Intereji is at frefent fo confiderahle as to make it dangerous to provoke them, by impojing Sacramental Tefis, this jsfo far from be- ing an OhjeBion againji them, that it is a good Argument for having them. For if their Interefl: is Jo formidable, as to make it ha:{ardous to offend them, it is full time to ven* ture their Dijpleaffire, when there k Juch f{eafon to dread their Power : And if they ar? not fo terrible as they would maks the iVorld belive they are, it is prudent to pre- vent their being fo. And he clofes thus ; J dare venture to conclude with the Words of David, That tho' Father and Mother fkould forfake us, tho Kings and Queens ftoould in their turns fuccejfively overlook our Bjghts, yet the Lord rrill be both a Sun and a Shield ; Light and Prote^ion to his People, It was Defeated to the Earl of Marlbo^ roughf as to one of udfufpedked Zeal for the Church. This was anfwer'd in an ingenious Letter to the Author, by no Occafional, but a conftant Communicant with the Eftablilhed Church : Who upon his own declar'd and avowed Principles, pleads for a fimple Toleration, without any Preternatural Embargoes laid, or to be laid upon it, according to the unalienable Right of < Humanity. The Queen at the opening of the New (and Her firft; Parliament, OBoh, 21, told them, that She was refolvd to defend and maintain the Church as by Law £- fiablijhedy and to protefi them in the full Enjoyment of all iheir Bjghts and Liberties | but faid not a word of the ToU'P 6 1 4 Some Hijiorical Additions Chap. XlX. An. iio'2. Toleration. The Commons in their Addrefs, ORober 17, have thefe words ; iVd neither doubt of the full Eti" joyrtient of all our Hjglits and Liberties^ nor of Yow Md- jefties Defjndiyiz and M/iintaining the Church en by Law Eflnblifhcd. T'ur Majcfty hat been alxvays a mo/} IHuJi'iom Ornament to this Church, nnd have been exposed to great J-J.t:^a'dj for if I and thetef ore vo^ f rami fe our feheSy that in Tiur M^jejlies I{eign, we foal I fee it pcrfecily refiord to iti due Hjghts and Priviledges^ and fecar^d in the fame to Po- ferity • which is,only to he done^ by divefiing thoje JVf j/i of the Pox9er^ who hxve fhewn they t^hnt not the PViU to de* Jiroy it. No^. 4. Mr. Bromley, Mr. St. John, and Mr. Annefly^ were ordered to bring in a Bill foir preventing Occafonnl Conformity. It was read a id time, Nov. 17, and a Mo- tion made for the Exempting Proteftant Diffenters from fuch Offices as cannot by Law be executed without re- ceiving the Sacrament according to the Ufage of the Church of England, it was carried in the Negative. The Bill pafs'd the Houfe, and was fent up to the Lords ^ and Deeem. 9. it pafs'd there alfo, with fome Amend- ments. The Prince was for the Bill, and mo ft of the Great Officers of the Court ; but a Majority of the Biihops were for fuch Amendments as occafion'd a Con- ference between the two Houfes,and at length the drop- ping of the Bill. As it now pafs'd the Coitimons, it was to this Pur- , pofe : That ' As nothing is mure contrary to the * Profeflion of the Chriftian Religion, and particular^ * Jy torheDodirinc of the Church of England, than Per- ' fecution for Confcience only ; and in due Confide- * ration of it, an Adl paft in the ift Year of King * Pf^Ulion and Queen Mary, for the exempting their * Majefties Proteftant Subjedks diffenting from the ^ Church of England, from the Penalties of certain * Laws, which Ad: ought inviolably to be obferv'd, * afid Eafe given to Confciences truly fcrupulous : Ne- * verchelefs, whereas the Laws provide, that every Per- * Ton to be admitted into any Office or Employment, * fhould be conformable to the Church, as by Law E- ftabliOi'd, by Enading, that every fuch Perfon fo to be admitted fliould receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, to qualifie themfelves to have and enjoy fuch Offices and Eriiploymencs, and do afrer- ' waids Chap. XIX. after the RevolHtion in 1688. 6 2 f wards reforc co Conventicles or Meetings for xVt An. 1707/ Exercife of Religion in other manner than according to the Liturgy, ^c. contrary to the intent and mean- ing of the Laws already made ; It was therefore mov'd to be Enad:ed, ^c That if any Perfon or Per- fons after the Firft Day of March 1707, either Peer^ or Commons, having any Office or Offices, Ci il or Military, or receiving any Pay, Salary, Fee or Wages^ by Reafon of any Patent or Grant, or having any Command or Place of Truft under Her Majefty 01: Her Predeceffors, or by Authority deriv'd from Her or them ; or that Ihould be admitted into any Service or Employment reiatibg to the Government of Cities, Corporations , Burroughs, Cinque Ports and Port Towns, who by the Laws are oblig'd to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the Rites and Ufages of the Church of England; Ihouid at any Time after their Admiflion into fuch Offices or Em- ployments, or having fuch Grants, or during their * eontinuance in them , or injoying Advantage by them, knowingly and willingly refoirt to, or be pre- fent at any Conventicle, or Meeting under ^Coloui: of any Exercife of Religion, in other Manner thaij according to the Liturgy and Praftice of the "Churcli of England J at which Conventicle or Aflembly there fhould be Five Perfons or more Aflembled together, over and befidesthofe of the fame Houlhold, if in any Houfe where there is a Family inhabiting; or if in an Houfe or Place where no Family inhabits, where Five Perfons or more are fo Affembled ; or fhould know- ingly and wittingly be prefent at any fuch Meeting, ahho* the Liturgy be there us'd, in Cafe Her Majefty, the Queen Dowager, the Princefs Sophia^ or fuch others as (hall from Time to Time be lawfully ap« pointed to be Pray'd for, fhall not be PrayM for in exprefs Words ; fhall forfeit the Sum of One Hundred , Pounds, and Five Pounds for every Day that any fuch Perfons fhould continue in the Execution of fuch Office or Employment, after their being prefent at any fuch Conventicle ; to be recovered by him or them that fhould Sue for the fame, by A6lion of Debt^ Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of the Queen^ Courts at H^ejiminjler, 8cc. —And that every Perfon Coovi4^ed in any fuch Adion. or upon any Informa- S r ' iionl 626 Some Hiftoricdl Additions Chap. XIX. An. lyci. / lion, Prefcnrment, or Indi£lmcnt, in any of the Courts at l^'rftminfier, or at the A/Hzes, Ihould be difabled from thence forth to hold fuch Offices or Employments, or to receive any Profit or Advantage bytheai, G^c And fhould be adjudged incapable to bear any Ofiice or Employment whatfoever. — And that if my who fhould have been Convi<^ed, and thereby made incapable to hold any Office or Em- ployment, fhould after fuch Convit^ion, Conform to the Church of EnglnnA^ for the Tpace of One Year, without having been prefcnt at any Conventicle, and receive the Sacrament of the Lxjrd's Supper at the leafl Three Times in the Year, they fhould be capa- ble of a Grant of any Office or Employment, or of being Eiedlcd into, or holding of any of the afore- fa id Offices or Employments. — And that all fo Convidted and afterwards Conforming, fhould at the nexr Term after admiflion into any fuch Office, make Oath in Writing, in fome of the Queens Courts at IP'eJlminfter^ Publickly, between 9 and 1 2 in the Fore- noon, or at the next Quarter Seffions for the County or Place where they refide, that they have Conform'd to the Church of Englandy for the fpace of One Year before fuch admiflion, without having been prefent at any Conventicle; and that they had recciv'd the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the leaf^ Three Times in the Year; which Oath Ihould be there in- rolJ a, and kept upon Record. — And finally, That if any Pcrfon after fuch admifTion into any Office, fhoujd a Second Time offend in Manner aforefaid, and be thereof lawfully Convidked, he fhould incur double the Penalties foremention'd, to be recovered in the Manner aforcfaid, and forfeit fuch Office or Em- ployment, and not be capable of having any Office or Employment, until he had Conform'd for the fpace of Three Years, in Manner aforefaid ; whereof Oath to be mads in Writing, in one of the Queens Courts at i^eflmirifter^ or at the Quarter Seifions of the Coun- ty where he Reiidcs. The Lords Amendments were moflly Alterations of Words and ExprefTions, except the Third of them, by which they difown'd that every Perfon to be admitted to any Office or Employment, was by Law obliged to be iuiirely Conformable to the Church j or that that was Chap. XIX. after the RevolntTon in 1688. 6zj wastbc intention of the Law, when it provided that -«4». 1702. every Perfon to be admitted to Office Ihould receive the Sacrament according to the Rites and Ufage of the Church of England: And except the Alteration of the Penalties fix'd by the Commons. They brought down the Forfeiture from 100/. to ao/, of which one Third to go to the Queen, another Third to the Poor, and the other Third to the Informer. And they left out the 5 /. for every Day the Offen- ders continued in their Office; and all the latter part of the Bill, with refpedt to future incapacity for Office,' and the rccapacitating, and the encreafmg the Punifli- ment for the Second Onence. ^ Their Lordfliips alfo added Five Claufes, by which they provided, that Oath ihould be made of the Offence to be punilh'd, before fome Judge or Juftice within 10 Days after Commiflion; and the Profecution be within Three Months, and the Convidtion upon the Oath of at leaft Two credible Witnelfes : That Diffen- ters fliould not be compeU'd to hold any Office or Place, for which they could not be legally Qualified without taking the Sacrament : That the Univerfity Churches might be exempted, where Sermons were preach'd without Prayers : That fuch as went to the French and Dutch Churches might be excepted : And that Go- vernours of Hofpitals, and Afliftants of Corporations and Workhoufes for the Benefit of the Poor, might be exempted alfo. On Jan. 1 6th, there was a Free Conference between ^^'« Confe- the Two Houfes about thefc Amendments. The Ma- ''^^^^ ^^- nagers on the part of the Commons, were Mr. Bromley, txp^en the Mr. Si, John^ Mr. Finch^ Mr. Solicitor General, and '^'^^Hrufes, Sir Thomoi Pown r On the part of the Lords, the Duke ^'^^t f/;e of Devon/hire, the E. of Peterborough, the Bifliop of Sa- ^j^afional rum^ the Lord Somme7Sf and the Lord HnlJifax. The Managers for the Commons intifiated, ' That * the intent of this Bill was onlv to reftrain a fcandalous * Practice, which was a reproach to Religion, and gave * Offence to all good Chriftians, and to the BeH among * the Diffenters themfelves. That it enadJ'ed nothing * N E W, and was only intended to make the Laws in * Being more Effedual. That this Bill appearM to the * Commons abfolutely neceffary for the preventing I thofe Mifchiefs which tnuft prove deftrudive to the S f a * Church 628 Some Hiflorrcal Additions Chap, XIX* An. lyoi- Church and Monarchy. That an Eftablifh'd Religion and a National Church are abfolutely neceflary, when {"0 many ill Men pretended to Infpiration, and when there were fo many weak Men to follow them. That the only Effe£lual Way to preferve this National Church, was by keeping the Civil Power in the Hands of thofe whofe Principles and Pradliccs are Conformable to it. That ihe Parliament by the Cor- poration and Teft AAs tho't thev had fecur'd our Eftablifliment, and provided a fufficienr Barrier to difappoint any Attempts againft them, by Enading that all in Offices (hould receive the Sacrament ac- cording to the Ufage of the C. of £, and never ima- gined a Set of Men could at any Time rife up, whofe Cmfcitnces were tco tender to obey the LawSy hut hnrdend enough to break, them. That as the laft Reign began with an Adl in Favour of the Diifenters, fo the Com- mons did defire, that in the beginning of Her Maje- fty's Aufpicious Reign, an A(5l might Fafs in Favour of the C. of H, That thofe Men might be kspt ou t of Offices^ who have fhewn they never wanted the H^iQ, when they had the Power, to Defiroy the Church, And that this Bill did ftot in any Refped: intrench on the Adl of Toleration, or take from the Diifenters any one Priviledge they have by Law, or give any one Pri- viledge to the C. of £, which was not at leaft in- tended her by the Laws as they then ftood. * As to the feveral particular Amendments made by the Lords, the Managers for the Commons in lifted upon it, That if the Laws provided that they that had Offices (hould receive the Sacrament, and by that intended a Conformity ; then, whofoever breaks the intentions of the Law, breaks the Law, or at leaft evades it; and that it was fit to provide againft luch a Praflice. That if the intention of the Teft Adt, was the Rea%)n to provide againft fuch Evaders of ir, the like intention in the Corporation Adt, would ierve for a Rcafon to provide againft the Evaders of that. That by Occjfirmal Conformity, the Diifenters might let themfelves into the Government of all Corpora- tions ; and that it was obvious how far that would intiuence the Government of the Kingdom. That to feparate from a Church which has nothing in it againft a Mans Conicience to Conform to, is Schifm: And * ibac Chap. XIX. after the Revoifit/on i» 1688, 62^ that that is a Spiritual Sin, without the fuperadding An. 1702* a Temporal i aw to make it an Offence. That Occr.- fional Conformity declares a Mans Confcience will let him Conform ; and in fuch a Mart Non- Conformity is a wilful Sin. And why fhould Occafionnl Confer- mity be allow'd in Corporations, when the Lords agreed that out of Corporations it ought not to be allow'd } That in laying Penalties, the Commons would always endeavour to make them fuch as lliould neither tempt to Perjury, nor totally difcourage In- formations and Profecutions ; which they thought the Lords Amendnienc would do, fhould they Agree to it. That the Pumlhment of incapacity ^ the reca' piicitating^ and the increafe of Punifhmsnt for a Second Offence, are warranted by many Precedents of the like Nature, in other Penal Laws. That an incapa- city is a very proper Punifliment; and that a Second Offence is a [{eUpfe and Apoftacy^ which makes it more heinous than the firft Offence, and therefore deferve an encreafe of Punilli rent. That he's indeed reduc'd to a very unhappy Condition, who is made incapable of ferving his Prince and Country ; But in the prefent Cafe both Prince and Country would be in a more unhappy Condition, to be ferv'd by fuch, whofe Prin- ciples are inconliftent with the Good and Welfare of the Eftablifhment. That the Tf/^rd.'^/fl^i was intended only for the eafe of Tender and Scrupulous Confci- ences, and not to give a Licenfe for Occeifional Con- formity. Thar Conforming and Non-Conforming are Contradidiions; nothing but a firm Perfwaiion thaC the Terms of Communion reqair'd are (inful and un- lawful could juftify the one, and that that p amly condemns the other. That the exempting Diffe-nters fromferving Offices, would rather EftabliOi Occ.'ijionat Non-Conformity , than prevent Occafional Confo^-mity^ and therefore increafe and not cure the Evil the Bill was intended to Remedy. That the AH of Vnifofmify had provided for the Sermons or Ledlures in the- Uni- verfities j and that therefore the A6^s againft Con- venticles in the \6 and 22 Car. II, made no particular Exceptions for them, and yet they were never taken ^ to be Conventicles. That the exempting fuch as ' (hould be prefent at the Foreign Reformed ChurcbeSj ^ would be Eo open a Door to evade this Law. Aiid th-zs S. f 1, ■ 'the. 650 SoMe Hifloricdl Additions Chap. XIX. An. 1702- * the Places of Governours of fome Hofpitals are very ' conliderable Preferments, and given as fuch to the * CJergy of the C of £; and that the Commons could ' never Confent, by any Law, to let in the Diflenters * to the Enjoyment of them. The Managers for the Lords on the other Hand dc- clar'd, thar, ' By agreeing fo far as they had done to this Bill, they had gone a great Way for preventing the Evil it was intended to Remedy ; and own'd it to be a Scandal to Religion, that Perfons fhould Con- form only for a Place. That they did not think go- ing to a Meeting to be malum in /f, for that the Dif- fenters areProteftants,and differ from the C. of £. on- ly in fome little Forms, and therefore they tho't lofs of Office a fufficient Punifhment without an incapa- city. That it could never be tho't thofe of the better Sort would be Guilty of this Offence; if they were they (hould lofe their Offices : That in inferiour Offi- cers of the Cuftoms and Excife, who had little elfe to fubfift on, lofs of Office was fevere enough fince thereby they would be undone. And that this was yet more confiderable in Patent Places, which by a Common Cuftom are Bought and Sold, and are of the Nariire of Freeholds. That Incapacity was too great a Penalty ; and that it is hard to imagine any Offence that is not Capital can deferve it. That there is no more Reafon to punilh this Offence with Incapa- city, than to make it Felony. That the Diffenters are not obnoxious to the Government as when the Cor- poration Adt was made; the moft confiderable Per- fons amongft them being well affedled to the prefenc Conftitution, and hearty Enemies to the Queens and the Kingdoms Enemies. That in fome Corporations they took the Election of Members to fervc in Par- liament to be only in fuch as are concern'd in the Go- vernment of them, as at Buckingham -, and the Lords' would not by this Bill deprive Men of their Birthrights; neither did they think fit to bring any greater Hard- fhips upon the Diffenters, fince great Advamages have accrued from the A£t of Toleration, That the Lords did eqnnlly defire a good Correfpondence betwixt the Two Hoiifes, and were fo faiisfy'd of the neceffity of Union ac this Time, that they tbo^t all Meafures fatal, that might create Diviiions amor.gft Prote/lants Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1 688. 631 * at Home, or check the neceflary Union of the Allies -An. 1702- * Abroad. That in a Time of War they tho't Al- * terations unneceffary and dangerous, and were un- * willing to bring any real Hardihips lapou the Diflen- * ters at this Time, or give ihem any Caufeoif Jealou- * fies and Fears. That the Toleration bad had fuch gootj * EfFedts, contributed lb much to the Security and Re- * putation of the C. of £, and produced fo good a * Temper among DilTenters, That the Lords were nn- * willing to give the leaft difcredit to that A(^; Liberty * of Confiienccy and gentle Meafu res being moft proper, * and having been found n>oft EfFecftoal toward increa- * fing the Church, and diminifhing the numbei of * Diflencers. That fome Pares of the Bill had an Air * of Severity not proper for this Setfon;. that a proper * Time ougbc to be taken to apply Remedies; the at* * tempting too hafty Cures having often prov'd Fatal, ** That if there had been fach Danger and Nccefliiy, this * Remedy would have been proposed before; That if * this Bill did Enad nothing NEW, there would not * be fuch a Conteft about it. That they did confent * to a Punifhment, but would proportion the Penalty * to the Offence. That they hop*d their defires of fe- * curing the Toleration A&^ the Peace and Quiet of the * Kingdom at Home, and the Intereft of the Nation * Abroad, would meet with a fair Conftrudlion. That * they tbo*t the only Conteft between the Two Houfes * was which ihould moft befriend and take Care of * the Church J the one would procure a haity fetled * Submiflion, not fo much to be depended on; the * other woul^ obtain for her a more gradual but a fafer * Advantage over Diffenters. That they conceiv'd both * the laft Reign and this began upon the fame Bottom * and Foundation; and that as in this Reign Her Ma- ^ jefty has been pieasM to give Gracious Affurances as * to Liberty of Confcience, fo in the lafk the Church ever * met with ProtE(ftion and Support. That it is hard as * well as untrue, to fay of the Diifenters, they never * wanted the fViU J v^heri they had the Power to defray the * Church and State ; fince, in the laft and greateft Dan- * ger the Church was expos*d to, they join'd with her, *£^ * with all imaginable Zeal and Sincerity againft the * Papifts, their Common Enemies; and that ever fince J lixey have cojitina'd to ibew ail the Signs of Friend- Sf4 ^ihip 652 Some Hiji or leal Additions Chap. XIX. A-i. 1702* Ihip and SubmiiTion to the Government of Church * and State. That Toleration and Tendernefs had ne- * ver mifsM of procuring Peace and Union, as Perfe- '_ cution had never faild of producing the contrary \ Eflfedls. That the Lords could not think the Dilfen- * ters could properly be caJi'd Schifmaticks ; that fuch ' an Opinion allowed, would bring an heavy Charge * upon the C. of £, who by a Law have Tolerated fuch ' a SchiJ'm: And that the Church Men having allow'd * Communion wirh the Reformed Churches Abroad, ic * muil follow they hold them not Guilty of Schifm^ or * could not allow Communion with them. That this ' Bill would inflidt a Second Punilhmenc on them who ' fled from F^-mce for their Religion. That this might * be us'd a;S an Argument to juftify even the Perfecution * in Fmnce. That they could not depart from the * Claufe relating to the Dutch and Wnllcon Churches * fo long Eltablilh'd among us, leaft it (hould give great * Diiguft and Oflfence to the Allies Abroad, and at the * fame Time forfeit the grcateft Charadkercan be given *, a Church, that of Tendernefs and Charity to fellow ' Chriftians, ^c. That as ro iVorJ^houfes, they could ' not conceive, that the diftributing of fome Presbyte- ' rian Bread to the Poor^ and Diffcnting H'ater-gruel to the ' Sick,f could ever bring.any Prejudice to the C. of E: ^ And that they were of Opinion, that the Diflenters \ were coming into the Church, and that nothing but • * terrifying Meaiures and Sc^verity could prevent the * happy Union. * 'Twas farther added, That a Papift Convidt, as ' foon as he Conforms himfelf, and rccei^^s the Sacra*. ^ ment is immediately clear'd , no Incapacicy lies upon * him . But this Act would carry the Matter farther to ' a Years Incapacity. A Papift that ihall relapfe and ' fall under a Second Convi6Vion, is only Convi(5led * over again, without any Aggravation of the Cenfure; * which by this Bill would be much heighren'd upon a * Second Oifcncc: So that the Penalties ot this Bill are *" higher than any the Law has laid on Papifts for alFift- ' ing at the folcmnelt A61 of their Religion. Before ' the Ad of Trleratiou pais'd, while Conventicles were * Illegal aivl Criminal Alfemblies, a Man in Office, that was prcfcnt ac them, was only liable to a Fine of 10/. *- Whereas by this Bill he'd be liable to a Fine of an 1 00 /, 'foi Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 653 for being prefent at them, tho* they have an Impuni- ji„^ ,-q2" ty by Law : It does not feem fo very fuitable that the fame Adiion (hould be made 10 Times more Penal, after fuch an Impunity is granted, than it was before the paifing that Law, while fuch Aflemblies were Illegal. It feems infnaring, and unbecoming fo mild a Government as ours, to lay fo heavy a Penalty on a Crime fo dubioufly exprefs'd : Nor is it proper that the Sums rais*d by the Bill Ihould all go to the Infor- mer, which might give incouragement to falfe Acca- ' fadons and Perjury. This Occajlonal Conformity has been both the Principle and Pradice of fome of the moft Eminent among the DifTeniers ever fince St. B^r- tholomevps in 1662*. Nor is it a certain Inference, that becaufe ^ Not only Mr. Baxter and a Man receives the Sacrament in ^r. Bates were here mentioned, the Charch, he can therefore ^«^ f^ w<« faid that there was a Conform in every other Par- Pamotts and Learned Man that ticular. Occafional Conformi- ^'^'"^ ''^ Salisbury, Mr, Tombs, ty was a ftep that carried *'^?, *''** "" ""^^ f ^^^"^^ ^^'f *"■ many much further : And it ^'^ !^ ^U founts but one, infant was intimated that the Lords f/'^r^T;* /Tc''"'^'"^''^!: .,,. . r» r- that recetyinz the Sacrament does werenotwillmg to ruinPerfbns „ot necefarUy import an entire ^ Utterly on Account of a PradlCe, conformity in eyery other Tarti' ^ that many well meanmg Men cuUr -, no more than a Man have been and may be led who can fubfcribe to the Two into, and which they think firsi Articles of Religion, ii by naturally tends to bring them that concluded to Jjfent to the over intirely to the Church, ^eU of the Thirty Nine. * The Managers on the behalf of the Commons, Reply'd, that feveral Arguments urgd by the Mana- gers for the Lords, were againft the Bill, which they had feem'd to Agree to. That no Time could be more feafonable for this Bill than the Prefent, becauie good Laws may be obtain'd mofl eafily in the beft Reigns. That fliould any by this Bill be turn'd out of their Employments, and confequently lofe their Votes in Elections, yet it cannot be faid they lofe their Birthrights, becaufe no Man is born a Magi- ftratc. That fome of the Lords Arguments had been fo irregular as to defend Occafional Conformity : And that they were furpriz'd to hear a Prelate fpeak in Defence of fuch a Practice* —They left the Bill with 634 SomeHifiorkalAddithtts Chap. XIX. .^- 1702. with the Lords, and faid that tbey hop'd they would not let the Publick lofe the Benefit of fo good a Law. But the Lords adher'd to rheir Amendments, and fenc the Bill back' to the Commons: And they perfifting to difagree to ihem, for this Time the Ell) came to nothing. At the end of the Seflion, ¥eh. 27. 170I, theQpeen declared from the Throne in Her clofing Speech, That She wai firmly B^folvd to Maintain the A& of Toleration : And i{?commeuded Peace and Vnion^ at the molf Effe^uai hieans that could he devis'd to difcourage and defeat the Defigns of our Enemies. While this Bill was depending, 3l?f /Jortp;? a pamphlet was publifh'd, intituled. The Jhorteft f^ajf MayvFtth with the Dijfemerj, It was very Sharp and Poignant; the Dijfen- ^^ fome On both Sides were at fir ft amus'd with it, as texs. queftioning what its Defign was; biat it was iy)t long before that was fufficiemly difcovcr*d. This Au-!- thor here told the World, that the Repr efentatives of the Nation had now an Opportunity, and perhaps the only one they fiiould ever have, to fecure the Cb. of E^ and deftroy her Enemies, under the Favour and Pro- tection of a true Englifh Queen : That this was the Time to pull up this Heretical Weed of Sedition, that bad fa long difturb'd the Peace of the Church, and poifon d the good Corn : That if it ftiould be objected, that this renewing Fire and Faggot would be Cruelty, and ac- counted Barbarous, he anfwer'd, that *tis Cruelty to "kill a Snake or a Toad in cold Blood ; but the Poifon cf their Nature makes it a Charity to our Neigh- bours to deftroy thofe Creatures, not for any per- fonal Injury received, but for prevention .- Not for the. Evil they have done, but the Evi] they may ^©, And that as Serpents, Toads, arid Vipers are noxious to the Body, and poifon the fenfitive LAfe, fo' the DiiTenters poifon the Soul, corrupt our Pofterity, cr» fnarc our Children, deftroy the Vitals of our Happi- nefs, our Future Felicity, and contaminate the whole Ma(s; and therefore they are to be rooted out of this Nation, if ever we would live in Peace, ferve God, and enjoy our own. The Commons ordrcd the Book to be Burnt by the Hands of the common Hangraan, and the Author to be Profecuted. He pleaded for himfelf that he gave them hxn their own Language, or at leaft the Sccfe of their owa Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 655 own Expreflions when they talk*d of hanging out bloody An, 1702,. Flaggs^ and Banners of Defiance i and Ihew'd them what many of theirPamphlets and Sermons,as well astheir com- fiion Converfation tended to: But it was not to be born. He muft be made an Example, for the Terror of others. A Convocation was this Year called with the Par- j/,^ Py^,, liamenc : And Dr. Aldrich Dean of Clmfi-Chwch, ceedin Tfjl cf the Church of England*/ Loy^ alty ; or Whiggiih Loyalty and Church Loyalty com- par'd. The Cafe fairly Stated, in a Dialogue between Af deration and Confiitution. A Cafe of prefent Concern j in a Letter to a Member of the Houfe Commons, in- veighing againft my Abridgment. Mr. Stubbs'sS^Tmoth for God or for Baal: Or no Neutrality in Religion. Now alfo the Cafe of the I{egahy and of the Pontifi- cate, Stated in a Conference concerning the Independency of the Church, made a Noifc. It came out before, but was now Reprinted with Additions, and may ferve for a fit clofe of the Writings of this Year. This Book avow- edly fets the Church above the State, and attempts to take from the Crown the Nomination of Bifnops : Would have the Bilhop pray'd for before the King or Qtiecn, and would make Princes the Servants of the Church, and the Church to have an Authority over the King Ghap. XIX. after the Revolution in \ 688. 645 King hicnfclf ; and thai not only to debar him the ^«- 1702. Prayers and Sacraments, but to proceed to Excommu- p. 68. picatioj), if other Methods prevail not to bring hiao to Penance for open Scandals. 'Tis here afletted that the J^egale, that is the PoNver of Princes in Matters Eccle- fiaftical (which by the Way has been commonly repre- fented as a main Fundation our Reformation ftands upon) is ihe effect of Popery, and the Caufe of all manner of Mifchiefs; And the quitting all pretences to it, is neceffary to the thriving of Religion. This Author leaves the Reformation in a Schifm ; And moves for a Treaty with the Church of France^ apd is for fp- far reconciling our Differences as not to hinder Com- piunion. He was for a Treaty between the Englifh Convocation, and the general AlTembly of the GaUicnn Bifliops and Clergy : And in a Marginal Note condoles p. 255, the Misfortune, that ihe Englifh Convocation not being fuffer'd to (it while that of France lafted, rendred any Treaty betvveen them impra(fticable. But he feems to promife, that as the Iffue of that French Aflembly ex- ceeded Expectation, fo there may be a Time, when by the afliftance of a reconciling Body of Men, who are not againft a Peace with France, a pioft Glorious Step may be made in this great Work, by that King whom God Ihall infpire to take his ^gale out of the Way, from obftrucfting fqch mighty Ends as thofe propos'd, .by which be would truly deferve the Title of moft Chriftian, and moft Catholick, and would be in good earnef) the Defender of the Faith. The Parliament met again, Nov. 9. this Year. The An. 1705 Qpecn in Her Speech earneftly defir'd them to avoid , Jjeats and Divifionf, that would give Encouragement to the ,. . common Enemies of Church and State. The Commons ^^^ p°y/^-^{ in their Addrefs which was prefented Nov. 1 1, promis'd ^g„f ^y,,^ they would take Care of it. The Lords in their Ad- the Affair direfs which was ptefented the next Day, promis'd Her ofoccafiona Majefty, nut only to avoids but oppofe, vohatfeever might tend Conformity- to create any difyuiet or difunion amongft Her SuhjeBs» The Two Houfes had not fate long, before the Bill for preventing Occafional Conformity which had mifcarried in the former Seflion, was again fet on foot, among the Commo^is. The BUI was the fame in Subftance now as before, and yet in feyeral Things it differ'd» The Preamble^ againft Berfesution for Confcience only^ 6a,6 Some Hlfioncal Additions Chap. XIX. An. 1703- was now left out. The former Bill began with men- tioning the AH of Indulgences faying, That that /Jit ou^ht inviculny to be ohfey%>'*dy whereas, this takes not the leaft Notice of it.. This Bill began with mention- ing the Corporation and Telt A6ls, which it fays, fnani- fe'ily ifjrer^cd true nil Perfons to be admitted into fuch Ojiccs, /ind Emf.oyments^ [hould be^ ayid always remain ..Cofiforrnablff to the C. of'E. as by Law Eftabliflo^d ^ which ASis^ it fays, have been notorioufly eluded^ &:c. And .in the cnaclivg Part, whereas tlie former Bill allow'd but Four beficjcs the Family where a Conventicle was held, |:his alioN^d Nine, and inflicted no Punifhmenr, unlefs there were Ten or more, betides the Family. The Pe- nalty in the former Bill was 100/, and '5 /. for every Day that the Perfons concern'd continu'd afterwards in Office; But now it was brought down to a Forfeiture of 50/. There were alfo fome other Differences. A Member of the Houfe of Commons fpeaking to phis Bill, among other'Things, faid that Her Majefty fufficiently Ihcw'd Her defire to fee it fuccecd the laft .S^efTions, by the Prince of Denmark^s conftarit Atten- dance upon it; And that he believM the Reafon why fome Perfons oppos'd it, was becaufe the Queen feemM to efponfe it. The Bill he faid was loft becaufe Two or Three Noble Lords were by turn^ to be Abfcnt : And (loinplain'd that the Mifcarriageof the Bill was imputed * to their want of Attendance, when at the fame Time they were defirM to be out of the Way. He reprefent- ed it as iliameful, that there (hould be fuch Trimming in a Bill to prevent Hypocrify. He faiJ, when Mem- bers of Parliament and Minifters of State ftand Neuter, in Matters thar nearly concern the Intereft of the C. of £, and have not Courage ro own their^ Opinion, they very well deferve to le torn'd cur. He banter'd the Arch- biiliop pf C- y as oppoiing the Bill, becaufe my Lord S r J told him it ought not to Pafs; arid inti- mated that none of the reR of the Bilhops that u'ere ■ againft the Bill could give a better Reafon : And talk'd cf moving for leave to bring in a Bill in Favour of Epifcppacy. For (fays he) fince they are of the fame Principles with the Diflfentcrs, it is but juft that they . ftould ftand on the fame Foot. He argu'd that it could iiot be more unfeafonable to Pafs a Law for the farther Defence of the Ch. of ZT, here, than it was for Scotland laft Chap. XIX. after the RevolhUon in 1 688.. 6^j laft Seffions to Pafs an Ad for the Security of the An, 1703. Kirk there. And whereas it was pleaded that the Bill would create Divifion, he queried whether a Schifm was to b^ allow'd to avoid Divilion ? He faid one Dif- fenter in Place was capable of doing more Mifchief to ^ the C. of E, than Ten out of ir. He concluded with faying, that the Pradice of Occafional Conformity elu- ded the Force of one of the beft Laws made in the Church of Engtands Defence, and that it was Scanda- lous and knavifli in itfelf j and that he might pretend* to foretel, that by the Benefit of this Occafional Con- formity, the Diffenters would come to be the Majority of the Houfe of Commons, and then he'd venture to pronounce the Days of the Church of England few ; And that he might not fee fuch difmal Effeds of a pre- tended Moderation, he heartily wifh'd Succefs to the Bill. It pafi the Commons on Dec, 7, and was fent up to the Lords, who treated it fo coldly, that they'd fcarce allow it a fecond Reading. The Bifliop of Sarum ma- king a Speech upon the Occalion, faid that he was fen- fible it was a Difadvantage, efpecially to one of his Bench, to fpeak againft any Thing which in the Sound and firft Appearance feem'd to be intended for the Ser- vice of the Church, and that if he was he not fully convinc'd that this Bill was not fo, he could not have a Heart or a Face to fpeak againft it. That he look'd upon himfelf as bound up in this refped by his Promife in the Addrefs at the beginning of the Seflion. That the Bifliops had been indecently refle£led on becaufe they could not think this Bill for the Service of the Church : But that they appealed to the World and their Diocefes as to their true Zeal for the Church; and that they were above fuch Calumnies. That the Capital Pro- ceedings in Queen Eli:{abeth's Reign, and the fevere Adt in her 25th Year, thatpunilhes Meetings with Im- prifonment, Banilhmenr and Death wasablemilh even of that glorious Reign. That the Repeal of that A tatibn to the Bilhops^ intimating, that having by a Meflage brought by their Piolocutor from his Grace, Dec. 15. been encouraged to hope that againft their noeeting on Febr, 4, fufficienc Power might have, been , procured for the joint ^Difpatch of Sy nodical Rufinefs, they had employ'd feveral Members in preparing Heads of Matters fit to be oifered- to their Lordfhips Confi- deration. And accordingly they reprefented to them, that -a General Negledt of divers Canohs' and Confti- tutions now in Force, ' tends to introduce fuch Cu- ftoms as may in Time be interpreted to amount to a Prefcription : ' And complained, That Matter of great -OflTence had been adminiHred to Pious Chriftians, and ' many evil Confequences might arife from the Pradice of ifuch -Minifters as read not the Common Prayer, DiflinStlyl^F^everently, and Intirely, (as by the Rubrick, -and by 'the 14th Canon they are obliged to do) with- out ■•either diminilhing in regard of Preaching, or in any other Rcfpe£t, or adding any Thing in the Mat- ter arid Form thereof. They alfo complain'd, That the unjuftifiable Ufe of the Form of Publicii Baptifm in Private Houfc^s, had leffened the Rs-iverence due to that Office^ and had Qccafion'd thofe undue Pra6lices of mutilating the pub- lick; 6§6 Some Hijiorical Additions Chap. O^IX* Af%. 1705. lick Form, and baptizing without the Sign of the Crofs, or Godfatheis and Godmothers : Thai Churchwardens were remifs in noi making due Provifion for the Admi- niftration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper : That Decency and Order were not duly obferv'd in fcveral Churches, and that feveral were irreverent and diforderly, covering their Heads in Time of Divine Service, ^c : That due Care was not taken about Holy Orders ; and here the Things particularly com- plained of, were the little Caution ufed by Tome in granting, and by others in allowing of Letters Tefti- monial ; the not infifting on true, certain, and fafli- cient Titles ; the want of a ftri^ and diligent Exami- nation of fuch as offer'd themfelves to be ordain d .; and an unnecefTary Ordination of Perfons without De- grees ot Education, G?c. That frequent Abufes hap- pen'd by Clandeftine Marriages, (^c ; That excommu- nicate Perfons were not deoounc'd as the 65 th Canon prefcrib'd ; for want of which, the Awe of Excom- munication had bean diminifti'd : That there were great Abufes about Commutations of Penoance .* That Perfons were fufFer'd to inftruc^ Youth without due Licences ; and ignorant and difafifeifled Perfons en- courag'd to eredl Seminaries, to the Prejudice of the Two Univerfities, and in which fuch Principles arc inflill'd into Youth as tend to perpetuate Schifm, and fubvert the Eftablifli*d Conftitution : That Perfons were .admitted to be Chancellors or Officials, and exerci(e Ecclefiaftical Jurifdidtion, without taking any Degree in any Univerfity : That the Prefentments of Church- wardens were commonly defedlive, and yet they went unpunilhed : That the Pradkice of Regifters was cor- rupt : That the Seal of Jurifdidion has been kept by other Perfons befides the Judges themfelves, aad their lawful Subftitutes : That Inconveniences have ari fen for want of regiftring Teftaments ; That cxceffive Fees were exa(^cd for Collations and Inftitutions .* That Fees were unneceflarily demanded at Vifiiations, (Sc. That grofs Errors were committed in fomc late Editions of the Bible and the Liturgy ; And that the Stage was guilty of great Immorality and Profane- nefs. The Articles of this Reprefeniation were 21 in Number. The Chap. XIX. after the Re^ixolution in 1688. 657 The Archbilhop told the inferiour Clerpy, that an -4»- 1703* Order was given for the making out Copies of this Re- prcfentacion both for the prefenc and abfent Biftiops : And that they would make the proper Ufe of it at all Times, and efpecially at their Vifitations. Her Majefty on Febr, 7. fent a IV^lfage to the Honfe of Coromoiis, by which fhe intimated, that (he had remitted to the poor Clergy the Arrears of their Tenths, and would make a Grant of her whole Revenue a- rifing out of her Firft-Fruits and Tenths^ to be ap- plied that Way. The Houfe of Commons hereupon prefented ah Addrefs of Thanks. The Convocation alfo for Canterbury prefented a like Addrefs of Thanks to her Majefty upon this Occafion, on febr. 1 5. And the Convocation for Torh^ that was now fitting foon after did the fame : And the Lower Houfe of Convoca- tion, fent their Prolocutor with fome of their Members to wait upon the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, by him to return their Thanks to that Honourable Houfe, for their efpoufing the Intereft of the Clergy, and promifing to purfue fuch Methods as might beft conduce to the Support, Honour, Intereft, and Secu- rity of the C. of E, as now by Law Eftablilh'd : And thefe Thanks of theirs, as Mr. Speaker Y /^o/'i??^ H^r- ley, Efq; ) afTur'd them by a Letter in return, were re- ceived wich the RefpetSk and Affe£iion juftly due, to that Reverend and Learned Body of the Clergy. On March 10. lyoj. The Lower Houfe fent up a Paper to the Upper, aflerting their Right to be fum- mond, as often as a New Parliament was called, and that according to the Tenor of the Claufe Pr^emu- nientesy as well as by Vertue of the Royal, Writ, apd Archiepifcopal Mandate : And complaining that this had been omitted in many Diocefes ; and tbat even the Royal Writ it felf, and his Graces Mandate purfuant vto it, had not been executed- at all this Convocation, in the Dioccfe oi Bangor. They alfo aflerted their Right to have a Prolocutor chofen and admitted^ at firft, and as often as that Office (hould be vacaet by Death or Promotion ; and to alTome an A(5^.uary, and have a convenient Place for Debates : and to' difpofe of the intermediate Time as they tho't good, tJ u. Ssvetal 6^8 Some Bftorkal Additions Chap. XlX. Ah. 1705. Several Things were aMb publifti'd upon this Con- troverly without Doors : As the New Danger of Prtf- More Wri- hytery, &c. In which there is a Complaint, that tho^" ti»^s 9» the ^^^ Archbiihops Right in Oppofition to the Claims of Convoca- ^^^ Lowci Houfe was fully juftified, and the contrary tionalCon- pj^^^ anfwered, «yet the Controverfy was maintain'd trove y. ^.^^^ ^^ much Heat and Confidence as ever. This it is intimated, created a Sufpicion there was more at the Bottom than meer Zeal for the Rights of the LoweE Houfe. Their Proceedings this Author fays, naturally tend to introduce a Presbyterian Parity into the Church : And he refers to a Letter ( printed feme Tiaoc before) from the Borders of ScotUnd, for Proof that they ufed the very fame Arguments and Methods, that ibc Puri- tans did in Qpeen Eli-!;^aheth''s Time, and the Scotch Presbyterians in the Reign of King James I. He fays, the Lower Houfe take a Method to deftroy the EH- ftindion of Orders between Bilhops and Presbyters, and fo create Confufion. This Year alfo came out, A fhort State of fame prcfent Queftions in Convocation : A fummAry Defence of the Lower Houfe of Convocation, con- cerning Adjournments. The pretended Independance of the Lower Houfe upon the Upper, a groundlefs Notion ; in Vindication of ihe^.Synodus AngUcana, and the Schedule R^iew^d. A Letter from a Convocation-Man in Ireland to a ConvocdtioK-Man in England And the h4a\s of a Defencelejs Caufe, &C. But the main Book . that now came out, was, The State ef the Church and Clergy cf England in their Councih, Synods^ Convocations^ Conventions^ and other Publick^ AjfernblieSy Hiftorically de- duced fo*n the Converfion of the Saxons to the pre/ent Times : By Dr. H^ake. It is Dedicated to the Archbi- JTiops, and Bi(hop«, and Clergy of the two Provinces of Canterbury and Tork^. In the Preface, he laments bis being oblig'd to engage in fuch a Controverfy ; pafTes a Cenfure on his own former Work, and freely complains of Dr. //. for his wrathful and uncharitable Spirit ; his Obfcurity, and his Confidence ; and fays, that there was fcarce a Leaf in his Book that would bear a rigorous Scrutiny, and but few that would Oand tlie moft favourable Examination. In his Firji Chapter^ he confiders the feveral Kinds of Affemblies of the Clergy of England, in a Parliamentary Convention, a Provmcial Convocation, in DioceCan Synods and Pro- vincial Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in \ 688. 659 cial Councils. In the Second, he fetshimfeJf by Argu- ^». 1703. ments to prove the real Difference both in Law and Fad, between a Parliamentary Convention of the Clergy, fummon'd by the Praemunitory Claufe ; and Provincial Convocations, fummon'd by the King's Writs CO the two Archbilhops. He fhews they have ditferenc Rights, Powers, and Priviledges as fuch. In the Thir(i he (hews, That the Bilhops and Clergy have a Right to be afTembled in Convocation, at any, and all Times, whenever the Affairs of the Chvirch re- quire rheic Confultarion, or any Benefit may thence accrue to Religion : But have no Obligation to at- tend upon the Parliament, much lefs be forc'd to conti- nue their Attendance during every Seflion, when they have cither nothing to do, or nothing to counter- vail the Trouble and Charge of fuch an Attendance. Jn the Fourth he fhews. That the Convocation has not as a proper Provincial Council, any Right to meet once a Year, by Vertue of the ancient Canons. In the Vth, Vlth, Vlltb, and VII Ith Chapters, he proves, that neither in the Time of Edxv. I. nor any of the fuc- ceeding Reigns to the Time of Hen, VIII. did the two Convocations attend upon the Parliament, nor was ic accounted their Duty or Priviledge fo to do. Iii Chap. IX, he (hews that no Right can in this Cafe be prov'd from Cul^om. In the Tenth, he confiders the Right of the Convocation to treat of Canons and Con- ftitmions, without the Affenc or Licence of the Prince. And at the End there is a large Appenndix, of Inftru- ments and Records, very few of which were evei publifh'd before. This Year came out Mr.Hoadly^s Hs^fi^^j^^^nefs of Con' fcrmity to the Church qf England, in two Parrs; as Mr. O/- lyffe% Defence of Minifierial Conformity did a little before; both in Reply to my i oth Chapter, in which I atfted but the Part of an Hiftorian, in reprefenting the Senfe and Reafons of the ejecSled Niflliconformifts ; and was not aware. That I affaiilted any. Dr. Nichols fpeaking of Mr. Hoadlys Performance, is pleafed to fay, ( how truly, let others judge) that arguing from my ConceJjionSy he ftabbs and cuts the Throat of the Caufe which I had un^ dertnken to defend"^. However it yet furvives ; and as it unhappily ^ ^ Apparat. ad Defenf. Ecct falls out, the Franknefs of thofe ^ngic p^^. uo. U u a wh# 66o Some Hiflorkal Additions Chap. XIX. An. 1704. who are moft zealous for the Church, who are not backward upon Occafion to declare againft luch a fofc Senfe of the Terms of G^nformicy as thefe Gentlemen contend for, helps to keep it alive. 1 publiftiM the Firft Part of my Defence of Moderate 'Nonconformity, in an- fwer both to Mr. OUyffe, and Mr. Hoadly. Now alfo caaie out the Church of England'^ I4^i(hj for the refloring of Primitive Difcipline: In which the Author attempts to (hew, that the C. of E, hath a Right ro have her Difcipline reftored, which it bas in vain wilh'd to fee effedied ever fince the Reformation ; and that this was a proper Seafon. He fattens upon the Words in the CommincticYj^ that is ufed from Year to Year, accord- ing to the Common Prayer Book, in which are thefe Words, That in the Primitive Church there vpas n Godly Difcipline, and till it may be reftored agnin^ which is much to be voijh'd. Sec. He fays, That Wifhes are in- deed Marks of a good Intention, and an acceptable Zeal where no more is poflible to be done; But ever to wifli, and make no Attempt towards the* Thing wifh'd for ; if it be Zeal, is fuch as is a Reproach to ic felf. Now alfo came out, A l^etter concerning the Edu' Cfithn of the Dlffenters in their private Academies. The Author brings heavy Charges againfk their Manage- ment, and particularly the dangerous Political Princi- ples ther^ inflill'd : To which an Anfwer was returned in the Year following. ViinherTfa- M. D. CCI V. The Parliament met a Third Time ceed'iHg in in OHober this Year. Her Majefty fignify'd in her Parliament Speech, her Hopes that there vpould be no Contention a- ahout the f^ong them, but xvho fkould moft promote the Publicly fi^el- Occafional jr^^^^ -j-f^g Commons in their Addrefs promifed, that they would endeavour by all proper Methods to prevent Divi- fions : But on Nov. 23. bro*t in the Bill againft Occafjo- nal Communion a Third Time. It had now a Preamble of the fame import with the firft Bill, intimating, that the Adi of Indulgence-ought inviolably to be obferv'd: It put the fame Glofs upon the Corporation and Teft AcSbs as before : The firft enadting Claufe was exadlly the fame with that in 1703 : And the Difference in the other Part, was iiot in any Thing very material. At the fecond heading it was mov'd to tack this Bill, to a Money Bill; but a Majority of 251 Voices againft 134, carried it in the Negative. And when it was af- terwards Chap. XIX* afierthe Revolutionin 1688. 66t afterwards fenc to the Lords, they carried it againft a -4«. 1704. fecond Reading of it, by a Majority of 71 Voices a- gainft 50. Had this Tacking Method fucceeded, Pub- Jick Aifairs would have been at a ftand : And the Queen minded the Parliament of it at their rifing, when in her clofing Speech fhe told them, That they had fo narrovplj^ efcap'd the Fatal EjfeBs of unreafonable Humour and Animofity in that Sejfion, that it ought to he a Jiifficient pVarning againft all dangerous Experiments for the Future, This Tacking feemed to carry in it a De- fign to take away the Negative of the Sovereign and the Lords. And had the Lords thrown out the Mojjey Bill on the Account of the Tack, the Parliament would in all likelyhood have been diflblv'd prefently, and the Preparations for the War hindred. This caus'd a gene- ral Indignation againft the Tackers. . Mr. James Ovpen^ Difcourfe calFd Moderation a Ver- ^e^'tf^i ^«f, had this Year a furious Reply to it, calFd the TVolf^L^"^ *^^^ Jiripp'd of his Shepherds Cloathing, faid to be written by ^^^' Mr. Leflsy : To which he return 'd. a modeft Anfwer, and ftii'd it Moderation ftill a Vertue, This was indeed an AnCwer to feveral bitter Pamphlets ; and particu- larly to one, entit. Occafional Conformiiy a mo ft unjufiifia" hie FraHice^ as well as to the Wolf firipp'^d. He here fays, he does not wonder that fuch Gentlemen as now argu'd. the Caufe, ftiould be unwilling to grant to Dif- fenting Proteftants the Priviledges of EngUfKhmen^ fince they denied them the Charity they ow'd to their Fel- low Chriftians ; pafs'd a feverer Sentence on their Everla(ting State, than they did on Heathens or Pagans, and fcarce allowed them the common Deference that is due to the Rational Nature. He reprefents it as very odd, that Occafional Conformity to the Church (hould be fo vehemently oppos'd, by one that was no Member either of Church or State. He adds a Defence of the private Academies of the DilTenters, againft Mr. Sache- vereCs Mif-reprefentations of them. Now alfo came out a Pamphlet call'd Myderation truly Jiatcd ; which con- founds Moderation ivith Lukewarmnefs in the Efteutials and Vitals of Religion : As if there were no Difference between Divine In Citations, and Humane Additions. Now alfo came out The Bights of Frotcjlant 'Diffenters, in Two Parts : The Fitft being the Cafe of the Diffemers revievsi^d: The Second, A Vindication of their }{jght to U u 3 an 662 Some Hi^loricd Additions Chap. XIX. An. 1704. an Abfolute Toleration^ from the ObjeBions of Sir Hum- phrey Mackworth. The Dedication of this Tradk to her Majefty, is an handfome Apology for the Diflcn- ters, againft the invidious Charges and Infinuations, of an Epiltle Dedicatory to one of the VoJumes of the Lord Ciaretuion's Hiftory. In the Tra6t it felf^ the Au- thor rcprefents the Diflenters Principles ; fhews their Right to a Toleration ; vindicates them from the Charge of Schifm; and urgesa great many Confiderations in Proof of the Jiiftifiablcnefs of Occaiional Confor- mity, and the unrcafonableneCs of attempiing to incapa- citate Men to fervethe Pubiick upon the Account of ir, C^f. Now alfo canie out the Second Volume of Ca- tbolicifm xgithout Popery^ in Anfwer to Sir H. Mackworth about Occafional Conformity, The Prefs indeed fwarm'd about this Time upon this Subjedt. There was a Serious Incjuiry^ into this grand Queltion, W>)ether a Law to prevent the Occafional Con^ formity of Dljfcnters^ xoould not he inconjjflent with the AH of Toleration^ and a Breach of the Queen sPromife ? The Chrifiianity of High Church confide/ d, A Letter to a Friend, concerning the New Diftinciion of High and Low Church, A Brief Account of the Tack, in a Letter to a Friend. C flandra, but I hope not, telling what will come of it , &C. Xhe Tro- The Convocation fate at the fame Time with the ordfhips under any Odium. They therefore beg their Lordfhips to exert their Vigi- lance'and Zeal, for rcfcuing Convocations from that Conr'empr, into which they are in Danger of falling 5 ind that they wovdd impart to their Clergy the refulc of their wife Confultations about what mights be done by the Synod for the Honour of Religioo, and the- Maiintenance of the Do(5tiine, "Worfliip, and Difcipline cf the Church; and candidly to receive their dutifdi jfipplications from Time to Time. *^ At prefent, they' 'repeated a Motion formerly made, concerning a Bill for the 'more eafy and fpeedv Recovery- cffChurch Rates ; and defired, thatfomeof iheirHoule that had Jurifdidtion,' might be permitted to join with th'eir Lordlhips, in preparing the Heads of a Bill for that PurpoTe, which they intimated, was therefore the more ne^dfuljbecaufeof the Damage done to fev era! Churches by the late Storm. They begg'd Leave again to tak^ Notice of the many pernicious Books that were pub- Jifh'd and difpers'd, and requeued their Lordfhips ( as formerly ) to ufe their Intereft in Parliament for a Bill to reprcfs the Licentioufnefs of the Prefs. They re- prefented alfo the encreafing Difficulties of the Paro- chial Clergy, about adminiftring the Holy Sacrament indifTerer'tly to all Pcrfons that demand it, in order to quality themfelvc^ fc r Offices ; becaufe they faw not hf)wir rhey could in feveral Cafes, adt conformably to *^ the /^ .'/'/-. TJ^j and Cnw s of the Church, in repelling fuch Pel Tons as were unv/orthy, and particularly noto- rious Schifmaticks, without expofing thcmfelvcs to vexatious and expenfivc- Snits at Law. They beg they would ufe their Inrcrcft for the freeing them from thefe Difficulties, and in the mean Time, give them Dire£tions how to behave themfclves under fuch Exigcnees. On Chap^XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 66$ On Febr. 14. 170^, another Paper was brought Uf An. 1704. by the Lower Houfe, in which they reprefented to his Grace and their Lordfhips , that among many other Encroachments of the Dijfenting Teachers upoa the Office and Rights of the Clergy, their frequent pre- j fuming to Adminifter the Holy Sacrament of Baptifm in Private Non Licensed Houfes, was a great Abufe of evil Confequence, no Way warranted by the A<^ of Toleration. They begg'd their Lordfliips would take this Matter into their wife Confideration, and by all proper Means endeavour to put a ftop to all fuch bold intrnfions upon the Rules and Difcipline of the Church. •- — They alfo intimated, that they could not without great Concern obferve, how the Numbers of Non Li- censed Schools and Seminaries was maltiply'd, and how the Dangers arifing thence encreas'd ; and under a deep Senfe of what might be the fatal Confequence of fuch irregular Societies, as gave no Security to Church or State, and which they believ'd were labour- ing the Subverlion of both, they earneftly befeech*d their Lord (hips, to ufe their utmoft Authority and In- tereft for the fupprefling fuch Seminaries, and thereby prevent the growth of Popery, Schifm, and Sedition. At the fame Time they carried up another Paper, in which they intimated to their Lordfhips, the unwel- come Neceflity they had more than once found them- felves under, of laying before them their Complaints • againft the Bilhop of Sarumi And yet as unwilling as they were to multiply Complaints, they now found themfelves compelled by a groundlefs Afperfion with which he had lately loaded them, and which th'ey fho'ild feem to have deferv'd, fhould they continue filent under it. Their Reprefentation of Grievances Ja(t Winter they declare to have been inoffenfive and re- fpecflful, and they add, that it had been favourably receiv'd and anfwer'd : But that from thence the Bilhop had taken occaiion to infinuate, if not to affirm, that many of the Perfons concerned in preparing it, * were Enemies to * They their Lordf^oips^ the Queen^ and the Nntion, Which re- herein refer proachful Character the Bilhop gave- of them to the^^^^^s^'/hop Clergy of his Diocefe, and had fince publiih'd to the ^f Sarum* World ,even while they were Aflcmbled in Synod. They f^'^^S^^ '^^ thank God they are Confcious the Accufation did not''^!^'""''*''^ belong to them. They ever accounted the Enemies • ^^1*^"' or ' ^ 666 Som€ Hijiorkal AddUious Chap. XIX. Jl^ 1704.01 faKc Friends of Epifcopacy to be for that Reafon theirs. They Reveience the very Bilhop againft whom they coaiplaiii. They were ever zealoufly devoted ta Her MajjeAy's Intereft, even before She Afcendcd the Throne. That they had rcceiv'd fuch unparallei'A Marks of RoyaJ Favour and Bounty, that they Ihould be the moft di (loyal Subjc(5ls and the unworthieft of Men, if they (hould not make Her all the returns of Duty and Gratitude that were poffible. And that they qoxxii not be Enemies to the Nation, when they were born and bred in it, and had true EngU/h Hearts and Erglifh Principles fuitable to their Birth and Education. Being thereto je openly afpers'd by undiftinguiftiing Re- Uedions, they beg that his Grace and their Lordihipa would interpofe their Authority and influence, that the Bifhop may be oblig'd either as openly to difclaim, any fuch imended meaning, or to make fomc fufficient and fpeedy Reparation. A Third Paper alio was ofFer'd by the Clergy at the feme Time in which they complain that their Paper of bee. had had no Reply. That they were hindred in Bufinefs by fo frequent Adjournments, which tended to fruftracc the Ufe, and fubverc the Conftitution of an BngU(h Convocation, ©"c. The Archbilliop and Bifliops made large Obfervati- ons on the Paper that came from the Lower Houfe^ Dec. I. They obfcrve that this Paper was not di- re£led to the Prefident, whom they bad endeavoured to deprive of his Ancient Tide. They tell them that it is they, who b^ their unwarrantable Claims and En- aoachments made it impoffiblc for the Convocation, to do the Church any Service. That fhould their in- novations run on, there would be a new Danger 06 Presbytery ; for Presbyters would be enabled hereafterv- to bid defiance to their Eccleliaftical Superiours, and, tjo ad independently from them, in the higheft and, moft general Concerns of the Church. That 'tis, ftrange any of the Clergy Ihould underftand fo little of the Conftitution, as to complain that no Bufinefs is. finifh'd, when the Royal Licenfe has not enabled to" begin any : Or that they Ihould hope that an Attempt 10 do Bufinefs while this was wanting, could have, any other Etf::v5l than the encreaftng Ditferenccs. For^ thai they'd be ftili ruiuung inio irregular Pradkicei' ':• againft: _ Chap. XIX. aper the Revolution in 1 688. 667 againft which their Brethren would enter their Pro- An. 1^04. tcftations, and againft which their Lordfliips muft find fome other method of Proceeding. That their Lord- fhips could not but look upon the feeming earneftnefs of the Clergy to proceed to Bufinefs, as a defit»j) to render themfelves Popular, and their Superiours odious : And that it was dangerous to thofe wl\oai they reprc- fenTed. That in 1 689 the Lower Houfe was for fuper- feding all Bufinefs with a Royal Licenfe in their Hands, (3c. That there are Laws and Canons, in being fufficient to corre(^ and punilh Offenders. That if any Thing hindered Difcipline, it was the Reproaches induftrioufly fpread amongft the Clergy againft the Bi- (hops and their Proceedings. That the prefent Difputes grew purely from the Attempts of fome of the Clergy to difengage themfelves from the Authority of the Bi- (hops, by Priviledges which their PredeccfTors never claim'd nor pretended to, and therefore they were amaz'd at their folemn contrary Declaration. The fteps the Biftiops had taken are reckoned up, by which they had teftify'd their defire of Peace and good Agree- ment. That the Convocation has really no Authority 10 pafs fuch Cenfures upon Books as they defir'd : That grievances of the Clergy may be regularly offer'd by their Reprefentatives in Convocation. But that 'tis vvithout Precedent for Presbyters to expedk, that their Metropolitan and Bifhops (hould be accountable to them for their Condu£t and Behaviour in their feveral Vifi- tations. And that as concerning Direftions about their refufal of the Holy Sacrament to unworthy Perfons, they could give them no better than the ^ubrickj and Canons of the Church, which he that would ftridlly and religioufly obferve, could not be wanting cither in a dutiful Regard to his Superiours, or in a Confcien- tious Care of the Flock. The Archbilhop onFebr, 14. ask*d the Prolocutor of the Lower Houfe, if they bad had any intermediate SeflIons:fince thelaft Synodical Day? The Prolocutor anfwer'd,. that they had had one the Monday before. He told hin^ it was very irregular, and that he admo* wpod them to hold no more iniesaiediate Seflion, which was a violation of the Prefidents Right, and contrary IQ the conftant Cuftom of Convocations^ * '' " " Vebrl 668 Sof»e Hiftorical Additious Chap. XIX. JiM. 1704. Fehr.i-^. The Prolocutor told the Archbifhop that ^ their Houfe bad taken his Admonition into Confideration ; and reprefentcd in return, that they had not been Guilty of any irregularity by their intertnediate Seflion; that the holding fuch Seffions as oft as they fhall fee Caufe is no violation of" the Prefidents Right, nor contrary to the Cuftom of Convocations, but an unqueftionable Right of the Lower Houfe, from which they could not depart. And that if the Admonition was intended as judicial, they Protefted againft it as Void and Null,- and of no Effed: in Law, and to which no Obedience can be due.: And defir'd that this their Anfwer and Protefta'tion {for which they were ready to Aflign their Reafons) might be entered in Form by the Regifter in- the Ads of the Day. On MAYch 15. 1 70 1, at the Proroguing the Convo- cation, the. ArchbilTiop made a Speech to the Prolo- cutor and the Clergy, and told them, that whereas they had brought up many Complaints, the greateft Part of them did not require any Anfwer, after fo ma- ny former Expreflions of the Judgments and Refoluti-^ ons of the Biihops concerning them. That their Paper of Dec. I. was of fo undutiful a Nature, that it might juAly be accounted an Adl: of Clemency in their Lord- ihips to pafs it by without Cenfure: And yet they drew up Obfervations upon ir, and entered them in their Regifter, and they might be feen by any one that defir'd it. That there is no fuch Thing as Adjowtjmcntj, *in the Language or Pradlice of Convocation, and that Prorogations have been all along raanng'd by CommiiTa- ries, from the Reltoration to the Revolution. That their Reprefentation concerning unlicens'd Schools and Seminaries was a Matter of Law. That their former Complaints agaioift the Biihop of S/jm/w had not fuifi- cient Ground. That in what they now complain'd of, the Bifhop referrd to flying Repojts fet about to the prejudice of the Upper Houfe, which ihey had all Reaibn to <;omplain of; thq*, they pray'd God to for- give the Guilty, and pity'd thofe who were led away by wilful and perpetual mifreprcfentaticns. That their Lordlhips would govern thejnfelves by the Articles and [{ubricksy ih^ Canons Sind Statutts ; and that they knew no way of retrieving the Honour of Convocations, but by the departing of the Clergy of the Lower Houfe from Chap.XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 66^ from unwarrantable Claims, and Innovations, and ie-vl». 1704, turning to the Ancient Canoncial Methods. He added, that this Convocation was near an end, and a New one would probably be fummon'd : And that if new Occafion fhould be ofFer'd, he (hould think himfelf oblig'd to exert his Authority, feeing no better . Fruit had been reap'd from his paft Condu*^, which fome • afcrib'd to fear and others to remifnefs. And he told them, he wifli'd that the Clen|fy of the next Convocation might govern themfelvcs by the Conftitu- tion as it is, and not as they would defire it might be ; that they might not divide in Two, that Body of the Convocation which is but One ; but prevent all Irrego- Jarities, and thereby all Cenfure, by Meeting together with fuch peaceable Tempers and dutiful Difpoficions, as became their Fun6tion and Order, &c, I have drawn up this Brief Account, out of the Com- plainer ^eprovd^ the CompUiner further BsCprovd^ and the CoUeBion of Papers^ ^xMi^'diin I'jo'y, , I this Year publilh'd the Second Part of the Defence of Moderate Nonconformity , in Anfwer to the RefletSions of Mr. Ollyffe and Mr. Hoadly, with an IntroduHion that contains /as I conceive) the Merits of the Caufe in Debate, between the Conformifts and the Nonconfor- mifts. Here I, that had before but ad;ed as an Hifto- rian, and reprefented the Senfe cf others as fairly and faithfully as I could, gave my own Senfe and Princi- ples, for which I own myfelf to be Accountable, to any one that will fairly take them into Consideration. At this Time came out Anonymous B^fisHions on my /ihridiment, in a Dialogue between a Churchman and a Peaceable DrfTenter, which was followed with fome other Eflays of the fame Kind ; condemning ray Book to the Flames, and inveighing againft the Ejected Mi- nifters, without any concern what was faid, fo it might but blacken : But I never could think it worth while to take Notice of a Writer of his Complexion, let him be ever fo much affronted at it. A Defence of the Dif fcnters Education was Printed ; and foon after, A Ds" fence of the Letter, Printed about it the Year before t And Mr. Wejley now tho't fit to fet his Name 10 his An- fwer, tho* he did not at firft to the Letter upon that Subjedt. Among 670 Some Hiflorical Additions Chap. X(X. An. 1704. Among the many CJamours rais'd about this Time The Diffcft- ^S*^"^ ^^^ Dijfentersy One was, that they did not de- ters not for ^^^^^ ^^ h^^'Q. Liberty themfelves, becaufe they were confininr Enemies to the Liberty o£ others. This was ftarted as Libercy to a Maxim, that they that would be for ftraitning of tbemfehet. Others if they were able, could not reafonably expeft Liberty from thofe that were in Power, when chcy difFer'd from chem. 1 fhall not fet myfelf to Debate this Maxim, (St confider what might be obje£led againft it : But (hall let the World underftand, that the Diffen- ters took another Way to Anfwcr it. For they were apply'd to, by fome of the Denomination of Q^akers^ ivho complain'd to them, that in Nctt^ England there were fome fcverc Laws of a long ftanding, not lepeal'd, tho* not of late rigoroufly put in Execution againft Perfons of their Character, which they dcfir'd their kind Inrerpofition to fcreen them from, as they would manifeft they were real Friends of Liberty^ and not for confining it to themfelves. Hereupon the following Letter was drawn up, and Signed by feveral of the other Three Denominations of DifTenters, and fent in their common Name to fome Minifters of Reputation in "NevQ Englnndy to be Communicated to their Brethrea , Reverend and dear Brethren^ * "y O U may from the cnclofed gather the Occafion ^ * of our giving you this Trouble. As for an Ap- ' * plication tX) the Queen therein defir'd, we could by ' no Means count it agreeable to the Refpecfk we have * for our Brethren of New England^ had we iho't it * ever (o fuitable to our more private Station and Mi- * liifterial CharaAer. We pretend not to Form a Judge- ' meat in the prefent Cafe, which would not be [uft, * without a full hearing of both Sides ; much lefs * would we prefume to di(flate Meafures to you a- * bout it. ' We cannot reafonably fnppofe, but You as well as ' We, are for a Liberty of Confcience as full as it is * here Eftablilh'd and enjoy *d 5 fincc you are not fo * much as charged with having lately executed thofe * Laws among you, which might now appear to in- * fringe it, whatever peculiar Reafons your Anceftors ' had for firft enading chera. Chap. XIX. after the H evolution in i6'd^, 671 * We conclude you agree with us, that the Truth is An. 1 704. * not to be propagated or mainiain'd, by external Force * or Violence, againft Errors or Miftakes, but by the * gentle Methods of Argument and Perfwafion : And * we cannot but judge it difagreeing with the * Spirit and Principles of the Gofpel, and an en- * croachmeni upon the Divine Prerogative, and the * undoubted Rights of Mankind, to punifh any for * their confcientious and peaceable Dilfent from the * Eftablilh'd Way of Religion, whilft they are not juft- *' ly chargeable with any Immorality, or what is plainly * Deftruij^!nnd^ unlefs they Be Re-ordain'd, ^ while thofe th-t have been Popilh Pnefts may ; and * all thefe h-ril^ Cenfures excus'd f/om Uncharitable- » * nefs with this^ tiiat they cannot help it, theirPrinci- * pies If^ad em. to! it; then think I, the Lord deliver * me from fncH Principles, and from that pretended * Unity which is deftrudive of real Charity 1 On the ' other Side, I find the Difltnters willingly owning * tW Ef^ablifh'd Chufches as irue Churches, their Mi- * niflrrs as true Minifters, their Principles leading them * to do fo. \ often hear them in theif Publick Aflem- * Mies pray, fox them, and £b|' their Succefs in their * Mlniflry, apd profefs thei^ Communion with them. Il, in Faithj Hope and Love, aiid i:i :hcir commoa * Convcric; Ghap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 679 * Converfe I hear \m fpeak of them with Love and Re-^«. 1704- ^ (pe(^. My Judgment and IncHoation leads me co the * charitable Side, as the beft and fafeft ; and by all I * have read and heard in this Comroverfy, that appears J to me to be the Side of the DilTenters. 6. * I think it is my Duty to attend m thofe Admini- * flratlons which I find to he moft for my onn Edifica- * tim in Faith ^ H.olinefs^ and Comfort^ and beft ( with ^ me) to anfxver the Ends of Holy Ordinances, Herein * I hope I may be allow'd to judge for my felf ; I have * often tried both, and if I know my own Heart, * without Prejudice or Partiality, and I muft fay, that * I have found my Heart more affe6ied and enlarged * in thofe Confeflions, Prayers, and Tbankigivings, * which have been offered up wiihoui a ftated prefcrib- * ed Form, than ever it was in thofe that have been * unavoidably ty'd up to certain Words. Far be it fronci * me to make Gomparifons of Men's Abilities and Per- ' formances. I greatly honour and value the Gifts and * Labours of many that are in the Publick Eftabliih- * ment ; but to my Capacity the Diffenters Praying * and Preaching is moft adapted^ acd moft profitable ; * and thofe I am to reckon the beft Gifts, and to coveP * earneftlyj which I find by Experience beil for me, * Sabbath Time is precious, and I would willingly iiipi- * prove it fp as will be raoft for my Advantage in * keeping up Communion with God, and preparing ' for Heaven. If it be owing co my own Weaknefs * that thefe Admiftrations are moft agreeable to me, * yet while I finceiely defign God's Glory, and my * own Spiritual Benefit therein, I truft, through ' Chrift, that God will not only forgive me, but accept * me, and thit th^y zMo who are ftrong mil bear mtb '^ my Infirmities. * Thefe are the Principles I go upon, and from tjien^ * I conclude, I . * That if the prefent Didate of my Confcience * and Practical Judgment be^ that it is my Duty to * chufe my fiated Communion with the Congregations * of Diflenters, then it is my Sin if I do not do it j * for to bim that kflows to 4pgoody and doth it not^ to him. * it K Sin, 68o Some tiifiorical Additions Chap. XIX. Jin* 1704. X. ' Then by Occafional Communion with the * Church of Englajiit, whereby I defign to teftifie my * Charity and Cathoiick Cotnmunion, and my Appro- ' bat-ion of chat in it which is good, I do not in the * leaf^ condemn my ftated Communion with the Dif- * fencers ; for though I am not convinced that it is a * Sin of Commiilion at any Time to join with the * Eflablifhed Cburch,nor that anyThing in itfelf unlaw- * fill is required as the Condition of Lay Communion, * yec upon the Grounds aforefaid I am fuUy convinced * it would be a Sin of Omiflion not to join with the ' Diflenters. I will not condemn any Thing that is * good, nor refufe a Icfs good, when a better is not in * my reach ; but when it is, I think 1 am obliged in ^ Duty to God, and in Concern for my own Soul to * prefer it. All Things are lawful for me, but all Things * edifie not, 3. Then in all this I am far from judging and cen- * furing thofe who diifer from me. 1 walk according * to my prefent Light, preferring that which I thinS * and find to be beft ; and I venly believe thofe good * Chriftians whom I know, that conftantiy join with * the Publick Eftablilhment do fo too, preferring that * which they think and find to be beft ; and both they ' and I (I truft) are accepted of God. To thofe who , * condemn me herein, I fhall only offer that reafonable f Demand of St. Paul's, 2 Cor. 10. 7. If any Man •* truji to himfelf that he is Chnji''s, let him of himfelf * thinl{ this agnin^ that oi he is Chriji's, even Jo are v^e ' ChnJi'S. An. 1703. The Mifcarriageof the Occafiona! Bill, provok'd fome Men to that Degree, that they fcem'd terribly fearful the Church would be ruin'd, .ind with great Bitternefs inveighed againft the Governnnent, the Iv'-ni- ftcrs of State, The Houfe of Lords, the Bilhops ; and all that contributed to the eroding of their Defig >. In the Election of a New Parliament which came c;i this Year, The Danger of the Church was the common Cry on one Side, while the Danger from the Tackcrs was The Memo- the Cry on the other ; but the Moderate Party carried Tin! of the it : The Memorial of the Church nf England was fent Church of forth to enflame the Nation, and made more Noife rng.and. than any Thine that had been of 2 long Time pub- lifli'd. Ghap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 681 lifti-d. This M^wa^nW bitterly complain d of the great ^«. 1705. Favour ihewn to the Diflenters and their Abetters, and reprefemed the Church, as us'd moft unmercifully by the Queen and her Miniftry, and moft terribly Peife- fecuted : And among others, there is this remarkable Palfage in it ; 1/ the DiJJenters xvill be dijcbli^d if they are not put into Place and Authority, and the C. of E. xvill be difobliged if they are^ whence may the greateji In- convenience arife ? Perhaps cur voife Men thinl^^ themfelves fecure in the Pajfive Principles of the Church, ^g^irifi any l^efentments on that Side j and therefore bend all their Ap- plication to gain t' other y vehofe Temper and Principles are more mutinous *, * ^/ *^'^^» *he World is left to If this be their true Motive, they sudge by the Sequel, That the may be fmple voell meaning Men^ Temper of High Church hat hut mud be metched Politicians, ^^^« fufficiently Mutinous, ap- The Principles of the C. of E. mU {,^^" (l''^'^''' Memorial and JT r -KA . I ^ J / *"^ °"^^*' lamphlets and Ser- difpofe Men to hear a great deal ; ^j^.^j^ ^^^^ j^^.^,^ .^ but hesa Mad-man that trtes hox9 jp^rfuance of it : uiU that their much. For when Men are very much Principles are bad emugh, ap- provoked. Nature is very apt to rebel pears from their Praftices, in againft Principle, and then the Odds the InfurreHion upon the Trial /ire vaft on Nature's Side. Wlnther of Dr. Sacheverel, and its Con- the Provocations given to the C. of E. fequences. may riot if continii d, be fir ong enough to rous[e Nature, fome of our Statefmen would do well to confider in Time, For tho* the Church is not to be wrought up to I{ebellion, yet they may be fo alarmed, as to fecure themfelves, at the Expence of thofe Mini/iers who give them the Alarm, Nor is it to be expecled, that they fhould long bear to be thus ufed, and fee a Party that they linow feei^ their ^uin, courted at their Expence, This whole Memoy in! was indeed a plain Threatning of the Court gnd the Miniftry. Enquiry was made after the Author or Authors ; but no fatisfacSory Difcovery could bemad^* This Paiwphlet gave general Offence. It \yas anfwer'd Paragraph by Paragraph : And yet fome there were that vindicated it. It was for a Time the moft com- mon Subjed of all Converfation. And whoever will he at the Pains to give it the reading now, and com- pare feveral Paflages of it with what has fincc hap- per/d, will be apt to conclude, that they who fram'd this Memorial, gave Meafures to Other?, and hs^d the Conducjl of the whole Party. It 682 Some Hiftorkal Additions Chap. XIX. 7hr Tfn- CttdzTtgi lit 170 J. Ic was prefcntcd by the Grand Jury of the City of London ; and by Order oif that Court burnt at the Oldr Baily^ and before the i{pynUExchayige : And the new Parliament met in Odoher^ under the Impreffions of ill Oefigrjs on foot, among fome that pretended a mighty Zeal f^)r the Intereft of the Church. Her Majefty in her tiilt Speech to the two Houfes, Otl. 27. among other 1 hings earneftly recommended 4' * An Union of Minds and Affections, as that which would above all Things difappoint and defeat the Hopes and Defigns of our Enemies .- And added thefe memorable iVords : I cannot but with great Grief ob- fervc, there are fome amongft us, who endeavour to fornent Animoftiies ; but i perfwade my felf they win be found to be very few, when you appear to aifift me, in dircountenancmg and defeating fuch Prai^lices^ I mention this with a little more Warmth, becaufe there have not been wanting fome fo very malicious, as even in Print t© fuggeft the C. of E. as by Law EftabJiih'd, to be in Danger at this Time. I am willing to hope not one of my Subjeds, can really entertain a Doubt of my Affection to the Church, or fo much as fufpe(5t that it will not be my^ chief Care to fiipport it, and leave it fecure after me. And therefore we may be certain that they who go about to infinuate Things of this Nature, muft be mine and the Kingdom's Enemies, and can only mean to cover Defigns which they dare not publickly own,' by endeavouring to diitiac^ us with unreafona- ble and groundlefs Dvftriifts and jeaioufies. 1 will al- ways affi.(5tionately lupport and counienance the C, of E. as by 1 aw Eftabhlh'd. I will inviolably maintain the Tolerati6n, ^c* The Lords in the'ir Addrefs, intirelv Hnrmonizd with her Majefty, in tbefe Words : ' We alfure your Majefty, we will do all * we can to difcounte nance and defeat the Defigns and and Praflices of thofe who foment Animofities among, your People, and will ever (hew the utmoft Derefta- * lion of thofe ungrateful and wicked Men, who la- bour to difbonour your Ma jefty's Reign, and diftra(9« your Subje6ts with iinreaionable andgroundlefsjealou-' * fits of Danger to the G. of F. We /hall be ready to con- cur in all Meafures requifire to put a ftopto the Malkre I' of thcie Incendiaries." Th«. Commons alfo wercin ■ . , - . < i • ' ■ tl22 Chap. XIX. after the R^^^ 68g tbe fame Difpofition, as appears from thefe Words in An. ijjq^* the Addrefs of their Houfc : * It is the greateft Con- ^ cern imaginable to us, to find your Majefty has fo ' juft Reafon to refent the Ingratitude of fome, who ' endeavour to foment Aninaofities and Divifions a- ' mongft us : And we cannot without Indignation le- * fled, that there ihould be any fo Malicious as to in- ' finuate that the C. of E, as by Law EftablUhM, is, or ' ever can be in Danger, for want of your Majefty*s ' Care and Zeal to fupport and maintain it. Thefe ' Suggeftions proceed from your Majefty *s and the ^ Kingdom's Enemies, who to cover their own Difaf- * feaion to the prefent Eftablifliment and Adnainiftra- * tion, endeavour to diftrac^ your Subjefts, with un- ^ reafonable and groundlefs Diftrufts and JealoufieS. * Your Majefty may be affured, that your Commons * will zcalouily concur in every Thing that may tend * to difcourage and puniih fuch Incendiaries, and to * difappoint your Enemies both at Home and Abroad. On Dec. 6. There were warm Debates in the Houfe DeBata a- of Lords upon this Capital Point, whether or no the^^'w* ff*^ Church of England was in Danger. The Lord Rochefter ^^n?^' <>f declared himfelf afraid the Church was in Danger, be- ^"^ ^''«^^'^' caufe of the A(5t of Security which had paffed in Scof^ land, by which that People were Arm'd, and fo had a Power given them to invade England, where they had a great Party of Friends, who never wanted Will to deftioy the Church. That he tho't the Heir of the Crown ought to be prefent, in order to be fully ac- quainted with our Conftitution, and enabled to pre- vent Evil Defignsupon Church and State. And that the Occnfionnl Bill was in it felf fo reafonable, and the Churches Requeft in it fo fmall, that the Induftry for oppofing it, gave the greater ground of Sufpicioo-^^ The Lord Halifax faid, that the Aft of Security in Scotland, was wholly foreign to Church Affairs. That the Abfence of the Princefs Sophia was a Danger to the Church, but lately ftarted ; and that he hop'd the Ads for Lords Juftices had made fach Provifionp that he thought no Evil could happen to the Church after the Queens Death, before her Arrival. That a Clergyman in a Company of Convocation- Men ( as he could prove) had faid, ihatthatPrincefs wsLsSLnunbapfij(d Lutheran i and therefore he wonder'd how hes coming -"'■;"■"" ;*"'/"" ihould? , 684 Some Hiftorhal Additions Chap. XlXr ^^^^'~~ ""^^^^ ~ — ■ ^ 170$' fhould now be rcckon'd fuch a Security to the Church. That it had appear d to that Houfc, when they can- vafTed the Occafional Bil/y that it would not prove a Se- curity to the Church, but rather the conrrary. That there had been Tinaes when the Church was in Dan- ger. As when King Charles II, reigned, that was a J{pmamfl, and yet the Church thought her felf then fecure, and thofe Patriots who flood up in Defence of it, and endeavoured to prevent the Evils that might en- fuc from a Popiih Succeflion, were difcountenanc'd and punifh'd. That when that Succeflbr came to the Throne, and the Church was apparently in the greateft Danger, fome could (it in the High CommiJJion Court, Gfc, That after the Acceflion of King fVilliam to the Crown, the Cry of the Churthes Danger hegzn, and was continu'd all his Reign ; but he could not teJl up- on what Ground. That upon her Majefty's Succefllon the Complaint was filentfor a Time, but revived upon fier making fome Alterations in her Miniftry ; but with- out any juft Reafon, C^c The Bifhop of London in Proof of the Churches Danger, urg'd the cotnmonneft of Prophanenefs and Irreligion, and the Licentioufnefs of the Prefs ; and that Sermons were preach'd, in which Rebellion was authorized, and Refinance to the higher Powers encouraged : fn which he referred to a Sermon of Mr. Hoadlys before the Lord Mayor, printed not long before. The Bilhop of Sarum replied, that if the Dodirine of that Sermon was not good, he did not know what Defence his Lordlhip could make for his Appearance in Arms at Kcttingh^m. He imput- ed all the prefent Clamour to the Ambition and Dif- content of particular Men. And faid, that the Church would always be fubjedi to the Enmiry of Prophanenefs and Irreligion ; and refledted on fome Sermons preach'd at Oxford upon Publick Occalions. The Archbilhop of Tork intimated his Apprehcnlion of Danger from the mcreafe of Diffentcn and their Academies ; and mov'd that the Judges might be cohjultcd what Laws were in Force againfi fuch Seminaries^ and b) what Means they might be fupfreffed. The Lord H^narton mov'd for con- fuking the Judges about Means of fupprelling the Schools and Seminaries of Non-Jurors, G^c. And added, thar after all the Cry of the Churches Danger, he couid find nothing in u, but the D. of B , £. of /<, and Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 685 and the E. of N, were out of Race, ^c. The Bilhop ^* 1705. iA Ely mov'd for confulting the Judges about the Power of the Queen to vifit the Univerfities ; complaining of the heat and paffion of the Gentlemen there, which they inculcated upon their Pupils, who brought the fame Fury with them to the Parilhes when they came Abroad, to the great difturbance of Publick Charity, He complain'd alfo, of the undutifulnefs of the Clergy to their Bifhops, and the difficulty they had to govern them regularly. The Bifliop of Coventry 2indi Litchfield, alfo complain'd of the opprobrious Names the Clergy gave their Bifhops, and the calumnies they laid on them, as if they were in a Plot to deftroy the Church, and had compounded to be the laft of their Order, and when the Plot was ripe, were to refign their Bifliop- licks, and accept a Penfion for Life, ^c. The Bilhop of Bnth and H^ells complain'd of the Terms of High Church and Low Church, The D. of Leeds^ fajd that the Church could not be fafe without the A(St againft Cecafional Conformity ; and added, that the Q:— had4n Difcourfe with him declar'd her Self of that Opinion. The Lord Sommers faid, that for Men to raife ground- lefs Jealoufies at this Time of Day, could mean no lefs,' than an intention to embroil us at Home, and to defeat all our Glorious Defigns Abroad. Upon the whole, it was carried by a Majority of 61 Lords againft 30, that the C. of B, was not in Danger; and it was Refolv'd, That the C. of E, a by Law BJlahliflod, which was refcud from the extreameU Danger by i^. WIL LI AM IIL «/ Glorious Memory^ is now by God's Blejftng^ under the Happy I(eign of Her Myejly, in a moFt fafe and fioiirifhing Coti" dition: And that whoever goes about to fuggeSl and injinu* ate, that the Church is in Danger under Her Majefiys Ad- minijiration^ ts an Enemy to the Queen, the Church, and the Kjngdom, And 18 Lords entred their Proteft again t this Refolution, with their Reafons. On Dec, 8, the Commons debated the fame Point in a full Houfe. Mr. Bromley began ; urging the fame Ar- guments to prove the Church to be in Danger, as had been infifted on in the Houfe of Peers; and he was backed by Sir J, P: But it was carried that the Church was fafe, by xi 2 Voices, againft i6i. The Two Hoii- fes agreed to lay their Refolution before Her Majefty, and made an Addrefs to Her accordingly j and begg'd that 686 Sr^fke Hffiorical Addilions Chap. XIX. An. 1765. thit She would take effectual Meafures for the making the faid i^lvin? Providence^ the greatest BUffing and Security that either Church or State can enjoy. Some in the Lower Houfe were for agreeing to this jAddrefs with Alteraiions : But the Majority carried it for drawing up one of their own. A Committee was fix*d on^ and the Dean of Chrifi Church at their next Meeting reported an wholly new Form, which contained Thanks to Her Majefty for Her great Zeal for the Church, and tender Afiedkion. to it, but exprefs'd not that full Satisfadtibn as to the fafety of the Church, and that Indignation againft fuch as reprefehced her tt> be in Danger, as appear'd in rhat which came dowh from the Opper Houfe. This new Addrefs was carry'cj up by the Prolocutor, Nov. 19. The Archbilliop made Anfwer in Writing, that they could not receive their Addrels,, but required them to go back to their Houfe^ and to confidcr the Addrefs fent dovvn to them,, and either agree to it, or bring lip theit Exceptions agaiilft it in Writing. Some of the Lower Houfe, when they return d were for doing this : But the Majority in Two Meetings, agreed, that fuch Notice be taken of thofe Words in the Meffage from tHfe Upper Ho'jfe, ttA\ canndt receive the Adr- dfc\l you have offer' d to wy, as to affirm, and effe^lually aflert their Righty of having what they offer'd to the Upper Houfe receiv'd by his Grace and their Lordfhips : That it was proper for the Houfe in their Anfwer to fay, that they conceived their Lordfhips refufal was ari infringement of that Right: That it is not a neceffary Duty of the Lower Houfe to reconfider, when theic Lordfhips require it, what they have declar'd to their Lbrdlhips they hav« maturely coniider'dj and cai^noi Y y joiii 6oo Some Hijlorkal Additions Chap, XIX. «^- 1705. join in it. That the Lower Houfe notwitbftanding their Lordftiips expedlation exprefs'd in their Meflage, was ftill at Liberty to difagree, without offering their Exceptions: However, ihey agreed to reconfider the Addrefs of the Lords, and to lay before them the fub- ftance of the Refohiticns foregoing. They alfo agreed, not to depart from their former Refolution of not join- ing with their Lord(hips in their Addrefs; and after- wards, not 10 carry up any Exceptions to their Lord- fhips Addrefs ; but to fignifie to them that it is the un- doubted Right of ihe Lower Houfe to have the Paper they prefented receiv'd by their Lordlhips, and that ihey hop'd they would be fatisfy'd upon perufing it: And that the Lower Houfe entirely confided in Her Majefty's Zeal for the C. of £, and an hearty detefta- tion of all Perfons that fhould endeavour to raife any Jealoufies concerning it. And purfuant to thefe Refo- lutions, a Paper was carry 'd from the Lower to the Up- per Houfe, on Dec. i . On Dec 1 6, the Dean of Peterborough Protefted a- gainft the Irregularities of the Lower Houfe; And par- ticularly againft the Prolocutors proroguing the Houfe by the Authority of the Houfe iifelf; The pretending to a Power to put the Prolocutor into the Chair be- fore he is confirm'd by the Archbilhop and Biftiops : The pretending to a Power ro give leave to their Mem- bers to abfent themfelvcs, and fubftitute Proxies : The elcding an A£luary in prejudice of the Right of the • Archbilhop: The late difrefpe(5tful and undutiful Car- riage of the Houfe to the Archbilhop and Bilhops, in re- fufmg their Addrefs to Her Majefty, without making any Exceptions, &c, his Proteftation was (ign'd by 50 Perfons and Proxies befides himfeif. The Lower Houlc would not fuffer this Proteftation to be read, and there- fore it was carried to the Upper, and entered in their A(5l:s. Some Time after the Convocation was prorogu'd to lAiirch I ; by which Time Her Majefty was pleas'd to fend a Letter to the Archbilhop, dated Febr. 25. (igni- fying Her concern that the Differences in Convocation were ftill kept up, and rather encreas'd than abated : And that She was the laiore furpriz'd, becaufe it had been Her conftant Care and Endeavour to prclervc the Conftitution of the C. of E. as by Law Eftablifh'd, and to difcountenance all Divifions and Innovations whatfo- • ever Chap. XIX. after the Revolnthn in i62^. 6qi ever ; Declaring She was Refolv'd to maintain Her Su- An, 1705. ■premacy^ and the due Subordination of Presbyters to Biihops, as Fundamental Parts thereof; and that She expedted that he and his Suffragans (hould adt Confor- mably to his and Her Refolution ; and that in fo doing they might be affur'd of the Continuance of Her Fa- vour and Protedtion : And that neither of them Ihouid be wanting to any of the Clergy, whilft they were true to the Conftitution, and dutiful to Her, and their Ec- clefiaftical Superiours ; and preferv'd fuch a Temper as became All, but efpeciaJly thofe who were in Holy Or- ders : And She required him to Communicate this to the Bilhopsand Clergy; and on March i, to prorogue the Convocation to fuch Time as appear'd moft convenient. The Archbifhop being indifpos'd, fent the Bifliop of NoTfvichf to Communicate the Queens Letter to the Convocation. The Members of the Lower Houfe who came up wiih the Prolocutor had fcarce Pacience to ftay and hear the Letter; and when they came to their own Houfe, they Adjourn'd th^mTelves to the Wednefday following. Mr. Oliyjfe this Year publifh'd his zd Defence of Mini- Booh and Jlerial Conformity; and Mr. Hoadly his Defence of the ^a- ^amph/ets fonahlenejl of Conformity: Both which I confider'd in my *^'** ^^^^ Defence of Moderate Nonconformity ; Part the 3d: Con- f^^^'fl'^' raining a Vindication of the Silenc'd Miniftersfor con- tinuing their Miniftry ; of the Reafons of the People for adhering to them, and their Succeffors; and of the Occafional Conformity of them and their adherents. Mr. Benjamin Hoadly, alfo, this Year preach'd a Ser- mon at St. Lawrence Jevpry, before the Eledion of the Lord Mayor, upon i^ow. 13. i. as he had fome Time before Printed a very good Sermon on the Anniverfary Day of Thank fgiving for the Qpeens AcceiFion to the Crown. He fo ftrenuoully defended Liberty and Pro- perty, that he fell under the Indignation and Cenfures of High Church. They thundred againft him in a va- riety of Pamphlets, according to their ufual Cuftom. One publilh'd a Vindication o/f^je London Clerq^y from the Afperfions which he had cart upon them.^ Another, St. Paul no mover of Sedition; Or a brief Vindication of that Apoftle, from his falfe and difingenuous Expofition, CJir. But he deionded himfelf nobly, in his Mcafures rf Submiffiony &c. for which all true hearted EvgUfh Men Yy 2 own 692 Some Hillortcal AddHions Chap. XlX. Att. 1705. own themfelves indebted] to him. For my Part, tho' I have often wondred that his Principles did not carry hiaa farther, and that he fliould not be a$ much againft an Ecchfjnjiicii/ as a Civil Slaven, yet it troubled me to he engaged in a Controvcrfie with one, who was {o feT\ iceableto his Cowntry. Mr. Dodwel upon his old narrow Bottom, now pub- lifti'd a Tra(ft, Entituled, Occnfional Communion Funda- mentally Dfftruciive of the Diftifline of the Primitive Ca- tholicl^Chwch; and contrary to the DoEirine of the late Si Scriptures^ concerning Clnrrch Communion^ 0(St. And aiKJther Celebrated- Writer, puHifh'd An Hiftorical Ac- count of Compreherifion nnd ~tolei-ation^ from the Old Pu- titati, to the New Latittidinarian, with their continu'd Proje(fts and Dcfigns, in Oppofition to the Orthodox Eftablifhment. My Abridgement comes in for a tafte of his genteel, mild, candid Spirit and Treatment : But I doubt not much to the Credit of the Writer, or the Sa- lisfad^ion of the Reader, that has any regard to tht f'Vords of Truth or Sobernefi. Now alfo came out, The l{ights of the Church of England, in Anfwer to the Rights of the Protcftant Diffenters. Dedicated to the Houfc of Commons. He very handfomely calls the Gentle- man he writes againft, an injolem Author -^ and he treats him accordingly. He complains in his Preface, of ha- ving to do with provcl{iT!g^ cx-jperAnng^ incorrigible Ad' verfaries; but 1 dotibt his Way of dealing with them, did not make many Converts. He tells the World he has to do with a pert fVt iter, a wretched Vpftart^ an infolent Scribler, and tin ignorant and impudent Advocate : 'Twas therefore a wonder he ftiould beftow fo much Pains up- on him. Why did he not pat his Time to a better Ufe ? But when he talks of a Shifmatical Party chat burnt Lon- don, and the Ships at Chattham^ were plotting Mifchief againft the Church of England ac Hanover^ and were ready at the watch Word and Signal given, to mob the Houfe of Commons, AflalTinate Her Majefty, and join with a F treign Enemy to invade the Kingdom, and fubvert the Church and Government, he takes an cffciSlual Way not to be belicv'd, as long as any Me^- morials of the Times prefent are remaining; nor to be re- garded in his malevolent Charges and furious Inve£lives. Now alfo came out a Juftification of the Diflenters from Mr. Bennet's Charge of Scbifm : and Mr. Palfner'% Vin- Chap. XIX. after the Revolution iniSQS, 693 Vindication of the Learning, Loyalty, Morals, and-4». 170s- Chriftian Behaviour of tfie Diflenters towards the Church of England, in Anfwei to Mr. TVejJe/s Defence of his Lettei. And tho' that Author has fince fallen in with the Church of England^ yet that makes no altera- tion in the Truth of Matters of Fa(^ related, nor does it abate of the Strength of the Argument purfud. And finally ; now alfo came out, Mr. TaOent'sfhort Hi- ftoY) of Schi/rHy for the promoting of Chriftian Mode- ration, and the Communion of Saints. The Two No- , tions which this Tradk oppofes are thefej that all who are Guilty of Schifm, live in a Courfe of Sin, as ruinous as Murder or Adultery, and are in a State of Damnation ; and that we may not at any Time Wor- fhip God with fuch. The firft Notion, that Schifma- ticks are out of the Church and capnot b^ fav'd, but are in a damnable State, is proved to be taken from the I{omanifts-^ and it is flxewn that it has no ground in Scripture 5 that it cuts off a great part of Chrift's Church, and damns Multitudes of excellent Perfons in all Ages and Places; and be fhews it by rec- koning up the moft eminent and remarkable Schifms; and he adds, that this Notion is grounded only on fpme Paflfages ia St. Cyprian^ and others of the Fathers, which are conlider'd. The fecond Notion, that we are not to Worfhip God with Schifmaticks, comes alfo, he owns, from the Fathers: But he confiders the Scrip- ttires they alledge ia the Cafe, and gives InftancesoE forae that Communicated with Schifmaticks in the Primitive Times. And he fhews that its good to Wor- fhip God fometimes, with thofe with whom we do not conftantly ; and anfwers Objections againft it ; and (hews that he underftood, and was really willing to maintain the Communion of Saints, as. well as keep it as an Article in his Creed. In M. DCC. VI. The Diflenters of the Three Denor minations, with Mr. Spademan at their Head, prefented the following Addrefs to the Queen zt H^indfor^June i^ ^ after the fignal Victory at B^melUes, May it flenfe Tour Majefty^ */Tr^HE late furprizing Progrefs of Your MajefVy's -*i ' Forces, and thofe of Your Allies in Flnnders^ * under the Command Qf the molt Illufirious Prince,' 694 Some HiflorJcal Additions Chap. XIX. Ah. \-jo6.* the Duke of Xi^rlhorough, and of thofe in Spain, ' commanded by the Noble Earls of Peterborough and ' Galiv/tyy happily fupported by your /(oyi/ N47>/, under * ihc condudt of your Prudent and Valiant Admirals, ' engages us humbly to Congratulate your Majefty * on to Glorious an Occafion. ' The Signal Anfwer iit has pleafed God to return ' to thofe Devout Prayers, which your Majefty and * your People, by your Pious Diredion, addrefs'd to * Heaven, infpires us with a Joy equal to the Mor- * tiftcation it gives yout Enemies: And while your * Majefty afcribes your many Victories to the Arm * of the Almighty, and repeats your Royal Com- * mands to your People to offer him folemn Thankf- * giving, we cannot but look upon ycur Majefty's * Piety, as a hopeful Pledge of the like future Suc- * ceiTes. As the important Confequences of your Majefty's Triumphs make a daily Acceflion to your Glory, fo * they give us an agreeable Profpeifi of the Speedy Re- * duAionof the Power of France to its juft Limits, the Reftitution of Liberty and Peace to Europe^ the ef- * fedtual Relief of the Reformed Churches Abroad, * and the Security of that Provifion the Law has made ^ for a Proieftant Succeftion 10 the Crown of this * Kin^donri. : * We gratefully acknowledge the Share we have in * the Blellings of your Majefty's aufpicious Reign, * which preferves to us both o^r Civil and Religious * Liberties, and take this Occafion to renew to your * Majefiy, the Aflurance of our inviolable Fidelity, to which not only cur Intereft and Inclination, but the ' facred Tyes of Gratitude and Confcience oblige us : * And we ftiall ufc our urmoft Endeavours in our feve- * ral Stations to promote that Union and Moderation * among your Prr teftant Subjects, fo often recommend- * ed by your Majefty, as highly necelfary to the Com- ' mon Safety. * May the Divine Providence that has made ycur ' Majefty not only Head of the Proteftant Inrereft, but * Chief in the Confederacy, for the Glorious Caufc of * Common Liberty, give your Majefty the Satisfaction of fteingboih more rirmly eftablifti'd than e^erby the Influence of your CounfrJs and Succcfs of your Arms. [ May Ghap. XIX. after the Revoifitwn in 1 688, 6^^ ' May your Majefty's Exemplary Piety, Zeal for the -4«. 1705. * Reformation of Manners, and Parental Care of all * your People, even ihofe of the remoteft Colonies, be * eminently rewarded by the great God, with the con- ' ftant Profperity of your Government. May your * Reign be honoured with an happy Union of your * two Kingdoms of Great Britain. May your Royal * Confort the Prince enjoy a confirmed Health. May ' your Majefty continue to rule in the Hearts of your * People, and be late advanced to a Throne of Glory ' in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Union between England and Scothnd, was the The Union great Affair of this Year. It bad been oft attempted, between but never could be brought to bear till now. The Enghnd Commiflioners of the two Kingdoms having adjufted '^"^ ^<^^^' the moft material Points, the Articles agreed on were ^"^^^^ firft paffed by the Parliament of Scotlnnd, and then by the Englifh Parliament. Some of both Nations were zealous for it, hoping that fuch an Union would much add to our common Strength and Safety, and difap- point feme obvious Defigns of our Enemies. Others were as much againft it; on one Hand through a Jea- loufy of Trade,and thro' a Fondnefs of Independency on the other. And it was obferved, that as many were againft it in 'North-Britain^ out of fear it would ruin the Church of Scotland^ fo were others in South-Britnin, apprehenfive it would ruin the Church of England. In order to the giving Satisfadion on both Sides, An kdt paffed in Scotland previous to the Union, confirming theWorlhip, Difcipline, and Government of the Church there, and providing for the continuance of it, with- out any Alteration to the People of North-Britain in all fucceeding Generations : An A6t alfo paffed here, for fecuring the Church of England as by Law Efta- blifh'd, effectually and unalterably ; by which it was enacted, that the Ad of the 13 £//^. for the Minifters of the Church to be of a found Religion, and the Adt of Uniformity paft in the 13 Car. II. and all, and fin- gular other A£ls of Parliament now in Force for the Eftabli(hmenc and Prefervation of the C. of £. the Dcdrine, Worfhipj Difcipline, and Government there- of, ihould remain, and be in full Force for ever. And it was enaded, that both thefe Ads ihould for ever be holden and adjudged to be Fundamental Y y 4 and 6(^6 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XIX^ t. Am- \ 7p6. and Eflential Pans of the Treaty of Union between the two K'ogdoms ; and both were accordingly infert- ed in expr. Is Terms in the A(5t fcr ratifying the U- nion, and declared to be ElTential and fundamental Fa,ns I hereof. The thus Confirming the A<5t of Uniformity,, and [he Hccleliaitical Conftituiion here in Eu^Und^ to alt Particulars, upon the prefer t Foot, for perpetuity, was reckon d by ihc Oilfenters to make tbeir Way the clearer, fince all H< pes of a farther Keforcnauon of the Conftitution (of Which tbere is fo much need ) were Hereby taken away. The old ]?tiruans many of them fell in widi the Eftablilhd Church, in hope of that Way contribaring to a farther Reformation : And they that adhere to their Principles^have fincetheReftoration been often prcfTed to imitate their Example, and fall in withrhc fefi^bbtTi'd Church, with that View ; and fome woithy Perfons actually have done it ; But the Go- vernment by this Settleoienc of all Things in the Chuich as I hey were to Perpetuity, and embodying this Setr'ement with the Union, and making it a Fun- damental Part of it, has quite filcncd that Plea, and made it as fenf-lcfs to urge it, as it would be weak to regard it. So chat h^nce forward, all that are con- virK'd that a farther Reformation is needful, and that it is their Duty in their Places to purfuc it, are bound in Confcience to keep at a Diftance from that Church, .which has (as much as in it lies) barr'd all Avenues of farther Li^hr, and dctcrmin'd by a Law that it wilj be, as it is, for ever. This the Diflenrers could not hut be concerned at, ani fo;ryfor, and yet as for the Vnion they reioLc'd la ir, in hope it; might ftrengthen the Security of the Proteltant Succefiion, and anfwer o- ther good and valuable Ends. 7l}e Conyo- ^^^ Convoration met at the fame Time with the caticn. Parliament as vifually. Tho* they had in their former Seifionj diifer'd much about :he Form of an Addrefsto hcrMajeily, yet now they agreed pretty unanimoufly; and lK>th Houfes prefent aa Addrefs on Dec. 6. by Way of C^ ngrarnlat'On upon the wonderful Succels of her Majeflies Arms, &c. and they ackuowlcdg'd the Church to be fafe under her Majefty's Adminiftration, ^c. Afterv/ards they were prorogu'd, and the Lower tfouf^ yvas uneafy, bccaufe there was act Profpeci oi '■ Bnf.nefs- Chap. XIX, after the Revolution in 1688. 697 Bufinefs. On Peb. 12. i7of. the Queen fcnc a Koysd An, 1705, Writ to the Arcbbifliop, requiring him to prorogue them to March 5. and he accordingly did it. The Lower Houfe tho'c this a new Breach of their Parlia- mentary Rights, and prepared a. Paper agaiofttheDay to which they were prorogued, to acquaint the Upper Houfe, that upon Examination they had found, that fuch ilTuing of a Royal Writ to order the Convocation to be prorogued, in Time of Parliament, an unprece- dented k&f and inconfiftent with the Priviledges of Convocation. And this Paper they carried up on Mtrch i^ Butfeveral Members difTented from it, as an unjuft Impeachment of herMajefly's Supremacy. The Bifliop of Lincoln on Mny 20th this Year, be- Booh and gan his Primary Vifitation at Lincoln, and his Charge ^amfhUts. to the Clergy of his Diocefe was publilh'd. He there complains of fome, that frofeffed them/elves to hs not only the true^ but almoft the only true Sons of the C, of E. who deferted the Publicl(^ Communion, and went into fepa- rate Ajfemblies, and fet tip Bi/hops agasttft Bifhops, Presbyters againft Presbyters^ and Altar againjl Altar ; And fays. That there are deplorable H^ats and Ammofi- ties among many that [lill continued to live under the fame Government, to go to the fame Churches^ and join in the fame Sacrament with one another. That they had been di' vided by new Names^ into new Parties^ and new Interefts and had fpokfn^ written, and aHed with great Biiternefs and I{ancour againfi one another^ &c. Now aJfo came out Mr, Ollyffe*/ Third Defence of Minifierial Conformity : which contains a Repetition of many Things faid before, but little that vvas new. He fkys, that in the 13 Elis^, cap, 12. Ordination by Pres* byters was own'd, upon Perfons fubfcribing to all the 3P Articles*. But certainly, That muft be his Miftake. •»« p. 5. in my Statute Book, the Words are thefe, and fubfcribe to all the .Articles of Religion which only Concern the Confejjion of the true Chriftian Faith^ and the DoHrine of the Sacraments. He's however for the Power of the Church to decree Rites and Ceremonies ; aflenr- ing and contenting to the Ufe of Things, not extream- ly approved of; and reckons Submiflion a Duty in compliance with Authority, even where the Bounds which God has fixed for that Authority may be exceed- ed : 698 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XIX. jln. 1706. cd: I envy him not his Sacisfa(ftion. When he di- ftinguifties between an explicitc owning the Power of the Church to impofe, and fubmitting to what the ■ State requires in order to Liberty, he'Jl fee how I am free of a Difficulty he reckons me expofed to. And when he ftaces his Cafe ^ight, and does not omit the raoft eCfential Circumftances, 1 can foon tell him what is to be faid between Father and Son : But as he has ftared it, he and I are far from differing. For me, he's free to give what Degree of Approbation to the Cere- monies he plcafes, provided I have but my Liberty. He may call Mr. Agas's Rhetorick mine, tho' I pro- duce his very Words, about every Point and Syllable^ &c. if he thinks good ; He may argue as freely as he pleafes about plain ftubborn Matter of Fadl, produced out of the Lord^j Journal', that will neither bow nor bend. I don't fee but we are, and are like to be, where we were. I doubt not, but (as he freely owns,) he and his Brethren deiire and long for a Reformation as well as wc : Let us then Pray heartily for it, and ftudy what in us hes to promote it, in our feveral Ways, and ac- cording to our Light, and endeavour to ftrengthen in- ftead of weakening each others Hands, and manifeft by our Carriage, that wc heartily wi(h each other good Succefs ; and this is mere likely to yield Comfort upon Reflection, than drawing the Saw of Contention, and printing of Indexes, and heavy Perfbnal Charge*?, . where God that knows the Secrets of all Hearts will at laft be the Judge. I only wifh that now he is in the Conftitution, he may not either from thofe that have the Management of it, or from his own Tho'rs. upon putting Things together, come under any fuch Uneafi- nefs, as might abate his Ufefulnefs. This Year alfo came out The Compleat Hiftory cf England, in Three Volumes. The Third Volume of which, contains leveral Reflections upon the Diffenters all along, that are unkind ; and fome that are not re- concilable to Truch ; juflit'ying moft of the Severities chat had been ufed towards them : And for that Rea- fon I have taken Notice of its Suggeflions, from one Period to another, in the feregoing Hiftorical Remarks. Now Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 699 Now alfo came out Mr. Loc/^'s Fourth Letter for Tole- -^^^ 1 706. rntion *. He obferves. That his Antagonift reviv'd the y/^^ Fourth Controverfy, after twelve Years Silence. That Writer, 2,^^^^^ a^ he obferves, owns that a Magidrate who upon juji and Tolera- faffcient Grounds believes h\s I{eligion true, is ohlig'd to tion. tfje Moderate Penalties to bring Men to his Religion ; But . . . . that any Magiftrate, who upon weak and deceitful p Jy^''* ** Grounds believes a falfe Religion to be true, is oblig'd u^^^if "*"** to ufe the fame Means, he denies. But 'tis queried, who p ^^V j muft be judge whether the Grounds upon which fuch a Magiftrate believes his Religion to be true^ are jufi and fufficient ? If every Magiftrate muft judge for himfelf, whether the Grounds upon which he believes his Reli- gion to be true, are juft and fufficient, the Limitation to his believing it upon juft and fufficient Grounds, might have been fpared : For no Magiftrate will be thereby excluded from an Obligation to ufe Force to bring Men to his own Religion ; For any one who believes any Religion to be true, cannot but believe the Grounds upon which he believes it to be true, are juft and fufficient ; and if be judged other wife,he could not believe it to be true. If another muft judge for the Magiftrate, then every Magiftrate who upon Grounds that that other Perfon judges to be juft and fufficient, believes his Religion to be true, is obliged to ufe Force to bring Men to his Religion. But fuch a Perfon needs Infallibility. *Tis fa id. The Magi/irate being obliged to ufe Force, only fo as to bring Men to the true B^Ugion^ muft be able certain- ly to know which is the true Religion, And that there is n fuH Affurance which Men may and ought to have of the true Religion, which they can never have of a falfe one^ 8cc, Well then, *tis queried. Whether the Magiftrate muft be determined by his full AfTurance to promote by* Force, that Religion of which he is fully affur'd ? 'Tis faid, thK Ajfurance muft be grounded upon fuch clear and folid Proofs as leaves no reafonable Doubt in an attentive and unbiajfed Mind. Well, the Magiftrate can fee no reafonable Doubt but this is his Cafe : is he not then to ufe Force ? It feems not, if his be not the true /(?- ligion : For 'tis faid, that this Ajfurance can never be had but of the true Religion, Whereupon fays Mr. Lock, to his Antagonift, this is to fay, that the Magiftrate k to ufe Force in favour of that Religion which you judge to be trtfCj and not which he himfelf judges to be true. But whQ 700 Same tiiftorhal Additious Cbap. XIX, Jin 1706. vf ho (fays he) made you a Judge for him? Without this, fays he, All talk, of full /iffuratme pot filing out to theM^gi* (irate the true ^cllgiot]^ that he k obligd by Force topromote, 4mounts to no more tut his own f{eligion^ and can point out no other to him. For cho* *tis not to be imaginU there are as clear and folid Grounds for the belief of fajfe Religions, as there are for the belief of true, fto put a Queftion, a- boac which, is in efledb co query, whether Falfhood has as much Truth in it, as Truth itfelf ?) Yet as Matters ftand, the Religion, which the Magiftrates of the World are o- blig'd to promote by Force, mnft be either their own, or noi>eatall. And in reality, the MagiftratesPerfwafionof his own Religion, which hejudges fo well grounded as to venture his Future State upon it, cannot but be fufhcienc ro fet him upon doing, what he takes to be his Duty in. bringing others to the fame Religion. And what Ad- vantage can that bring to tru€ Religion, which Arms^ 500 Magiftrares againft it, (who muft unavoidably in the State of Things in the World, aft againft it) for, one that ufcs Force for it ? Magiftrates have nothing to determine them in ufing Force in favour of Religion, but their own Perfwafion of the Truth of any Reli- gion : And this In the variety of Religions which the Magiftrates of the World have embrac'd, cannot dirc(5l: them to the true. So that tbe Plea for the Magiftrates ufing Force for promoting the true Religion, upon this Foot, gives as much Power and Authority to the King . of Frnvcc ro ufe it againft his Dilfeniing Subjedts, as to any other Prince in Chrijlondom to ufe it againft theirs. For 'tis the PeiTwafion of the Mind, produced by fuch Rcafons and Grounds as do aflfedl: it, that alone does, or is capable to determine the Magiftrate in the ule of Force, for performing of his Duty : From whence iD necelTarily follows, that if Two Magiftrates have equal- ly ftroiig Perfwafions concerning the Truth of. their Re- ligions refpedtively, they muft both be fet on Work thereby, or neither. For tho' one be of a falfe, and the other of the true Religion, yet the Principle of Operation, that alone which they have to determine them, being equal in Ix^th, they muft both be deter- minM by it ; unlefs it canbc laid that one of them rauft. Ad: according to that Principle, which alone can deter- mine, and the other muft Adi: againft it. From which ^io;apacity in Magiftrates to perfcrui.tliei;: Duty, if it * i :. ' • • '•' l^e a* Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in \ 628. 701 be their Duty by Force to promote the trne Religion, -4». ijo6, it m^y jultly be concluded, that ro ufe Force for the promoting any Religion, cannot be their Duty. Now alfo came out, The Rights of the Chriftt^tn xhe R'lThti Cknrch aflfertcd, againft the f(omi(h and all other Priefls^ of the^ who claim an Independent Power over it; With a Pre- cImiHan face concerning the Government of the C. of E, as by church. Law Eftablilh'd. There has noc been a Book publilh'd in many Years that made more Noife. Some were much taken with the Manner of this Book, and by that tempted to think the better of the Matter o( it ; while others were fo difgufted with the Manner of it, that that prejudic'd them againft the Matter and Argument. I prerend not here to Ad the Pirt of a Cenfor, 01 an Ad- vocate ; and could not be either, without feveral Di- ftindlions. Far be it from me to pretend to juftifie the Matter in all Points, and much icfs the Manner of treat- ing fome Divine Inftitutions'y and yec 1*11 give a brief Abftradt of the main Argument of the Book, as I have done of fome others relating to the Convocational Conteft, which I believe prov'd no fmall Temptation to fome of the warmcft Invedtives of this Book, which have kindled fuch Indignation in fome, againft the Au- thor or Authors. The Preface undertakes to ftiew, That they who make the greateft Noife about the Danger of the Church, are the greateft Enemies to it, by afferting fuch Notions as undermine both Church and State, and arc in diredl Oppofition to the Principles of the Reforma- tion : And that they mean fome other Church, befides the C. of E, which being Eftablilh'd by Ads of Parlia- ment is a meet Creature of the Civil Power, as to its Polity and DifcipHne, which makes all the Contention. The Convocation of iheC. of E, he fays, has no Pow- er which is not deriv'd from, and dependent upon the 1?arliament; none but what they can abridge, curtail, and annul as they think, fit. And he afferts, that 'twas not till ^ome got the afcendant here, that the Clergy attempted to bind the Laity, by Laws they never con- fented to : But their Defign was never brought to Per- fe<5lion. He fays it does not depend upon the Clergy^ but upon the Sovereign National Powers whether there Ihall be a National Church ; And confequently the Legal Eftabliftiment of the Faith, the Worfhip, the Dodtrtnal 702 So we Hijlorical Additions Chap. XIX jin. 1706. Dodlrinal Articles, Difcipline, Rices and Ceremonies of the National Church, muft be wholly owing to tbem: And as far as the Magiftrate eftablifhes any Thing, they are Part of the Civil Conftitution. And as our Kings and Parliament have the fole Lcgiflative Power, fo they have trufted the Supream Executive Power, in EccltfiafticaJs as well as Civils, with the King or Queen ; in Proof of which he ci'^es fevcral A6ls in the Reigns of H. 8. Edvo. 6, and Q. Eli:{. And in Proof thai even in Popifli Times onr Governours did not think that Bilhops had a Divine Right to Eccle- fiaftical ]urifdi£lion ; he argues, from their exempting Places from their Power, and from the exercife of the higheft A6ls of Epifcopal furifdidion, by fome Deans and Archdeacons. He fays, the Law all along has fee the fame bounds to the Ecclefiaftical as to the Civil Courts, both as to Perfons and Things. He obferves, that our Parliaments have from Time to Time, de- prived Bilhops as well as our other Ecclefiafticks ; which is a fufficient Proof they tho't they had not their Bi- fhopricks by a Divine Commiflion, becaufe they could no more take away or even fufpend fuch a Commiflion than give it: Nay, that the Legiflative Powers can diffolve a Bilhoprick, as they did that of Durham in the Reign of Edw. 6, and make Two Bilhopricks into one, C^c. And all the Power which the Clergy have in the National Church being deriv'd folcly from the Parlia- ment, he infers none can be for the Church as it is fet- ' led by Law, who don't abhor all Independent Powei in the Clergy. He farther obferves, that the Clergy having all ^worn to the ^g'il Supremacy ^ we ought not to prefumc that they fuppofe that Supremacy inconfiftent with any Powers which they claim by Divine Right ; and the Bifiiops and leading Divines at the Reformation have freely given their Opinions againft an Independent Pow- er. All the Bilhops, upon the Clergies owning Hen. 8. to be the fupream Head of the Church, took out Com- mifTions for the exercifing of their Spiritual Jurifdidli- on. And the Kings Spiritual Supremacy as fetled by Acfis of Parliament, has been by our Divines made the Chara(ficriftick of the C. of £, againft Popery and Fanaticifm : And was not only the Means by which the Reformation was carried on, but the Ground on which the Chap. XIX. after the Revolution nt i6Q8. 705 the whole was juftified. And tho* oui' Princes do not -dn. iyc6. Preach or Adminifter the Sacraments, but the Laws leave this to the Clergy, yet this does not prove they are more independent than Lawyers, Phyficians, and Men of other Profeffions and Employs. He obferves, that while what the People had fuflFer'd by the Indepen- dent Power of the Popiili Clergy was frefh in their Minds, they did all that was poflible to guard againft any fucTi Power for the Future ; and the Clergy mind- ing Religion more than their private Intereft, difown'd all Pretences to that Power ; But when they imagined the Court had a defign upon the Liberty of the People, they tho't their coming into that Prpje& with all their Force, might deferve to have their fetting up for an In- dependent Power conniv'd at, if not encouraged ; which came to that height in King Charles Vs Time, that the Bilhops openly deny'd their receiving their Jurifdi^tion from the Crown, and that even when they late in xhc Kings High Commiflion Court. Thac Archbilliop Laud was for fetcing up an Independent Power, in de- fiance of the Laws of the Land, the Oath of Supre- macy, the Principles of Reformation, and of the Church he pretended fo much Zeal for , and that he was for an EngUfh^ tho' not a B^man Popery. Than upon the Reftoration of King Charles If, it foon became an Eftablilh'd Principle with High Church, that there were Two Independent Governments in the fame Nation, and that the Government of the Church was by Divine Right in the Bilhops: And that the Lower Houfe of Convocation was lately for having the Bi/hops acknowledg'd, to be not only of Divine, but Dimno Apcftolicd ^ight ; which muft mean either a D'-vine Divine Right, or a Divine Humane t{ight. That Bilhop S^a - row ^ aflerted, ^ That in Controverlies abput Dodrine?, ^ Preface to ' where the Church has received no clear Determination ^'^^^^'^" °f ' from Chrift and hisApoftles, Ihe has Power to declare her ^^^^^^^* ' own Senfe in the Controverlie, and to determine ^' * which Part (hall be receiv'd and profefs'd for Trurh * by Her Members, and that under Ecclefiaftical Cen- /'fure^and Penalties. The Sentence (hall bind to Sub- miffion, tho' the Superiours may err in the Sentence : * Better that Inferiours be bound to (land to fuch fallible * Judgment, than that every Man be fuffei'd to inter- pret Laws, and determine Coniroverfies.* And ihere was none that oppos'd him. He ■. ~ r-— — . 704 Sdwe Hiflorkal Adaitions Ch a p. XIX. An. i7c6. He farther obferves, That the Ptrliament having ex" ercis'd their Power in Spirituals, by depriving the Non' juring BiOiops, and the Sees being by the Kings Autho' rity fiird again, it has caus'd a Schifm in High Church' And they who adhere to the Bifhops depriv'd by Par- liament, condemn thofe who do nor, as idling contrary to their common Principle, of Church and State being under a diftindt Government Which Principle the others on the contrary are To far from difowning, that they endeavour to reconcile it with their defercmg the Bifhops depriv'd by the Lay Powers ; and thereby be- tray their Caufe inftead of defending it, and eipofe ihemfclves to the fcom and contempt of their Adverfa- lies. That tho' nothing is now fo common as to call the oppofing the Docflrine of Two Independent Powers the Eraftian Herefie, yet 'tis plain from the Letters an- nex*d to Emjiw^s Treatife of Excommunication, that the ablcft of the Reformers Abroad were in his Senti- ments; and Archbifliop ^^itgift Licens'd it, and as Mr. Seldens fays, writ with his own Hand in one of the Books finely Gilt, thcfe Words, intm quam extra for» mofior. After this, he quotes fome Paflagcs of Mr. Ltf- ley, Mr. DoHwef, Mr. Hz7/, &c. in fupport of the inhe- rent Power and Authority of the Clergy, and by Way of Invedlive againft the Regal Supremacy. He fays its ftrange, that they whofe Principles are nearer to the Church of [{omi than that of EngUndy fhould be repre- fented as the only Churchmen. He appears furpriz'd at the Convocations mentioning thereftoring of the Church to its due ^ghts nnd Priviledges ; and Teems to wonder they did not declare what they were: Efpecially when they conftantly reprefent it, as the moft perfect moft compleat, and bcft conditurcd Church that is : Whereas, as (he fays) if the Government of it did belong to the Clergy by a Divine Right, it muft be as to its Govern- ment and Difcipline, the worft conftitutcd Church in the World. In his JntroduBion^ht obferves, that the Do(ftrine of Two IndependentPowers has occafion*d a prodigious Number of Qiiarrcls, bctwecti Prince and Prieft, and among the Clergy themfelves. He allerts, that naturally Men are in a State of equality. Even Parents have not an abfolutePower. Men lo(e their equality by confent, informing themfelves into Bodies Policiclc. Government was firit founded oti tfte Chap. XIX. afler the Revolution in x6'^2, 70 J the confent of the Parties concern d, and ftill continues -^»» 1705, on the fame Foot. Men engage in a Political Union ifor the Defence of themfelves and their Properties, and oblige themfelves to aflift the Magiftrate in punifli^ ing all fuch injuries as the Good of the whole will not permit to go unpunilh'd. The Magiftrate is fully au- thoriz'd to punilh the Evil, and reward the Good : And not only to punilh one that does an injury to a (ingle Perfon, but any one that injures the whole Society.- When Men aflbciated on a Givil, they were oblig'd al- fo to do the fame on a Religious Account ; one being neceffary for the fupport of the other. But in Religious Matters Men are to follow the Didlates of their Con- fciences ; and cannot have a Sovereign Reprefentative, to determine for them what they fhall Believe or Pro^ > fels. 'Tis impoflible that Men (hould ever fubmit to Government, but with an intent of being proteded in fo necelfary a Duty as Worftiipping God according to Confcience, as well as in any other Matter whatever* The Magiftrate has no Pretence to ufe Force, when no Perfon is injar'd, tho' Confcience were not concern'd • much lefs ought he to do it when Confcience u con- cern d : And confequently his Power is confin'd to fuch Religious Matters as are likewife Civil ; that is where the Publick has an Intereft. The good of the Society is the Supreara Law. All Church conliderations muft give Place to it : And no Man on any Church Pretence whatever, can be exempt from the Magiftrates Jurif- diction. He has the fame Power over Men when met together for the Worlhip of God, as when met toge- ther upOn other Accounts; Whom he is then fo far from having a Right to difturb, that he is oblig'd to fe- cure them from all manner of Harm, as long as they do nothing prejudicial to the Publick ; but much more fo, if their Meetings tend to promote the general Good, as Mens alTembHng to Worfhip God according to their Confciences does In CW. I. He (hews that there cannot be Two Inde- pendent Powersthe in fameSociety. Independent Power is Supream. There can't be Two fuch at the fame Time, either about the fnme or dijfrrent Things. Not about the fnme ; becaufe by one Power a Man may be oblig'd to do a Thing, and by t'other forbid xo do it I and fo the fame Action would be a Duty and i Z z $in ; ~ - 7o6 Some Hijiarhal Additions Chap, XIX. An. nod- Sin: Nor about different Things; for then he might be oblig'd to be at the fame Time at different Places, and to do Things oppofite and contrary. Who can fup- pofe that the God of Order would ever involve us in fuch inextricable Difficulties, as to fubje£l m to Two Powers which are either apt to clafti and interfere con- tinually about the fame Things, or elfe to command, if not contrary, yet different 1 hings at the fame Time? Ecclejiaftical Power will be continually interfering with Civil. If the Civil Magiftrate cannot deprive an Eccle- fiaftick, he cannot put him to Death ; becaufe in de- privation of Life is included deprivation of all Offices and Employs. If the Power of Excommunication be- longs independently to the Clergy, the Magiftrate could no more (by Banifiiment or Imprifonment, (!^o.) deprive a Man of the Communion of the Church, than a Prieft could do that, by which a Mans Death would follow unavoidably. The Druids, who got the folc Power of Excommunication to themfelves, by Vertue of it govern'd all Things ; and Kings were only their Minifters, to execute their Sentences. 'Tis unjuft for Two Independent Powers to judge about the fame Things; for this would fubjed the fame Perfonsto un- dergo Two Trials, and be punifh'd Twice for the fame Crime. If there be Two different Independent Go- vernours, the Civil Goveruour could have no more Power on a Civil Account over the common Subje(ft, •than t'other on an Ecclefiaftical : Nor couid they hinder one another of the Obedience due to each ; and confe- quenily the Magiftrate could not deprive one of his Life and Liberty, or ufe any other reflraining Method, becaufe this muft either for ever, or for a Time, rob the Ecclefiaftical Governour of a Subject, to whom he has at all Times an Independent Right. They muft needs deftroy each others Power, and free Men from all Subjection to either. In Chap. 11. He afferts, That the Clergy's affuming to ihemfelves a JwifdiHion, and terming it Internal^ in contradif^indtion to the Magiftrates which they call E;c- ternal, is only amufing People with Words, and a blind to make Men believe a Difference where there's none, in order to ufurp a Power which belongs not to them. When Men endeavour to affumc a Power over Con- fcience, the moft they can do is to n^akc Hypocrites. The ^ Chap. XIX. after the Revalttthn in \6^^, 707 The Clergy who contend not only for the neceflity hxii An. lyod. the Jawfulnefs of National Churches, give up all their Pretences to ah Independent Power in eVery Thing re- lating to 'eiri, even in the rabft fpeculative and myfte- rious Poinrs. For if thev allow that the Magiftrate can enacft, that no Perfon (hall enjoy any Prefernnent iti the National Church, who does not profefs fuch or iuch ATiicles, they cannot deny him a Power to deprive any who (hall difown them ; becaufe 'tis only putting thofe Laws, they acknowledge he has Power to make^ in Execution. In Chap. IV. He Ihews there's no immutable Form of Church Difcipline. The only Way (he fays) to prove this or that Form of Ecclefiaftical Difcipline, in this ot* that Place to be Divine, iis to fhew that it is there the fitteft for the End it was defign'd to promote. The fame Garment may as well ferve Children and Men, as the fame Regimen can fit People for all Times and Cir- cumftances. Means to an End ire of a mutable Na- ture. Were but this granted, we fhould have no more Quarrels about Modes, and Fotms, and Ceremonies 2 There would be no Uncharitablenefs, Hatred or Perfe- Ctieioti ; but the Chriftian Religion would as it was de- fign'd, render all its votaries wonderfully Happy. Chriftianity is a Religicti not only to laft to the end of the World, but in Time to extend to all the Nations of it. And confiderihg how widely different Nations are in all Circumftances and P^efpedis, there can be no par- ticular Form of Charch Polity which miift not fonie- where or other be prejtidicial to the End it Was inftitu- ted for. Chnf, V. Shews, That the Clergies endeavouring at an Independent Power, not only prevents the further fpreading of the Gofpel, but is the Caufe of its having already loft fo much Ground. This Dodrine of Im- ferium in Irr^perio; he ffiys, would have been us*d by the Emperors as an Argument to juftifie their ufage of the Chriftians. Heathen Authors would have eternally infulted the Chriftians upon this Head : Nor would they have been fo wanting to themfelves, as td negledt Offering at fomeching in their frequent Apologies for their Juftification. They could not upon this fuppofi- tion have affertcdthe difintereftednefs of thofe who firft preach'd the Gofpel, as a grand Argument for the Truth Z t % of 7o8 Some Hiflorical Additions Chap. XIX, An, 1 705. of ic. This Dodlrine prejudices Infidels againft Chri- ftianity. 'Twas this Independent Power was the chief occafion that Chriftianity loft fo manv fair Provinces ic once poflefs'd, which became an eafie Prey to the bar- barous Nations, and made the conquer'd fubmit to the Religion of the Conquerors. Had it not been for the Ambition of the Bilhops in continually fighting againft one another for Dotninion, with their Anathema's and ^ Excommunications, fo fenflefs a Religion as that of the Alcoran, could never have taken fuch deep Root, or fpread itfelf fo far and wide in fo fhort a Time. And as this Independent Power occafion'd Mahometifm in the Eaft, fo it produc'd Popery in the PVeft. Chap. VI. Shews that this is moft deftrudtivc to the Intereft of Religion, and the Caufe of the Corruptions under which Chriftianity Labours. Chap. VII. Shews that an Independent Power in any fet of Clergymen, makes all Reformation unlawful, except where thofc who are fuppos*d to have this Power do confent. And Chap. VIII. That this Independent Power has been the occafion of infinite Mifchief to the Gbriftian World, and is utterly inconfiftent with the happinefs of Hu- tnane Society. He fays, that, it is plain from all Hifto- ries, that according to the meafure of this Independent Power, the Clergy have reached in- any Place, the People have been proportionably impoverilh'd and ruin'd. He mentions the fad EfFedts in Popifli Countries, and alfo • among Proteftants. He obferves, that the Clergy here in England after the Reftoration, became Tools of the Papijis ; of which they were fo fenfihle in the Day of di' firef^f that the moft eminent among them, with the general Approbation of the reify made folemn Declarations of eafing their Protejiant Brethren, when Providence fhould put it in their Power. Tet when the Convocation in 8p had by the favour of Heaven an Opportunity of performing thofe Prcmi- fes ; woi there not a Party among 'em who refolvd to keep Faith ai little with Schifmatickj, as fome former Councils with Hereticks ? And therefore with fcorn they rejeHed all Terms of Accommodation^ and tho't the' very recommending to *cm fuch Alterations in TJjir.gs indifferent ^ ai would mal{e Conforming to the Church fo cnfie , ai few Protcflants either at Home or Abroad fhould fcruplc, an Affront never to be forgiven ; which was the Foundation of the inveterate Ma- liee with which that glorioifs Prince^ to whom we owe out Chap. XIX. after the Revolution m 1 68S. 709 Religion and Church rvas to the la!i ferfecuted : Nor could An. l -joi the Bi/hopj, even thofe who hadfignali:(d themfehes in De- fence of the Churchy receive better Qiiarter. He quotes feveral Authors againft the Independent Power of the Clergy; as the Lord CUrendony Dr. Barrow, Gomarus, Gualterui^ and Father Pauli And fays that none is qua- lified to believe Two Independent Powers, who has not Faith enough for Tranfubftantiation. Chnj). IX. Shews that the hypothefis, of none being capable of governing the Church except Bifliops, and that none can be Biibops except thofe who derive their Power by a continued and uninterrupted Succeflion in the Catholick Church from the Apoftles, deftroys the very Being of the Church. Here the Author advifes fome People, no more to attack the DilTenters on fuch Principles, as unchurch all who departed from F{pme^ &c. And Chap, X. Sheweth, That the Catholick Church conlifts of feveral Bodies Independent on each other, ^c: Where the Author aflerts, That when Men do not think it fufficient for Salvation to be united to Chrift by true Faith, and to one another by Chrifti- an Love, leaving every Community to form what Ec- clefiaftical Government they think fit, but make it jie- ceflary to the very Being of Chriftianity, to be u- nited by fome one external Head or Government, which is to be the Center of Catholick Union and Communion ; he cannot fee how a Popedom can be a- voided ; And he Ihews, That the Clergy have main- tain'd fuch Maxims, in Order to oblige People to yield an implicite Faith, and blind Obedience to their Di- lates as muft condemn all Separation from the Church of i^<5wr, on the Account of her peculiar Doctrines ; of which he gives Inftances, (3c. And upon the whole, I fliould be glad to fee a good Anfwer to the Book, upon the Jure Divine bottom, of any one particular Form of Church Government, M. DCC. Vn. This Year Mr. Higginj the Clergy- man made a great Noife, in defiance of the Govern- ment, about the Danger of the Church, in many Pul- pits, from one end of the Town to the other : But he could not have Influence enough to do the Mifchief he feem'd tp intend and aim at. There was a general Addrefling to her Majcfty after the Union : The Dif- Z z 3 fenters 7 1 o Some Hijiorical Additions Chap. XIX. Jfl, 1707- fenters of the Three Penominitions, picfenced the folr lowii;\g Addrefs upon that Occaiion. May it fleafe your Majefly^ * A Mongft the r^ii of your Dutiful and Loyal Subjc<5^s, -^ ' webegLeave with all Humility, to congratulate * yonrMajelty, upon the Acceliion every Year makes to * the Glories of your Aulpicious Reign ; and more cfpc- * ciaily upon the happy Union of ypur two Kingdoms of * England and Sconnt/.I. * We ad'»re i^hat Divine Providence which hath rc- * mov'd the Difficulties, that were infuperable to your ' greateft Prcdecelfors, even under the Advantages of * Peace, and referved to your Majefty the Honour of * making us one flourilhing People, through your wife * and fteady Councils, together with the unparallel'd ^ Judgment, Application, and Fidelity, of your Mt- ^ jefty's Co.mmiilioners, and your two Parliaments * Ry this entire VKton of the two Nations, we with * J^y behold the Peace and Quiet of your Majefty 's * Government firmly fettled ; the Proteftant Succeffion ' to the Imperial Crown of Great-Britainy and the ' Jlefoirmed Intcieft in general fee ured ^ the Strength ' and Honour of the whole Ifland much advanced ; ' and our common Safety, both againft Atten^ptsfroni * Abroad, and Breaches upon our happy Civil Con- * ftitution at Home, effed^ually provided for. '' Herein we have a repeated Inftance of your Ma- * jefty's Parental Care of your People 5 andc^notbut * h'^pe that fo iliuftrous an Example, will infpire all ^ your Pro'eltant SubjeOs wirh that gcn«^rous Love and ^ Charily, that it may ni:ver wore be in the Inclina- ^ tion of any of rhem, to molett one another, upon. ^ Religior.s Accounts. ^ May the Great God lb profper your Arms, and * thofe of your AlLes, that your Majefty may be the ' glorious Inftrum.nc of re eftablilhing the Peace, and * fccuring the I ibcrty of Rumpc -y and att;hc lame Time * of rci^oring our Proteftant Brethren Abroad, to their * ancient Pviglifs. May your Majefty and your Illuftijlpus Confort the ^ Prince be continued in Hti^Uh. * May your facred Majefty be blcflcd with a long *^ ^d.profperous Reign, oyer a People more reformed * in Chap. XIX. after the Revolution /« 1 688. 711 ' in their Manners, and united in Affection, (according -dn. 1707 * to your Majefty's carneft Recommendations, ) and * ftill reap the Benefits of a Government, which by ' the Divine Bleiring, you have made fo coniiderable * for Safety and Greatnefs. ' May all thefe our Requefts be as fully anfwer'd, ■* as thofe we have offered to the Almighty for this ' Union. ^ Then will our Thankfgivings be lafting, and your ' Majefty will have the Satisfaction of tranfmicting Li- * berty and Union to all fucceeding Ages. But the Union was no fooner over, and far from being fettled, before thePretender, with a French Force, went for Scotland^ with a Defign to diiTolve it. There wanted not fome both in North and South that encou- raged this Attempt. And tba he went North^ yet we had thofe among us, that reprefented his coming to be with this Defign, to refcue the C. of £. from Danger : But a Church of his faving, muft have afcerw^ds been at his Mercy. The Diffcnters were under feveral Hardihips, atid bad Caufe enough to complain of their Treatment, notwithftanding their Tolemtion^ and the Countenance given them by her Majefty, and thofe that were about her. One B^ger B^fen a Lanca/hire Man, a Perform aged above 69, was this Year carried to Lnncafter Gaol, by Vertuc of a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo^ whofe original Grime was only the teaching a few little Chil- dren to read EngUfh. He was cited to Chefter, at the Inftance of one Spal^eman School mafter of Eccla. For neglecting to appear, he was excommunicated, and his Profecutor took out the Queen's Writ ; and the poor Man was in Danger of ftarving. And upon Occafion of his Cafe and fome others, a Reprefenration was drawn up, of which I fhall.here annex a Copy, as an Evidence, that the Diffenters had Reafon for ibme Un- eafinefs at this Time, even tho* Things were kept from coming to Extremity. * Mr Peflch a Proteftant Diffencing Minifter, has * been twice Convidled and Fined by Simon Biddulpb * of Burdingbury^ and IViUinm Calmer of Lad-brool^^ Efq; ' Juftices of the Peace for ihe County of I4^armc\y * for Preaching at Southam, in a Place certified, as the ' A6t;^ of Toleration primo Gulielmi ^ Maritc requires, Zz 4 I on> 712 Some Hifiorical Additions Chap. XIX. Alt. 1707 on Pretence that the Qaalification taken by him in the Coiinty of Northampton, when he lived there was not fufticienr, tho' ic was in all Points according to the Adt of Toleration ; nor yet would the above mentioned Juftices and others at the Quarter-Seflions at l^'^arrvick, admit him to repeat his Qualification ; pretending that he had no Settlement at Southam ; neither would they accept of fufficient Security offer'd for his not being Chargeable to the Parilh there ; his Books with other Goods have been feized for Preaching, as above; and part of them fold, he liimfelf and his Family have been forced from their Abode at Southarn, The Convi(fiions againft him, ( removed by Certiorari^ and yet depending before the Court oi Queen' s-Bench, after more than Twelve Times Attendance, and great Charges in Law, ) do not fo much as aver that he was once called by the faid Ju- ftices to anfwer for himfelf ( the Truth being unde- niably otherwife ;) Or that he was not fufficiemly Qualified according to the A4;?r»7 30. by the Prolocutor, the Majority of the Lower Houfe • declared the Sentence of Contumacy, and the Procefs continued after the Prorogation, to bean Invafion of the Royal Supremacy, unlawful, and altogether null : And yet tho' the Prolocutor carried up this at the Command of the Houfe, yet he himfelf fubmitted, and begged Par- don of the Archbilhop, and fo the Sentence was taken off. This Year Dr Nichols publilh'd bis L IX. after the Revolution jn 1688, 715 fame Time publilhed his Reply to Mr.Palmns Vindict- An ijof. rion of theDiflfeiiters. And Mr. L. the Second Part ofihc PVo/f ftrtppd in Anfwcr to the Rights of the Church ; laying open the Defignsof Atheifts, Deifts, Whiggs, ^c, againft the Church. Mr. Hoadly alfo now publifh'd his Defence of Bpi/copal Origination. I foon drew up a Reply to it, both as to the Hiftorical and Argumentative Pare, in a Letter to the Author, but forbore Printing it, that I might not give him Difturbance in the purluit of his Political Conteft in which he was fo happily engag'd, and fo much to the Satisfaction of the true Lovers of his Cv)untry ; However, fome having wonder'd I have made no return to this laft Book of Mr. Hoadly\ I fhaU here bertow a few Refie6tions upon it, being ready to follow ir with a particular Reply, if it be tho't needful. Its fkii^d a Defence of Eptfcopal Ordination ; which needed no Defence, becaufe it was not aifaulted, by thofe that pleaded for the warrantablcncfs of Or- dioation by Presbyters. I have given my Senfe of the main Pofitipns he here lays down about Ordina- tion, in p, 199. and aoo. of this Volume, to which, my Reader is referr'd. He fetches his main Proof from the Fathers, not with ftanding my Intimation from the Firft. that that was unavoidable, was fo difpleafing. However a little Evidence from Scripture would to us be more convincing, than a great deal from the Fathers. He reprefents the Fathers as giving their Teftimony to Epifcopacy, as a plain Matter of Fadk ; whereas they give their Teftimony as to Fa(3:, with their Judg- ment ; which Judgment of theirs we are no farther bound to regard, than as it is fupported with fuiiable Proof. We have no Proof from Scripture of any o- ther Epifcopacy defign'd for continuance, than what was Paftoral. We have no Apoftolick Writings left, befides the facred Scriptures; The Fathers differ in their Judgment, Sentiment and Report. It was Mr, Dodwel in his Diflertations on Irenms who firft Aarted the Tho't, that we have as good Proof for th& Divine Authority of Bifhops as we have for that of Scripture ; This put the Author of Amyracer upon plead- ing, that we have no better Proof for Scripture than we have for Bifliops ; and between them, the Authori- ty of the Writings of the New Teftament has been weaken d. Their Authomy is not properly weakened, ^ . 7^ ^ . by 7 1 6 Some Hifiorical Addittoas Chap. XIX- wi*. 1 707- by fuch as receive their Report of the facred MiniftryJ and whatfoever the Fathers aflert concerning it, that they can prove from thence, at the fame Time as they re- ceive iheir Report concerning thofe facred Writings, in which they in the Main agree ; but by thofe that would infinuace we have not better Proof of their Di- vinity, than we have of the Divine Inftitution of any other than Paftoral Epifcopacy for a Continuance, tho' ihofe facred Writings are filent in it. While the Fa- thers much differ in their Account about Epifcopacy, we find that all their Quotations of Parages out of the New Teftament in their Writings, do agree with our Bibles to this Day in all Capital Matters; and all thofe Things that have been charg* d as Alterations, Additions or Corruptions, in our New Teftament Writers, toge- ther with the various Ledtions that have been Colledted, are either in Matters fufiiciently plain in other Parts of the fame facred Writings, or in Things of fmall Mo- ment. No encouragement can be juftly faid to be gi- ven to Scepticifm, by demanding good Proof, where an Apoftolical Foundation is pretended. The Fathers refolv'd their Faith into the divinely infpirited Wri- tings; But many of them that reprefentcd the Epifco- pacy they had in their Days as ApcftoHcal, might mean no more than that it was Ancient ; ffor parallel Inftan- ces may be produc'd :) And when they gave Catalogues of Bilbops up to the Apoftles Days, we have no Evi- .dence that they that are mentioned firft in their Lift.', were fo much as reckon'd to be fach Bifhops as were in the Church after the Days of Conftantine. Paftoral Epifcopacy %vas rifen to too great a height (in my Apprehcnfion ) in the Days of Ignatius , but I can't find Diocefan Epifcopacy in his Epiftles, and yet much lefs.can I do it, in the Celebrated Hpiftle of Clement. Tho* Ignatius died a Martyr for Chriftianity, and his Name is therefore to be honour'd, yet i am nor therefore able to fay as he. That rohat God is in the H^jrld^ that w the Bifloop in the Churchy Or that he that docs any Thing xoithout the privity of the Bifhop, ts to be thot to fcrve the Devil : Nor durft I fay with Bilhop Pjarfon, That there*s no Obedience here c w- mandedy but whtt is ntc:j]'ary to avoid Schifrns, and prefer ve tU Vnity of the Church. The Fathers were often warm apj eager. He that O-^ferves Jgnatiut's faying, That vpho" Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 717 whofoever fajieth upon the Lord's Day, or upon any Satur^An. 1707. day except that one Saturday Cmeaning Eafter-Eve) is a Murtherer of Chriff, will make great abatements, for what he fays about Epifcopacy, and what other Fathers (of a like difpofition) fay in other Cafes. Befides ; How can the Teftimony for Epifcopacy be faid to be Univerfal? For what Creed ever declarM, what gene- ral Council ever derermin'd that Epifcopacy was of Apoftolical Inftitution ? The pack'd Council of Trenf^ was the firft that attempted it ; and a Jate angry Lower Houfe of an fw^Z/yZ? Convocation (upon whom Mr. Hoadly himfelf has upon Occafion been pretty fevere) were for treading in their Steps. But this wont prove an Uni- verfality. The moft that the Quotations alledg'd a- mount to, is, that feme held Epifcopacy of Apoftolical Inftitution : But ftill as zealous as the Convocation was for that determination, there yet are many even in the C. of E. of a different Judgment; and 'tis not unlikely but it was the fame in the Chriftian Church hereto- fore ; and Si:Jeronis franknefs is an evidence of it. A Multitude of Fathers agreed in deriving the Mille- narian Notion from the Apoftles ; which may keep us from being frightened with the big Names of Fathers about Epifcopacy. That Notion was indeed afterwards con- demned : And that is a Proof, that the Church was fen- (ible, that the joint confent of many Fathers together, in deriving a Thijng from the ApoAles, was no folid Proof that it truly came from them. Of the celebrated Tables of Succeffion^ as urg'd in Proof of Diocefan Epif- copacy, I fay the fame, as Mr. Hoadly does of the Ge- nealogy in GenefUf as urg'd in Proof of the Patriarchal Power *, If thofe Tables might have been given us, tbo the ^ Perfons mention d had not been Diocefan Bifhopf, then their r ^.l p " heing thus deliver d is no Argument that the Perfons navrid ^yiarchal in it were fo. The Argument is as ftrong in this Cafe as scheme in that. The Change in the Church from a Parity to p. 29.* an Inequality among their Paftors (which was more early in fome Churches than others) may I think be ac- counted for upon a Principle fwhich obtain'd betimes) that provided Divine Institutions were but kept up, and adminiftred by Perfons fet apart to Office, the feve- ral Chnrches might manage thetnfelyes in what Way and Manner was to them the moft agreeabh% without any danger of finning, or flying in the Face of the Apoftles; 7 1 8 Some H'fjlorkal AddUions Chap. X f X, An I'oj. Apoftles; which Principle there aire many that ftill ad- here to. And as for Proof chat there was no fuch dif- parity among the Guides of the Charch, in the Three firft Cencupies, as in after Ages, that well known Book, caii'd, 'in Enquiry into the Confti tut ion, t4^orfh'p and Dif" cipline cf the Primitive Churchy hath faid enough tO fa* tisfie a rcafonable Man. I cane find any Proof that Presbyters and Bilhops have a diftindt Commiflion: and if they Acft by the fame Commiflion, the Ordinations of Presbyter^; are as vahd, as thole of fuperiour Bifliops. I can find no diflference made in Mat. ^%. 1 9, where the Commiiiiort is given, betwcn one fort of Miniftcrs that might Or- dain, and another that might not. I here fay, as Mr. Hi t Exam, o/i" another Cafe; "j" That a Thing of fuch importance which the Patri' vcould for ever have prevented all Dijputes about fi great a archal Pointy (hould not once be plainly laid doxpn, where there was Scheme, mo^ occafion for mentioning it ; nay, that there fhould not p. 57. he the leaji intimation about it, k incredible., Tho* many Words are beftow'd, I cannot find any fuitable Proof, ( I J That the confinement of the Power of Ordina- tion CO Bilhops exclufive of Presbyters is Divine; And (i.) That this Divine Order is Univerfal, and defign'd for all Times and Places without exception. Thefe Tho*ts I have pretty largely purfu'd in my Re- ply, the publication of which may be now the lefs needful, fince we have fo juff and full a Difcourfe of . Mr. B'^yfes upon this Subjedt, which came out this Year, entituled, A clear Account of the Ancient Epifcopacy, proving it to have been Parochial, and therefore inCon- fiftent with the prefent Model of Diocefan Epijcopicy, As for Mr. Hoadlys Remarks upon my bttrodu&ion^ I referve them to a Second Edition of chat Introduciion, with Notes, in which his Suggeftions, and thofe of fome other Writers will be conlider'd. And as for Perfonal Ref^edkions, tho* fome of them arc peevilh enough, and difcovcr fufficiently that its hard even for Reafon and Grace in Conjundion, to check the influence of a -^if- ordered Body, they are all forgiven, for the fake of the Service he did his Country, in fo nobly defending Re- volution Principles, for which he fo defervedly had the Thanks of the Rcprefentatives of the Commons of Brit" t tain, in which no Man more heartily concuriM than I. In Chap. XIX. after the KevolHtion in i6%%, 719 In the beginning of this Year, an Addrefs was pre--^«. 1708. fented to Her Majefty, by the Proteftanc Difienting Miniftcrs of the Three Denominations, upon Occalion of the difappointment 6f the Defign upon North Bri- aifiy in the Words following. May it plehfe Tour Mfjefly^ ON the firft Advice of the defign*d Invafion of ' this Your Kingdom, we tho'tour Selves oblig'd after earneft Prayers to God, humbly to Addrefs Your Majefty, to fignifie our deep Refencment of the Attempt of the Pretender; whofe ufurped Title can no more recommend him to the Britifh Nation, than his Religion, and the Power that Supports him. * Nor can we forbear to exprefs the utmoft Abhor- rence of the Prcfumption of rhe French King, who takes upon him to impofe Princes of his own forming upon other Nations, after having opprefs'd and en- flav'd his own. * We are fo entirely in the Principles of the late hap* py Revolution, that we account the Britifh Monar- chy, and the Bleflings of Your Majefty's Rcign^ too valuable to omit any Thing that lies in our Power for the Support and Defence of Your Royal Pcrfon and Government. ' While the faithful Adherence of our Brethren of North Britain to Your Maje/^y in this JunAure, gives us a very particular Satisfadiion, we take leave to renew to Your Majefty, the Affnrance of our invi- olable Fidelity : And what we fay on this Occafion, is not only our own, bur the Unanimous Senfeof the People under our Care, who all own Your Majefty 's Rightful and Lawful Title to the Imp^ial Crown of thefc Realms ; and would be thankful for a greater Capacity, to ftiew that their Zeal for Your Service is not inferiour to that of the moft approved and Loyal of their Fellow Subjects. * The late Union of ^England and Scotland^ the wife and early Precautions taken by Your Ma* jefty and Your Council, to prevent the Defigns of Your Enemy ; the Prudent and Vigorous Refolution of Your Parliament, and above all, Your Majefty *s dependence on the Divine Aid and Protedion, 7 lo Somt Hijiorical Additiont Chap. XIX. :A». 1708. feem very happy Prefages of Succefs and Victory ; And make us Hope, that God hasreferv'd for your Ma- jefty, the Honour of effedually fecuring the Prote- ftant Succeflion at Home, of advancing the Intereft of the Reformed Churches Abroad, and of com- pleating the Recovery of the Liberties of Europe, ' That the Great God would continue to guard your facred Perfon, to prefcrve the Life of yout Royal Confort, to blefs your Majefty's Councils and Arms, and thofe of your Confederates ; and that after a very long and glorious Reign, your Majefty may Exchange your Temporal for an Eternal Crown, is the Prayer of your moft Obedient and Faithful Sub- jefts. This Year a New Parliament was chofcn, and fate,' but meddled not with any Ecclefiaftical Matters in their firlt SefTion. The Convocation alfo met, and were prorogu'd by the Archbifliop, purfuant to th6 Queen's Writ, before the Sermon was preach'd, that ufed to precede the Choice of a Prolocutor ; with re- fpedt to which Choice the Lower Clergy were divided, between Dr. Atterbury and Dr. PViUis. They werfe prorogu'd from November^ to Febr. 25. following. At this Time was publifli'd a Letter from a Gentle- man in Scotland to his Friend in England, againft iht Sacramental Tefi ; as inconfiftent with the Union, dan- gerous to the Ecclefiaftical Conftitution of Norths Britain^ and to fuch Parts of their Civil Conftitution as are referv'd to them : inconfiftent with the Civil Jnte- reft of Great Britain in general ; contrary to the De- (ign of our Saviour's Inftitution of the Lord's Supper, and to the Dodlrine of the C. of £. And an Apology for this Letter. a The 'left AH is here reprefentcd as contrary t6 1 the Rules of Religion, becaufe it requires an End in receiving the Sacrament, that muft prophane it, and fuch as bears no Proportion to the Original De- fign of it ; and nfurps an Authority which no Power on Earth can Jay any juft claim to, to apply Divine Inftitutions to fuch Ends as only ferve the Intereft of Politick Societies ; and obliges fuch as have any Civil Poft to take the Sacrament, without any regard to the iitnefs which the Law of Chrift requires, fcr that So lemnicy / Chap. XIX. after the Revolution in 1688. 711 lemnicy. It looks as if it was no Matter, how ill a Character a Perfon bore, if it can be cover'd with the Name of Churchman ; which Ihews that it is noc the Honour of ReJigion, but the fecular Intereft of a Party that is principally regarded, ^c About this Time alfo came out, Dr. Cotters Difcourfe of Church Government : wherein the Rights of the Church, and the Supremacy of Chriftian Princes, are vindicated and adjufted. This Year was here at Home more remarkable for Atu 1709* nothing, than Dr. Sachevereh Sermon at St. Pauls on IS/iw. 5, which was entitled, The Perils of Falfe Brethren both in Church and State, which gave great Offence to all the Alfertors of the late Revolution. His Impeach- ment is yet frefti in Memory. In the Time of his Trial there was an open Rebellion againft the Govern- ment, tho* the Parliament was fitting ; the Members of both Houfes were infulted ; and feveral Meeting Houfes were broke open, in and about the City, and the Pul- pits and Pews Burnt by a Riotous Multitude ; and other Places, nay even the Barik^ itfelf, as well as Private Houfes of Perfons of Note were threatened; the Queens Guards were openly refifted ; and fuch a Spi- rit difcover'd itfelf, as not a little terrify 'd all the hearty Friends of the Government. Perhaps the Time may come when it may be generally better known by whofe influence and encouragement this open Rebellion was raised in defiance of the Queen and Parliament. How- ever the Trial went on, and the Sermons of the Dr. at St. Pauls and at Derhy Aifizes were ordered to be burnt ; and the celebrated Oxford Decree, together wifh them. This deferves a Remark. ' The Houfe (of Lords j taking into Confideration the Judgment and Decree^ of the Univerfity of Ox- ^SeeofthU * ford^ pafs'd in their Convocation y«/y 21. 16S3, given ^^<^*"^J>, mftnite in ipotoer, CHifuom, Hal ^'J' t ann <0(DtJneftf, nto'eliing in tf|e Jligtjt tofjicfj Mat. ij. 17! noi39an can app^oaclj, iDfjere t^oufann tljou^ i Tim. 6. 16'. fanD0 tniiiite untoSTIja?, anD ten tI}OUfantJ timeai i^a^- 7. 10. ifst. ten tl)Dufanu IfanD before arijec, pet utoellmg toittj J^*^^- J^^- tl^el)umble anD contrite, ant) taking pleafure in tljp^J^:^ j^a °' ipeople : %\]m Ijaff confecrateD fog 110 a nejDo ans d.'papy.tf.'izl libing toap, t!)at iwith boltJnef^ toe map enter into i. &. 99. ^ 8c tlie ^olitli, hf tf)e. bjfooo of 3|efu0, anD l)all bio U0 ^^-^i 17. &89. feek 2^1)0?, tofjile tl)ou mapett be fomiD : (Kae come 7; ,J^^- ^^^ l®*- to %\)ic at tt>p Can, ano ipogftip at ti)p jFojtfiooU Tji^lt, ^ll 3i$el)0lD U0 in t!)p tenDer s^erciej^* ©efpife m not, Levit. Vo 2 tt)ougl) unlno^tlip^ %^m art greatlp to be. fearea Zech. iz. 10. in t^e 2icrembl)? of tfje S^aintjer, anD to be tjaD in {^Q"^- 8. ^6. laetjerence.of all tt^at are about S^ljee* D^nt tl}p fear ^^"l* J; ^^- ^ into our l)eart0, tl)at Uiitl) le^erence toe map ferbe ^at J^ jg 2C:t)0e ; fauctifp U0, tijat t^ou maprfi be fanctiCeD of joh.V 2J,Z4. Uj0f, tol)eji toe Dgato .nifiil 2r{)^. (25i^e m t\:}Z ^pi^ i Thef. z. ij, rit of <5^^*ace ano §feuppUcation, to Ijtip our infirmi;? Aa 15. 14. ties, tljat.qur pw^r^ map be faittjful, ferbent, anD Si^[^ '»• '^• ^ffectiiaU 51et tl)e Defire of our ^out^ be to STfje^ ; p.^J; ]'^^\, ilet u0 D?ato near Wi^ez toitt) our tjeart^^ anD not Eccik's i onip toitti our lip^, anD too^n)ip t^ae, tofjo art a Joh. 6. 45/ l^pirit, in Spirit anD ^rutlK ^et tljp (WrofD be.Heb.4. zz. i?. i^poten anD Ijearo bp U0 am tf)e wuo^d of oD : c^ibe;^ ^^r, 10. 43^ , ■ 4la a 4 ili8f'- ' ^' The Reformed Liturgy. Pfai. 59. 30- U0 attentibe, l)earmg €ar0, antJ openeu, beliebing pfai. io5. 4^. unDcrlJanDing tjearW, tijat toe map no tno^e re::: m io< ^?* ^"^^ ^^?^ *^^^^^» "°^. ^ift'^sar^ fl)P ttierdful, out;^ pr.f SI 1?* (h-etdjcD^ljanD, no? flisl)t tt)p citounfele! ano Kep^fja ; Pfdi. 19. 14. but be mo^e reanp to Ijear, tl)an to gibe tlje facrifice Hcb. 13. II. of fm\!S. jput fl})> 31aUj0 into our l)eart0, anD torite ti^em in our min50, ann let ujsf be all taugfjt of (25oit> 3Let tl)p (Kao^ti be unto m quick anD poto^: erful ; a Difcerner of t^e ti)ougt)tB ano intents of tlje Iieart0 ; migljtp to puK tiob3n 2rong^l)olD0, casing Zioton imaginations ano reafonings, ano eberp f)ig5 tfjfng tl)at aDbancrtlj it felf againU tl)e feuotoleoge of (Bon \ ano bringing into tdii^t\\>it^ eberp tijoug^t to the obeoienre of Cti^il! ^ let nn magnifie %[)2Z \x>iti) tliankfgibing, anD triumpl) in t()p Ip^aife. ilet tt0 rejopce In t^p jSjalbation, anD gto^p m tl}p i)olp f^ame* SDi^tn tl}Ou our lip0, SD legD, anD let our moutl)0 fi;eto fo^tl) - 5. Gen. i8;i7.' tion Of ti^p ^&intsi on OEartl}, anD toilt be imctitzxs 2 Tim. z. 5-. in an tl}at come nigl) unto %\)ZZ. Igit are finfiil Dan. 9.18 Hof. anD unU)o?tl)p Dulf, but being inbiteD b^ 2riiee, are Vs vkh' h ^^^^' tt^^ougl) our blefleD a^eDiato? to p^efent our zThef. Tjo ' fPlbe^anDour fupplicationfi! before 2ri)ee^ Kcceibeu^ Luke 19.' 48! srmouap,l)elpu0bptl)p^fiirit^ lettbpjfearbeupon ifa.i.ip.iCor. MS X Jiet t[)y> QJiio^D come unto U0 in potoer, anD be 2--i^- James y. receibfD in tobe, toitl) attentibe, reberent, ano obe^ i<^praj.6 5. ;r. jjit^jit minDB.. ^afee it to ub tl)e faboiir of life unto Pfa/s/io & ^^^^* ^^"^^ "^ ^° ^^ ferbent iu IP^aper, ano jop^; ;j. 18. ful in ti)p p?aife0, anD to ferbe Ct)^ tl)i0 Dap toitliout Diflraction, tl)at toe map finD tl)at a Dap in tl)p (Courts, i0 better tl)an a tljoufauD, anD tljat it in gooD fo? U0 to D^jito near to C5oD ■, tljgougij S'.efu^ Cl)ii(l our llo,2D anD ^abiour* Amen. 'NC9(f The Reformed Liturgy. Next^ let one of the Creeds he read by the Miniflerl In the Profeflion of this holy Chriftian Faith wc are here aflembled. 31 beliebe in (25oD the JFatijer, ffct 31 beliebe in one (PoD, 9Ct And fometimes Athanafius Creed.' The Ten Commandmentg^ (Bat) fpalie tljefe (KUogD^ anu taii^ ^Ct For the right informing and affeding the People,^ and moving them to a penitent believing confeffion, forae of thefe Sentences may be read. God created man in his Image^, q^j, ^^ j. By one man, fin entred into the World, ^w^Roni. j. u. death by fin and fio death faffed ufon all men^ for that all have finned. For all have finned, and come (hort of the glory cfKom. j. 23. Cod. God fo loved the worlds that he gave his only ^^got^jQi^^. 3. i5. ten Sony that vohofoever believeth in him^ [hould not ferifhy but have everlafting life. He that believeth on him (hall not be condemned, but ig. he that believeth noty is condemned already^ becaufe he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation ^ that light is come into 19. the world, and men loved dark/iefs rather than light, be^ caufe their deeds were evil. For every one that doth evil hateth the light, neither ^^^ Cometh to the light, leji his deeds (hould he reproved, Chrift hath redeemed us from the curfe of the Law^Qtl 3, 15: being made a curfe for us, Except a man be born of water and of the fpirit^ i»f John 3. $• cannot enter into the kjngdom of God, That which is born of the Fle/h is Fle/h^ and that 6. phicb is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Verit; The Reformed Liturgy. Mat. 1 8' 3- Verily J fny unto yoUy except ye he converted^ anJbe» come as little Children, ye fh all not enter into^ the King- dom of Henven, Ezek. \T,. II. Say unto them : As I live faith the Lord God^ I. havt nd fUeafure in the death of- the vpicl(ed^ hut that the wicked turn from his way find Hvej Turn ye, turn ye from your evil "K^ys • for wljy will ye die oh houfe of Ifrael. Luke 15. I o. I fay unto yoUy there k joy in the prefence of the Angels of God^ over a finner that repenteth, 18, 19. ' ^^^ ^^i/^ ^"^ go to my Fatdjer, and jay unto him^ Father^ I have finned ^^^ainji i^eaven and before thee^ and am no more tvorthyto he called thy Son^ ' The Cojifeflion of Sin, and Prayer for Pardon and Sandification. Pfii .^^.Rorr. ^^(j^ol! f^o\^, sigWeoujeT, am ith our foulB anD boDie^, 1 Chion zi. 7. 35 jjeing ;r(jiji^^ ^raiji^t P^jfj. ^e jjij, thoulD habe been Luke 1^8 V4 ^o»^ ^Q- tl)ji(IBi!0y% anD to pleafe €hee, in tlje obtv^ Rom. 15. I fngofi:hP™u» But toe habe DirpleaftD anD Dir:i rul. 47 7. honour ED SThee, anD turu^D from STljee, eralting, Rom. 7. 1 1, feefeing ann pleafing our fcl&0* Chou art tlje ^in% Dan. 9. 9i 'o- of an tl)C toozlD, anD 2ri)Plato0 are hoh>, juff, anD Rom 's i' &° fi^'^* ^"^ ^^ ^1^^^ DenieD SThee our Due ^ub)ectioi| M. 14.&4. zo.anD £DbeDicnce, being unrulp anD felf^toilleD, minD^ Pfai. 78 7.22. ing ttif tilings of the ;f led;, anD m.iking p^^obifion fo^ ' ifa. < I. 7. 8. itfi luft0 : (lar Ijc^be (lagarrrD at (JThv mio^d td^ough Luke 11. 4,^- (Hnbflief, anD habe nor fullp plaecD oiir trull anb l)opc ? The Reformed Liturgy. in W)tu WXt ^abe ratljer fearen s^an tijat isi Duff, P^ai. loo. y. aiiD can but IriH tfje boDp, ttian STIiec, tf)at canS Der^ ^ Joh. 4. id. JieiJrop botl) Soul ano boDp in igell* a:t)OU artinfc:^ J^^J.- ^f [; nitelp gfflD, ann lobe it felf, ^tt i)abe toe not ftiUp prai.*37*4 ijoh. taken STiiee fo? our portion, no^ lobeo K\w bjitl] aft r. i y. z xim. 5! our ijeart, anD fom, anii miglit, no^ matJe 2ri)ee rJoh.d.z;. our fun 5efire anO Mi%\)U %\xt toe Ijabe ino^Dir^jr^^'^e 10. 11,2.2. natelp lobeci our felbe;6', anD ti)t albation, anD mgDe ejt:cMfe0 og too long ^^^'^p^^^'^-^- The Reformed Liinrgy, Mat. IS. i8. Delap^-, unnertjatiring our 3ReDeemer, Ua fcltoti Gal. J- n. ifa-anD mcnt0, t}i0 offered grace ano mWi» glo^f, |^^/-™v?^ I rejecting tjief fpip JDoctrme and c;:ampte, re^;:: 18 E^ck^o+^ ^"g *)i^ Spirit, S9""^^^ anD itffio^D^ coie !)abe Pfai. n.i7. finn^^-^ ^ ^0^ againfi 3nice, aiiD againft our E7£k. 56. r6. oton ^ouljBf, ant) are not too^tljp to be caBfeD tfjp Gal. 4.6. 1. orfjilorm: oae liabe Deferbeu eberlalling toratl^i Cor.6. 16. jer.jQ 118^ belongctl) confufion, but mercp ano fo^gibe:^ -o pfain9i«'"^^ to CI)ee* igabe mercp upon U0, .^ CBloo, Ephef. 3. is*- acco^tiing to t()e multituoe of tl)p fl^ercie^^ igeal M.t n.ii. our fouls tljat l)al)e fmneo againU €hee, anO en^ Eph, 1. 1«. . ter not into luogment toitt) t\]v feruant^* igioe R^.z. 18. ^j, fg^g j^.Q^ Qjlj. fjjig^^ ^j^^ jjjQf py^ ^jj ^y^ jj^^^ l?/"^,^'^,^;, nuitie^* ttatt ufi^ not atoap from t^p pref ence, Rom s.f.*&8. anD abengc not upon m t\)z quarrel of t\y^ cobe:^ 3f,;<9. jer. 31. naut* iMaC) ujsr in i^t hXtm of t()e 3Lamb of (0oD, .10. Mat. 6. 3. tol)o tafietf) atoav tl)e fin0 of tl)e Cllo^lD^ 4lccept Col. ?.i March, y^ iu tt)V 3i5elobeD *on, tol)0 ioa^ maDe a curfe f'^oVoiofTj ^ "'^ "^' ^"^ ^^^ toounoe^ fo^ our tranfgreflionjef, Gal. 5 14 t^3^ ^^ "^iS*)^ ^^ ^J^'^teo h^ l)i;e: arfpc^. €um Rom. 1. J 7. Uisr, ^ C^eti of our falbation, ano caufe tljp Heb. II. I. face to \!bint upon m* CDfibe U0 3^epentance unto 1 Cor. 4. life . ^mit U0 to loatl) ourfelbe^ fo,2 all t\)Z ebil0 Lukp Vr ^^^^ ^^ *^^^^ committer, dl^ibe iier tliat broken 1 Cor 9 it i^ontrite spirit tobirl} tbou b^ilt not oefpiie* create 1 Pet. 4-2. ' in U0 a clean fieart, SD <23k30, anD reneto a rigfjt Col. 1.10. fpirit tLiitl)in U0* STafte out of m t\)t olo ano ^ ^^<^' ^« ^^^^ \)uxt, mw gibe u0 a neb) ano tenoer I}eart«. i5f 1 o 8 ^^^^ ^-^ ^^^^ Spirit of tdp fi^on, anD be our (25oo, Pfai I 2.' sno let U0 be tl)p ipeopie* ornfigbten our unoer^: Tic i.'iz. ffanDing0 to knoix) tl}e toonterfu! %\)\n^$ of tl)p iPcr. 1.14,15 5Q.ato, tl]e oimention^ of t\yp lobe in Cbril!, tlje 1 Per. I. a?, mpfferie^ of tl)p laingoom, anb tt)e riclje^ of tfje gto^: i msAiV^*^^ of t()p 3inl)eritance in t\)t ^ainfjer, anD tl^attoe Pfti 15 4 ^^P app^obe tl)e 2ri)ing0 tijat are ejcceHent, anj Ephef s. ly. map efcape tl)e fnare0 of t()e JDebif, ano map iiate Phi), f. 10. eberp fatfe bjap* S)l)eD ab^oao tl]p lobe in our i)tm» Tires 2. 14. 5p tl}pt)oiT> S>pirit, auo caufe u0 fo to lobe 2ri)ee, Mat. 5- ^^4 tl)at nottjiiig map feparate U0from tl}p lobe* Jdut Luki-'r«9 t^lPf^ar into ourlieart0, tbat bje map neber Depart Mark 8. 34. ^om €f)ee> Caufe u0 to fctk firff tl)p BingDom, Heb. 1 1. 1^. anD it0 Kigl)teoufnef0, anD ra0 tljofe tl^at are rifen Rom. 8. 17. toitf) cl)ria; to fcrk tl)e tl]ing0 tl)at are abobe, ano Rev. z. 10,11. to lap up a treafure in igeaben, anD let our l)earf0. anD conberfation0 be tljere^ mo^tifie our eartl)lp in::- clination0 anD Defire0* Crucifie t\)Z dfflfo^lD to U0, ano U0 uno tlje iCio^D bp tije aifrof0 of cl^^il!^ Caufe The Reformed Liturgy. Caufe u0 to libe hv faitlj, ann Icok at tl)e Ctjingfli tfjat are unfeenj anD ufe tljecriorlD, ajsf not ober^ wfiixg it, faeins; t\)e fafljion of it paCTetl) atoap^ Uri:^ bing to enter in at ti^e 0rait gate, anD running fo aj8f to obtain; let U0 no longer libe tl)e reH of our time to tlje luH of sipen, \i\xt to tl^e toiH of (I5oD, Cu^; Uping in an t\]in%si to pleafe iri)ce, anD to be accept;^ CD of 2^)05 ^ let U0 not feek our oton toito, but tfje toill of Ijim tl)at calleD U0 \ pea, let uei Deligljt to Oo tl)p txjiH, ^ (000, let our oeligljt be in tljp 3flab), anD let u0 meDitate ttierein Dap anD niglit \ caufe vus to Denp UngoDlinef^, ano too^lDlp CuS^, anD to libe foberlp, ano rigliteouSp, anD goDlp in ti)\si pre^ fent iDo^lD, a0 obeDient cljitDren, not fa(bioning our felbe^, to t\)Z former Iufi0 of our ignorance -, but a0 ije tt)at Ijatlj calleo u0 i0 i)Olp, let U0 be Ijolp in an manner of Conberfation.. cQ;aufe U0 to lobe one ano^ tljer b3itl) a pure I^eart, ferbentlp, forbearing anD fo^^ gibing one anotljer, if anp i}abe a quarrel againff anotljer, eben a^ (itljrill fo^gabe u^* (15ibe u^ tl)e toifDom b3l)icl) i$ firlJ pure, anD tl]en peaceable^ 3f|n our Of pellet a bile perfon be conDemneD, but let m Ijonour tl}em tl)at fear i\)t ^lo^D* Caufe U0to toalli circumlpectip toitl)out offence, anD to be ^ealou^ of gooD (Kuo^k^, to lobe our enemie0, anD not to gibe place to bjratl) -, anD in patience to poflTef^^ our fouljff* igelp u0 to Denp our felbe^, anD take up our cc^ofjer, anD foUoixi ^^xiSt -, eCeeming l)i0 rep^acl) to be greats: er riclje0 tljan tl)e treafure0 of ti}t too^lD, tl;at ijabing fuffereD toitl) f)im, toe map alfo be glorifieD ixiiti) l)ittu ^Ijougl) toe muff be tempteD, I}elp njff to obercome, anD be faitljful unto tl)e Deati], anD t^en let UJ0 receibe tljat c^oton of ^G^ife, tijzougl) tlje me^ rit0 anD interceCiion of ^ipQ. 31efu0 our ^tlo^D, anD onlp ^abiour, in toljofe comp^eljenfibe toorD0, toe fum up our Eeciueil0, Taping a0 Ije Ijatl) taugtjt U0, Our Father which arc in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Tby Kingdom come, (^c Or thus when Brevity is neceffary. O'^oH great, mod juH anD graciou0 (I^oD,tI)OU art Hab. 1. 1 ?. of purer epe0 rl}an to belplD iniquitp, tliou con^ -"^- ' ^' ^^^^ DeraneH tiie ungoDip, impenitent, ano unbeiieber0 ^ \l- k-vf *J; '^• but l)aff p^omifeD mercp tlj^ougl) ileCu^ (El^riff to all Eph z.^' Rom tijal repent anD beliebe in Ijim, Sle confef^ tl)at toe j.ii.ez .ay. toere 8 The Reformed Liturgy. Mar. i8. t?. ttifTP fonffibm in fin, anD are bp nahirf ffiifnfrn of , T^ Col I i'o ^''^^^^ JlnD !)alic an fimuD aim come Ojoit of tfie 1 Cor. lo. 51. tfc"*^ of c5oD. 3|ii our BapHftn thou toofeclj wg in^ Gen 5. II. fo ftif bono Of tbc \)o\v Cobcniint, but tor rcmcmbreD z Cor. ^. '. nof our creator in ti]t x\av0 of otir goutlj. knfl) r^e Phi.?. io.Rom. ff ar antT lobc anD obrmtnce totia-fi ire otocDttjce: '^Eoh 2 -"^ "°^ picafing- anD glo^ifmng tliecin alltljinp no^ Rom "s V ^^ffeing toifl) thcc bp f aitb in an ipcabmlp ronbrr^ Exod. ID. -^ -,fatron no: frrbing ttice frrbentlp tritt] aH our miglif : 8, 11, II. &c. butmiftUcD tlic Df&re0 of tlje fle(!j, anD of the carnal a Pet. 1. .». minb.MTc babe nc gle cteD anD abufeo t\)v 5>oIpaio^i])ip, mT^V'" Mir ^PiCoI^MS'^me, anD tbvil?olp JDap. icie babe Diflio^ Tn^ iT~m.6 g!"^^^^ oiir rupfriour0 auD nrglectcD ourinfrrrour^: Luk. 10.41,4:. cue babe Dealt uniulllp anD inicljaritablv, toitb our Rom.^ s.Luk. ifteigbbour0 itotlobmg tljem ajsf our fel6e0 nor Do*: ^4- j-'Roni. ;. ing fo otber0a« toe tooulD tbcr OjoulD Do to U0 toe Hd>T^''*Ads^^^ notfbugbt firH STbP JfiingDom anD Kigiiteouf;^ y.siProv.irJ.^^^ ^^ b^^" contenteD b3itf) our Dailp b^eaD, but jam. +.7. 1 Pet. f)abe been careful anD troubleD about manp STbingH, f.9. Pfai.n.4-neglectmg tbeone artiing necefl^arv* j^bou fjai! re? PfaL 19. 11. > 3. bealeD tbp toonoerful lobe to U0 in Cb^iiJ- iinD offeree Vo/^10' & f- "^ parDon anD falbation in I)im : »ut toe maDe ligfjt XI Mar. 9. 4.1. ^^ ^^' anD neglecteDfo great falbation, ano refiI!eD ttjrp Pfai. 51.S. Eph. 4>pirit- icio:d anD £9iniller0, anD tumeD not at tbp 1. iz, n. Pi'ai. repzoof : toe babe run into tetnptation0 ; anD tbe (in 7x- 5' & 78. 7. tobiib toe fljoiilD babe bateD, toe babe committeD in fi'coV^ is"^^^Sbf botb fecretlt? anD openlp igno^antlp anD ,'9. I joh. ,'. 7'care(enr ra(T)U' anb prefumptuouflv. againU tbi> Gal. 4. 6. • ' p:eceprij t[)v p^iomife0 . anD tb:eat0 tfjp Q^ercie0 anb I Thef. ?. ij, tfjp juDgment0 ; our rranfgreflion0 are multiplieD be^; R^ra. 5- y. fo^e 2rb0^ anD onr dns tel!ifi> againU ue ^ if STljou m ; I °i5 ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^ Deferbe, ilbou toilt caii u0 atoap Mat. I. zi.* ^om tbp p:erence into ^eH, tobfre tbe too^m neber I Th.f. 1. 10. Diert], anD tije fire i0 not queue beD. Hdut in tt)^ met::: Vn.z. J 4. rp, tbr^on, anDtbv p^2otnire0 10 our bope, igabe mercp upon U0 mol!' merciful fatfjer* 36e reconcileb to u0, anD let tbe blojD of 31efu0 Cbrid cleanfe U£f from aH oin: fin0» 3'ake u0 fd^ tbp cbilDgen, anD gibe U0 tbe spirit of ttjp S)om 4>anctifp us tobot:^ fp, (TjeD ab^oaD tb)> lobe in our t)eart0> anD caufe u0 ro lobe 2rbee toitb'all oiu: t)eart0* ^mafce tljp face to Q)ine upon ttjp ftrbant0 ; fabe u0 from our fiosr, 1, anD from tbe to^atb to come; make u0 a peciiliac Coj _i. 10. people to STbee, 5ealou0 of gaiD toork0, tbat tocmaj> Ephrf V. 16 ^^^''^^^ 2:ba^> anD llieto fo^tb tbp p^aife* igelp U0 tb '/Prt. 1. 10.' reoarm the time, anD gibe all Diligence to make ouiP M^t. c. 1 1. Cdllin^ anD Of lection Cure* Oibe us tbing0 neeeffai? The Reformed Liturgy. rp fo^ thp Certice, ano feeep us from finOil DiCcontent i Tim. 5. 4. anD carej8f» 41n0 feeing aU tt)efe tt)in^0 mug be Dif;^ ^;^- ^ ?• 5- • folbeii, let U0 confiDer U)t)at manner of perfone toe ^f,^- ^•^^' ^'^• cugf)t fD Ue, in an ^olp conberfarion anD goDImefn. Mar'2.6 ^ 'i tgelp U0 to toatcl) againtt temptations. anD refiU james 4*. 6 * ami obercome tt^e jfleC?, tfje JDebil anD tlie ^o^lD i Oai. ?. 17. .# anD being DelibercD out of tl)e IjanD of all our mt^ ' J^h- 5. 4 ?•' mie^^ let 110 ferbe STtiee toitfjout fear in I}olmef0t^^'^'- ^-'7. anD righteouTnefs before 2:t}oe an ttje Pap0 of our f p^t - 10 te* <5uiDe u0 hv i^ ^ounftl, anD after receive U0 Luke 'i7 1 7. into tf^ j5Jo^p5tt)^U3t) 3efu0 S^^ziHour onlp ^Mwx^ Pfai. 73. z^. Amen. [Here ufe the Lord's Prayer as beforej For the flrengthning of Faith, and raifing the Penitent, ' feme of ihefe Sentences of the Gofpel may be here read. Hear what the Lord faith to the Abfolution and Comfort of Penitent Believers. CT*HE Lord your God is graciom and merciful^ and z Chron. 30. 9. •^ wis not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him. If any Man fin, vpe have an Advocate with the Fa- i Johni. 1. ther, Jefis (^hritt the righteous, and he is the Prcfitiati- on for our Sins, and not for ours only, but alfo for the fins cf the whole iVorld, Be it l^nown unto you Men and Brethren, that through Ads 13 .??, 39. , thg Man n preached to you the Forgivenefl of Sins, and by him, aU that believe are jujlified, from aU Things, from which they could not be jujiified by the Law of Moles. Where Sin ahoundtd, Grace did much more abound, Rom. S-'^o. it. That as Sin reigned unto dsath, even fo might Grace reign through ^ighteoufnefsj unto Eternal Life through Jefm Chriii our Lord. Jf we walk^in the light ai he n in the Light, we have i Joh. i. 7,8, 9, ; feUawfhip one with another. And the Blood of Jefui Chriti his Son, eleanfeth us from aU Sin, If we fay, that we have HO Sin ; we deceive ourfelves, and the Truth « not in us. If we confep our Sin, he rs faithful and juB to forgive m our Sin^ and to cleanfe ffs from aU Vmighte- eufnefs, Cofne lO The Re for Med hiturgj. Mat. ii.xS, 2^, Cofne unto me all ye that labour , and are heavy ladeni ^^ and ImU give you B^!i, Tal^e my Take upon you, and iearn of me, for I am meel^ and lovply in heart, and ye /hall find Hs^ tinto your Souls. For my yoke it eafie, and my burden is light, iRcv. 21. 17. Whofoever mll^ let him take of the Water of Life freely. Job. 6. 27; AU that the Father hath given me, /hall come to mey and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife cafi out, Heb.8. 12. I will be merciful to their unrighteoufnejl, andtheif fins and Iniquities I mill remember no more. Hear alfo what you muft Be, and Do for the time to come, if you would be Saved. Rom. 8. 9. A7^ ^ '/ ^^y ^^" ^^^^ "^'^ *^' Spirit of ChriB, he ^^ is none of his, 2 Cor. J. 17. Jf any Man he in ChriBy he is a new Creature ; old Things are pajjed away^ heboid all Things are become new ? Rom. 8. ir There is no Condemnation to them that are in ChriH Jefus, who wall^ not after the Flefh, hut after the Spirit^ For they that are after the Flefh, do mind the things of y. the Flejfhy but they that are after the Spirit^ the things of the Spirit, 6, For to be carnally minded is deathy hut to be fpiritually minded » life and peace, 7. For the Carnal mind is enmity againU God, for it it not fubjeH to the Law of God, neither indeed can he, «. So then they that are in the Fle/h cannot pleafe God, 13. For if ye live after the Flefh ye /hall die^ but if through the Spirit ye mortifie the deeds of the Body^ ye /hall live. Gal. J. 19. Now the worlds of the Fle/h are manifefi, which are the/cy Adulteryy Fornicationy VncleannejJ, Lofciviouf" nefiy Idolatry, Witchcrafty Hatred, Variance^ Emulati^ ons, IVrathy Strife, Seditions, Herefies, Envyings, Mur* 20. dersy Drunl^enneji, [{evellings, and fuch lif{e, of the 2-1. which I tell you before, as I have told you in time paft^ that they which do fuch Thing.', /kail mt inherit the Kingdom of God. a*. But the fruit of the Spirit it lovey joy, peace, long* ^3* fuffering, gentlenefsy goodnejs^ faith, meekpefs, tempe* rance^ The Reformed Liturgy, ii rance^ againft fuch there is no Law, j^nd they that are 24. Chrifts, have crucified the ftefio with the affeBiom and lufts. Let us walk ho^flly as in the Day^ not in rioting and Rom. 13, i j: drunkennejl : not in chambering and wantonnefi, not in ftrife and envying. But fut ye on the Lord Jefus Chrifty 14, and mak^e no frovijion for the Flejh to fulfill the Lufts thereof. Love not theTVorld, neither the Things that are in the \ Joh. 3, 15", iVorldy if any Man love the TVordy the love of the Far- ther is not in him. For all that is in the Worlds the lu!t i5. of the Flefh, the luft of the Eye^ and the pride of Life^ is not of the Father, but » of the ff^orld. Enter ye in at the Urait gate^ for wide is the gate and Mar. 1, 15," broad k the way that leadeth to deJlruHion^ and many there he that go in thereat. Becaufe §lrait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life^ and few there be that find it. For the grace of God that bringeth Salvation, hath ap^ Tit. 2. 11. feared unto all Men, teaching us, that denying ungodli"- lU nefi and wordly lujisy we fhould live foberly, and righte- oufly, and godly in this frefent PVorld^ looking for the ij. hlejfed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God^ and our Saviour Jefus Chrilf^ ffljo gave himfelf for us, j that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purifie to Inmfelf a peculiar People s^ealous of good t4^orkj* Blejfed is the Man that wall^eth not in the CounfelofVM. i, i2 the ungodly^ nor Handeth in the way of Sinners, nor Jlt^ tcth in the Seat of the Scornful. But his delight is in 2. the Law of the Lordy and in his Law he doth meditate day and night. The ungodly Jhall not Hand in the Judgment^ nor 5iw* y. ners in the Congregation of the Righteous, Wherefore we receiving a Kjngdom which cannot be Heb. 12. 2?» moved, let us have grace, whereby we may ferve God ac^ ceptably, with reverence and godly fear, for our God is a ap. confuming Fire. Seeing then that thefe Things (hall be dijjolvd, n>hat ^ pgj^ ^^ j^ manner of Perfons ought ye to be, in all holy converfation j^, and godlinefl, looking for and having to the Coming of the day of God, Therefore my beloved Brethren^ be ye SiedfaHr, un*- ^ q^^ ^ . -g movable, always abounding in the iVork, of the Lordy for Mi much as ye krioWy that your labour is not in vain in the Lord, B b b Thea 12 The Reformed Liturgy » Then may be faid the 95 or the 100 Pfalm, or the 84. Luke 4. !(;, And next the Pfalnns in Order for the day ; And i7f *8- next (hall be read a Chapter of the Old Teltamenr, fuch as the Minifter findeth moft feafonable ; or with the liberty exprefled in the Admonition before the fe- coiid Book of Homilies. Aft. 15. 27, After which may be fung a Pfalm, or the Te Deum & 1. 1. faid, then (hall be read a Chapter of the New Tefta- menr, and then the Prayer for the King and Magi- ftrates. And after that, the fixty feventh, or ninety eighth, or fome other Pfalm, may be fung or faid, or the BenediBuf, or Mngnificat, And the fame or- der to be obferved at the Evening Worfhip, if time allow it. Neh. 8. 4, 6. ^Vr^^T after the Pfalm the Minifter (hall fin the & 9. z, i,4,^,5. i-^ Pulpit) firit reverently, prudently, and fervent- 10. 58. Ad. i:. ly pray, according to the State and hecellities of the J^^^ ^ J j*^ ^^ Church, and thofe efpecially that are prefenc, and 1^. 13. 16. according to the Subject that he is to preach on. iTim.z. ?. And after Prayer, he ihall preach upon fome Text ( I Cor.14.1 «jj6. Qf f^QJy Scripture fuiting his Matter to the neceflities Neh. g! 8. \ti. o^ ^he Hearers, and the manner of delivery to their X0.7, 9iTim. Quality and Benefit. Always fpeaking from Faith 4 1,1. Ad. q. 20 and holy Experience in himfelf, with plainnefs and loh i/iQ^ perfpicuity, wuh reverence and gravity, with con- 1 Cor. 2. 7J n vincing evidence and aiuhority, with prudence, cau- Mat. ".19. Tit. tion, faithfulnefs, and impartiality, with tender Love ^^M^^^- ^'"and melting CompafFion, with fervent Zeal, and 13 i7^'^EpiK^6' P^r^^^^^^"g Importunity, and with frequency and 19, lo. Judf 17. unwearied Patience, waiting on God for the Succefs. 2^ Aft. 18. 1). After Sermon he ihall pray for aBleirmgon the Word I Tim ^f V-^^^^ Inftrudlion and Exhortation, which was delivc- A'>.zo.36. Pfai r^d.; And in his Prayers (before or after Sermon) 1. Rev. II. I r ordinarily he fhall pray for the Converfion of Hea- ' ^'J".^-^'-»^ thens, Jews, and other Infidels; the fubverfion of ^ j^ i^^Yl'^^c" Idolatry, Infidelity, Mahometanifm, Herefy, Papal 2. \(\. Rev. 18. Tyranny and Superftition, Schifm and Prophanenefs, 1'. Mar. r,. 9. and for the free progrcfs of the Gofpcl, and the en- iT f- p'h ^'^^^^^' Qf Faith and Godlinefs, the honouring of' C, 19 I tiki -. Gods Name, the enlargement of the Kingdom of X. ]«'h. 17. iQ. Chrift, and the Obedience of his Saints thtough the Na- The Reformed Liturgy. \^ {Rations of the Earth. And in fpecial for thefe Na- ' Sam. 12. 25, tions; for the King's Majefty, and the reft of the?,^.^''*''- ^• Royal Family, for the Lords of his Majefty's Coun- jam.' s'.'i'/iV, ' cil, the Judges and other Magiftrates of the Land, 16,17.' iWp. for rhe Paftors of the Church, and all Congregations ^5^- iCor.i4.i^. committed to their Care and Government. Always p^^,^'"" '°' ^* taking heed that no mixtures of imprudent, diforder- Rev. i. lo*. Jy Expreflions, of private difcontent and paffion, of A^s 20. 7. unreverent, difobedient, feditiou$j' or fa6lious Inti- p^^* '• ^"^j '7* mations, tending to corrupt, and not to edifie ^^^ \Qol^/j 2 Peoples minds, do turn either Prayer or Preaching in- 1 Tini 3. 5. ' to Sin. And ordinarily in Church-Commilnion,^ ?• if' efpecially on the Lords Day (which is purpofely fe- a^*"^*^'^*^^' parated for the joyful Commemoration of the Blefled ^°' ^' Work of Mans Redemption) a confiderable propor- tion of the Fublick Worfhip rouft confift of Thanks- giving and Praifes to God, efpecially for Jefus Chrift, and his Benefits; ftill leaving it to the Minifters dif- cretion to ablDireviate tome, parts of Worlhip, when iie feeth it needfu] to be longer on fome other. The Sermon and Prayer being ended, let the Mi- nifter difmifs the Congregation with a Benedidkion, in thefe or the like Words. %\tmt are t()ep ttjat fjear tlje Mo}^ of <25^oD, anB Luke n. 18. %^t %ep h\ti& ^ou, anu keep i^m ; tiiz %tp Levit. s. 24,2^, mafee Iii0 face to ftiim on pon, anD be gracious unto i^. pou h 2ri)e JLo^D lift up l)i^ countenance upon pou, anD gibe pou peace, W\)z #tace of our llogt) 3lefujef ^i)^i% ann tl)e ^ Cor. i?. 14, lobe of (0OD tl)e ifatljer, and tl)e Communion of tlje igolp C5l)0ff, be bOitl) pou aH^ Amen^ Except there be a Communion in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper to be celebrated, or any further Worlhip to be.perfnrmed, and then the Minifter may delay the Benedidfcion till the End. , And becaufe when there is leifuf e, the Prayers of the Church (hould be as full as the Rule and our Ne- ceflities require ; let the following General Prayei; be ufed, when the Minifter findeth it convenient, inftead ©f the Litany and Golleds. B b b gs Here 14 The Reformed Liturgy, Here are alfo adjoined a Thankfgiving for Chrift and his benefits, and a Hymn to be afed at the dif- cretion of the Minifter either after Sermon, or at the Communion, or on other Days. A Prayer for the King, the Royal Family, and Magiftrates. A ?lmigl)e? (3od, bptoljom Hfiingief reign, anti W^^irt^ a\ re0 Decree J^Qice^ tofto ruled in all the Bing^ Pfov. 8. I f . Dan. 4. ?i. m ^/ii. &^otttaof si^en, "anD gibeS ttjetn to i»t)omfotber n)ou 93. w &6f.4. tDift, \x)[)o bp tl)p (peciai IPgobiDence had fet ober u0 & <^o. f . & ^o tljp ^erbant Charles our J^ing : cit^oton l)im toitl) thv M- & 59 '• 3i5lcrfing0, aiiD fati^efie him "mitl) tl)p iti) tljp beabenlp (Bfiace, anD make tljem bleffing0intl)eir(25eneratiom i^nDue tl)e io^D0 of hi0 ':^milies ca:Quncil, anD all tl)c /liobilitp, tlic 3fuDgc0, anD an the fli^agidrate^ of the ianD toiti) (KnifDom from abobe, tljat thep map rule a0 in thP fear. anD juDge Ki^hffou^ ^iuDgmcnt, anD mav take heeD tohat tljep do, a0 lUDging not fo^ man, but fo^ the !l02D, that J\uRi(€ map run Doton 20 Miater, anD Kighteoufnef0 as a mights tJream -, ^et alllji0 S^ajeUp^ ^ubjett0 Dulp fubmit to him anO The Reformed Liturgy . 1 5 anD obep ftim, not onip fo? te^atl). but fo^ confcience fake : ?Let aH t\iis l5:mgliomi8i be tfte ifemgDom^ of tl)e 3tloA ant) of i)\si ^on ccljriC, tf)at (0oD tnap tiboell amongC u0. anD tfjat it mat? be faia of tl)em, W\)t 5lo;t) blef0 1\^, SD !^abitatiori of Juflice, ann ^pcmi::: tain of r^olinef^* jFo,2 tt)ine, ^ ^Fat^er, toitl) tt)e ^on anD i^olp d^IjoCf, 10 tlje jIfiimgDom, anD ^otoer, anD C^^lo^p fo^ eber* Amen. The General Prayer. OSPott !&oIp, BlelTeD anD (2B^lo?iou^ €rmitp, Mat 28 10. iFatI)er, ^on, anD !^oIp (Bi)0% €i)}tt perfon0, J^^h. y 7. iCor. anD ^ne <25oD, our cjfreato^, HeDecmer, anD ^antti:; ^- ;); m A ;\o* fier, our 5fl.o?D, our dBfobemour anD jfatl^er, ^earu^, Hcb ^ - ^ ^^' anD ijabemercp upon U0, miferabie finnerje^* 1 per. ^.g'. piii.' J8!> 5lo^D our s^abiour, (25oD anD 5)^an ' tofjo, fja^ 2.2.18. iCor.n. bing aiTumeD our il2ature, b^ tl)p fuffermgjs anD ^'5,6.Pfai.io3. Deati), anD burial, hiaU maDe a Hanfom to tafee atoap [% ^^^^ lil' tije fin0of tl)e mo^in, M)0 being raifeD from t^e f ,7* ^^^ cor.' DeaD, afcenDeD anD glo^ifieD, art maDe l^eaD ober aK 1^.4! 1 Tim. 5. tl)tng0 to tlje SI)uref), ixiijid) tfjou gatljered, iu^i:: 6. iM i. zp. fieg, fanctifieU, ruIeU, anD |3^eferbe(!, anD ioljictj at ^ph. 10, 22. ti)^ coming STIjou txiilt raife anD juDge to enDlef;0^^""*/v°''^* (Biop. cDOie befeecl) ^Ijee to tjear u^, miferabie , Thef!Ti6 17 (inner^, mafee fure to U0 our Calling anD OElection, i Pet. i.'io. our unfeigneD 5FaitI) anD Kepentance 5 tfjat being /u=* iTim i.^.Rom. ftifieD, anD maDe tl}e §^on0 of CPoD, bje map;-^>'>j^o-^Cor. Ijabe F^ace koitfj fjim, a0 our reconcileD d^oDanD^-^^^^^--^-^* iiatljer* Jlet tf))J l}otp §fepirit fanctifie u^, anD DhjeH in U0, ^ Pwc.i.a.Rom. anD caufe U0 to Denp our felbe^, anD to gibe up our '■ ^ '• ^?af-8-34. felbejef entirelp to STtja?, a^ being not our objn, but i cor. 6 19,20 ^i)int* Rev. 411. Job.' 3i^ tl)e ««o^lD toaj8f createD fo^ tf)p (IB^to^p, let tl)p n. 28. Mar.^ iRame be glojifieD tl)geugl)out tl)e ©iio^lD ^ ilet g>elf i^- Pfai. 22.23, lobe, anDP^e, anD ^ain^glo^p be DeSropeD, caufe ^7,^8. iXim.?. U0 to lobe SlT^ee, fear riiae, anD Wxnfl inWimr.jf[7cl]'r toltl) an our fjeart^, anD to Ube to Sri)ee* r^ jtletallttje ot'artl) fubject tl}emf£lbe;8^ to tljae tl)eirpiai.2.5f47.7. i&ing^ ilet tl)e laingDom^ of tlje QjOIo^ID become tljeRcv. 1I.I^ Aas26. 18. iaingDom^ of tlje ^o^D, anD of 1)1$ cljriU* 31et t^e^^J^- ^- ^'^• 4ltl)eiff0, 3|Dolater0, di^atjometan^, Jleb^je:, anDO:;?^^^ ^^ tl)er 3|nfiDel0, anD ungoDlp ^people, be conberteD*Mat.9 i^Vk §feenD fo^tlj maet Jlabourer^ into tlje IJarbeft, anD 14. i^. let tlje (Potipel be p?eacl}eD tlj^oug^ut all tlje couo^iD* 35 b b 3 JP^fs 1 6 The Reformed LUnrgy. 1 Thcf, M, 1. jp^efertje aiiD blrf^ tlirm in tfjp loip^ft*. ^ullam in Rev. z.?, 19. patience. auD fcafnablv t)elibcr, tlje C5:i)urci)e0 tt)at f^ ]• '°' are oppreCfeD bv liaolatrrH, Jinfitiel^, a^afjometanjBf, Rc/i's ikip. ^' ^^^^^^ •. It Hcci tempt of tiip^^Dinance^, anD from falfe uni»o^t(ip, ^<*v h^^^" ^ anD unrebermt tljougljt^ anD fpeecl)e0 of (Z3oD, 0^ Rc\ I L'' ' '" '^'^^P tilings , anD from tije neglect ano p^opljanation Pro. zi. I. Pfal. Of t\)i> W(Q\V I^aV* ' ■ ^ \ i. 10, 11,12. . piit it into tiff i]ems of tije mn^si anD ^iUkxa of lii. 49. 13. fije ^c.zlD. to fubmit to eiviff, anD ruie fo^ l)im a0 iChicn. Tf.6. _^y^g^g j?atl)er;G; to t)i0 cuiiurcl): 4inD fatoe tijem \ThT\^6 o ' ^^^ fi)^ tetnptatiohB tliat UiculD D2oton tijem in fen:? Mat. ZI.44. fualitp 0^ uouiD b.eiifi tbem upon arl)2ill ag a jph. II. 48. ^^ock of oft'eiue bp engaging tijem againli Iji^ Ijolp piii. I, z, 5, s. jDcctrine aj:iap0 anD s^erbanr^* iTtin. 2.2. iijabe mercp on tijv ^erbant Chaiks our fiing, Pui. 5^. I. protect i)i.8 Iperfon. illuminate anD fanctifie ijim bp L^rr & ''- ^^^^' ^'^ ^*^" ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^"^i^^ ^^^ '"^P ^^^^ ^^^"^^ u.n. Rom.ii" l^cnour, tlje encreafr of jFaitlj, auD Ijolp C^beDience 5,^ I Pet. Z.I 4! to tijv llalv0 - anD map gobern U0 a^ rljp cipmiffer, 1 rim. 2. z. appointed tp E'ljCC fo^ tl]e tfnoiir of etJil Docra; anD riic p^aife of tl)em t{)at do UieU t(jat uiiDer Ijim luc map hue a quiet aiiD peaceable life, m ali C^oDlinefo anb itonefip* Pal •'2 1 Prrv ll>abe mcrcp upou all tlje Kopal jramilp, upon tlje «. 16. tx>d.i^. ^D^^J0f of tlje ^touncil, m'^ all tlje /^obilitp, tlje ?.T.job29. 3;Uoge0, an) orl)cr £l5agi(!rate0 of tljefe 3LanD0. ifa. 1. 17.2J. J.tt tiiem fear 2b(iee anD be c^nfampie^ of J^irtp ija. li. ;. anD jErempermue, Ijater^ of 3iniuftue, civobetoufneffi, anD The Reformed Liturgy, 17 anD p^ioe, anD JDefmoerjef of t\}t Innocent : in ti)t\t ev^0 let a bile perfon be contemneo, but let ttjem tfo^ nour tl)em t^at fear tlje ?Lo^9^ 5iet eberp foul be fubiect to tlje i^igfjer poh)er;0, Rom. 13.1,2.^. am not refiiJ i ?let tljem obep tt}t ihmg, ano all in i Tim. 2. 2. 4lutf]o^itp> not onlp fo^ to^atf), but fo^ confcience fake^ * Pet. z. 1 3. (Bibe aK tbe Cf)urci)e0 able, tjolp, faitl)funpallo^0. ^ Cor. ^ 6. tl)at mar founOlp anD tsiligentlp pzeac^ tt)p JMio^D, J^£;.^ ^^ anD iguiDe ilje dflocfe0 in ix»ap0 of igolinef^ anD Fear e, £ ^"1* n \ oljerfeeing anD ruling tljem not tp coniiraint, but jam. 3.* 17.' JfoiHinglp, not fo^ filti)|> lucre, but of a reaop minD ; tzek. 34. not a0 being ^o^D0 ober tt^f igiritage, tut tlje ^er^ ' P' t. s. 1,2,3,4- i)ant0 of an, anD <2^fample0 to tlje fiock, ttjat '^l^'- ^°- -^> it)l)en tlje djief ipafio^ ftafl appear, tt)epmapreceibe^'' ^'' tf)e c^oton of (25Io^p> 5Q.et tlje people knoti) tl}ofe tljat are ober tijem in Heb.I^ 7, 17. tlje lio^D anD labour among ti)em, p?eacl)ing to tljem \r\m<^l'^ ^* tl)e ^o^Dsf (BoDh let tljem ijigtjlp efieem tijem in ^^™-5-i7. lobe fo^ tijeir Mo^kis Me, account tljem bio^tljp of Double Ipnour. anD obcp tl)em in tt)e Jlo^D> 5let !Parent0 b^ingup ti)eir ca:l)ilD^en in 3^olp i^ur^ Epb. 6. i. ture, tfjat tliep map remember ti)eir Creator in tl^e^cci. n. i. Dap0 of tljeir goutl}, anD let cfrfjilD^en, lobe, fionour Pnh ;?'? J^'/v anD obep tl)em; ^et iRu0banD0 lobe ttieit ^ii^e0.^^^^,:.]\'^^ anD guiDe tljem in knotolenge anD i)Olinef0; anD let 3. 7. 1 Coi.4.1.' gxuibe0 lobe anDobep ttjeir igu0banD0. %.et^&flev0 & 3. ^2,25,^- rule tijeir ^erbant0 in tl)p fear. anD ^erbant0 obep tljeir ^aller0 in tl)e ?Lo?d* meep u0 from £purDer^ anD biolence, anD injuri*' i job. 3. ly. ou0 paffionate 9xao^D0 anD 4lction0* Luke 3. 14. iseep U0 from fornication anD all (rincleannef0, - Co'"- 7-} Pro- from Cljambering anD ix)antcnnef0, from inCtini]'^ ^"■^^^f-''^ 2ri)ougl)t0. anD fiitljp Communication^ anD all un^^Is.' 1 Cor.k.%1 cl)alle bcl)abiour* Kom. 1M3. meii;im from Sealing o^bcj^onging ciu: iJ^eigijbourEpJ; ^3>4^ 'v in l)is p^op^ietp, from perberting 3|uffice, from falfe^pp* +• "S- b3itne(ring anD Deceit, from aanoering backbiting,]'4i8i1 pro uncljaritable centuring 0^ otljer U)^ong to tlje reputa^ 19. ^ & 10. is": tion of our i|^eigi)bour0. Pfai. is. 3. i^eep u0 from cobetmg anv tl]ing tljat i0 our ^ei^h^ M.t. 7. 1 2. bour^. 5iet U0 lobe our i^>igt}bour0 a0 our felbe0,^^°; ^^ 17. anD DO to otl}er0 a0 b^e b30ulD tl)ep l^oulD do to U0* jjjg[' l"-^^' csraufeuato lobe ^l^iH in l)i0 aipemb8r0 UntI) a Mat.' 25. 40, $ure anD ferbent Jlobe, anD to lobe our afnemie0, < Pec i.z2. auD Do gcDD to all a0ljoe are able i but efpeciallp to t^e ijouftolD of jfaitlj^.. ^b.b, 4. ^iS3ip 1 8 TAe Refornted Liturgy. Mar. f . 4*. C15ite U0 our neceffarp futtentation anD p^obifion Gal 5. lo. fo^ ti)v ferbice, ano contenteonef^ tljeretoifl) ^ Blcf^ ^T-^ '^; ^-^ our labours, ann t\)t fnut0 of tl)e Ofartl) in tfjeir fea:^ Deur^s - 4 foil. anD gitc U0 fuct) tem^jerate tocatijer a0 teuUetl) Pfai.iix.&i'ig.llf^rcunto; JDeliber m ano all tlip ^crbant0 from "Dcuc. 11.14. (ucli ftcknrfe, lDant0, anD otiier DiUreCfe^, ajffmap Phil. z. 17. unffafonablp take u^ off tljp ferbice* Beep ujsf from Rom. J 3. 11, giuttonp anD D^unbenneC^, flott)fulner0, unlaMul U^rVak'^' %^^^^ anD from mabins p^bifion fo^ tl)e flefJ) to fa^; jviir.5.30. tijjfie it0 luttH. 1 Tnh » T 1 ^^^^^ ^^ f"^' reffore u^ bp true mi^mtmzt anD Gai"*i jami jfaiti) in cs:I)^itt: Itlet U0 loatl) our felbc0 fozour i9,io.Ezck.6.9. tranfgreCfion^; ^o^gibe tl)em an anD accept m in Eph. 1.6^7. tl)pU)eIlbelobeDS>oni fabe ujb? from tlje curfe anD Hcb. 7- if- puniflnncnt toljicl) tljep Deferbe, anD teaclj ug Ijear^ Mar. 6. II. 14. f|{p ^Q fo^gibe otl)er0 ; conbert our enemiejB, pcrfe^ Luke 2^2 ^^' cuto^0 anD aanDerer0, anD fo^gibe tl)em. Mac. 15.41. CauCe u0 toboatcl) againtt temptationjef, torefiff j.m.4.7. 1 J*^ii- anDobercometl)e f\t% tl)e Pebil anD tl}e ^o^lDi 2. 1 3. & ? 4- anD fap no Murement^ of pieafure, profit 0^ Ijonour, Rom. 8. 13. f Q jjg jj^aton from tl)ce to fin, let U0 patientlp fuffer 1 I h^ii i^ 17. toi^^) ^^)^i2 t'^)^^ ^^ ^^P ^^^ttt^ ^i^^) W^i^* 1 Tim. 1. 18. Beliber u^ anD all tlip ipeople from ti]t tnmit^ anD Rom. 8. 17. rage of ^atan anD aU i]i0 UiickcD 3flnCrument0^ an^ iPec. )-.s.Pfai. p^efef^e u^ to tl)p l^eabenlp i^ingDom. 1 JO 1 , 7 i 5 . ^Q^ f jpy Qj^l^ ^^.j. f ijg {uniberfal laing : M. potoer \ xim" i ■ 17 i5 tl)me \n iigeaben anD aeartl) : Of ihce, and through Mar. 6. ij. ^hec, and to fiiee are all tt)ing0, auD ti)t glo^p (IjaU Row.U. 3^. be Thint fo^ ebcr* Amen. Concerning the Pfalms for public k Ufe. H^e defire that injlead of the imperfeti verjjon of the Pfalms in Mecter now in Vje^ Mr, William BartonV VerfioVy and that ferufed and approved by the Church of Scotland there in ufe {being the beft that voe have fceti) may be received and correHcd by fome skjlful Men^ and both allowed (for grateful variety) to be l^rinted together on fever al Column j or Pages ^ and publickly ufe J ; At leafl until a better than either of them (hall be made. r,r, o A Thankfciving for Chrift, and his gracious Benefits. Pfal. 119. 108. o D o PCAns' 17. \/(SD^(3\o;i(im dBoD, accept, tlv^cugh tl)r belobcD 2 Cor. 9. 1 5. IVl ^on, thougli from tl)e l^anDjer of finnrrB, of tlianftf:^ Ffai 107. 11. gibing>l)icl)tl)punfi3cakablelDbeanDmercie0.a0h)fn z Cor. J. 3. ajg tljp QS^oinmanD, do bmD ws to offer up unto arbee* ^fjOU The Reformed Liturgy, 19 €f)ou art tl)e jfatljer of mercfeie:, anti tl}e <5on of aH ^ ^^- y. coiifolation, ftilt of comi^rXSon, gracious, long fuffertf gr- ^ ?. 6, 7. , ing, plenteous in d^ootinef^ anDtrutI), feeeping merci^ 'T'.i Gen i*. fo? 2r(}oufantJ0, fo^gibing %nm\t^-> 2rrangreffion ann i^. pfa. s. ;? , 6, l^m* jfo? tl)p gio?)j tl)ou Dina create us after tl)me Deut. 31. u. Image ; ST^ou mauefi ujs: a little loU^er tl)an tt)e & 32. j.. Hoi. 4lngef^, anD crob?netifl m b3itt) glo^p anU i)0:? 4. 7- piai. 5. 10. nour, gibing iiff dominion cber tlje too^fe^ of tf)P ^cn 4 4^' I)an0j5^, anD putting all tljefe tfjing^ untier our feet* joh.. 3. 16. dim tDl)en tee fo^fcDlk %i)^, anU bgofee t{)p Cobe^HcU^z. 1^. nant, and rebelleD againfl STfiee, anD co^rupteD our J?hn 1. 14 felbe0, anD turneD our glo^p into Cljame ; tI)ou DiDfi f p']* 3- »• not leabe u;^ in tl)e tjanDjer of &eati}, no^ caa m out ; J^J^ \ J?- into utter JDefparation ; But t!)ou DiDl! fo lobe t\)t Heb. 2. * is' finful (Wio^lD, a0 to gibe tl)p ^on to be our S^a^ Mat. 4. 10. biour* !^e ttok not upon ^im the nature of 3ingel0, ^ Cor. 8. ^, Ivit of #an, %i)Z teo?$ tea^^ maDe fiell) anD Db^elt 'J^^- ^- ^^• among ufS. 2ri)i0 ij8? tl)e unfeardjable ^piferp of ;T'jj^; '°* lobe tel)ic!) tlje 3lngel0 Defire to pgp into, ige t»a0 phji. I 7. tempteD, tl)at fje migl)t fuccour tljem tf^at are tempt^^ Heb. 12.2. Rev. eD, anD conquereD tlje ^Tempter, tl)at IjaD conquer;^ 3-18. Pfa. j^.i. £D m : I&e became poj^tljat tea0 ^o?D of an; to l/^^- '"- "■{• make U0 rid). !^e DiD not fin, but fulfiHeo all riglj:^ 7,^ "^^ '^Tim teoufnefs^, to fabe usi from our unrigi)teoufnef0* j.'^/i'Cor. !ge maDe Ijimfelf of no reputation, but tea^ re:^ m. 3. bileD, fco^neo anD fpit upon, enDuring tf>e c^oCsr, Heb. 2. 14 anD Defpifing tl)e fljame to cober our (bame, anD to ^^i. ?. 13- b^ing \X0 unto glo?p, tljou laiDtt upon l)im tfte 3(|ni^ ^^l' [I' ^^l' quit^ of n0 all. !^e tea^ b^uifeD anD toounoeD fo? Eph.' 1.22. pfa. our ^raufgreffion^, tl)at tee migt}t be l}ealeD bp l)i0 :. 8. phiJ. a. 9c firipejB^. ige gabe Ijimfelf a jlRanfom fo? u^, anD Mat. i8. w. DieD fo? our fmjef, anD rofe again fo?our jufiifica::^h. j.zz.Heb. tion. me tijmk tljee fo? i}i$ oeatl) tijat fabetf) U0 ° jV c^li"^* from Deatl], anD tljat Ije bo?e tl)e curfe to reDeem u$ If^^ ;/;^ pf2. from tlje curfe, anD fo? t^iisi life tel)icl) openeD m 119. "i;o. Eph. tbe teap to life. STfjou l)alJ giben l)im to be IjeaD i.io.iCor.j. ober aft tl)ing0 to tlie (a:l)urcb, anD l)aff giben ^^.^o ^a-^- tlje igeatfjen to be Ijig ^Intjeritance, anD gi^«i '^; '.^'^ ixim Ijim a name abobe eberp name, anD giben all poteer 1 ty Eph. 4. anD juDgment unto l^im. Me tijmk tljee fo? tlje ,8. joh. n. 40. i^ete anD better ccobenant, fo? t!)p great anD p?e^ i Tim. 4. z. ciou0 p?omife0 ; ITljat tljcu IjaU giben u0 eternal i'^^. 8.. 11.12. life in cripture;ff. STijat tljou '/^o kom. 10. fouuDeDU tljpCljurcIj upon 3lpomej8f anD Jd?opl)et0, .t. Heb. 11.15. 3iefu0 Clj?i(i Ijimfelf being t^e beaD Co?ner^aone. Exek. ??. u, #nO ijatt committeD to tljp ^iniUerjef tije teo?D ofPro-i-^-^i ^i- j^ecoiv- 20 The Reformed Liturgy, J.h. 6. 44 Aa. Keconciliatron, H)at ajff (^mbaffaDo?j8^ (peafeing in tfte ^ 16 .4. ges9 of <2:!7rill tijrp migt)t befoecli U0 to be reconcik^ Rom' to' 20. ^^ ""^° ^^^* cue fliauk tl)*3e ti;at bp tliem tijou i)aff Arroiy. 11 op^ntf owf fpf^, aiKi ttttnefi 110 from narftnffe Rom. M.Aa unto ^iglit, anD from flie potoer of ^atan unto 11.18 Rom.8.Cl5oD» sue ktiere fometime^ fCDfill?, DifobeOient, u. H» i6»i7. DeccibfD, ferbing Dibcr^ luff^ anD ileafure^, ta:^ % iftLi' ^^^^^ "^ ^^ ^^^^ i»a(bing ofiRegeneration, anDre^ q. 4, r^S' netoins of (ije l^olp Gljoa. Wljou miijljtea lump Rem. 8.'^. t)abe left 00 to tf)e blmoneCa of our mmDjs^, ano to Eph. ^ 11. tt)c f)art5ner0 ef our Ijeartj?, to feareD confciencejB^, te^- ^- '^ to be pafl feeling, to our oton i)eart« iuUsi to toaik I tira 2 V ^" ^^ 0^" «itounrel0, anD to 'v^o^k uncleannef^f Mar. if.H'. ^'itt) greeDinef^, toljenme fo oft rerufeD toccme to Pfai. 89. 7. & Slj^il! tbat toe migljt l}abe life, anD ix;oulD not Ijabe 28. 6. & 51. 22. i^iin to reign ober uis. But ttjp patimce ixiaiteD on U0 Piai. 86. 1 3- iji our fm ; 4inD all tf)e Dap long DiDll tljou Oretcl) fo^tf) t^p l)anD to a DifobeDient anD gain^faping ipeople. mii]tn toe tiirneD from tlja?, tl)ou calleDff iRfter UjB", to turn anD libe : STljou D^etoeU Uj8f to tljy ^on anD cpeneDff our !)eart0 to attenD unto tl7v Call : :lriiou lobeDll usi firfl, anD toa^ foimD of tljeni ti)at rougl)t tljet not* Wljou t^€t parDoneD our great anD manifolD tranfgreffion^, anD iuSifieD m bp i^aitt) in Clirill, anD giben u0 ^Repentance unto iiYa : E l)cu tjaU aDopteD us: to be ti)y fon^, and ioint t\e]xs Uiitl) €1)^2; anD maDe 00 f)i0mem:^ ber0, anD giben ua l)i0 fpirit : l)ou(Ijolo; IBIefffD be tl)e (25oD anD ;fFatl)erof cur ^o^D 3^ieru0 (^tijUiQ, tol)0 of i)i0 abunDant mer^^ cp lirifl) begotten us again unto a libelp l)ope, bp tl)e iRefurrenion of 3;eru0 clj^iU from tlje DeaD, to an 3|nlifrjtanfe incorruptible, uncefileD, tl)cit faDct(> not alnap, referbeD in Igcaben fo? ivs* Wipu keep:: efi U0 bptl)P !nigl)tT> potuer ti):ougl) ;ffaitl) unto fal^ baticn: reaDP at laif to be rebcalcD, tl)ougl) lUiIieii fljcp arc nttDfulj toe ntuft fo? a feafon be m Ijeabi^- arf0 unDer tnfaulatione; ti)ou IjaU pgomifeD, tijat an tt)ing0 fbaU too?k togetl)er fo? our gtoD ; in all our llrait0 tl)cu grantea u0 accefe to tlje :iri)2one of grace, biDDmg us call upon tl)ce, in tljc time of trouble, anD p?omit'ing to Deliber U0, ttiat toe imp glonfv tl)a?, eberp tobne toe Ijabe Icabf to lift Tip luito cl)cc l)olp l)aaD0, (rlptciallp m tl)e Ijoufe of p,i(i}^n, anD tlje ^liTemblv of tlje §^aiut0. iThou Mat' The Reformed Liturgy, 51 ijaff IjeartJ tlje boice of our i\x^^\mtmn?i teljen tn^ $ate crieD unto ti)Zt -, great 10 ttjp mercp totoarUje? U8f> ^ 31ogu tt}on fjaft Deliberen our foiil^ from tljt ioiuel! l^eH -, tljou I}a(! fent fo^tl) from igeaben tfjp mercp anD txntt) -. ano fabeti U0 from tije vep^aci) of f)im tijat txjoutD fijoalloto ujer up : tfiou art our IjiDmg place t 3in tl>e fecret^ of tl)p p^efence tfiou fi^eferbeS u^ from trouble, from tijt jp^iDt of men, am from tl}e firife of Srongue^* ^t)ou DoU compafe ^''2^- ^7. ?. & U0 about 'ixiitt) ^ong0 of ueliberance* SD lohe tlje ^'•;°- ^ 3^.7 5io^D an pe 1)10 S>aint0 ! fo^ tlje ?Lo^D p^eferbetl) tlie ^o-^o & ,0 faitljful, ann plentifuHp retoarDet!) tlje p^ouo ooer. Ha^. ?. a. i^e Dealetl) not toitl) u0 after our Cinsi, t)i pfai' ,0 J' /• gtotmanU me com into tl)p {)oure in tf)e multi^ piai. 89. ij. tuDe of tt)p mercie0, ^ gibe tt)anfe0 unto tlje Jlo^D fo^ l^e i0 gojD, fo^ l)i0 mercp ennuretl) fo^ eber* (Blo^^ ve in i)i0 l^olp ilSame, let tlje l)eart0 of tl)em ^^• re/opce tl)at feek t)im4 ^leffeD are tijz people tl)at knoin tl)e jopful founo : €l)ep ftaH toatk ISD Jlo^D, in tl)e ?Ligl)t of ti^y countenance* 3[|n t^p name ^^ai. 84. 4. CjaE tije]^ rejopce all ti)e Uap, anD in tl)p rigl)teouf;^ ^J^^J- ^^' h* nef0 anD fabour ®all tl)ep be ejcalteD ^ 25leffeD are inh 11' \^' tljei^ tljat DixjeH in tl;p l)oufe, tijep toiK be aiK p^ail:^ Re, l[ t ing tf)0^* ^ fati0fie U0 earlp toitt) tfy^ metc^, t^at b^e map rejopce anD be gtaD in tl)0e all our Dap0> (0uiDe u0 bp tl)p mpfifeoul! 4InD aH tfjat i0„., b3itl)in me blef0l)i0 l)olp iJSame, Blef0 t\)z ilozD ^^^'- '°5* '' ' SD mv foul, anD fojjet not all 1^10 23enefit0 : to^o fo^gibetl) all tl)ine 3(lniquitie0, anD l)ealetl) aH t^p 5» 4- Difeafe0 ! txAp reDeemeb tl)p life from DeKruetion, anD crotonetl) thee toitl) lobing feinDner0 anDtenoer ^^• infrcie0^ -$0 far a0 tl)e afad i0 from tlje Wleff, fo far 2Z The Reformed Liturgy. far t^atf) Ije remobeD our tranfgreffion0 from iwi ^ ijoh. 3. I. 3i6eI)olD tDl)at lobe tfie ifatljer tjatt) beftotoeo on u0, i\)B.t toe fljouln be lalleD t^t ^mB of (SoD^ becaufe tl)j> lobins kiiioiieffi is better tijan ?life, mp ^^Lip-e! PfaL 61. 3, 4. fl)an P^aife tl)ee. 2ri}U0 biill 31 blcf0 ti)^ toljile 31 Pfai.73. 15. libe, 31 toill lift up mp !^anD0 in tl)p name* Cl^p ^oul fban be fatiBfieD aj0 toitl) marrobanD fafnef^, i5, 17. anD mp mouti) fljafl p^aife tl)ee toitt) jopful 3tlip0, Cllljomliabe 31 i^i ig eaben but tijee, anD tijere 10 none ij. on OEartl) tfjat 31 ^^^^^ befiDe^ tijee* ^p :ffle(I) anD mp igeart failetl), but (23oD 10 tlje Crengtl) of mp igeart, anb vav IPo^tion foz eber* f 0^, lo all tl)at are far from tljee fbaU perilb, but it im gooD fo<2 me Pfal. 94- IP- to ogaixj near to mprigl]t IjanD, in t{)z tm\^ tituDe of mp tl)oiigl)t0 UJitlfin me, t\)v comfo^t0 oe^ PfaL 73. 24. IWt mp ^ouU 2ri)0u fi;alt guiDe^ me toittj tt)P arounCel, anD aftertoarD receibe me to glo^p* The Second Parr. H^ m, erceHent 10 tfjp lobiiig feinD;ief0 SI> (0OD, tljerefo^e Do tl)e ^cn0 of a^en put 5. tijeir tmd unDer tlje ibaboto of t\)\> ixjing^* SETijep fijall be abuuDautlp fati^fieo toitt) tl)e fatnef0 of tl)p igoufe, anD tljou fljalt make tljem o^mk of tl)e 3Rfc ber0 of t{)\> pteafure^, fo^ boitli tliee i0 tlje jfoun^ tain of life*" 31n tl))> tigl)t lue (ban fee 51igl)t ; tljere;^ fo<:e mp igeart is glaD, anD mp d^Io^p rejopietl)* si^p JFlell; alfo (baU red in bop^» %i)m toilt^ibeto me t\)Z pati) of i^ife* 31" tl)P pzefence 10 fuluef0 of 31op, anD at tl)p rigl)t l)anD are^ pleafure0 for eUer mo^e* ^urelp (Z5ooDnef0 anD mercp (ban foIloUi me aE ti)e Dap0 of mp \iiz. ^m ji (ball Dtoell m tl)e iljoufe of tlje iLo^D fo^ eber* ^ contmue tljp lobing feinDiief0 to tljem tl}at bnoto tljoe, anD tl)j> rigl)teoufnff0 to tt)e upright in l)tart* Sto tl)e enD tl)at mp glo^p map fing p^aiCe imto tl)ee anD not be filent, w jto^ mp C5oD, 3j gibe tl)anb0 to tljee fio^ cbcr* The Third Part. Luke 2: 14. A^JlD^p to C0OD i\\ rt)e iCigl)ea : j2Dn eartlj ^t&a -, VJ , ann igo^ nour, anD ipoiner ; fo^ tl)OU Ijaft created aH^^-^^- tl)mg0, anD fo? tl)p pteafure tftep are anD toere createD* 2ri)epfing untotljee tlie l^ong of ^ofe;6^, ^ ^ '^• anD of tijt ?lamb, faving, (I^;eat anD marbeHou^ are tijp too^k^, 31o^d (Bod 4llmigi)tf> ^ 3f!ufi anD true are tl)p toap^, t{)0U Jaing of S)amt0* ^l)o (JaU t- not fear tljee, H> ^o^D, anD glo^ifie ttip iftame .' fo^ t[)ou onl^ art J^olp : jFo^ aH iftation^ ujall come 9- anD 2llo^(I;ip before tt}te, fo^ tl)p luDgment^ are maDe manifelJ^ mo^tt^^ i$ tljt 3fl.amb tl)at toaa ffain, «<»• to receive Potoer, anD 3Ric^ej8i, anD (KaifDom, anD §fetrengtf), anD l&onour, anD (Bio^v* S^^l tl^ou I)af reDBemeD ujef to (IBfoD bp tl)p bl©D, anD maDe v 5Sing0 anD ip^iefj;8f to dB^oD*. The Fourth Pare. 0€l)at men ioouiD p^a^'fe tfje 51o^D fo^ ^fS „, , gooonef^, anD fo^ i)i0 toonDerful too^fa; to^^^'-^'^^.s,!!. tlje ci}ilD^en of men •' ilet ti)em Sacrifice tly ^a^^ ^ ' crifice^ of a^{}ankfgft)ing, anD Declare t)i0 jco?k0 „. , " tuiti) rejopcing* ^ing unto tl)e JlogD, ble^ l)i0- ^^'- ^^* ^• iBame> Ujetjo fogtl) t)i0 S^albation frome Dap 0 Dap» ?aio^(5ip tlje Jlo^D in tfje 13eautp of f9oUnt% fear Pfai. 19. j. before l)im aH ttje orartfj* jltt tlje J^eatenjereiopce, I'ia 96-9,1 «>i3. anD ti)e OEartl) be glaD before t!;e3lo^D -, jFo^ I}e com:^ ttih ifo^ i)e cometf) to SlwDge tl)e (25artt> 2Uitl) migl)teoufnef0 l^all Ije 3fluDge tfje nfflfoglD. anD tl}eprai. lo^^o. people U)itl) Qi^quitv^ ©lef^ tlje ilozD pr Ijiis 3in^ gelj0 tijat ercel in ftrengtl), tljat Do i)i$ sommauD? ment0, tjearkening to ifje boice of l)i0 ql'o^D. Mtisi pe tl)e 5flo;D all pe i)i0 fs^oUsi, pe ^inifterjef or I}i6! tljat DO ip pleafure i MsiB tlje Jlo^D all i}i^ Mom ^^ m % 4 ^ ^^ Reformed Liturgy . in all places of tysi JDominionjef* Blef^ t^t 5(lo^l)» SD mp foul ; mp moutl) ftaH fpeaft tfje IP^aiftje: of" tl)e JL02D, aiiD \tt an ;lFteiS blefjsf i)iet ^olp i^ame fo^ Pfai. i4r 21. eber anD eljer* ilet eberp t^ing tl)at ijatlj 23^atl) Pfal 150. 6. p^aife tlje JlO^D*. Pralfe ye the Lord. # The Order of Celehratifjg the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Chrifl. this or the liks Explication of the 'Nature^ Vfe, and Benefits of this Sacrament, may be ufed at the Difcre- tion of the Minifter^ tphen he feeth it needful to the InftruBion of the Communicants. THAT you may difcern the Lord's Body, and underftsind the Nature, Ufe and Benefits of this Sacrament ; you muft know that God created Man in his own Image, to know, and love, and ferve his Maker; That Man fell under the guilt of fin and condemnation, and left his holy Fitnefs for the work for which ^ was created. That hereupon the wonderful We and wifdom of God provided us a Reme- d> in our Redeemer, to the end he might not lofi the glory of his Creation, that he might par- dor, and fave us upon terms; Securing the honour of iis Juftice, and attaining the ends of his Law and government, and recover us to his love and fervicr, by appearing to the World, in the greateft demoiftrations of Goodnefs, Love, and Mercy. Bytbeireateft Miracle of Condefcention, he firft pro- mised, and*then gave bis only Son, the Eternal ^ord, :o take man's nature into perfonal union with his God head ; that being God and Man, he might be a fit vlediator between God and Man, to reftore us, and reconcile us to hittlfelf. Thus Jefus Chrift conceived by the Holy Ghoft, and born of the Virgin Maiy^ became the fecond Adam, the Phyfician and Saviour of undone Sinners, the Captain of our Salvation, to be the glorious King and Head of all that are fandified and faved. He revealed the Ho- The Reformed Liturgy, xe linefs, theGoodncfs, and the Love of God, by the perfedt Holinefs, Goodnefs, and Love of his Bleffed Perfon, Dodkrine, and Converfacion, and by fufFer- ing for us all the Affli(51:ions of this life, and at Jaft the curfed death of the Crofs, as a Sacrifice and Ranfom for us. That all this might be effedtual to our Recovery, he made for us a new and better Covenant, and preached it himfelf, undertaking the Pardon, Juftification, and Sandification of all that by unfeigned Faith do take him for their Saviour, re- penting of their (ins, and confenting to be fanftified by his Word and Spirit (by which alfo he inviteth, and draweth men to himfelf, and givcth ihem to be- lieve ) : Into this blefled, pardoning, faving Cove- nant, we are firft folemnly entred by Baptifm. And when Chrift was ready to leave the "World, and to give up himfelf a Sacrifice for us, and intercede and cxercife the fulnefs of his Kingly Power, as the Churches Head ; and by his grace to draw men to himfelf, and prepare them for his glory ; he did him- felf inftitute this Sacrament of his body and blood at his laft Supper, to be a continued Reprefentacion and Remembrance of his Death, and therein of his own and his Fathers Love uniil his coming, appoint* ing his Minifters by the Preaching of the Gofpel, and Adminiftratlon of thefe Sacraments, to be his Agents without, and his Spirit within, effectually to communicate his Grace. [The Lords Supper then is an holy Sacrament in- ftituted by Chrift:, wherein Bread and Wine being fiffl by Confecration made Sacramentally or Re- prefentatively the body and blood of Chrift, are ufed by breaking and pouring out to reprefent, and com- memorate, the Sacrifice of Chrift's Body and Blood, upon the Crofs once offered up to God for fin ; and are given in the Name of Chrift unto the Church, to fignifie and folemnize the renewal of his holy Covenant with them, and the giving of himfelf un- to them, to expiate their fins by his Sacrifice, and fanCtifie them further by his Spirit, and confirm their right to everlafting life ; And they are received, eaten, and drunk by the Church, to profefs that they willingly receive Chrift himfelf to the Ends a- forefaid (their Juftification, Sandtification, and Glo- rification,) 26 The Reformed Liturgy, rificacion,) and to (ignifie and folemnize the renewal of their Covenant with him, and their boiy Com- munion with him, and with one another.] It being the renewmg of a mutual Covenant that is here folemnized as we commemorate Chrift's Sa- crifice, and receive him and his faving bene- fits ; fo we offer and deliver to him our felves, as his redeemed, fani^ified people, to be a living ac- ceptable Sacrifice, thankfully and obediently to live unto his Praifc. Before the receiving of his holy Sacrament, we rauft examine our felves, and come preparedly : In the receiving of it, we muft excrcife holy affe- ctions fuited to the work : and after the receiving of it, we muft by confiderationof it, endeavour to re- vive the fame Affe(^ions, and perform our Cove- nant there renewed. The holy Qualifications to be before provided, and in Receiving exercifed, and after Receiving, arc thefe, I. A true belief of the Articles of the Chri- ftian Faith, concerning Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft '■, the Perfon, Offices, Works, and Sufferings, and Benefits of Chrift. 2. The fenfe of our finful and undone condition, as in our felves, and of our need of Chrift : fo as humbly to loath our felves for our tranfgrcflions, with the fenfe of our prefent weak- neffes to be ftrengthcned, and fins to be forgiven. 3. A true defire alter Chrift for pardon, and fpiritual Nourilhment and Salvation. 4. A thankful fenfe of the Wonderful Love of God, declared in our Re- demption, and in the prefent offers of Chrift, and Life. 5. The exercife of holy love and joy in the fenfe of this unfpeakable Love, ( if thefe two be not felt before we come, yet in, and after the Sacra- ment) we muft ftrivc to exercife them. 6. A love to one another, and forgiving wrongs to one another, with a defire after the Communion of Saints. 7. The giving up our felves in Covenant to God, with refo- lution or renewed Obedience. 8. A patient hope for the coming of Chrift himfelf, and of the Ever- lafting kingdom, where we ihall be perfectly united in him, and glorified with him. lafting The Reformed Liturgy. 27 Thofe only are to be invited to the Lord's Table, and to come, that truly repent and believe, and unfeigDedly confent to the terms of the Cove- nant ( though all are not to be invited thus to be- lieve and repent, and fo to come ) But thofe are ro be adn-iicced, by the Paftors, if they come, who, h.jving the 'afe of reafon to underftand what they • io, a4id examine themfejves, ifiave made a perfonal Frofeirr>n' of Faith, Repentance, and Obedience i ind are Member? of the. Church, and not juftly for Herefie or fcandalous fin removed, from its prefenc Communion. The Benefit of the Sacrament is not to be judged of only by preient Experience and Feeling, but by Faith. God having appoinced us to ufe it, and pro- mifed liis Bleffing, we may and muft believe, that he will make good his Promife ; and what ever we feel at prefent, that we fincereJy wait not on him in vaiii. The Bxhortation» "Vr O U are invited hither. Dear Brethen, to be -■- Guefts at this Holy Table, by the Lord's Com- mand, to receive the greateft Mercy, and to perform the greateft Duty. On Chrift's Part, All things are pade ready. The Feaft is prepared for you, even for yoii that bv fin have deierved to be caft out of the prefence of the Lord ; for ycu that have to oft negiedtcd and abufed Mercy. A Feaft of the Body and Blood of Chrift-, free to you, but dear to him. You were loft, and in the way to be loft for ever, when by the greateft Miracle of Condefcend- "ing-]ove, he fought and faved you. You were dead in fin, condemned by the Law, the Slaves of Satan; there wanred nothing but the Executing ftroak of Juftice to 1 ave fent you into emiiefs mifery ; when our dear Redeemer pitied you in your blood, and (bed h.s own to walli and heal you. He-fuf- fered that was offended, that the offender might not fufifer. He cried out on the Crofs, My X^od^ My God, Why haft thou forfal{en me^ that we who had dC" fcrved it, might not be everlaftingiy forfaken. He died, that we iriight live. O how would the mercy- C c c" •of ,8 The Reformed Liturgy. of Redemption have affecSked you, if you had firft lain one year, or month, or day in Hell I Had you but feen your d^ing Lord, or fecn the damned in their mifery, how do you think you (hould have va- lued the Salvation that is now revealed and tendred to yovi? See here Chrift dying in this holy Reprc- fentation. Behold the facrificed Lannb of God, that taketh away the Sins of the World I It is his will to be thus frequently crucified before your eyes. O how ihould we be covered with ftiame, and loath our felves, that have both procured the death of Chriftby fin, and iinned againft ic ? And how (hould we all be filled with joy, that have fuch myfteries of mercy opened,and fo great Salvation freely offered to usi O haie fin, O love this Saviour : See that you , come not hither without a defire to be more Holy, nor with a purpofe to go on in wilful fin. Be not deceived, God is not mocked ; but if you heartily repent, and confcnt to the Covenant, come and welconriC ; We have commiflion from Chrift to tell you, that yx)u are welcome. Let no trembling, contrite foul draw back, that is willing to be Chrift's upon his Covenant- terms, but believe* that Chrift is tnuch more willing to be yours. He was firft wil- ling, and therefore died for you, and made the Covenant of Grace, and fent to invite and impor- tune you to confent, and ftayed for you fo long, and gave you your Repentance, your willingnefs and defire. Quefl:ion not then his willingnefs, if you arc willing. It is Satan and Unbelief that would have you queftion it, to the injury both of Chrift and you. Come near, obferve, believe, and won- der at the Riches of his Love and Grace : For he hath himfelf invited you to fee and rafte, that you may wonder. You are finners, but he inviteth you to receive a renewed, fealed Pardon of your fins, and to give you more' of his Spirit to overcome them. See here his broken Body and his Blood, iheTefti- monicsof his Willingnefs. Thus hath he fealed the Covenant, which pardoneth all your fins, and fe- cureth you of your Reconciliation with God, and your Adoption, and your right to everlafting Blef- fednefs. Deny not your confenr, but heartily give up your felves to Chnf\, jind then doubc not but i your The Reformed Liturgy. 29 your Scarlet, Crimfon-fins (hall be made as white as Wooll or Snow. Obje*^ not the number or greatnefs of them againft his Grace : There is none too great for him to pardon to penitent Believers. Great fins (hall bring great glory to his Blood and Grace. But ftrive you then for great loathing of your (ins, and greater love to fuch a God, and greater thanks to fuch a Saviour. Unfeignedly fay, I am willing Lord to he wholly ThinCy and then believ- ingly take Chrif!, and Pardon, and Life, as given you by his own appointment in the fealed Covenant. And remember that He is a coming. He is coming with thoufands of His mighty Angels, to execute judgement on the ungodly, but to be glorified in his Saints, and admired in all that do believe. And then we (hall have greater things then thefe. Then (hall you fee all the Promifes fuliilJed, which now are fealed to you, on which he caufeth you to trult. Revive now your love to one another, and forgive thofe that have wronged you,and delight in the Com- munion of the Saints : And then you fhall he ad- mitted into the Church Triumphant, where with perfed: Saints you (hall perfe£lly rejoyce, and love and praife the Lord for ever. Receive now a cruci- fied Chrift here reprefented, and be contented to take up your Crofs, and follow him. And then you (hall reign with a glorified Chrift, in the Blef- icd Vifion and Fruition of that Gud, to whom by Chrift, you are now reconciled. Let Faith and Love be working upon thefe things, while you are at this holy Table. Then (hall the Minif^er ufe this or the like Prayer.^ M®1I igolpdB^oD, b3e are a^ fiubble before tljee,^^^ ^ ^^^ tl)t cotifuming Sfive* ^o\» (ball toe UanD jz/^- iSam^ before ti}v igoHncfe, fo^ toe are a finful People, 5. zo. Mai. vz. laDen Wilj 31niquitp, tljat (jabe jjone bacfetoarD anD ^^^ '• 4- Luke li^obokeD tlje igolp one of ifrad, toljen toe toere'^'^.^^-Ep^-^- lo(!, tl)p ^on DiD tok anli fabe u^, toljen toe toere^^^'^^- ^^-^^l' DeaD in^in, tl)ou maDett usi alibe. STljou fatoe(Jcoi. !.*n' je.* U0 poUuteD m our blooD, anD faiDd unto U0 libe*5.28.DeMt.4. 3In that time of lobe tl)OU cobereui! our naketJnefjSf, m- i^^i^- 6 u^- SLiiO rntereDll into a ccobenant toitlj u^, ann toe^»' ^-• (S^cci became !^c The Reformed Liturgy. pfai. 100 5.4- became thine otaJn* 2nioirt)iDt! Driiijer ti0 fVbm ttie H.b. iz. 15. poUier of JDarbiute, aiiD traixaate m into t{)t laing:; Dcut.p. iz. jiQ^ pf jl^P jiP^^j. ojQ,^ . gj^j, g^^pji y^ remiffion of " Tim V- -- '^"j t^)^ousI) tH6^ b!aoD» 15ut liie are griel)oii0 3Re^ rjohni. 15. ^olter^, ir.f l}ai)e forgotten tlje Covenant of tl)e Eph. 1. ?.viai. ^o^D our (25oDi toe Uiere engageD to lobe tl)ee 5. 24. Mat li. toitl) an our lieartxr, ax^ to l)ate iniquitv, auD ferbe ^^ Mar r?'° ^^'^^ Oiligentlp, ano tl}aabfuU?> to fet fo^tl) tl))>p^ai£e* ?o Rom zr-^ ^wftx^t I)al)e TeparteD fromtI)ee, auD co^ru4)te9 our iCor.'.o. \i: rellie0 bv felf4o\)e, anD bp lebing tl)etDO^ttJ, auD 1 Thef. 4. I. tbe tilings that are in tlje tno^lD, ano ijate fulfilleD Luke 8. iS. tl)e Defire^ of the ^M% M)k\) loe fljouln Ijabe cru^ vn'.^t^^' '^^^^^^ Mie Ijabe ueglerteD our nutp to ttjee, ano Deuc 6 6 ^^ ^^"^ neighbour, anD tlje neceflarp care of our oton ?hii.'+. ^. S^albation* o^ttie habe bzm unpzofitable ferbant0, iCor. n.z-, anD t)abe hiD t\}v STalentn, anD'habe Di(I;onoureD 18. ifa.64.7. ttjar, iDbom in all tl)ing0 toe ftoulD t)aiie pleafeD 21'/' 6 ^"^ glo^ifieD* cKUeljabe been negligent in tieanng 4-"*! Co/i'i ^'^^ veaDing tiiP igolv Mio^D, anD in meDitating anD 29. Mai. 1"-, confernng OF it^ in publick anD p^ibate jp^per, io,ii.&z. 10 auD STIjankfgibing, anD in our preparation to tl)ij0 11.pfai.85 8. i^olp 5?acrament, in the eA^mining of our felbeje^, prf /*• 'f anD repenting of our ^\n$, ano Hirring up our aChro i^-' ' l)fart0 to a bcliebing anD thankful receibing of tl)p Mat. 2z.ii.^ fif^cB. anD to ?lobc auD ifopfulneCs^, in our com^ Mat. 7. ^^ munion toith tl)ee anD toitl) one anoM)er* idle i)abe Mil. 1. 10 not Dufr DifcerneD the ^o^D'^ 23oD)% but Ijabe p^o:: ifa c "" \t P'^^"^^ ^^^^^ ^olv iI5ame anD £iD;Dinancf, a0 if tlje PCil ji I '. arable of the 1o:d haD been contemptible. 3inD Rev'. ..r ' b^ben thou baft fpob en peace to U0, toe returneD Hof. 14. ^• again to fcHv. Mfe habe DeferbeD, ^ Iflo^D, to be E7.ck. .8. vi. caff out of thp p^efeuce, ^nD to be fo^faken, a^ tov F7 k^'-:"i. *^^^^ fo^faken thee, anD to hear to our confufion, Hof 14 4 ^ ^ppart from mc, ^1 knoto pcu not, pe too^feers of pui. ^\. ?. inmit^. '^boumiptli julHp tell U0, tliou l)aff no J hn 6. ,7. pleafure in U0, no^ toiit rpceibe an offering at our Hof. T,. 2. i^auD. But >x\t\) thee tl}eie 15 abuiiDant (fercp«. Mat' f''^' ^^^ '^"^ aiibocate Biefus €l)^ilT the IRighteou^, 10 John 6 5/ & ^'^^ P^^opii^ia^ion fCvZ our fins: toho bare tfjem in 4 ,^. bis I60DP on the cjtrorc, anD maDe bimfelf m offer? Er'h. 3. i«, 1;. ing fo^ tl}rm, tbM (je migl)t put tl;em atoap hv the 1 Per. .. «. facrifiieor himftlf : n)abe merci> upon U0. anDtoal^ \T\ ';': 7t ^^ "1 ^^'^ ^''^'^'^' ^^'^'■'^^^ "^ ^''^^) *)i^ KigljteourneCsr, ju.1.6. 3y. J f^^^^ ^^^^ j^j^j. iniquities, anD let them not be our ruin, f02gibe tbern ano remember them no mo^e: SD tijou that Delighteff not in tl)e oeatl) of fvni^ nere, Ijeal our backdiDing^, lObe U0 freelp, «nD fap unto The Reformed Liturgy, 51 unto our foul;^, tfjat tijou art our falbation. Mpa ^ilt in m ixJife cafi out ti)?m tijat Qome unto ttjee, receibe U0 graciouilp to tfje feaft ti^ou IjaU pge;: pareo fo^ U0, caufe xxfS to lounger anD tijirtt after cijali ant) l)i^. m^\)ttmimisi, t^iat toe map be fa:^ tijgffieu^ ?let fjfe ;f lefl;, ant) 3i5l03D be to u^ s^eat anD HD^infe inbeet) ; anti i)vz fpirit be in U0, a loaeH of libing boater, fp^mging up to dfberlading Ilife* d^ibe ufi to fenoto tl)^ iLobe in Ci)^ii!, b3f)icl) palTetl) jkhobjieDge* %^m%\) tee i)abe not feen fjim let u^ 5(lobe I)im : 4lnt) tljouglj note tee fee ^im not, pet pr_j „. « beliebing let m rejopce teitlj 3|op unfpeakable, ano Eph 4 \o fUn of glo^p; '£r()0Ug{) tee are untoo^ftjp of tl}effit>. 5. 13. crumbs tt)at fall from t(}p ITable, pet feeo u,0 teitQ Coi 3. 5. tije 3i5^eat) of 3iife, auD fpeak anD feal up peace |p^ 3. 1^. t0 our finful teounoeo imlB* Soften our ^eartje? ^^^^-^^'^7^ tl)at are fjartJeneo hf,ti)t oeceitfulnefB of fin : ^0^ tifie ttje jtlefi), anD firengtfjen U0 teitlj migl)t in ttje intearD man •-, tijat tee tee map libe ano glo^ifie t^p dlJ^ace, tl}^ougl) 31efu^ €l)i\Q. our onip ^abiourt Amen. Here let the Bread be brpiight to the Minifter, and received by him and fet upon tlie Table, and then the Wine in like manner ( or if they be fet there before ) however let him biels thenij pray- ing in thefe or the like vygrds. A3lmigi)tp <25pD, tl)ou art tlje creator, anDtfjer^n ?lo^D of air tl)ing0. i:i)ou art tl}e ^oberaign r J' '''°- ^* ^^ajelip tel)om tee ijabe offenDeD; €Ij0U art our ixim i 17 mod lobing anD merciful Jfatlier, tei)o IjaS giben Pfai. ?i.V. * tl)p ^on to reconcile 110 to tljp felf, teI)o l^at!) ra^ ^'^^^- 3^. ^^ tifieD tlje i^ete 2re0ammt anD cobenant of CB^^ace j {"^" ">- ]: teiti) 1)10 moff p^eciou^ btojD -, anD l^ti) inmtuttJ) f;"J; [, ,1 tl)i0 Igolp Sacrament to be celeb<2ateD in vemtm^ Htb pfi? ' bgance of Ijim tiK 1)i0 comings s>andi^ tl^efe tt^p Luke 22. 19. Creature0 of B^eaD anD WXin^^ teljicl) accs^Ding to ti^y JnCitution anb (EommanD, tee fet apart to tijisi^ Ijolp ufe tfjat tijep map be ^feacramentadffp, tlja 3150Dp anD BtOOD of ti)^ §dOn 3lefU0 (Elj^ittt Amen. Xhen (,or immediately before this Prayer) let tli/e Minilter read the words of the Inftitution, faying, HE A R. what the Apoftle Paul faith, i Cor, 1 1 . j c^r, 11..133 :\^For I have received of the Lord^ that which >> ^5. 2.(^., C c c 3 Jf, 31 The Reformed Liturgy, 1 deliver unto you ; that the Lord Jefus the fame night in which he was hetrayedy took^ Bready and when he had given thankjy he brake it. tfnd faid, Tal{e, Eat, This is my Body which is broken for you: This do in remembrance of me. After the fame manner alfo he took^ the Cup, when he had fupped, faying. This Cup is the New Te- finment in my Blood, This do ye^ as oft as ye drinl{ it in remembrance of me ; For as often as ye eat this Bread,and drinks this Cup^ ye do fhew the Lord*s death till he come,^ Then let the Minijier fiy, THIS Bread and Wine being fet apart, and con- fecrated to this Holy ufe by God's appointment, are now no Gammon Bread and Wine, but Sacra- mentally the Body and Blood of Chrift. Then let him thus Pray, Aa^. ^9,^0. \yf ^ff merciful g>abiour,a;8: tI)ou I)aII iobeD m Rev. I CI Per. IVl to t\)z ticatl), awt) fufferen fo^ our fin0, t{)t TO lo I rn"' 2^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ffiinjuff, anu Ijaff infiituteo ti)\» !)oIp ii-^Heb 7 »*crament to be ufeD in remembrance of 2ri)ee if,i7.& n.z6. tin ti)^ coming; Mie beftecl) €:i)ee, bp thine inter:^ Jul). 4.IO sc6. ceffion tx>\t{) the father, through the Sacrifice of 6r R om. 8. 9, thj^ l5oDp anD 3i5IooD, gibe u$ the parnon of our fin^, Cola ^u^ thv quickening fpirit toithout tohich thejflefl) jahn 6 'i- ' ^i^^ ?^^it w^ nothing* reconcile U0 to t!)e jFather 5 Mat. 16. x6. iPourifF) m a0 thp ^ember^ to ^berlaSing 5tlife* Htb. 10. 12. Amen. John i. i-). Then let the Minifter take the Bread, and break it in the fight of the People, faying, T1& the fin0 of tljf iwno^iD* • Ih like manner let him take the Cup, and pour out the Wine in the fight of the Congregation, faying, Wb3i)omtfteib?opf)et;8f an^4ipome0 toeremfpireD/,pgj , ^ anD tl)e ®ini5er0 of orlj^iQ are qualifieD anD caliei?, A^t. * arf)^ifi, ixiiiom tlpu fanctifiel! t9 tl)e Slmage, am ' Cor. 12, n. f02 ti)e ferbice of tljeir ^ead, am comfo^teU tl;em ' p^*^- l^- ^^• tljat ttjep map fteto fo^tl) iii0 IPgaife : 3,Huminate f/ ^X, ;^* U0, that hp jfaitl] toe map te^ him tljat ijff l)ere re^ t8.Luk.^4.3«' p^efenteu to ws^ Soften our heartjs^, am humble Ezf:k.3(^. 26. ujff fo^ our Ux\0* g^anctifie antJ quicfeen uje^, t^at gech. n. 10. toe map veiif^ tlje fpiritual i?oor>, anu feeD on it to Ron^-s- >.J«'n. our jfliourithment anti grototh in dB^^ace. »l}f ^ ^6 V ' Ron? ? ab^oaD^tf)e lobe of dD^otJ upon our igeartjef, auD .-/ont. i. i. ' D^ato tl^em out in lobe to l)im* ifi\lxxfs totthEph.v 18,20. tljankfulneCflf ann l}olp 3iop, anD toitl) lobe to oiieR^m. 14: 17. anotljer ; comfort m b]^ toitneCTing that toe are tl)e iJ^^^"^' ^: «a:hil5?en of (15oD* Confirm 1x0 fo? neto SDhti^ieme. ^ ^J^;. , ^^' Be the earnel! of our Jinl^eritance, ann Teal ms u^ Bph. i. 13. 'i^ to eberlalling ilife* Amen. Then let the Minijler deliver the Bread thus confe- crated and broken to the Communicants, firft tak- ing and eating it himfelf as one of them, when he hath faid ; T^feepe, eatpe, %\)\0 i^theBoDp of -^n ofartli ^^ '°; pc°?J',^' peace . CB^cdD U^ill to)x»arD0 men* "iije tolple creation Mat. 18. 32*. 33'. U)an proclaim thp ip^aife^, Bleffing Igonour, <0lo^pRev. 3. ir. & anD Ipober be unto l)im tl)at fittetl) upon tlje Wij^oniy ^i •4. Rom. 8. anD unto the 30.amb foz eber anD eter. Mio^tljj? 10 3^* 39.Hcb.10. tije 5lamb that toa0 fiain to receive IPotoer, ^n^n^bgii^"^' igonour, anD (25lo^j>, fo? h^ W() reDeemeD U0 to Eph. 4. 3 o. dBioD b^ i}i0 bl(DD, anD maDe m iSing^, anD P^iefi0 Luke 7. 47. unto our dB^oD* mljexe fin abounDeD, (!5^ace ijatl) Mat- 18. 33. abounDen mucl; mo?e* 41hD Ijail tljou inoeeD foggi^ ' ^^J^" ^' ^^• betiufi fo great a Debt, bp fo precious <» Kanfom^pili •^•j^*^'^' ^it tijou inDeeD gibe u^ foreign 'mtlj Clj^iff in Rom 6.' i,i. (Silo^p, anD fee tl)V face, anD lobe thee, anD be be^: Coi. 3. z. Phil. lobeD of t(}0& fo^ eber ^ !9ea, %op) tl)ou Ijall fo^gi^a 8, i9,zo,z.i. ben U0, auD thou ioilt glb^ifie U0, fo^ tl}0u art faitl)^ }^^l hj- 10. ful that hafi p^omifeD. ^itf) tlje bl©D of iljp ^on, ^^^{ {'il'j., kiitl) ti)e Sacrament, anD toith tl)]^ spirit, tljou^ cor. 5I1;. h^U CeaitJ) up to 110 tliefe p^ecicuj^ p?omife0* 41nDEph.i."ii. l])all b3e not lobe tl)0e, that i)aU tI)U0 lobeD miM^.s.ie. ^haH toe not Job'e tip. ^erbant^, anD fo^gibe our J ?or. i. iz, ^eigl}bour0 tlm tittle Debt ^ lifter all tlji^ fljaH ^^e^J^l' , again fo^fake tl)ee, anD Deal faldp in ti\p cobenant ^ , pet. /. gjio. ^eigl}bour0 tlwiv tittle Debt^ lifter all tlji^ fljaH toe[jj^jj- again fo^fake tl)ee, anD Deal faldp in ti\p cobenant ^ , pei (Sot) fo^biD: SD fet our affections on ttie €t)ingj8fEph. ^['n abobe, b)l)ere glD^ifie ivom.6.2i. tij^ ^„ ^impluitp, anD (5oD!?^ ©inceritp, atiD not in jFlefljIp tuifoom, let uje^ tjalje our acriftf e to be acceptable tlj^ugt) Cti.ziH, ?afeful fo? tl)me Ipnour; 3i5emg maDt free from fin, anD become tt)|> §oerbant0. let U0 I)abe our fruit unto l^olinef^, anD tlje enD (^ttv^ faamg ^ife, tliyjugl) 31efu0 ^t\^ift our 3llo^D anD ^aljiour^ Ameri. Next add thg, or fome fuch Exhortation^ if there be Time, DEar Brethren, wc have been here feafted with the Son of God at his Table, upon his FJefh and Blood, in preparation for rhe Feaft of Endiefs Glory. You have feen here rcprefemed, what fin defcrveth, what Chrift fuffered, what wonderful Love the God of infinite Goodnefs hath expreffed to us. You have had Communion with the Saints, you have renewed your Covenant of Faith, and thankful Obedience unco Chrift j You have received his renewed Covenant of Pardon,' Grace and Glory unto you. O carry hence the lively Senfe of thefc great and excellent Things upon your Hearts : You came not only to receive the Mercy of an hour only, but that which may fpring up to endiefs Joy: You came not only to do the Duty of an hour, but to promife chat which \ ou muft perform while you live on Earth. Remember daily, efpecially when Temp- tations to unbelief, and finful heavinefs aflauit you, what pledges of Love you here received ; Remem- ber daily, efpecially when the Fielh, the Devil, or the World, would draw your Hearts again from God, and Temptations to fin arc laid before you ; what bonds God and your own confent have laid up- on The Reformed Liturgy. 3 7 on you. If you are penitent Believers, ysu are now forgiven, and wafhed in the Blood of Chrift. O go your Way, and fin no more. No more through wilfulnefs, and ftrive againft your fins of wcaknefs. Wallow no more in the mire, and re-, turn not to your vomit. Let the exceeding Love of Chrift conftrain you, having fuch Promifes, to cleanfeyourfelves from all filthinefs of Flefli and Spi- rit, perfccfting Holinefs in the fear of God ; And as ai chofen Generation, a Royal Priefthood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People, to be Zealous of good Works, and Jhew forth the Praifes of him that hath called you . Next fing part of the Hymn ia Meeter, or fome other fit Pfalm of Praife (as the 13. 1 16. or 103. or 100, ^c) And conclude with this or the like Bleffing. N £D Ui t\)t 's Declaration. Nor yet the Child of Parents juftly excommunicate, or that live in any notorious, fcandalous fin, or have lately committed fuch a fin fas if the Child be gotten in Adultery or Fornication) and being juftly convic^t of it, refufeth penitently to confefsi it, and promifc Reformation. But if either of the Parents be duly qualified, an4 prefent the Child to be baptized (or another for them in cafe they cannot be prefent) the Child is to be received uni^o Baptifm. And if both the natural Parents are Infidels, Ex- communicate, or otherwife unqualified, yet if any- become the Pro-parents and owners of the Child, and undertake to educate it in the Faith of Chrift, and Fear of] God, an4 fo. prefent it to be Baptized : Let it be done by a Minifter whofe judgment doth approve it, but let no Minifter be forced to it againft his judgment. Let the parents or owners come to ^the Minifter at fome convenient time the week be- fore, and acquaint him when they intend to offer their Child to Baptifm, and give an account of their forefaid capacity, and receive his further Minifterial afliftance for the fuller underftanding of the ufe and benefits cf the Sacrament, and their own duty. The Font is to be placed to the greateft conveniency of the Minifter and People. The Child, or Children being there prefented, the Minifter may begin with this or the like Speech diredted to the Parent, or Pa- rents (that prefentcth it.) THat you may perform this fervice to God with underftanding, you muft know, that God ha- ving made Man in his own Image, to love and ferve him, our firft Parents wilfully corrupted themfelves by fin, and became the Children of Death, and the Captives of Satan, who had overcome them by, his Temptation : And as by one Man fin entred into the World, and death by {\i\ fo death pafled upon all, for that all have finned, and came (hort of the glory of God. We arc conceived in fin, and are by Na- ture children of wrath : For who. can bring a clean Thing out of an unclean. By the offence of one^ Julgment cam.c iipo^;i all men to condemnation. • ■ " • ■' ••• • ■ ■■ ' But:' The Reformed LitHrgy, 5^ But the infinite Wifdom and Love of the Father hath fenc his Son to be the Saviour of the World. The Word was madeFlefh, and dwelt on earth, and overcame the Devii and the World; fulfilled all Righteoufnefs, and fuff'ered for our fins upon the Crofs, and rofe again, and reigneth in Glory, and will come again, and judge the World in righteoufnefs. In him God hath made and offered to the world a Covenant of Grace, and in it the pardon of fin to all true penitent Believers, and power to be the Sons of God and Heirs of Hea- ven : This Covenant is extended to the feed alfo of the Faithful, to give th'^m the benefits fuitabJe to their Age, the Parents dedicating them unto God, and entring them into the Covenant, and fo Go4 in Chrift, will be their God, and number them with his People. This Covenant is to be folemnly entred into by Baptifm (which is an holy Sacrament inftituied by Chrift, in which a perfon profefling the Chriftiaii Faith (or the Infant of fuchj is baptized in Water into the Name of the Father, -Son, and Holy Ghoft, in fignification and folemnization of the holy Cove- nant, in which, as a penitent Believer, (or the Sttd. of fiich) he giveth up himfeif (or is by the Parent given up) to God the Father, Son, and Holy Gfaoft, from henceforth (or from the time of natural capa- city) to believe in, love and fear this blclfed Trinity, againft the Flefll, the Devil and the World; and this efpecially on the account of Redemption : And is folemnly entred a Vilible Member of Chrift and bis Church, a Child of God, and an Heir of Hea- ven. How great now is the mercy, and how great the duty that is before you ? Is it a fmall mercy for this Child to be accepted into the Covenant of God, and wafhed from its Original fin in the blood of Chrift, which is (ignified and fealed by this Sacra- mental wafhing in Water, to be accepted as a Ment- ber of Chrift and of his Church, where he vouch- fafeth his protection and provifion, and the means and Spirit of Grace, and the renewed pardon of fin . upon repentance, and for you to fee this happinefs of your Child? The duty.on your part, is, firft to fee that ycu are ftedfaft in the Faith and Covenant of Chrift, 40 The Reformed Liturgy , Chrift, that you perifh not yourfelf, and that your Child is indeed the Child of a Believer: And then you are bclievingly and thankfully to dedicate your Child to Godiy and to enter it into the Covenant in which you ftand. And you muft know, that your Faith and Confent, and Dedication will fufiice for your Children no longer then till they come to age themfelves, and then they muft own their Baptifmai Covenant, and perlonaliy renew it, and confent, and give up themfelves to God, or elfe they will not be owned by Chrift. You muft therefore acquaint them with the Dodirine of the Gofpel as they grow up, and with the Covenant new made, and bring them up in the fear of the Lord. And when they are ad:uaijy penitent Believers, they muft prefent them- felves to the Paftors of the Church, to be approved and received into the Communion of the Adult Be- lievers. If the Pcrfons be before well irftrudked in the nature of Baptifm, and Time require brevity, the Mini- fter may omit the firft part of this Speech, and begin at the defcription of Baptifm, or after it. If there be need of fatisfying the People of the duty of Baptizing Infants, the Minifter may here do it ; otherwife let the Qiicftions here immedi- ately follow. The Minifter [hall here f^y to the Parent^ and the Parent anfvfer m foSoxveth, TT being the faithful and their Seed to whom the -*• the Promifes are made; and no Man will fincere- Jy dedicate his Child to that God that he believeth not in himrdf ; I therefore require you to makePro- fcflion of your own Faith. Queft, Do ym believe in God tJje Father Almigk^ '7, &c. j^nfw. All this I do unfeigned ly believe. Queft. Do you recent of your fins, and renounce the Fle/h, the Devil, and the PVorlH, and confent to the Co- venant of Grace, giving up ynurfelf to God the Father^ Son and Holy Ghofl, oi your Creator tuid reconciled Fa-- fher^ your {{tdeemer and your Santlifler ? Anfvp'. The Reformed Liturgy, 41 Anfvo. I do. [Or thus rather, if the Parent be fit to utter his own Faith.] Queft. Do you remain ft eadfaFt in the Covenant which you made in Bapti/m yourfelf? Anfvp, Repenting of my fins, I do renounce the Flefli, the Devil, and rhe World, and I give up my felf to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, my Creator and reconciled Father, my Redeemer and my San(^ifier.3 Queft. Do you frefent and dedicate this Child unto Godi fobe Baptised into this Faitb^ and fulemnly enga' ged in this Covenant unto God the Father^ Son^ and Holy Ghoft, againft the Flefls^ the Devil, and thefVorld? Anjvp. It is my defirc (or) 1 do prefenr, and de- dicate him for this end. Queft. Do you here folemnly promife, that if God con* tinue it with you tiS it be capable of InftruHions, you will faithfully endeavour to acquaint this Child with the Cove^ nant in which he was here by you engaged^ and to inftruB and exhort him to perform this Covenant, as ever he lookj for the blefpngs of it, or to efcape the eurfes and wrath of God ; that is, that he renounce the Flejfh, the fVorld, and the Devil, and live not after them : And that he believe in this One God, in Three perfons, the Father, Son and Holy Gboil, his Creator, B^deemer and SanBifier, That he refign himfelf to him as his abfolute Owner, and obey him as his Supream Govemour, and love him as his mo!f gracious Father, hoping to enjoy him as his Felicity in endlefs Glory ? Anfw, I will faithfully endeavour it. Queft. Will you to this end faithfully endeavour to caufe him to learn the Articles of the Chriftian Faith, the Lords Prayer, and the ten Commandments, and to read, or hear the holy Scriptures, and to attend en the publick. Preaching of Gods Word ? Will you endeavour by your own Teaching, and Example^ and l{eftraint, to keep him from Wicl^edneft, and train him up in a holy Life ? Anfw^ I wilUaitbfttlly endeavour it by the help of Goda Then 42r The Reformed Liturgy, Then let the Minifter pray thus, or to this Sciife. Rom. ^ u. y^ Gi^ott merciful ;f artier, b^ tl)e firU Admi fin Eph. 2.^ Jjn. ^^ cntrcD into ti]e too^D, ano Deatl) bp fia, anD '■ \^c' \ihl\- ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^1^ nature ctiilD^en of In^ath ^ but ti)Ou Heb 9 x6 ft^ff yibcn t[)f onip ^on to be t[)t feeD of tl;e icio^ RcT. I. If. tnan, t[)z ^abiour of the ^HloglD, tl)e cftaptairi of ouc Rom. f. lo. ^altiation, to T^iit atuap fm hv tl)e facrifice of ijimfelf, Tit. ?. ^ ^0^- ann to luafi) U0 in !]i0 blcoDi anu reconcile ub unto 10 Gen. 1*7. ^i."^^"^ ^3^^" ""^^^ onr feet : 3n him thou hatt lo', II. Eiek. cftabliiljCD ttje (zrobenant of C^A^tce, auD haft appoints 20. 57. Rom. 6. eD thiB holf Sacrament of I5aptifm fo^ our folemrt 3, 4. Tit. 3. 5- dntrancT into tf)e Bontije? of tl)e cirotenant, ant) fta:^ r rf^;7^Rom ^"S "^ "^ ^*^^ Bleffina0 of it, toljich rt)Ou ejttenDeH 9 8 Aa's 2. ?9.* fo fi)^ faitl)ful anD their feeu. mz neuicate ano offer Matth. zi. 37. tfji^ a^ biOUr^ Amen. Therl the Minifter (hall aflc of the Parent the Name of the Child to be Baptized, arid naming him, fhall either dip him under the Water, or elfe pour Water upon his Face, if he cannot be fafely or conveniently dipt, and fhall ufe thefe Words with- out Alteration. 3f| 3i5apti?e tl;ee in the iliame of the jfatljer, anD of tlje ^on, anD of the igolp Oljoft* And he (hall thus Declare. *TPHis Child is now receiv'd by Ghrift's appointment -^ into his Church, and folemnly entrcd into the holy Covenant, and engaged, if he lives to the ufc of Rcafon, to rife with Chrill to newnefs of life, as - being buried with him by Baptilm, and to bear his Crofs, The Reformed LHnrgy, ^^ Crofs, and confefs Chrift crucified, and faithfully to fight under his Banner againft the Flelh, the De- vil^ and the World, and to continue his faithful Souldier and Servant to the death, that he may re- ceive the Crown of Life. Then he fhall give Thanks and Pray. Wc tlmk tljet, moff merciful ifatljtr, tl)at iuIjmRom. s- 12,18. toe fjatj broken tl)p Jlaix), anti loere conriemneD Gai. m 5. h^it, thou hair gibeu U0 a ^abiour, ann life in Ijim, I j.^^- ^-^i- auD fjaU ejrtenneD thF orobenant of (!5pce to 3i5elieb^ ^%^' }^- er0, auDto^tljeir faeD, antJ haf! noto reeeibeo thi^,, phr;"! ta:hil^ into tip eobenant ann (Sljurclj, a^ a '^zvahtx^. z Cor.' 8.5. of ch^id bp t\)\0 Sacrament of iRegeneration^ ?aie Waim i ly. 94.. befeech t^ee, let Ijim groto up in l^oiinef^ ; anu toljen ^p^- /• h- I)e come0 to ^twc}& of oifcretion, let tlm spirit X2^ Matrh iz. 37. beal unto him tlje mp^erie^ of tl)e (25ofpeI, ann tl)e . ^ l^^ „ ^°* riclje^of tl)p lobe in lefujer cl^^iS^ auD caufe him to& 30. pfai iV. reneio ano perform tije cobenant ti)at he l)ath noU) ^. sc 27. 4- matJe, auD to refign himfelf, anD an tijat I}e ^^tXyJ^^-i-^^Tiz, entirely unto t\)'^ l)i0 3lo^D, to be fubject ano obenir^ ^-{^ J'<\\ mt to :^i)C^ Uvs C5obernour, auD.to lobe tljx Iji^ iFa^oii 5 u Mat! tl)Ci irith all Ijisi l^eart, anti fcul, ano might, ant? 6. 1's.'pfai. 81! aoijere unto tliee, anD Delight in tijee a0 tljt 3do^tidn li. J^m. 1. 14. of hi^f^ouf, Defiring ant) hoping to en|op'tl)ee in L^^^e 1.71. eberlaffing (3io:iv* ^abe him from tl}e ^uUs; ano ^ j 2^\'°; * 4!Ilurement0 of the ifiefl;, the SITemptations of the 1 cor* 6 14. JDebil, ano the bait^ of the pleafure, profit anD 1)0:^ i Pet.i.'i. nour of t(je Mfo^lD, anD from all tlje corruptions of j-h. 9. 31- ijvs oten Ijeart, anD all tl)e hurtful biolence of l)ij8f ^^Jj- 9- 2.3. Of nemiei8f> iaeep tjim in communion Mti) ti}e faints:, ^^°- ^- ^ °' in tlje lobe anD ufe of tfjp (KHo^d anD aiorlI;ip. %et ^^^^' ^' ^ him Denv Ijimfelf, anD tafee up Ijis mot0 anD foUobii dj^ia the ocaptain of l)i0 l^albation, anD be faith^ ful unto the Death, anD tfjenreceibetljectrotonoflife, th^ouglj 3|eru0 €1)^10. our ^abiour,. Then u/e this Exhortation or the lil^eto the Parents. YOU that have devoted this Child to God, and engaged it in Covenant to him, muft be thank- ful for fo great a mercy to the Child, and muft be faithful in performing what you have promifed on your parts, in inttrudling and educating this D d d Chili 4^. The Kefornted Liturgy, Child in the Faith and fear of God, that he may own and perform the Covenant now made, and receive all the bleffings which God hath proniiifed.-^ Hear what God hath made your Duty, Eph, 6. 4. Fathers provoke not your Children to v/rath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Prov. 22. 6. Train up a Child in the Way he Ihould go, and when he is old he will not depart from it, ?rov, 29. 15. The Rod and Reproof give Wifdom, but a Child left to himfelf bringeth his Mother to fhame. Deut, 6. 5, 6, 7. Thou Ihalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy Sou], and with all thy might ; and thefe "Words which I command thee this Day, ihall be in thy Heart, and thou flialt teach them diligently un- to thy Children, and thou (halt talk of them when thou fitteft in the Houfe, and when thou walkeft by the Way, and when thou lieft down, and when thou rifeft up. Jofhutt faith, Jofh. 24. i «5. As for me and my Houfe we will ferve the Lord. And Paul faith of Timothy^ 2 Tim. 3. 15. From a Child thou haft known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wife unto Salvation, through Faith which is in Chrift Jefus. Then [ay to the People thus, or to this Senfi, YOU have heard Beloved, how great a dignity we were advanced to in our Batifm, to how great Duty we are all engaged. O fearch and try, whether you have kept or broken the Covenant which you made, and have lived according to the dignity of your Calling. And if any of you be Atheifts, Unbelievers, or Ungodly, and love not God above all, and neglect: Chrift and his Salvation, and are yet unfandtified, and live after the FJelh, the Devil, and the World, which you here renoun- ced ; as you love your Soul?, bewail your perfidious Covenant-breaking with God. Truft not the Wa- ter of Baptifm alone : If you are not born again of the Spirit alfo, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, Joh.-^. 5, 6. Baptifm will not fave you, if you have not the anfwer of a good Confcience unto God, I Pet, 3. 21. If any M^i have not the Spiril The Reformed Liturgy, 45 Spirit of Chrift, che fame is none of his, I{pm. 8. 9. Much lefs thofe wretches that hate Sandtification, and defpife and fcorn a holy Life, when they were by Baptifna engaged to the Holy Ghoft the Sanai- fier ; Can^you thyik to be faved by the Covenant, which you keep not ? O no ! Your perfidicufnels aggravateth your Sin and Mifery. Ecclef. 5. 4, 5. When thou vovvcft a vow to God, defer not to pay it, for he hath no pleafure in Fools: Pay that which thou haft vowed; better it is that thou fliouldeft not vow,than ,ihat thou (houideft vow and not pay. O blefs the Lord, that it is a Covenant of fuch Grace which is tendred to you. That upon true Repentance and Converfion, even your Covenant-breaking (hall be forgiven j And therefore penitently caft down yourfelves before the Lord, and believingly caft yourfelves oi\ Chrift, and yield to the teachings, and fanc^ifying Opera- lions of the Holy Ghoft. Yet know the Day of your Viiitation, and forfake the Flefli, the Devil, and the World, and turn to God with all your Hearts, and give up yourfelves intirely to your Cre- ator, Redeemer, and Sandtifier, and he will have Mercy upon you, and will abundantly pardon you. But if you ftili live after the Flefli, you fhall die: And if you continue to negle(-it this great Salvation, there remaineth no more Sacrifice for Sin, but a cer- tain fearful looking for of Judgment, and Fire^ which ihall devour ^e Adverlaries. Let no Children be privately baptized, rior any Minifter forced to baptize them any where, befides in the Publick Alfemblyj unlefs upon fome fpecial weighty Caufe. If there be occafion for baptizing the Adult, let the Minifter accordingly fuit his Ex; prefiRons. Ddd 2 Of 46 The Reformed Liturgy. Of Catechizing^ and the Affrohation of thofe that are to be admitted to the Lord's Supper. o SEeing none can be faved at Years of difcretion, that do not adtually believe, and perfonally give up themfelves in Covenant to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft ; Therefore as Parents muft do their Parts, fo Minifters muft Catechize the Ignorant, and diligently labour to caufe thena both to learn the Form of wholefome Words (even the Lords Prayer, and the ten Commandments, and fome brief, yet full and found Catechifm) and to underftand the meaning of them, and to engage their Hearts into the love of God, and a holy Obedience to his Laws. To this end, let the Minifter either every Lords Day, before the Evening Prayers, or at fome con- venient Hour, or on fome other Day of the Week, as oft as he can, examine publickly fuch as are not admitted to the Lords Supper, and take an account of their Learning, and underftanding the Creed, the ten Commandments, the Lords Prayer, and the Catechifm. And let him by queftioning and ex- plication, help them to underftand them ; And let fuch of the feveral Families of the Parilh come in their turns, when they are called by the Minifter to be thus Catechized. Alfo let the Minifter either go to their Houfes, or rather appoint the Perfons afore- faid in their courfes at a certain Hour and Place (in the Church or any other fit Place) to come to him for perfonal InftrUcStions, where he may confer with thofe that are unmeet to be catechized Publickly, or unwilling to fubmit to it, and there with humble, prudent, ferious Inftrudiion and Exhortation, let him endeavour to acquaint them with the fubftance of Chriftian Faith and Duty, and to help them to make fure their Calling and Eledion, and to pre- pare for Death and Judgment, and exhort them to love, and to good works, and warn them leaft they be hardened through the deceitfulnefs of Sin. But let him not in publick or private meddle with Im- The Reformed Liturgy, 47 Impertinencies, or fpend the Time about fmaller Matters, or fingular Opinions, nor fift People to know Things unfit, or unneceflary to be difclofed, nor meddle with Matters that do not concern him, as a Minifter, to enquire after ; But heJp them to leatn, and underftand, and pradice the Chriftian Religion cxprelTed in the Catechifm. L Hhe Catechifm, E T none be admitted by the Minifter to the ^^ ^he Ru^ Sacrament of the Lords Supper, till they bave^^^'m/'^an^''''" at Years of difcretion underftood the meaning of Confirmation their Bapcifnnial Covenant,and with their own Mouths, in theCommon and their own confent openly before the Church, ^''^vf^^^"^^',* ratified and confirmed, and alfo promifed, that by the declaration ^ ^ Grace of God, they will evermore endeavour them- concerning Ec- felves faithfully to obferve and keep fuch Things as clefiafiical Af- by their Mouth and Confeflion they have afTented ^^^^ to ; And fo being inftruc^ed in the Chriftian Religi- on, do openly make a credible Profeffion of their own Faith, arid promife to be obedient to the Will of God. A ProfeHion is credible, when it is made under- ftandingly, ferioufly, voluntarily, deliberately, and not nullified by contradiction in Word or Deed. And that Profeflion is incredible, that is made igno- rantly, ludicroufly, forcedly, ralhly, or chat is nul- lified by verbal or praiftical contradidliop. And it mufl be practice firft, that muft make Words credi- ble, when the Perfon by perfidiournefs hath forfeit- ed his Credit. It is not private Perfons only, but the Paflors of the Church that mufl approve of this Profeffion. Therefore befote any are admitted to the Lords Supper, they fhall give a good account of their Knowledge, Faith, and Chriftian Converfation conformable thereunto, unto the Paftors of their re- fpedive Congregations, or el fe fhall produce a Cer- tificate, that they have been approved or admitted to the Lords Supper in another Congregation, of which they were Members, and that by an al- lowed Minifter , upon fuch approved Profeflion as aforefkid. Ddd 3 If ^8 The Reformed Liturgy. If the Pcrfon be able and willing, let him before the Congregation give the foreiaid account at large of his Knowledge, Faith and Obedience: But if through backwardnefs, or difability for publick Speech, he lliall refufe it, Ice him make the fame ProfelTion privately to the Minifter, and own it in the AlTcmbly, when the Minii^er fliali declare it, and ask him whether he owns it; But unlefs it be in cafe of fome extraordinary natural Im per fe61i on, and difability of utterance. Jet him at Jeaft openly recite th€ Creed, and profeis his confent to the Covenant with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Let the Minifter of every Parifti keep a double Regifter ; one of the Names of all that are there baptized, another of the Names of all that are ap^ proved upon their forefaid credible Profeflion, and fo admitted into the number of Communicants, or that have a certificate of fuch Approbation, regular- ly, elfewhere performed. And if Confirmation be continued, let His Maje- fty's Declaration be obfcrved, requiring [[That Con- firmation be rightly and folemnly performed, by the Information, and with the confent of the Minifter of the Place.] Let no Minifter be inforced to admit any himfelf to the Lords Supper, who hath been clancuJarly and irregularly approved. Thofe that after this Approbation, prove fcanda- lous offenders, fhall not by the Minifter be fuffered to partake of the Lords Table, until they have open- ly declared themfelves to have truly repented^ and amended their former naughty lives. Of the Celebration of Matrimony. BEforc the Solemnizing of Marriage between any Perfons, their porpoie of Marriage fhall be pubi- lilhed by the Minifter, three feveraJ Lords days in the Congregation, at the Place or Places of their moft ufuai Abode refpediively. And of this Publi- ^^tion, tl^e Miniflcc who is to joyn them in Marriage, Ml The Reformed Liturgy. 49 fhall have fufficient Teftimofiy, before he proceed to folemnize the Marriage; the Parents confent being firft fulficiently made known. Ac the CeJebration, the Minifter (hall cither by a Sermon, or other Exhortation, open to them the In- ftitution, Ends, and Ufe of Marriage, with the con- jugal Duties which they are faithfully to perform to each -Other. And then (hall demand of them whe- ther it be their defire and purpofc to be joyned to- gether in the Bond of the Marriage-Covenant, and if they anfwer affirmatively, he (hall fay to them. I reqtiire and charge you, as you will anfwer at the dreadful Day of Judgment f when the fecrets of all Hearts (hall be difclofed) that if either of you do know any Impediment by Prccontradl or other- wife, why you may not lawfully be joyned together in Marriage, you difcover it, and proceed not. If no Impediment be difcovered by them or others^ he (hall proceed to Pray. M^Q merciful jfatfjer, hrfjo Ijaff o^tiameD ^ar^: Gen. 1. 18. &i. riage fo? mutual Ijeip anD fo? Uje increafe of ^^- Mai. 2. i^ mankinD \x)it^ a legitimate Wnty anD of tlje (XT^urclj l,^^^- 7. 14. 9. toith a igolp feeu, anD fo^ p^ebention of uncleannef^ j p,;^ ^^'^' mt(0 tlip oton ^^Dinance to tl^efe perfon^, tijat eti^ Eph /"z-" &d tring tl)i0 Sate of ^parriage in tl)p fear, tfjep map Mai.' z*. t7, iS- tt)tve intirelp Debote tljemfelte unto tljae, anD beP^ai.i^? ?. faitijful in all conmgal Wettiong anD Dutiejar unto,^'f-^9.i3»i4. eaclj otljer, [anD if t^ou biet0 ^m \xiitt) €t)HDm^v^^k\^^']t''^' , ■, ^ ^ . let tljem be DeboteD untop?o\o; u r 'J Ri r""K^' " """t ^^^^ ^^^ accepteD asi tljint Eph. 6.' 4. belaid, Blefs them with ^L,^ ^»-„ uiJr^>, iJi*^ *i.« ti\. . - Children, and let them be *^^"' ^^^^ ^^i^^\ ^^^^ [W ' p-^- '; '•/' devoted, &c. Qxact, auD eDUfateD m tt)p' Tim. 3.11. fear^ S)ubDue tljofe co^rup^^f/'^^'^'^- . tion0 tljat tooulD make tijein libejS^ unl)Olp 0^ uncom;:; Gei^i iV fo^table, auDDeliber tljemfrom temptations toim^p.o ">/i8.'* p;etp, too^lDlinefjB^, unquietnefs, Difcontent 0^ Dit^ ^tb iq. z6. affection to eacf) otljer, 0^ to anp unfaitl)fulner0 to 9' ' "^ ^^* U)ee 0^ to eael) otljer ■-, make tl)em mert Iielp^ to tad) p ^ * • '^°' otijer in tlj^ fear, anD in ti)t latoful manage mrnt of '^ [^ \ •/ 1' tlje 41ffairj^ nf fi)i$ ©ho^IDv Jlet tljem mt limDer,joh.i7.i.l" but p^obofee one anotlier to ?lobe znh to ^mVi ^x^lS; anD fo^efws ft^ ^^V ^^ ^^^^^' feparaticn bp Dcatl), JD D D 4 • let; 50 Ihc Reformed Liturgy. let tl)cm fpeiiU tlicir IDapjsf in an l)oIv Ip^epara^: tion, anD libc Ijcre togetl)er a^ tl)e igeir^ of life tl)at mud riloice at tl)c great ti^arriage tiap of tlie Jlamb- aiitJ libe fo; eber ijoiti) ^I),2ili ann all tl)e fjo^ Ip lnael0 anD ^aintis^ in tl)e F^f f^nce of tljp gto^p* Amen. The Woman if (he be under Parents or Gover- nours, being by one of them, or fome deputed by them, given to be married, the Man with his Righc hand ihalL take the Woman by the Right hand and iTiall fay, 31. 41. no take t\)tt B* to be my S^arrieD lOiife, anD no p^omite anD ccobenant in tl)e p^efence of c3on, ano fcefo,2e tlii0 (Congregation, to be a lobing ann faitl)ful Jgu^bann to tl)a^» txVi (^on fijall feparate \xsi bp neatlj^ Then the Woman fhall take the Man by the Righc hand, with her Right hand, and fay, 3I» ^* no take tI)o^ X to be tnp s^arrieD \^^ii!S^ bann, ann 3fl no p^otnife ann (irobmant in tl^t p^e^ feme of ^on, ann before tl)i0 congregation, to be a lobing, obeDieiit, ann faitliful (KLiife unto tlj(t, tin (2i3oD fljdU feparate \x$ bp ncatlj* Then let the Minifter fay, 2:i)Cfe tttio iderfon^ 41. ann 315. being latofuITp marnen acro^ning to (I3on0 €>?ninance, 31 no p^o^ mmvs tljem ir^u0banD ann c^aiire. 4]un tljofe U^Ijom (25on f)atl) con omen, let nodpan put afunner. Next he may read the Duty of Husbands and Wives out of Ephef. 5. 2. Col. 4. i. i Pet. 3. and PAivi 118. or fome other pertinent Pfalm may be faid or I'ung : And let the Minifter exhort them to their fevcral Duties, and then Pray : On. i8. ?. \yf^^ merciful jfatfjer, let tljv ISlerfingfi: re0 Ti'.i.i5. AVI upon tljefe iperfon^, nolo jopnen in latoful I Tim. 4. y. c^arriage, ^anctifie tljcm ann their ar^nberfatienjer, '1 -ihlfTii' -^^^^"^ Jfawilpi (BQ^m. ann Aifftiir^ uuto thp (Bio;y, The Refornted Liturgy, 5 1 jFurnift ti)m \x^iti) lobe to tlj^e anD to eacl) otI)er,Eph. 5. 15. toitl) m^kneft^, patience anD contentennef^*!^'f_5.2i. 3let tljem not lite unto tl>e jfleU), but unto tijeggi.i.g. ' '^' spirit, tljat of tlie Spirit tl)ep map reap eberlaCing 5(Life, tl)gougl) 31efu^ (a:l)?ifi our %m ^"^ ^abiour^ Amen. Then let him conclude with a Benediaion. G€)3D 41ImigI}tp, tl)e creator meneemer anD ^anctifier, ftlef^ pou in pour ^oul0 anD 150^ iJiejer, j?amilp anD atffair^, anb p^eferbe pou to iji^ ijeabenip BingDom* Amen. The Vijltation of the Sick.^ and their Communion. THE Vifitation of the Sick being a private Duty, and no part of the Publick Liturgy of the Church, and the cafe of the Sick being fo exr ceeding various, as to Soul and Body ; and it being ' requifite that Minifters be able to fuit their Exhorta- tions and Prayers to the condition of the Sick, let the Words of fuch Exhortations and Prayers be left to their Prudence. So urgent is the neceility of the fick, and fo fea- fonable and advantageous the opportunity, that Mi- nifters may not negligently over-pafs them, but in love and tendernefs inftrudt them according to their feveral Conditions ; endeavouring the Converfion of the ungodly, the ftrengthning of the weak, and comforting fuch as need Confolation, direding them how to improve their Affli£tions, and helping them to be fenfible of the evil of Sin, the negligen- ces and mifcarriages of their Lives, the vanity of the World, their neceHity of a Saviour, the fuffici- ency of Chrift, the certainty and excellency of the Everlafting Glpry ;. Exhorting them to Repentance and to Faith in Chrift, and to fet their AfFe^ions on the Things above; And ^f they are penitent Believers) comforubly to hope for ihe Kingdom wbi^h 52 The Reformed Liturgy. which God hath promifed to them that love him, committing their Souls to their Redeemer, and quietly refting in the will, and love, and promifes of God ; Refolving if God (hall recover them to health, to redeem the Time, and live the reft of their Lives unto his Glory. And being willing, if it be their appointed Time, to depart and be with Chrift : And they muft be exhorted to forgive fuch as have wronged them, and to be reconciled to thofe with whom they have been at variance, and to make a pious, juft, and charitable difpofal of their World- ly Eftates. The Order for Solemnizing the Buriai of the Dead, IT is agreeable to Nature andReligion,that theBurial of Chilians be folemnly and decently performed. As to the Cafes; Whether theCorps fhall be carried firft into the Church, that is to be buried in the Church- yard ; And whether it (hall be buried before the Ser- mon, Reading, or Prayer, or after, or in the midlt of the reading, or whether any Prayer (hall be made at the Grave, for the Living; Let no Chrif^ians un- charitably judge one another about thefe Things. Lee no People keep up groundkfs ufages, that being fupicious, grieve their Minifter and offend their Brethren. Let no Minifter that fcrupleth the fatis- fying of Peoples ungrounded delires in fuch Things; be forced to do it againft his Confcience; and lee Miniiterf that do ufe any of thefe Cuftoms or Cere- monies, have liberty, when they fufpedl that the People delire them upon fome Error, to profcfs againft that Error, and teach the People better. Whether the Minifter come with the Company that brings the Corps from the Houfe, or whether he meet them, or receive them at the burial Place, is to be left to his own dilcretion. But while he is with them, let him gravely difcourfe of Mans Mor- tality, and the ufefal Truths and Duties thence to be inferred : And either at the Grave, or in the Read- The Refornted Liturgy. 5 5 Reading Place, or Pulpit, by way of Sermon, ac- cording to his difcretion. Let him (at leaft if it be defired) inftrudk and exhort the People concerning death, and the life to come, and their neceflary pre- paration ; feeing the fpei^acle of Mortality, and the feafon of Mourning, do tend to prepare Men for a fober confiderate entertainment of fuch Inftrudtions : And he may read fuch Scriptures as may mind them of Death , Refurredtion , and Eternal Life, as I Cor, 15. or from verfe 10, to the end, And Jobi^ 21. G? 19. 25, 26, 27. John 11.25, 2^. ^ 5. 28, 29. And his Prayer Ihali be fuited to the occaiion. whenever the Rain, Snow, or Coldnefs of the feafon, make it unheahhful to the Minifter or People to ftand out of Doors, at leaft then let the Read- ing, fixhoitafeton, and Pravers, be ufed within the Church. Of Extraordinary Days of HumiUatiotty and Hhank^giving^ and Anniverfary , Fejiivals, WHEN great afflicftions lye upon the Church, or any fpecial part or Members of it, or when any great Sins have been Committed among them, it is meet that in Publick, by fafting and prayer, we humble our felves before the Lord, for the avert- ing of his difpleafure; and on fuch occadons it is the Paftors duty to confefs his own, and the Peoples (ins, with Penitence, and tendernefs of heart, and by his Doctrine and Exhortation, to Endeavour effe(3;ually to bring the People to the fight and fenfe of their Sin, and the deferts of it, and to a firm Re- folucion of better obedience for the time to come, being importunate with God in Prayer for pardon and renewed Grace. Upon the receipt of great and extraordinary Mer- cies, the Church (having opportunity) is to Aflembk for publick Thankfgiving unto God, and the Mini- ver to ftir up the People to a lively fenfe of the? great- 54 The Reformed Liturgy, grcatnefs of thofe Mercies, and joyfully to Cele- brate the praifes of God, the Author of them. And it is not un neet on thefe Days to exprefs our joying in Feafting and outward figns of Mirth, pro- vided they be ufrd moderately, fpiiitually, and in- oft'en lively, and not to gratifie our fenfuai defires, and chat we relieve the poor in their necelfities (which alfo on days of Humiliation and other Sea- fons, we muft not forget.) The occalions of fuch days of Humiliation and Thankfgiving bein^ fo va- rious, as cannot be well fuited by any (landing Forms, the Minifler is to apply himfelftothe re- fpedkive Duties, fuitable to the particular occalions. Though it be not unlawful or unmeet to keep An- niverfary Commemoration by Feftivals, of fome great And notable Mercies to the Church or State, the memory whereof fhould be tranfmitted to pofte- rity ; nor to give any Perfons their due Honour who have been the Inftruments thereof: Yet becaufe the Feftivals of the Churches l^iftitution now obferved, are much abufed, and many fober Godly Perfons, Minifters, and others, are unfatisfied of the Law- f ulnefs of the Celebrating them as Holidays, let the abufe be reftrained; and let not the Religious ob- fervation of thofe Days by publick Worlhip, be for- ced upon any that are thus unfatisfied, provided ihey forbear all oftcnfive behaviour thereupon. Of Prayer and Thdnl{sgJV7rjg for Parti- chlar Members of the Chnrch* B Elides the Petitions that are put up for all in fuch diftreffes, in the General Prayer, it is meet that Perfons in dangerous ficknefs, or other great afflidion of Body or Mind; and Women that are near the Time of Child-bearing, when they defire it, Ihall be particulaiy recommended to God in the Publick Prayers of the Church. Becaufe all the Members confticute one Body, and muft have the fame Care one for another, as futfering all with one ihac fuffeieth, and rejoicing all with one that is ho* noured. The Reformed Liturgy. 55 noured: And the effed:ual fervent Prayer of the Righteous, efpecially of the whole Congregation, availeth much with Caod. But becaufe difeales, di- ftrcfles, and grief of Mind, are fo various that no Forms that are Particular can fuit them all ; And be- caufe every Minifter fhould be able to fuit his Pray- ers to fuch various Neceflities of the People: We defire-, that it may be left to his difcretion to pray for fuch according to their feverai Cafes, before or after Sermon. But we deiire that except in cafe of fudden neceflity, they may fend in their Bills of Re- queft to him, the night before, that he may confider of their Cafes, and may publilh only fuch, and in fuch Expreflions, as in prudence he ihall judge meet for the Ears of the Aflembly. In the more ordinary Cafes of Perfons in ficknefs, danger, and diftrefs, and that are delivered from them J thefe following Prayers may be ufed, or fuch like. A Prayer for the Sick, that is in hopes of Recovery.' \4'5Dtt merciful jfatljer, arijoiigi) our ^m Dotfj Num. 31.2 V ^^ finD m out, anD toe are jufilp affiitteD fo,: our i ukc Z3. 41. 2Erranfgreff!on0, pet are toe not confumeo in t\)i^ Lom. 5. zx, to^atl); h\xt tlpu punilljefi m tef0 t\)m our 3|ni:= ^^'^ ^- '5- quitted Do Defertie; tlpujjl) tt)ou caufei! (25^ief, ^^et toi4t tl)0u f)abe cotnpaffton acco^oing to tl)e tnulti^Lam. 3. r.3?. tixu of t\)v mercieje^, fo^ tl)0u 008 not toiDinglp afflict anD gfiebe tI)ec(i:|)ilD^en of men: €l)ou rebibeS ifa. y;. ly, i<;, tl)e fpirit of tl)e Ijumble, anD the heart of the con^ 17. trite ones^, fo^ tljou toilt not contenD foj eber, neither Pf^i- ^s- 1 8. toilt tljou be altoap^ to^otl), fo^ the fpirit tooulD fait * before tlj0^, anD tl)e a^oul tol)icii tI)ou f^aC maDe* Hl(Bk Doton in tenDer mercp on t\)Z affliction of t^,is s^ 6. i. tl)p ^erbant ; SD JLo^D, rebuke him not in tljp^ 38.5?. to^atl); neitljgr ci^Qtn him in thP hot Difpleafure* . 41U l)isi Defire i$ before thoe, anD hi (fubble f Kemembcr not tlje Jlmquitie^ f . '*?• ^^^ ^*^- of W Jioutli, o^J l)i0 tranfgrfffio?iB : Icnk upon l)i8f Pfiu'i^ i7f. -^f^iLtion, ano I)i0 pain, anD fo^gibe aU t)t6 fins* Luke 4 39. 2ri)0Ugl) tlje fogrole0 of JDeatl) Do Lompafef liim about, ifa. ^8.11. Pf3'.])et if it be fo I)i0 toap^, anD confef0 anD turn from fjije: 3iniquitp, anD let it be gCDD fo^ Ijim tl)at i)e b)a5 Ifa. 17. 9. afflicteD* 31et ttji^f be tl^e fruit of it to purge anD 1 Cor. II. 51. tafeg aU3ap l)i0 fin, 2ri)at being d)affeneD of tl)e^^D* Lam ^^'i^^'z? !}e mav not be conDcmneD toitf) tl^e imoglD^ 41nD 16 iT^i^.* f^^owgl) cl)altifement fo^ tl)e p^fent faemetl) not to be Pfai. ?o.^ )opou0, but greibou0, vet aftertoarD^ let it pieiD Hcb. u. 6, 7. tl)e peaceable fruit of i^ignteonfnef^ to tl)i0 tl)p feer^: ifa. }8. ii?,io. i,^„(.^ tijat i0 ejcercifeD tl)erein. 3|n tl)emean time, i3[> 3lo?D, be tliou l}i0 Ipo^tion, tol)0 art gCDD to t\)Z ^oul tliat fttketl) tl)ce, anD toaitetl) fo^ tl)0e* 5tlet I)im patiently anD filentlp bear ti)^ jjoafe, let i)im Pfai. ii6.9,iz,ippe anD quietlp toait fo? tl)p falbation: cironfiDer^ v(\ JO IT n ^"S ^^^^ ^^^^" ^^'^^ "'^^ '^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^* ^'^^^ ^^)? t Cor 1 9* "^^ ^^S^J^ ^^ ^^^ ^^} ^ moment, but in t\)^ fabour 10; &4. 16.* We* iWiaeping map enDure fo^ a mfil)t, but ;op & f . 8. cometb in t\)Z moaning : anD tl^at \»l)om tl)0u lobeiJ> tl)ou ciianCeneil, anD fcourgefi eberp fon ix)(}om ti)ou recetbeff -, anD tijat if !)e enDure cl)a(!ening, tI}ou Hcb. 10. 3S. DealeS toitl) fjim a0 a ^on. 3|f I)e be recobereD, let I)im Debote ijimfelf entirelp to tl)p glo^p : i;i)at bjfjen tliou liafl^ put offl)i0 fackclot^anD mourning, anD iCjr. 14- is. giroeD t)im toitl) gl^Dnef^, \)z map fpeafi t\)^ T^^^iiiz^ anD gibe t\)Zt tl)ank0^ 3|f ^e receibe t{)Z fentence • of JDeatt) in l}imfelf, let it caufe l)im to trull ixi tt^tt 17. tljat raifeff tl^e DeaD, bnotoing tbat a0 t()ou DiDff raife up tl^e 31o^D 3l,efu0, tljou toilt raife Ijimup alfo Phil. 3. 9. bp 31eru0: 3n)erefo^e fuffer not l)i0 l)ope to faint: hut tljougl) I)i0 outtoarD man per ill), pet let [)i0 in:^ 1 Cor. 10. 13. ixiarD man be renetoeD from Dap to Dap: anD let l)im libe h^ faitlj, anD Itofe at tl)e tljing0 toljici) are not iazn, eben at tl)e cxcccDing eternal b3eigt)t of glo^p* Hcb. 2. 14. 3e^ft [y^xa be founD m <&\)i\% not f)abmg lji0 oUin rigl)teoufner0, but tljat toljicli is of (I3od b^ faitl)* iReCraiu tlie tempter, anD Detiber tlip Ccrbant from X Cor. i;. J.J. t[)z ftnful fear0 of Deatb, bp Cl^ril!, toljo tli^ougl; i)eatt), DelfropeD tlje JDebil tljat ijaD tl)e potoer of Deatlj; The Reformed Liturgy, ey Deaef); Cljat ijt ma]? finD t()at tjeatl) l)atl) Io(! Ijijef fimg, aiiD SrriumpI) Dber it bp jFaiti) in f)im, tlj^ougfj p .,„ « i»l)om toe are maoe mo^e fijan Conquerer^* STIjat Coi i i' tp JFaitf) ann lobe, l)i0 foul map note afcenD toitl) Joh.'ia i; & ^\)^\% t\)^t afcenoeD untof)i0 jfatljer anD om* jfaf^er, ^4. ^3, & 17, anD to fjifi:<0c9 anD our (IB^oD, anD i^ gone to jn^ei: Jf- pare a place fq^ Ui8^, anD i;atl) p^omifeD, tl)at tuyere ^ ^7- h- fte vs, tiiere Iji^ ferbant;8^ (^all be aifo : 2ri)at tljep map beJjolD ti)e gio^p i»I)icfj ti^ou ijaS giben i)im> Sl^agnifie tijpfelf in t)i^ ©oDp io^etljer h^ life 0? Phu , , neatd, auD fafetp bring i)im im'o tl}p glo^iou^ p^es: ' * ' fence, tof)erei^fulnef0of3jop, anD ofberlafiing pleas? pr,i ,< ,, fure0, tlj^ougf) %tim Clj^ift our 3!life anD Eigijte^ '''' ^'• OUfnef^* Amen. A Prayer for Women drawing near the time of Child-bearing. M^ \fiD0 merciful jfatfjer, tof|o Ijail jufflp g^enteni: j Tim 2 u . ceD ^oman, tl)at O3a0 fird in tt)e 2rranfgref::: Gen. i ik fi'on, to great anDmultiplieD fo^roto.o', anD particu::: i Tim. 2. i^-. larlpin (q^rohj to b?ing fo^tl} cljilDgen; pet granted ™' 4^ i* p^eferbation anD relief, fo^ t\)t propagation ofV-^u^^;'- fl^aufeinD* 3l5e merciful to tlji;9f t^p ferbant, be near dcuc i8 4 f)er \3^it\) ti^v p^efent Ijelp, in t\]t meDfuf time ofzCor. i.io,'ir. trouble, anD tl^oujjf) in STrabel II)e tjatfj fo^rob^, gibe « Sam.z. at i. f|er firengt^ to b^ing fo^tl^ Being DelibereD, let t|er ^^• remember no mo^e ttje 4Ingui0;, fo^ jop t!)at a mol! ear0, & ^" -^V.* tlicu liati rrpmteD tl]cc of tl)e Crbil : tt>ifif 3lge its not & -5. 1. DppartfD; STliou \^h^ renetueD iii0 poutli, ann gitjm & u. w- I]im to fee man, toitli flie 3!nliabitant0 of tt]e iiQio^ID; & ;3- i$i *3- 3[nD to ict t\)Z d^oiDnef^ of tiie ?lo^D, m t\)Z lantJ of tlie libmg* Pav anD niglit t!ip lianti t»a0 lieatjp upon Oim, but tl)Ou hal! turneD ateap tl)p to^atl), anD I)all fozgiben tbe iniquitp of \)\is fin ; fo? tl)i0 eberv one prai..6o. II. tt?at 10 goDlv fball p^av unto t\]Zt in a time of trou^ vcf' *r I 12 ^^^^ 2ri)0u art a f)iDmg place, tijou p^eferbcff usf 18 1^1+ 'from trouble: iculienour jrlefijanDour^eart failetl) Ifa'. 38 . 10. U0, tlioii art tl}e ffrengtl) of our i)eart, anD our ipo^;; 1 Cor. 6. zo. tion fo^ e\jer i inneeD jLo^D tljou art gmn unto tljme Luke 2. 19. ifrad ; (Ebeu to fudi a0 are clean of Ijeart ■■, manp are 1 Cor. I }o. jj^g afflictions of tbe i^igliteouj0, but t^ou Delibereff tliem out of all ; STliougl) aU tlie Dap long t\)tv be afflicteD, anD cliadcneD et)erp 0Bo^ning, -^tt are tljep continuafip toitl) tl)0e -, Cijou 'ijolDel! t^em bp tl)p rigl)t l)anD, tl)OU art a p^efent l)elp in trouble, to()en all tlie l)elp of man i0 \iHn* ilet tfip ferbant lobe tl)CC, bccaufe tljou Ijafl liearD lii0 boice anD fupplica- tion, JLet l)im ofer unto t\)it, tlje facrifice of t^ankfgibing ; anD t^^^ \)iis (nob30 to tl}e moff I)igt)-, anD take tl)e dup of S>albation, anD call upon tl)cc all I)ij0 Daps: let liim be itnlioUp De:^ boteD to tl)p p^aife, anD glo^ifie tlja* in ^oul anD 3I50DP, a0 being %l)\nz , anD feafonabli? De^ part in peace unto tl)p Cliou makrS tljell^ar::: ren to beep fjoufe, ano to be a jopful 5^otl)cr of (Court tt)tri) p^aife, anD U3e map aE be tiianfeful to tljee on l]er bei^alf, anD fpeak m^ of tI)T> iRame \ €I)ou art goD, ^ 5(logD, to aft, anD tl}p tenDer mercies are ober all tl)p iuo^fi^, tI)ou p^ferbellifa.44'?. ti)em tijat lobe tljee ^ tl)OU raifeU \x^ tl)em ti^at are f^e^f- ^ ^^» M* botoeD Doten -, ti)ou fulfillelf tt)e Defire of tl)em tl^at ff^ V^" fear tljoe, tl)ou alfo Dott i}ear tl)eir crp, anD Tabe jjfai ^" J°' tijem. commanD t^^ bleffing pet upen t\)^ ferbant , cor. 7. U. anD l}^r off^fp,2ingi ilet I)er not fogget tl)0e anD tljpEph. 6. 4. mere ieo, but let tier Debote tl)e life b)l)!cl} tl)OU Deut. 6. c. fiair gibenf)er to tl}P ferbice, anD eDucate Ijer off^^?^'^-^^. fp^ing aj3^ a ^olp feeb, in tl}e nurture anD aDmoni^ ^2ech u tb n tion of tl)e 3to^D, anD a.9^ tt}OU ()dtt faiD, tl)at ttjppfai/gi. 4.' curfe i^ in ttje ()oufe of t!ie toicfeeD, h\xt ttjou bleflfell i juhn 2. 1 y . t()e Ijabitation of tlie pii •-, let tjer, anD l)er l)oufe i'^i. ?.i, 18. ferbe tl)ee, anD leti^olinefe to tl)e ^o^X) be h)abiour^ Amen. If the Child be dead, ifaofe paffages whxh imply it's living muft be omitted, and if tlie Woman be fuch as the Church hath Caufe to judge ungodly, sheThankfgiving muft be in Words more agreeable to her Condition, if any be u fed. Eee Of 6o The Reformed Liturgy, Of Pa(ioral Dijcipl'ine, PMck Confejjiorj^ Abfoltition^ and Exclujion from the Holy Communion of the Church. TH E Recital of the Curfes are faid in the Book of Common Prayer, to be inftead of the godly Difcipline of the primitive Church, till it can be re- ftored again, which is much to be wi(hed, which is the putting of notorious Sinners to open Penitence : His Majefty's Declaration concerning Ecclefiaftical Affairs, determineth that all publick diligence be ufed for the Inftrudlion and Reformation of fcandalous Offenders, whom the Minifter (hall not fufFer to partake of the Lord's Table, until they have openly declared themfelves to have truly repented and amended their former naughty lives, provided there be place for dae Appeals to Superiour Powers. And the Law of Chrift commandetb, if thy Bro- ther trefpafs againft thee, go and tell him his faults between him and thee alone, if he (hall hear thee, thou haft gained thy Brother, but if he will not hear thee, then take to thee one or two more, that in the Mouth of two or three WitneflTes, every Word may be eftablilhed, and if he (hall negledi to hear them, tell it unto the Church, but if he (hall negledl to hear the Church, let him be unto thee as an Heathen man,. or as a Publican. Matth. i8. 1 5 , i6, 17. And it is the Office of the Paftors of the feveral Congrega- tions, not only to teach the People in General, and guide them in the Celebration of the publick Wor- ihip, but alfo to overfee them, and watch over each Member of their Flock particularly , to prefer ve them from Errors, Herefies, Divifions, and other Sins, defending the Truth, confuting Gain-fayers and Seducers, inftrudling the Ignorant, exciting the Negligent, encouraging the Defpondenr, comforting the Afflidled, confirming the Weak, rebuking and admonilhing the Diforderly and Scandalous, and di- re<^ng all according to their needs in the matters of their Salvation, and the People in fuch needs fhould have ordinary recourfe to them, as the Officers of Chrilt, The Reformed Liturgy, 6i Chrift, for Guidance, and Refolution of their Doubts, and for Afliftance in making their Sal- vation fure; and in proving, maintaining, or re- ftoring the Peace of their Confciences, andfpiritual Comfort. If therefore any Member of the Church be a fcan- dalous Sinner, and the Crime be either notorious or fully proved, let the Paftor admonifli him, and fee before him the particular Command of God which he tranfgrefleth, theSupream Authority of God which he defpifeth, the Promifes and Mercies which he^ treadeth under foot, and the Curfe and dreadful Condemnation, which he draweth upon himfelf, let this be done with great Compaflion and tender Love to the Offenders Soul, and with gravity, reverent and ferious importunity, asbefeemeth Men employ- ed on the behalf of God, for the faving of a Soul, and yet with Judgment, and cautelous Prudence, not taking that for Sin which is no Sin, nor that for a grofs and fcandalous Sin, which is but an ordinary humane frailty, not dealing as unreverently with a Superiour as with an Inferiour, not making that publick which (hould be concealed, nor reproving before others when it iTiouId be done more fecretly, nor unfeafonably fpeaking tothofe who through Drink or Paflion are incapable of the benefit, nor yet offend- ing by bafhfulnefs, or the fear of man, or lukewarm- nefs, negligence, or fleighting over great Oflfences, oil the other extream. Prudence alfo requireth them to be cautelous of over-medling, where the Magiftrates honour, or concernment, or the Churches unity, or peace, or the reputation of others, or the intereft of their Mi- niftry requireth them to forbear. Thcfe Cautions obferved. If the fcandalous OfTen-^ der continue impenitenr, or unreformed, after due; Admonitions and Patience, let the Paftor in the Con- gregation when he is prefent rebuke him before all, that the Church may iufficiently difown the Crime, and others may fee the odioufnefs and danger of the Sin. But let this alfo be with the Love, and Pru- dence, before mentioned. If the Offender in obftinacy will not be there, the Paftor may open the Crijue before the Congrega- E c e 1 tion. 62 The Reformed Liturgy. tion : And prefcnt or abfent (in cafe he remain ini- penitent) if the Cafe will bear fo long delay, it is convenient, that the Paftor publickly pray for his conviftion and repentance, that he may be laved. And this he may do one, or two, or three, or more Days, as the nature of the Cafe, and Prudence (hall direcfl him. If during thefe means for his Recovery fafter the Proof of the Crime) there be a Communion of the Church in the Lord's Supper, let the Paftor require him to forbear, and not fuffer him to partake of the Lords Table. If yet the Offender remain impenitent, let the Paftor openly declare him unmeet for the Communi- on of the Church, and require him to abftain from it, and require the Church to avoid Communion with him. And let him bind him by the denunci- ations of the threatnings of God, againft the impeni- tent. But before this is done^ let no neceffary Confulta- tion, with other Paftors, or Concurrence of the Church be neglected : And after let there be place for due Appeals, and let Minifters confent to give account when they are accufed of Male-adminiftra- tion. But if after private Admonition (while the offence is fuch, as requireth not publick Confeffion) the Sin- ner be penitent, let the Minifter privately apply to his confolation the promifesof the Gofpel, with fuch cautelous prudence, as is moft fuitable to his con- dition : And if he repent not till after publick admoni- tion, or that the fcandal be fo great and notorious, as that a publick Confeflion is neceflary, let him at a feafonable time appointed by the Paftor, with re- morfe of Confcience, and true contrition, confefs his fin before the Congregation, and heartily Jament it, and clear the honour of his Chriftian profeflion. which he had ftaincd, and crave the Prayers of the Church to God for pardon, and reconciliation through Chrift, and alfo crave the Minifterial Abfo- lucion and Reftauration to the Communion of the Church, and profefs his refojution to do io no more ; but to live in new Obedience to God, dcfiring alfo their The Reformed Liturgy, 62 their prayers for corroborating and preferving grace. It is only a credible profeflion of Repentance, that is to be accepted by the Church. The foregoing Cautions muft be carefully obferved in fuch confeflions, that they be not made to the in- juring of the Magiftraie, or of the Church, or of the Reputation of others, or of the Life, Eftate, or Liberty of the Offender, or to any other (hame than is neceffary to the manifefting of his Repentance, and the clearing of his Profeffion, and the righting of any that he hath wronged, and the honour and prefer vation of the Chur(A. When he hath made a credible profeflion of Re- pentance, it is the Paftors duty, Minifterially to declare him pardoned by Chrift, but in condiiional Terms. [If his Repentance be fincere] And to abfolve him from the cenfure of non-Communion with the Church, if he was under fuch a cenfure before his penitence, and to dfeclare hini meet for their Communion, and to encourage him to come, and require the Church to entertain him into their Communion with gladnefs, and not upbraid him with his fall, but rejoice in his recovery, and endea- vour his confirmation and prefervation for the time to come: And it is his duty accordingly to admit him to Gommuniou, and theirs to have loving Comniuniori with him ; All which the penitent perfon, niuft be- lievingly, lovingly, and joyfully receive. But if any by Notorious perfidioulnefs, or frequent Cove- nant breaking have forfeited the credit of their Words, or have long continued in the fin which they do confefs, fo that their forfaking it hath no proof; The Church then muft have teftimony of the actual Reformation of fuch as thefe, before they may take their profcflions and promifes as credible ; Yet here the difference of Perfons and offences is fo great ; that this is to be much left to the prudence of Paftors that are prefent, and acquainted with the perfons, and Circumftances of the Cafe. In the tranfadling of all this, thefe following Forms, to be varied as the variety of Cafes do require, may be made ufe of. Ee c 3 A 1^4 T^^ Reformed Liturgy, A Form of Publicly Admonition to the Imtenitent, The fin may be A B. you are convicfl of grofs and fcandalous fin, namtd and aS" XX you have been admonilhed and intreated to re- eravaced when "^ ti t c • f t^ • Sisconvtnienr.P^"^- ^"^ promiies oX mercies to the Penitent j and the threatnings of God againft the Impenitent, hsve not been concealed from you j we have waited in hope for yQur repentance, as having compafTion on your Soul, and defiring yonr Salvation 9 but we muft fay with grief, you have hitherto difappointed us ; We are certain from the Word of God, that you muft be penitent, if ever you will be pardoned, and that except you repent, you Ihall everlaftingly pcri(h, LuJ{e 13. 3, 5. Acis 5.31. Lul{e 12.47. To acquaint you publickly with this, and yet here to offer you mercy from the Lord, is the next duty laid upon us for your recovery, O ! blame us not, if knowing the Terrors of the Lord, we thus perfwade you, and are loth to leave you in the power of Sa- tan, and loth to fee you caft out into perdition, and that your blood Ihould be required at our hands, as not having difcharged our duty to prevent it. ■ Be it known unto you therefore, that it is the God of Heaven and Earth, the great, the jealous, . and the terrible God, whofe Laws you have broken, and whofe Authority you defpife ; you refufe his Government, who is coming with ten thoufands of his Saints, to execute Judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly of their ungodly deeds, and fpeeches, who hath lold us that [evil ihall not dwell with him.] The Foolilh Ihall not fland in his light : He hateth all workers of iniquity (^Jude 14. 15. Pfalm 5. 4, 5.) The ungodly fo all not fi and in Judgment^ nor fpmcrs in the CoKgypg^ticn of the S{ighteous, (Pfalm i. 5,6.) God hath not made his Laws in vain. Though the wicked contemn God, and fay in their hearts, he will not require it, {P/alm 10. 13.) Yet their damnation flumbereth not, they arc referved to the day of judgment, to be punilhed (i Pet. 1. 3, 9 J And he feeth that their day is .coming ; (Pfalm 37. 13) If men cut off the lives of The Reformed Liturgy. 65 of thofe that break their Laws, will God be out- faced by the pride, and ftubbornefs of finncrs ? He will not; you fliall know he will not; He threat- neth not in jeft. Who hath hardened himfelf againft him and hath profpered? (?o/' 9. 4.) Are you not as chaff and ftubble, and is not our God a con- fuming fire, (Pfalmi,^, 1/rf. 5. 24. Hel/. 12. l^.) If Briars and Thorns be fet againft him in Battle, will he not go through them, and burn them up together, {Tfa. 27.4.) Can your heart endure, or your hands be ftrong in the day when God Ihall deal with you ? It is the Lord tfet hath fpoken it, and he will do it. Esiel{. 22. 14. What will you do, when you muft bear with the pains of Hell from God, that now, can fcarce endure to be thus openly and plainly warned of it j If we to pleafe you fhould be filent and betray you, do you think the God of Heaven, will fear, or flatter you, or be unjuft to pleafe a worm. Do you frovoke the Lord.to JeaiouJIe, are you ftronger then he? (i Cor. 10. 22.) O man! for your fouls fake, let not Satan abufe yftur under- ftanding, and fin befool you, muft you not die? And doth not Judgment follow, when all Secrets (hall be opened, and God will no more entreat you to con- fefs. (Heh, 9. 7. Matth, 10. 26.) Behold the Judge ftandeth at the door, (Jam. 5. 9.) will fin go then with you for as light a matter as it doth now ? Will you then deny it, or will you ftand to all the rea- fonings, or excufes, by which you would now ex- tenuate or cover it? Will you defend it as your friend ? And be angry with Minifters and Reprovers as your Enemies. Or will you not mourn at laft (with weeping and gnafhing of teeth) And fay ^ Hov9 have I hated TnjhtiHion, and my heart dejpifed I{eproof? And have not obeyed the voice of my Teachers^ nor in" dined mine Ear to them that Infiruded me, (Pro. 5. I !» 12, 13. Mat. I?. 42, 50.) O that you were wife, that you underflood this, and that you would confider your lat- ter End. (Deut. 32. 29,) Believe Gods wrath before you feel it : Be convinced by the word and fervants of the Lord, before you are confounded by the dread- fulnefs of his Majefty ; yet there is hope, but fliortly there will be none, if you negled): it ; yet if you con- fefs and foifake your fins, you fhall have mercy, but Eee 4 if 66 The Reformed Liturgy. if you cover them, you Ihall not profperj {Prov, 28. 13.) And if being oft reproved ^ you harden your necl{^ you f\^aU fuddenly be dejtroyed^ nnd that vpithout remedy, (Pro. 29. i.) Be' not dece'ved, God n not m''cked. I Vhatfocver you fow, that fhall ycu alfo reap. (Gal. 6. 7.) O man ! You know not what it is to deal with an offended, and revenging God. Nor what it is to hear Chnft fay, Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity; J never knew you, depart from me ye wicked into cverlafting fire, (Matth. 7. 25. and 25. 41.) You know not what it is to be fhuc out of Heaven, and concluded under utter de- fperarion, and in Hei! to look back upon this obiti- iiate Impenitence; and rejcd:ing of the mercy that would ha', e laved you ; and ihere co have Confcience telling you for ever, what it is that you have done ; Did you not know what this is, could you think a Penitent confelling and foufaking your fin to be 2 condition too hard for the preventing of fuch a doleful ftate ? Ono! Yoa know not what a cafe you are cafting your immortal foul into. The Lord give you repentance, that you may never know it by experience. To prevent this, is our bulinefs with )ou; We delight not to difpleafe or thame you. But God hath tv Id us, QThat if any do err from the Truth, and one convert him, let him know, that he which convertech the finner from the err.Tof his way, (liall fave a foul from death, and fhall hide a multitude of fins, Jat?]. ^. 10.'] I do therefore by the Command, and in the name of Je- fus Chrift, require and befeech you, that you do without any more delay, confefs your fins and hear- tily bewail theru; and beg pardon of them, and re- folve and promife by the help of Gud to do fo no more. And blefs God that yoti have an advocate with the Father Jelus Chrift the righteous, uhofe blood will cleanfe you from your (ins ; if you peni- tently confefs them, (i ''^ohn i, 7, 9. and 2. 1,2) and that mercy may be yet had on fo eafie terms. If you had any fcnfe of your fin and mifery, or any fenfc of the dilhonour done to God, or of the wrong that you have done to others, and of the ufefulnefs of your penitent confeiTion, ajid amendment, to the re- paration of ail ihefe, you would caft your fcif in the The Reformed Liturgy, 67 the duft, in (hame and grief before the Lord, and before the Church : To day therefore, if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart, left God for- fake you, and give you over unto your own hearts luft, to walk in your own counfels, and refolve in his wrath, you fhall never enter into his reft, [Pf^lm 95. 8, 12. and 81. 11,12.) And then God and this •Congregation, will be WitnefTes that you were warned ; and your blood will be upon your own head. But if in penitent Confeffion, you. flie to Chrift, and loath yourfelf for your iniquities, and heartily forfake them, I have Authority to promife you free Forgivenefs, and that your Iniquity (hajl not be your Ruin, (LuK^i/i^. 4, 7. £;^e/j.i 8.30531,32.) A Form of Confejfion^ to he made before the Lofigregatton, IJDo confer^ before (li5otJ, anti tl)ij8^ congregation, T^f. - ^g tl;at BJ^ipb^^eatlp finneD^ * 31 ijabe offenDeti, pro. 28. i?. anD DifbonoreD d^ou, iti^ong^ pfai. 32. 5. * Here the fin muft b» ejJ t\)Z ^\)nu\x, anD tljB E^o. lo. i5. judged rcquifire. tieferben to be fo^faken of tl}e }^^'l \l' ?Lo?D, anD cad out of I)ij0fpf. yi. ,j. T^ldtncz anD t\)Z communion of g>aint;6f, into Defpe=* Mac 27. y . ration, anD remeDifef^ miferp in J^ell: 3I am no \]}^^^^' -^^ moge Ixjo^tijp to be calfeD tl)p S)on, 0? tof^abe a name ^f- ^^- ^• 0^ place among t{)f ^erbant^. 3I do l)ere Declare y^'^^; Lut mine iniqxxit'^. anD am fo?rp foz mp fin^; arijep are ,^. ,3. i xirr! gone ober mp IjeaD a0 a Ijeabp burDen, tftep are taj i. «. Heb.9.15. Ijeabp fo^ me, tijep tafee I}olD upon me, 31 am ali?a^ Luke w. 10. mrD, a0unb3o^tl)p to Itok up tetoarDjsf igeaben, but R^"^- ^ ^°- mp l)ope i^ in t\]t bICDD anD grace of Ch^iiJ, b:»I}0 ^41* l, z' i ^ maDe l.n^ life a facrifice for ^n. anD came to faekneb s.'iz. * anD fabe tljat tol)icf} bja^f lofi^ toljofe grace abounD;: Pfai 51- n.^;. etl), hjl)ere Sn Ijatl) abounDeD : 2ri)e ?lo^D be merciful 6c 9. & lo?. ic. to me a (inner : 31 l}umblp beg of tl)e congregation, p^ ^'^ ^°' '^• tijat tl)ep l»in earnemp p^ap, tftat (25oD toiH toall) ]^l\ \/» '°- me tIj^ougl)Ip from mine Jlniquitp, anD cleanfe me j^^rk 13. 37- from mp fin, tljat t)e U)iu fo^gibe tl)em, anD blot t^ijem out, anD IjiDe i]\^ $m from tt)em, anD rementi ber 68 The Reformed Liturgy, Pfai 7-. 1,15. ber tl]em no mo^r, tljat \)Z toiH not eaff me abap Ecci. 8; 12. from \)i^ P^cfenfc, no^ fo^fake me a^ 31 Ijabc fo^fa^: 3- ^"'^- ^-°- ^° ken Iiim, noz neal tciiM) mc acco^Ding to mp Defert0 : jam. 1. 1 3, 14- 23y^ fj^^( j^p ^^^jlj ^-j.j.3j.g j^ j^^j, g ^Ij^^jj (^f.^i.t, ann re;; I J )hn^.'4. netD a rigl^t fpirit in me. anD grant me t\)Z jop of Gal. 6;. I. ^10 g^alljation; anD 31 beg parDon of tlje ai:t)urcl), anti an t\)^t 3i l]a^e ixi^ongen : anD refolbe bp tl)e grace of , tijat tliev tl)ink neber tlje too^fe of tlje ^atP0, 0^^ Uiap0, o;t ferbantef of tl)e 31o^D fo^ mp i Cor. TO. II. mlfDoing^^ fo} if 31 1)^^^ b^n t-uIeD b)> (3oD, anD ii.iSum.ii.^i. i)v i)i0 rirbants, 31 ^l^D neber Done a;8f3l tjabe Donet ^/"' v^" _- STbere i^notbing in Keligion tl^at befrienDetl) fin, Hcb u ts" ^^I^^^^^' notl)ing fo contrary to it, a^e: (I^oD anD bij^f I Cor. 9. 25, bc'p ^atD0, ^bicb 31 ibouiD babeobepeD* Hatl^er c.^, 17. let aH take toarning bp me, anD aboiD temptation^, aChron.if.K^. anDlibenot careleap, anD b^^t"ken not to tbe incli:^ Hph. 5. 16. nationof, 0? reafonings of tlje flefb> no^ truttinot tl)eir Ireafe anD finful b^ art0, hnt libe in goDip fear, anD ttiatcl):\ilnefj8i, anD k^i^ unDer t\)t fiefi/, anD keep clofe to (25oD, anD b^^^t-ken to tbe faitbful founrel of \)\^ ferbant^, anD intreat pour ^gaper^ to ci^oD, tbafr ^ map be UrengtljencD h^ bi^ g^ace, tbat 31 mav fin tlju^ iio mo^e. leH b30<2fe befal me* J^h 1 y. 14- A Form of Prayer for a Sinner Impenitent ^ after Publick^ Adr/tonition, MflDtt gracious^ C5oD, acco^Ding to t!)p commanD ^ ^^. ,. . .. tue babe b:iarneD tbifl' finner anD tolD bitn of Mat. J. 7. tbP tl}^eatningj8f , anD fogetolD bim of tbv certain terrible 3iUDgment0, tljat b^ *-nigbt flp from tbe U)^atb to come, but afa^, ^b^e perceibe not tbat be Prv. 19. 1, repentetb 0,2 relentetb> but b^uDenetb bij8^ b^^^t againffrep^©fi a0 if b^ ^-fre able to contenD >o:s\t.\\ I Cor. 10. iz. tbee, auD obercome tl)p poUier ; ^ let U0 p^ebail bjitb tbee fo; grace, tljac U^e tnap p^ebail b)itb bi^n lukci3.24. fo^ ^Deniteat confcftion anD reformation. £2) ^\t^^^ mifcrable finner ' fo mifcrable, a0 tbat be laprtb not to AfJsS. 11,23. beart bi.^niiferp, no^ pitietb bitnfelf* ilD fabe bim frmn tlje gall of I5ittcnuf0, anD from tt]e 23onD0 of A^sn. iS. - 1)10 J.niquitp : (3ibe Ijim repentance unto life j tbat fee The Reformed Liturgy. 69 l;e map recober ijimfelf out of t^e fnare of tljz Pebii, b5l)0 t0 taken captibe bp l)im at l)i0 iittiiU^ (ZBitoiTim. i.i-^iej. l)im not up to a blinn tninU, to a fearen coniciemey a Ijeart tl)at i^ paa failing, no? to toalfe in iji^ oion coiinfels, ano after t)i;8: oton IUS0; ^et l)im nojohn n. ^o. longer nefpife tt)e ricl}e^ of tl)p g(DtJnef;8^, ano fo^:^ bearance anO long^fuffering, no? ix)itl) a ijarDeneD impenitent i)eart, treafure up to^atlj, againft tlje ^-^^^4. 2- Dap of lJD?atl), ano rebelation of tl)p rigl)teou0 luDgment, te^o toilt renoer to eberp man acco^ning to f)i0 jD0eD0, eben to tl)em tl)at are contentious ^pj?- 4- ^9; anD obep not tfje trutlj, but obep unrigl)teournef0, ^^^ ^ ; '^- ^ indignation, anD to^atlj, tribulation anD anguid;, ^ ^* upon eberp foul of man tljat Doetl) t\>iU Ktt Ijim 8, 9- he fure tl)at tije juDgment of dBotJ is? accosting to z, 3. trutl) againl! tl)em tl)at commit fuel) tl)ing;8^, anD let l}im -not tl}ink in t)i0 impenitmcv to efcape tijp ;uDgment; SD differ l)im not, tofjen I)e fiearetf) tl)e Deut.19. i?- tl}^eatning^ of ti)p 3xao?D, to blefg ijimfetf in ijist lo, n. l)eart, anD fap, 31 l^aH Ijabe peace, tl)ougt) 31 toalk in tl}e ^Imaginations of mv l}eart, anD aDD fin to fin, led tijy 41nger anD 3i^alouiie fmo&e againtt I)im, anD tt)OU toilt not fpare i)im, but blot out i)ijs 0ame from Mark 9. 24. unoer i^eaben, anD all tljp curfes; lie upon tjim, anD ttjou feparate Ijim to (Ebi(, eben to tlie too?m tijat Mat. i. u. titti) not, anD to tlje fire ti)at i$ not quencl)eD* !3D ^^uc. 9. »;. fabe l}im from l)i0 fin^ef, from ijijer 3f!ttrpenitencp, anD tlje F?itJe anD Ifubbo^neCe! of Ijije: Ijeart: W fabe l)im from tlje cberlalling ;fftames, auD from ti)p z Cor. s. 2. ix)?atf), Uil)iclj lie ij6^ tlje mo?e in Danger of; becauCe Lukei.;, 41 ? z. i)t teeletl) not, anD fearetl) not l)i0 Danger; %tt ijm Prov. 2 .. i+! ' fenoto Ijobj l)arD it 10 fo? l)im to kick againU tl)e aos 9. ?. JP?ick0, auD l)Oi» booful to Uribe again!! Ijiis maker, ^^^^ 4J- 9. lap l)im "at tljv frottol in fackclotl) anD aflje^, in tears anD lamentation, crping out, 2^10 unto me joeU. 1,1,3. tljat 3i t}abe fi'nneD, anD l)umbling I)is loul in true Lam. 5. i5. contrition, anD loatI)ing ijimfelf, anD begging tl)p parDoning anD I)ealing grace, ano begging ttje P?ap^ Pfai. n. jam. f . tv0 anD communion of t{)p cfl:l)urci}, anD refolbing 2.0. Luke 31. i<^ to fin b^ilfuHp no mo?e, hut to libe before tl)ce in up^ rigljtneCs anD obeDience aH l)i0 Daps : €> let us p?e^ bail Untf; tl)ee fo? tlje conberfion oi tins Impemtent Gai. 5. t. finner, anD fo fo? tl}e fabing of l)is foul from Deati}, anD tlje IjiDing, anD parDoning of l)is fins •■> tl)at i)t ttjat isi loS map be founD, anD I}e tl)at i0 DeaD map Lulie 15. 17. be alibe, anD tfje 3lngels of l^eaben, anD b3e tl)p untt)o?t^p ferbants ijere on carti) map rejoice at ijis 70 ^ The Reformed Liturgy. Ezck.33.14,16. repenting, let us fee t)im redo^eD bp ti)^ grace tljat tbe map jopfuHp receibe I)im into our ccommunion, 2 Tim. 1. 2^. anD tf]Ou rnapel! receibe \)m at lalf into tt)p l)eabenlp ifiingDom, anD ^atan map be tiifappointeD of l)iflf IP^ev; fo^ tlip mercp fafee, tI}^ougl) 31efu0 Cl}^i5 our %oiXi anD onip ^abiour* Amen. A Form of Rejection from the Commnnion of the church. T uke 19. 2.7. lEfus Ghiift, the King and Lawgiver of the Church Wic. 4. 1. J hath commanded that \lf n brother tre/pafi ngainfl .15, JO ^^ ifp^^o 4^^ ^e^y /j/,« his fault between him and us alone, and if he vpiil not hear w, xve fhall then take vpith m^ 1 Cor. 5. II. one cr two Tnore, that in the mouth of two or three Wit^ nejfes, every word may be Efiablifhed ; And if he /hall Tic. 3.10. ncgkdi to hear them, that he tell it to the Churchy and if he negleEi to hear the Church, that he be to us as a Heathen aThefj.^. Man^ and a Publican, Matth. 18. i 5, 16, 17.] And that ate l^ecp no company ; if ar.y that is called a Brother^ be a Fornicator^ or Covetous, or an Idolater^ or a I{ailer^ l^ j^,or a Drunl{ard^ or an Extortioner, with fuch a one, no not to ear. i Cor. 5. 1 1. And that we withdraw our 2 Sam. 11.14. Tel ves from every Brother, ibac walketh difordeiJy, and note him, and have no co'npany with him, that Afts 8. 24. he may be alhamed : z Theff. ^. 6, 14. According to thefe Laws ofChrift, we have admonlhed this 2 Tim. 2. 25, offending Brother, who hach gr<'atly finned againft God, and grieved and injured the Church, we have 26. earneftly prayed, and paticnrjy waited for his repen- tance, but we have not prevailed. But after a] J, he continueth impenitent, and will not be perfwaded to I Cor. y. 13. confefs and forfakc his fin; We do therefore accord- ing to thefe Laws of Chrift, decUre him unmeet for Mar. iS. 18. the Communion of the Church, and rejedt him from it 5 Requiring him to forbear it, and requiring you to avoid him, and we leave him bound to the Judgment of the Lord unlefs his true Repemancp ^ fiiall prevent it. The Reformed Liturgy, 71 A Form of AhfolHtion^ and Reception of the Penitent. 'Hough you have greatly finned againft the Lord, z Sam. 12. 13. and againft his Church, and your own Soul, yet feeing you humble your felf before him, and 2. Chro. 33, Penitently flie to Chrift for nnercy, refolving to do fo no more : Hear now the glad tidings of Salvati- la, 13. on, which I am commanded to declare unto you. I Johnz. I, 2. If any man fin, we have nn advocate ^om. 10. if. with the Father^ Jejus Chri^ the righteous^ and he ts ^ -^^h. 2. i, z, the Profitiation for our fins , f John 1. p. Jf we confejl^ John i, 9, our fins, he is faithful^ to forgive us our fin, nnd to cleanfis us from all unrighteoufnefi. Ifa. 55. 6, 7. Seek^l^z. 5-^. 5,7. the Lord while he may he found. Call upon him while he is near : Let the pyick^d forfake his Wny, and the un- righteous Man his Thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon, Prov. z8. 13. He that^'^ov.i^.j^. covereth his Sins fhall not projper, but whofo ccnfejjeth and forfaj^eth them fhall have mercy. Gal. 6, i. Ere- ^^' ^- 1- thren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, reflore fuch a ' '^* ^' one in thefpirit of meekpefi, confidering thy felf left thou alfo he tempted. According to this word of Grace. [* I do loofe the bonds here * This muft be omitted Jaid upon you, and receive you Luke if. it the p-rfon was not • ■ \. r^ ■ e -, r,^r- ^ -, ,- firft Rejeaed. ^gain mto the Communion of ^J^o^;^-7»io. the Church] requiring them ^^s g/g ' '"" to receive you, aud not upbraid you with your fin, Luke ij. 25, but rejoice in your recovery. And I do declare to 2^7. you the pardon of all your Sins in the BJood of pj^' \^' V^' Chrift, if your Repentance be fincere. And I ex- j Cor/9. 25-. hort and charge you , that you believingly and ^6, zj. ' thankfully accept this great, unfpeakable Mercy, P^^l- i4i' $• and that you watch more carefully for the time to " ^^^' ^' ^^' come, and avoid temptations, and fubdue the Flefli, and accept Reproofs, and fee that you return not to your vomit, or to wallow again in the mire, when you are waihed ; but obey the Spirit and keep clofe to God in the means of your prefervacion. 72 The Reformed Liturgy. A Form of Thartk^giv'wg^ or Prayer^ for the Rejiored Penitent. Rom. 3. If. f^ (©od merciful jfatlier, u\z t\)mk t\)tt^ tX^at \J tl)ou hail b2oiiglir m nnux fo graciou0 a CoW I Job. I. V. & ijenaut, as not onlp to par Don t\)t fin0 of our uure^j i. 1, 1- generate date; but alfo upon our ^tmtmt confeffi;: on, anD return, to deanfeufi^, fromaH ourunrigljte^ Pfai. IV oufnel^, anD parDon our faHe b)> tl)e blcoD of ^nj^iff, ^ '°3- J- anD to redone our im\0, anD leaD U0 again in t\]t 3PatI)B of lAigWeoufners, anD commanD t\)V ^tv^ Mat. 9. 1. iJant5^ to receitje rns. ZUt tljank tljoe t()at tljou IjaH tl)us rel!o^eD tins ti)v ^feertjant, gitjing Ijim repent Rom. y . « , 2., : . tanr e anD remiCTion of fin* [* anD re^ ^ turning I]im to tlje (Sommunion of :f !fJ*L°^^ , Pfal. 51. 11. tljp CtjUrcl]] mz bcfOedl tIjCC COm:^ Rejeaed fort Iiim, Uiitli tlje belietjing :iLpp,2e^ Iienfions of tlip foggifeenefs anD reconciliation tf)^ougI) 1 Pet. 5. 10. 3|eru0 Qiij^iQ.^ iiieCo^e unto liim tl}e |0|? of ti)v fal^ Nation, anD upI)OlD I}im bp tl)V free fpirit ^ Qabiifi), Aasii.z?. lirengtl)en, fettle l)im, tl)at Untl) full purpofe of Iieart, Ije map cleabe unto tliee, anD noix> tljou Ijatt fpoken peace to l)im l)e map not return again to fol:^ Pfai. 8y. 8. Ip, as i)t nauietl) tl)t ipame of cfl:lj^iS, let i^im Depart 2 Tim - ^^^^ 3^^^^^tyi a^^ n^^^i^ ^tio^^ Diftonour a;i)ee, tl)p c^urcl) or tnitij, no^ I^ijs Ijolp p^ofeCfion, but 7 9. . fabe I}im from 2!remptation> 3ilet i)im toatcl) anD Q.im fad, anD fm no mo^e, led too^fe befal Ijim* ]let l)im not receitje tl]i0 grace in tain, no^ turn it Rom. z.ih into ^lantonncfs, no^ continue in fin, tljat grace mai> abounD* 3i5ut let l)isi olD man be cruc ifieD toitl) Mat. ^. I ^ ca:i)^iii, anD tl}c 3i5oDp of fin be DeilropcD ; tijat I)ence:^ fo^tl) f)e map no mo^^e fcrbe fin, remembging tofjat I Cor. 16. 1 J. fruit be l)aD' in tljofe tl)ing0, Irijereof Ije is^ note a^ (lameD, anD tliat tlie euD anD toages of fin i0 Deatlj, anD [H us an take Earning bp tl)e falls of otljer^, John ^ 14. anD be not l)igli minDCD but fear ; :3inD let Ijim tl;at rCor. 6.1. tbinbetli be UanDctl) take IjeeD led be falL ^etufi loatcl) anD p^ap tl)at Ixie enter not uito temptation, remembering tijat tbe flel]} is Uieak* 4lnD our 4iDljer:i farp tl)e JDe\)il iralketb about ff eking U-.ljom be map Judc 4. Debour* ^nD let none of ue bate our 3i5,20tljcr lu our beartfi, but in anp boife rebuke our neigl)bour, auD not fuffer fin upon bim, anD confirm us un:; ' to tlje mD, tljat toe map be blamelefs, ii) tlje JDay cf The Reformed Liturgy » 70 of our %tsp 3|eru0 slj^iff, to ixjl)om ixiitl) tljee, Sl> ;ffatf)er ! auD tfip igolj? spirit, be isingtiom, anO Potoer, anD d^Io^p fo^ eten Amen. APPENDIX. Mar. 28. 19. A larger Letany^ or general Prayer^ to he ^ J""^- >'• 7. ujed at Dijcretiorj, xTim. r.17. Pfai. 139.7,8,9. 0&.ij.7,4..ira. lO, S^oi! l&olp, 3i5le(reD, ann (25Io?ious STrinitp, 17 Nth.9. Rev- ;fatl)er, ^on, anD igolp (2K}oa, tligee per^ +• ^-^ 1- e^-^. fonjs^, anD one (0oD, Sinfinite in Potcer, jf- 4- ^|^- 47- 7- SKtiifDom, anD CB^CDDnef^, our creator, l'^eDeemer,fJ\^'^ai 2 anD ^anctifier ; our pinner, (I5ol3erno^anD5fatl)er^io.Deut.3i e. ijear our ip^aper^, anD Ijabe mercp uponu;8^, ^i^lvktl\.^. ferable finner^* Aft. 7. $<;, 60. €> ^o^D our §^abiour, toliofe incarnation, iRa:^ S?, ^' ^'• tibitp, Subjection, :ffafiing, iremptation, lPol3ertp,Lukei'n * mep^oaclje^, 4lgonj>, anD BleoDp ficeat, Scourging, M3t.4.'i, 2. JDefertioit, arrucifping, ©eatl], anD Burial, toere aH 2. Cor. 8. 9. unDergone to take atoap t\)t ^im of tfje Qiaio^lD:]^^'^-^^-^^' iKUlp being rifen, afcenoeD, anD glo^ifieD, art tl^eL"^^^^- J^-^ great iP^ieff, anD P^opljet, anD ising of tI)P uni^ !;! MYrki ; U' berfal cljurcf), fo? ixjijicl) ti)ou makeS ^jntercelTion, & 15. u- 'Corl toi)ic() tljou Doeff gatljer, teacb, anD guiDe bp tl)p 15. 3,4. Job. >. Ifepirit, 2[llo?D, anD ^iniSer^, totjicl; tipu Dod'-^'-Heb. 1.3.& ludifie anD toilt gto^ifie iritl) ti))) felf, b;i)o Mt'-^.g^-'-^^- come again, anD raife ttje Peiit?, anD iuiDge tljencb T'l'^joh* dflio^lD in rig^teoufnef0 ; inner0 : call m not out tl)at come i\n^ 10,10. iCor.n. to t^ee : #ake Cure to u0 our calling anD election, ^i^. 4. & f . i6, our unfeigneD f aiti) anD repentance, tljat being iix^i^ ^rVief '^' '^' fieD, anD maDe tlje Son0 of dBioD, ijoe map l}ate peace ,^ joh* ^/^^I' toitl) l}im a0 our neconcileD C5oD anD ;5Fatl)er. AdV.. 7. '^i.joh* 3flet ouri)eart0 be rig!)t toitl} tl}ee our dB^oD, anD^.^y.^PeMio. fieDfaH int\)f cobenant, caufeu^toDenpour felbe^, iT^ii^i-^ aos anD gibe up our felbesf entirelp unto tliee, our Cgeato?, n y • ^ _^\ J^- ^^• .l^eDeemer, anD ^anctifier, a^ being not cur oU5n,,c^;/J.,'8;pf. \Mt tl)ine> 78. 37VMat.!^. 3 i Hitt tip igolp fpirit DtoeU in U0, anD fanctifie u^ iCor 80- • iCor: tl)^ou3l)out, tijat i»e map be neto creature;ef, anD f)olp ^' ^9^ ^o- a^ 74 i he Reformed Liturgy. Rom. 8. 9. ajs tljou art igol)^ i let if be m ujsf t\]Z fjiirit of 4lDop:2 1 Thef.y iv tion anD fuppticatioii, sm tlie feal arin enrneU of 1 PcT" /■ iV' ^"^ C351o,2iou0 31nhpritance anu let usf knoto tijat toe R«m.*8' IT.' ^^^ ^^^i"£^- 3"^ tliou abiDeff in \X0 b^ tlje fpirit ix)I)ic^ Zech. iz. 10. fijou ija({ giben \x^. Eph. I. M, 14. lifS n]v iSame, SD ?Lo^ti i^ Igoli?, ant> tl}P glo^)> T ^t '■ ^' ^u K ^^'^^^'^^^ fi)C igeal;en0 fo let tlje (iartl} be fiHeb toitt) T ^ Luke I '^ t^PP^^aire^: net our ^oul^ eber fli^agnifie tijee S!> Vial .<6 17 & ^0.-^ ■ ^"1'^^ ow^ SToiiguejef ertol tliee. ?Let m fpeak Hf. 5.6.7, ^,'1, of tl)e glc,ziou;6f l)onour of tl))> 09aie3p; oftf)i?(25;eat^ ii,&:c.zi. nefs;. tI}pii5otner> tl)p glo^iou0 BmgtnDm. tijp dfflfif::; Dom. ipolinef^, SETriitl) aiiD iRigljteoufaefe: , tl)p ^CDDnefs^, tl)p Q^ercp, anD tl)p txioiiD^oii^ oxio^k^ ! Let all Fieli blefs chv Holy Namd, ]fa i5 ^ iliame : saufe ji.\2.& 10.12, W-S^ to lobe tijee toitl) all our tortja^ to fear tijee truU 20, 21. pfai.-,.^ ia t[)tz anD to Deligljt m tljee, auDbefati^fieo in t^ee «c 37.4.&16.5. au our Portion, aaoioljat eberiueDoto uo it to tiw -'°+^Ph'i 2 '\i' ^^^^^ "^ f^o"^ 31no?Dinate felf lobe, from F^iDe, JR.m. i.'is'V^.' anD bain (Blo^p. anD felf feeding anD fromDi(6onour^ Mit. J. x6. i\% tl)ee, tljpiCLio^D. o,z ^erbice in t\)z iflio^lD. Pia'.^y.z,;. let t^e SUo^lD acknob)leDge tljee. tlje^niberfal & 2. 8. II. j^iiig^ (23;j^^ .((^P gjQj^ l-lj^ l^eatljen fo? I)i0 31nl)eri^ iT7m''2^i'+ ^^"^'^' ^"^ t^)^ utmoff part^f of tlje cartljfo? {)\is; joh. li. W. PoCTelTion: 3let tl)e isingDomfi of ttje (iflio^lD become & 1 2, 3 : . I)i0 l^iiigDom0 J conbert tl)e ^tl)eiilical, 3lDolatrou0, Phu. 2. 20, 1 1. 3|nfiDel ci©al)ometan. anD ungoDip il^Iation^of t{)z cartl; rliat eberp iSnee map bob? to orlj^itt, anD ebe:^ rp STongue confeCe l)im t\)Z %m% of ifiingfif, anD Itlo^D of i^o,:D0^ 2^0 tlie C^lo^p of (2^oD tl)e j?atl)er^ fTheV'Jt ^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^^^ ^f ^^^ 0ingDom anD s^albation be Dan. 123. ' P.2eadjeD to all tl)e 3^o?ID. let it l)abe free courfe anD U" . 49. 6. be glorifieD ; anD h^ t^e ipolxier of ti)^ Spirit con^ Mar. 9. 58. bert manp unto €i}?ift. anD let i^imbe tl)t> ^alba:^ Th^f ' '''* ^^"^^ ^° ^^^^ ^"^^ ^^ ^^^^ o^artlv S)enD foztl] mo;e ?la^ 1 Thd'i'li ^ow^^r0 into tl)e igarbeli, tnliicl) i^ great,' anD fit tl)em fo^fo great a too^k -. anD Deliber tljem from unreafon^s able mo toickeD men, t\\^t to fill up tljeir rin0; fo^biD tljem to fpeak totlje ipeople, tl)at tl)ep migl)C be fabeD^. Luke 18. 7. jDeliber tlje (irl)urcl}e0 t()at are opp^eOTeD bp ^jDola Luke Yl" \ 0 ^^^^' ^al}omt tan0 0? otI)cr ;f .nfioel^ anD a^nemies . iPec. z.if. & ^^^^ ^^ t^JP^^f^a"^'^ IP^uDence, ^patience, ano 3.14.17. sc 3innocenfp, tliatfufferingaycftliziliian^. anD nota^f 4- 15, 1^, 19- &iJil 3Doefj0f, tijep map not be afljameD buf map glo^ wicah 7.7- rifietlite anD toait for t\)\> ^albation, committing Mat, J. II, 11. fug beeping of tlieir ^oula unto tijoe, in tjope of a »eU)aro m igeaben» v Pe^j ThelTeformed Liturgy, 7S JDeliber ttjecijurcl) from ti)e aSeman Papal (afiir^Piai. 119. lu. pation0anD-9,i3- fie^, anD falfe mo^f^vp, bv ti)e Iigl}Cof tfivp^eliailing i^h^ '^',0 '^'^^ arrutl) ; finite aU ca:f)^illuitig in (S^ly^m 3!efu^, ti)e true iVktiz zf zs anD onlp dJniUf rfal ^eat) : arijat bp tl)e true eli^iSiau ^ Pet. 2.' * cCatljoUck :JfaitIi auD Idobe, tijep map groto up in ijim, Jude anD map ka^p tije mnity of tl)e Spirit in tljt bouD of ^^im. ?. 9. B3eace; tfje firongreceibing anD bearing tlje Jlnfirmt: ^^ . ^' '^' '^' tie^ of tl)e toeak ; igeal tlje Dibifion^ tijaf are among Rom 14 i BelieberB; let notljing be Done tlj^ougl) firife 0^ bain^ x i m. * glo^p, but in loblinef^ of minD ; let ead) el!eem otljer Jer gz. 39* tetter tban l)imfelf, ^nD let aU menknoto tl)at toe are ' ^^r. no. (^t^^iUsi JDifcipIeB^, bp our ferbent lobe to one anotl^er* it'*/' \ Xttu0 be fjeartilp anD entirelp tl^p ^ubjert^,belieb^ Eph '' I , ing tl)at tlpuart jul!, auD tl)eEetoarDer of tljem tljat Rom.?.26 Heb. Diligentlp fo^k ti)ec^ JSeep ms from ^tljeifln, 3iD0latrp, ^ T'i.Eph-z.a,?. anD JDifqbeDieuce; from 31nfiDel itp, SngoDlinef^, anD ^."^^s^- ^- »*• i^enfualitp; from ^ecuvit^, p^efumption, anD Defpair> ur^' ^' ' '* ?let U0 auDp to pleafe tlje^ in aU ti)ing0 : let tl)p Kom 'g' zl' -Jlato be to^itten in our ijear^, anD let u^ Deligl)t to Do Coi. 1'. to. Hcb. M)V ^ifl ; let our jFaitl) anD ?libe^ be ruleD b)> ti)^ ^. 10. Pfai.40.8. .iBHorD, 'oQt^ici)\0 able to m.ake U0 toife unto ^alba-^ ^'a. s. zo Afts ition; let u0 lobe it, fearcl) it, anD unDerSanD it, J"^* |l\^ v"^^ - . anD meDitate in it Dap anD nigi)t. Jf, f ?9 Like net U0 not pleafe our felbe^ 0^ ptljer men againii24.4f.pfai.i.2, t^ge, no^ be leD bp tlje toifDom ozDefire^of tlje^o^tD, Rom. im, z. anD jflelb, no;i regarDlping banitie^, no^ tlj^ouglj^a^-'-^o- iCpr. , carelefneffi^, ra(l)nef0, 0^ p^eCumption, offenDt^ee^ R'^''5f"^*Vh 450 all iBatious muS be juDgeD hv tl}ec, let tl)em be f '"g"';^;*. ';/*;"' .:ruleD bp tl]P laixi0, anD not make tljem boiD bpmen0 i/i^ Roir.2! -^TraDitioue", no? too^ftip ttjeeinb^in, teacijing fio^ 16. Micah4.z. i©oarine tl)e cfrommanDment0 of men* 3i5ut Wljat eber Mat. ly. 3, 5, tl)ou commanDefi, let tl)em take 1}ced to do ! lettljem ^ ' [' ;i:aDD noti)ing tljereto, no? take ougijt tl}erefrom* ^^-i * ilet U0 not take tl)p iplp igame in bain, but ufe Exod.^oj.Pfal, Jt in trutl) anD reberence^-iseepus from aHBlafpljemp, R). 7. Jer. 4:2. .perjurp, Ipiopljane fijoearing, from lpin« before tl)e Mar. 15. 19. (Bod of STruti), ano from contempt auD fo?getfulnef0 1^""'^ Y' r* of tt)P p^efeace, from falfe, untxiortli{>, unreberent ,\i\l'f^l'lo tl)Ougl)t0ozfp©d)e0of(I5oD, anD tjolp tl)mg0, auD from Mai. i.<^,7,'izl neglecting b? abufing tlip l)olp oiUogD anD orio^fiiip^ 6c 1. 1, 7, s, 9. ^elpu0 to ka:p l)olp ttjp JDap, mrememb^ance of tl)e Rev. i. io, bleflfeD ixjo^kof our E^Demption, anD reberentlp to at:; Aa. 20. 7. ^ tenD tliae in publick 2jUo?{I)ip ; anD obeDientlp to r eceibe 'Cor- 1^. 2. ti)^ idio^D, anD ferbentlp to call upon tl)pi|^ame auD f^^. ^ °-J^- .toDeligl)tourfelbe0in2n)ankfgibmganD)opfulp?aife0 j^^; ; ^' to tl)p I5olinef0 in tt)e communion of tl)p^aint0,anD ah.?. 42,*^. jfff let y6 The Reformed Liturgy, praL98.&c.i4/!et US uvt^uUv fee tliat our 5)ounjoil>jer, anu all toitljin 1. jofh. ZA' !)• oiir gate0 Do fcrte t^o?^ atiD not abufe tliv i}oip JDa)>» Exnd. to 1 0. j^g^p mere p on tl)e isingjff aiiD l^ul er0 of tl)c cEar tf), PfalT'l-r r^ 6 ^^laf ^1^^* "^^^ f^l-^P^ ^^^ €cmptation0 of (LMO^lDif Lukei8.2.4,iV<25^^atner8f, i^.onourflf, anD p^fperitp, totjicli tooulD I Cor. 1. 15. f apribatp tlK m to tlje fled), ann nzaUi ttieir t)rart5^ from Luke IT. II. ttift, tliP 3C.a)r0 anD ifliav^, anD tooulo engage tl}em a^; J^^' j^. ^V ^'^ gainfl th^, anD t.hv ^crbants , Znr) as thep are tl)p tVi'Tif^^^9 QPiniUer^, ann 30agi(lracv i:6r tt)me iZD^Dinance, Ian* a% i Chron. cti&e anD Difpofe tlirm to be il^urfing jfar Ijerjff to tl)>> T9. ^. eiinrch, to oton tlip ^fntereff, anD Rule fo^ tljee^ V^m. 4-. 10. C'frer iaKp habe mercv on tiro ^er\3ant Char ei our 1 Kia ^ 1 9ii I. j^ing ; illuminate anD fanrtifte ^im b^ tiw i)olv ^pi:: illJ,^jl% rit, tliat abobe all tdmga tie map frek tliv (3to^p, tt)e in^ aKmgsiS.i.i,^. crrafe of jfaitlianD £Dber)icncetotIip3taU)0, anD map Rom. n. 4,V ruIeu0as^bemgtIipa3inilIerfo?gCDD,nottobeaterro,z 1 Tim. 1. 2. to gdiDSllo.zkjsf, but tcc^bil; tl]at unr^er l)im ine map leaD a quirt anD peaceable life in all goDIineCsf anD lioneU)>^ PfaL72.iPro.8. igabe mercp upon an tl)e iSopal :ffamilp, tije %o;l}isf i6.Exod.i3.i7.oftf)ecounaI,anDaIItf)ei0obilitp, tlje JiuDge^, anD ifa ^?' - ^mCtVcites of ttiefe llanD;0f. ocaufe tl)em to fear tt)(t, Luke I SI ^^^ ^° ^^ eminent in ^ob^ietv, Kigl)teou(hef0, anD J 2 , ) 3 . ' * C5oDlinef0, to piottct the "J.nnbcent , anD be a terro^ to tl)e (laiit-feeD, bating 31njUiIice,sobetournef0anD p^iDe* Rora. 13. I 6. !leteberpfoulbefubjeatotl)eigig!jfrU5ob3ersf,anD 1 Pec. X. 1 3.' not refill* 51et tijem obep tbe Sing, anD all ttjat are in 1 Tim. z. t. 4lutlio2itp unDer him,not onip ro,2 to:atb, but fo; conCct:: mc£ rafee,a0 knoUiin^ tl}at tliep rule bv tl]ec,anD fo^ttjae* P . (23ibeaIItbearl)urelie0able, (}0l)>, faitl^'uHPatfo/^r, \ Tim s" 1*7 ^^ ^^"^^ ^^^^"^ laboiiouli' to p:eacb, anD riglitlt> to Di^ 2 Tim. 1. IS. ^i<^^ t^f ^o^D of trutl), to feeD tip F^ opie toitli motors jcr. V u. leDge, anD leaD them in tbe Uiap of jf aiti) anD ilobe, of a Tim. 4. r. s igolinef^ auD i^eace, anD to toatcli (ox ttjeir fouls a0 2. zr. & I. n. f jjcfe tl)at muH gibe account ; obcr:;faing anD ruling iVcili^'x i ^^^^^ "°^ bpcondraint, but toiUinglp, notfo?filt!)p '^.' ' ' ' 'lucre, butof areaDv minD, not a^ being !Lo^D0 obec ti)^ igeritage, but a0 tlie ^erbant0 of all, anD (Jrn^ lample0 to tlje jfloeli ; STljat tol^en t^e cljief ipafio^ il)aU appear, tljep map receibe a croton cf (Slo^p* ?Ut tbe qo:ongregation0 tmoto tljofe tljat Ijabe tt)e iThcCi r .^.^wJ'ngoft^em, anDareobertbemintt)eilo^D,tl)atla^ Hcb. iV 17.* ' bouramongtbem,p2eacl)ingtotbcmtbeMio^Dof in lobe for tbeir too^b0 fafee, anD account tl)m )xo;ti)v of Double Ijonour* Epb 5 4. ^^^ IParent0 b^ing up tljeir cbrt D^en ni tbe il2ur ture anD 4lDmonition of tlj? Jlo^o, Diligcotlp teadjing tl;fm The Reformed Lrtftrj^y. •^7 ttfp moitj, talking • of it tol)en tljep are in tf^eir f)Oufe, Dcm. 6. 6,7. anti tefjm tliei? Voalfe bt> tt^e toap, totjen tijep ipe Doton, ano bherr tfieprife upi tl)at tl)ei) map knoto rl)cir cre^ Eccl. 12. r. ato?, KeDa>mer, ano ^anctifier in tlie Daps of t(^eir potifli : 41nD caufe Cljilo^m to f)ear lobe, Ijonour, am Eph ^ i 2 ? obep tljrir i^arent^, tl^at tliep map I)abe tl)e bieffing ' ' of tliine efpedal p^omife unto fuel}* %n Jlgu0banD0 lobe tlieir 2lUibejef, ano pzuoentlp Erh. s. 2^, i^. guiDe tljem in knotoleoge ano tiolimts. 41nD let p--.^. 1,7. ' ©Hibe0 fobe, Ijonour, ano obep tijeiv i^,u0bano;^, a;9f c^^- 2- ^a. meet i)elper£f to ttiem* ?Let mi<$evs rule tfieir g^erbarttsf in igolfnef^ ano Eph. 5 9 ^ ^ercp, rememb^ing tl)ep f]abe a iS^ntier in igeaben, ano let ^erbantjer reberentip, finglp, ano toiHingb' beobeoient anoooferbicetotljeir ^iQer^a^totfje Jlc^i3, rromljim ejcpecting t()eir retearo* Beep m from ^uroer, Oiiolence, ano all injurp to our r Job. 7.1^, neigJjbo^fif fife, 0^ fjealtl], from TTialice,furSng,rebiiing L'^^ ?. 14. ano unaDbifeo atn-jer : ^et 110 not reCl! tbil )x>itt} ebil, if""' 7. 2. but forbear one anotlicr, ann not gibe plate to Ui^atlv Rom'jf ""r- ^' J^oep u^ from 41ou{f erp, jforniration ano all ixndem:^ Fph. 4. 7. '' * nef^, ano tije occafions ano appearances tljereof* ?Let Rum. 12. 19. U0 talie care a0 becometl; faints, tl)at tljt^ be not immo:^ ^^^c. t . 2 , 2?. Oefflpnameoamongus^ anot()at no«:o;2ruptcommu^ iC rA^^Rcrn, nication, proceeo out of cur ^cutljs.^ 0ecp us from \^*^p' il ' ,1: Cljambering ano toantonnefs, from luffful tl)OU^()ts, 4.19. 1'pcc 3:2,1. ano an immooef! attire, bel}abiour, lojfes ano actions* Job 31. 1. "^' * iacep US from ^l)pft ano ^ppzefSon, ano anv toap Eph. 4.28 pfai to^onging our i^eigl)bo? in Ins P?op?ietp anO ofSate* 62. 10. & 73. s! Beep u0 from jfaife bjitnefs^bearing, Iping, anO oe^: ' Thef. 4. 6. ceibing > from flanoering, backbiting, unjUJi, uncl^ari^ Pov^i^.y .& 12. table cenfuringo^ rep^oacl)ing, from an perberting ofH^^j j°;^pfai plaice, ano hj^onging tt)e reputation of our iReigl)^ ly. 3.'&8'i. 2. bour, ano from aU confent or oelireof fuel) tegongs* Lev.i<, 17. Beep us from cfnbp, ano from cobeting anp ti)ing p^ov. zj. tl)at is our i|ieigl)bours, to l)is bj^ong, ano from fak^ Gal. 5. 21, z6. ing our oton, 0^ o^ab^ing to ourfelbes, to tlje injurp of E^p^- ^0*17. tfi0 Welfare •, but let usi lobe our i|^eigl)bours as our \^^^- ^' ^ '• lelbes, ano 00 to otl)ers as b^e tooulo tljep Rjoulo 00 & ; Z.^" ^^' to m^ 2EreacI) m to lobe clj^iS ano l)is i}0\v Blmage in l)i0 Mat. i f . 40. fl^embers, toitl) a oear ano fpeeial lobe, ano to lobe i Pec. 1.2^.. Mar. our (Enemies, ano p^ap fo^z tliem tijat l}ate anO per^ ^ 44^ ^; Jr45. fecute usi, ano to 00 gcbo to all as bne are able, but ^^^' ^' ^^' cQseciallp to tl)em of tije l)ou(Ijolo of jfaitlj* Caufe us b3itl3 patienee to fubmit to all tije ©ifpo^ PCai. ^9. 9. fals of tl;p caiill, ano Wit ti)}> drno, ano to lobe tij? Ma.. 16. jo. ;ffffa m^ 78 The Reformed Liturgy. Afts M. «4. nemonffration^ of t)i\v l&olinefje;, auD 3|u(lice, tl)OUfil| Jam. 5. 7i 8 11. gricboufi to t\)Z f\t% auD keep uje: from impatient J Kin. 10. i^. jai^urmuringjff, an?) tiifcontcnt, anO arrogant reafon^ Mai. 3H- »4- uig agamU tl)p ^in. Luke 1 1 . n • <25itje u0 our Dailp b^ean, our neceffatp fuHentation, Dcut. i8. -^5. ant) p^obifion fo? tl)p ferbice, ant) let U0 ufe it fo^ tfjee, Rom. I ?. 1 4- anD n^t to fati;6fp tlic flefl; -, let U0 ticpenD on ti)a, ano ^"h^ ' '^'/°* ^"^ ^^^ f^^ ^^ ^'^ ^^ laiofui ufe of ttie mean0 ■■> anD IohIJ'4 ^^f-^^ ^^'^^ ^"^ Iabour0, anti gibe ujb tl)c fruits of ti)t cartif in feafon, aiiD fuctj temperate b^eatljer a0 tenH^ eti} tljereunto* Tte^t'>% 6 8 K>eliber U0 anD all tl}p ^erbant^ from Old) toantjef, &c Pha*2.'z7.tiiffreire0,grief;ff, anDficknefe, a0 iioifl unfeafonablp. pfai. 101 . 24. tafee ujBf off tl}j5 ftrbice. ant) from untimely oeatt) ; 4InD Luke 1 2. : o. teact) u0 to batue antJ retjeem our time, anB icoo^ti \xX}i\t Eph.s-i^. iti0tiav^ joh. 94- 0eepu0from (I5lutton|>, 3D^unfeennef0 an& all Rom. M- n- intemperance; from aotl) ano iolencf^, from ino^Dinate Jy^^^^".^- , tiefire0ofpleafure0, ogabunoame^ but Ijabmg f coD, Eph 4. z8.' ano liJaiment let U0 be tl)ereb3itl) cmtmitli^ Pro.ii. 17, ilDf tt)p abundant mercp. tluougi) tljefacnfice anB & 2.3. 4. merit0 of tlip ^onacco^oingto tip p^omife, fo^gibe \m 1 Tim. 6. 8, 9. aH our fin0, anD fabe U0 from tljip DeCerbeD togattj anD Pfai.ji. I. conDemnation* Kemember not SS> ^o^D our offence0, w h R ^* ^' ""^^ ^^^^ offences of our fore^jfatl)er0 -, but tljoug!) our Dan 9' 6''i6 31niquitie0 teilifp againd U0, ftjare m anD fabe U0 jer. 14.7.' ' fo^ tl)v mercp fake ' £D let not our fin Dep^ibe m of Pfai. 31.16. tl)p fpirit, 0? of accef0 unto tl)ae, or communion toitfi rfai. 51.11, tfjae, o^ of t\)^ fabour o^ comfort, o^ tt)e ligfjt of t^ »i» 'Q- • (Countenance, o^of eberlaUing life* u^'e i[. I *^^"^^ "^ ^0 fo^gibe from our ^eart0, tfje Jlnjurie^ Rom.- 12. 19. t)one againtt U0, a0 b^e ejrpect to be fo^giben bp tljee Luke 6. 28, 29. tl)c greatef! Debt* iSeep U0 from aH rebengeful De* Luke 14. fire0 anD atrempt0* ^CnD Do tljou conbert anJ parDon Aft. 7.60. our afnemie0. aanDerer0 opp^eao^0, iperfecuto^0, anD otljer0 tl)at l)abe Done U0 loo^ong* Mar. 25. 41. ^g^p u0 fxom ruuning upon HDcmptation^, tuffec ^m. 4. 7. not tl)e tempter bv fubtiltp o^ impo^tiuhtp to corrupt jo^b'^T^'' cur 3iUDgment0. ZBi^Hs 3lffection0, o^conberfati;: Mat. 11. '3^. on0* Caufe U0 to maintain a Diligent anD conftant Hcb. 2.10. toatcl) ober our t!)ougl]t0 anD lieart0. our fenfe0 anD 2 Tim. 2. 3. appetitP0, our top;D0 ano action0; anD a0 faithful 1 Job. 2. 13. £^oulDicr0 bp tlje conDUct anD flrcngtlj of tl)e Captain R-'m"^ 8 1 ^^ •"^ ^albation biiti) tl)e U)l)Ole 41rmour of <^0D, 2 Tim. z. 8.' to reiia auD obercome tlje ^o^lD, tlje jOebil, anD tlje Sf\i{i) unto tljc (EnD* ^abe The Reformed Liturgy, 79 ^abe \x» firom t\)t STempCation^ of ip^fperit|>, I'^ov. 30. 8, 9. ma 2tDberfitp, let iijef not fce D^ton from tij^ to fm ^ ^°^-^- '^» ^^- i)p tfje pleafure0, p^ofit^, 0^ l^onourief of ttje ©loglD-, mTi ?' ll\i (Icengt^en U0 fo^ fuffermg^ef, let u^ not fo^fafee ti)tt, Mac' 8. 24.* * 0^ fafi in time of trial, Ijelp ujef to Denp our felbe^, Kom. 8. 18. sxiXi take up our ca:rof0 anD foHoU) ^\^ii% accounting tfje fufferings^ of tl)ij6f p^efent time, uni»o^tfjp to be compareo "ooitl) tfje glo^p to be rebealeu* ^eliber U0 from t^e "^- 1^ i^'- tljeir s&oul^ 0^ ^igfooiejsr; tfjeir peace 0^ Jlibertie^, j^^^^- J^?:^''»^* * mljm tee teere teithout Crength, in cue time ch^ifi tJieo fo; tlje un^ 1 Pet ^ is S^*^^^^' ^^ ^^'^ ^^' ^^'^ unfutt : Jn this tea0manifeff 1 joh.'4. 4. the lol^e of (15co totoarD0 U0, that (feot) fent hi0 on^ Ip begotten ^on into the Mio^lD, that tee might libe Kcb. i.i' 15. bP '^^i^* Jfogafmuch a0 th^ ^hito^en teere idarta:? ke^s of fied) an^ bi^otJ, Ije himftif liketeife tcok part to.ti) them, that t)t might DeUros^ through oeatt), Ijim that ha.i th^ po-ripr ov Dc.iti% that i0 the ©ebil ; anD migi)t ot ibti' tljem, teho ti)<20ugh ftar of ©eatfj, Col z 15. teere aH neirlife tfme (uyiVct to bonoage^ igabing fpoiIeD p^ziufipatititjb anr: jpoteer^, h^ itiaoe fljete of tl)em opmlp, truimphing ooer them in l)i0 crof0* ige toa'5 burieDauo rcte auainthe thirD Dap acco^ing to tlje ^cripture0, fo? dPoD raifeo l)im, habing KnfeD ttjepainercf J-catij, bec-ufe ittea0 not poflfiblethat Aas2. :4. jj^ ii)ou\ii ^e hoioen of it, f)e hatl) aboUdjeo DeatI], aT»m.i. 10. gj^j, ^^ought Me anD 3immo,2talitp to light bpthe (15ofpeL ilD 3Deat() ! tel;ere is tl)p ^ting i k[> (JB^A'ot •' i Cor. 1;. 5 J- tDhere i0 thp ^-,13. ing of tljt ^int0, fo? tlje to^k of tlie ^inilirp, fo? tt}e (Knifpmg of tlje IBoDp of clj^iff, till toe all come in tl)e unitp of tlje faitlj, anu of tlje fenotoletJge of tlje S^on of <0oB to a perfect man ; fje i$ fet at (!5oti$ rigljt I)anD in tl)e cfrelettial^, far abobe all IP^mcipa^: Eph. 1. 10, 2% Cities, anD Ipoloer^, ann (©igfjt, anD JDominioii, ^^,^h anD etjerp name tl)at i0 nameD, not onlp in tl)i0 ©uo^lD, but in tl)at to come* (25oD I)atl) put aK tl)ing0 unner Ijisi (ezt^ anD gabe t)im to be IjeaD obcr all tl)ing;8r to tl)e Ci)urcl), Mjtdj i0t)i^BoDp, t^e fulneCe: of Ijim tljat fillet!) all in all* mitljoixt controberCe great 10 tljesippllerp of (0oiJ^ i Tim. 3. x6. linefsr: (Bon manifelleDin tl}t fled;, juCiaeD in tlje S^pirit, faen of ^ngeljtf, p^eacIjeD to tlje (Bentilesf, iieliebeo on in tl)e QUo^lD, rereibcD up into lo^)(>* %l)i0 ig tlje 3Reco^D, tl)at (Boo ijatl) giben uies atternal i john 5. n. life, anti tlji0 life i$ in l)i0 ^on =, Wit tl}at Ijatl) tlje ^on ijBtt) life, anD Ije tlj&t ijati) not tijt efeon l)atl) not life* ige toa^ in tlje mo^io, anD tlje mio^Id toa^ John 1. 10, ti. maDe bp Ijim, anD tlje mo^iO feneto Ijim not ; ige came to Ijis oUin anD l)i;0oton receibeD Ijim not* Wi)i0 jobn 3.19. is tlje couDemnation tljat ligljt 10 come into tlje iDO^lD, anD men lobeD Darknef^ ratljer tljan llgljt, becaufe tljeir Jdms are eUL Wut asi manp aflf re^ john i. u. ceibe Ijim, to tljem gibe^ Ije ipotoer to become tlje ^ons of <0oD, eben to tljem tljat beliebe in Ijiis il^ame* Rom. 8. i. Cljere iis tljerefo^e noto no conDemnation to tijem ioliicl) ar^ in orlj^tt 3flefu0, ^^0 'walk not after tije pczi 103. 3. fiel!) but after tlje fpirit* ^e fo^gibetlj our iniquitieSj Keb. 8. iz. anD toiE remember our CinjBi no mo^e* ©iilio IbaH lap anv tljin% to tije cljarge of (Boos mecti 3|t is (Boo Rom. 8.33134-' t^at juffifietl) ; toljo i0 Ije tljatcouDemnetl)^ 3it i^ Clj^iS tljat DieD ■> gea, rather tljat is viten again, toljo 10 eben at tlje rigljt IjanD of earefanctiti^C5, u:e ait ;Ui^itiec iu cije ^ameof tlje Jlcgi 'JiiU's, anD l-^> tijc ipiat c: luc Cl5oD* f^ot b^ \5?c:fe0 uf waj;-.»ieoulati.3 1 ljici> Ut ijabe Done, but accogDih^ to ijts mcccp ijt f^ieD u.^ Ip tlje j? f f 4 tUuH^ 82 The Reformed LitHrgy, Tit. J. f. hjafl^mg of !f?egpneration, ano rrnehmtg of rtje !^olp Rom. ;. 1, 1, 5. (0t}oll» 4InO btinj luffifieD bf faiti), toe Ijabe peace totrt) (ZPotJ tf),:oiigt7 our 5(Lojti 3|efu^ Cfj^tff -, bp toljom alfo Uie Ijabe ^Irccf^ br faitli into this grace ttiljerein •Ire IIani>, anD rejo^^r e in ticpe of tbe gto;p of dJoo ; aim l)ope mafeetl) not aftamcu, becaufe the lobe of (2i5oD iK ffeer) abroao in ourhcartjS^, hy t\)t J^olt? (5hofJ bjlif c!) ijfi: io. gibrn to m^ jfoz if to^en iue toere ehemiej^ toe toere reconcileo to c!5o6 bp tl^e neatb of fjijg sfeon, mucfi mo^e Rom. 8. r- ^^"^3 reconciletJ, toe fljall befaben bpfji^Ufe ^ l^ethafc fpareD not [)ij& cton ^on, but gabe {)im up fo;i m ^II> !]oto (f)an tje not toitf) I)im alfo frcelp gibe m all tf)ing0? John 14.2,5. J^etljat 10 gone to prepare a pf ace fo?u.0, toiUcomea^; g:iin anD receibe U0 to Iiimfelf, tijat tof)ere i)t iis, tljere jjhn 17. 1^ toemapbealfo.3l|ti0iii0icnintf)at tl)eptl)attf)e JFat^er tjati) giben Ijim be toiti) !)im toljere l)e i^, tijat tdep map John 1 4. » 9. ^^W^ tfie (fi^lo^p that 10 giben l)itn^ 3!5ecaure he libeti) Col. 3. 3.4- teP fl^aH libe alfo •, for toe are oeaD, an5 our life i$ Ijin toitf) Ch^iS in 0OD : iflihni ^h^tff toho i0 our fife ftaH appear, then fljaH toe alfo appear toith hitn in glo^p; iThef. I 10. tohenhelfjall come to be glo^ifieD in l)isi ^RintB, am to be acmireD in all them that do beliebe^ Zljtn (Jail Mai / 18 ^^" tiifiern bittxieen ti)e mof-jtecuis anD the([ffl[ie6eD,be:: ^^' fto0:!nthoreti)atrerbe(BoD,anDthofe that Cerbe him not*. Mac. 13. 4^ 9rhen(J)aIltI)eKighteou0fl}inefi:i;jtha0the ^unintljt Rcv.ii. 7. fiingDom of their jfather* iCethatobercomethlJanini: Mar. I y . 2 1 . h^rit all tl)ing0* ig e ©all enter into the iop of hi0 lo^D* Kev.3. 12. |gef!;air be a pilar in the^cmple of (25oD,anD(|)aIlj3D . out no mo^e* €lyj{t toiU grant him to fit toith ^1^^ iu ' ■ l)i0 ^h^one eben kg he obrrcame anD 10 fet Doton toiti) t^is jFather in hi5 Ch^one, h^ ^^J^ re oice ober U0 toitl) z-ph. 3. T7. icr,hf toiHrett inhi0 lobe : orbenin the holp cii:itp,ti)e Rev. zi. z. neto jerniakni, pgepareD ajff a 3i5^^iDe aDo^neD fo^ her .3. hU0banD, tohrre the CafaEcnac le of (0OD toill be toitl) men, anD he toiH DtoeH toitti ttiem, anD thep (IjaH be hi0 peop! e, anD (0oD himfeif (IjaH be toith them, their (25orr, 4 auD (Iiall toipe atoap all tearjB from their epe0, anD there fl?aTlbe no mo^e Death, no; fo^roto, no^ crping, no; pain, (0^ thefo^mer things are paCfeD atoap* 4ltnD 2 J . tiie Hi am . On his coming to St. James's, when Prince oi Orange^ 387. To him and Queen Mary on their Acceflion to the Crown, 423. On Queen Marys Death, 539. To Queen Anne, On Her Acceflion to the Crown, 621. On the Vi<^ory of B^mel'-^ lies, 6<^'i. On the Vnion, J 10. On the difappoint- tnent of the Pretender's Attempt on North-Britain, 7 1 9. An'fip^dobaptijis. Many of them in the Parliament Army. Harrifon the Head of 'em, 68. Croinwe/, tio* a favourer of them at firft, difcountenancesthem afterwards; particularly in Ireland, where Ludlov> headed them, 69, 70. Mr. Baxter's firft acquain- tance with ihem at Gloucefter, 76. He thought him- feif oblig'd to preach againfl their Sentiments at €0- .;;•;- ^ '• . ^•' ■■ ■ ^-- '■ ventrjf^ An INDEX. ventry^* 80. Forc'd upon a publick Difpure with Mr. T^w/'/, one of ihecn, 105, 106. His moderate Sentiments of them, 113. His Overtures with Tome of them for Peace, 135. They join with the other DilFentcrs in an Addrefs to Queen /tnne^ 6^1. Antrim [Marquifs of] an Infh Rebel's recovery of his Eftate after the Reftoration, upon producing the King's Letter of Inftrudtions, 43. Vindication of the Author of the abridgement for inferting this Paf- fage, 44. Apocryphal Lefforu. Diflcntcrs Reafons againft them. Debates with Mr. OHyjfe and Mr. Hoadly on this Head, 232. — 234. Arminianifm. Mr. Bnxter*s Judgment of the Contro- ' verfies about it, 113. Articles^ of the Church of England. Mr. Baxters Ac- count of the Senfc wherein he and many other Non- conformifts fubCcrib'd them, 469. Bilhop Burnets Expolition of them. See [^Bumct, Ajjembly of Divines. How call'd and conftituted. Their Chara£ler vindicated from Lord Clarendon's Jlefledkion, 82. Their real Character. Limited in their Debates. Lift of the Members. The Five Diflenting Brethren. The Vow every Member took at bis AdmifTion, 83, 84. Hiftory of their begin- ning, progrefs and publick Acts, 85. The Members • of it moft Conformifts till the Wars, 49. DilTolv'd with the Parliameni: by Crowrpf, as to the Independents, 136. With Mr. Lamb and Mr. AUcriy two fobcr Anabaptifts, 1 35. His Debates with one Mr. Jobnfon, about the «e- celTity of Epifcopal Ordination, ii2. — 135. With the Papifts, 138, Cofucs An INDEX. Comes up to London between Richard's Prote(^orfhif) and tbc Reft oration, 294. Preaches before the ParJianaent the Day before they voted in the King: And a Thankfgiving before the Lord Mayor for Monies Succefs, 295. Made one of the King's Chap- lains at the Reftoration, 1^9. Is offer'd the Bi(hop- rick of Hereford, 151. One of the Savoy Commifli- oners for reviewing the Liturgy, 153. Draws up fhe B^formd Liturgy at the Requeft of his Bre- thren, 158. See it at large, Appendix p. i. Chofen • Jin, 1661. with Mr. Calamy, Proxy for London for the enfuing Convocation ; but both fet afide by the Bi- fliop of London, 159. His Reform'd Liturgy pre- fented to the Bifhops with a Petition, 1 60. Chofen by his Brethren one of the Difputants attheS^-oo)-, 164. His management as refpondent in that Difpute upon the head of Impolitions. The Reflec^ons caft on him for it, and his Vindication, 168, — 170. Outed of i^ederminflcr upon the Reftoration, the feque- ftred Vicar re-entring. Earneftly defires any Settle- ment there. The Lord Chancellor pretends to in- terpofe in his Favour, but to no purpofe, 296, 297. Porbidden by Bifhop Morley to preach in his Diocefs, who keeps up the Kjderminfter Le(St\jie, and endea- vours to aUenate the People from him, but in vain. Mt, Baxter's Advice to them at parting, 298. Re-« moves thence, and waves correfponding with them to prevent Offence ; but cannot efcape the Cenfures of the high Party, 299. Nor of his own People aft terwards for his Moderation, 300. The Vicar dy- ingy he might have had the Prefentation ,• but could not Conform, 301. Hefollicites the People to join with the Succeffor, but could not prevail when they were imbitter'dby Perfecution, 902. His Labours in the City till filenc'd. After occafional Preaching, fixes Lecturer at St. Dunfians wiih Dr. Bates, Obtains Bifhop Sheldons Licence. At- tended by a great Auditory, 302. Has a week-day lLe(3:ure in MUkrftreet, Once a Lord's day at Blackr friars, 303. Defifts from his publick Work Three Months before Bartholomew day. His Reafons for it, 304. Retires to ASion in Middlefex, purfues his Studies^ and attends the publick Worlhip, oniy preaching to his Fa- An INDEX. Family, 310. The firft Conventicle AH expiring. An. 1670 he preached to others with his Family in the Intervals of Church time. Imprifoned for this^ fix Months, 323, 324. Hardfhip and Iiijuftice of that Profecution. Imeroeiri-'rrs for him, and his Dif- charge, 315, 326. Overtures to Dr Oven for art Agreement with the Independents, 327. 1671. Has a great Lofs by the (hutting op of the Ex- chequer, 333. Takes out a Licence pon the Indul- gence, 167^. Chofen ooe of the firft Tucfday- Ledlur^TS at Pinner s-hnlL Has a Friday Le(^ure at Fjttcr.lane, Refufes any fettled Place on Lord's- Days, 335. 1674. Seized for a Conventicler upon recalling the Licences, but rcleas'd on a Miftake in the Warrant, 342. 1676. Obtains the Relcafe of Kjting the Informer againft him, then in Prifon for Debt* Is profecuted at'refh. Forc'd to defift from fome Meet- ings he fet up in tVifiminfier. Preaches in Southward, fome Months without Difturbance, 346, 347. 1680. Hurryd violently out of his Houfe when fick, upon feveral Warrants for Nonconformity. But his Commitment fafpendei by the King's Order upon his Phyfician's Oath that his Life was in Danger. All his Books and Goods feiz'd and fold, 357. 1 684. Seized again in a languiHiing State, carried three Tiroes to the Sclfions-houfe, and bound over,, • without any Crime alledged, 363. 1685. His Trial and Fine by Jeffreies for his Para- phrafe on the NeW'Tejiament^ 368.— 972. The Fine remitted, 375. Upon King James's Toleration, preaches gratis Four Years with Mr. Syhcftevy till difabled from coming abroad : Then in his own Houfe, till confin'd to his Chamber and Bed. His laft Sicknefs and Death, 402, 403. His Will, 404. His Correfpondence and FriendPaip with many eminent Perfons, 404, • 410. His primed fi^ui /iff 410. The Benefit he received by a Courfc of bodily Weak- ncfs all his Life. His Temptations to Infidelity, and Relief under rhem, 3po. 394. The Difference he obfervM in himfelf between Youth and Age, 394* — 399. His remarkable DelivcrarKes, 399. Much confulced about Cafes of Conrcieru:e, 408. His An INDEX. Vils Senfe of th fuhfcrihed Articles, fee inferted here, p. 469. His frequent Concern in Propofals for Accommodation between the Church and Moderate DifTenters in King Charles Il's Time. See in [^Nonconformity, Behmemjis. An Account of them, 103. Biddle, An Account of him and his Followers, 1 04. Burial-Office, Nonconformifts Reafons why they could not declare Affent and Confent to it. Debates with Mr. Ollyff and Mr. Hoadlj about it, zz^, 227. Burnet, Bifliop of Sarum, His Declaration in King James's Time of the moderate Tenaper of the Church towards DilTenters, 426. His Acknowledgment fince how little his Expedtations were anfwer'd, 427, His Sermon of Peace and /Union ^ 455. \^h Expofi- of the "^^ Articles^ 565. The Proceedings in Convo- cation about it, 605, 606, 607, 60S. Several Tradts pubhlh*d for and againft that Expofition, 643. His Speech againft the Occafional Bill, 1703. 647. His Defence of Aichbifhop Ti7^o^yo», 538. C Canonical Obedience. Nonconformifts Reafons againft taking the Oath relating to it, 238. 258. De- bates with Mr. Olljiff and Mr. Hoadljf about the Senfe of this Oath, 238. Carolina. The Hardftiips put upon Proteftant Difleripi ters in that Plantation, contrary to their Charter. A Petition to the Houfe of Lords in England upon that Occafion. The favourable Refolutions the^ pafs'd in the Cafe, 686.. 688. Charles I. He approves the Canons of 1640. i6i The Diforders in Scotland upon his impofing the new Common- Prayer- Book there, 17. Uneaifinefs i^ England upon his exacting the Tax of Ship-Money,, Scots twice enter England with an Army, and a Paci» ficationas often made with them, 18. Opening o5 the Long Parliament. Union of the Members au firft in their Complaint of Innovations, upon dif^ ferent Views. Compliances of the King in fome , Particulars, 19, 20. General Cry againft Delin- quents. Profecution of the Ectrl of Strafford. Se- veral Members upon that Occafion fall in with thjs King's An INDEX. King's Interefts, 37, 38. The Pleas of thofe who were againft difpleafing the King, and of thofe who were for vencuring that rather than not have Grie- vances redrels'd, 39, 40. Several Incidents that heightned the Differences, 40,41. Proceedings a- gainft the Five Members. Lord Digb/s appearing iii Arms. Srijh Maflacre, 41. King Charles's Com- miilion to the Marquis of Antrim^ 43, 44. Opening of the War. The King deny'd Entiance at HuB. He and the Parliament feverally claim the Militia. Both publilh Declarations juftifying their Caufe. Parliament Vote an Army, and EJfex Ge- neral. The King fets up his Standard at Not- fingbam^ 45. Charadter of the feveral Parties that adher'd to King and Parliament, 46. The Pleas of thofe that adher'd to the Parliament, 50. Many forced to join the Parliament- Army to avoid Infulis at Home, 52. Some Account of the War, under EJJex, 51. And the new modcU'd Army, 51.— .35. The King cafts himfelf upon the Scots, who deliver him up to the Parliament, 55. The Army take him" into their Cuftody. Seem not to defign his Death at firft ; but on a fudden cry for Juftice againft him. He flies to the Ifle of ^ight, 56. Treats with the Parliament, they vote an Accommodation. But Crommd by Force models the Parliament to his Mind ; brings on the King's Trial and Death, 57. • F4»>/4;t' againft it, but overpower'd by Cromxvel^ 58. Evidence that the Papifts had a confiderable Hand in it, from Du Moulin^ Prynne^ sit\d 4tf(im, 57—60. Marg, The zealous Endeavours of the Preslfyterians 10 prevent it, 60, 61. Charles II. Scots adhere to him after his Father's Death, offer him the Crown upon Terms. He cakes the Covenant, and publifties a Declaration in fa- vour of it. Cromwel invades him in Scotland^ routs him and Mafters the Country. The King advances to England with the Remains of his Army. The Impediments to his expedtcd incretfe here. His De- feat Sit fyorcejier, and Efcape, 63. — 63. Imprifon- ment of feveral Presbyterians for holding Correfpon- dence with him, and Love's Death on that Ac- \:ountj 6^6, The A» 1 N D E X. The Steps to his Reftoration. His Behaviour to feme Presbyterian Minifters thac went over to him, 72, 73. Letters from fome Proteftanc French Minifters, certi- fying his Firmnefs to che Proteftant Religion, faci- litated his Retutn, 2p4. His ParJiament awaken'd. An. 1673. to a fenfe of the danger of Popery. Their Proceedings thereupon, 337. Debates in the Houfe of Lords upon impofing on them the Oath of Non-Reliftance, 344. The Popilh Plot, and its Confequences, 348. Mr. {{ofe" weU*s Profecution for High-Treafon, 363. — 365. .The State of Nonconformity in bis Reign. See in ^Nonconformity, Church of England, See [Convocation, Danger of the Church. Epifccfacy. The Church of England^ as a National Church, a meer Creature of the Civil Power, 701. . .^ Church Government, Mr. Baxter's middle Scheme of it between the feveral contending Parties, in. tiviifVar, between King (r//y the PVorceJier/hire AiTociation, n 8« ^^i)'/, BifliOp of SrfM/'ttr/s Gharadser, 174^ E,after'Dny. Reafons of fonne Npnconformifts againft declaring Aflcnt and Confent to the Rule in the Ru- brick for finding it out. Debates with Mr. Ollyffe and Mr. Hoadly about it, and a farther confideration, of the Matter, 227.— Z31, BcclefiaJiiealCommiJfions, That granted /4m. 1660. See in [^Nonconformity. That in King James the Second's Time. The Gom- miffioners. All Eccleli^ftical Affairs committed to their Care in the largeft Extent. Open'd ^ug,^, 1686. Some of their Proceedings, 374, 375. 385, That An. 1689. Debate in the Houfe of Lords, whe-* ' ther any Laymen fhoaid be inferted in it. Carry 'd in the Negative, which fome Lords proteft againft, 442. — 444. Dr. Tillotfon faid to advifc the King to'^ tfiis courle of aCommiflion and Convocation, 445^ The Form of the Commiflion^ 446. TJhe Com-- miflioneis. They agree upon feveral Alterations, Aich as would have brought in many Diflenters, 447j> 44^» Some Light as to their Proceedings from Bi-f An INDEX. (hop Bumety 449. Bifliop fVak,e, 4«;o. Dr. Nichols, 451. A more particular Account of their Proceed- ings from fome Minutes of them, 452. Summary of the reafonings of the Church-writers at that Time pro a.nd con about this Commiflion, 457. — 461. En^agemerty after the Death of King Charles I. Moft of rhe Presbyterian Minifters refus'd it. Many Epif- copal Divines took it, and pleaded for it in Print, ' 61, 6-^. Mr. B«.xr^tf> fpake and preach'd ae;ainft it, and anfwer'd the Picas of fome Epifcopal Divines for Etfqnir'y iftto the Cortflitution of the Primitive Church. The Scheme of that excellent Book, 516. 513. Epifcf^pn'cr," The different Sentiments of Men about it up(?>n the £r Cccrffr^ , Oath, 16. How Mr. Bnxter came to think the Englifh Epifcopacy unlawful, 16. King Charl /s firm adherence to it in bis Difputcs with ■^ the Parliament in the Ifle oi tVight. The Divines -6F both Parties that debated it before him, 57. How far* Mr. Tfnxter thought the Englifh Seheme tolerable, 111. What he principally diflik'd in it, 1 J4. His overtures with Bifliop Brownrig for Concord between thofe of the Epifcopal and Presbyterian Perfwafions, 112. Abftrac^ of the Debate by Letter between -i him and Mr. Johnfon about the ncceflity of Epifcopal Ordination, and uninterrupted Succcflion, 123..^ — . J 3 5. Papers between him and Dr. Hamrtiond about an agreement with thofe of the Epifcopal Way, 1 37. The Presbyterians offer'd to fubmit to Archbifhop Vfr^cr's [{eduRion of Epifcopacy^ J41. That inferted at large. 145. — 149. The Nonconformifts Reafons againft declaring Affent and Confent to Bifhops, Priefts and Deacons being three Orders of Divine Appointment, 221. — 224. Bifhop 'Ly^rc'-'s moderate Sentiments about Epifcopacy exprefs'd to Mr. B/ixter, 405. The Contefts between the Swearing and Non- fwearing Clergy, about adhering to thedepriv'd Bi- fhops. See in [_f{pvolutiov. H-rnftintis. What Mr. Bix^er judgM good in their Scheme, 1 1 r. And what he diflik'd in it, 1 1 3. Excotnmunicatiov, Konconformifls Exceptions againft many Grounds of it prcfcrib'd in the Canons, and dgainfV the Power of it being in Lay-hands', 240 249- 253.--i57- "■• • - E An INDEX. F. Fairfax [Sir Thomas}. How he came to be pitch*d on for General of the Parliament-Army, when new modeird, 53. Againft the King's Death, bucover- power'd by Cromwell, 58. Lays down his Commilfi- oniipon the War with the Scots ^ 59. Forms of Prayer, See [^Liturgy. Frewen, Archbifliop of Tor}(s Behaviour at the Savoy Conference, 171.. ti;^\. Fundamentals (f Religion. A number of Divines ap- pointed by Oliver's little Parliament to draw up a Lift of Fundamentals, Mr. Baxter one of them. His Debates with the reft about it. The Defign nuU'd by the DilTolutionof that Parlia^ment, 1 20, 1 21. G. Gelt and Gibbon, Two Leaders of the Sedaries in the Army, 103. Gunning [DrJ. His Behaviour at the S4voy Confe- rence, 175. H. Henry [Mr. Matthevf>1. A Sheet of his, call'd, The Layman s ^eafons for joining in Stated Communion with a Congregation of Moderate DiJfenterSy inferted at large, 672.- 680. Hide. See [Clarendon, Hinchman^ Bifhop of Sarum, His Behaviour at the Sa- voy Conference, 172. Hoadly{lAx,Benj,~], His Anfwer to the loth Chapter of this Abridgment, 659. His Sermon on B^m,i'i, i. and the.Clamour upon it, 691. A fummary of his principal Objeftions to the roth. Chapter, and the Anfwers that have been returnd to bim, faffim in Mnrg, from f, 199. to f, 285. Some Reflexions on bis Defence of Rpifcopal Ordination, 7 1 5. 718. Howe [Mr. John"]. Scheme of ha Anfwer to Dr. Stil- lingfleet ^ Serwow, 355. His Sermon of the M^ans to allay Animojlties among Protejiants, ^6l. His Cafe , of the Protefiant Dijfenters reprefented and argun^ in- G g g 4 ferted Jn I N D E X. ferced entire, 419. -^39. His ^equeft to Confor- tnifts and Nonconform ifts touching their Temper and Be- baviour upon the Indulgence^ inferred, 4895.— —498. His Anfwer to the Preface of Dff-F<7«r's Enquiry, 577. His Letter concerning Occafiontil Conformity, not before publilh'd, 579. I. Jacobites, See [}yi/liarn IIIj Jmpofitions. Debate of the lawfulnefs of itnpoGng in- different Things as Terms of Communion, in the ^4«/(5> Conference, \66. Independents. What Mr. Bnxter approved in Hieir Scheme, 112. and what he difapprov'd, 115. His Overtures with Mr. Nye about an Agreement with them, 136. Irifh B^bellion, 41.^45. K. Kjnnet [Dr. tj^hite"]. His Proteftation again ft the Irre- gularities of the Lower Houfe, 690. His Hiftory of England. Remarks On feveral Omiflions, and unkind and untrue Reilcdiions in it upon the Diflenters, 61, 82. 154. 158. 165. 170. 183. 309, . 312. 3i<^. 328. 33l-,33<^- 348. 3<57. Several of his Writings in the Convocation- Controver- fie, among thofe you arc direded to an Abftra£^ of in the Word [Convocation. KJng^ Bifliop of Londonderry, Scheme of his Difcourfe of Humane Inventions in the H^otjhip of God, ^41. Kjieeling at the Sacrament, Mr. Baxters Sentiments of it upon bis firft ftudying the Difciplinarian Contro- verfie, 13. Hin early Debates in writing for the Lawfulnefs of it, 14. Offers to give all at Kieder- minfter tne Liberty of their Gefture, but could not comply with the defire of one that would have it r.love kneeling, 35. Debate at xhe Snvoy Conference about the finfulnefs of enjoining Miniftersto deny. the Communion to thofe that dare not Kneel, 165. Nonconformifts Reafons againft confenting to this. Debares with Mr. OUyffe and Mr, Hoadly dhoxxt 'ir, 210, — 212. An IN D E X. Laney^ Biftiop of Peterborough, His Behaviour at the Savoy Conktence, and afterwards, 173. Liberty of Confcience. See [Toleration-l^ Liturgy. Mr. BiJxter''^ Thoughts of Liturgies in Gene- ral, and of the Englifh Liturgy, 1 3 . The Presby^ terians at the Reftoration own d the Lawfulnefs of a Liturgy, Petition the King that a new one niight be Cornpii'd, or the old one Reformed, 142. Epifcopal Divines in their Anfwer agree it Ihould be revis'd, 144. The King's Declaration promised fuch a revifal, 153. At the Savoy Conference the Prefby- terians offer their Exceptions to the Liturgy. An Ab- ftradt of them, 154.— 158. The Aditions they defir'd, drawn up by Mv, Baxter^ 158. fXhis i^5- f armed Liturgy inferred at large, jippeniix p. i .) The Bilhops v/ill agree to no Alterations, 161. Put the Diffcnters on declaring what they >adg'd flatly finful in the Liturgy. They charge Eight Things as fuch, 164. The Difpute in Writing upon one of the Par- ticulars, 165. Some Reflediions on the Ordinance of Parliament, 1645. againft the ufe of iheGommon- Prayer, 186. Nonconformifts Reafons againft de- claring ACfent and Confent to the Common-Prayet. Debates with Mr. OHyffe and Mr. Hoadly about, it, 201 . — 238. Writings fro and con. An. 1 66 1 . and 62. about the Liturgy, 304. The Difficulties from a prefcrib'd Form fenfibly felt by the Clergy in the Thanikgiving for the Pretender'' s}Bmhf 382. Am in their Prayer for King James when the Prince of Gr/«w^ff was coming, 387. LocJi^Mr, John'], Abftradt of his Letters concerning Toleration. The Firft and Second, 499. — 506. The Third, 513. — 527. The Fourth, 699. l^ove J[ChriJicpher'}. His Trial and Death^ 66, M. Marriages. Appointed by Oliver's little Parliament to be Solcmniz'd before Magiftrates, inftead of Mini- fters. But many, while they came before a Juftice for this Purpofe, were marryd in bis Prefence by >. '- w ■ Mi"- An INDEX. Miniftc"» ^7« M^- Baxter's Determination of the Cafe, whether a Proteftant Lady might Marry a Pa- pift, 408. MaJJacre in hehnd^ 42. — 45. Miniftry, A Reformation of the Miniftry agreed on at the beginning of the long Parliament. Petitions from all Quarccrs againft their Minifters. f^hite's fcandalous Centuries, 20,21. The advantageous Circuraftances Mr. Baxter met with to promote the Succefs of his Miniftry at Ksderminfler^ 27. — '34. Put to the Queftion in Oliver's little Parliament, whe- ther all the Parifh Minifters of England (hould not be put down 5 carry'd in the Negative but by two Voices, 68. Triers of Minifters appointed by Cronmell^ 69, Pf^orcefterfhire Petition for the Miniftry, and Defence of it, 119, 1 20. Of an uninterrupted Succeflion in it. See {^Epifcopacy. Morle^, Bifhop of Pf^orcefter, His Behaviour at the Savoy Conference, and warm Temper, .171. Moulin [Dr. ?eter'\. His proof of the Papifts concerting King Charles the Firft's Death. Difpleafure of the Papifts and Court againft him for it. The Dr's offer to ftand a Trial, which wasrefus'd, 58* .N. KevO'England. Mr. Baxters Service to the Intereft of • Religiqn there, 406. Letter from the Nonconfor- mift Minifters of London \,o their Brethren there, to ^ollicite the taking off the Penal Laws againft Qua- ^kers, 670. I^ichols [Dr. H^illiam'] . His Reflcdiions on the Firft Edition of this Abridgment confider'd, 643. Some paflages of his H'rtory relating to the Convocation, 1689. 445. 45 f. N)noonformity. The firft Occafion of Mr. Baxter's con- fidering the Bulinefs of Conformity, 12. His firft Judgment about it, 13. Occafions of his inclining more to Nonconformity , \C. A brief Hiftory of the Rife and Progrefs of Ntnconfor"' mity till the Civil Wars, 46.-49. State An INDEX. State^ of the NonconformJfts under King Charles IL The Presbyterians Overtures for Reconciliation with the Church upon the Reftoration, 139.. Their PropofaJs about Church Government, 141, Anfwer of the Epifcopal Divines, 143. The King's Declaration for Eccltfiiijiieal Affairs^ drawn up by Lord Chancellor Clarendon, He fends a Copy of it to the Presbyterians before publifh'd. A Conference between them and the Church Party upon it at his Houfe before the Kj^g and feveral Peers. Several Amendments made in it thereupon. Publifh'd, 149 '5^. Addrefs of Thanks from many London Minifters for ir, 152. This Declaration no farther executed than to fufpend for a Year the Laws againft Nonconformijis, and to brfng on the Savoy Conferences. Lift of thofe Com- miflion'd to manage thofe Conferences. Account of them, 153.-— —176. The Presbyterians Kepre- fentation of them to the King, and Petition for A- batements, 176. Their Overtures in vain. Sham ^Piots contriv'd to make thenfi odious, 177. A Mo- tion in Parliament for enadting the King's Declarati^ on, opposed by a Secretary of State, 181. AB of Vniformity brought in. Scandalous Arts us'd to difpofe the Parliament to pafs it, by laying Sham P/o^j to the Dilfenters Charge, 177.' 181. Far- ther Methods us'd for palling it, 182. Effedls of that AB, 1 83. A ferious Expoftulation upon ir, 1 84. 195. Cafe of the Nonconformifls after that AB, 304.' The King's Declaration of Indulgence foon after. The DifTenters wave an Addrefs of Thanks for it, becaufe it included Papi^s, and the Parliament remonftrate againft ir, 305. Many imprifon'd, 306. A legal Indulgence or Comprehenfion talk'd of about this Time, 307. The Conventicle. AH increafes their Difficulties, 308. Difference among them whether they fhould join at all in the publick Worfhip, as Matters then ftood, 309. Ejedled Minifters Preach privately till the Plague. Some of them then Preach publickly in the forfaken Churches to the good of many, 3 1 o. The ' Jn I'N D E X. The Oxford- AB made in the Plague Time, obliged them to Swear to abfolute Koff^!{efiftance^ or baniih'd them Five Miles from any Corporation. Promoters and Oppoiers of that Ad in the Houfe, 311. Some here- upon retire to obfcure Villages j Others venture the more boldly to Preach till imprifon d. And fome few take the Oath with an Explanation, 312, 31 3, After the Fire, they open'd publick Meetings and were undiHurb'd. Many of them agree to Occafional Com' munion with the Church, 315. On Clarendof2sDl{' grace and Buckingham's coming into Favour, they ire conniv'd at, and the King in a Speech recommends an Indulgence. A like refpite granted in the Coun- try, 316- An. 1 66S. Propofals of comprehending Presbyterians and tolerating other Proteftants made by Lord Keeper Bridgman. His Propofals a.t large. Dr. Manton and Mr. Baxter confer with him, Dr. iVilkins and Mr. Burton abotjt it- Tbey move for fome Additi- ons, but are loldthey could not be obtained, 317 321. Judge H<:/e draws a Bill to this purpofe, but the High Party prevent it's being offered by a warm Vote againft any fuch Bill. The Dijfenters upori 2 Motion from Court Addrefle the King, who allures them of Favour; but all comes to nothing, 322. 1670. A^ agAtn^ Conventicles renew'd, and made more fevere. Dr. Mayitcn and others imprifon'd upon • it. Archbifhop Sheldon s Letter, exprelling his Hopes of the extirpation of Nonconformity by it, 318. Meetings difturb'd by Soldiers, 330. Dukt Lauder- dale makes fome PropoJals to Mr. Baxter for lower- ing the Terms of Conformity in Scotland, 331. 1671. The NoYiconformili s feverely profccutcd by Bi- fhop U^^ard in the Diocefs of SalKhury, 332. They Addrefs the King upon a, Motion from Court, have fair Promifes, and are connivM at. The King^s De- claration of Indulgence publifh'd on the Commence- ment of the Duich War. The Tenour of it, 333, 334, 1672. Diflenter^ prefenr a cautious Addrefs of Thanks on that Occasion, and take out Licences. They fet up a Tuefday Leiiure at Pinufs-Hall^ 3:^5, 1673. Parliament Voce the King's DecUratlon illegal. Alderman Lwe, a known Diflenter, zealous againft it. A Bill pafs'd the Commons, for eafc of Proteftant Oif-' An IN D EX. Diffenters, but dropd with the Lords ^ 336. A new Monon from Court to Mr. Baxter to draw up fome Propofals of Union with the Church ; which ap- peared to be infincere by the ftricSures made on them by a Biihop faid to be a Friend to the Deiign, 338, —340. A Bill for Accommodation drawn up again by fonnie of the Commons^ but defeated by the Bi- (hops, 340. 1 674. The CJergy preach up fe verities again ft the Dif- fenters. 340. The Bifhops ad vife the King to recail his Licences ; which he does by a Declaration. Severities renew'd. Mr. Baxter taken as a Conventicler, hue difcharg'd. Dr. M^n/on way-laid, but efcap'd, 341^ 342. A frelh attempt for Accommodating Differen- ces between Tf7/o(/3«, Stilling fleet, smd Manton, Bates^ Pool and Baxter. Propofals agreed to among them, but refus'd by the Bifliops, 342, 343- ji675. Informers bufie in the City, but difcourag'd by moft of the Aldermen, 344. Sheldon writes to the Biibop of London to know the number of Diflenters, 345, 34^. 1676. The King urges Judges and Jufticesto execute the Laws againfl Diffenters, 347. I tSgo. A Bill for Comprehenfion^ another for Indulgence read twice in the Commons and committed. The Heads of fuch a Bill agreed to in the Committee, 349. — 351. This failing, a Bill prepar'd for exemp- ting Proteftant Diffenters from the Penalties of 25th* Eli:[. which part Lords and Commons, but was taken from the Table when the King came to the Houfe, and heard of no more. Debates on this Occafion in the Houfe of Commons, 352, 353. i68i. New Profecutions of Diffenters in the Cit^ and Southwarl{y by Order of the King and Coun- cil, 356. 1 682. Extream Severities againft many Diffenting Mi- nifters and People, 337. 1683, 84. Severities continue and increafe. A vio- lent Prefemmenc of the fVeJiminJier Grand-Jury, And a cruel Order by the Juftices of Exon^ which the BiOiop required his Clergy to read in the Churches, 360, 361. Severe Proceedings againft Mr. Baxter and Mr. l{ofewelly 363. — 365. Several Nonconform mift Minijiers die in Prifon, 3 65. State An INDEX. State of the Nonconformifls under King James IF. 1685. The fame Methods us'd againft the DifTcnters at firft, as in his Brother's Time. Mr. Baxter s Trial for his Paraphrafe ojz the New T^ftament^ 368. 1686. Profecutions againft Dilfenters continue; but new Favour fhewn upon application to ihofe above, 372-, 373. Bifhops InjundtiDns to prefent all that came not to Church, 374. Many take out Licenfes from ihe King to ftop procefles for Noncontormity, 375. 1687. Tht}^mgsDecUration for Liberty of Confcience, publiih'd. The Diffenters make ufe of it ; but with- out falling into Court Meafares, or profecuting Re- venge, 375. — 377. The Zeal of a Dilfenter for aflifting the Church- Writers at Oxford againft Obadi- ah IVnlker, and their ill requital of him, 377. — 379* Mr. Dickyelt gives private Affurances to the Dilfen- ters of the Prince of Oranges Inclination to Liberty of Confcience, h8o. The like Aifurances given in Fagel's Letter, 381. Commiflioners Cent by the King to enquire of the Dilfenters through the Nation what they had loft by Profecutions, but none of them would take the Opportunity of Revenge, 382. 1688. King's Declaration renew'd with Additions. An Order for reading it in Churches. Clergy refufe. Bilhops interceding are fent to the Tower ; declare in their Petition that they are willing to come to a Temper with Dilfenters. Sancroft then projecSts fome Amendments for gaining them, 383, 384. In Arti- cles fent to his Clergy, preffes them to have a tender Regard to their Brethren the Protejiant Dijfenters^ 385. In the Bilhops Advice to the King to call a Free Parliament, one End mention'd, to provide for due Liberty of Confcience. The fame Temper ex- prelsd by rhc Church-Writers then, 386. To the fame purpofe the Prince of Orange's Declaration, 387* Bilhop of London introduces fome Difl'enting Mini-, fters to the Prince along with his Clerg^. Dilf-'nters Addrefs him in a Body, 387,388. Why the Dilfen- ters wrote not much againft Popery in King James's Time, 373. State An INDEX. State of the J^onconformifis under King William, 1 68?. They Addrefs the King and Queen Mary on their. Acceflion to the Crown, wherein they declare their readinefs to confent to the Terms of Union wherein all the Reform'd Churches agree, 423. — 425. Promifes made them in King Jam^s^ Time, and the ill performance of them reprefemed out of Bilhop Burnet, 426, 417. 1689. A Bill iot Comprehenjion, another for Indulgence brought into Parliament. Oppofition to them in both Houfes, 418. The King moves for capacitating all Proteftants to ferve him. A Claufe ofFer'd to take away the Tefl^ but rejefted, 439. Another Motion, that taking the Sacrament in any Proteftant Congre- gation Ihould be fufficient, rejed^ed. Some Lords proteft, 440. A Motion for leaving the Pofture in- different. Voices being equal, it was determin'd in the Negative, 442. A^ of Toleration paft, JViiy 24.' 444- . „ Attempts this Year for feme Alterations in Favour of the DifTenters fcruples, fee [Ecclefiafiical CommiJJions.'J and [^Convocation. Diffenting Minifters fubfcribe the Dodrinal Articles of the Church. The Senfe of many of them there- in exprefs'd by Mr. Baxter in a Trad: then publilh'd and inferted here, 469. 2690. Heads of Agreement affented to by the Preshte- a?2s and Independants, 476. Their Behaviour under, the ^volutiony to the Government, to each other, to the Church, 488. Endeavours us'd by fome to cramp their Indulgence as much as they could, particularly. by Bilhop Stillingfleet, 498. 1692. Vnited M>«//?eri publifli their Senfe 0/ Mr. Rf^ chard DavisV erroneous Dodtrines, and irregular Pra6lices, 512. — 514. The unhappy Concefts that arofe among them on uccafion of reprinting Dr. C^-^^'s Works, fee in [ Crijp, 1694- They Addrefs the King on Qgcen Ai.'rr/s Death, 535?. 1697. DifTenters profecuted in the Bifhop's Courts for inftrufting Youth, but obtained Prohibitions, 551.-^ S53. Sir Humohrj Edppin, Lord Ma^or, carries the ■An INDEX. TraBs written upon that Occalioii, 622, 623. Fir si 'Bill agninit it^ 1702. Abftradt of it. Lords Amend- ments, Free Conference between the two Houfes. Bill drop'd, (524.— 634- Second Bill agaln^ it, 1703. Difference between that and the former* Speeches in DOth Houfes on the Occafion. Thrown but by the Lords, 645. — 649. More 'treids upon ibis Subjc£^, '649. — 654. Third Bill aoninil it^ 1 704. With the unfuccefsful Attempt of the Tacl{. Rejedled again by the Lords. New Pi/ri:in^s on the Subject:, 660. — . 662. 692. Fourth Bill brought in to the Houfe of Lords, 171 1, and pafs'd, 724. Ohffe [Mr. John]. His Anfiver to the 1 oth Chapter of the Ahridge/nenti^ S59. His Second Defence^ 691. His Third Defence: With fome Reflcdlions on it, 697, 698. Summary of his principal Obje<5tions to the I oth Chapter, and of the Anfwers that have beenre- tufn'd to him, pr.ffim in Mar^. from p, 199. to ^.285. Or^fr/. About the threeOrders of Minifters,fee[£;'(/co;)/jc|. Debates between Mr. Baxter and Mr. Johnfon about the rieceflity of Epifcopal Ordination, {tt\_Epifcopacy, Nohconformifts Reafons why they could not fubmit to ^-ordiiiation. Debates with Mr. OUjffe and Mr. Hoadh about it, if)6. 200. Owen [Mr. James^. His Plea for Scripture-Ordination, and Defence of it^ 543. His Moderation 4 Vertue,6'iOt • <$5i. Moderation it ill a Vcrtue, 66 i. Oxford- Aci, againft the DilTenting Minifters. See [Now- conformity. Oxford- Decree. See \_I{ffiif:a?icc. Papifts, Their concern in the King's Death, proved from Du-Mouiiny Prynne Sind Atkjm^ 58, 59. They influenc'd the Seclaries in the Army in difguife, 91, lo^i Mr. B^.v^pr's Contefts with them, 1:^8. King Charles Sccomi's Parhament awaken'd to a Senfe of the danger of Popery, 337. Whether a Proteftant Lady may lawfully Marry aPapift, 408. PopifhPiot and its confequences, 348. In King James's time they endcavour'd to inflame Diflenters with revepge againft the Church, but without Succcfs, 367,. Pro- ceedings of his Ecclefiaftical Commiflion, fee [^Eccle- - f}^fiiufty 103. Prayer. Remarkable Anfwers of it, 400. Presbytcriajjs. Did all they could 10 oppofe the King's Death. Their Petition to the General againft ir, 60. Charg'd with a correfpondence with the King, for, which /-o-y^fufFer'd, 66. What Mr. Baxter zippioy'd in their Scheme of Government, 112. And what he, dii$pprov'd, 114. See [^Nonconformity. Pfdlter. Nonconformifts Reafons againft ufing the Tranflation of it in the Common Prayer. Debates with Mr. Ollyffe and Mr. Hoadiji about it, 234, 235. ^aheys, Mr. Baxters Difpute v^iihthtmsLt K^dermin'- iter^ 29. Account of their Principles and Rife, 102. Letter of the DifTenting Minifters in London toNew^ England f to follicit the Repeal of fome Penal Laws, againft them, 670. Trial of Penn and Meady 325. lUnters. Their wicked Opinions and Practices,. lor.' Reformation of Manners. Societies for it commenc'd, An^ ' i 691 . 5 op. Upon the Peace of i^)/w/c/c began to have . pablick Sermons from Conformifts and Npnconfof° mifts 10 animate that good Work, 551. Regale. See [Supremacy. I^eigmlJs [Dr. Edvoard']. Turn'd out of the.Deapry of. Chrift-Church for refufing thq Engagement, 63 . On what Terms he accepted the Biflioprick oi Norwich, 151. His Behaviour at the S/ix'o;' Conference, 174., Joins ^ with the Presbyterians (when Bifhop) in the Reprefep- tation of it and Petition to the Kjng, 17,^. J^efijiancel Nonponforoiifts Rpafons againft fubfcribing , th? Dedaratidri of the unlawfulnefs of caking Arms a- ; '•■'■*■■**■• ■ "'Hhh-a,. '■ galn^i J« IN D E X. '■ gainft the King or any commifTion'd by him on any pre- tence whatever, 260. Account of theOx/or7if J attempts to take it off with the Penal "ivr^j in favour of the Papifts, 380. Prince and Princcfs df Or/i7:ge refufe to confent to it, 381. King IViUiam . rnbves for the repeal of it fo far as to make Protefttnt DklTenters capable of ferving him. Attempts in Parlia- nnentfor it, butin vain, 439. — 444. The Noife after- wards rais'd upon the Occafional Communion of fomc of them with the Church, fee in [Occ-iponal Conformity. Letter from a Genthman in Scotland again ft the Sacramen- . talTeft, 710. Saner oft [^hh^.p^Cnnterbury\ Offers Reafons with 6 other Bifhops to ¥^\n^J/imcs for refudngtb difperfehis Decla- ration for Liberty Imprifon d for it,try*d and acquitted, . 383, 384. HepT0;e6ts at rhat Time fome Conceflions and Alterations to gain the Diflenters, j/'/t/. and;>. 450. In Articles then fent to his Clergy preflej them to Mode- ration iotheir^yethrentheVroteflantDiJfenters^l^^ .From the firftrcfufcs to own King W^//7y4r»'sCovernment.Su- fpended nb off.cio for it, An. 1 690. Could.not be prevail'd . on to gi\e his Reafonsforrefuling the Oath, 484. To- . tally d'cpriv'd, i6pr. 506. His Death. Short View of his ftrange Condn(f^ after the [{evolution^ 5 27. — 5 29. : Sandcrfu7i [Bifhop of Lincoln^. His Behaviour at the Sav«y ^ Conference,. 171. . , Savoy Confer evce. See ['Nonconformity. Scotland. DiHurbances there en the nev; Cammon Prayer fcnt * J^ -P^ ^'"^ fcm them, when the CS?c. Oath was enjoin d here, 1 7. Their cntring England twice wkh an Army, and Picifi- cttion with them as often, 18: Parliament oiEnglondy An. 1643. dcfire their ailiftancc upon the King's Succef- fcs. They confent on condition the Covenant might be' ti^tn'inEngland, On the Parliaments compliance, they bring in an Army and clcaf the North 5 but afterwards do little Service. Cromx9eU\ Policy to make the Englijh V!Jt2xy of them, 80, 81. The King delivers himfelf to them. How they came to furrender him to the Parlia- mem-Commiflioners, 55. Their adhertrice to King Charles II. and attempts for his Service. CrotnweB's Con- queft of them, '6^.^^66. Lauder dnle's Propofals An. ' 1670. for lowering the Terms of Conformity in icot- land, 351. Vnion with England^ 695, 696. ' ^' SeRaries.'Jhtiv Progrefs in the Parliament-Army by Crow- ■ n7ir/'sfavbur,54.87. OowjiTf/ weary of them whenhehad gain'dhis Ends, andH^rr//b«theirHead, 68,69. Mx. Bax- ters fuccefsful Oppolicion to them at Coventry^ 80. Ob- fervations concerning them in the Army, 89.— 91 . His icbntefts with them, and filencing them in a publick Con- ference, p i , 9 2. impediments to his Succefs with them, 93. A Sum of the Account he gives of therri, 94.«^— 104, Seekers. Their Opinions and Charadler, lOf, Sheldon, k\>^.6{ Canterbury. One of the Commiflioners for * ' the Savoy Conference. Then Bp: oi London. His 6ehavi« aur at an introduAory Meeting, 153,154. Sets afide Mr. Calamy and Mr. Baxter ^ when chofen ProAors for London to the Convocation, 1 66 1. 1 59. His Behaviour at the Savoy Conference, 171 . His Refblution of exclu- ding the Prefbyterians. A paflage that feems to intimate more Moderation afterwards, ibid. Marg. Before the. AH ofVniformity grants Mr. Baxter a licence to preach in his Diocefs, 301. Is made Abp. oiCanterbury, 1 663. 3 06. A'main promoter of the Oxford- AS ^ 511. Sends Orders 1 66-5 -^o his Suffragan Bps. to return ttie Names of the ejedlcd Minifters in their Diocefsj ^i^.Mdr^. A Letter to his Suf&agan Biftiops, 1670. upon occafion^ oithtConv^enti i- « y ■ {. < Trinity, Debates ih the Church of £«g<